#include <glib.h> #include <gmodule.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <clutter/clutter.h> #include <cogl/cogl.h> #ifndef GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT #define GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT 0x0CF5 #endif #ifndef GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D #define GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D 0x8069 #endif #ifndef GL_TEXTURE_2D #define GL_TEXTURE_2D 0x0DE1 #endif #ifndef GL_RGB #define GL_RGB 0x1907 #endif #ifndef GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE #define GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE 0x1401 #endif #ifndef GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER #define GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER 0x2800 #endif #ifndef GL_LINEAR #define GL_LINEAR 0x1208 #endif #ifndef GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER #define GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER 0x2801 #endif /* Coglbox declaration *--------------------------------------------------*/ G_BEGIN_DECLS #define TEST_TYPE_COGLBOX test_coglbox_get_type() #define TEST_COGLBOX(obj) \ (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), \ TEST_TYPE_COGLBOX, TestCoglboxClass)) #define TEST_COGLBOX_CLASS(klass) \ (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), \ TEST_TYPE_COGLBOX, TestCoglboxClass)) #define TEST_IS_COGLBOX(obj) \ (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), \ TEST_TYPE_COGLBOX)) #define TEST_IS_COGLBOX_CLASS(klass) \ (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((klass), \ TEST_TYPE_COGLBOX)) #define TEST_COGLBOX_GET_CLASS(obj) \ (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((obj), \ TEST_TYPE_COGLBOX, TestCoglboxClass)) typedef struct _TestCoglbox TestCoglbox; typedef struct _TestCoglboxClass TestCoglboxClass; typedef struct _TestCoglboxPrivate TestCoglboxPrivate; struct _TestCoglbox { ClutterActor parent; /*< private >*/ TestCoglboxPrivate *priv; }; struct _TestCoglboxClass { ClutterActorClass parent_class; /* padding for future expansion */ void (*_test_coglbox1) (void); void (*_test_coglbox2) (void); void (*_test_coglbox3) (void); void (*_test_coglbox4) (void); }; static GType test_coglbox_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; G_END_DECLS /* Coglbox private declaration *--------------------------------------------------*/ G_DEFINE_TYPE (TestCoglbox, test_coglbox, CLUTTER_TYPE_ACTOR); #define TEST_COGLBOX_GET_PRIVATE(obj) \ (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE ((obj), TEST_TYPE_COGLBOX, TestCoglboxPrivate)) struct _TestCoglboxPrivate { guint gl_handle; CoglHandle cogl_handle; void (* glGetIntegerv) (guint pname, int *params); void (* glPixelStorei) (guint pname, int param); void (* glTexParameteri) (guint target, guint pname, int param); void (* glTexImage2D) (guint target, int level, int internalFormat, int width, int height, int border, guint format, guint type, const void *pixels); void (* glGenTextures) (int n, guint *textures); void (* glDeleteTextures) (int n, const guint *textures); void (* glBindTexture) (guint target, guint texture); }; /* Coglbox implementation *--------------------------------------------------*/ static void test_coglbox_paint(ClutterActor *self) { TestCoglboxPrivate *priv = TEST_COGLBOX_GET_PRIVATE (self); gfloat texcoords[4] = { 0.3f, 0.3f, 0.7f, 0.7f }; priv = TEST_COGLBOX_GET_PRIVATE (self); cogl_set_source_color4ub (0x66, 0x66, 0xdd, 0xff); cogl_rectangle (0,0,400,400); cogl_push_matrix (); cogl_translate (100,100,0); cogl_set_source_texture (priv->cogl_handle); cogl_rectangle_with_texture_coords (0, 0, 200, 200, texcoords[0], texcoords[1], texcoords[2], texcoords[3]); cogl_pop_matrix(); } static void test_coglbox_finalize (GObject *object) { G_OBJECT_CLASS (test_coglbox_parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void test_coglbox_dispose (GObject *object) { TestCoglboxPrivate *priv; priv = TEST_COGLBOX_GET_PRIVATE (object); cogl_handle_unref (priv->cogl_handle); priv->glDeleteTextures (1, &priv->gl_handle); G_OBJECT_CLASS (test_coglbox_parent_class)->dispose (object); } static void test_coglbox_init (TestCoglbox *self) { TestCoglboxPrivate *priv; guchar data[12]; int prev_unpack_alignment; int prev_2d_texture_binding; self->priv = priv = TEST_COGLBOX_GET_PRIVATE(self); /* Prepare a 2x2 pixels texture */ data[0] = 255; data[1] = 0; data[2] = 0; data[3] = 0; data[4] = 255; data[5] = 0; data[6] = 0; data[7] = 0; data[8] = 255; data[9] = 0; data[10] = 0; data[11] = 0; priv->glGetIntegerv = (void *) cogl_get_proc_address ("glGetIntegerv"); priv->glPixelStorei = (void *) cogl_get_proc_address ("glPixelStorei"); priv->glTexParameteri = (void *) cogl_get_proc_address ("glTexParameteri"); priv->glTexImage2D = (void *) cogl_get_proc_address ("glTexImage2D"); priv->glGenTextures = (void *) cogl_get_proc_address ("glGenTextures"); priv->glDeleteTextures = (void *) cogl_get_proc_address ("glDeleteTextures"); priv->glBindTexture = (void *) cogl_get_proc_address ("glBindTexture"); /* We are about to use OpenGL directly to create a TEXTURE_2D * texture so we need to save the state that we modify so we can * restore it afterwards and be sure not to interfere with any state * caching that Cogl may do internally. */ priv->glGetIntegerv (GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, &prev_unpack_alignment); priv->glGetIntegerv (GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D, &prev_2d_texture_binding); priv->glGenTextures (1, &priv->gl_handle); priv->glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, priv->gl_handle); priv->glPixelStorei (GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); priv->glTexImage2D (GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB, 2, 2, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data); /* Now restore the original GL state as Cogl had left it */ priv->glPixelStorei (GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, prev_unpack_alignment); priv->glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, prev_2d_texture_binding); priv->glTexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); priv->glTexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); /* Create texture from foreign */ priv->cogl_handle = cogl_texture_new_from_foreign (priv->gl_handle, GL_TEXTURE_2D, 2, 2, 0, 0, COGL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_888); if (priv->cogl_handle == COGL_INVALID_HANDLE) { printf ("Failed creating texture from foreign!\n"); return; } } static void test_coglbox_class_init (TestCoglboxClass *klass) { GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); ClutterActorClass *actor_class = CLUTTER_ACTOR_CLASS (klass); gobject_class->finalize = test_coglbox_finalize; gobject_class->dispose = test_coglbox_dispose; actor_class->paint = test_coglbox_paint; g_type_class_add_private (gobject_class, sizeof (TestCoglboxPrivate)); } static ClutterActor* test_coglbox_new (void) { return g_object_new (TEST_TYPE_COGLBOX, NULL); } G_MODULE_EXPORT int test_cogl_tex_foreign_main (int argc, char *argv[]) { ClutterActor *stage; ClutterActor *coglbox; if (clutter_init (&argc, &argv) != CLUTTER_INIT_SUCCESS) return 1; /* Stage */ stage = clutter_stage_new (); clutter_actor_set_size (stage, 400, 400); clutter_stage_set_title (CLUTTER_STAGE (stage), "Cogl Foreign Textures"); g_signal_connect (stage, "destroy", G_CALLBACK (clutter_main_quit), NULL); /* Cogl Box */ coglbox = test_coglbox_new (); clutter_container_add_actor (CLUTTER_CONTAINER (stage), coglbox); clutter_actor_show_all (stage); clutter_main (); return 0; } G_MODULE_EXPORT const char * test_cogl_tex_foreign_describe (void) { return "Foreign textures support in Cogl."; }