Robert Bragg 9b58b6f472 pipeline: split out all core state apis
Since cogl-pipeline.c has become very unwieldy this make a start at
trying to shape this code back into a manageable state. This patche
moves all the API relating to core pipeline state into
cogl-pipeline-state.c. This doesn't move code relating to layer state
out nor does it move any of the code supporting the core design
of CoglPipeline itself.

This change alone factors out 2k lines of code from cogl-pipeline.c
which is obviously a good start. The next step will be to factor
out the layer state and then probably look at breaking all of this
state code down into state-groups.

Reviewed-by: Neil Roberts <>
2011-09-19 16:35:59 +01:00

569 lines
20 KiB

* Cogl
* An object oriented GL/GLES Abstraction/Utility Layer
* Copyright (C) 2007,2008,2009 Intel Corporation.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library. If not, see <>.
#if !defined(__COGL_H_INSIDE__) && !defined(CLUTTER_COMPILATION)
#error "Only <cogl/cogl.h> can be included directly."
#ifndef __COGL_PIPELINE_H__
#define __COGL_PIPELINE_H__
#include <cogl/cogl-types.h>
#include <cogl/cogl-matrix.h>
* SECTION:cogl-pipeline
* @short_description: Functions for creating and manipulating the GPU
* pipeline
* Cogl allows creating and manipulating objects representing the full
* configuration of the GPU pipeline. In simplified terms the GPU
* pipeline takes primitive geometry as the input, it first performs
* vertex processing, allowing you to deform your geometry, then
* rasterizes that (turning it from pure geometry into fragments) then
* performs fragment processing including depth testing and texture
* mapping. Finally it blends the result with the framebuffer.
typedef struct _CoglPipeline CoglPipeline;
#define COGL_PIPELINE(OBJECT) ((CoglPipeline *)OBJECT)
* CoglPipelineFilter:
* @COGL_PIPELINE_FILTER_NEAREST: Measuring in manhatten distance from the,
* current pixel center, use the nearest texture texel
* @COGL_PIPELINE_FILTER_LINEAR: Use the weighted average of the 4 texels
* nearest the current pixel center
* texel size most closely matches the current pixel, and use the
* texel size most closely matches the current pixel, and use the
* whose texel size most closely matches the current pixel, use
* the %COGL_PIPELINE_FILTER_NEAREST criterion on each one and take
* their weighted average
* whose texel size most closely matches the current pixel, use
* the %COGL_PIPELINE_FILTER_LINEAR criterion on each one and take
* their weighted average
* Texture filtering is used whenever the current pixel maps either to more
* than one texture element (texel) or less than one. These filter enums
* correspond to different strategies used to come up with a pixel color, by
* possibly referring to multiple neighbouring texels and taking a weighted
* average or simply using the nearest texel.
typedef enum {
} CoglPipelineFilter;
/* NB: these values come from the equivalents in gl.h */
* CoglPipelineWrapMode:
* @COGL_PIPELINE_WRAP_MODE_REPEAT: The texture will be repeated. This
* is useful for example to draw a tiled background.
* @COGL_PIPELINE_WRAP_MODE_CLAMP_TO_EDGE: The coordinates outside the
* range 0→1 will sample copies of the edge pixels of the
* texture. This is useful to avoid artifacts if only one copy of
* the texture is being rendered.
* @COGL_PIPELINE_WRAP_MODE_AUTOMATIC: Cogl will try to automatically
* decide which of the above two to use. For cogl_rectangle(), it
* will use repeat mode if any of the texture coordinates are
* outside the range 0→1, otherwise it will use clamp to edge. For
* cogl_polygon() it will always use repeat mode. For
* cogl_vertex_buffer_draw() it will use repeat mode except for
* layers that have point sprite coordinate generation enabled. This
* is the default value.
* The wrap mode specifies what happens when texture coordinates
* outside the range 0→1 are used. Note that if the filter mode is
* anything but %COGL_PIPELINE_FILTER_NEAREST then texels outside the
* range 0→1 might be used even when the coordinate is exactly 0 or 1
* because OpenGL will try to sample neighbouring pixels. For example
* if you are trying to render the full texture then you may get
* artifacts around the edges when the pixels from the other side are
* merged in if the wrap mode is set to repeat.
* Since: 2.0
/* GL_ALWAYS is just used here as a value that is known not to clash
* with any valid GL wrap modes
* XXX: keep the values in sync with the CoglPipelineWrapModeInternal
* enum so no conversion is actually needed.
typedef enum {
} CoglPipelineWrapMode;
/* NB: these values come from the equivalents in gl.h */
* cogl_pipeline_new:
* Allocates and initializes a default simple pipeline that will color
* a primitive white.
* Return value: a pointer to a new #CoglPipeline
CoglPipeline *
cogl_pipeline_new (void);
* cogl_pipeline_copy:
* @source: a #CoglPipeline object to copy
* Creates a new pipeline with the configuration copied from the
* source pipeline.
* We would strongly advise developers to always aim to use
* cogl_pipeline_copy() instead of cogl_pipeline_new() whenever there will
* be any similarity between two pipelines. Copying a pipeline helps Cogl
* keep track of a pipelines ancestry which we may use to help minimize GPU
* state changes.
* Returns: a pointer to the newly allocated #CoglPipeline
* Since: 2.0
CoglPipeline *
cogl_pipeline_copy (CoglPipeline *source);
* cogl_is_pipeline:
* @handle: A CoglHandle
* Gets whether the given handle references an existing pipeline object.
* Return value: %TRUE if the handle references a #CoglPipeline,
* %FALSE otherwise
cogl_is_pipeline (CoglHandle handle);
* cogl_pipeline_set_layer:
* @pipeline: A #CoglPipeline object
* @layer_index: the index of the layer
* @texture: a #CoglHandle for the layer object
* In addition to the standard OpenGL lighting model a Cogl pipeline may have
* one or more layers comprised of textures that can be blended together in
* order, with a number of different texture combine modes. This function
* defines a new texture layer.
* The index values of multiple layers do not have to be consecutive; it is
* only their relative order that is important.
* <note>In the future, we may define other types of pipeline layers, such
* as purely GLSL based layers.</note>
* Since: 2.0
cogl_pipeline_set_layer_texture (CoglPipeline *pipeline,
int layer_index,
CoglHandle texture);
* cogl_pipeline_remove_layer:
* @pipeline: A #CoglPipeline object
* @layer_index: Specifies the layer you want to remove
* This function removes a layer from your pipeline
cogl_pipeline_remove_layer (CoglPipeline *pipeline,
int layer_index);
* cogl_pipeline_set_layer_combine:
* @pipeline: A #CoglPipeline object
* @layer_index: Specifies the layer you want define a combine function for
* @blend_string: A <link linkend="cogl-Blend-Strings">Cogl blend string</link>
* describing the desired texture combine function.
* @error: A #GError that may report parse errors or lack of GPU/driver
* support. May be %NULL, in which case a warning will be printed out if an
* error is encountered.
* If not already familiar; you can refer
* <link linkend="cogl-Blend-Strings">here</link> for an overview of what blend
* strings are and there syntax.
* These are all the functions available for texture combining:
* <itemizedlist>
* <listitem>REPLACE(arg0) = arg0</listitem>
* <listitem>MODULATE(arg0, arg1) = arg0 x arg1</listitem>
* <listitem>ADD(arg0, arg1) = arg0 + arg1</listitem>
* <listitem>ADD_SIGNED(arg0, arg1) = arg0 + arg1 - 0.5</listitem>
* <listitem>INTERPOLATE(arg0, arg1, arg2) = arg0 x arg2 + arg1 x (1 - arg2)</listitem>
* <listitem>SUBTRACT(arg0, arg1) = arg0 - arg1</listitem>
* <listitem>
* <programlisting>
* DOT3_RGB(arg0, arg1) = 4 x ((arg0[R] - 0.5)) * (arg1[R] - 0.5) +
* (arg0[G] - 0.5)) * (arg1[G] - 0.5) +
* (arg0[B] - 0.5)) * (arg1[B] - 0.5))
* </programlisting>
* </listitem>
* <listitem>
* <programlisting>
* DOT3_RGBA(arg0, arg1) = 4 x ((arg0[R] - 0.5)) * (arg1[R] - 0.5) +
* (arg0[G] - 0.5)) * (arg1[G] - 0.5) +
* (arg0[B] - 0.5)) * (arg1[B] - 0.5))
* </programlisting>
* </listitem>
* </itemizedlist>
* Refer to the
* <link linkend="cogl-Blend-String-syntax">color-source syntax</link> for
* describing the arguments. The valid source names for texture combining
* are:
* <variablelist>
* <varlistentry>
* <term>TEXTURE</term>
* <listitem>Use the color from the current texture layer</listitem>
* </varlistentry>
* <varlistentry>
* <term>TEXTURE_0, TEXTURE_1, etc</term>
* <listitem>Use the color from the specified texture layer</listitem>
* </varlistentry>
* <varlistentry>
* <term>CONSTANT</term>
* <listitem>Use the color from the constant given with
* cogl_pipeline_set_layer_constant()</listitem>
* </varlistentry>
* <varlistentry>
* <term>PRIMARY</term>
* <listitem>Use the color of the pipeline as set with
* cogl_pipeline_set_color()</listitem>
* </varlistentry>
* <varlistentry>
* <term>PREVIOUS</term>
* <listitem>Either use the texture color from the previous layer, or
* if this is layer 0, use the color of the pipeline as set with
* cogl_pipeline_set_color()</listitem>
* </varlistentry>
* </variablelist>
* <refsect2 id="cogl-Layer-Combine-Examples">
* <title>Layer Combine Examples</title>
* <para>This is effectively what the default blending is:</para>
* <informalexample><programlisting>
* </programlisting></informalexample>
* <para>This could be used to cross-fade between two images, using
* the alpha component of a constant as the interpolator. The constant
* color is given by calling cogl_pipeline_set_layer_constant.</para>
* <informalexample><programlisting>
* </programlisting></informalexample>
* </refsect2>
* <note>You can't give a multiplication factor for arguments as you can
* with blending.</note>
* Return value: %TRUE if the blend string was successfully parsed, and the
* described texture combining is supported by the underlying driver and
* or hardware. On failure, %FALSE is returned and @error is set
* Since: 2.0
cogl_pipeline_set_layer_combine (CoglPipeline *pipeline,
int layer_index,
const char *blend_string,
GError **error);
* cogl_pipeline_set_layer_combine_constant:
* @pipeline: A #CoglPipeline object
* @layer_index: Specifies the layer you want to specify a constant used
* for texture combining
* @constant: The constant color you want
* When you are using the 'CONSTANT' color source in a layer combine
* description then you can use this function to define its value.
* Since: 2.0
cogl_pipeline_set_layer_combine_constant (CoglPipeline *pipeline,
int layer_index,
const CoglColor *constant);
* cogl_pipeline_set_layer_matrix:
* @pipeline: A #CoglPipeline object
* @layer_index: the index for the layer inside @pipeline
* @matrix: the transformation matrix for the layer
* This function lets you set a matrix that can be used to e.g. translate
* and rotate a single layer of a pipeline used to fill your geometry.
cogl_pipeline_set_layer_matrix (CoglPipeline *pipeline,
int layer_index,
const CoglMatrix *matrix);
* cogl_pipeline_get_n_layers:
* @pipeline: A #CoglPipeline object
* Retrieves the number of layers defined for the given @pipeline
* Return value: the number of layers
* Since: 2.0
cogl_pipeline_get_n_layers (CoglPipeline *pipeline);
* cogl_pipeline_set_layer_filters:
* @pipeline: A #CoglPipeline object
* @layer_index: the layer number to change.
* @min_filter: the filter used when scaling a texture down.
* @mag_filter: the filter used when magnifying a texture.
* Changes the decimation and interpolation filters used when a texture is
* drawn at other scales than 100%.
cogl_pipeline_set_layer_filters (CoglPipeline *pipeline,
int layer_index,
CoglPipelineFilter min_filter,
CoglPipelineFilter mag_filter);
* cogl_pipeline_set_layer_point_sprite_coords_enabled:
* @pipeline: a #CoglHandle to a pipeline.
* @layer_index: the layer number to change.
* @enable: whether to enable point sprite coord generation.
* @error: A return location for a GError, or NULL to ignore errors.
* When rendering points, if @enable is %TRUE then the texture
* coordinates for this layer will be replaced with coordinates that
* vary from 0.0 to 1.0 across the primitive. The top left of the
* point will have the coordinates 0.0,0.0 and the bottom right will
* have 1.0,1.0. If @enable is %FALSE then the coordinates will be
* fixed for the entire point.
* This function will only work if %COGL_FEATURE_POINT_SPRITE is
* available. If the feature is not available then the function will
* return %FALSE and set @error.
* Return value: %TRUE if the function succeeds, %FALSE otherwise.
* Since: 2.0
cogl_pipeline_set_layer_point_sprite_coords_enabled (CoglPipeline *pipeline,
int layer_index,
gboolean enable,
GError **error);
* cogl_pipeline_get_layer_point_sprite_coords_enabled:
* @pipeline: a #CoglHandle to a pipeline.
* @layer_index: the layer number to check.
* Gets whether point sprite coordinate generation is enabled for this
* texture layer.
* Return value: whether the texture coordinates will be replaced with
* point sprite coordinates.
* Since: 2.0
cogl_pipeline_get_layer_point_sprite_coords_enabled (CoglPipeline *pipeline,
int layer_index);
* cogl_pipeline_get_layer_wrap_mode_s:
* @pipeline: A #CoglPipeline object
* @layer_index: the layer number to change.
* Returns the wrap mode for the 's' coordinate of texture lookups on this
* layer.
* Return value: the wrap mode for the 's' coordinate of texture lookups on
* this layer.
* Since: 1.6
cogl_pipeline_get_layer_wrap_mode_s (CoglPipeline *pipeline,
int layer_index);
* cogl_pipeline_set_layer_wrap_mode_s:
* @pipeline: A #CoglPipeline object
* @layer_index: the layer number to change.
* @mode: the new wrap mode
* Sets the wrap mode for the 's' coordinate of texture lookups on this layer.
* Since: 2.0
cogl_pipeline_set_layer_wrap_mode_s (CoglPipeline *pipeline,
int layer_index,
CoglPipelineWrapMode mode);
* cogl_pipeline_get_layer_wrap_mode_t:
* @pipeline: A #CoglPipeline object
* @layer_index: the layer number to change.
* Returns the wrap mode for the 't' coordinate of texture lookups on this
* layer.
* Return value: the wrap mode for the 't' coordinate of texture lookups on
* this layer.
* Since: 1.6
cogl_pipeline_get_layer_wrap_mode_t (CoglPipeline *pipeline,
int layer_index);
* cogl_pipeline_set_layer_wrap_mode_t:
* @pipeline: A #CoglPipeline object
* @layer_index: the layer number to change.
* @mode: the new wrap mode
* Sets the wrap mode for the 't' coordinate of texture lookups on this layer.
* Since: 2.0
cogl_pipeline_set_layer_wrap_mode_t (CoglPipeline *pipeline,
int layer_index,
CoglPipelineWrapMode mode);
* cogl_pipeline_get_layer_wrap_mode_p:
* @pipeline: A #CoglPipeline object
* @layer_index: the layer number to change.
* Returns the wrap mode for the 'p' coordinate of texture lookups on this
* layer.
* Return value: the wrap mode for the 'p' coordinate of texture lookups on
* this layer.
* Since: 1.6
cogl_pipeline_get_layer_wrap_mode_p (CoglPipeline *pipeline,
int layer_index);
* cogl_pipeline_set_layer_wrap_mode_p:
* @pipeline: A #CoglPipeline object
* @layer_index: the layer number to change.
* @mode: the new wrap mode
* Sets the wrap mode for the 'p' coordinate of texture lookups on
* this layer. 'p' is the third coordinate.
* Since: 2.0
cogl_pipeline_set_layer_wrap_mode_p (CoglPipeline *pipeline,
int layer_index,
CoglPipelineWrapMode mode);
* cogl_pipeline_set_layer_wrap_mode:
* @pipeline: A #CoglPipeline object
* @layer_index: the layer number to change.
* @mode: the new wrap mode
* Sets the wrap mode for all three coordinates of texture lookups on
* this layer. This is equivalent to calling
* cogl_pipeline_set_layer_wrap_mode_s(),
* cogl_pipeline_set_layer_wrap_mode_t() and
* cogl_pipeline_set_layer_wrap_mode_p() separately.
* Since: 2.0
cogl_pipeline_set_layer_wrap_mode (CoglPipeline *pipeline,
int layer_index,
CoglPipelineWrapMode mode);
* CoglPipelineLayerCallback:
* @pipeline: The #CoglPipeline whos layers are being iterated
* @layer_index: The current layer index
* @user_data: The private data passed to cogl_pipeline_foreach_layer()
* The callback prototype used with cogl_pipeline_foreach_layer() for
* iterating all the layers of a @pipeline.
* Since: 2.0
* Stability: Unstable
typedef gboolean (*CoglPipelineLayerCallback) (CoglPipeline *pipeline,
int layer_index,
void *user_data);
* cogl_pipeline_foreach_layer:
* @pipeline: A #CoglPipeline object
* @callback: A #CoglPipelineLayerCallback to be called for each layer
* index
* @user_data: Private data that will be passed to the callback
* Iterates all the layer indices of the given @pipeline.
* Since: 2.0
* Stability: Unstable
cogl_pipeline_foreach_layer (CoglPipeline *pipeline,
CoglPipelineLayerCallback callback,
void *user_data);
#endif /* __COGL_PIPELINE_H__ */