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synced 2025-03-17 16:55:03 +00:00

This adds a performance tracking framework that can run a set of tests over specified git revisions. The ruby script for generating the reports comes from similar performance tracking in GEGL. The framework permits evaluating new tests against older version of clutter. The tests themselves go through a few hoops for disabling framerate limiting in both mesa and clutter. When running make check the tests will be run and lines of the form: @ test-state: 40.51 fps will be left in the output, a script can scrape these lines out of a build log on a buildbot to in other ways track performance.
67 lines
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67 lines
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# A makefile based framework for testing performance commits in retrospect,
# based on work done by pippin@gimp.org done for GEGL, original code placed in the public domain.
SELF = Makefile-retrospect
MAKE_FLAGS = -j3 -k
CC = "ccache gcc" # if you do not have ccache replace with just gcc
# mute makes echoing of commands
# replace sequential with random to build a random subset
all: reset sequential
#all: reset random
rm -rf reports/`cat jobs | tail -n1`*
make -f $(SELF)
# uncomment these to make sure cpu is in high performance mode
#sudo sh -c 'echo performance > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor || true'
#sudo sh -c 'echo performance > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_governor || true'
rm -rf jobs jobs
# remove checkout dir to have a full reset on each invokation
rm -rf checkout
# create clone
git clone -s $(PROJECT_PATH) checkout
mkdir reports > /dev/null 2>&1 || true
make -f $(SELF) jobs
make -f $(SELF) prepare
jobs: joblist
./makejobs.rb joblist > jobs
for a in `cat jobs`;do make -f $(SELF) reports/$$a;done
for a in `cat jobs|sort`;do make -f $(SELF) reports/$$a;done
# check out revision
(cd checkout; git checkout `echo $@|sed s:reports/::`)
# write header for report
git log -1 `echo $@|sed s:reports/::` > $@ || true
# clean previous build
rm -rf install; mkdir install
# build revision
(cd checkout; if [ ! -f Makefile ]; then CC=$(CC) ./autogen.sh --disable-introspection --prefix=`pwd`/../install; fi ; \
make $(MAKE_FLAGS) ; make -k install ) > $@.log 2>&1 || true
# testing
make -f Makefile-tests clean;\
make -f Makefile-tests; sync;\
make -f Makefile-tests check >> $@ || true
# update report.pdf / report.png
rm -rf reports jobs report.pdf report.png checkout install
make -f Makefile-tests clean