 * Clutter.
 * An OpenGL based 'interactive canvas' library.
 * Authored By Matthew Allum  <mallum@openedhand.com>
 *             Neil Jagdish Patel <njp@o-hand.com>
 *             Emmanuele Bassi <ebassi@openedhand.com>
 * Copyright (C) 2006 OpenedHand
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * NB: Inspiration for column storage taken from GtkListStore

 * SECTION:clutter-model
 * @short_description: A generic model implementation
 * #ClutterModel is a generic list model API which can be used to implement
 * the model-view-controller architectural pattern in Clutter.
 * The #ClutterModel class is a list model which can accept most GObject 
 * types as a column type.
 * Creating a simple clutter model:
 * <informalexample><programlisting>
 * enum
 * {
 * };
 * {
 *   ClutterModel *model;
 *   gint i;
 *   model = clutter_model_default_new (N_COLUMNS,
 *                                      /<!-- -->* column type, column title *<!-- -->/
 *                                      G_TYPE_INT,     "my integers",
 *                                      G_TYPE_STRING,  "my strings");
 *   for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
 *     {
 *       gchar *string = g_strdup_printf ("String %d", i);
 *       clutter_model_append (model,
 *                             COLUMN_INT, i,
 *                             COLUMN_STRING, string,
 *                             -1);
 *       g_free (string);
 *     }
 * }
 * </programlisting></informalexample>
 * Iterating through the model consists of retrieving a new #ClutterModelIter
 * pointing to the starting row, and calling clutter_model_iter_next() or
 * clutter_model_iter_prev() to move forward or backwards, repectively.
 * A valid #ClutterModelIter represents the position between two rows in the
 * model. For example, the "first" iterator represents the gap immediately 
 * before the first row, and the "last" iterator represents the gap immediately
 * after the last row. In an empty sequence, the first and last iterators are
 * the same.
 * Iterating a #ClutterModel:
 * <informalexample><programlisting>
 * enum
 * {
 * };
 * {
 *   ClutterModel *model;
 *   ClutterModelIter *iter = NULL;
 *   /<!-- -->*  Fill the model *<!-- -->/
 *   model = populate_model ();
 *   /<!-- -->* Get the first iter *<!-- -->/
 *   iter = clutter_model_get_first_iter (model);
 *   while (!clutter_model_iter_is_last (iter))
 *     {
 *       print_row (iter);
 *       iter = clutter_model_iter_next (iter);
 *     }
 *   /<!-- -->* Make sure to unref the iter *<!-- -->/
 *   g_object_unref (iter);
 * }
 * </programlisting></informalexample>
 * #ClutterModel is an abstract class. Clutter provides a list model
 * implementation called #ClutterListModel which has been optimised
 * for insertion and look up in sorted lists.
 * <refsect2 id="ClutterModel-script">
 *   <title>ClutterModel custom properties for #ClutterScript</title>
 *   <para>#ClutterModel defines a custom property "columns" for #ClutterScript
 *   which allows defining the column names and types. It also defines a custom
 *   "rows" property which allows filling the #ClutterModel with some
 *   data.</para>
 *   <example id="ClutterModel-script-example">
 *     <title>Example of the "columns" and "rows" custom properties</title>
 *     <para>The definition below will create a #ClutterListModel with three
 *     columns: the first one with name "Name" and containing strings; the
 *     second one with name "Score" and containing integers; the third one with
 *     name "Icon" and containing #ClutterTexture<!-- -->s. The model is filled
 *     with three rows. A row can be defined either with an array that holds
 *     all columns of a row, or an object that holds "column-name" :
 *     "column-value" pairs.
 *     </para>
 *     <programlisting>
 *  {
 *    "type" : "ClutterListModel",
 *    "id" : "teams-model",
 *    "columns" : [
 *      [ "Name", "gchararray" ],
 *      [ "Score", "gint" ],
 *      [ "Icon", "ClutterTexture" ]
 *    ],
 *    "rows" : [
 *      [ "Team 1", 42, { "type" : "ClutterTexture", "filename" : "team1.png" } ],
 *      [ "Team 2", 23, "team2-icon-script-id" ],
 *      { "Name" : "Team 3", "Icon" : "team3-icon-script-id" }
 *    ]
 *  }
 *     </programlisting>
 *   </example>
 * </refsect2>
 * #ClutterModel is available since Clutter 0.6

#include "config.h"

#include <string.h>
#include <glib-object.h>
#include <gobject/gvaluecollector.h>

#include "clutter-model.h"
#include "clutter-model-private.h"

#include "clutter-marshal.h"
#include "clutter-private.h"
#include "clutter-debug.h"
#include "clutter-scriptable.h"
#include "clutter-script-private.h"

static void clutter_scriptable_iface_init (ClutterScriptableIface *iface);

        (ClutterModel, clutter_model, G_TYPE_OBJECT,





static guint model_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0, };


struct _ClutterModelPrivate
  GType                  *column_types;
  gchar                 **column_names;

  /* we use an integer here because we want to be able to use -1 as a
   * guard value, to allow calling set_names() and set_types() from
   * sub-classes of ClutterModel. see bug:
   *   http://bugzilla.openedhand.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2032
   * for a reference.
  gint                    n_columns; 

  ClutterModelFilterFunc  filter_func;
  gpointer                filter_data;
  GDestroyNotify          filter_notify;

  gint                    sort_column;
  ClutterModelSortFunc    sort_func;
  gpointer                sort_data;
  GDestroyNotify          sort_notify;

static GType
clutter_model_real_get_column_type (ClutterModel *model,
                                    guint         column)
  ClutterModelPrivate *priv = model->priv;

  if (column >= clutter_model_get_n_columns (model))
    return G_TYPE_INVALID;

  return priv->column_types[column];

static const gchar *
clutter_model_real_get_column_name (ClutterModel *model,
                                    guint         column)
  ClutterModelPrivate *priv = model->priv;

  if (column >= clutter_model_get_n_columns (model))
    return NULL;

  if (priv->column_names && priv->column_names[column])
    return priv->column_names[column];

  return g_type_name (priv->column_types[column]);

static guint
clutter_model_real_get_n_columns (ClutterModel *model)
  ClutterModelPrivate *priv = model->priv;

  if (priv->n_columns < 0)
    return 0;

  return priv->n_columns;

static guint
clutter_model_real_get_n_rows (ClutterModel *model)
  ClutterModelIter *iter;
  guint row_count;

  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL (model), 0);

  iter = clutter_model_get_first_iter (model);
  if (iter == NULL)
    return 0;

  row_count = 0;
  while (!clutter_model_iter_is_last (iter))
      if (clutter_model_filter_iter (model, iter))
        row_count += 1;

      iter = clutter_model_iter_next (iter);

  g_object_unref (iter);

  return row_count;

static void 
clutter_model_finalize (GObject *object)
  ClutterModelPrivate *priv = CLUTTER_MODEL (object)->priv;
  gint i;

  if (priv->sort_notify)
    priv->sort_notify (priv->sort_data);
  if (priv->filter_notify)
    priv->filter_notify (priv->filter_data);

  g_free (priv->column_types);

  if (priv->column_names != NULL)
      /* the column_names vector might have holes in it, so we need
       * to use the columns number to clear up everything
      for (i = 0; i < priv->n_columns; i++)
        g_free (priv->column_names[i]);

      g_free (priv->column_names);

  G_OBJECT_CLASS (clutter_model_parent_class)->finalize (object);

static void
clutter_model_get_property (GObject    *gobject,
                            guint       prop_id,
                            GValue     *value,
                            GParamSpec *pspec)
  ClutterModelPrivate *priv = CLUTTER_MODEL (gobject)->priv;

  switch (prop_id)
      g_value_set_boolean (value, priv->filter_func != NULL);

      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (gobject, prop_id, pspec);

static void
clutter_model_class_init (ClutterModelClass *klass)
  GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
  GParamSpec *pspec;

  gobject_class->get_property = clutter_model_get_property;
  gobject_class->finalize = clutter_model_finalize;

  g_type_class_add_private (gobject_class, sizeof (ClutterModelPrivate));

  klass->get_column_name  = clutter_model_real_get_column_name;
  klass->get_column_type  = clutter_model_real_get_column_type;
  klass->get_n_columns    = clutter_model_real_get_n_columns;
  klass->get_n_rows       = clutter_model_real_get_n_rows;

   * ClutterModel:filter-set:
   * Whether the #ClutterModel has a filter set
   * This property is set to %TRUE if a filter function has been
   * set using clutter_model_set_filter()
   * Since: 1.0
  pspec = g_param_spec_boolean ("filter-set",
                                "Filter Set",
                                "Whether the model has a filter",
  g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_FILTER_SET, pspec);

   * ClutterModel::row-added:
   * @model: the #ClutterModel on which the signal is emitted
   * @iter: a #ClutterModelIter pointing to the new row
   * The ::row-added signal is emitted when a new row has been added.
   * The data on the row has already been set when the ::row-added signal
   * has been emitted.
   * Since: 0.6
  model_signals[ROW_ADDED] =
    g_signal_new ("row-added",
                  G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (gobject_class),
                  G_STRUCT_OFFSET (ClutterModelClass, row_added),
                  NULL, NULL,
                  G_TYPE_NONE, 1,
   * ClutterModel::row-removed:
   * @model: the #ClutterModel on which the signal is emitted
   * @iter: a #ClutterModelIter pointing to the removed row
   * The ::row-removed signal is emitted when a row has been removed.
   * The data on the row pointed by the passed iterator is still valid
   * when the ::row-removed signal has been emitted.
   * Since: 0.6
  model_signals[ROW_REMOVED] =
    g_signal_new ("row-removed",
                  G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (gobject_class),
                  G_STRUCT_OFFSET (ClutterModelClass, row_removed),
                  NULL, NULL,
                  G_TYPE_NONE, 1,
   * ClutterModel::row-changed:
   * @model: the #ClutterModel on which the signal is emitted
   * @iter: a #ClutterModelIter pointing to the changed row
   * The ::row-removed signal is emitted when a row has been changed.
   * The data on the row has already been updated when the ::row-changed
   * signal has been emitted.
   * Since: 0.6
  model_signals[ROW_CHANGED] =
    g_signal_new ("row-changed",
                  G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (gobject_class),
                  G_STRUCT_OFFSET (ClutterModelClass, row_changed),
                  NULL, NULL,
                  G_TYPE_NONE, 1,
   * ClutterModel::sort-changed:
   * @model: the #ClutterModel on which the signal is emitted
   * The ::sort-changed signal is emitted after the model has been sorted
   * Since: 0.6
  model_signals[SORT_CHANGED] =
    g_signal_new ("sort-changed",
                  G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (gobject_class),
                  G_STRUCT_OFFSET (ClutterModelClass, sort_changed),
                  NULL, NULL,
                  G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
   * ClutterModel::filter-changed:
   * @model: the #ClutterModel on which the signal is emitted   
   * The ::filter-changed signal is emitted when a new filter has been applied
   * Since: 0.6
  model_signals[FILTER_CHANGED] =
    g_signal_new ("filter-changed",
                  G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (gobject_class),
                  G_STRUCT_OFFSET (ClutterModelClass, filter_changed),
                  NULL, NULL,
                  G_TYPE_NONE, 0);

static void
clutter_model_init (ClutterModel *self)
  ClutterModelPrivate *priv;
  self->priv = priv = CLUTTER_MODEL_GET_PRIVATE (self);

  priv->n_columns = -1;
  priv->column_types = NULL;
  priv->column_names = NULL;

  priv->filter_func = NULL;
  priv->filter_data = NULL;
  priv->filter_notify = NULL;

  priv->sort_column = -1;
  priv->sort_func = NULL;
  priv->sort_data = NULL;
  priv->sort_notify = NULL;

/* XXX - is this whitelist really necessary? we accept every fundamental
 * type.
_clutter_model_check_type (GType gtype)
  gint i = 0;
  static const GType type_list[] =

  if (! G_TYPE_IS_VALUE_TYPE (gtype))
    return FALSE;

  while (type_list[i] != G_TYPE_INVALID)
      if (g_type_is_a (gtype, type_list[i]))
	return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

typedef struct {
    gchar *name;
    GType  type;
} ColumnInfo;

static gboolean
clutter_model_parse_custom_node (ClutterScriptable *scriptable,
                                 ClutterScript     *script,
                                 GValue            *value,
                                 const gchar       *name,
                                 JsonNode          *node)
  if (strcmp (name, "columns") == 0)
      GSList *columns = NULL;
      GList *elements, *l;

      if (JSON_NODE_TYPE (node) != JSON_NODE_ARRAY)
        return FALSE;

      elements = json_array_get_elements (json_node_get_array (node));

      for (l = elements; l != NULL; l = l->next)
          JsonNode *child_node = l->data;
          JsonArray *array = json_node_get_array (child_node);
          ColumnInfo *cinfo;
          const gchar *column_name;
          const gchar *type_name;

          if (JSON_NODE_TYPE (node) != JSON_NODE_ARRAY ||
              json_array_get_length (array) != 2)
              g_warning ("A column must be an array of "
                         "[\"column-name\", \"GType-name\"] pairs");
              return FALSE;

          column_name = json_array_get_string_element (array, 0);
          type_name = json_array_get_string_element (array, 1);

          cinfo = g_slice_new0 (ColumnInfo);
          cinfo->name = g_strdup (column_name);
          cinfo->type = clutter_script_get_type_from_name (script, type_name);

          columns = g_slist_prepend (columns, cinfo);

      g_list_free (elements);

      g_value_init (value, G_TYPE_POINTER);
      g_value_set_pointer (value, g_slist_reverse (columns));

      return TRUE;
  else if (strcmp (name, "rows") == 0)
      GSList *rows = NULL;
      GList *elements, *l;

      if (JSON_NODE_TYPE (node) != JSON_NODE_ARRAY)
        return FALSE;

       * at this point we have no information about the column types, so
       * we just copy the json elements and resolve them in the
       * set_custom_property method
      elements = json_array_get_elements (json_node_get_array (node));
      for (l = elements; l != NULL; l = l->next)
        rows = g_slist_prepend (rows, json_node_copy (l->data));
      g_list_free (elements);

      g_value_init (value, G_TYPE_POINTER);
      g_value_set_pointer (value, g_slist_reverse (rows));

      return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

static void
clutter_model_set_custom_property (ClutterScriptable *scriptable,
                                   ClutterScript     *script,
                                   const gchar       *name,
                                   const GValue      *value)
  if (strcmp (name, "columns") == 0)
      ClutterModel *model = CLUTTER_MODEL (scriptable);
      GSList *columns, *l;
      guint n_columns;
      gint i;

      columns = g_value_get_pointer (value);
      n_columns = g_slist_length (columns);

      _clutter_model_set_n_columns (model, n_columns, TRUE, TRUE);

      for (i = 0, l = columns; l != NULL; l = l->next, i++)
          ColumnInfo *cinfo = l->data;

          _clutter_model_set_column_name (model, i, cinfo->name);
          _clutter_model_set_column_type (model, i, cinfo->type);

          g_free (cinfo->name);
          g_slice_free (ColumnInfo, cinfo);

      g_slist_free (columns);
  else if (strcmp (name, "rows") == 0)
      ClutterModel *model = CLUTTER_MODEL (scriptable);
      GSList *rows, *l;
      guint n_columns, row = 0;

      rows = g_value_get_pointer (value);
      n_columns = clutter_model_get_n_columns (model);

      for (l = rows; l; l = l->next)
          JsonNode *node = l->data;
          guint *columns = NULL, i, n_values = 0;
          GValue *values = NULL;

          if (JSON_NODE_TYPE (node) == JSON_NODE_ARRAY)
              JsonArray *array = json_node_get_array (node);

              if (json_array_get_length (array) != n_columns)
                  g_warning ("Row %d contains the wrong count of columns",
                             g_slist_position (rows, l) + 1);
                  row += 1;

              /* array more requires all columns */
              n_values = n_columns;

              columns = g_new (guint, n_values);
              values = g_new0 (GValue, n_values);

              for (i = 0; i < n_values; i++)
                  GType column_type;
                  const gchar *column_name;

                  column_type = clutter_model_get_column_type (model, i);
                  column_name = clutter_model_get_column_name (model, i);

                  columns[i] = i;
                  g_value_init (&values[i], column_type);

                  _clutter_script_parse_node (script, &values[i], column_name,
                                              json_array_get_element (array, i),
          else if (JSON_NODE_TYPE (node) == JSON_NODE_OBJECT)
              JsonObject *object = json_node_get_object (node);
              GList *members, *m;
              guint column = 0;

              /* object mode does not require all columns */
              n_values = json_object_get_size (object);

              columns = g_new (guint, n_values);
              values = g_new0 (GValue, n_values);

              members = json_object_get_members (object);
              for (m = members; m; m = m->next)
                  const gchar *mname = m->data;

                  for (i = 0; i < clutter_model_get_n_columns (model); i++)
                      const gchar *cname;

                      cname = clutter_model_get_column_name (model, i);
                      if (strcmp (mname, cname) == 0)
                          JsonNode *member;
                          GType col_type;
                          const gchar *col_name;

                          member = json_object_get_member (object, mname);

                          col_type = clutter_model_get_column_type (model, i);
                          col_name = clutter_model_get_column_name (model, i);

                          columns[column] = i;
                          g_value_init (&values[column], col_type);

                          _clutter_script_parse_node (script, &values[column],
                                                      col_name, member,

                  column += 1;
              row += 1;

          clutter_model_insertv (model, row, n_values, columns, values);

          g_free (values);
          g_free (columns);
          json_node_free (node);

          row += 1;
      g_slist_free (rows);

static void
clutter_scriptable_iface_init (ClutterScriptableIface *iface)
  iface->parse_custom_node = clutter_model_parse_custom_node;
  iface->set_custom_property = clutter_model_set_custom_property;

 * clutter_model_resort:
 * @model: a #ClutterModel
 * Force a resort on the @model. This function should only be
 * used by subclasses of #ClutterModel.
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_model_resort (ClutterModel *model)
  ClutterModelPrivate *priv;
  ClutterModelClass *klass;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL (model));
  priv = model->priv;

  klass = CLUTTER_MODEL_GET_CLASS (model);

  if (klass->resort)
    klass->resort (model, priv->sort_func, priv->sort_data);

 * clutter_model_filter_row:
 * @model: a #ClutterModel
 * @row: the row to filter
 * Checks whether @row should be filtered or not using the
 * filtering function set on @model.
 * This function should be used only by subclasses of #ClutterModel.
 * Return value: %TRUE if the row should be displayed,
 *   %FALSE otherwise
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_model_filter_row (ClutterModel *model,
                          guint         row)
  ClutterModelPrivate *priv;
  ClutterModelIter *iter;
  gboolean res = TRUE;

  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL (model), TRUE);

  priv = model->priv;

  if (!priv->filter_func)
    return TRUE;

  iter = clutter_model_get_iter_at_row (model, row);
  if (iter == NULL)
    return FALSE;

  res = priv->filter_func (model, iter, priv->filter_data);

  g_object_unref (iter);

  return res;

 * clutter_model_filter_iter:
 * @model: a #ClutterModel
 * @iter: the row to filter
 * Checks whether the row pointer by @iter should be filtered or not using
 * the filtering function set on @model.
 * This function should be used only by subclasses of #ClutterModel.
 * Return value: %TRUE if the row should be displayed,
 *   %FALSE otherwise
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_model_filter_iter (ClutterModel     *model,
                           ClutterModelIter *iter)
  ClutterModelPrivate *priv;

  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL (model), TRUE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL_ITER (iter), TRUE);

  priv = model->priv;

  if (!priv->filter_func)
    return TRUE;

  return priv->filter_func (model, iter, priv->filter_data);

/*< private >
 * clutter_model_set_n_columns:
 * @model: a #ClutterModel
 * @n_columns: number of columns
 * @set_types: set the columns type
 * @set_names: set the columns name
 * Sets the number of columns in @model to @n_columns. If @set_types
 * or @set_names are %TRUE, initialises the columns type and name
 * arrays as well.
 * This function can only be called once.
_clutter_model_set_n_columns (ClutterModel *model,
                              gint          n_columns,
                              gboolean      set_types,
                              gboolean      set_names)
  ClutterModelPrivate *priv = model->priv;

  if (priv->n_columns > 0 && priv->n_columns != n_columns)

  priv->n_columns = n_columns;
  if (set_types && !priv->column_types)
    priv->column_types = g_new0 (GType,  n_columns);

  if (set_names && !priv->column_names)
    priv->column_names = g_new0 (gchar*, n_columns);

/*< private >
 * _clutter_model_set_column_type:
 * @model: a #ClutterModel
 * @column: column index
 * @gtype: type of the column
 * Sets the type of @column inside @model
_clutter_model_set_column_type (ClutterModel *model,
                                gint          column,
                                GType         gtype)
  ClutterModelPrivate *priv = model->priv;

  priv->column_types[column] = gtype;

/*< private >
 * _clutter_model_set_column_name:
 * @model: a #ClutterModel
 * @column: column index
 * @name: name of the column, or %NULL
 * Sets the name of @column inside @model
_clutter_model_set_column_name (ClutterModel *model,
                                gint          column,
                                const gchar  *name)
  ClutterModelPrivate *priv = model->priv;

  priv->column_names[column] = g_strdup (name);

 * clutter_model_set_types:
 * @model: a #ClutterModel
 * @n_columns: number of columns for the model
 * @types: (array length=n_columns): an array of #GType types
 * Sets the types of the columns inside a #ClutterModel.
 * This function is meant primarily for #GObjects that inherit from
 * #ClutterModel, and should only be used when contructing a #ClutterModel.
 * It will not work after the initial creation of the #ClutterModel.
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_model_set_types (ClutterModel *model,
                         guint         n_columns,
                         GType        *types)
  ClutterModelPrivate *priv;
  gint i;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL (model));
  g_return_if_fail (n_columns > 0);

  priv = model->priv;

  g_return_if_fail (priv->n_columns < 0 || priv->n_columns == n_columns);
  g_return_if_fail (priv->column_types == NULL);

  _clutter_model_set_n_columns (model, n_columns, TRUE, FALSE);

  for (i = 0; i < n_columns; i++)
      if (!_clutter_model_check_type (types[i]))
          g_warning ("%s: Invalid type %s\n", G_STRLOC, g_type_name (types[i]));

      _clutter_model_set_column_type (model, i, types[i]);

 * clutter_model_set_names:
 * @model: a #ClutterModel
 * @n_columns: the number of column names
 * @names: (array length=n_columns): an array of strings
 * Assigns a name to the columns of a #ClutterModel.
 * This function is meant primarily for #GObjects that inherit from
 * #ClutterModel, and should only be used when contructing a #ClutterModel.
 * It will not work after the initial creation of the #ClutterModel.
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_model_set_names (ClutterModel        *model,
                         guint                n_columns,
                         const gchar * const  names[])
  ClutterModelPrivate *priv;
  gint i;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL (model));
  g_return_if_fail (n_columns > 0);

  priv = model->priv;

  g_return_if_fail (priv->n_columns < 0 || priv->n_columns == n_columns);
  g_return_if_fail (priv->column_names == NULL);

  _clutter_model_set_n_columns (model, n_columns, FALSE, TRUE);

  for (i = 0; i < n_columns; i++)
    _clutter_model_set_column_name (model, i, names[i]);

 * clutter_model_get_n_columns:
 * @model: a #ClutterModel
 * Retrieves the number of columns inside @model.
 * Return value: the number of columns
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_model_get_n_columns (ClutterModel *model)
  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL (model), 0);

  return CLUTTER_MODEL_GET_CLASS (model)->get_n_columns (model);

 * clutter_model_appendv:
 * @model: a #ClutterModel
 * @n_columns: the number of columns and values
 * @columns: (array length=n_columns): a vector with the columns to set
 * @values: (array length=n_columns): a vector with the values
 * Creates and appends a new row to the #ClutterModel, setting the row
 * values for the given @columns upon creation.
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_model_appendv (ClutterModel *model,
                       guint         n_columns,
                       guint        *columns,
                       GValue       *values)
  ClutterModelPrivate *priv;
  ClutterModelIter *iter;
  gint i;
  gboolean resort = FALSE;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL (model));
  g_return_if_fail (n_columns <= clutter_model_get_n_columns (model));
  g_return_if_fail (columns != NULL);
  g_return_if_fail (values != NULL);

  priv = model->priv;

  iter = CLUTTER_MODEL_GET_CLASS (model)->insert_row (model, -1);
  g_assert (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL_ITER (iter));

  for (i = 0; i < n_columns; i++)
      if (priv->sort_column == columns[i])
        resort = TRUE;

      clutter_model_iter_set_value (iter, columns[i], &values[i]);

  g_signal_emit (model, model_signals[ROW_ADDED], 0, iter);

  if (resort)
    clutter_model_resort (model);

  g_object_unref (iter);

/* forward declaration */
static void clutter_model_iter_set_internal_valist (ClutterModelIter *iter,
                                                    va_list           args);

 * clutter_model_append:
 * @model: a #ClutterModel
 * @...: pairs of column number and value, terminated with -1
 * Creates and appends a new row to the #ClutterModel, setting the
 * row values upon creation. For example, to append a new row where
 * column 0 is type %G_TYPE_INT and column 1 is of type %G_TYPE_STRING:
 * <informalexample><programlisting>
 *   ClutterModel *model;
 *   model = clutter_model_default_new (2,
 *                                      G_TYPE_INT,    "Score",
 *                                      G_TYPE_STRING, "Team");
 *   clutter_model_append (model, 0, 42, 1, "Team #1", -1);
 * </programlisting></informalexample>
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_model_append (ClutterModel *model,
  ClutterModelIter *iter;
  va_list args;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL (model));

  iter = CLUTTER_MODEL_GET_CLASS (model)->insert_row (model, -1);
  g_assert (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL_ITER (iter));

  /* do not emit the ::row-changed signal */
  va_start (args, model);
  clutter_model_iter_set_internal_valist (iter, args);
  va_end (args);

  g_signal_emit (model, model_signals[ROW_ADDED], 0, iter);

  g_object_unref (iter);

 * clutter_model_prependv:
 * @model: a #ClutterModel
 * @n_columns: the number of columns and values to set
 * @columns: (array length=n_columns): a vector containing the columns to set
 * @values: (array length=n_columns): a vector containing the values for the cells
 * Creates and prepends a new row to the #ClutterModel, setting the row
 * values for the given @columns upon creation.
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_model_prependv (ClutterModel *model,
                        guint         n_columns,
                        guint        *columns,
                        GValue       *values)
  ClutterModelPrivate *priv;
  ClutterModelIter *iter;
  gint i;
  gboolean resort = FALSE;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL (model));
  g_return_if_fail (n_columns <= clutter_model_get_n_columns (model));
  g_return_if_fail (columns != NULL);
  g_return_if_fail (values != NULL);

  priv = model->priv;

  iter = CLUTTER_MODEL_GET_CLASS (model)->insert_row (model, 0);
  g_assert (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL_ITER (iter));

  for (i = 0; i < n_columns; i++)
      if (priv->sort_column == columns[i])
        resort = TRUE;

      clutter_model_iter_set_value (iter, columns[i], &values[i]);

  g_signal_emit (model, model_signals[ROW_ADDED], 0, iter);

  if (resort)
    clutter_model_resort (model);

  g_object_unref (iter);

 * clutter_model_prepend:
 * @model: a #ClutterModel
 * @...: pairs of column number and value, terminated with -1
 * Creates and prepends a new row to the #ClutterModel, setting the row
 * values upon creation. For example, to prepend a new row where column 0
 * is type %G_TYPE_INT and column 1 is of type %G_TYPE_STRING:
 * <informalexample><programlisting>
 *   ClutterModel *model;
 *   model = clutter_model_default_new (2,
 *                                      G_TYPE_INT,    "Score",
 *                                      G_TYPE_STRING, "Team");
 *   clutter_model_prepend (model, 0, 42, 1, "Team #1", -1);
 * </programlisting></informalexample>
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_model_prepend (ClutterModel *model,
  ClutterModelIter *iter;
  va_list args;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL (model));

  iter = CLUTTER_MODEL_GET_CLASS (model)->insert_row (model, 0);
  g_assert (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL_ITER (iter));

  va_start (args, model);
  clutter_model_iter_set_internal_valist (iter, args);
  va_end (args);

  g_signal_emit (model, model_signals[ROW_ADDED], 0, iter);

  g_object_unref (iter);

 * clutter_model_insert:
 * @model: a #ClutterModel
 * @row: the position to insert the new row
 * @...: pairs of column number and value, terminated with -1
 * Inserts a new row to the #ClutterModel at @row, setting the row
 * values upon creation. For example, to insert a new row at index 100,
 * where column 0 is type %G_TYPE_INT and column 1 is of type
 * <informalexample><programlisting>
 *   ClutterModel *model;
 *   model = clutter_model_default_new (2,
 *                                      G_TYPE_INT,    "Score",
 *                                      G_TYPE_STRING, "Team");
 *   clutter_model_insert (model, 3, 0, 42, 1, "Team #1", -1);
 * </programlisting></informalexample>
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_model_insert (ClutterModel *model,
                      guint         row,
  ClutterModelIter *iter;
  va_list args;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL (model));

  iter = CLUTTER_MODEL_GET_CLASS (model)->insert_row (model, row);
  g_assert (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL_ITER (iter));

  /* set_valist() will call clutter_model_resort() if one of the
   * passed columns matches the model sorting column index
  va_start (args, row);
  clutter_model_iter_set_internal_valist (iter, args);
  va_end (args);

  g_signal_emit (model, model_signals[ROW_ADDED], 0, iter);

  g_object_unref (iter);

 * clutter_model_insertv:
 * @model: a #ClutterModel
 * @row: row index
 * @n_columns: the number of columns and values to set
 * @columns: (array length=n_columns): a vector containing the columns to set
 * @values: (array length=n_columns): a vector containing the values for the cells
 * Inserts data at @row into the #ClutterModel, setting the row
 * values for the given @columns upon creation.
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_model_insertv (ClutterModel *model,
                       guint         row,
                       guint         n_columns,
                       guint        *columns,
                       GValue       *values)
  ClutterModelPrivate *priv;
  ClutterModelIter *iter;
  gint i;
  gboolean resort = FALSE;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL (model));
  g_return_if_fail (n_columns <= clutter_model_get_n_columns (model));
  g_return_if_fail (columns != NULL);
  g_return_if_fail (values != NULL);

  priv = model->priv;

  iter = CLUTTER_MODEL_GET_CLASS (model)->insert_row (model, row);
  g_assert (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL_ITER (iter));

  for (i = 0; i < n_columns; i++)
      if (priv->sort_column == columns[i])
        resort = TRUE;

      clutter_model_iter_set_value (iter, columns[i], &values[i]);

  g_signal_emit (model, model_signals[ROW_ADDED], 0, iter);

  if (resort)
    clutter_model_resort (model);

  g_object_unref (iter);

 * clutter_model_insert_value:
 * @model: a #ClutterModel
 * @row: position of the row to modify
 * @column: column to modify
 * @value: new value for the cell
 * Sets the data in the cell specified by @iter and @column. The type of 
 * @value must be convertable to the type of the column. If the row does
 * not exist then it is created.
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_model_insert_value (ClutterModel *model,
                            guint         row,
                            guint         column,
                            const GValue *value)
  ClutterModelPrivate *priv;
  ClutterModelClass *klass;
  ClutterModelIter *iter;
  gboolean added = FALSE;
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL (model));

  priv = model->priv;
  klass = CLUTTER_MODEL_GET_CLASS (model);

  iter = klass->get_iter_at_row (model, row);
  if (!iter)
      iter = klass->insert_row (model, row);
      added = TRUE;

  g_assert (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL_ITER (iter));

  clutter_model_iter_set_value (iter, column, value);

  if (added)
    g_signal_emit (model, model_signals[ROW_ADDED], 0, iter);

  if (priv->sort_column == column)
    clutter_model_resort (model);

  g_object_unref (iter);

 * clutter_model_remove:
 * @model: a #ClutterModel
 * @row: position of row to remove
 * Removes the row at the given position from the model.
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_model_remove (ClutterModel *model,
                      guint         row)
  ClutterModelClass *klass;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL (model));

  klass = CLUTTER_MODEL_GET_CLASS (model);
  if (klass->remove_row)
    klass->remove_row (model, row);

 * clutter_model_get_column_name:
 * @model: #ClutterModel
 * @column: the column number
 * Retrieves the name of the @column
 * Return value: the name of the column. The model holds the returned
 *   string, and it should not be modified or freed
 * Since: 0.6
const gchar *
clutter_model_get_column_name (ClutterModel *model,
                               guint         column)
  ClutterModelClass *klass;

  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL (model), NULL);

  if (column >= clutter_model_get_n_columns (model))
      g_warning ("%s: Invalid column id value %d\n", G_STRLOC, column);
      return NULL;

  klass = CLUTTER_MODEL_GET_CLASS (model);
  if (klass->get_column_name)
    return klass->get_column_name (model, column);

  return NULL;

 * clutter_model_get_column_type:
 * @model: #ClutterModel
 * @column: the column number
 * Retrieves the type of the @column.
 * Return value: the type of the column.
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_model_get_column_type (ClutterModel *model,
                               guint         column)
  ClutterModelClass *klass;

  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL (model), G_TYPE_INVALID);

  if (column >= clutter_model_get_n_columns (model))
      g_warning ("%s: Invalid column id value %d\n", G_STRLOC, column);
      return G_TYPE_INVALID;

  klass = CLUTTER_MODEL_GET_CLASS (model);
  if (klass->get_column_type)
    return klass->get_column_type (model, column);

  return G_TYPE_INVALID;

 * clutter_model_get_iter_at_row:
 * @model: a #ClutterModel
 * @row: position of the row to retrieve
 * Retrieves a #ClutterModelIter representing the row at the given index.
 * If a filter function has been set using clutter_model_set_filter()
 * then the @model implementation will return the first non filtered
 * row.
 * Return value: (transfer full): A new #ClutterModelIter, or %NULL if @row was
 *   out of bounds. When done using the iterator object, call g_object_unref()
 *   to deallocate its resources
 * Since: 0.6
ClutterModelIter * 
clutter_model_get_iter_at_row (ClutterModel *model,
                               guint         row)
  ClutterModelClass *klass;

  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL (model), NULL);

  klass = CLUTTER_MODEL_GET_CLASS (model);
  if (klass->get_iter_at_row)
    return klass->get_iter_at_row (model, row);

  return NULL;

 * clutter_model_get_first_iter:
 * @model: a #ClutterModel
 * Retrieves a #ClutterModelIter representing the first non-filtered
 * row in @model.
 * Return value: (transfer full): A new #ClutterModelIter.
 *   Call g_object_unref() when done using it
 * Since: 0.6
ClutterModelIter *
clutter_model_get_first_iter (ClutterModel *model)
  ClutterModelIter *retval;

  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL (model), NULL);

  retval = clutter_model_get_iter_at_row (model, 0);
  if (retval != NULL)
      g_assert (clutter_model_filter_iter (model, retval) != FALSE);
      g_assert (clutter_model_iter_get_row (retval) == 0);

  return retval;

 * clutter_model_get_last_iter:
 * @model: a #ClutterModel
 * Retrieves a #ClutterModelIter representing the last non-filtered
 * row in @model.
 * Return value: (transfer full): A new #ClutterModelIter.
 *   Call g_object_unref() when done using it
 * Since: 0.6
ClutterModelIter *
clutter_model_get_last_iter (ClutterModel *model)
  ClutterModelIter *retval;
  guint length;

  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL (model), NULL);

  length = clutter_model_get_n_rows (model);
  retval = clutter_model_get_iter_at_row (model, length - 1);
  if (retval != NULL)
    g_assert (clutter_model_filter_iter (model, retval) != FALSE);

  return retval;

 * clutter_model_get_n_rows:
 * @model: a #ClutterModel
 * Retrieves the number of rows inside @model, eventually taking
 * into account any filtering function set using clutter_model_set_filter().
 * Return value: The length of the @model. If there is a filter set, then
 *   the length of the filtered @model is returned.
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_model_get_n_rows (ClutterModel *model)
  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL (model), 0);

  return CLUTTER_MODEL_GET_CLASS (model)->get_n_rows (model);

 * clutter_model_set_sorting_column:
 * @model: a #ClutterModel
 * @column: the column of the @model to sort, or -1
 * Sets the model to sort by @column. If @column is a negative value
 * the sorting column will be unset.
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_model_set_sorting_column (ClutterModel *model,
                                  gint          column)
  ClutterModelPrivate *priv;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL (model));
  priv = model->priv;

  /* The extra comparison for >= 0 is because column gets promoted to
     unsigned in the second comparison */
  if (column >= 0 && column >= clutter_model_get_n_columns (model))
      g_warning ("%s: Invalid column id value %d\n", G_STRLOC, column);

  priv->sort_column = column;

  if (priv->sort_column >= 0)
    clutter_model_resort (model);

  g_signal_emit (model, model_signals[SORT_CHANGED], 0);

 * clutter_model_get_sorting_column:
 * @model: a #ClutterModel
 * Retrieves the number of column used for sorting the @model.
 * Return value: a column number, or -1 if the model is not sorted
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_model_get_sorting_column (ClutterModel *model)
  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL (model), -1);

  return model->priv->sort_column;

 * clutter_model_foreach:
 * @model: a #ClutterModel
 * @func: (scope call): a #ClutterModelForeachFunc
 * @user_data: user data to pass to @func
 * Calls @func for each row in the model. 
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_model_foreach (ClutterModel            *model,
                       ClutterModelForeachFunc  func,
                       gpointer                 user_data)
  ClutterModelIter *iter;
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL (model));

  iter = clutter_model_get_first_iter (model);
  if (!iter)

  while (!clutter_model_iter_is_last (iter))
      if (clutter_model_filter_iter (model, iter))
          if (!func (model, iter, user_data))

      iter = clutter_model_iter_next (iter);

  g_object_unref (iter);

 * clutter_model_set_sort:
 * @model: a #ClutterModel
 * @column: the column to sort on
 * @func: (allow-none): a #ClutterModelSortFunc, or #NULL
 * @user_data: user data to pass to @func, or #NULL
 * @notify: destroy notifier of @user_data, or #NULL
 * Sorts @model using the given sorting function.
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_model_set_sort (ClutterModel         *model,
                        gint                  column,
                        ClutterModelSortFunc  func,
                        gpointer              user_data,
                        GDestroyNotify        notify)
  ClutterModelPrivate *priv;
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL (model));
  g_return_if_fail ((func != NULL && column >= 0) ||
                    (func == NULL && column == -1));

  priv = model->priv;

  if (priv->sort_notify)
    priv->sort_notify (priv->sort_data);

  priv->sort_func = func;
  priv->sort_data = user_data;
  priv->sort_notify = notify;
  /* This takes care of calling _model_sort & emitting the signal*/
  clutter_model_set_sorting_column (model, column);

 * clutter_model_set_filter:
 * @model: a #ClutterModel
 * @func: (allow-none): a #ClutterModelFilterFunc, or #NULL
 * @user_data: user data to pass to @func, or #NULL
 * @notify: destroy notifier of @user_data, or #NULL
 * Filters the @model using the given filtering function.
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_model_set_filter (ClutterModel           *model,
                          ClutterModelFilterFunc  func,
                          gpointer                user_data,
                          GDestroyNotify          notify)
  ClutterModelPrivate *priv;
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL (model));
  priv = model->priv;

  if (priv->filter_notify)
    priv->filter_notify (priv->filter_data);

  priv->filter_func = func;
  priv->filter_data = user_data;
  priv->filter_notify = notify;

  g_signal_emit (model, model_signals[FILTER_CHANGED], 0);
  g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (model), "filter-set");

 * clutter_model_get_filter_set:
 * @model: a #ClutterModel
 * Returns whether the @model has a filter in place, set
 * using clutter_model_set_filter()
 * Return value: %TRUE if a filter is set
 * Since: 1.0
clutter_model_get_filter_set (ClutterModel *model)
  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL (model), FALSE);

  return model->priv->filter_func != NULL;

 * ClutterModelIter Object 

 * SECTION:clutter-model-iter
 * @short_description: Iterates through a model
 * #ClutterModelIter is an object used for iterating through all the rows
 * of a #ClutterModel. It allows setting and getting values on the row
 * which is currently pointing at.
 * A #ClutterModelIter represents a position between two elements
 * of the sequence. For example, the iterator returned by
 * clutter_model_get_first_iter() represents the gap immediately before
 * the first row of the #ClutterModel, and the iterator returned by
 * clutter_model_get_last_iter() represents the gap immediately after the
 * last row.
 * A #ClutterModelIter can only be created by a #ClutterModel implementation
 * and it is valid as long as the model does not change.
 * #ClutterModelIter is available since Clutter 0.6

G_DEFINE_ABSTRACT_TYPE (ClutterModelIter, clutter_model_iter, G_TYPE_OBJECT);

  CLUTTER_TYPE_MODEL_ITER, ClutterModelIterPrivate))

struct _ClutterModelIterPrivate
  ClutterModel  *model;

  gint row;



static ClutterModel *
clutter_model_iter_real_get_model (ClutterModelIter *iter)
  return iter->priv->model;

static guint
clutter_model_iter_real_get_row (ClutterModelIter *iter)
  return iter->priv->row;

/* private function */
_clutter_model_iter_set_row (ClutterModelIter *iter,
                             guint             row)
  iter->priv->row = row;

static void
clutter_model_iter_get_value_unimplemented (ClutterModelIter *iter,
                                            guint             column,
                                            GValue           *value)
  g_warning ("%s: Iterator of type '%s' does not implement the "
             "ClutterModelIter::get_value() virtual function",
             g_type_name (G_OBJECT_TYPE (iter)));

static void
clutter_model_iter_set_value_unimplemented (ClutterModelIter *iter,
                                            guint             column,
                                            const GValue     *value)
  g_warning ("%s: Iterator of type '%s' does not implement the "
             "ClutterModelIter::set_value() virtual function",
             g_type_name (G_OBJECT_TYPE (iter)));

static gboolean
clutter_model_iter_is_first_unimplemented (ClutterModelIter *iter)
  g_warning ("%s: Iterator of type '%s' does not implement the "
             "ClutterModelIter::is_first() virtual function",
             g_type_name (G_OBJECT_TYPE (iter)));
  return FALSE;

static gboolean
clutter_model_iter_is_last_unimplemented (ClutterModelIter *iter)
  g_warning ("%s: Iterator of type '%s' does not implement the "
             "ClutterModelIter::is_last() virtual function",
             g_type_name (G_OBJECT_TYPE (iter)));
  return FALSE;

static ClutterModelIter *
clutter_model_iter_next_unimplemented (ClutterModelIter *iter)
  g_warning ("%s: Iterator of type '%s' does not implement the "
             "ClutterModelIter::next() virtual function",
             g_type_name (G_OBJECT_TYPE (iter)));
  return NULL;

static ClutterModelIter *
clutter_model_iter_prev_unimplemented (ClutterModelIter *iter)
  g_warning ("%s: Iterator of type '%s' does not implement the "
             "ClutterModelIter::prev() virtual function",
             g_type_name (G_OBJECT_TYPE (iter)));
  return NULL;

static ClutterModelIter *
clutter_model_iter_copy_unimplemented (ClutterModelIter *iter)
  g_warning ("%s: Iterator of type '%s' does not implement the "
             "ClutterModelIter::copy() virtual function",
             g_type_name (G_OBJECT_TYPE (iter)));
  return NULL;

static void
clutter_model_iter_get_property (GObject    *object,
                                 guint       prop_id,
                                 GValue     *value,
                                 GParamSpec *pspec)
  ClutterModelIter *iter = CLUTTER_MODEL_ITER (object);
  ClutterModelIterPrivate *priv = iter->priv;

  switch (prop_id)
      g_value_set_object (value, priv->model);
    case ITER_PROP_ROW:
      g_value_set_uint (value, priv->row);
      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);

static void
clutter_model_iter_set_property (GObject      *object,
                                 guint         prop_id,
                                 const GValue *value,
                                 GParamSpec   *pspec)
  ClutterModelIter *iter = CLUTTER_MODEL_ITER (object);
  ClutterModelIterPrivate *priv = iter->priv;

  switch (prop_id)
      priv->model = g_value_get_object (value);
    case ITER_PROP_ROW:
      priv->row = g_value_get_uint (value);
      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);

static void
clutter_model_iter_class_init (ClutterModelIterClass *klass)
  GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
  GParamSpec *pspec;

  gobject_class->get_property = clutter_model_iter_get_property;
  gobject_class->set_property = clutter_model_iter_set_property;

  klass->get_model = clutter_model_iter_real_get_model;
  klass->get_row   = clutter_model_iter_real_get_row;
  klass->is_first  = clutter_model_iter_is_first_unimplemented;
  klass->is_last   = clutter_model_iter_is_last_unimplemented;
  klass->next      = clutter_model_iter_next_unimplemented;
  klass->prev      = clutter_model_iter_prev_unimplemented;
  klass->get_value = clutter_model_iter_get_value_unimplemented;
  klass->set_value = clutter_model_iter_set_value_unimplemented;
  klass->copy      = clutter_model_iter_copy_unimplemented;

  /* Properties */

   * ClutterModelIter:model:
   * A reference to the #ClutterModel that this iter belongs to.
   * Since: 0.6
  pspec = g_param_spec_object ("model",
                               "The model to which the iterator belongs to",
  g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, ITER_PROP_MODEL, pspec);

   * ClutterModelIter:row:
   * The row number to which this iter points to.
   * Since: 0.6
  pspec = g_param_spec_uint ("row",
                             "The row to which the iterator points to",
                             0, G_MAXUINT, 0,
  g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, ITER_PROP_ROW, pspec);
  g_type_class_add_private (gobject_class, sizeof (ClutterModelIterPrivate));

static void
clutter_model_iter_init (ClutterModelIter *self)
  ClutterModelIterPrivate *priv;
  self->priv = priv = CLUTTER_MODEL_ITER_GET_PRIVATE (self);

  priv->model = NULL;
  priv->row = 0;

 *  Public functions

static inline void
clutter_model_iter_set_value_internal (ClutterModelIter *iter,
                                       guint             column,
                                       const GValue     *value)
  CLUTTER_MODEL_ITER_GET_CLASS (iter)->set_value (iter, column, value);

static void
clutter_model_iter_set_internal_valist (ClutterModelIter *iter,
                                        va_list           args)
  ClutterModelIterPrivate *priv = iter->priv;
  ClutterModel *model = priv->model;
  guint column = 0;
  gboolean sort = FALSE;
  g_assert (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL (model));

  column = va_arg (args, gint);
  while (column != -1)
      GValue value = G_VALUE_INIT;
      gchar *error = NULL;
      GType col_type;

      if (column >= clutter_model_get_n_columns (model))
          g_warning ("%s: Invalid column number %d added to iter "
                     "(remember to end you list of columns with a -1)",
                     G_STRLOC, column);

      col_type = clutter_model_get_column_type (model, column);

      G_VALUE_COLLECT_INIT (&value, col_type, args, 0, &error);
      if (error)
          g_warning ("%s: %s", G_STRLOC, error);
          g_free (error);

          /* Leak value as it might not be in a sane state */

      clutter_model_iter_set_value_internal (iter, column, &value);
      g_value_unset (&value);
      if (column == clutter_model_get_sorting_column (model))
        sort = TRUE;
      column = va_arg (args, gint);

  if (sort)
    clutter_model_resort (model);

static void inline
clutter_model_iter_emit_row_changed (ClutterModelIter *iter)
  ClutterModelIterPrivate *priv = iter->priv;
  ClutterModel *model = priv->model;

  g_assert (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL (model));

  g_signal_emit (model, model_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0, iter);

 * clutter_model_iter_set_valist:
 * @iter: a #ClutterModelIter
 * @args: va_list of column/value pairs, terminiated by -1
 * See clutter_model_iter_set(); this version takes a va_list for language
 * bindings.
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_model_iter_set_valist (ClutterModelIter *iter,
                               va_list           args)
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL_ITER (iter));

  clutter_model_iter_set_internal_valist (iter, args);
  clutter_model_iter_emit_row_changed (iter);

 * clutter_model_iter_get:
 * @iter: a #ClutterModelIter
 * @...: a list of column/return location pairs, terminated by -1
 * Gets the value of one or more cells in the row referenced by @iter. The
 * variable argument list should contain integer column numbers, each column
 * column number followed by a place to store the value being retrieved. The
 * list is terminated by a -1.
 * For example, to get a value from column 0 with type %G_TYPE_STRING use:
 * <informalexample><programlisting>
 *   clutter_model_iter_get (iter, 0, &place_string_here, -1);
 * </programlisting></informalexample>
 * where place_string_here is a gchar* to be filled with the string. If
 * appropriate, the returned values have to be freed or unreferenced.
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_model_iter_get (ClutterModelIter *iter,
  va_list args;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL_ITER (iter));

  va_start (args, iter);
  clutter_model_iter_get_valist (iter, args);
  va_end (args);

static inline void
clutter_model_iter_get_value_internal (ClutterModelIter *iter,
                                       guint             column,
                                       GValue           *value)
  CLUTTER_MODEL_ITER_GET_CLASS (iter)->get_value (iter, column, value);

 * clutter_model_iter_get_value:
 * @iter: a #ClutterModelIter
 * @column: column number to retrieve the value from
 * @value: (out): an empty #GValue to set
 * Sets an initializes @value to that at @column. When done with @value, 
 * g_value_unset() needs to be called to free any allocated memory.
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_model_iter_get_value (ClutterModelIter *iter,
                              guint             column,
                              GValue           *value)
  ClutterModel *model;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL_ITER (iter));
  model = iter->priv->model;

  if (G_VALUE_TYPE (value) == G_TYPE_INVALID)
    g_value_init (value, clutter_model_get_column_type (model, column));

  CLUTTER_MODEL_ITER_GET_CLASS (iter)->get_value (iter, column, value);

 * clutter_model_iter_get_valist:
 * @iter: a #ClutterModelIter
 * @args: a list of column/return location pairs, terminated by -1
 * See clutter_model_iter_get(). This version takes a va_list for language
 * bindings.
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_model_iter_get_valist (ClutterModelIter *iter,
                               va_list           args)
  ClutterModelIterPrivate *priv;
  ClutterModel *model;
  guint column = 0;
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL_ITER (iter));

  priv = iter->priv;
  model = priv->model;
  g_assert (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL (model));

  column = va_arg (args, gint);

  while (column != -1)
      GValue value = G_VALUE_INIT;
      gchar *error = NULL;
      GType col_type;

      if (column >= clutter_model_get_n_columns (model))
          g_warning ("%s: Invalid column number %d added to iter "
                     "(remember to end you list of columns with a -1)",
                     G_STRLOC, column);

      col_type = clutter_model_get_column_type (model, column);
      g_value_init (&value, col_type);

      clutter_model_iter_get_value_internal (iter, column, &value);

      G_VALUE_LCOPY (&value, args, 0, &error);
      if (error)
          g_warning ("%s: %s", G_STRLOC, error);
          g_free (error);

          /* Leak value as it might not be in a sane state */
      g_value_unset (&value);
      column = va_arg (args, gint);

 * clutter_model_iter_set:
 * @iter: a #ClutterModelIter
 * @...: a list of column/return location pairs, terminated by -1
 * Sets the value of one or more cells in the row referenced by @iter. The
 * variable argument list should contain integer column numbers, each column
 * column number followed by the value to be set. The  list is terminated by a
 * -1.
 * For example, to set column 0 with type %G_TYPE_STRING, use:
 * <informalexample><programlisting>
 *   clutter_model_iter_set (iter, 0, "foo", -1);
 * </programlisting></informalexample>
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_model_iter_set (ClutterModelIter *iter,
  va_list args;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL_ITER (iter));

  va_start (args, iter);
  clutter_model_iter_set_internal_valist (iter, args);
  clutter_model_iter_emit_row_changed (iter);
  va_end (args);

 * clutter_model_iter_set_value:
 * @iter: a #ClutterModelIter
 * @column: column number to retrieve the value from
 * @value: new value for the cell
 * Sets the data in the cell specified by @iter and @column. The type of
 * @value must be convertable to the type of the column.
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_model_iter_set_value (ClutterModelIter *iter,
                              guint             column,
                              const GValue     *value)
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL_ITER (iter));

  clutter_model_iter_set_value_internal (iter, column, value);
  clutter_model_iter_emit_row_changed (iter);

 * clutter_model_iter_is_first:
 * @iter: a #ClutterModelIter
 * Gets whether the current iterator is at the beginning of the model
 * to which it belongs.
 * Return value: #TRUE if @iter is the first iter in the filtered model
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_model_iter_is_first (ClutterModelIter *iter)
  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL_ITER (iter), FALSE);
  return CLUTTER_MODEL_ITER_GET_CLASS (iter)->is_first (iter);

 * clutter_model_iter_is_last:
 * @iter: a #ClutterModelIter
 * Gets whether the iterator is at the end of the model to which it
 * belongs.
 * Return value: #TRUE if @iter is the last iter in the filtered model.
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_model_iter_is_last (ClutterModelIter *iter)
  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL_ITER (iter), FALSE);
  return CLUTTER_MODEL_ITER_GET_CLASS (iter)->is_last (iter);

 * clutter_model_iter_next:
 * @iter: a #ClutterModelIter
 * Updates the @iter to point at the next position in the model.
 * The model implementation should take into account the presence of
 * a filter function.
 * Return value: (transfer none): The passed iterator, updated to point at the next
 *   row in the model.
 * Since: 0.6
ClutterModelIter *
clutter_model_iter_next (ClutterModelIter *iter)
  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL_ITER (iter), NULL);
  return CLUTTER_MODEL_ITER_GET_CLASS (iter)->next (iter);

 * clutter_model_iter_prev:
 * @iter: a #ClutterModelIter
 * Sets the @iter to point at the previous position in the model.
 * The model implementation should take into account the presence of
 * a filter function.
 * Return value: (transfer none): The passed iterator, updated to point at the previous
 *   row in the model.
 * Since: 0.6
ClutterModelIter *
clutter_model_iter_prev (ClutterModelIter *iter)
  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL_ITER (iter), NULL);
  return CLUTTER_MODEL_ITER_GET_CLASS (iter)->prev (iter);

 * clutter_model_iter_get_model:
 * @iter: a #ClutterModelIter
 * Retrieves a pointer to the #ClutterModel that this iter is part of.
 * Return value: (transfer none): a pointer to a #ClutterModel.
 * Since: 0.6
ClutterModel *
clutter_model_iter_get_model (ClutterModelIter *iter)
  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL_ITER (iter), NULL);
  return CLUTTER_MODEL_ITER_GET_CLASS (iter)->get_model (iter);

 * clutter_model_iter_get_row:
 * @iter: a #ClutterModelIter
 * Retrieves the position of the row that the @iter points to.
 * Return value: the position of the @iter in the model
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_model_iter_get_row (ClutterModelIter *iter)
  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL_ITER (iter), 0);
  return CLUTTER_MODEL_ITER_GET_CLASS (iter)->get_row (iter);

 * clutter_model_iter_copy:
 * @iter: a #ClutterModelIter
 * Copies the passed iterator.
 * Return value: (transfer full): a copy of the iterator, or %NULL
 * Since: 0.8
ClutterModelIter *
clutter_model_iter_copy (ClutterModelIter *iter)
  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_MODEL_ITER (iter), NULL);

  return CLUTTER_MODEL_ITER_GET_CLASS (iter)->copy (iter);