/* * Clutter. * * An OpenGL based 'interactive canvas' library. * * Authored By Matthew Allum <mallum@openedhand.com> * * Copyright (C) 2008 OpenedHand * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #ifndef PANGO_ENABLE_BACKEND #define PANGO_ENABLE_BACKEND 1 #endif #include <pango/pango-fontmap.h> #include <pango/pangocairo.h> #include <pango/pango-renderer.h> #include <cairo/cairo.h> #include "pangoclutter.h" #include "pangoclutter-private.h" #include "pangoclutter-glyph-cache.h" #include "../clutter-debug.h" #include "cogl/cogl.h" struct _PangoClutterRenderer { PangoRenderer parent_instance; /* The color to draw the glyphs with */ ClutterColor color; /* Two caches of glyphs as textures, one with mipmapped textures and one without */ PangoClutterGlyphCache *glyph_cache; PangoClutterGlyphCache *mipmapped_glyph_cache; gboolean use_mipmapping; }; struct _PangoClutterRendererClass { PangoRendererClass class_instance; }; static void pango_clutter_renderer_finalize (GObject *object); static void pango_clutter_renderer_draw_glyph (PangoRenderer *renderer, PangoFont *font, PangoGlyph glyph, double x, double y); static void pango_clutter_renderer_draw_rectangle (PangoRenderer *renderer, PangoRenderPart part, int x, int y, int width, int height); static void pango_clutter_renderer_draw_trapezoid (PangoRenderer *renderer, PangoRenderPart part, double y1, double x11, double x21, double y2, double x12, double x22); static void pango_clutter_renderer_prepare_run (PangoRenderer *renderer, PangoLayoutRun *run); static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL; G_DEFINE_TYPE (PangoClutterRenderer, pango_clutter_renderer, PANGO_TYPE_RENDERER); static void pango_clutter_renderer_init (PangoClutterRenderer *priv) { priv->glyph_cache = pango_clutter_glyph_cache_new (FALSE); priv->mipmapped_glyph_cache = pango_clutter_glyph_cache_new (TRUE); priv->use_mipmapping = FALSE; } static void pango_clutter_renderer_class_init (PangoClutterRendererClass *klass) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); PangoRendererClass *renderer_class = PANGO_RENDERER_CLASS (klass); parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass); object_class->finalize = pango_clutter_renderer_finalize; renderer_class->draw_glyph = pango_clutter_renderer_draw_glyph; renderer_class->draw_rectangle = pango_clutter_renderer_draw_rectangle; renderer_class->draw_trapezoid = pango_clutter_renderer_draw_trapezoid; renderer_class->prepare_run = pango_clutter_renderer_prepare_run; } static void pango_clutter_renderer_finalize (GObject *object) { PangoClutterRenderer *priv = PANGO_CLUTTER_RENDERER (object); pango_clutter_glyph_cache_free (priv->mipmapped_glyph_cache); pango_clutter_glyph_cache_free (priv->glyph_cache); G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->finalize (object); } void pango_clutter_render_layout_subpixel (PangoLayout *layout, int x, int y, ClutterColor *color, int flags) { PangoContext *context; PangoFontMap *font_map; PangoRenderer *renderer; PangoClutterRenderer *priv; context = pango_layout_get_context (layout); font_map = pango_context_get_font_map (context); g_return_if_fail (PANGO_CLUTTER_IS_FONT_MAP (font_map)); renderer = _pango_clutter_font_map_get_renderer (PANGO_CLUTTER_FONT_MAP (font_map)); priv = PANGO_CLUTTER_RENDERER (renderer); priv->color = *color; pango_renderer_draw_layout (renderer, layout, x, y); } void pango_clutter_render_layout (PangoLayout *layout, int x, int y, ClutterColor *color, int flags) { return pango_clutter_render_layout_subpixel (layout, x * PANGO_SCALE, y * PANGO_SCALE, color, flags); } void pango_clutter_render_layout_line (PangoLayoutLine *line, int x, int y, ClutterColor *color) { PangoContext *context; PangoFontMap *font_map; PangoRenderer *renderer; PangoClutterRenderer *priv; context = pango_layout_get_context (line->layout); font_map = pango_context_get_font_map (context); g_return_if_fail (PANGO_CLUTTER_IS_FONT_MAP (font_map)); renderer = _pango_clutter_font_map_get_renderer (PANGO_CLUTTER_FONT_MAP (font_map)); priv = PANGO_CLUTTER_RENDERER (renderer); priv->color = *color; pango_renderer_draw_layout_line (renderer, line, x, y); } void _pango_clutter_renderer_clear_glyph_cache (PangoClutterRenderer *renderer) { pango_clutter_glyph_cache_clear (renderer->glyph_cache); pango_clutter_glyph_cache_clear (renderer->mipmapped_glyph_cache); } void _pango_clutter_renderer_set_use_mipmapping (PangoClutterRenderer *renderer, gboolean value) { renderer->use_mipmapping = value; } gboolean _pango_clutter_renderer_get_use_mipmapping (PangoClutterRenderer *renderer) { return renderer->use_mipmapping; } static PangoClutterGlyphCacheValue * pango_clutter_renderer_get_cached_glyph (PangoRenderer *renderer, PangoFont *font, PangoGlyph glyph) { PangoClutterRenderer *priv = PANGO_CLUTTER_RENDERER (renderer); PangoClutterGlyphCacheValue *value; PangoClutterGlyphCache *glyph_cache; glyph_cache = priv->use_mipmapping ? priv->mipmapped_glyph_cache : priv->glyph_cache; if ((value = pango_clutter_glyph_cache_lookup (glyph_cache, font, glyph)) == NULL) { cairo_surface_t *surface; cairo_t *cr; cairo_scaled_font_t *scaled_font; PangoRectangle ink_rect; cairo_glyph_t cairo_glyph; pango_font_get_glyph_extents (font, glyph, &ink_rect, NULL); pango_extents_to_pixels (&ink_rect, NULL); surface = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_A8, ink_rect.width, ink_rect.height); cr = cairo_create (surface); scaled_font = pango_cairo_font_get_scaled_font (PANGO_CAIRO_FONT (font)); cairo_set_scaled_font (cr, scaled_font); cairo_glyph.x = -ink_rect.x; cairo_glyph.y = -ink_rect.y; /* The PangoCairo glyph numbers directly map to Cairo glyph numbers */ cairo_glyph.index = glyph; cairo_show_glyphs (cr, &cairo_glyph, 1); cairo_destroy (cr); cairo_surface_flush (surface); /* Copy the glyph to the cache */ value = pango_clutter_glyph_cache_set (glyph_cache, font, glyph, cairo_image_surface_get_data (surface), cairo_image_surface_get_width (surface), cairo_image_surface_get_height (surface), cairo_image_surface_get_stride (surface), ink_rect.x, ink_rect.y); cairo_surface_destroy (surface); CLUTTER_NOTE (PANGO, "cache fail %i", glyph); } else CLUTTER_NOTE (PANGO, "cache success %i", glyph); return value; } void pango_clutter_ensure_glyph_cache_for_layout (PangoLayout *layout) { PangoContext *context; PangoFontMap *fontmap; PangoRenderer *renderer; PangoLayoutIter *iter; g_return_if_fail (PANGO_IS_LAYOUT (layout)); context = pango_layout_get_context (layout); fontmap = pango_context_get_font_map (context); g_return_if_fail (PANGO_CLUTTER_IS_FONT_MAP (fontmap)); renderer = _pango_clutter_font_map_get_renderer (PANGO_CLUTTER_FONT_MAP (fontmap)); if ((iter = pango_layout_get_iter (layout)) == NULL) return; do { PangoLayoutLine *line; GSList *l; line = pango_layout_iter_get_line_readonly (iter); for (l = line->runs; l; l = l->next) { PangoLayoutRun *run = l->data; PangoGlyphString *glyphs = run->glyphs; int i; for (i = 0; i < glyphs->num_glyphs; i++) { PangoGlyphInfo *gi = &glyphs->glyphs[i]; pango_clutter_renderer_get_cached_glyph (renderer, run->item->analysis.font, gi->glyph); } } } while (pango_layout_iter_next_line (iter)); pango_layout_iter_free (iter); } static void pango_clutter_renderer_draw_box (int x, int y, int width, int height) { cogl_path_rectangle (CLUTTER_INT_TO_FIXED (x), CLUTTER_INT_TO_FIXED (y - height), CLUTTER_INT_TO_FIXED (width), CLUTTER_INT_TO_FIXED (height)); cogl_path_stroke (); } static void pango_clutter_renderer_draw_rectangle (PangoRenderer *renderer, PangoRenderPart part, int x, int y, int width, int height) { float x1, x2, y1, y2; const PangoMatrix *matrix; if ((matrix = pango_renderer_get_matrix (renderer))) { /* Convert user-space coords to device coords */ x1 = (x * matrix->xx + y * matrix->xy) / PANGO_SCALE + matrix->x0; x2 = ((x + width) * matrix->xx + (y + height) * matrix->xy) / PANGO_SCALE + matrix->x0; y1 = (y * matrix->yy + x * matrix->yx) / PANGO_SCALE + matrix->y0; y2 = ((y + height) * matrix->yy + (x + width) * matrix->yx) / PANGO_SCALE + matrix->y0; } else { x1 = x / PANGO_SCALE; x2 = (x + width) / PANGO_SCALE; y1 = y / PANGO_SCALE; y2 = (y + height) / PANGO_SCALE; } cogl_rectangle (x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1); } static void pango_clutter_renderer_draw_trapezoid (PangoRenderer *renderer, PangoRenderPart part, double y1, double x11, double x21, double y2, double x12, double x22) { ClutterFixed points[8]; points[0] = CLUTTER_FLOAT_TO_FIXED (x11); points[1] = CLUTTER_FLOAT_TO_FIXED (y1); points[2] = CLUTTER_FLOAT_TO_FIXED (x12); points[3] = CLUTTER_FLOAT_TO_FIXED (y2); points[4] = CLUTTER_FLOAT_TO_FIXED (x22); points[5] = points[3]; points[6] = CLUTTER_FLOAT_TO_FIXED (x21); points[7] = points[1]; cogl_path_polygon (points, 4); cogl_path_fill (); } static void pango_clutter_renderer_draw_glyph (PangoRenderer *renderer, PangoFont *font, PangoGlyph glyph, double xd, double yd) { PangoClutterGlyphCacheValue *cache_value; ClutterFixed x = CLUTTER_FLOAT_TO_FIXED ((float) xd); ClutterFixed y = CLUTTER_FLOAT_TO_FIXED ((float) yd); if ((glyph & PANGO_GLYPH_UNKNOWN_FLAG)) { PangoFontMetrics *metrics; if (font == NULL || (metrics = pango_font_get_metrics (font, NULL)) == NULL) pango_clutter_renderer_draw_box (CLUTTER_FIXED_TO_INT (x), CLUTTER_FIXED_TO_INT (y), PANGO_UNKNOWN_GLYPH_WIDTH, PANGO_UNKNOWN_GLYPH_HEIGHT); else { pango_clutter_renderer_draw_box (CLUTTER_FIXED_TO_INT (x), CLUTTER_FIXED_TO_INT (y), metrics->approximate_char_width / PANGO_SCALE, metrics->ascent / PANGO_SCALE); pango_font_metrics_unref (metrics); } return; } /* Get the texture containing the glyph. This will create the cache entry if there isn't already one */ cache_value = pango_clutter_renderer_get_cached_glyph (renderer, font, glyph); if (cache_value == NULL) { pango_clutter_renderer_draw_box (CLUTTER_FIXED_TO_INT (x), CLUTTER_FIXED_TO_INT (y), PANGO_UNKNOWN_GLYPH_WIDTH, PANGO_UNKNOWN_GLYPH_HEIGHT); return; } x += CLUTTER_INT_TO_FIXED (cache_value->draw_x); y += CLUTTER_INT_TO_FIXED (cache_value->draw_y); /* Render the glyph from the texture */ cogl_texture_rectangle (cache_value->texture, x, y, x + CLUTTER_INT_TO_FIXED (cache_value->draw_width), y + CLUTTER_INT_TO_FIXED (cache_value->draw_height), cache_value->tx1, cache_value->ty1, cache_value->tx2, cache_value->ty2); } static void pango_clutter_renderer_prepare_run (PangoRenderer *renderer, PangoLayoutRun *run) { GSList *node; PangoColor *fg = NULL; ClutterColor col; PangoClutterRenderer *priv = PANGO_CLUTTER_RENDERER (renderer); for (node = run->item->analysis.extra_attrs; node; node = node->next) { PangoAttribute *attr = node->data; switch (attr->klass->type) { case PANGO_ATTR_FOREGROUND: fg = &((PangoAttrColor *) attr)->color; default: break; } } if (fg) { col.red = (fg->red * 255) / 65535; col.green = (fg->green * 255) / 65535; col.blue = (fg->blue * 255) / 65535; } else { col.red = priv->color.red; col.green = priv->color.green; col.blue = priv->color.blue; } col.alpha = priv->color.alpha; cogl_color (&col); /* Chain up */ (* PANGO_RENDERER_CLASS (parent_class)->prepare_run) (renderer, run); }