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synced 2025-03-25 12:43:52 +00:00

Revert all the work that happened on the master branch. Sadly, this is the only way to merge the current development branch back into master. It is now abundantly clear that I merged the 1.99 branch far too soon, and that Clutter 2.0 won't happen any time soon, if at all. Since having the development happen on a separate branch throws a lot of people into confusion, let's undo the clutter-1.99 → master merge, and move back the development of Clutter to the master branch. In order to do so, we need to do some surgery to the Git repository. First, we do a massive revert in a single commit of all that happened since the switch to 1.99 and the API version bump done with the 89a2862b057423c3c1fc666e6fa776ccacf377dd commit. The history is too long to be reverted commit by commit without being extremely messy.
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<?xml version="1.0"?>
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<book id="index" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2003/XInclude">
<title>Cally Reference Manual</title>
<releaseinfo>for Clutter &version;</releaseinfo>
<holder>Igalia S.L.</holder>
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
document under the terms of the <citetitle>GNU Free
Documentation License</citetitle>, Version 1.1 or any later
version published by the Free Software Foundation with no
Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover
Texts. You may obtain a copy of the <citetitle>GNU Free
Documentation License</citetitle> from the Free Software
Foundation by visiting <ulink type="http"
url="http://www.fsf.org">their Web site</ulink> or by writing
The Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
<street>59 Temple Place</street> - Suite 330,
<city>Boston</city>, <state>MA</state> <postcode>02111-1307</postcode>,
<xi:include href="xml/cally-overview.xml"/>
<part id="callybase">
<title>Cally Reference</title>
<title>Base Classes</title>
<xi:include href="xml/cally-actor.xml"/>
<xi:include href="xml/cally-group.xml"/>
<xi:include href="xml/cally-stage.xml"/>
<xi:include href="xml/cally-texture.xml"/>
<xi:include href="xml/cally-rectangle.xml"/>
<xi:include href="xml/cally-text.xml"/>
<xi:include href="xml/cally-clone.xml"/>
<title>Utility API</title>
<xi:include href="xml/cally.xml"/>
<xi:include href="xml/cally-util.xml"/>
<xi:include href="xml/cally-root.xml"/>
<part id="callyobjects">
<title>Cally Actors and Objects</title>
<chapter id="callyobjecthierarchy">
<title>Object Hierarchy</title>
<xi:include href="xml/tree_index.sgml"><xi:fallback /></xi:include>
<chapter id="callyobjectindex">
<title>Object Index</title>
<xi:include href="xml/object_index.sgml"><xi:fallback /></xi:include>
<chapter id="callyannotationglossary">
<title>Annotations Glossary</title>
<xi:include href="xml/annotation-glossary.xml"><xi:fallback /></xi:include>
<title>Index of all symbols</title>
<xi:include href="xml/api-index-full.xml"><xi:fallback /></xi:include>
<index role="deprecated">
<title>Index of deprecated symbols</title>
<xi:include href="xml/api-index-deprecated.xml"><xi:fallback /></xi:include>
<index role="1.4">
<title>Index of new symbols in 1.4</title>
<xi:include href="xml/api-index-1.4.xml"><xi:fallback /></xi:include>
<index role="1.6">
<title>Index of new symbols in 1.6</title>
<xi:include href="xml/api-index-1.6.xml"><xi:fallback /></xi:include>
<appendix id="license">
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the <citetitle>GNU Library General
Public License</citetitle> as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
<citetitle>GNU Library General Public License</citetitle> for
more details.
You may obtain a copy of the <citetitle>GNU Library General
Public License</citetitle> from the Free Software Foundation by
visiting <ulink type="http" url="http://www.fsf.org">their Web
site</ulink> or by writing to:
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
<street>59 Temple Place</street> - Suite 330
<city>Boston</city>, <state>MA</state> <postcode>02111-1307</postcode>