<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.3//EN" "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.3/docbookx.dtd" [ ]> <chapter id="migrating-ClutterPath"> <chapterinfo> <author> <firstname>Emmanuele</firstname> <surname>Bassi</surname> <affiliation> <address> <email>ebassi@linux.intel.com</email> </address> </affiliation> </author> </chapterinfo> <title>Migrating to ClutterPath</title> <para>Between Clutter 0.8 and Clutter 1.0 the #ClutterBehaviourPath behaviour lost all the path manipulation functions and the <structname>ClutterBehaviourBspline</structname> class was entirely deprecated.</para> <para>The class that replaced the path description and manipulation functionality is called #ClutterPath. A #ClutterPath allows describing a path using a sequence of #ClutterPahtNode<!-- -->s or using a subset of the SVG path description syntax. A Path instance also allows describing complex paths, with linear and Bezier segments and with gaps.</para> <para>Finally, #ClutterPath also provides integration with Cairo, by being able to add paths described by the Cairo <structname>cairo_path_t</structname> data structure and being able to "replay" a #ClutterPath onto a <structname>cairo_t</structname> Cairo context.</para> <section id="creating-paths"> <title>Creating a #ClutterPath</title> <para>Before Clutter 1.0, all the path-related functions inside #ClutterBehaviourPath and <structname>ClutterBehaviourBspline</structname> were replicated, but were also subtly different given the different nature of the types of path handled by the two #ClutterBehaviour<!-- -->s.</para> <example id="example-clutter-behaviour-path"> <title>ClutterBehaviourPath example</title> <para>The following code shows how a #ClutterBehaviourPath was created prior to the introduction of #ClutterPath. The path described is a square box between 100, 100 and 200, 200.</para> <programlisting> ClutterBehaviour *behaviour; ClutterKnot knots[] = { { 100, 100 }, { 200, 100 }, { 200, 200 }, { 100, 200 }, { 100, 100 } }; behaviour = clutter_behaviour_path_new (alpha, knots, G_N_ELEMENTS (knots)); </programlisting> </example> <para>The construction for a B-Spline path behaviour was similar, though the #ClutterKnot<!-- -->s could only describe a curvilinear path.</para> <example id="example-construct-clutter-path"> <title>Constructing ClutterPath</title> <para>The following code shows how to construct a #ClutterPath and assign it to a #ClutterBehaviourPath. The created path is the same as the example above.</para> <programlisting> ClutterBehaviour *behaviour; ClutterPath *path; path = clutter_path_new (); clutter_path_add_move_to (path, 100, 100); clutter_path_add_line_to (path, 200, 100); clutter_path_add_line_to (path, 200, 200); clutter_path_add_line_to (path, 100, 200); clutter_path_add_close (path); behaviour = clutter_behaviour_path_new (alpha, path); </programlisting> </example> <para><note>A #ClutterPath object can be shared across behaviours, just like the #ClutterAlpha objects can.</note></para> <para>Path can be described by using a subset of the SVG notation for paths as well as using #ClutterPathNode structures.</para> <example id="example-describe-clutter-path"> <title>Describing ClutterPath</title> <para>The SVG path notation subset used by #ClutterPath is in string format and can be both set as the whole path description using clutter_path_set_description() or can be added to an existing #ClutterPath using clutter_path_add_string(). The following example shows the same path as the two examples above.</para> <programlisting> ClutterPath *path = clutter_path_new (); clutter_path_set_description (path, "M 100,100 " /* move to */ "L 200,100 " /* line to */ "L 200,200 " "L 100,200 " "z" /* close */); </programlisting> </example> <para>A #ClutterPath can describe not only linear, closed paths; it can also describe paths with Beziér curvers and can add gaps.</para> <example id="example-describe-mixed-clutter-path"> <title>Describing a mixed ClutterPath</title> <para>A mixed #ClutterPath, with a Beziér curve between the point at 200, 200 and 100, 100 and both control points in 100, 200.</para> <programlisting> ClutterPath *path = clutter_path_new (); clutter_path_set_description (path, "M 100,100 " "L 200,100 " "L 200,200 " "C 100,200 100,200 100,100"); </programlisting> </example> </section> <section id="iterating-paths"> <title>Iterating over a #ClutterPath</title> <para>It is possible to iterate over all the #ClutterPathNode<!-- -->s inside a #ClutterPath by using clutter_path_get_nodes(), which will return a #GSList of #ClutterPathNode<!-- -->s; or by using clutter_path_foreach() with a function.</para> <para>The function pointer passed to clutter_path_foreach() should have the following definition:</para> <informalexample><programlisting> static void foreach_node (ClutterPathNode *path_node, gpointer user_data) { } </programlisting></informalexample> </section> <section id="using-cairo"> <title>Integration with Cairo</title> <para>A #ClutterPath can use a previously defined <structname>cairo_path_t</structname> to add new nodes, by using the clutter_path_add_cairo_path() function.</para> <para>It is also possible to paint a #ClutterPath on a Cairo context, by moving the Cairo pen across the nodes of the path using the clutter_path_to_cairo_path() function.</para> </section> </chapter>