#include <stdlib.h> #include <glib.h> #include <clutter/clutter.h> static GTimer *testtimer = NULL; static gint testframes = 0; static float testmaxtime = 1.0; /* initialize environment to be suitable for fps testing */ void clutter_perf_fps_init (void) { /* Force not syncing to vblank, we want free-running maximum FPS */ g_setenv ("vblank_mode", "0", FALSE); g_setenv ("CLUTTER_VBLANK", "none", FALSE); /* also overrride internal default FPS */ g_setenv ("CLUTTER_DEFAULT_FPS", "1000", FALSE); if (g_getenv ("CLUTTER_PERFORMANCE_TEST_DURATION")) testmaxtime = atof(g_getenv("CLUTTER_PERFORMANCE_TEST_DURATION")); else testmaxtime = 10.0; g_random_set_seed (12345678); } static void perf_stage_paint_cb (ClutterStage *stage, gpointer *data); static gboolean perf_fake_mouse_cb (gpointer stage); void clutter_perf_fps_start (ClutterStage *stage) { g_signal_connect (stage, "paint", G_CALLBACK (perf_stage_paint_cb), NULL); } void clutter_perf_fake_mouse (ClutterStage *stage) { g_timeout_add (1000/60, perf_fake_mouse_cb, stage); } void clutter_perf_fps_report (const gchar *id) { g_print ("\n@ %s: %.2f fps \n", id, testframes / g_timer_elapsed (testtimer, NULL)); } static void perf_stage_paint_cb (ClutterStage *stage, gpointer *data) { if (!testtimer) testtimer = g_timer_new (); testframes ++; if (g_timer_elapsed (testtimer, NULL) > testmaxtime) { clutter_main_quit (); } } static void wrap (gfloat *value, gfloat min, gfloat max) { if (*value > max) *value = min; else if (*value < min) *value = max; } static gboolean perf_fake_mouse_cb (gpointer stage) { ClutterEvent *event = clutter_event_new (CLUTTER_MOTION); static ClutterInputDevice *device = NULL; int i; static float x = 0.0; static float y = 0.0; static float xd = 0.0; static float yd = 0.0; static gboolean inited = FALSE; gfloat w, h; if (!inited) /* XXX: force clutter to do handle our motion events, by forcibly updating the input device's state this shoudl be possible to do in a better manner in the future, a versioning check will have to be added when this is possible without a hack... and the means to do the hack is deprecated */ { ClutterEvent *event2 = clutter_event_new (CLUTTER_ENTER); device = clutter_device_manager_get_core_device (clutter_device_manager_get_default (), CLUTTER_POINTER_DEVICE); event2->crossing.stage = stage; event2->crossing.source = stage; event2->crossing.x = 10; event2->crossing.y = 10; event2->crossing.device = device; event2->crossing.related = NULL; clutter_input_device_update_from_event (device, event2, TRUE); clutter_event_put (event2); clutter_event_free (event2); inited = TRUE; } clutter_actor_get_size (stage, &w, &h); event->motion.stage = stage; event->motion.device = device; /* called about every 60fps, and do 10 picks per stage */ for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { event->motion.x = x; event->motion.y = y; clutter_event_put (event); x += xd; y += yd; xd += g_random_double_range (-0.1, 0.1); yd += g_random_double_range (-0.1, 0.1); wrap (&x, 0, w); wrap (&y, 0, h); xd = CLAMP(xd, -1.3, 1.3); yd = CLAMP(yd, -1.3, 1.3); } clutter_event_free (event); return TRUE; }