/* Clutter - An OpenGL based 'interactive canvas' library. * OSX backend - integration with NSWindow and NSView * * Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Tommi Komulainen <tommi.komulainen@iki.fi> * Copyright (C) 2007 OpenedHand Ltd. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "clutter-osx.h" #include "clutter-stage-osx.h" #include "clutter-backend-osx.h" #import <AppKit/AppKit.h> #include <clutter/clutter-debug.h> #include <clutter/clutter-private.h> static void clutter_stage_window_iface_init (ClutterStageWindowIface *iface); G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (ClutterStageOSX, clutter_stage_osx, CLUTTER_TYPE_ACTOR, G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (CLUTTER_TYPE_STAGE_WINDOW, clutter_stage_window_iface_init)) /* FIXME: this should be in clutter-stage.c */ static void clutter_stage_osx_state_update (ClutterStageOSX *self, ClutterStageState unset_flags, ClutterStageState set_flags); #define CLUTTER_OSX_FULLSCREEN_WINDOW_LEVEL (NSMainMenuWindowLevel + 1) /*************************************************************************/ @implementation ClutterGLWindow - (id)initWithView:(NSView *)aView UTF8Title:(const char *)aTitle stage:(ClutterStageOSX *)aStage { if ((self = [super initWithContentRect: [aView frame] styleMask: NSTitledWindowMask | NSClosableWindowMask | NSResizableWindowMask backing: NSBackingStoreBuffered defer: NO]) != nil) { [self setDelegate: self]; [self useOptimizedDrawing: YES]; [self setContentView: aView]; [self setTitle:[NSString stringWithUTF8String: aTitle ? aTitle : ""]]; self->stage_osx = aStage; } return self; } - (BOOL) windowShouldClose: (id) sender { CLUTTER_NOTE (BACKEND, "[%p] windowShouldClose", self->stage_osx); ClutterEvent event; event.type = CLUTTER_DELETE; event.any.stage = CLUTTER_STAGE (self->stage_osx->wrapper); clutter_event_put (&event); return NO; } - (NSRect) constrainFrameRect:(NSRect)frameRect toScreen:(NSScreen*)aScreen { /* in fullscreen mode we don't want to be constrained by menubar or dock * FIXME: calculate proper constraints depending on fullscreen mode */ return frameRect; } - (void) windowDidBecomeKey:(NSNotification*)aNotification { CLUTTER_NOTE (BACKEND, "[%p] windowDidBecomeKey", self->stage_osx); if (self->stage_osx->stage_state & CLUTTER_STAGE_STATE_FULLSCREEN) [self setLevel: CLUTTER_OSX_FULLSCREEN_WINDOW_LEVEL]; clutter_stage_osx_state_update (self->stage_osx, 0, CLUTTER_STAGE_STATE_ACTIVATED); } - (void) windowDidResignKey:(NSNotification*)aNotification { CLUTTER_NOTE (BACKEND, "[%p] windowDidResignKey", self->stage_osx); if (self->stage_osx->stage_state & CLUTTER_STAGE_STATE_FULLSCREEN) { [self setLevel: NSNormalWindowLevel]; [self orderBack: nil]; } clutter_stage_osx_state_update (self->stage_osx, CLUTTER_STAGE_STATE_ACTIVATED, 0); } @end /*************************************************************************/ @interface ClutterGLView : NSOpenGLView { ClutterStageOSX *stage_osx; } - (void) drawRect: (NSRect) bounds; @end @implementation ClutterGLView - (id) initWithFrame: (NSRect)aFrame pixelFormat:(NSOpenGLPixelFormat*)aFormat stage:(ClutterStageOSX*)aStage { if ((self = [super initWithFrame:aFrame pixelFormat:aFormat]) != nil) { self->stage_osx = aStage; } return self; } - (void) drawRect: (NSRect) bounds { clutter_actor_paint (CLUTTER_ACTOR (self->stage_osx->wrapper)); [[self openGLContext] flushBuffer]; } /* In order to receive key events */ - (BOOL) acceptsFirstResponder { return YES; } /* We want 0,0 top left */ - (BOOL) isFlipped { return YES; } - (void) setFrameSize: (NSSize) aSize { CLUTTER_NOTE (BACKEND, "[%p] setFrameSize: %dx%d", self->stage_osx, (int)aSize.width, (int)aSize.height); [super setFrameSize: aSize]; clutter_actor_set_size (CLUTTER_ACTOR (self->stage_osx->wrapper), (int)aSize.width, (int)aSize.height); CLUTTER_SET_PRIVATE_FLAGS(self->stage_osx->wrapper, CLUTTER_ACTOR_SYNC_MATRICES); } /* Simply forward all events that reach our view to clutter. */ #define EVENT_HANDLER(event) -(void)event:(NSEvent *)theEvent { \ _clutter_event_osx_put (theEvent, self->stage_osx->wrapper); \ } EVENT_HANDLER(mouseDown) EVENT_HANDLER(mouseDragged) EVENT_HANDLER(mouseUp) EVENT_HANDLER(mouseMoved) EVENT_HANDLER(mouseEntered) EVENT_HANDLER(mouseExited) EVENT_HANDLER(rightMouseDown) EVENT_HANDLER(rightMouseDragged) EVENT_HANDLER(rightMouseUp) EVENT_HANDLER(otherMouseDown) EVENT_HANDLER(otherMouseDragged) EVENT_HANDLER(otherMouseUp) EVENT_HANDLER(scrollWheel) EVENT_HANDLER(keyDown) EVENT_HANDLER(keyUp) EVENT_HANDLER(flagsChanged) EVENT_HANDLER(helpRequested) EVENT_HANDLER(tabletPoint) EVENT_HANDLER(tabletProximity) #undef EVENT_HANDLER @end /*************************************************************************/ static void clutter_stage_osx_state_update (ClutterStageOSX *self, ClutterStageState unset_flags, ClutterStageState set_flags) { ClutterStageStateEvent event; event.new_state = self->stage_state; event.new_state |= set_flags; event.new_state &= ~unset_flags; if (event.new_state == self->stage_state) return; event.changed_mask = event.new_state ^ self->stage_state; self->stage_state = event.new_state; event.type = CLUTTER_STAGE_STATE; event.stage = CLUTTER_STAGE (self->wrapper); clutter_event_put ((ClutterEvent*)&event); } static void clutter_stage_osx_save_frame (ClutterStageOSX *self) { if (CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_REALIZED (CLUTTER_ACTOR (self))) { g_assert (self->window != NULL); self->normalFrame = [self->window frame]; self->haveNormalFrame = TRUE; } } static void clutter_stage_osx_set_frame (ClutterStageOSX *self) { g_assert (CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_REALIZED (CLUTTER_ACTOR (self))); g_assert (self->window != NULL); if (self->stage_state & CLUTTER_STAGE_STATE_FULLSCREEN) { /* Raise above the menubar (and dock) covering the whole screen. * * NOTE: This effectively breaks Option-Tabbing as our window covers * all other applications completely. However we deal with the situation * by lowering the window to the bottom of the normal level stack on * windowDidResignKey notification. */ [self->window setLevel: CLUTTER_OSX_FULLSCREEN_WINDOW_LEVEL]; [self->window setFrame: [self->window frameRectForContentRect: [[self->window screen] frame]] display: NO]; } else { [self->window setLevel: NSNormalWindowLevel]; if (self->haveNormalFrame) [self->window setFrame: self->normalFrame display: NO]; else /* looks better than positioning to 0,0 (bottom right) */ [self->window center]; } } /*************************************************************************/ static void clutter_stage_osx_realize (ClutterActor *actor) { ClutterStageOSX *self = CLUTTER_STAGE_OSX (actor); ClutterBackendOSX *backend_osx; gboolean offscreen; CLUTTER_NOTE (BACKEND, "[%p] realize", self); /* ensure we get realize+unrealize properly paired */ g_return_if_fail (self->view == NULL && self->window == NULL); CLUTTER_OSX_POOL_ALLOC(); g_object_get (self->wrapper, "offscreen", &offscreen, NULL); if (offscreen) { g_warning("OSX Backend does not yet support offscreen rendering\n"); CLUTTER_ACTOR_UNSET_FLAGS (actor, CLUTTER_ACTOR_REALIZED); return; } backend_osx = CLUTTER_BACKEND_OSX (self->backend); NSRect rect = NSMakeRect(0, 0, self->requisition_width, self->requisition_height); self->view = [[ClutterGLView alloc] initWithFrame: rect pixelFormat: backend_osx->pixel_format stage: self]; [self->view setOpenGLContext:backend_osx->context]; self->window = [[ClutterGLWindow alloc] initWithView: self->view UTF8Title: clutter_stage_get_title (CLUTTER_STAGE (self->wrapper)) stage: self]; /* looks better than positioning to 0,0 (bottom right) */ [self->window center]; CLUTTER_OSX_POOL_RELEASE(); /* FIXME: ClutterStage:realize is using the class pointer directly rather * than clutter_actor_realize which would set the REALIZED flag for us. */ CLUTTER_NOTE (BACKEND, "Marking stage as realized"); CLUTTER_ACTOR_SET_FLAGS (actor, CLUTTER_ACTOR_REALIZED); } static void clutter_stage_osx_unrealize (ClutterActor *actor) { ClutterStageOSX *self = CLUTTER_STAGE_OSX (actor); CLUTTER_NOTE (BACKEND, "[%p] unrealize", self); /* ensure we get realize+unrealize properly paired */ g_return_if_fail (self->view != NULL && self->window != NULL); CLUTTER_OSX_POOL_ALLOC(); [self->view release]; [self->window close]; self->view = NULL; self->window = NULL; CLUTTER_OSX_POOL_RELEASE(); CLUTTER_ACTOR_UNSET_FLAGS (actor, CLUTTER_ACTOR_REALIZED); } static void clutter_stage_osx_show (ClutterActor *actor) { ClutterStageOSX *self = CLUTTER_STAGE_OSX (actor); CLUTTER_NOTE (BACKEND, "[%p] show", self); if (CLUTTER_ACTOR_CLASS (clutter_stage_osx_parent_class)->show) CLUTTER_ACTOR_CLASS (clutter_stage_osx_parent_class)->show (actor); CLUTTER_ACTOR_SET_FLAGS (actor, CLUTTER_ACTOR_MAPPED); CLUTTER_OSX_POOL_ALLOC(); clutter_stage_osx_set_frame (self); [self->window makeKeyAndOrderFront: nil]; CLUTTER_OSX_POOL_RELEASE(); } static void clutter_stage_osx_hide (ClutterActor *actor) { ClutterStageOSX *self = CLUTTER_STAGE_OSX (actor); CLUTTER_NOTE (BACKEND, "[%p] hide", self); CLUTTER_OSX_POOL_ALLOC(); [self->window orderOut: nil]; CLUTTER_OSX_POOL_RELEASE(); CLUTTER_ACTOR_UNSET_FLAGS (actor, CLUTTER_ACTOR_MAPPED); if (CLUTTER_ACTOR_CLASS (clutter_stage_osx_parent_class)->hide) CLUTTER_ACTOR_CLASS (clutter_stage_osx_parent_class)->hide (actor); } static void clutter_stage_osx_get_preferred_width (ClutterActor *actor, gfloat for_height, gfloat *min_width_p, gfloat *natural_width_p) { ClutterStageOSX *self = CLUTTER_STAGE_OSX (actor); gboolean is_resizable; CLUTTER_OSX_POOL_ALLOC(); is_resizable = clutter_stage_get_user_resizable (self->wrapper); if (min_width_p) { if (is_resizable) *min_width_p = CLUTTER_UNITS_FROM_FLOAT (1.0); else *min_width_p = CLUTTER_UNITS_FROM_FLOAT (self->requisition_width); } if (natural_width_p) *natural_width_p = CLUTTER_UNITS_FROM_FLOAT (self->requisition_width); CLUTTER_OSX_POOL_RELEASE(); } static void clutter_stage_osx_get_preferred_height (ClutterActor *actor, gfloat for_width, gfloat *min_height_p, gfloat *natural_height_p) { ClutterStageOSX *self = CLUTTER_STAGE_OSX (actor); gboolean is_resizable; CLUTTER_OSX_POOL_ALLOC(); is_resizable = clutter_stage_get_user_resizable (self->wrapper); if (min_height_p) { if (is_resizable) *min_height_p = CLUTTER_UNITS_FROM_FLOAT (1.0); else *min_height_p = CLUTTER_UNITS_FROM_FLOAT (self->requisition_height); } if (natural_height_p) *natural_height_p = CLUTTER_UNITS_FROM_FLOAT (self->requisition_height); CLUTTER_OSX_POOL_RELEASE(); } static void clutter_stage_osx_allocate (ClutterActor *actor, const ClutterActorBox *box, gboolean origin_changed) { ClutterStageOSX *self = CLUTTER_STAGE_OSX (actor); ClutterActorClass *parent_class; CLUTTER_NOTE (BACKEND, "[%p], allocate: %d, %d - %d x %d", self, CLUTTER_UNITS_TO_INT (box->x1), CLUTTER_UNITS_TO_INT (box->y1), CLUTTER_UNITS_TO_INT (box->x2 - box->x1), CLUTTER_UNITS_TO_INT (box->y2 - box->y1)); self->requisition_width = CLUTTER_UNITS_TO_INT (box->x2 - box->x1); self->requisition_height = CLUTTER_UNITS_TO_INT (box->y2 - box->y1); if (CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_REALIZED (actor)) { CLUTTER_OSX_POOL_ALLOC(); NSSize size = NSMakeSize(self->requisition_width, self->requisition_height); [self->window setContentSize: size]; CLUTTER_OSX_POOL_RELEASE(); } /* make sure that the viewport is updated */ CLUTTER_SET_PRIVATE_FLAGS (self->wrapper, CLUTTER_ACTOR_SYNC_MATRICES); /* chain up */ parent_class = CLUTTER_ACTOR_CLASS (clutter_stage_osx_parent_class); parent_class->allocate (actor, box, origin_changed); } /*************************************************************************/ static ClutterActor * clutter_stage_osx_get_wrapper (ClutterStageWindow *stage_window) { ClutterStageOSX *self = CLUTTER_STAGE_OSX (stage_window); return CLUTTER_ACTOR (self->wrapper); } static void clutter_stage_osx_set_title (ClutterStageWindow *stage_window, const char *title) { ClutterStageOSX *self = CLUTTER_STAGE_OSX (stage_window); CLUTTER_NOTE (BACKEND, "[%p] set_title: %s", self, title); CLUTTER_OSX_POOL_ALLOC(); if (CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_REALIZED (CLUTTER_ACTOR (self))) [self->window setTitle:[NSString stringWithUTF8String: title ? title : ""]]; CLUTTER_OSX_POOL_RELEASE(); } static void clutter_stage_osx_set_fullscreen (ClutterStageWindow *stage_window, gboolean fullscreen) { ClutterStageOSX *self = CLUTTER_STAGE_OSX (stage_window); CLUTTER_NOTE (BACKEND, "[%p] set_fullscreen: %u", self, fullscreen); CLUTTER_OSX_POOL_ALLOC(); /* Make sure to update the state before clutter_stage_osx_set_frame. * * Toggling fullscreen isn't atomic, there's two "events" involved: * - stage state change (via state_update) * - stage size change (via set_frame -> setFrameSize / set_size) * * We do state change first. Not sure there's any difference. */ if (fullscreen) clutter_stage_osx_state_update (self, 0, CLUTTER_STAGE_STATE_FULLSCREEN); else clutter_stage_osx_state_update (self, CLUTTER_STAGE_STATE_FULLSCREEN, 0); if (CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_REALIZED (CLUTTER_ACTOR (self))) { if (fullscreen) clutter_stage_osx_save_frame (self); clutter_stage_osx_set_frame (self); } else if (fullscreen) { /* FIXME: if you go fullscreen before realize we throw away the normal * stage size and can't return. Need to maintain them separately. */ NSSize size = [[NSScreen mainScreen] frame].size; clutter_actor_set_size (CLUTTER_ACTOR (self), (int)size.width, (int)size.height); } CLUTTER_OSX_POOL_RELEASE(); } static void clutter_stage_window_iface_init (ClutterStageWindowIface *iface) { iface->get_wrapper = clutter_stage_osx_get_wrapper; iface->set_title = clutter_stage_osx_set_title; iface->set_fullscreen = clutter_stage_osx_set_fullscreen; } /*************************************************************************/ ClutterActor * clutter_stage_osx_new (ClutterBackend *backend, ClutterStage *wrapper) { ClutterStageOSX *self; self = g_object_new (CLUTTER_TYPE_STAGE_OSX, NULL); self->backend = backend; self->wrapper = wrapper; return CLUTTER_ACTOR(self); } /*************************************************************************/ static void clutter_stage_osx_init (ClutterStageOSX *self) { self->requisition_width = 640; self->requisition_height = 480; CLUTTER_SET_PRIVATE_FLAGS(self, CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_TOPLEVEL); } static void clutter_stage_osx_class_init (ClutterStageOSXClass *klass) { ClutterActorClass *actor_class = CLUTTER_ACTOR_CLASS (klass); actor_class->realize = clutter_stage_osx_realize; actor_class->unrealize = clutter_stage_osx_unrealize; actor_class->show = clutter_stage_osx_show; actor_class->hide = clutter_stage_osx_hide; actor_class->allocate = clutter_stage_osx_allocate; actor_class->get_preferred_width = clutter_stage_osx_get_preferred_width; actor_class->get_preferred_height = clutter_stage_osx_get_preferred_height; }