/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- */ /* XInput2 devices implementation */ /* * Copyright (C) 2011 Carlos Garnacho * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA * 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include "devices-xi2.h" #include "display-private.h" #include "screen-private.h" #include /* Common functions */ static void meta_device_xi2_common_allow_events (MetaDevice *device, int mode, Time time) { MetaDisplay *display; gint device_id; display = meta_device_get_display (device); device_id = meta_device_get_id (device); switch (mode) { case AsyncPointer: case AsyncKeyboard: mode = XIAsyncDevice; break; case SyncPointer: case SyncKeyboard: mode = XISyncDevice; break; case ReplayPointer: case ReplayKeyboard: mode = XIReplayDevice; break; case AsyncBoth: mode = XIAsyncPair; break; case SyncBoth: mode = XISyncPair; break; } XIAllowEvents (display->xdisplay, device_id, mode, time); } guchar * meta_device_xi2_translate_event_mask (guint evmask, gint *len) { guchar *mask; *len = XIMaskLen (XI_LASTEVENT); mask = g_new0 (guchar, *len); if (evmask & KeyPressMask) XISetMask (mask, XI_KeyPress); if (evmask & KeyReleaseMask) XISetMask (mask, XI_KeyRelease); if (evmask & ButtonPressMask) XISetMask (mask, XI_ButtonPress); if (evmask & ButtonReleaseMask) XISetMask (mask, XI_ButtonRelease); if (evmask & EnterWindowMask) XISetMask (mask, XI_Enter); if (evmask & LeaveWindowMask) XISetMask (mask, XI_Leave); /* No motion hints in XI2 at the moment... */ if (evmask & PointerMotionMask || evmask & PointerMotionHintMask) XISetMask (mask, XI_Motion); if (evmask & FocusChangeMask) { XISetMask (mask, XI_FocusIn); XISetMask (mask, XI_FocusOut); } return mask; } static gboolean meta_device_xi2_common_grab (MetaDevice *device, Window xwindow, guint evmask, MetaCursor cursor, gboolean owner_events, gboolean sync, Time time) { MetaDisplay *display; XIEventMask mask; gint device_id, retval; Cursor xcursor; display = meta_device_get_display (device); device_id = meta_device_get_id (device); xcursor = meta_display_create_x_cursor (display, cursor); mask.deviceid = device_id; mask.mask = meta_device_xi2_translate_event_mask (evmask, &mask.mask_len); retval = XIGrabDevice (display->xdisplay, device_id, xwindow, time, xcursor, (sync) ? GrabModeSync : GrabModeAsync, (sync) ? GrabModeSync : GrabModeAsync, owner_events, &mask); if (xcursor != None) XFreeCursor (display->xdisplay, xcursor); return (retval == Success); } static void meta_device_xi2_common_ungrab (MetaDevice *device, Time time) { MetaDisplay *display; gint device_id; display = meta_device_get_display (device); device_id = meta_device_get_id (device); XIUngrabDevice (display->xdisplay, device_id, time); } /* Pointer */ G_DEFINE_TYPE (MetaDevicePointerXI2, meta_device_pointer_xi2, META_TYPE_DEVICE_POINTER) static void meta_device_pointer_xi2_warp (MetaDevicePointer *pointer, MetaScreen *screen, gint x, gint y) { MetaDisplay *display; int device_id; display = meta_device_get_display (META_DEVICE (pointer)); device_id = meta_device_get_id (META_DEVICE (pointer)); XIWarpPointer (display->xdisplay, device_id, None, screen->xroot, 0, 0, 0, 0, x, y); } static void meta_device_pointer_xi2_set_window_cursor (MetaDevicePointer *pointer, Window xwindow, MetaCursor cursor) { MetaDisplay *display; Cursor xcursor; int device_id; display = meta_device_get_display (META_DEVICE (pointer)); device_id = meta_device_get_id (META_DEVICE (pointer)); xcursor = meta_display_create_x_cursor (display, cursor); if (xcursor != None) { XIDefineCursor (display->xdisplay, device_id, xwindow, xcursor); XFreeCursor (display->xdisplay, xcursor); } else XIUndefineCursor (display->xdisplay, device_id, xwindow); } static void meta_device_pointer_xi2_query_position (MetaDevicePointer *pointer, Window xwindow, Window *root_ret, Window *child_ret, gint *root_x_ret, gint *root_y_ret, gint *x_ret, gint *y_ret, guint *mask_ret) { MetaDisplay *display; XIModifierState mods; XIGroupState group_unused; XIButtonState buttons; gdouble root_x, root_y, x, y; int device_id; display = meta_device_get_display (META_DEVICE (pointer)); device_id = meta_device_get_id (META_DEVICE (pointer)); XIQueryPointer (display->xdisplay, device_id, xwindow, root_ret, child_ret, &root_x, &root_y, &x, &y, &buttons, &mods, &group_unused); if (mask_ret) { *mask_ret = mods.effective; if (XIMaskIsSet (buttons.mask, 1)) *mask_ret |= Button1Mask; else if (XIMaskIsSet (buttons.mask, 2)) *mask_ret |= Button2Mask; else if (XIMaskIsSet (buttons.mask, 3)) *mask_ret |= Button3Mask; } if (root_x_ret) *root_x_ret = (int) root_x; if (root_y_ret) *root_y_ret = (int) root_y; if (x_ret) *x_ret = (int) x; if (y_ret) *y_ret = (int) y; } static void meta_device_pointer_xi2_class_init (MetaDevicePointerXI2Class *klass) { MetaDevicePointerClass *pointer_class = META_DEVICE_POINTER_CLASS (klass); MetaDeviceClass *device_class = META_DEVICE_CLASS (klass); device_class->allow_events = meta_device_xi2_common_allow_events; device_class->grab = meta_device_xi2_common_grab; device_class->ungrab = meta_device_xi2_common_ungrab; pointer_class->warp = meta_device_pointer_xi2_warp; pointer_class->set_window_cursor = meta_device_pointer_xi2_set_window_cursor; pointer_class->query_position = meta_device_pointer_xi2_query_position; } static void meta_device_pointer_xi2_init (MetaDevicePointerXI2 *pointer) { } MetaDevice * meta_device_pointer_xi2_new (MetaDisplay *display, gint device_id) { return g_object_new (META_TYPE_DEVICE_POINTER_XI2, "device-id", device_id, "display", display, NULL); } /* Keyboard */ G_DEFINE_TYPE (MetaDeviceKeyboardXI2, meta_device_keyboard_xi2, META_TYPE_DEVICE_KEYBOARD) static void meta_device_keyboard_xi2_class_init (MetaDeviceKeyboardXI2Class *klass) { MetaDeviceClass *device_class = META_DEVICE_CLASS (klass); device_class->allow_events = meta_device_xi2_common_allow_events; device_class->grab = meta_device_xi2_common_grab; device_class->ungrab = meta_device_xi2_common_ungrab; } static void meta_device_keyboard_xi2_init (MetaDeviceKeyboardXI2 *keyboard) { } MetaDevice * meta_device_keyboard_xi2_new (MetaDisplay *display, gint device_id) { return g_object_new (META_TYPE_DEVICE_KEYBOARD_XI2, "device-id", device_id, "display", display, NULL); }