Pascal Nowack ecd45d28ac remote-desktop: Unify codestyle in API
The code style in the remote-desktop API is currently a mess.
While, the overall code style in mutter and gnome-remote-desktop is to
use spaces as tabulator, the remote-desktop API is mixed with both
spaces as tabulators and actual tabulators.
In addition to that, the code style in the XDG desktop portal APIs uses
spaces as tabulators as well.

To unify the code style, replace all actual tabulators with spaces.

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2022-01-25 10:49:12 +00:00

354 lines
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'-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN'
@short_description: Remote desktop interface
This API is private and not intended to be used outside of the integrated
system that uses libmutter. No compatibility between versions are
<interface name="org.gnome.Mutter.RemoteDesktop">
@session_path: Path to the new session object
<method name="CreateSession">
<arg name="session_path" type="o" direction="out" />
@short_description: Bit mask of supported device types
Device types:
1: keyboard
2: pointer
4: touchscreen
<property name="SupportedDeviceTypes" type="u" access="read" />
@short_description: API version
<property name="Version" type="i" access="read" />
@short_description: Remote desktop session
<interface name="org.gnome.Mutter.RemoteDesktop.Session">
An identification string used for identifying a remote desktop session.
It can be used to associate screen cast sessions with a remote desktop
<property name="SessionId" type="s" access="read" />
Start the remote desktop session
<method name="Start" />
Stop the remote desktop session
<method name="Stop" />
The session has closed.
A session doesn't have to have been started before it may be closed.
After it being closed, it can no longer be used.
<signal name="Closed" />
A key identified by an evdev keycode was pressed or released
<method name="NotifyKeyboardKeycode">
<arg name="keycode" type="u" direction="in" />
<arg name="state" type="b" direction="in" />
A key identified by a keysym was pressed or released
<method name="NotifyKeyboardKeysym">
<arg name="keysym" type="u" direction="in" />
<arg name="state" type="b" direction="in" />
A pointer button was pressed or released
<method name="NotifyPointerButton">
<arg name="button" type="i" direction="in" />
<arg name="state" type="b" direction="in" />
A smooth pointer axis event notification. Relative motion deltas are to
be interpreted as pixel movement of a standardized mouse.
Additionally to the smooth pointer axis event notification, an emulated
discrete pointer axis event notification is emitted based on the
submitted accumulated smooth scrolling steps.
The base for these emulated discrete pointer axis event is the discrete
step with the value 10.0.
This means that for a delta dx (or dy) with the value 10.0 one emulated
discrete scrolling event is emitted.
For a high resolution smooth pointer axis event, a smaller value is
submitted for each scrolling step.
This means: For a double resolution mouse wheel one emulated discrete
event is emitted for 2 smooth pointer axis events with each having the
value 5.0.
Possible @flags:
1: finish - scroll motion was finished (e.g. fingers lifted)
2: source_wheel - The scroll event is originated by a mouse wheel.
4: source_finger - The scroll event is originated by one or more
fingers on the device (eg. touchpads).
8: source_continuous - The scroll event is originated by the motion
of some device (eg. a scroll button is set).
Maximum one of the @flags 'source_wheel', 'source_finger',
'source_continuous' may be specified.
If no source flag is specified, `source_finger` is assumed.
<method name="NotifyPointerAxis">
<arg name="dx" type="d" direction="in" />
<arg name="dy" type="d" direction="in" />
<arg name="flags" type="u" direction="in" />
A discrete pointer axis event notification
<method name="NotifyPointerAxisDiscrete">
<arg name="axis" type="u" direction="in" />
<arg name="steps" type="i" direction="in" />
A relative pointer motion event notification
<method name="NotifyPointerMotionRelative">
<arg name="dx" type="d" direction="in" />
<arg name="dy" type="d" direction="in" />
A absolute pointer motion event notification
<method name="NotifyPointerMotionAbsolute">
<arg name="stream" type="s" direction="in" />
<arg name="x" type="d" direction="in" />
<arg name="y" type="d" direction="in" />
A absolute pointer motion event notification
<method name="NotifyTouchDown">
<arg name="stream" type="s" direction="in" />
<arg name="slot" type="u" direction="in" />
<arg name="x" type="d" direction="in" />
<arg name="y" type="d" direction="in" />
A absolute pointer motion event notification
<method name="NotifyTouchMotion">
<arg name="stream" type="s" direction="in" />
<arg name="slot" type="u" direction="in" />
<arg name="x" type="d" direction="in" />
<arg name="y" type="d" direction="in" />
A absolute pointer motion event notification
<method name="NotifyTouchUp">
<arg name="slot" type="u" direction="in" />
@options: Options for the clipboard
Available @options include:
* "mime-types" (as): List of mime types, for which the clipboard of the
remote desktop client has content.
Each mime-type is in string form, e.g. "image/jpeg",
"text/plain", etc..
If this list is included in @options, then this call
is equivalent to calling 'EnableClipboard' and
'SetSelection' atomically.
Enables the clipboard for the remote desktop client which will allow it
to call the methods 'SetSelection', 'DisableClipboard', 'SelectionWrite',
'SelectionWriteDone', 'SelectionRead'.
The 'SelectionOwnerChanged' signal will also be emitted when the
selection owner changes to inform the API user of new clipboard mime
types, and the 'SelectionTransfer' signal will be emitted to request the
advertised clipboard content of a mime type.
<method name="EnableClipboard">
<arg name="options" type="a{sv}" direction="in" />
Unregisters all clipboard types that were advertised by the
remote desktop client.
The 'SelectionOwnerChanged' or 'SelectionTransfer' signals will not be
emitted any more.
Any 'SelectionTransfer' signals that weren't answered yet with a
'SelectionWriteDone' call, will be answered with a 'SelectionWriteDone'
call where 'success' is 'false'.
<method name="DisableClipboard" />
@options: Options for the clipboard selection
Available @options include:
* "mime-types" (as): List of mime types, for which the clipboard of the
remote desktop client has content.
Each mime-type is in string form, e.g. "image/jpeg",
"text/plain", etc..
Sets the owner of the clipboard formats in 'mime-types' in @options to
the remote desktop client, i.e. the remote desktop client has data for
these advertised clipboard formats.
<method name="SetSelection">
<arg name="options" type="a{sv}" direction="in" />
@serial: The serial of the request where this answer is directed to
@fd: The file descriptor where the data will be written to
Answer to 'SelectionTransfer' signal. Contains the fd where the clipboard
content will be written to.
<method name="SelectionWrite">
<arg name="serial" type="u" direction="in" />
<annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.C.UnixFD" value="true"/>
<arg name="fd" type="h" direction="out" />
@serial: The serial of the request where this answer is directed to
@success: A boolean which indicates whether the transfer of the clipboard
data was successful ('true') or not ('false').
Notifies that the transfer of the clipboard data has either completed
successfully, or failed.
<method name="SelectionWriteDone">
<arg name="serial" type="u" direction="in" />
<arg name="success" type="b" direction="in" />
@mime_type: The mime-type string of the requested format
@fd: The file descriptor where the data will be written to
Transfer the clipboard content given the specified mime type to the
method caller via a file descriptor.
It is the callee that creates the file descriptor.
<method name="SelectionRead">
<arg name="mime_type" type="s" direction="in" />
<annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.C.UnixFD" value="true"/>
<arg name="fd" type="h" direction="out" />
@options: Options for the clipboard selection
Available @options include:
* "mime-types" (as): List of mime types, for which the clipboard of the
remote desktop client has content.
Each mime-type is in string form, e.g. "image/jpeg",
"text/plain", etc..
* "session-is-owner" (b): 'true', if the remote desktop clients clipboard
is already owner of these types, else 'false'.
Informs the remote desktop client of new clipboard formats that are
<signal name="SelectionOwnerChanged">
<arg name="options" type="a{sv}" direction="in" />
@mime_type: The mime-type string of the requested format
@serial: The serial, that the answer of this particular request, MUST use
Requests the data for a clipboard format from the remote desktop client.
MUST NOT be called when the remote desktop clients clipboard is (already)
<signal name="SelectionTransfer">
<arg name="mime_type" type="s" direction="in" />
<arg name="serial" type="u" direction="in" />
<property name="CapsLockState" type="b" access="read" />
<property name="NumLockState" type="b" access="read" />