mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 05:08:11 +00:00

Part of the test infrastructure relies on relaxed build conditions, so there's no point to enforce the anal retentive maintainer flags.
322 lines
11 KiB
322 lines
11 KiB
include $(top_srcdir)/build/autotools/Makefile.am.silent
noinst_PROGRAMS = test-conformance
# the common sources
common_sources = \
test-conform-common.h \
test-conform-common.c \
test-conform-main.c \
# the unit-specific sources; please: keep all sections in alphabetical order!
units_sources =
# animation tests
units_sources += \
animator.c \
behaviours.c \
score.c \
state.c \
timeline.c \
timeline-interpolate.c \
timeline-rewind.c \
# cogl tests
units_sources += \
test-cogl-fixed.c \
test-cogl-materials.c \
test-cogl-viewport.c \
test-cogl-multitexture.c \
test-cogl-npot-texture.c \
test-cogl-object.c \
test-cogl-premult.c \
test-cogl-readpixels.c \
test-cogl-texture-get-set-data.c \
test-cogl-texture-mipmaps.c \
test-cogl-texture-pixmap-x11.c \
test-cogl-texture-rectangle.c \
test-cogl-atlas-migration.c \
test-cogl-vertex-buffer-contiguous.c \
test-cogl-vertex-buffer-interleved.c \
test-cogl-vertex-buffer-mutability.c \
# actors tests
units_sources += \
actor-anchors.c \
actor-graph.c \
actor-destroy.c \
actor-invariants.c \
actor-iter.c \
actor-layout.c \
actor-offscreen-redirect.c \
actor-paint-opacity.c \
actor-pick.c \
actor-shader-effect.c \
actor-size.c \
binding-pool.c \
cairo-texture.c \
group.c \
path.c \
rectangle.c \
texture-fbo.c \
texture.c \
text-cache.c \
text.c \
# objects tests
units_sources += \
color.c \
model.c \
script-parser.c \
units.c \
# cally tests
units_sources += \
cally-text.c \
test_conformance_SOURCES = $(common_sources) $(units_sources)
if OS_WIN32
# For convenience, this provides a way to easily run individual unit tests:
.PHONY: wrappers clean-wrappers
#UNIT_TESTS = `./test-conformance -l -m thorough | $(GREP) '^/'`
wrappers: stamp-test-conformance
stamp-test-conformance: Makefile $(srcdir)/test-conform-main.c
@mkdir -p wrappers
@sed -n \
-e 's/^ \{1,\}TEST_CONFORM_SIMPLE *(.*"\([^",]\{1,\}\)", *\([a-zA-Z0-9_]\{1,\}\).*/\/conform\1\/\2/p' \
-e 's/^ \{1,\}TEST_CONFORM_SKIP *(.*"\([^",]\{1,\}\)", *\([a-zA-Z0-9_]\{1,\}\).*/\/conform\1\/\2/p' \
-e 's/^ \{1,\}TEST_CONFORM_TODO *(.*"\([^",]\{1,\}\)", *\([a-zA-Z0-9_]\{1,\}\).*/\/conform\1\/\2/p' \
$(srcdir)/test-conform-main.c > unit-tests
@chmod +x test-launcher.sh
@( echo "/stamp-test-conformance" ; \
echo "/test-conformance" ; \
echo "*.o" ; \
echo "*.xml" ; \
echo "*.html" ; \
echo ".gitignore" ; \
echo "unit-tests" ; \
echo "/wrappers/" ) > .gitignore
@for i in `cat unit-tests`; \
do \
unit=`basename $$i | sed -e s/_/-/g`; \
echo " GEN $$unit"; \
( echo "#!/bin/sh" ; echo "$(abs_builddir)/test-launcher.sh '$$i' \"\$$@\"" ) > $$unit$(SHEXT) ; \
( echo "#!/bin/sh" ; echo "exec $(abs_builddir)/test-conformance$(EXEEXT) -p $$i \"\$$@\"" ) > wrappers/$$unit$(SHEXT) ; \
( echo "test-conformance-clutter$(EXEEXT) -p $$i" ) > $(top_builddir)/build/win32/$$unit-clutter.bat ; \
( echo "test-conformance-clutter$(EXEEXT) -p $$i" ) >> $(top_builddir)/build/win32/test-conformance-clutter.bat ; \
chmod +x $$unit$(SHEXT); \
chmod +x wrappers/$$unit$(SHEXT); \
echo "/$$unit$(SHEXT)" >> .gitignore; \
done \
&& echo timestamp > $(@F)
@for i in `cat unit-tests`; \
do \
unit=`basename $$i | sed -e s/_/-/g`; \
echo " RM $$unit"; \
rm -f $$unit$(SHEXT) ; \
rm -f wrappers/$$unit$(SHEXT) ; \
done \
&& rm -f unit-tests \
&& rm -f $(top_builddir)/build/win32/*.bat \
&& rm -f stamp-test-conformance
# NB: BUILT_SOURCES here a misnomer. We aren't building source, just inserting
# a phony rule that will generate symlink scripts for running individual tests
BUILT_SOURCES = wrappers
-I$(top_srcdir)/ \
-I$(top_srcdir)/clutter \
test_conformance_CPPFLAGS = \
test_conformance_CFLAGS = -g $(CLUTTER_CFLAGS)
test_conformance_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/clutter/libclutter-@CLUTTER_API_VERSION@.la $(CLUTTER_LIBS)
test_conformance_LDFLAGS = -export-dynamic
test: wrappers
@$(top_srcdir)/tests/conform/run-tests.sh \
./test-conformance$(EXEEXT) -o test-report.xml
test-verbose: wrappers
@$(top_srcdir)/tests/conform/run-tests.sh \
./test-conformance$(EXEEXT) -o test-report.xml --verbose
GTESTER = gtester
GTESTER_REPORT = gtester-report
# XXX: we could prevent the conformance test suite from running
# by simply defining this variable conditionally
TEST_PROGS = test-conformance
.PHONY: test
.PHONY: test-report perf-report full-report
.PHONY: test-report-npot perf-report-npot full-report-npot
# test-report: run tests and generate report
# perf-report: run tests with -m perf and generate report
# full-report: like test-report: with -m perf and -m slow
test-report perf-report full-report: ${TEST_PROGS}
@test -z "${TEST_PROGS}" || { \
export GTESTER_LOGDIR=`mktemp -d "$(srcdir)/.testlogs-XXXXXX"` ; \
if test -d "$(top_srcdir)/.git"; then \
export REVISION="`git describe`" ; \
else \
fi ; \
export TIMESTAMP=`date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z` ; \
case $@ in \
test-report) test_options="-k";; \
perf-report) test_options="-k -m=perf";; \
full-report) test_options="-k -m=perf -m=slow";; \
esac ; \
$(top_srcdir)/tests/conform/run-tests.sh \
./test-conformance$(EXEEXT) \
--verbose \
$$test_options \
-o `mktemp "$$GTESTER_LOGDIR/log-XXXXXX"` ; \
echo '<?xml version="1.0"?>' > $@.xml ; \
echo '<report-collection>' >> $@.xml ; \
echo '<info>' >> $@.xml ; \
echo ' <package>$(PACKAGE)</package>' >> $@.xml ; \
echo ' <version>$(VERSION)</version>' >> $@.xml ; \
echo " <revision>$$REVISION</revision>" >> $@.xml ; \
echo " <date>$$TIMESTAMP</date>" >> $@.xml ; \
echo '</info>' >> $@.xml ; \
for lf in `ls -L "$$GTESTER_LOGDIR"/.` ; do \
sed '1,1s/^<?xml\b[^>?]*?>//' <"$$GTESTER_LOGDIR"/"$$lf" >> $@.xml ; \
done ; \
echo >> $@.xml ; \
echo '</report-collection>' >> $@.xml ; \
${GTESTER_REPORT} --version 2>/dev/null 1>&2 ; test "$$?" != 0 || ${GTESTER_REPORT} $@.xml >$@.html ; \
rm -rf "$$GTESTER_LOGDIR" ; \
# same as above, but with a wrapper that forcibly disables non-power of
# two textures
test-report-npot perf-report-npot full-report-npot: ${TEST_PROGS}
@test -z "${TEST_PROGS}" || { \
export COGL_DEBUG="$COGL_DEBUG,disable-npot-textures"; \
export GTESTER_LOGDIR=`mktemp -d "$(srcdir)/.testlogs-XXXXXX"` ; \
if test -d "$(top_srcdir)/.git"; then \
export REVISION="`git describe`" ; \
else \
fi ; \
export TIMESTAMP=`date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z` ; \
case $@ in \
test-report-npot) test_options="-k";; \
perf-report-npot) test_options="-k -m=perf";; \
full-report-npot) test_options="-k -m=perf -m=slow";; \
esac ; \
$(top_srcdir)/tests/conform/run-tests.sh \
./test-conformance$(EXEEXT) \
--verbose \
$$test_options \
-o `mktemp "$$GTESTER_LOGDIR/log-XXXXXX"` ; \
echo '<?xml version="1.0"?>' > $@.xml ; \
echo '<report-collection>' >> $@.xml ; \
echo '<info>' >> $@.xml ; \
echo ' <package>$(PACKAGE)</package>' >> $@.xml ; \
echo ' <version>$(VERSION)</version>' >> $@.xml ; \
echo " <revision>$$REVISION</revision>" >> $@.xml ; \
echo " <date>$$TIMESTAMP</date>" >> $@.xml ; \
echo '</info>' >> $@.xml ; \
for lf in `ls -L "$$GTESTER_LOGDIR"/.` ; do \
sed '1,1s/^<?xml\b[^>?]*?>//' <"$$GTESTER_LOGDIR"/"$$lf" >> $@.xml ; \
done ; \
echo >> $@.xml ; \
echo '</report-collection>' >> $@.xml ; \
${GTESTER_REPORT} --version 2>/dev/null 1>&2 ; test "$$?" != 0 || ${GTESTER_REPORT} $@.xml >$@.html ; \
rm -rf "$$GTESTER_LOGDIR" ; \
test-report.xml \
perf-report.xml \
full-report.xml \
test-report-npot.xml \
perf-report-npot.xml \
test-report.html \
perf-report.html \
full-report.html \
test-report-npot.html \
perf-report-npot.html \
EXTRA_DIST = ADDING_NEW_TESTS test-launcher.sh.in run-tests.sh
DISTCLEANFILES = test-launcher.sh .gitignore
dist-hook: $(top_builddir)/build/win32/vs9/test-conformance-clutter.vcproj $(top_builddir)/build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-clutter.vcxproj $(top_builddir)/build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-clutter.vcxproj.filters
$(top_builddir)/build/win32/vs9/test-conformance-clutter.vcproj: $(top_srcdir)/build/win32/vs9/test-conformance-clutter.vcprojin
@for F in $(test_conformance_SOURCES); do \
case $$F in \
*.c) echo ' <File RelativePath="..\..\..\tests\conform\'$$F'" />' \
;; \
esac; \
done > testconformance.sourcefiles
$(CPP) -P - <$(top_srcdir)/build/win32/vs9/test-conformance-clutter.vcprojin >$@
rm -f testconformance.sourcefiles
$(top_builddir)/build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-clutter.vcxproj: $(top_srcdir)/build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-clutter.vcxprojin
@for F in $(test_conformance_SOURCES); do \
case $$F in \
*.c) echo ' <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\conform\'$$F'" />' \
;; \
esac; \
done >testconformance.vs10.sourcefiles
$(CPP) -P - <$(top_srcdir)/build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-clutter.vcxprojin >$@
rm -f testconformance.vs10.sourcefiles
$(top_builddir)/build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-clutter.vcxproj.filters: $(top_srcdir)/build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-clutter.vcxproj.filtersin
@for F in $(test_conformance_SOURCES); do \
case $$F in \
*.c) echo ' <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\conform\'$$F'"><Filter>Sources</Filter></ClCompile>' \
;; \
esac; \
done > testconformance.vs10.sourcefiles.filters
$(CPP) -P - < $(top_srcdir)/build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-clutter.vcxproj.filtersin > $@
rm -f testconformance.vs10.sourcefiles.filters
# Let the VS9/VS10 Project files be cleared out before they are re-expanded...
$(top_builddir)/build/win32/vs9/test-conformance-clutter.vcproj \
$(top_builddir)/build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-clutter.vcxproj \
# we override the clean-generic target to clean up the wrappers so
# we cannot use CLEANFILES
clean-generic: clean-wrappers