screenshot: Split into separate file / class
Split the screenshot functionality from ShellGlobal into its own class.
This commit is contained in:
@ -146,8 +146,9 @@ const GnomeShell = new Lang.Class({
ScreenshotAreaAsync : function (params, invocation) {
let [x, y, width, height, flash, filename, callback] = params;
global.screenshot_area (x, y, width, height, filename,
Lang.bind(this, this._onScreenshotComplete,
let screenshot = new Shell.Screenshot();
screenshot.screenshot_area (x, y, width, height, filename,
Lang.bind(this, this._onScreenshotComplete,
flash, invocation));
@ -165,8 +166,9 @@ const GnomeShell = new Lang.Class({
ScreenshotWindowAsync : function (params, invocation) {
let [include_frame, include_cursor, flash, filename] = params;
global.screenshot_window (include_frame, include_cursor, filename,
Lang.bind(this, this._onScreenshotComplete,
let screenshot = new Shell.Screenshot();
screenshot.screenshot_window (include_frame, include_cursor, filename,
Lang.bind(this, this._onScreenshotComplete,
flash, invocation));
@ -183,8 +185,9 @@ const GnomeShell = new Lang.Class({
ScreenshotAsync : function (params, invocation) {
let [include_cursor, flash, filename] = params;
global.screenshot(include_cursor, filename,
Lang.bind(this, this._onScreenshotComplete,
let screenshot = new Shell.Screenshot();
screenshot.screenshot(include_cursor, filename,
Lang.bind(this, this._onScreenshotComplete,
flash, invocation));
@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ shell_public_headers_h = \
shell-mount-operation.h \
shell-network-agent.h \
shell-perf-log.h \
shell-screenshot.h \
shell-screen-grabber.h \
shell-slicer.h \
shell-stack.h \
@ -162,6 +163,7 @@ libgnome_shell_la_SOURCES = \
shell-perf-log.c \
shell-polkit-authentication-agent.h \
shell-polkit-authentication-agent.c \
shell-screenshot.c \
shell-screen-grabber.c \
shell-slicer.c \
shell-stack.c \
@ -19,18 +19,4 @@ gboolean _shell_global_check_xdnd_event (ShellGlobal *global,
void _shell_global_set_session_type (ShellGlobal *global,
ShellSessionType session_type);
/* Used for async screenshot grabbing */
typedef struct _screenshot_data {
ShellGlobal *global;
char *filename;
cairo_surface_t *image;
cairo_rectangle_int_t screenshot_area;
gboolean include_cursor;
ShellGlobalScreenshotCallback callback;
} _screenshot_data;
#endif /* __SHELL_GLOBAL_PRIVATE_H__ */
@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
#include "shell-global-private.h"
#include "shell-jsapi-compat-private.h"
#include "shell-perf-log.h"
#include "shell-screen-grabber.h"
#include "shell-window-tracker.h"
#include "shell-wm.h"
#include "st.h"
@ -705,6 +704,17 @@ shell_global_set_stage_input_region (ShellGlobal *global,
shell_global_set_stage_input_mode (global, global->input_mode);
* shell_global_get_stage:
* Return value: (transfer none): The default #ClutterStage
ClutterStage *
shell_global_get_stage (ShellGlobal *global)
return global->stage;
* shell_global_get_screen:
@ -1898,345 +1908,6 @@ shell_global_launch_calendar_server (ShellGlobal *global)
g_free (calendar_server_exe);
static void
on_screenshot_written (GObject *source,
GAsyncResult *result,
gpointer user_data)
_screenshot_data *screenshot_data = (_screenshot_data*) user_data;
if (screenshot_data->callback)
screenshot_data->callback (screenshot_data->global,
g_simple_async_result_get_op_res_gboolean (G_SIMPLE_ASYNC_RESULT (result)),
cairo_surface_destroy (screenshot_data->image);
g_free (screenshot_data->filename);
g_free (screenshot_data);
static void
write_screenshot_thread (GSimpleAsyncResult *result,
GObject *object,
GCancellable *cancellable)
cairo_status_t status;
_screenshot_data *screenshot_data = g_async_result_get_user_data (G_ASYNC_RESULT (result));
g_assert (screenshot_data != NULL);
status = cairo_surface_write_to_png (screenshot_data->image, screenshot_data->filename);
g_simple_async_result_set_op_res_gboolean (result, status == CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS);
static void
do_grab_screenshot (_screenshot_data *screenshot_data,
int x,
int y,
int width,
int height)
ShellScreenGrabber *grabber;
static const cairo_user_data_key_t key;
guchar *data;
grabber = shell_screen_grabber_new ();
data = shell_screen_grabber_grab (grabber, x, y, width, height);
g_object_unref (grabber);
screenshot_data->image = cairo_image_surface_create_for_data (data, CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24,
width, height, width * 4);
cairo_surface_set_user_data (screenshot_data->image, &key,
data, (cairo_destroy_func_t)g_free);
static void
_draw_cursor_image (cairo_surface_t *surface,
cairo_rectangle_int_t area)
XFixesCursorImage *cursor_image;
cairo_surface_t *cursor_surface;
cairo_region_t *screenshot_region;
cairo_t *cr;
guchar *data;
int stride;
int i, j;
cursor_image = XFixesGetCursorImage (clutter_x11_get_default_display ());
if (!cursor_image)
screenshot_region = cairo_region_create_rectangle (&area);
if (!cairo_region_contains_point (screenshot_region, cursor_image->x, cursor_image->y))
XFree (cursor_image);
cairo_region_destroy (screenshot_region);
cursor_surface = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, cursor_image->width, cursor_image->height);
/* The pixel data (in typical Xlib breakage) is longs even on
* 64-bit platforms, so we have to data-convert there. For simplicity,
* just do it always
data = cairo_image_surface_get_data (cursor_surface);
stride = cairo_image_surface_get_stride (cursor_surface);
for (i = 0; i < cursor_image->height; i++)
for (j = 0; j < cursor_image->width; j++)
*(guint32 *)(data + i * stride + 4 * j) = cursor_image->pixels[i * cursor_image->width + j];
cairo_surface_mark_dirty (cursor_surface);
cr = cairo_create (surface);
cairo_set_source_surface (cr,
cursor_image->x - cursor_image->xhot - area.x,
cursor_image->y - cursor_image->yhot - area.y);
cairo_paint (cr);
cairo_destroy (cr);
cairo_surface_destroy (cursor_surface);
cairo_region_destroy (screenshot_region);
XFree (cursor_image);
static void
grab_screenshot (ClutterActor *stage,
_screenshot_data *screenshot_data)
MetaScreen *screen = shell_global_get_screen (screenshot_data->global);
int width, height;
GSimpleAsyncResult *result;
meta_plugin_query_screen_size (screenshot_data->global->plugin, &width, &height);
do_grab_screenshot (screenshot_data, 0, 0, width, height);
if (meta_screen_get_n_monitors (screen) > 1)
cairo_region_t *screen_region = cairo_region_create ();
cairo_region_t *stage_region;
MetaRectangle monitor_rect;
cairo_rectangle_int_t stage_rect;
int i;
cairo_t *cr;
for (i = meta_screen_get_n_monitors (screen) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
meta_screen_get_monitor_geometry (screen, i, &monitor_rect);
cairo_region_union_rectangle (screen_region, (const cairo_rectangle_int_t *) &monitor_rect);
stage_rect.x = 0;
stage_rect.y = 0;
stage_rect.width = width;
stage_rect.height = height;
stage_region = cairo_region_create_rectangle ((const cairo_rectangle_int_t *) &stage_rect);
cairo_region_xor (stage_region, screen_region);
cairo_region_destroy (screen_region);
cr = cairo_create (screenshot_data->image);
for (i = 0; i < cairo_region_num_rectangles (stage_region); i++)
cairo_rectangle_int_t rect;
cairo_region_get_rectangle (stage_region, i, &rect);
cairo_rectangle (cr, (double) rect.x, (double) rect.y, (double) rect.width, (double) rect.height);
cairo_fill (cr);
cairo_destroy (cr);
cairo_region_destroy (stage_region);
screenshot_data->screenshot_area.x = 0;
screenshot_data->screenshot_area.y = 0;
screenshot_data->screenshot_area.width = width;
screenshot_data->screenshot_area.height = height;
if (screenshot_data->include_cursor)
_draw_cursor_image (screenshot_data->image, screenshot_data->screenshot_area);
g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (stage, (void *)grab_screenshot, (gpointer)screenshot_data);
result = g_simple_async_result_new (NULL, on_screenshot_written, (gpointer)screenshot_data, grab_screenshot);
g_simple_async_result_run_in_thread (result, write_screenshot_thread, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, NULL);
g_object_unref (result);
static void
grab_area_screenshot (ClutterActor *stage,
_screenshot_data *screenshot_data)
GSimpleAsyncResult *result;
do_grab_screenshot (screenshot_data,
g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (stage, (void *)grab_area_screenshot, (gpointer)screenshot_data);
result = g_simple_async_result_new (NULL, on_screenshot_written, (gpointer)screenshot_data, grab_area_screenshot);
g_simple_async_result_run_in_thread (result, write_screenshot_thread, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, NULL);
g_object_unref (result);
* shell_global_screenshot:
* @global: the #ShellGlobal
* @include_cursor: Whether to include the cursor or not
* @filename: The filename for the screenshot
* @callback: (scope async): function to call returning success or failure
* of the async grabbing
* Takes a screenshot of the whole screen
* in @filename as png image.
shell_global_screenshot (ShellGlobal *global,
gboolean include_cursor,
const char *filename,
ShellGlobalScreenshotCallback callback)
ClutterActor *stage;
_screenshot_data *data = g_new0 (_screenshot_data, 1);
data->global = global;
data->filename = g_strdup (filename);
data->callback = callback;
data->include_cursor = include_cursor;
stage = CLUTTER_ACTOR (meta_plugin_get_stage (global->plugin));
g_signal_connect_after (stage, "paint", G_CALLBACK (grab_screenshot), (gpointer)data);
clutter_actor_queue_redraw (stage);
* shell_global_screenshot_area:
* @global: the #ShellGlobal
* @x: The X coordinate of the area
* @y: The Y coordinate of the area
* @width: The width of the area
* @height: The height of the area
* @filename: The filename for the screenshot
* @callback: (scope async): function to call returning success or failure
* of the async grabbing
* Takes a screenshot of the passed in area and saves it
* in @filename as png image.
shell_global_screenshot_area (ShellGlobal *global,
int x,
int y,
int width,
int height,
const char *filename,
ShellGlobalScreenshotCallback callback)
ClutterActor *stage;
_screenshot_data *data = g_new0 (_screenshot_data, 1);
data->global = global;
data->filename = g_strdup (filename);
data->screenshot_area.x = x;
data->screenshot_area.y = y;
data->screenshot_area.width = width;
data->screenshot_area.height = height;
data->callback = callback;
stage = CLUTTER_ACTOR (meta_plugin_get_stage (global->plugin));
g_signal_connect_after (stage, "paint", G_CALLBACK (grab_area_screenshot), (gpointer)data);
clutter_actor_queue_redraw (stage);
* shell_global_screenshot_window:
* @global: the #ShellGlobal
* @include_frame: Whether to include the frame or not
* @include_cursor: Whether to include the cursor or not
* @filename: The filename for the screenshot
* @callback: (scope async): function to call returning success or failure
* of the async grabbing
* Takes a screenshot of the focused window (optionally omitting the frame)
* in @filename as png image.
shell_global_screenshot_window (ShellGlobal *global,
gboolean include_frame,
gboolean include_cursor,
const char *filename,
ShellGlobalScreenshotCallback callback)
GSimpleAsyncResult *result;
_screenshot_data *screenshot_data = g_new0 (_screenshot_data, 1);
MetaScreen *screen = meta_plugin_get_screen (global->plugin);
MetaDisplay *display = meta_screen_get_display (screen);
MetaWindow *window = meta_display_get_focus_window (display);
ClutterActor *window_actor;
gfloat actor_x, actor_y;
MetaShapedTexture *stex;
MetaRectangle rect;
cairo_rectangle_int_t clip;
screenshot_data->global = global;
screenshot_data->filename = g_strdup (filename);
screenshot_data->callback = callback;
window_actor = CLUTTER_ACTOR (meta_window_get_compositor_private (window));
clutter_actor_get_position (window_actor, &actor_x, &actor_y);
if (include_frame || !meta_window_get_frame (window))
meta_window_get_outer_rect (window, &rect);
screenshot_data->screenshot_area.x = rect.x;
screenshot_data->screenshot_area.y = rect.y;
clip.x = rect.x - (gint) actor_x;
clip.y = rect.y - (gint) actor_y;
rect = *meta_window_get_rect (window);
screenshot_data->screenshot_area.x = (gint) actor_x + rect.x;
screenshot_data->screenshot_area.y = (gint) actor_y + rect.y;
clip.x = rect.x;
clip.y = rect.y;
clip.width = screenshot_data->screenshot_area.width = rect.width;
clip.height = screenshot_data->screenshot_area.height = rect.height;
stex = META_SHAPED_TEXTURE (meta_window_actor_get_texture (META_WINDOW_ACTOR (window_actor)));
screenshot_data->image = meta_shaped_texture_get_image (stex, &clip);
if (include_cursor)
_draw_cursor_image (screenshot_data->image, screenshot_data->screenshot_area);
result = g_simple_async_result_new (NULL, on_screenshot_written, (gpointer)screenshot_data, shell_global_screenshot_window);
g_simple_async_result_run_in_thread (result, write_screenshot_thread, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, NULL);
g_object_unref (result);
* shell_global_get_session_type:
* @global: The #ShellGlobal.
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ GType shell_global_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
ShellGlobal *shell_global_get (void);
ClutterStage *shell_global_get_stage (ShellGlobal *global);
MetaScreen *shell_global_get_screen (ShellGlobal *global);
GdkScreen *shell_global_get_gdk_screen (ShellGlobal *global);
MetaDisplay *shell_global_get_display (ShellGlobal *global);
@ -140,28 +141,6 @@ void shell_global_reexec_self (ShellGlobal *global);
void shell_global_launch_calendar_server (ShellGlobal *global);
typedef void (*ShellGlobalScreenshotCallback) (ShellGlobal *global,
gboolean success,
cairo_rectangle_int_t *screenshot_area);
void shell_global_screenshot_area (ShellGlobal *global,
int x,
int y,
int width,
int height,
const char *filename,
ShellGlobalScreenshotCallback callback);
void shell_global_screenshot_window (ShellGlobal *global,
gboolean include_frame,
gboolean include_cursor,
const char *filename,
ShellGlobalScreenshotCallback callback);
void shell_global_screenshot (ShellGlobal *global,
gboolean include_cursor,
const char *filename,
ShellGlobalScreenshotCallback callback);
typedef enum {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- */
#include <X11/extensions/Xfixes.h>
#include <clutter/x11/clutter-x11.h>
#include <clutter/clutter.h>
#include <cogl/cogl.h>
#include <meta/display.h>
#include <meta/util.h>
#include <meta/meta-plugin.h>
#include <meta/meta-shaped-texture.h>
#include "shell-global.h"
#include "shell-screen-grabber.h"
#include "shell-screenshot.h"
struct _ShellScreenshotClass
GObjectClass parent_class;
struct _ShellScreenshot
GObject parent_instance;
ShellGlobal *global;
/* Used for async screenshot grabbing */
typedef struct _screenshot_data {
ShellScreenshot *screenshot;
char *filename;
cairo_surface_t *image;
cairo_rectangle_int_t screenshot_area;
gboolean include_cursor;
ShellScreenshotCallback callback;
} _screenshot_data;
G_DEFINE_TYPE(ShellScreenshot, shell_screenshot, G_TYPE_OBJECT);
static void
shell_screenshot_finalize (GObject *gobject)
static void
shell_screenshot_class_init (ShellScreenshotClass *screenshot_class)
GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (screenshot_class);
gobject_class->finalize = shell_screenshot_finalize;
static void
shell_screenshot_init (ShellScreenshot *screenshot)
screenshot->global = shell_global_get ();
static void
on_screenshot_written (GObject *source,
GAsyncResult *result,
gpointer user_data)
_screenshot_data *screenshot_data = (_screenshot_data*) user_data;
if (screenshot_data->callback)
screenshot_data->callback (screenshot_data->screenshot,
g_simple_async_result_get_op_res_gboolean (G_SIMPLE_ASYNC_RESULT (result)),
cairo_surface_destroy (screenshot_data->image);
g_free (screenshot_data->filename);
g_free (screenshot_data);
static void
write_screenshot_thread (GSimpleAsyncResult *result,
GObject *object,
GCancellable *cancellable)
cairo_status_t status;
_screenshot_data *screenshot_data = g_async_result_get_user_data (G_ASYNC_RESULT (result));
g_assert (screenshot_data != NULL);
status = cairo_surface_write_to_png (screenshot_data->image, screenshot_data->filename);
g_simple_async_result_set_op_res_gboolean (result, status == CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS);
static void
do_grab_screenshot (_screenshot_data *screenshot_data,
int x,
int y,
int width,
int height)
ShellScreenGrabber *grabber;
static const cairo_user_data_key_t key;
guchar *data;
grabber = shell_screen_grabber_new ();
data = shell_screen_grabber_grab (grabber, x, y, width, height);
g_object_unref (grabber);
screenshot_data->image = cairo_image_surface_create_for_data (data, CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24,
width, height, width * 4);
cairo_surface_set_user_data (screenshot_data->image, &key,
data, (cairo_destroy_func_t)g_free);
static void
_draw_cursor_image (cairo_surface_t *surface,
cairo_rectangle_int_t area)
XFixesCursorImage *cursor_image;
cairo_surface_t *cursor_surface;
cairo_region_t *screenshot_region;
cairo_t *cr;
guchar *data;
int stride;
int i, j;
cursor_image = XFixesGetCursorImage (clutter_x11_get_default_display ());
if (!cursor_image)
screenshot_region = cairo_region_create_rectangle (&area);
if (!cairo_region_contains_point (screenshot_region, cursor_image->x, cursor_image->y))
XFree (cursor_image);
cairo_region_destroy (screenshot_region);
cursor_surface = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, cursor_image->width, cursor_image->height);
/* The pixel data (in typical Xlib breakage) is longs even on
* 64-bit platforms, so we have to data-convert there. For simplicity,
* just do it always
data = cairo_image_surface_get_data (cursor_surface);
stride = cairo_image_surface_get_stride (cursor_surface);
for (i = 0; i < cursor_image->height; i++)
for (j = 0; j < cursor_image->width; j++)
*(guint32 *)(data + i * stride + 4 * j) = cursor_image->pixels[i * cursor_image->width + j];
cairo_surface_mark_dirty (cursor_surface);
cr = cairo_create (surface);
cairo_set_source_surface (cr,
cursor_image->x - cursor_image->xhot - area.x,
cursor_image->y - cursor_image->yhot - area.y);
cairo_paint (cr);
cairo_destroy (cr);
cairo_surface_destroy (cursor_surface);
cairo_region_destroy (screenshot_region);
XFree (cursor_image);
static void
grab_screenshot (ClutterActor *stage,
_screenshot_data *screenshot_data)
MetaScreen *screen = shell_global_get_screen (screenshot_data->screenshot->global);
int width, height;
GSimpleAsyncResult *result;
meta_screen_get_size (screen, &width, &height);
do_grab_screenshot (screenshot_data, 0, 0, width, height);
if (meta_screen_get_n_monitors (screen) > 1)
cairo_region_t *screen_region = cairo_region_create ();
cairo_region_t *stage_region;
MetaRectangle monitor_rect;
cairo_rectangle_int_t stage_rect;
int i;
cairo_t *cr;
for (i = meta_screen_get_n_monitors (screen) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
meta_screen_get_monitor_geometry (screen, i, &monitor_rect);
cairo_region_union_rectangle (screen_region, (const cairo_rectangle_int_t *) &monitor_rect);
stage_rect.x = 0;
stage_rect.y = 0;
stage_rect.width = width;
stage_rect.height = height;
stage_region = cairo_region_create_rectangle ((const cairo_rectangle_int_t *) &stage_rect);
cairo_region_xor (stage_region, screen_region);
cairo_region_destroy (screen_region);
cr = cairo_create (screenshot_data->image);
for (i = 0; i < cairo_region_num_rectangles (stage_region); i++)
cairo_rectangle_int_t rect;
cairo_region_get_rectangle (stage_region, i, &rect);
cairo_rectangle (cr, (double) rect.x, (double) rect.y, (double) rect.width, (double) rect.height);
cairo_fill (cr);
cairo_destroy (cr);
cairo_region_destroy (stage_region);
screenshot_data->screenshot_area.x = 0;
screenshot_data->screenshot_area.y = 0;
screenshot_data->screenshot_area.width = width;
screenshot_data->screenshot_area.height = height;
if (screenshot_data->include_cursor)
_draw_cursor_image (screenshot_data->image, screenshot_data->screenshot_area);
g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (stage, (void *)grab_screenshot, (gpointer)screenshot_data);
result = g_simple_async_result_new (NULL, on_screenshot_written, (gpointer)screenshot_data, grab_screenshot);
g_simple_async_result_run_in_thread (result, write_screenshot_thread, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, NULL);
g_object_unref (result);
static void
grab_area_screenshot (ClutterActor *stage,
_screenshot_data *screenshot_data)
GSimpleAsyncResult *result;
do_grab_screenshot (screenshot_data,
g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (stage, (void *)grab_area_screenshot, (gpointer)screenshot_data);
result = g_simple_async_result_new (NULL, on_screenshot_written, (gpointer)screenshot_data, grab_area_screenshot);
g_simple_async_result_run_in_thread (result, write_screenshot_thread, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, NULL);
g_object_unref (result);
* shell_screenshot_screenshot:
* @screenshot: the #ShellScreenshot
* @include_cursor: Whether to include the cursor or not
* @filename: The filename for the screenshot
* @callback: (scope async): function to call returning success or failure
* of the async grabbing
* Takes a screenshot of the whole screen
* in @filename as png image.
shell_screenshot_screenshot (ShellScreenshot *screenshot,
gboolean include_cursor,
const char *filename,
ShellScreenshotCallback callback)
ClutterActor *stage;
_screenshot_data *data = g_new0 (_screenshot_data, 1);
data->screenshot = screenshot;
data->filename = g_strdup (filename);
data->callback = callback;
data->include_cursor = include_cursor;
stage = CLUTTER_ACTOR (shell_global_get_stage (screenshot->global));
g_signal_connect_after (stage, "paint", G_CALLBACK (grab_screenshot), (gpointer)data);
clutter_actor_queue_redraw (stage);
* shell_screenshot_screenshot_area:
* @screenshot: the #ShellScreenshot
* @x: The X coordinate of the area
* @y: The Y coordinate of the area
* @width: The width of the area
* @height: The height of the area
* @filename: The filename for the screenshot
* @callback: (scope async): function to call returning success or failure
* of the async grabbing
* Takes a screenshot of the passed in area and saves it
* in @filename as png image.
shell_screenshot_screenshot_area (ShellScreenshot *screenshot,
int x,
int y,
int width,
int height,
const char *filename,
ShellScreenshotCallback callback)
ClutterActor *stage;
_screenshot_data *data = g_new0 (_screenshot_data, 1);
data->screenshot = screenshot;
data->filename = g_strdup (filename);
data->screenshot_area.x = x;
data->screenshot_area.y = y;
data->screenshot_area.width = width;
data->screenshot_area.height = height;
data->callback = callback;
stage = CLUTTER_ACTOR (shell_global_get_stage (screenshot->global));
g_signal_connect_after (stage, "paint", G_CALLBACK (grab_area_screenshot), (gpointer)data);
clutter_actor_queue_redraw (stage);
* shell_screenshot_screenshot_window:
* @screenshot: the #ShellScreenshot
* @include_frame: Whether to include the frame or not
* @include_cursor: Whether to include the cursor or not
* @filename: The filename for the screenshot
* @callback: (scope async): function to call returning success or failure
* of the async grabbing
* Takes a screenshot of the focused window (optionally omitting the frame)
* in @filename as png image.
shell_screenshot_screenshot_window (ShellScreenshot *screenshot,
gboolean include_frame,
gboolean include_cursor,
const char *filename,
ShellScreenshotCallback callback)
GSimpleAsyncResult *result;
_screenshot_data *screenshot_data = g_new0 (_screenshot_data, 1);
MetaScreen *screen = shell_global_get_screen (screenshot->global);
MetaDisplay *display = meta_screen_get_display (screen);
MetaWindow *window = meta_display_get_focus_window (display);
ClutterActor *window_actor;
gfloat actor_x, actor_y;
MetaShapedTexture *stex;
MetaRectangle rect;
cairo_rectangle_int_t clip;
screenshot_data->screenshot = screenshot;
screenshot_data->filename = g_strdup (filename);
screenshot_data->callback = callback;
window_actor = CLUTTER_ACTOR (meta_window_get_compositor_private (window));
clutter_actor_get_position (window_actor, &actor_x, &actor_y);
if (include_frame || !meta_window_get_frame (window))
meta_window_get_outer_rect (window, &rect);
screenshot_data->screenshot_area.x = rect.x;
screenshot_data->screenshot_area.y = rect.y;
clip.x = rect.x - (gint) actor_x;
clip.y = rect.y - (gint) actor_y;
rect = *meta_window_get_rect (window);
screenshot_data->screenshot_area.x = (gint) actor_x + rect.x;
screenshot_data->screenshot_area.y = (gint) actor_y + rect.y;
clip.x = rect.x;
clip.y = rect.y;
clip.width = screenshot_data->screenshot_area.width = rect.width;
clip.height = screenshot_data->screenshot_area.height = rect.height;
stex = META_SHAPED_TEXTURE (meta_window_actor_get_texture (META_WINDOW_ACTOR (window_actor)));
screenshot_data->image = meta_shaped_texture_get_image (stex, &clip);
if (include_cursor)
_draw_cursor_image (screenshot_data->image, screenshot_data->screenshot_area);
result = g_simple_async_result_new (NULL, on_screenshot_written, (gpointer)screenshot_data, shell_screenshot_screenshot_window);
g_simple_async_result_run_in_thread (result, write_screenshot_thread, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, NULL);
g_object_unref (result);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- */
* SECTION:shell-screenshot
* @short_description: Grabs screenshots of areas and/or windows
* The #ShellScreenshot object is used to take screenshots of screen
* areas or windows and write them out as png files.
typedef struct _ShellScreenshot ShellScreenshot;
typedef struct _ShellScreenshotClass ShellScreenshotClass;
#define SHELL_TYPE_SCREENSHOT (shell_screenshot_get_type ())
GType shell_screenshot_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
ShellScreenGrabber *shell_screenshot_new (void);
typedef void (*ShellScreenshotCallback) (ShellScreenshot *screenshot,
gboolean success,
cairo_rectangle_int_t *screenshot_area);
void shell_screenshot_screenshot_area (ShellScreenshot *screenshot,
int x,
int y,
int width,
int height,
const char *filename,
ShellScreenshotCallback callback);
void shell_screenshot_screenshot_window (ShellScreenshot *screenshot,
gboolean include_frame,
gboolean include_cursor,
const char *filename,
ShellScreenshotCallback callback);
void shell_screenshot_screenshot (ShellScreenshot *screenshot,
gboolean include_cursor,
const char *filename,
ShellScreenshotCallback callback);
#endif /* ___SHELL_SCREENSHOT_H__ */
Reference in New Issue
Block a user