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synced 2025-03-22 19:23:54 +00:00

There are currently quite a few places in Cogl where we muddle the layer index and the texture unit number. The theory is that these two numbers shouldn't be related and it should be possible to pick large layer numbers with gaps. This patch adds a test case to check that we can reference a large layer number from a texture combine string by creating a pipeline with only three layers but that have very large layer indices. This doesn't currently work because Cogl interprets the numbers in the combine strings to be the unit indices and not the layer indices. The documentation however calls these numbers layer numbers so presumably it is not meant to work that way. There are probably many other bugs related to this that the test case doesn't pick up so it would be good to add some more tests here, for example to test that you can bind an attribute to the texture coordinates for a large layer index. Reviewed-by: Robert Bragg <robert@linux.intel.com>
290 lines
9.9 KiB
290 lines
9.9 KiB
include $(top_srcdir)/build/autotools/Makefile.am.silent
noinst_PROGRAMS = test-conformance
common_sources = \
test-utils.h \
test-utils.c \
test-conform-main.c \
unported_test_sources = \
test-fixed.c \
test-materials.c \
test-viewport.c \
test-multitexture.c \
test-npot-texture.c \
test-object.c \
test-pixel-buffer.c \
test-premult.c \
test-readpixels.c \
test-texture-get-set-data.c \
test-texture-mipmaps.c \
test-texture-pixmap-x11.c \
test-texture-rectangle.c \
test-atlas-migration.c \
test-vertex-buffer-contiguous.c \
test-vertex-buffer-interleved.c \
test-vertex-buffer-mutability.c \
test_sources = \
test-bitmask.c \
test-blend-strings.c \
test-depth-test.c \
test-color-mask.c \
test-backface-culling.c \
test-just-vertex-shader.c \
test-path.c \
test-pipeline-user-matrix.c \
test-pipeline-uniforms.c \
test-snippets.c \
test-wrap-modes.c \
test-sub-texture.c \
test-custom-attributes.c \
test-offscreen.c \
test-primitive.c \
test-texture-3d.c \
test-sparse-pipeline.c \
test_conformance_SOURCES = $(common_sources) $(test_sources)
if OS_WIN32
# For convenience, this provides a way to easily run individual unit tests:
.PHONY: wrappers clean-wrappers
#UNIT_TESTS = `./test-conformance -l -m thorough | $(GREP) '^/'`
wrappers: stamp-test-conformance
stamp-test-conformance: Makefile $(srcdir)/test-conform-main.c
@mkdir -p wrappers
@sed -n \
-e 's/^ \{1,\}ADD_TEST *(.*"\([^",]\{1,\}\)", *\([a-zA-Z0-9_]\{1,\}\).*/\/conform\1\/\2/p' \
-e 's/^ \{1,\}ADD_CONDITIONAL_TEST *(.*"\([^",]\{1,\}\)", *\([a-zA-Z0-9_]\{1,\}\).*/\/conform\1\/\2/p' \
-e 's/^ \{1,\}ADD_TODO_TEST *(.*"\([^",]\{1,\}\)", *\([a-zA-Z0-9_]\{1,\}\).*/\/conform\1\/\2/p' \
$(srcdir)/test-conform-main.c > unit-tests
@chmod +x test-launcher.sh
@( echo "/stamp-test-conformance" ; \
echo "/test-conformance" ; \
echo "*.o" ; \
echo "*.xml" ; \
echo "*.html" ; \
echo ".gitignore" ; \
echo "unit-tests" ; \
echo "/wrappers/" ) > .gitignore
@for i in `cat unit-tests`; \
do \
unit=`basename $$i | sed -e s/_/-/g`; \
echo " GEN $$unit"; \
( echo "#!/bin/sh" ; echo "$(abs_builddir)/test-launcher.sh '$$i' \"\$$@\"" ) > $$unit$(SHEXT) ; \
( echo "#!/bin/sh" ; echo "exec $(abs_builddir)/test-conformance$(EXEEXT) -p $$i \"\$$@\"" ) > wrappers/$$unit$(SHEXT) ; \
( echo "test-conformance-cogl$(EXEEXT) -p $$i" ) > $$unit.bat ; \
( echo "test-conformance-cogl$(EXEEXT) -p $$i" ) >> test-conformance-cogl.bat ; \
chmod +x $$unit$(SHEXT); \
chmod +x wrappers/$$unit$(SHEXT); \
echo "/$$unit$(SHEXT)" >> .gitignore; \
done \
&& cp *.bat $(top_builddir)/build/win32/ \
&& echo timestamp > $(@F)
@for i in `cat unit-tests`; \
do \
unit=`basename $$i | sed -e s/_/-/g`; \
echo " RM $$unit"; \
rm -f $$unit$(SHEXT) ; \
rm -f wrappers/$$unit$(SHEXT) ; \
done \
&& rm -f unit-tests \
&& rm -f $(top_builddir)/build/win32/*.bat \
&& rm -f *.bat \
&& rm -f stamp-test-conformance
# NB: BUILT_SOURCES here a misnomer. We aren't building source, just inserting
# a phony rule that will generate symlink scripts for running individual tests
BUILT_SOURCES = wrappers
# The include of the $(buildir)/cogl directory here is to make it so
# that tests that directly include Cogl source code for whitebox
# testing (such as test-bitmask) will still compile
-I$(top_srcdir) \
test_conformance_CPPFLAGS = \
-DTESTS_DATADIR=\""$(top_srcdir)/tests/data"\" \
test_conformance_CFLAGS = -g3 -O0 $(COGL_DEP_CFLAGS) $(COGL_EXTRA_CFLAGS)
test_conformance_LDADD = $(COGL_DEP_LIBS) $(top_builddir)/cogl/libcogl.la
test_conformance_LDFLAGS = -export-dynamic
test: wrappers
@$(top_srcdir)/tests/conform/run-tests.sh \
./test-conformance$(EXEEXT) -o test-report.xml
test-verbose: wrappers
@$(top_srcdir)/tests/conform/run-tests.sh \
./test-conformance$(EXEEXT) -o test-report.xml --verbose
GTESTER = gtester
GTESTER_REPORT = gtester-report
# XXX: we could prevent the conformance test suite from running
# by simply defining this variable conditionally
TEST_PROGS = test-conformance
.PHONY: test
.PHONY: test-report perf-report full-report
.PHONY: test-report-npot perf-report-npot full-report-npot
# test-report: run tests and generate report
# perf-report: run tests with -m perf and generate report
# full-report: like test-report: with -m perf and -m slow
test-report perf-report full-report: ${TEST_PROGS}
@test -z "${TEST_PROGS}" || { \
export GTESTER_LOGDIR=`mktemp -d "$(srcdir)/.testlogs-XXXXXX"` ; \
if test -d "$(top_srcdir)/.git"; then \
export REVISION="`git describe`" ; \
else \
fi ; \
export TIMESTAMP=`date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z` ; \
case $@ in \
test-report) test_options="-k";; \
perf-report) test_options="-k -m=perf";; \
full-report) test_options="-k -m=perf -m=slow";; \
esac ; \
$(top_srcdir)/tests/conform/run-tests.sh \
./test-conformance$(EXEEXT) \
--verbose \
$$test_options \
-o `mktemp "$$GTESTER_LOGDIR/log-XXXXXX"` ; \
echo '<?xml version="1.0"?>' > $@.xml ; \
echo '<report-collection>' >> $@.xml ; \
echo '<info>' >> $@.xml ; \
echo ' <package>$(PACKAGE)</package>' >> $@.xml ; \
echo ' <version>$(VERSION)</version>' >> $@.xml ; \
echo " <revision>$$REVISION</revision>" >> $@.xml ; \
echo " <date>$$TIMESTAMP</date>" >> $@.xml ; \
echo '</info>' >> $@.xml ; \
for lf in `ls -L "$$GTESTER_LOGDIR"/.` ; do \
sed '1,1s/^<?xml\b[^>?]*?>//' <"$$GTESTER_LOGDIR"/"$$lf" >> $@.xml ; \
done ; \
echo >> $@.xml ; \
echo '</report-collection>' >> $@.xml ; \
${GTESTER_REPORT} --version 2>/dev/null 1>&2 ; test "$$?" != 0 || ${GTESTER_REPORT} $@.xml >$@.html ; \
rm -rf "$$GTESTER_LOGDIR" ; \
# same as above, but with a wrapper that forcibly disables non-power of
# two textures
test-report-npot perf-report-npot full-report-npot: ${TEST_PROGS}
@test -z "${TEST_PROGS}" || { \
export COGL_DEBUG="$COGL_DEBUG,disable-npot-textures"; \
export GTESTER_LOGDIR=`mktemp -d "$(srcdir)/.testlogs-XXXXXX"` ; \
if test -d "$(top_srcdir)/.git"; then \
export REVISION="`git describe`" ; \
else \
fi ; \
export TIMESTAMP=`date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z` ; \
case $@ in \
test-report-npot) test_options="-k";; \
perf-report-npot) test_options="-k -m=perf";; \
full-report-npot) test_options="-k -m=perf -m=slow";; \
esac ; \
$(top_srcdir)/tests/conform/run-tests.sh \
./test-conformance$(EXEEXT) \
--verbose \
$$test_options \
-o `mktemp "$$GTESTER_LOGDIR/log-XXXXXX"` ; \
echo '<?xml version="1.0"?>' > $@.xml ; \
echo '<report-collection>' >> $@.xml ; \
echo '<info>' >> $@.xml ; \
echo ' <package>$(PACKAGE)</package>' >> $@.xml ; \
echo ' <version>$(VERSION)</version>' >> $@.xml ; \
echo " <revision>$$REVISION</revision>" >> $@.xml ; \
echo " <date>$$TIMESTAMP</date>" >> $@.xml ; \
echo '</info>' >> $@.xml ; \
for lf in `ls -L "$$GTESTER_LOGDIR"/.` ; do \
sed '1,1s/^<?xml\b[^>?]*?>//' <"$$GTESTER_LOGDIR"/"$$lf" >> $@.xml ; \
done ; \
echo >> $@.xml ; \
echo '</report-collection>' >> $@.xml ; \
${GTESTER_REPORT} --version 2>/dev/null 1>&2 ; test "$$?" != 0 || ${GTESTER_REPORT} $@.xml >$@.html ; \
rm -rf "$$GTESTER_LOGDIR" ; \
test-report.xml \
perf-report.xml \
full-report.xml \
test-report-npot.xml \
perf-report-npot.xml \
test-report.html \
perf-report.html \
full-report.html \
test-report-npot.html \
perf-report-npot.html \
EXTRA_DIST = test-launcher.sh.in run-tests.sh
DISTCLEANFILES = test-launcher.sh .gitignore
dist-hook: ../../build/win32/vs9/test-conformance-cogl.vcproj ../../build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-cogl.vcxproj ../../build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-cogl.vcxproj.filters
../../build/win32/vs9/test-conformance-cogl.vcproj: $(top_srcdir)/build/win32/vs9/test-conformance-cogl.vcprojin
for F in $(test_conformance_SOURCES); do \
case $$F in \
*.c) echo ' <File RelativePath="..\..\..\tests\conform\'$$F'" />' \
;; \
esac; \
done >testconformance.sourcefiles
$(CPP) -P - <$(top_srcdir)/build/win32/vs9/test-conformance-cogl.vcprojin >$@
rm testconformance.sourcefiles
../../build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-cogl.vcxproj: $(top_srcdir)/build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-cogl.vcxprojin
for F in $(test_conformance_SOURCES); do \
case $$F in \
*.c) echo ' <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\conform\'$$F'" />' \
;; \
esac; \
done >testconformance.vs10.sourcefiles
$(CPP) -P - <$(top_srcdir)/build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-cogl.vcxprojin >$@
rm testconformance.vs10.sourcefiles
../../build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-cogl.vcxproj.filters: $(top_srcdir)/build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-cogl.vcxproj.filtersin
for F in $(test_conformance_SOURCES); do \
case $$F in \
*.c) echo ' <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\conform\'$$F'"><Filter>Sources</Filter></ClCompile>' \
;; \
esac; \
done >testconformance.vs10.sourcefiles.filters
$(CPP) -P - <$(top_srcdir)/build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-cogl.vcxproj.filtersin >$@
rm testconformance.vs10.sourcefiles.filters
# Let the VS9/VS10 Project files be cleared out before they are re-expanded...
DISTCLEANFILES += ../../build/win32/vs9/test-conformance-cogl.vcproj \
../../build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-cogl.vcxproj \
# we override the clean-generic target to clean up the wrappers so
# we cannot use CLEANFILES
clean-generic: clean-wrappers