/* * Copyright 2012 Bastian Winkler <buz@netbuz.org> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser General Public License, * version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <clutter/clutter.h> #define INSTRUCTIONS \ "Press r\t\342\236\236\tSwitch row homogeneous\n" \ "Press c\t\342\236\236\tSwitch column homogeneous\n" \ "Press s\t\342\236\236\tIncrement spacing (up to 12px)\n" \ "Press q\t\342\236\236\tQuit\n\n" \ "Left/right click\t\t\342\236\236\tChange actor align\n" \ "Shift left/right click\t\342\236\236\tChange actor expand" static gboolean random_size = FALSE; static gboolean random_align = FALSE; static gboolean default_expand = TRUE; static gboolean use_box = FALSE; static gboolean is_vertical = FALSE; static GOptionEntry entries[] = { { "random-size", 'r', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &random_size, "Randomly size the rectangles", NULL }, { "random-align", 'f', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &random_align, "Randomly set the align values", NULL }, { "no-expand", 'e', G_OPTION_FLAG_REVERSE, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &default_expand, "Don't expand all actors by default", NULL, }, { "box", 'b', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &use_box, "Use the layout in a ClutterBoxLayout style", NULL }, { "vertical", 'v', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &is_vertical, "Use a vertical orientation when used with --box", NULL }, { NULL } }; static gboolean button_release_cb (ClutterActor *actor, ClutterEvent *event, gpointer data) { ClutterActorAlign x_align, y_align; gboolean x_expand, y_expand; g_object_get (actor, "x-align", &x_align, "y-align", &y_align, "x-expand", &x_expand, "y-expand", &y_expand, NULL); switch (clutter_event_get_button (event)) { case CLUTTER_BUTTON_PRIMARY: if (clutter_event_has_shift_modifier (event)) x_expand = !x_expand; else { if (x_align < 3) x_align += 1; else x_align = 0; } break; case CLUTTER_BUTTON_SECONDARY: if (clutter_event_has_shift_modifier (event)) y_expand = !y_expand; else { if (y_align < 3) y_align += 1; else y_align = 0; } break; default: return FALSE; } g_object_set (actor, "x-align", x_align, "y-align", y_align, "x-expand", x_expand, "y-expand", y_expand, NULL); return TRUE; } static const gchar * get_align_name (ClutterActorAlign align) { switch (align) { case CLUTTER_ACTOR_ALIGN_FILL: return "fill"; case CLUTTER_ACTOR_ALIGN_START: return "start"; case CLUTTER_ACTOR_ALIGN_CENTER: return "center"; case CLUTTER_ACTOR_ALIGN_END: return "end"; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } } static void changed_cb (ClutterActor *actor, GParamSpec *pspec, ClutterActor *text) { ClutterActorAlign x_align, y_align; ClutterActor *box; ClutterLayoutManager *layout; ClutterLayoutMeta *meta; gboolean x_expand, y_expand; gchar *label; gint left, top, width, height; box = clutter_actor_get_parent (actor); layout = clutter_actor_get_layout_manager (box); meta = clutter_layout_manager_get_child_meta (layout, CLUTTER_CONTAINER (box), actor); g_object_get (actor, "x-align", &x_align, "y-align", &y_align, "x-expand", &x_expand, "y-expand", &y_expand, NULL); g_object_get (meta, "left-attach", &left, "top-attach", &top, "width", &width, "height", &height, NULL); label = g_strdup_printf ("attach: %d,%d\n" "span: %d,%d\n" "expand: %d,%d\n" "align: %s,%s", left, top, width, height, x_expand, y_expand, get_align_name (x_align), get_align_name (y_align)); clutter_text_set_text (CLUTTER_TEXT (text), label); g_free (label); } static void add_actor (ClutterActor *box, gint left, gint top, gint width, gint height) { ClutterActor *rect, *text; ClutterColor color; ClutterLayoutManager *layout; clutter_color_from_hls (&color, g_random_double_range (0.0, 360.0), 0.5, 0.5); color.alpha = 255; layout = clutter_bin_layout_new (CLUTTER_BIN_ALIGNMENT_CENTER, CLUTTER_BIN_ALIGNMENT_CENTER); rect = clutter_actor_new (); clutter_actor_set_layout_manager (rect, layout); clutter_actor_set_background_color (rect, &color); clutter_actor_set_reactive (rect, TRUE); if (random_size) clutter_actor_set_size (rect, g_random_int_range (40, 80), g_random_int_range (40, 80)); else clutter_actor_set_size (rect, 60, 60); clutter_actor_set_x_expand (rect, default_expand); clutter_actor_set_y_expand (rect, default_expand); if (!default_expand) { clutter_actor_set_x_align (rect, CLUTTER_ACTOR_ALIGN_CENTER); clutter_actor_set_y_align (rect, CLUTTER_ACTOR_ALIGN_CENTER); } if (random_align) { clutter_actor_set_x_align (rect, g_random_int_range (0, 3)); clutter_actor_set_y_align (rect, g_random_int_range (0, 3)); } text = clutter_text_new_with_text ("Sans 8px", NULL); clutter_text_set_line_alignment (CLUTTER_TEXT (text), PANGO_ALIGN_CENTER); clutter_actor_add_child (rect, text); g_signal_connect (rect, "button-release-event", G_CALLBACK (button_release_cb), NULL); g_signal_connect (rect, "notify::x-expand", G_CALLBACK (changed_cb), text); g_signal_connect (rect, "notify::y-expand", G_CALLBACK (changed_cb), text); g_signal_connect (rect, "notify::x-align", G_CALLBACK (changed_cb), text); g_signal_connect (rect, "notify::y-align", G_CALLBACK (changed_cb), text); layout = clutter_actor_get_layout_manager (box); if (use_box) clutter_actor_add_child (box, rect); else clutter_grid_layout_attach (CLUTTER_GRID_LAYOUT (layout), rect, left, top, width, height); changed_cb (rect, NULL, text); } static gboolean key_release_cb (ClutterActor *stage, ClutterEvent *event, ClutterActor *box) { ClutterGridLayout *layout; gboolean toggle; guint spacing; layout = CLUTTER_GRID_LAYOUT (clutter_actor_get_layout_manager (box)); switch (clutter_event_get_key_symbol (event)) { case CLUTTER_KEY_c: toggle = clutter_grid_layout_get_column_homogeneous (layout); clutter_grid_layout_set_column_homogeneous (layout, !toggle); break; case CLUTTER_KEY_r: toggle = clutter_grid_layout_get_row_homogeneous (layout); clutter_grid_layout_set_row_homogeneous (layout, !toggle); break; case CLUTTER_KEY_s: spacing = clutter_grid_layout_get_column_spacing (layout); if (spacing < 12) spacing += 1; else spacing = 0; clutter_grid_layout_set_column_spacing (layout, spacing); clutter_grid_layout_set_row_spacing (layout, spacing); break; case CLUTTER_KEY_q: clutter_main_quit (); break; default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { ClutterActor *stage, *box, *instructions; ClutterLayoutManager *stage_layout, *grid_layout; GError *error = NULL; if (clutter_init_with_args (&argc, &argv, NULL, entries, NULL, &error) != CLUTTER_INIT_SUCCESS) { g_print ("Unable to run grid-layout: %s", error->message); g_error_free (error); return EXIT_FAILURE; } stage = clutter_stage_new (); clutter_stage_set_user_resizable (CLUTTER_STAGE (stage), TRUE); stage_layout = clutter_box_layout_new (); clutter_box_layout_set_orientation (CLUTTER_BOX_LAYOUT (stage_layout), CLUTTER_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL); clutter_actor_set_layout_manager (stage, stage_layout); grid_layout = clutter_grid_layout_new (); if (is_vertical) clutter_grid_layout_set_orientation (CLUTTER_GRID_LAYOUT (grid_layout), CLUTTER_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL); box = clutter_actor_new (); clutter_actor_set_background_color (box, CLUTTER_COLOR_LightGray); clutter_actor_set_x_expand (box, TRUE); clutter_actor_set_y_expand (box, TRUE); clutter_actor_set_layout_manager (box, grid_layout); clutter_box_layout_pack (CLUTTER_BOX_LAYOUT (stage_layout), box, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, CLUTTER_BOX_ALIGNMENT_CENTER, CLUTTER_BOX_ALIGNMENT_CENTER); add_actor (box, 0, 0, 1, 1); add_actor (box, 1, 0, 1, 1); add_actor (box, 2, 0, 1, 1); add_actor (box, 0, 1, 1, 1); add_actor (box, 1, 1, 2, 1); add_actor (box, 0, 2, 3, 1); add_actor (box, 0, 3, 2, 2); add_actor (box, 2, 3, 1, 1); add_actor (box, 2, 4, 1, 1); instructions = clutter_text_new_with_text ("Sans 12px", INSTRUCTIONS); clutter_actor_set_margin_top (instructions, 4); clutter_actor_set_margin_left (instructions, 4); clutter_actor_set_margin_bottom (instructions, 4); clutter_box_layout_pack (CLUTTER_BOX_LAYOUT (stage_layout), instructions, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, CLUTTER_BOX_ALIGNMENT_START, CLUTTER_BOX_ALIGNMENT_CENTER); g_signal_connect (stage, "destroy", G_CALLBACK (clutter_main_quit), NULL); g_signal_connect (stage, "key-release-event", G_CALLBACK (key_release_cb), box); clutter_actor_show (stage); clutter_main (); return 0; }