Compare commits
15 Commits
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@ -70,7 +70,6 @@ POLKIT_MIN_VERSION=0.100
@ -80,7 +79,6 @@ SHARED_PCS="gio-unix-2.0 >= $GIO_MIN_VERSION
gtk+-3.0 >= $GTK_MIN_VERSION
gjs-internals-1.0 >= $GJS_MIN_VERSION
libgnome-menu-3.0 >= $GNOME_MENUS_REQUIRED_VERSION
gdk-x11-3.0 libsoup-2.4
@ -55,13 +55,13 @@ function _loadCategory(dir, view) {
while ((nextType = != GMenu.TreeItemType.INVALID) {
if (nextType == GMenu.TreeItemType.ENTRY) {
let entry = iter.get_entry();
let app = appSystem.lookup_app_by_tree_entry(entry);
if (!entry.get_app_info().get_nodisplay())
let appInfo = entry.get_app_info();
let app = appSystem.lookup_app(entry.get_desktop_file_id());
if (appInfo.should_show())
} else if (nextType == GMenu.TreeItemType.DIRECTORY) {
let itemDir = iter.get_directory();
if (!itemDir.get_is_nodisplay())
_loadCategory(itemDir, view);
_loadCategory(itemDir, view);
@ -691,8 +691,7 @@ const AppDisplay = new Lang.Class({
Name: 'AppDisplay',
_init: function() {
this._appSystem = Shell.AppSystem.get_default();
this._appSystem.connect('installed-changed', Lang.bind(this, function() {
Shell.AppSystem.get_default().connect('installed-changed', Lang.bind(this, function() {
Main.overview.connect('showing', Lang.bind(this, function() {
@ -808,7 +807,8 @@ const AppDisplay = new Lang.Class({
let tree = this._appSystem.get_tree();
let tree = new GMenu.Tree({ menu_basename: "" });
let root = tree.get_root_directory();
let iter = root.iter();
@ -817,8 +817,6 @@ const AppDisplay = new Lang.Class({
while ((nextType = != GMenu.TreeItemType.INVALID) {
if (nextType == GMenu.TreeItemType.DIRECTORY) {
let dir = iter.get_directory();
if (dir.get_is_nodisplay())
if (folderCategories.indexOf(dir.get_menu_id()) != -1)
@ -866,8 +864,8 @@ const AppSearchProvider = new Lang.Class({
getResultMetas: function(apps, callback) {
let metas = [];
for (let i = 0; i < apps.length; i++) {
let app = apps[i];
metas.push({ 'id': app,
let app = this._appSys.lookup_app(apps[i]);
metas.push({ 'id': app.get_id(),
'name': app.get_name(),
'createIcon': function(size) {
return app.create_icon_texture(size);
@ -877,15 +875,23 @@ const AppSearchProvider = new Lang.Class({
_compareResults: function(a, b) {
let usage = Shell.AppUsage.get_default();
return'', a, b);
getInitialResultSet: function(terms) {
this.searchSystem.setResults(this, this._appSys.initial_search(terms));
let query = terms.join(' ');
let results =, Lang.bind(this, this._compareResults), MAX_COLUMNS);
this.searchSystem.setResults(this, results);
getSubsearchResultSet: function(previousResults, terms) {
this.searchSystem.setResults(this, this._appSys.subsearch(previousResults, terms));
activateResult: function(app) {
activateResult: function(result) {
let app = this._appSys.lookup_app(result);
let event = Clutter.get_current_event();
let modifiers = event ? event.get_state() : 0;
let openNewWindow = modifiers & Clutter.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK;
@ -905,7 +911,7 @@ const AppSearchProvider = new Lang.Class({
createResultObject: function (resultMeta, terms) {
let app = resultMeta['id'];
let app = this._appSys.lookup_app(resultMeta['id']);
return new AppIcon(app);
@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ G_BEGIN_DECLS
ShellApp* _shell_app_new_for_window (MetaWindow *window);
ShellApp* _shell_app_new (GMenuTreeEntry *entry);
ShellApp* _shell_app_new (GDesktopAppInfo *info);
void _shell_app_set_entry (ShellApp *app, GMenuTreeEntry *entry);
void _shell_app_set_app_info (ShellApp *app, GDesktopAppInfo *info);
void _shell_app_handle_startup_sequence (ShellApp *app, SnStartupSequence *sequence);
@ -38,18 +38,12 @@ enum {
static guint signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 };
struct _ShellAppSystemPrivate {
GMenuTree *apps_tree;
GHashTable *running_apps;
GHashTable *visible_id_to_app;
GHashTable *id_to_app;
GHashTable *startup_wm_class_to_app;
GSList *known_vendor_prefixes;
GHashTable *startup_wm_class_to_id;
static void shell_app_system_finalize (GObject *object);
static void on_apps_tree_changed_cb (GMenuTree *tree, gpointer user_data);
G_DEFINE_TYPE(ShellAppSystem, shell_app_system, G_TYPE_OBJECT);
@ -77,10 +71,45 @@ static void shell_app_system_class_init(ShellAppSystemClass *klass)
g_type_class_add_private (gobject_class, sizeof (ShellAppSystemPrivate));
static void
scan_startup_wm_class_to_id (ShellAppSystem *self)
ShellAppSystemPrivate *priv = self->priv;
GList *apps, *l;
g_hash_table_remove_all (priv->startup_wm_class_to_id);
apps = g_app_info_get_all ();
for (l = apps; l != NULL; l = l->next)
GAppInfo *info = l->data;
const char *startup_wm_class, *id;
id = g_app_info_get_id (info);
startup_wm_class = g_desktop_app_info_get_startup_wm_class (G_DESKTOP_APP_INFO (info));
if (startup_wm_class != NULL)
g_hash_table_insert (priv->startup_wm_class_to_id, (char *) startup_wm_class, (char *) id);
g_list_free_full (apps, g_object_unref);
static void
installed_changed (GAppInfoMonitor *monitor,
gpointer user_data)
ShellAppSystem *self = user_data;
scan_startup_wm_class_to_id (self);
g_signal_emit (self, signals[INSTALLED_CHANGED], 0, NULL);
static void
shell_app_system_init (ShellAppSystem *self)
ShellAppSystemPrivate *priv;
GAppInfoMonitor *monitor;
self->priv = priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE (self,
@ -91,19 +120,11 @@ shell_app_system_init (ShellAppSystem *self)
/* All the objects in this hash table are owned by id_to_app */
priv->visible_id_to_app = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal);
priv->startup_wm_class_to_id = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal);
priv->startup_wm_class_to_app = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal,
/* We want to track NoDisplay apps, so we add INCLUDE_NODISPLAY. We'll
* filter NoDisplay apps out when showing them to the user. */
priv->apps_tree = gmenu_tree_new ("", GMENU_TREE_FLAGS_INCLUDE_NODISPLAY);
g_signal_connect (priv->apps_tree, "changed", G_CALLBACK (on_apps_tree_changed_cb), self);
on_apps_tree_changed_cb (priv->apps_tree, self);
monitor = g_app_info_monitor_get ();
g_signal_connect (monitor, "changed", G_CALLBACK (installed_changed), self);
installed_changed (monitor, self);
static void
@ -112,313 +133,13 @@ shell_app_system_finalize (GObject *object)
ShellAppSystem *self = SHELL_APP_SYSTEM (object);
ShellAppSystemPrivate *priv = self->priv;
g_object_unref (priv->apps_tree);
g_hash_table_destroy (priv->running_apps);
g_hash_table_destroy (priv->id_to_app);
g_hash_table_destroy (priv->visible_id_to_app);
g_hash_table_destroy (priv->startup_wm_class_to_app);
g_slist_free_full (priv->known_vendor_prefixes, g_free);
priv->known_vendor_prefixes = NULL;
g_hash_table_destroy (priv->startup_wm_class_to_id);
G_OBJECT_CLASS (shell_app_system_parent_class)->finalize (object);
static char *
get_prefix_for_entry (GMenuTreeEntry *entry)
char *prefix = NULL, *file_prefix = NULL;
const char *id;
GFile *file;
char *name;
int i = 0;
id = gmenu_tree_entry_get_desktop_file_id (entry);
file = g_file_new_for_path (gmenu_tree_entry_get_desktop_file_path (entry));
name = g_file_get_basename (file);
if (!name)
g_object_unref (file);
return NULL;
for (i = 0; vendor_prefixes[i]; i++)
if (g_str_has_prefix (name, vendor_prefixes[i]))
file_prefix = g_strdup (vendor_prefixes[i]);
while (strcmp (name, id) != 0)
char *t;
char *pname;
GFile *parent = g_file_get_parent (file);
if (!parent)
g_warn_if_reached ();
pname = g_file_get_basename (parent);
if (!pname)
g_object_unref (parent);
if (!g_strstr_len (id, -1, pname))
/* handle <LegacyDir prefix="..."> */
char *t;
size_t name_len = strlen (name);
size_t id_len = strlen (id);
char *t_id = g_strdup (id);
t_id[id_len - name_len] = '\0';
t = g_strdup(t_id);
g_free (prefix);
g_free (t_id);
g_free (name);
name = g_strdup (id);
prefix = t;
g_object_unref (file);
file = parent;
g_free (pname);
g_free (file_prefix);
file_prefix = NULL;
t = g_strconcat (pname, "-", name, NULL);
g_free (name);
name = t;
t = g_strconcat (pname, "-", prefix, NULL);
g_free (prefix);
prefix = t;
g_object_unref (file);
file = parent;
g_free (pname);
if (file)
g_object_unref (file);
if (strcmp (name, id) == 0)
g_free (name);
if (file_prefix && !prefix)
return file_prefix;
if (file_prefix)
char *t = g_strconcat (prefix, "-", file_prefix, NULL);
g_free (prefix);
g_free (file_prefix);
prefix = t;
return prefix;
g_free (name);
g_free (prefix);
g_free (file_prefix);
g_return_val_if_reached (NULL);
static void
get_flattened_entries_recurse (GMenuTreeDirectory *dir,
GHashTable *entry_set)
GMenuTreeIter *iter = gmenu_tree_directory_iter (dir);
GMenuTreeItemType next_type;
while ((next_type = gmenu_tree_iter_next (iter)) != GMENU_TREE_ITEM_INVALID)
gpointer item = NULL;
switch (next_type)
GMenuTreeEntry *entry;
item = entry = gmenu_tree_iter_get_entry (iter);
/* Key is owned by entry */
g_hash_table_replace (entry_set,
(char*)gmenu_tree_entry_get_desktop_file_id (entry),
gmenu_tree_item_ref (entry));
item = gmenu_tree_iter_get_directory (iter);
get_flattened_entries_recurse ((GMenuTreeDirectory*)item, entry_set);
if (item != NULL)
gmenu_tree_item_unref (item);
gmenu_tree_iter_unref (iter);
static GHashTable *
get_flattened_entries_from_tree (GMenuTree *tree)
GHashTable *table;
GMenuTreeDirectory *root;
table = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal,
(GDestroyNotify) NULL,
(GDestroyNotify) gmenu_tree_item_unref);
root = gmenu_tree_get_root_directory (tree);
if (root != NULL)
get_flattened_entries_recurse (root, table);
gmenu_tree_item_unref (root);
return table;
static void
on_apps_tree_changed_cb (GMenuTree *tree,
gpointer user_data)
ShellAppSystem *self = SHELL_APP_SYSTEM (user_data);
GError *error = NULL;
GHashTable *new_apps;
GHashTableIter iter;
gpointer key, value;
g_assert (tree == self->priv->apps_tree);
g_hash_table_remove_all (self->priv->visible_id_to_app);
g_slist_free_full (self->priv->known_vendor_prefixes, g_free);
self->priv->known_vendor_prefixes = NULL;
if (!gmenu_tree_load_sync (self->priv->apps_tree, &error))
if (error)
g_warning ("Failed to load apps: %s", error->message);
g_error_free (error);
g_warning ("Failed to load apps");
new_apps = get_flattened_entries_from_tree (self->priv->apps_tree);
g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, new_apps);
while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &key, &value))
const char *id = key;
GMenuTreeEntry *entry = value;
GMenuTreeEntry *old_entry;
char *prefix;
ShellApp *app;
GDesktopAppInfo *info;
const char *startup_wm_class;
prefix = get_prefix_for_entry (entry);
if (prefix != NULL
&& !g_slist_find_custom (self->priv->known_vendor_prefixes, prefix,
self->priv->known_vendor_prefixes = g_slist_append (self->priv->known_vendor_prefixes,
g_free (prefix);
app = g_hash_table_lookup (self->priv->id_to_app, id);
if (app != NULL)
/* We hold a reference to the original entry temporarily,
* because otherwise the hash table would be referencing
* potentially free'd memory until we replace it below with
* the new data.
old_entry = shell_app_get_tree_entry (app);
gmenu_tree_item_ref (old_entry);
_shell_app_set_entry (app, entry);
g_object_ref (app); /* Extra ref, removed in _replace below */
old_entry = NULL;
app = _shell_app_new (entry);
/* Note that "id" is owned by app->entry. Since we're always
* setting a new entry, even if the app already exists in the
* hash table we need to replace the key so that the new id
* string is pointed to.
g_hash_table_replace (self->priv->id_to_app, (char*)id, app);
if (!gmenu_tree_entry_get_is_nodisplay_recurse (entry))
g_hash_table_replace (self->priv->visible_id_to_app, (char*)id, app);
if (old_entry)
GDesktopAppInfo *old_info;
const gchar *old_startup_wm_class;
old_info = gmenu_tree_entry_get_app_info (old_entry);
old_startup_wm_class = g_desktop_app_info_get_startup_wm_class (old_info);
if (old_startup_wm_class)
g_hash_table_remove (self->priv->startup_wm_class_to_app, old_startup_wm_class);
info = gmenu_tree_entry_get_app_info (entry);
startup_wm_class = g_desktop_app_info_get_startup_wm_class (info);
if (startup_wm_class)
g_hash_table_replace (self->priv->startup_wm_class_to_app,
(char*)startup_wm_class, g_object_ref (app));
if (old_entry)
gmenu_tree_item_unref (old_entry);
/* Now iterate over the apps again; we need to unreference any apps
* which have been removed. The JS code may still be holding a
* reference; that's fine.
g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, self->priv->id_to_app);
while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &key, &value))
const char *id = key;
if (!g_hash_table_lookup (new_apps, id))
g_hash_table_iter_remove (&iter);
g_hash_table_destroy (new_apps);
g_signal_emit (self, signals[INSTALLED_CHANGED], 0);
* shell_app_system_get_tree:
* Return Value: (transfer none): The #GMenuTree for apps
GMenuTree *
shell_app_system_get_tree (ShellAppSystem *self)
return self->priv->apps_tree;
* shell_app_system_get_default:
@ -446,61 +167,20 @@ ShellApp *
shell_app_system_lookup_app (ShellAppSystem *self,
const char *id)
return g_hash_table_lookup (self->priv->id_to_app, id);
* shell_app_system_lookup_app_by_tree_entry:
* @system: a #ShellAppSystem
* @entry: a #GMenuTreeEntry
* Find a #ShellApp corresponding to a #GMenuTreeEntry.
* Return value: (transfer none): The #ShellApp for @entry, or %NULL if none
ShellApp *
shell_app_system_lookup_app_by_tree_entry (ShellAppSystem *self,
GMenuTreeEntry *entry)
/* If we looked up directly in ->entry_to_app, we'd lose the
* override of running apps. Thus, indirect through the id.
return shell_app_system_lookup_app (self, gmenu_tree_entry_get_desktop_file_id (entry));
* shell_app_system_lookup_app_for_path:
* @system: a #ShellAppSystem
* @desktop_path: (type utf8): UTF-8 encoded absolute file name
* Find or create a #ShellApp corresponding to a given absolute file
* name which must be in the standard paths (XDG_DATA_DIRS). For
* files outside the datadirs, this function returns %NULL.
* Return value: (transfer none): The #ShellApp for id, or %NULL if none
ShellApp *
shell_app_system_lookup_app_for_path (ShellAppSystem *system,
const char *desktop_path)
const char *basename;
const char *app_path;
ShellAppSystemPrivate *priv = self->priv;
ShellApp *app;
GDesktopAppInfo *info;
basename = g_strrstr (desktop_path, "/");
if (basename)
basename += 1;
basename = desktop_path;
app = g_hash_table_lookup (priv->id_to_app, id);
if (app)
return app;
app = shell_app_system_lookup_app (system, basename);
if (!app)
return NULL;
app_path = g_desktop_app_info_get_filename (shell_app_get_app_info (app));
if (strcmp (desktop_path, app_path) != 0)
info = g_desktop_app_info_new (id);
if (!info)
return NULL;
app = _shell_app_new (info);
g_hash_table_insert (priv->id_to_app, (char *) id, app);
return app;
@ -520,15 +200,15 @@ shell_app_system_lookup_heuristic_basename (ShellAppSystem *system,
const char *name)
ShellApp *result;
GSList *prefix;
const char *const *prefix;
result = shell_app_system_lookup_app (system, name);
if (result != NULL)
return result;
for (prefix = system->priv->known_vendor_prefixes; prefix; prefix = g_slist_next (prefix))
for (prefix = vendor_prefixes; *prefix != NULL; prefix++)
char *tmpid = g_strconcat ((char*)prefix->data, name, NULL);
char *tmpid = g_strconcat (*prefix, name, NULL);
result = shell_app_system_lookup_app (system, tmpid);
g_free (tmpid);
if (result != NULL)
@ -603,10 +283,16 @@ ShellApp *
shell_app_system_lookup_startup_wmclass (ShellAppSystem *system,
const char *wmclass)
const char *id;
if (wmclass == NULL)
return NULL;
return g_hash_table_lookup (system->priv->startup_wm_class_to_app, wmclass);
id = g_hash_table_lookup (system->priv->startup_wm_class_to_id, wmclass);
if (id == NULL)
return NULL;
return shell_app_system_lookup_app (system, id);
@ -661,136 +347,3 @@ shell_app_system_get_running (ShellAppSystem *self)
return ret;
static gint
compare_apps_by_usage (gconstpointer a,
gconstpointer b,
gpointer data)
ShellAppUsage *usage = shell_app_usage_get_default ();
ShellApp *app_a = (ShellApp*)a;
ShellApp *app_b = (ShellApp*)b;
return shell_app_usage_compare (usage, "", app_a, app_b);
static GSList *
sort_and_concat_results (ShellAppSystem *system,
GSList *prefix_matches,
GSList *substring_matches)
prefix_matches = g_slist_sort_with_data (prefix_matches,
substring_matches = g_slist_sort_with_data (substring_matches,
return g_slist_concat (prefix_matches, substring_matches);
* normalize_terms:
* @terms: (element-type utf8): Input search terms
* Returns: (element-type utf8) (transfer full): Unicode-normalized and lowercased terms
static GSList *
normalize_terms (GSList *terms)
GSList *normalized_terms = NULL;
GSList *iter;
for (iter = terms; iter; iter = iter->next)
const char *term = iter->data;
normalized_terms = g_slist_prepend (normalized_terms,
shell_util_normalize_casefold_and_unaccent (term));
return normalized_terms;
static GSList *
search_tree (ShellAppSystem *self,
GSList *terms,
GHashTable *apps)
GSList *prefix_results = NULL;
GSList *substring_results = NULL;
GSList *normalized_terms;
GHashTableIter iter;
gpointer key, value;
normalized_terms = normalize_terms (terms);
g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, apps);
while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &key, &value))
ShellApp *app = value;
_shell_app_do_match (app, normalized_terms,
g_slist_free_full (normalized_terms, g_free);
return sort_and_concat_results (self, prefix_results, substring_results);
* shell_app_system_initial_search:
* @system: A #ShellAppSystem
* @terms: (element-type utf8): List of terms, logical AND
* Search through applications for the given search terms.
* Returns: (transfer container) (element-type ShellApp): List of applications
GSList *
shell_app_system_initial_search (ShellAppSystem *self,
GSList *terms)
return search_tree (self, terms, self->priv->visible_id_to_app);
* shell_app_system_subsearch:
* @system: A #ShellAppSystem
* @previous_results: (element-type ShellApp): List of previous results
* @terms: (element-type utf8): List of terms, logical AND
* Search through a previous result set; for more information, see
* js/ui/search.js. Note the value of @prefs must be
* the same as passed to shell_app_system_initial_search(). Note that returned
* strings are only valid until a return to the main loop.
* Returns: (transfer container) (element-type ShellApp): List of application identifiers
GSList *
shell_app_system_subsearch (ShellAppSystem *system,
GSList *previous_results,
GSList *terms)
GSList *iter;
GSList *prefix_results = NULL;
GSList *substring_results = NULL;
GSList *normalized_terms = normalize_terms (terms);
previous_results = g_slist_reverse (previous_results);
for (iter = previous_results; iter; iter = iter->next)
ShellApp *app = iter->data;
_shell_app_do_match (app, normalized_terms,
g_slist_free_full (normalized_terms, g_free);
/* Note that a shorter term might have matched as a prefix, but
when extended only as a substring, so we have to redo the
sort rather than reusing the existing ordering */
return sort_and_concat_results (system, prefix_results, substring_results);
@ -5,8 +5,6 @@
#include <gio/gio.h>
#include <clutter/clutter.h>
#include <meta/window.h>
#include <gmenu-tree.h>
#include "shell-app.h"
@ -39,14 +37,8 @@ struct _ShellAppSystemClass
GType shell_app_system_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
ShellAppSystem *shell_app_system_get_default (void);
GMenuTree *shell_app_system_get_tree (ShellAppSystem *system);
ShellApp *shell_app_system_lookup_app (ShellAppSystem *system,
const char *id);
ShellApp *shell_app_system_lookup_app_by_tree_entry (ShellAppSystem *system,
GMenuTreeEntry *entry);
ShellApp *shell_app_system_lookup_app_for_path (ShellAppSystem *system,
const char *desktop_path);
ShellApp *shell_app_system_lookup_heuristic_basename (ShellAppSystem *system,
const char *id);
@ -57,10 +49,4 @@ ShellApp *shell_app_system_lookup_desktop_wmclass (ShellAppSystem *s
GSList *shell_app_system_get_running (ShellAppSystem *self);
GSList *shell_app_system_initial_search (ShellAppSystem *system,
GSList *terms);
GSList *shell_app_system_subsearch (ShellAppSystem *system,
GSList *previous_results,
GSList *terms);
#endif /* __SHELL_APP_SYSTEM_H__ */
@ -527,19 +527,19 @@ shell_app_usage_get_most_used (ShellAppUsage *self,
* shell_app_usage_compare:
* @self: the usage instance to request
* @context: Activity identifier
* @app_a: First app
* @app_b: Second app
* @id_a: ID of first app
* @id_b: ID of second app
* Compare @app_a and @app_b based on frequency of use.
* Compare @id_a and @id_b based on frequency of use.
* Returns: -1 if @app_a ranks higher than @app_b, 1 if @app_b ranks higher
* than @app_a, and 0 if both rank equally.
* Returns: -1 if @id_a ranks higher than @id_b, 1 if @id_b ranks higher
* than @id_a, and 0 if both rank equally.
shell_app_usage_compare (ShellAppUsage *self,
const char *context,
ShellApp *app_a,
ShellApp *app_b)
const char *id_a,
const char *id_b)
GHashTable *usages;
UsageData *usage_a, *usage_b;
@ -548,8 +548,8 @@ shell_app_usage_compare (ShellAppUsage *self,
if (usages == NULL)
return 0;
usage_a = g_hash_table_lookup (usages, shell_app_get_id (app_a));
usage_b = g_hash_table_lookup (usages, shell_app_get_id (app_b));
usage_a = g_hash_table_lookup (usages, id_a);
usage_b = g_hash_table_lookup (usages, id_b);
if (usage_a == NULL && usage_b == NULL)
return 0;
@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ GSList *shell_app_usage_get_most_used (ShellAppUsage *usage,
const char *context);
int shell_app_usage_compare (ShellAppUsage *self,
const char *context,
ShellApp *app_a,
ShellApp *app_b);
const char *id_a,
const char *id_b);
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ typedef struct {
* SECTION:shell-app
* @short_description: Object representing an application
* This object wraps a #GMenuTreeEntry, providing methods and signals
* This object wraps a #GDesktopAppInfo, providing methods and signals
* primarily useful for running applications.
struct _ShellApp
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ struct _ShellApp
ShellAppState state;
GMenuTreeEntry *entry; /* If NULL, this app is backed by one or more
GDesktopAppInfo *info; /* If NULL, this app is backed by one or more
* MetaWindow. For purposes of app title
* etc., we use the first window added,
* because it's most likely to be what we
@ -137,15 +137,15 @@ shell_app_get_property (GObject *gobject,
const char *
shell_app_get_id (ShellApp *app)
if (app->entry)
return gmenu_tree_entry_get_desktop_file_id (app->entry);
if (app->info)
return g_app_info_get_id (G_APP_INFO (app->info));
return app->window_id_string;
static MetaWindow *
window_backed_app_get_window (ShellApp *app)
g_assert (app->entry == NULL);
g_assert (app->info == NULL);
g_assert (app->running_state);
g_assert (app->running_state->windows);
return app->running_state->windows->data;
@ -194,10 +194,10 @@ shell_app_create_icon_texture (ShellApp *app,
ret = NULL;
if (app->entry == NULL)
if (app->info == NULL)
return window_backed_app_get_icon (app, size);
icon = g_app_info_get_icon (G_APP_INFO (gmenu_tree_entry_get_app_info (app->entry)));
icon = g_app_info_get_icon (G_APP_INFO (app->info));
if (icon != NULL)
ret = st_texture_cache_load_gicon (st_texture_cache_get_default (), NULL, icon, size);
@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ shell_app_create_faded_icon_cpu (StTextureCache *cache,
info = NULL;
icon = g_app_info_get_icon (G_APP_INFO (gmenu_tree_entry_get_app_info (app->entry)));
icon = g_app_info_get_icon (G_APP_INFO (app->info));
if (icon != NULL)
info = gtk_icon_theme_lookup_by_gicon (gtk_icon_theme_get_default (),
@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ shell_app_get_faded_icon (ShellApp *app, int size, ClutterTextDirection directio
* property tracking bits, and this helps us visually distinguish
* app-tracked from not.
if (!app->entry)
if (!app->info)
return window_backed_app_get_icon (app, size);
/* Use icon: prefix so that we get evicted from the cache on
@ -384,8 +384,8 @@ shell_app_get_faded_icon (ShellApp *app, int size, ClutterTextDirection directio
const char *
shell_app_get_name (ShellApp *app)
if (app->entry)
return g_app_info_get_name (G_APP_INFO (gmenu_tree_entry_get_app_info (app->entry)));
if (app->info)
return g_app_info_get_name (G_APP_INFO (app->info));
MetaWindow *window = window_backed_app_get_window (app);
@ -401,8 +401,8 @@ shell_app_get_name (ShellApp *app)
const char *
shell_app_get_description (ShellApp *app)
if (app->entry)
return g_app_info_get_description (G_APP_INFO (gmenu_tree_entry_get_app_info (app->entry)));
if (app->info)
return g_app_info_get_description (G_APP_INFO (app->info));
return NULL;
@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ shell_app_get_description (ShellApp *app)
shell_app_is_window_backed (ShellApp *app)
return app->entry == NULL;
return app->info == NULL;
typedef struct {
@ -670,7 +670,7 @@ void
shell_app_open_new_window (ShellApp *app,
int workspace)
g_return_if_fail (app->entry != NULL);
g_return_if_fail (app->info != NULL);
/* Here we just always launch the application again, even if we know
* it was already running. For most applications this
@ -865,25 +865,24 @@ _shell_app_new_for_window (MetaWindow *window)
ShellApp *
_shell_app_new (GMenuTreeEntry *info)
_shell_app_new (GDesktopAppInfo *info)
ShellApp *app;
app = g_object_new (SHELL_TYPE_APP, NULL);
_shell_app_set_entry (app, info);
_shell_app_set_app_info (app, info);
return app;
_shell_app_set_entry (ShellApp *app,
GMenuTreeEntry *entry)
_shell_app_set_app_info (ShellApp *app,
GDesktopAppInfo *info)
if (app->entry != NULL)
gmenu_tree_item_unref (app->entry);
app->entry = gmenu_tree_item_ref (entry);
g_clear_object (&app->info);
app->info = g_object_ref (info);
if (app->name_collation_key != NULL)
g_free (app->name_collation_key);
app->name_collation_key = g_utf8_collate_key (shell_app_get_name (app), -1);
@ -1188,7 +1187,6 @@ shell_app_launch (ShellApp *app,
char **startup_id,
GError **error)
GDesktopAppInfo *gapp;
GdkAppLaunchContext *context;
gboolean ret;
ShellGlobal *global;
@ -1198,7 +1196,7 @@ shell_app_launch (ShellApp *app,
if (startup_id)
*startup_id = NULL;
if (app->entry == NULL)
if (app->info == NULL)
MetaWindow *window = window_backed_app_get_window (app);
/* We can't pass URIs into a window; shouldn't hit this
@ -1224,8 +1222,7 @@ shell_app_launch (ShellApp *app,
gdk_app_launch_context_set_timestamp (context, timestamp);
gdk_app_launch_context_set_desktop (context, workspace);
gapp = gmenu_tree_entry_get_app_info (app->entry);
ret = g_desktop_app_info_launch_uris_as_manager (gapp, uris,
ret = g_desktop_app_info_launch_uris_as_manager (app->info, uris,
@ -1245,21 +1242,7 @@ shell_app_launch (ShellApp *app,
GDesktopAppInfo *
shell_app_get_app_info (ShellApp *app)
if (app->entry)
return gmenu_tree_entry_get_app_info (app->entry);
return NULL;
* shell_app_get_tree_entry:
* @app: a #ShellApp
* Returns: (transfer none): The #GMenuTreeEntry for this app, or %NULL if backed by a window
GMenuTreeEntry *
shell_app_get_tree_entry (ShellApp *app)
return app->entry;
return app->info;
static void
@ -1374,24 +1357,22 @@ shell_app_init_search_data (ShellApp *app)
const char *exec;
const char * const *keywords;
char *normalized_exec;
GDesktopAppInfo *appinfo;
appinfo = gmenu_tree_entry_get_app_info (app->entry);
name = g_app_info_get_name (G_APP_INFO (appinfo));
name = g_app_info_get_name (G_APP_INFO (app->info));
app->casefolded_name = shell_util_normalize_casefold_and_unaccent (name);
generic_name = g_desktop_app_info_get_generic_name (appinfo);
generic_name = g_desktop_app_info_get_generic_name (app->info);
if (generic_name)
app->casefolded_generic_name = shell_util_normalize_casefold_and_unaccent (generic_name);
app->casefolded_generic_name = NULL;
exec = g_app_info_get_executable (G_APP_INFO (appinfo));
exec = g_app_info_get_executable (G_APP_INFO (app->info));
normalized_exec = shell_util_normalize_casefold_and_unaccent (exec);
app->casefolded_exec = trim_exec_line (normalized_exec);
g_free (normalized_exec);
keywords = g_desktop_app_info_get_keywords (appinfo);
keywords = g_desktop_app_info_get_keywords (app->info);
if (keywords)
@ -1512,16 +1493,14 @@ _shell_app_do_match (ShellApp *app,
GSList **substring_results)
ShellAppSearchMatch match;
GAppInfo *appinfo;
g_assert (app != NULL);
/* Skip window-backed apps */
appinfo = (GAppInfo*)shell_app_get_app_info (app);
if (appinfo == NULL)
if (app->info == NULL)
/* Skip not-visible apps */
if (!g_app_info_should_show (appinfo))
if (!g_app_info_should_show (G_APP_INFO (app->info)))
match = _shell_app_match_search_terms (app, terms);
@ -1550,11 +1529,7 @@ shell_app_dispose (GObject *object)
ShellApp *app = SHELL_APP (object);
if (app->entry)
gmenu_tree_item_unref (app->entry);
app->entry = NULL;
g_clear_object (&app->info);
if (app->running_state)
@ -4,9 +4,8 @@
#include <clutter/clutter.h>
#include <gio/gio.h>
#include <gio/gdesktopappinfo.h>
#include <meta/window.h>
#include <gmenu-tree.h>
@ -39,7 +38,6 @@ GType shell_app_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
const char *shell_app_get_id (ShellApp *app);
GMenuTreeEntry *shell_app_get_tree_entry (ShellApp *app);
GDesktopAppInfo *shell_app_get_app_info (ShellApp *app);
ClutterActor *shell_app_create_icon_texture (ShellApp *app, int size);
@ -844,6 +844,7 @@ ShellApp *
shell_startup_sequence_get_app (ShellStartupSequence *sequence)
const char *appid;
char *basename;
ShellAppSystem *appsys;
ShellApp *app;
@ -851,8 +852,10 @@ shell_startup_sequence_get_app (ShellStartupSequence *sequence)
if (!appid)
return NULL;
basename = g_path_get_basename (appid);
appsys = shell_app_system_get_default ();
app = shell_app_system_lookup_app_for_path (appsys, appid);
app = shell_app_system_lookup_app (appsys, basename);
g_free (basename);
return app;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user