 * Clutter.
 * An OpenGL based 'interactive canvas' library.
 * Authored By Matthew Allum  <mallum@openedhand.com>
 * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008 OpenedHand Ltd
 * Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Intel Corp
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

 * SECTION:clutter-actor
 * @short_description: Base abstract class for all visual stage actors.
 * #ClutterActor is a base abstract class for all visual elements on the
 * stage. Every object that must appear on the main #ClutterStage must also
 * be a #ClutterActor, either by using one of the classes provided by
 * Clutter, or by implementing a new #ClutterActor subclass.
 * Every actor is a 2D surface positioned and optionally transformed
 * in 3D space. The actor is positioned relative to top left corner of
 * it parent with the childs origin being its anchor point (also top
 * left by default).
 * <refsect2 id="ClutterActor-box">
 *   <title>Actor bounding box and transformations</title>
 *   <para>Any actor's 2D surface is contained inside its bounding box,
 *   as described by the #ClutterActorBox structure:</para>
 *   <figure id="actor-box">
 *     <title>Bounding box of an Actor</title>
 *     <graphic fileref="actor-box.png" format="PNG"/>
 *   </figure>
 *   <para>The actor box represents the untransformed area occupied by an
 *   actor. Each visible actor that has been put on a #ClutterStage also
 *   has a transformed area, depending on the actual transformations
 *   applied to it by the developer (scale, rotation). Tranforms will
 *   also be applied to any child actors. Also applied to all actors by
 *   the #ClutterStage is a perspective transformation. API is provided
 *   for both tranformed and untransformed actor geometry information.</para>
 *   <para>The GL 'modelview' transform matrix for the actor is constructed
 *   from the actor settings by the following order of operations:</para>
 *   <orderedlist>
 *     <listitem><para>Translation by actor x, y coords,</para></listitem>
 *     <listitem><para>Translation by actor depth (z),</para></listitem>
 *     <listitem><para>Scaling by scale_x, scale_y,</para></listitem>
 *     <listitem><para>Rotation around z axis,</para></listitem>
 *     <listitem><para>Rotation around y axis,</para></listitem>
 *     <listitem><para>Rotation around x axis,</para></listitem>
 *     <listitem><para>Negative translation by anchor point x,
 *     y,</para></listitem>
 *     <listitem><para>Rectangular Clip is applied (this is not an operation
 *     on the matrix as such, but it is done as part of the transform set
 *     up).</para></listitem>
 *   </orderedlist>
 *   <para>An actor can either be explicitly sized and positioned, using the
 *   various size and position accessors, like clutter_actor_set_x() or
 *   clutter_actor_set_width(); or it can have a preferred width and
 *   height, which then allows a layout manager to implicitly size and
 *   position it by "allocating" an area for an actor. This allows for
 *   actors to be manipulated in both a fixed (or static) parent container
 *   (i.e. children of #ClutterGroup) and a more automatic (or dynamic)
 *   layout based parent container.</para>
 *   <para>When accessing the position and size of an actor, the simple
 *   accessors like clutter_actor_get_width() and clutter_actor_get_x()
 *   will return a value depending on whether the actor has been explicitly
 *   sized and positioned by the developer or implicitly by the layout
 *   manager.</para>
 *   <para>Depending on whether you are querying an actor or implementing a
 *   layout manager, you should either use the simple accessors or use the
 *   size negotiation API.</para>
 * </refsect2>
 * <refsect2 id="ClutterActor-event-handling">
 *   <title>Event Handling</title>
 *   <para>Clutter actors are also able to receive input events and react to
 *   them. Events are handled in the following ways:</para>
 *   <orderedlist>
 *     <listitem><para>Actors emit pointer events if set reactive, see
 *     clutter_actor_set_reactive()</para></listitem>
 *     <listitem><para>The stage is always reactive</para></listitem>
 *     <listitem><para>Events are handled by connecting signal handlers to
 *     the numerous event signal types.</para></listitem>
 *     <listitem><para>Event handlers must return %TRUE if they handled
 *     the event and wish to block the event emission chain, or %FALSE
 *     if the emission chain must continue</para></listitem>
 *     <listitem><para>Keyboard events are emitted if actor has focus, see
 *     clutter_stage_set_key_focus()</para></listitem>
 *     <listitem><para>Motion events (motion, enter, leave) are not emitted
 *     if clutter_set_motion_events_enabled() is called with %FALSE.
 *     See clutter_set_motion_events_enabled() documentation for more
 *     information.</para></listitem>
 *     <listitem><para>Once emitted, an event emission chain has two
 *     phases: capture and bubble. An emitted event starts in the capture
 *     phase (see ClutterActor::captured-event) beginning at the stage and
 *     traversing every child actor until the event source actor is reached.
 *     The emission then enters the bubble phase, traversing back up the
 *     chain via parents until it reaches the stage. Any event handler can
 *     abort this chain by returning %TRUE (meaning "event handled").
 *     </para></listitem>
 *     <listitem><para>Pointer events will 'pass through' non reactive
 *     overlapping actors.</para></listitem>
 *   </orderedlist>
 *   <figure id="event-flow">
 *     <title>Event flow in Clutter</title>
 *     <graphic fileref="event-flow.png" format="PNG"/>
 *   </figure>
 *   <para>Every '?' box in the diagram above is an entry point for
 *   application code.</para>
 * </refsect2>
 * <refsect2 id="ClutterActor-subclassing">
 *   <title>Implementing a ClutterActor</title>
 *   <para>For implementing a new custom actor class, please read <link
 *   linkend="clutter-subclassing-ClutterActor">the corresponding
 *   section</link> of the API reference.</para>
 * </refsect2>
 * <refsect2 id="ClutterActor-script">
 *   <title>ClutterActor custom properties for #ClutterScript</title>
 *   <para>#ClutterActor defines a custom "rotation" property which
 *   allows a short-hand description of the rotations to be applied
 *   to an actor.</para>
 *   <para>The syntax of the "rotation" property is the following:</para>
 *   <informalexample>
 *     <programlisting>
 * "rotation" : [
 *   { "&lt;axis&gt;" : [ &lt;angle&gt;, [ &lt;center&gt; ] ] }
 * ]
 *     </programlisting>
 *   </informalexample>
 *   <para>where the <emphasis>axis</emphasis> is the name of an enumeration
 *   value of type #ClutterRotateAxis and <emphasis>angle</emphasis> is a
 *   floating point value representing the rotation angle on the given axis,
 *   in degrees.</para>
 *   <para>The <emphasis>center</emphasis> array is optional, and if present
 *   it must contain the center of rotation as described by two coordinates:
 *   Y and Z for "x-axis"; X and Z for "y-axis"; and X and Y for
 *   "z-axis".</para>
 *   <para>#ClutterActor will also parse every positional and dimensional
 *   property defined as a string through clutter_units_from_string(); you
 *   should read the documentation for the #ClutterUnits parser format for
 *   the valid units and syntax.</para>
 * </refsect2>
 * <refsect2 id="ClutterActor-animating">
 *   <title>Custom animatable properties</title>
 *   <para>#ClutterActor allows accessing properties of #ClutterAction
 *   and #ClutterConstraint instances associated to an actor instance
 *   for animation purposes.</para>
 *   <para>In order to access a specific #ClutterAction or a #ClutterConstraint
 *   property it is necessary to set the #ClutterActorMeta:name property on the
 *   given action or constraint.</para>
 *   <para>The property can be accessed using the the following syntax:</para>
 *   <informalexample>
 *     <programlisting>
 * @&lt;section&gt;.&lt;meta-name&gt;.&lt;property-name&gt;
 *     </programlisting>
 *   </informalexample>
 *   <para>The initial <emphasis>@</emphasis> is mandatory.</para>
 *   <para>The <emphasis>section</emphasis> fragment can be one between
 *   "actions", "constraints" and "effects".</para>
 *   <para>The <emphasis>meta-name</emphasis> fragment is the name of the
 *   action or constraint, as specified by the #ClutterActorMeta:name
 *   property.</para>
 *   <para>The <emphasis>property-name</emphasis> fragment is the name of the
 *   action or constraint property to be animated.</para>
 *   <example id="example-ClutterActor-animating-meta">
 *     <title>Animating a constraint property</title>
 *     <para>The example below animates a #ClutterBindConstraint applied to an
 *     actor using clutter_actor_animate(). The <emphasis>rect</emphasis> has
 *     a binding constraint for the <emphasis>origin</emphasis> actor, and in
 *     its initial state is fully transparent and overlapping the actor to
 *     which is bound to. </para>
 *     <programlisting>
 * constraint = clutter_bind_constraint_new (origin, CLUTTER_BIND_X, 0.0);
 * clutter_actor_meta_set_name (CLUTTER_ACTOR_META (constraint), "bind-x");
 * clutter_actor_add_constraint (rect, constraint);
 * constraint = clutter_bind_constraint_new (origin, CLUTTER_BIND_Y, 0.0);
 * clutter_actor_meta_set_name (CLUTTER_ACTOR_META (constraint), "bind-y");
 * clutter_actor_add_constraint (rect, constraint);
 * clutter_actor_set_reactive (rect, TRUE);
 * clutter_actor_set_opacity (rect, 0);
 * g_signal_connect (rect, "button-press-event",
 *                   G_CALLBACK (on_button_press),
 *                   NULL);
 *     </programlisting>
 *     <para>On button press, the rectangle "slides" from behind the actor to
 *     which is bound to, using the #ClutterBindConstraint:offset property and
 *     the #ClutterActor:opacity property.</para>
 *     <programlisting>
 * float new_offset = clutter_actor_get_width (origin) + h_padding;
 * clutter_actor_animate (rect, CLUTTER_EASE_OUT_CUBIC, 500,
 *                        "opacity", 255,
 *                        "@constraints.bind-x.offset", new_offset,
 *                        NULL);
 *     </programlisting>
 *   </example>
 * </refsect2>

 * @a: a #ClutterActor
 * Evaluates to %TRUE if the %CLUTTER_ACTOR_MAPPED flag is set.
 * Means "the actor will be painted if the stage is mapped."
 * %TRUE if the actor is visible; and all parents with possible exception
 * of the stage are visible; and an ancestor of the actor is a toplevel.
 * Clutter auto-maintains the mapped flag whenever actors are
 * reparented or shown/hidden.
 * Since: 0.2

 * @a: a #ClutterActor
 * Evaluates to %TRUE if the %CLUTTER_ACTOR_REALIZED flag is set.
 * The realized state has an actor-dependant interpretation. If an
 * actor wants to delay allocating resources until it is attached to a
 * stage, it may use the realize state to do so. However it is
 * perfectly acceptable for an actor to allocate Cogl resources before
 * being realized because there is only one GL context used by Clutter
 * so any resources will work on any stage.  If an actor is mapped it
 * must also be realized, but an actor can be realized and unmapped
 * (this is so hiding an actor temporarily doesn't do an expensive
 * unrealize/realize).
 * To be realized an actor must be inside a stage, and all its parents
 * must be realized.
 * Since: 0.2

 * @a: a #ClutterActor
 * Evaluates to %TRUE if the actor has been shown, %FALSE if it's hidden.
 * Equivalent to the ClutterActor::visible object property.
 * Note that an actor is only painted onscreen if it's mapped, which
 * means it's visible, and all its parents are visible, and one of the
 * parents is a toplevel stage.
 * Since: 0.2

 * @a: a #ClutterActor
 * Evaluates to %TRUE if the %CLUTTER_ACTOR_REACTIVE flag is set.
 * Only reactive actors will receive event-related signals.
 * Since: 0.6

#include "config.h"

#include "cogl/cogl.h"

#include "clutter-actor-private.h"

#include "clutter-action.h"
#include "clutter-actor-meta-private.h"
#include "clutter-animatable.h"
#include "clutter-behaviour.h"
#include "clutter-constraint.h"
#include "clutter-container.h"
#include "clutter-debug.h"
#include "clutter-effect.h"
#include "clutter-enum-types.h"
#include "clutter-main.h"
#include "clutter-marshal.h"
#include "clutter-paint-volume-private.h"
#include "clutter-private.h"
#include "clutter-profile.h"
#include "clutter-scriptable.h"
#include "clutter-script-private.h"
#include "clutter-stage-private.h"
#include "clutter-units.h"

typedef struct _ShaderData ShaderData;
typedef struct _AnchorCoord AnchorCoord;


/* Internal helper struct to represent a point that can be stored in
   either direct pixel coordinates or as a fraction of the actor's
   size. It is used for the anchor point, scale center and rotation
   centers. */
struct _AnchorCoord
  gboolean is_fractional;

    /* Used when is_fractional == TRUE */
      gdouble x;
      gdouble y;
    } fraction;

    /* Use when is_fractional == FALSE */
    ClutterVertex units;
  } v;

/* 3 entries should be a good compromise, few layout managers
 * will ask for 3 different preferred size in each allocation cycle */
typedef struct _SizeRequest SizeRequest;
struct _SizeRequest
  guint  age;
  gfloat for_size;
  gfloat min_size;
  gfloat natural_size;

/* Internal enum used to control mapped state update.  This is a hint
 * which indicates when to do something other than just enforce
 * invariants.
typedef enum {
  MAP_STATE_CHECK,           /* just enforce invariants. */
  MAP_STATE_MAKE_UNREALIZED, /* force unrealize, ignoring invariants,
                              * used when about to unparent.
  MAP_STATE_MAKE_MAPPED,     /* set mapped, error if invariants not met;
                              * used to set mapped on toplevels.
  MAP_STATE_MAKE_UNMAPPED    /* set unmapped, even if parent is mapped,
                              * used just before unmapping parent.
} MapStateChange;

struct _ClutterActorPrivate
  /* fixed_x, fixed_y, and the allocation box are all in parent
   * coordinates.
  gfloat fixed_x;
  gfloat fixed_y;

  /* request mode */
  ClutterRequestMode request_mode;

  /* our cached size requests for different width / height */
  SizeRequest width_requests[N_CACHED_SIZE_REQUESTS];
  SizeRequest height_requests[N_CACHED_SIZE_REQUESTS];

  /* An age of 0 means the entry is not set */
  guint cached_height_age;
  guint cached_width_age;

  gfloat request_min_width;
  gfloat request_min_height;
  gfloat request_natural_width;
  gfloat request_natural_height;

  ClutterActorBox allocation;
  ClutterAllocationFlags allocation_flags;

  guint position_set                : 1;
  guint min_width_set               : 1;
  guint min_height_set              : 1;
  guint natural_width_set           : 1;
  guint natural_height_set          : 1;
  /* cached request is invalid (implies allocation is too) */
  guint needs_width_request         : 1;
  /* cached request is invalid (implies allocation is too) */
  guint needs_height_request        : 1;
  /* cached allocation is invalid (request has changed, probably) */
  guint needs_allocation            : 1;
  guint show_on_set_parent          : 1;
  guint has_clip                    : 1;
  guint clip_to_allocation          : 1;
  guint enable_model_view_transform : 1;
  guint enable_paint_unmapped       : 1;
  guint has_pointer                 : 1;
  guint propagated_one_redraw       : 1;

  gfloat clip[4];

  /* Rotation angles */
  gdouble rxang;
  gdouble ryang;
  gdouble rzang;

  /* Rotation center: X axis */
  AnchorCoord rx_center;

  /* Rotation center: Y axis */
  AnchorCoord ry_center;

  /* Rotation center: Z axis */
  AnchorCoord rz_center;

  /* Anchor point coordinates */
  AnchorCoord anchor;

  /* depth */
  gfloat z;

  guint8 opacity;

  ClutterActor   *parent_actor;
  GList          *children;
  gint            n_children;

  gchar          *name;
  guint32         id; /* Unique ID */

  gdouble         scale_x;
  gdouble         scale_y;

  AnchorCoord     scale_center;

  ShaderData     *shader_data;

  PangoContext   *pango_context;

  ClutterActor   *opacity_parent;

  ClutterTextDirection text_direction;

  gint internal_child;

  /* XXX: This is a workaround for not being able to break the ABI
   * of the QUEUE_REDRAW signal. It's an out-of-band argument.
   * See clutter_actor_queue_clipped_redraw() for details.
  const ClutterPaintVolume *oob_queue_redraw_clip;

  ClutterMetaGroup *actions;
  ClutterMetaGroup *constraints;
  ClutterMetaGroup *effects;

  ClutterActorMeta *current_effect;

  gboolean paint_volume_valid;
  ClutterPaintVolume paint_volume;

  gboolean last_paint_box_valid;
  ClutterActorBox last_paint_box;

  ClutterStageQueueRedrawEntry *queue_redraw_entry;



  /* X, Y, WIDTH, HEIGHT are "do what I mean" properties;
   * when set they force a size request, when gotten they
   * get the allocation if the allocation is valid, and the
   * request otherwise

  /* Then the rest of these size-related properties are the "actual"
   * underlying properties set or gotten by X, Y, WIDTH, HEIGHT







  /* Allocation properties are read-only */






  /* This property only makes sense for the z rotation because the
     others would depend on the actor having a size along the
     z-axis */






static GParamSpec *obj_props[PROP_LAST];



static guint actor_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0, };

static void clutter_scriptable_iface_init (ClutterScriptableIface *iface);
static void clutter_animatable_iface_init (ClutterAnimatableIface *iface);
static void atk_implementor_iface_init    (AtkImplementorIface    *iface);

static void clutter_actor_shader_pre_paint  (ClutterActor *actor,
                                             gboolean      repeat);
static void clutter_actor_shader_post_paint (ClutterActor *actor);

static void destroy_shader_data (ClutterActor *self);

/* These setters are all static for now, maybe they should be in the
 * public API, but they are perhaps obscure enough to leave only as
 * properties
static void clutter_actor_set_min_width          (ClutterActor *self,
                                                  gfloat        min_width);
static void clutter_actor_set_min_height         (ClutterActor *self,
                                                  gfloat        min_height);
static void clutter_actor_set_natural_width      (ClutterActor *self,
                                                  gfloat        natural_width);
static void clutter_actor_set_natural_height     (ClutterActor *self,
                                                  gfloat        natural_height);
static void clutter_actor_set_min_width_set      (ClutterActor *self,
                                                  gboolean      use_min_width);
static void clutter_actor_set_min_height_set     (ClutterActor *self,
                                                  gboolean      use_min_height);
static void clutter_actor_set_natural_width_set  (ClutterActor *self,
                                                  gboolean  use_natural_width);
static void clutter_actor_set_natural_height_set (ClutterActor *self,
                                                  gboolean  use_natural_height);
static void clutter_actor_update_map_state       (ClutterActor  *self,
                                                  MapStateChange change);
static void clutter_actor_unrealize_not_hiding   (ClutterActor *self);

/* Helper routines for managing anchor coords */
static void clutter_anchor_coord_get_units (ClutterActor      *self,
                                            const AnchorCoord *coord,
                                            gfloat            *x,
                                            gfloat            *y,
                                            gfloat            *z);
static void clutter_anchor_coord_set_units (AnchorCoord       *coord,
                                            gfloat             x,
                                            gfloat             y,
                                            gfloat             z);

static ClutterGravity clutter_anchor_coord_get_gravity (AnchorCoord    *coord);
static void           clutter_anchor_coord_set_gravity (AnchorCoord    *coord,
                                                        ClutterGravity  gravity);

static gboolean clutter_anchor_coord_is_zero (const AnchorCoord *coord);

static void _clutter_actor_queue_only_relayout (ClutterActor *self);

static void _clutter_actor_get_relative_modelview (ClutterActor *self,
                                                   ClutterActor *ancestor,
                                                   CoglMatrix *matrix);

static ClutterPaintVolume *_clutter_actor_get_paint_volume_mutable (ClutterActor *self);

/* Helper macro which translates by the anchor coord, applies the
   given transformation and then translates back */
#define TRANSFORM_ABOUT_ANCHOR_COORD(a,m,c,_transform)  G_STMT_START { \
  gfloat _tx, _ty, _tz;                                                \
  clutter_anchor_coord_get_units ((a), (c), &_tx, &_ty, &_tz);         \
  cogl_matrix_translate ((m), _tx, _ty, _tz);                          \
  { _transform; }                                                      \
  cogl_matrix_translate ((m), -_tx, -_ty, -_tz);        } G_STMT_END

                                  G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (CLUTTER_TYPE_SCRIPTABLE,
                                  G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (CLUTTER_TYPE_ANIMATABLE,
                                  G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (ATK_TYPE_IMPLEMENTOR,

static const gchar *
get_actor_debug_name (ClutterActor *actor)
  return actor->priv->name != NULL ? actor->priv->name
                                   : G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (actor);

/* XXX - this is for debugging only, remove once working (or leave
 * in only in some debug mode). Should leave it for a little while
 * until we're confident in the new map/realize/visible handling.
static inline void
clutter_actor_verify_map_state (ClutterActor *self)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv = self->priv;

      /* all bets are off during reparent when we're potentially realized,
       * but should not be according to invariants
      if (!CLUTTER_ACTOR_IN_REPARENT (self))
          if (priv->parent_actor == NULL)
              if (CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_TOPLEVEL (self))
                g_warning ("Realized non-toplevel actor '%s' should "
                           "have a parent",
                           get_actor_debug_name (self));
          else if (!CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_REALIZED (priv->parent_actor))
              g_warning ("Realized actor %s has an unrealized parent %s",
                         get_actor_debug_name (self),
                         get_actor_debug_name (priv->parent_actor));

      if (!CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_REALIZED (self))
        g_warning ("Actor '%s' is mapped but not realized",
                   get_actor_debug_name (self));

      /* remaining bets are off during reparent when we're potentially
       * mapped, but should not be according to invariants
      if (!CLUTTER_ACTOR_IN_REPARENT (self))
          if (priv->parent_actor == NULL)
              if (CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_TOPLEVEL (self))
                  if (!CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_VISIBLE (self) &&
                      !CLUTTER_ACTOR_IN_DESTRUCTION (self))
                      g_warning ("Toplevel actor '%s' is mapped "
                                 "but not visible",
                                 get_actor_debug_name (self));
                  g_warning ("Mapped actor '%s' should have a parent",
                             get_actor_debug_name (self));
              ClutterActor *iter = self;

              /* check for the enable_paint_unmapped flag on the actor
               * and parents; if the flag is enabled at any point of this
               * branch of the scene graph then all the later checks
               * become pointless
              while (iter != NULL)
                  if (iter->priv->enable_paint_unmapped)

                  iter = iter->priv->parent_actor;

              if (!CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_VISIBLE (priv->parent_actor))
                  g_warning ("Actor '%s' should not be mapped if parent '%s'"
                             "is not visible",
                             get_actor_debug_name (self),
                             get_actor_debug_name (priv->parent_actor));

              if (!CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_REALIZED (priv->parent_actor))
                  g_warning ("Actor '%s' should not be mapped if parent '%s'"
                             "is not realized",
                             get_actor_debug_name (self),
                             get_actor_debug_name (priv->parent_actor));

              if (!CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_TOPLEVEL (priv->parent_actor))
                  if (!CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_MAPPED (priv->parent_actor))
                    g_warning ("Actor '%s' is mapped but its non-toplevel "
                               "parent '%s' is not mapped",
                               get_actor_debug_name (self),
                               get_actor_debug_name (priv->parent_actor));


static void
clutter_actor_set_mapped (ClutterActor *self,
                          gboolean      mapped)
  if (CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_MAPPED (self) == mapped)

  if (mapped)
      CLUTTER_ACTOR_GET_CLASS (self)->map (self);
      g_assert (CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_MAPPED (self));
      CLUTTER_ACTOR_GET_CLASS (self)->unmap (self);
      g_assert (!CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_MAPPED (self));

/* this function updates the mapped and realized states according to
 * invariants, in the appropriate order.
static void
clutter_actor_update_map_state (ClutterActor  *self,
                                MapStateChange change)
  gboolean was_mapped;

  was_mapped = CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_MAPPED (self);

      /* the mapped flag on top-level actors must be set by the
       * per-backend implementation because it might be asynchronous.
       * That is, the MAPPED flag on toplevels currently tracks the X
       * server mapped-ness of the window, while the expected behavior
       * (if used to GTK) may be to track WM_STATE!=WithdrawnState.
       * This creates some weird complexity by breaking the invariant
       * that if we're visible and all ancestors shown then we are
       * also mapped - instead, we are mapped if all ancestors
       * _possibly excepting_ the stage are mapped. The stage
       * will map/unmap for example when it is minimized or
       * moved to another workspace.
       * So, the only invariant on the stage is that if visible it
       * should be realized, and that it has to be visible to be
       * mapped.
      if (CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_VISIBLE (self))
        clutter_actor_realize (self);

      switch (change)
        case MAP_STATE_CHECK:

          g_assert (!was_mapped);
          clutter_actor_set_mapped (self, TRUE);

          g_assert (was_mapped);
          clutter_actor_set_mapped (self, FALSE);

          /* we only use MAKE_UNREALIZED in unparent,
           * and unparenting a stage isn't possible.
           * If someone wants to just unrealize a stage
           * then clutter_actor_unrealize() doesn't
           * go through this codepath.
          g_warning ("Trying to force unrealize stage is not allowed");

      if (CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_MAPPED (self) &&
          !CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_VISIBLE (self) &&
          g_warning ("Clutter toplevel of type '%s' is not visible, but "
                     "it is somehow still mapped",
                     G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (self));
      ClutterActorPrivate *priv = self->priv;
      ClutterActor *parent = priv->parent_actor;
      gboolean should_be_mapped;
      gboolean may_be_realized;
      gboolean must_be_realized;

      should_be_mapped = FALSE;
      may_be_realized = TRUE;
      must_be_realized = FALSE;

      if (parent == NULL || change == MAP_STATE_MAKE_UNREALIZED)
          may_be_realized = FALSE;
          /* Maintain invariant that if parent is mapped, and we are
           * visible, then we are mapped ...  unless parent is a
           * stage, in which case we map regardless of parent's map
           * state but do require stage to be visible and realized.
           * If parent is realized, that does not force us to be
           * realized; but if parent is unrealized, that does force
           * us to be unrealized.
           * The reason we don't force children to realize with
           * parents is _clutter_actor_rerealize(); if we require that
           * a realized parent means children are realized, then to
           * unrealize an actor we would have to unrealize its
           * parents, which would end up meaning unrealizing and
           * hiding the entire stage. So we allow unrealizing a
           * child (as long as that child is not mapped) while that
           * child still has a realized parent.
           * Also, if we unrealize from leaf nodes to root, and
           * realize from root to leaf, the invariants are never
           * violated if we allow children to be unrealized
           * while parents are realized.
           * When unmapping, MAP_STATE_MAKE_UNMAPPED is specified
           * to force us to unmap, even though parent is still
           * mapped. This is because we're unmapping from leaf nodes
           * up to root nodes.
          if (CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_VISIBLE (self) &&
              change != MAP_STATE_MAKE_UNMAPPED)
              gboolean parent_is_visible_realized_toplevel;

              parent_is_visible_realized_toplevel =
                (CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_TOPLEVEL (parent) &&
                 CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_VISIBLE (parent) &&
                 CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_REALIZED (parent));

              if (CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_MAPPED (parent) ||
                  must_be_realized = TRUE;
                  should_be_mapped = TRUE;

          /* if the actor has been set to be painted even if unmapped
           * then we should map it and check for realization as well;
           * this is an override for the branch of the scene graph
           * which begins with this node
          if (priv->enable_paint_unmapped)
              if (priv->parent_actor == NULL)
                g_warning ("Attempting to map an unparented actor '%s'",
                           get_actor_debug_name (self));

              should_be_mapped = TRUE;
              must_be_realized = TRUE;

          if (!CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_REALIZED (parent))
            may_be_realized = FALSE;

      if (change == MAP_STATE_MAKE_MAPPED && !should_be_mapped)
          if (parent == NULL)
            g_warning ("Attempting to map a child that does not "
                       "meet the necessary invariants: the actor '%s' "
                       "has no parent",
                       get_actor_debug_name (self));
            g_warning ("Attempting to map a child that does not "
                       "meet the necessary invariants: the actor '%s' "
                       "is parented to an unmapped actor '%s'",
                       get_actor_debug_name (self),
                       get_actor_debug_name (priv->parent_actor));

      /* If in reparent, we temporarily suspend unmap and unrealize.
       * We want to go in the order "realize, map" and "unmap, unrealize"

      /* Unmap */
      if (!should_be_mapped && !CLUTTER_ACTOR_IN_REPARENT (self))
        clutter_actor_set_mapped (self, FALSE);

      /* Realize */
      if (must_be_realized)
        clutter_actor_realize (self);

      /* if we must be realized then we may be, presumably */
      g_assert (!(must_be_realized && !may_be_realized));

      /* Unrealize */
      if (!may_be_realized && !CLUTTER_ACTOR_IN_REPARENT (self))
        clutter_actor_unrealize_not_hiding (self);

      /* Map */
      if (should_be_mapped)
          if (!must_be_realized)
            g_warning ("Somehow we think actor '%s' should be mapped but "
                       "not realized, which isn't allowed",
                       get_actor_debug_name (self));

          /* realization is allowed to fail (though I don't know what
           * an app is supposed to do about that - shouldn't it just
           * be a g_error? anyway, we have to avoid mapping if this
           * happens)
          if (CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_REALIZED (self))
            clutter_actor_set_mapped (self, TRUE);

  /* check all invariants were kept */
  clutter_actor_verify_map_state (self);

static void
clutter_actor_real_map (ClutterActor *self)
  g_assert (!CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_MAPPED (self));


  /* notify on parent mapped before potentially mapping
   * children, so apps see a top-down notification.
  _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_MAPPED]);

    clutter_container_foreach_with_internals (CLUTTER_CONTAINER (self),
                                              CLUTTER_CALLBACK (clutter_actor_map),

 * clutter_actor_map:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * Sets the %CLUTTER_ACTOR_MAPPED flag on the actor and possibly maps
 * and realizes its children if they are visible. Does nothing if the
 * actor is not visible.
 * Calling this is allowed in only one case: you are implementing the
 * #ClutterActor <function>map()</function> virtual function in an actor
 * and you need to map the children of that actor. It is not necessary
 * to call this if you implement #ClutterContainer because the default
 * implementation will automatically map children of containers.
 * When overriding map, it is mandatory to chain up to the parent
 * implementation.
 * Since: 1.0
clutter_actor_map (ClutterActor *self)
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));



  clutter_actor_update_map_state (self, MAP_STATE_MAKE_MAPPED);

static void
clutter_actor_real_unmap (ClutterActor *self)
  g_assert (CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_MAPPED (self));

    clutter_container_foreach_with_internals (CLUTTER_CONTAINER (self),
                                              CLUTTER_CALLBACK (clutter_actor_unmap),


  /* notify on parent mapped after potentially unmapping
   * children, so apps see a bottom-up notification.
  _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_MAPPED]);

  /* relinquish keyboard focus if we were unmapped while owning it */
      ClutterActor *stage;

      stage = _clutter_actor_get_stage_internal (self);

      if (stage != NULL &&
          clutter_stage_get_key_focus (CLUTTER_STAGE (stage)) == self)
          clutter_stage_set_key_focus (CLUTTER_STAGE (stage), NULL);

 * clutter_actor_unmap:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * Unsets the %CLUTTER_ACTOR_MAPPED flag on the actor and possibly
 * unmaps its children if they were mapped.
 * Calling this is allowed in only one case: you are implementing the
 * #ClutterActor <function>unmap()</function> virtual function in an actor
 * and you need to unmap the children of that actor. It is not necessary
 * to call this if you implement #ClutterContainer because the default
 * implementation will automatically unmap children of containers.
 * When overriding unmap, it is mandatory to chain up to the parent
 * implementation.
 * Since: 1.0
clutter_actor_unmap (ClutterActor *self)
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));


  clutter_actor_update_map_state (self, MAP_STATE_MAKE_UNMAPPED);

static void
clutter_actor_real_show (ClutterActor *self)
      ClutterActorPrivate *priv = self->priv;


      /* we notify on the "visible" flag in the clutter_actor_show()
       * wrapper so the entire show signal emission completes first
       * (?)
      clutter_actor_update_map_state (self, MAP_STATE_CHECK);

      /* we queue a relayout unless the actor is inside a
       * container that explicitly told us not to
      if (priv->parent_actor &&
          (!(priv->parent_actor->flags & CLUTTER_ACTOR_NO_LAYOUT)))
          /* While an actor is hidden the parent may not have
           * allocated/requested so we need to start from scratch
           * and avoid the short-circuiting in
           * clutter_actor_queue_relayout().
          priv->needs_width_request  = FALSE;
          priv->needs_height_request = FALSE;
          priv->needs_allocation     = FALSE;
          clutter_actor_queue_relayout (self);

 * clutter_actor_show:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * Flags an actor to be displayed. An actor that isn't shown will not
 * be rendered on the stage.
 * Actors are visible by default.
 * If this function is called on an actor without a parent, the
 * #ClutterActor:show-on-set-parent will be set to %TRUE as a side
 * effect.
clutter_actor_show (ClutterActor *self)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  clutter_actor_verify_map_state (self);

  priv = self->priv;

  g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (self));

  if (!priv->show_on_set_parent && !priv->parent_actor)
      priv->show_on_set_parent = TRUE;
      _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_SHOW_ON_SET_PARENT]);

      g_signal_emit (self, actor_signals[SHOW], 0);
      _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_VISIBLE]);

  if (priv->parent_actor)
    clutter_actor_queue_redraw (priv->parent_actor);

  g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (self));

 * clutter_actor_show_all:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * Calls clutter_actor_show() on all children of an actor (if any).
 * Since: 0.2
clutter_actor_show_all (ClutterActor *self)
  ClutterActorClass *klass;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  klass = CLUTTER_ACTOR_GET_CLASS (self);
  if (klass->show_all)
    klass->show_all (self);

clutter_actor_real_hide (ClutterActor *self)
      ClutterActorPrivate *priv = self->priv;


      /* we notify on the "visible" flag in the clutter_actor_hide()
       * wrapper so the entire hide signal emission completes first
       * (?)
      clutter_actor_update_map_state (self, MAP_STATE_CHECK);

      /* we queue a relayout unless the actor is inside a
       * container that explicitly told us not to
      if (priv->parent_actor &&
          (!(priv->parent_actor->flags & CLUTTER_ACTOR_NO_LAYOUT)))
        clutter_actor_queue_relayout (priv->parent_actor);

 * clutter_actor_hide:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * Flags an actor to be hidden. A hidden actor will not be
 * rendered on the stage.
 * Actors are visible by default.
 * If this function is called on an actor without a parent, the
 * #ClutterActor:show-on-set-parent property will be set to %FALSE
 * as a side-effect.
clutter_actor_hide (ClutterActor *self)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  clutter_actor_verify_map_state (self);

  priv = self->priv;

  g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (self));

  if (priv->show_on_set_parent && !priv->parent_actor)
      priv->show_on_set_parent = FALSE;
      _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_SHOW_ON_SET_PARENT]);

      g_signal_emit (self, actor_signals[HIDE], 0);
      _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_VISIBLE]);

  if (priv->parent_actor)
    clutter_actor_queue_redraw (priv->parent_actor);

  g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (self));

 * clutter_actor_hide_all:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * Calls clutter_actor_hide() on all child actors (if any).
 * Since: 0.2
clutter_actor_hide_all (ClutterActor *self)
  ClutterActorClass *klass;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  klass = CLUTTER_ACTOR_GET_CLASS (self);
  if (klass->hide_all)
    klass->hide_all (self);

 * clutter_actor_realize:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * Realization informs the actor that it is attached to a stage. It
 * can use this to allocate resources if it wanted to delay allocation
 * until it would be rendered. However it is perfectly acceptable for
 * an actor to create resources before being realized because Clutter
 * only ever has a single rendering context so that actor is free to
 * be moved from one stage to another.
 * This function does nothing if the actor is already realized.
 * Because a realized actor must have realized parent actors, calling
 * clutter_actor_realize() will also realize all parents of the actor.
 * This function does not realize child actors, except in the special
 * case that realizing the stage, when the stage is visible, will
 * suddenly map (and thus realize) the children of the stage.
clutter_actor_realize (ClutterActor *self)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  priv = self->priv;

  clutter_actor_verify_map_state (self);


  /* To be realized, our parent actors must be realized first.
   * This will only succeed if we're inside a toplevel.
  if (priv->parent_actor != NULL)
    clutter_actor_realize (priv->parent_actor);

      /* toplevels can be realized at any time */
      /* "Fail" the realization if parent is missing or unrealized;
       * this should really be a g_warning() not some kind of runtime
       * failure; how can an app possibly recover? Instead it's a bug
       * in the app and the app should get an explanatory warning so
       * someone can fix it. But for now it's too hard to fix this
       * because e.g. ClutterTexture needs reworking.
      if (priv->parent_actor == NULL ||
          !CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_REALIZED (priv->parent_actor))

  CLUTTER_NOTE (ACTOR, "Realizing actor '%s'", get_actor_debug_name (self));

  _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_REALIZED]);

  g_signal_emit (self, actor_signals[REALIZE], 0);

  /* Stage actor is allowed to unset the realized flag again in its
   * default signal handler, though that is a pathological situation.

  /* If realization "failed" we'll have to update child state. */
  clutter_actor_update_map_state (self, MAP_STATE_CHECK);

clutter_actor_real_unrealize (ClutterActor *self)
  /* we must be unmapped (implying our children are also unmapped) */
  g_assert (!CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_MAPPED (self));

    clutter_container_foreach_with_internals (CLUTTER_CONTAINER (self),
                                              CLUTTER_CALLBACK (clutter_actor_unrealize_not_hiding),

 * clutter_actor_unrealize:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * Unrealization informs the actor that it may be being destroyed or
 * moved to another stage. The actor may want to destroy any
 * underlying graphics resources at this point. However it is
 * perfectly acceptable for it to retain the resources until the actor
 * is destroyed because Clutter only ever uses a single rendering
 * context and all of the graphics resources are valid on any stage.
 * Because mapped actors must be realized, actors may not be
 * unrealized if they are mapped. This function hides the actor to be
 * sure it isn't mapped, an application-visible side effect that you
 * may not be expecting.
 * This function should not be called by application code.
clutter_actor_unrealize (ClutterActor *self)
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));
  g_return_if_fail (!CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_MAPPED (self));

/* This function should not really be in the public API, because
 * there isn't a good reason to call it. ClutterActor will already
 * unrealize things for you when it's important to do so.
 * If you were using clutter_actor_unrealize() in a dispose
 * implementation, then don't, just chain up to ClutterActor's
 * dispose.
 * If you were using clutter_actor_unrealize() to implement
 * unrealizing children of your container, then don't, ClutterActor
 * will already take care of that.
 * If you were using clutter_actor_unrealize() to re-realize to
 * create your resources in a different way, then use
 * _clutter_actor_rerealize() (inside Clutter) or just call your
 * code that recreates your resources directly (outside Clutter).

  clutter_actor_verify_map_state (self);

  clutter_actor_hide (self);

  clutter_actor_unrealize_not_hiding (self);

 * clutter_actor_unrealize_not_hiding:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * Unrealization informs the actor that it may be being destroyed or
 * moved to another stage. The actor may want to destroy any
 * underlying graphics resources at this point. However it is
 * perfectly acceptable for it to retain the resources until the actor
 * is destroyed because Clutter only ever uses a single rendering
 * context and all of the graphics resources are valid on any stage.
 * Because mapped actors must be realized, actors may not be
 * unrealized if they are mapped. You must hide the actor or one of
 * its parents before attempting to unrealize.
 * This function is separate from clutter_actor_unrealize() because it
 * does not automatically hide the actor.
 * Actors need not be hidden to be unrealized, they just need to
 * be unmapped. In fact we don't want to mess up the application's
 * setting of the "visible" flag, so hiding is very undesirable.
 * clutter_actor_unrealize() does a clutter_actor_hide() just for
 * backward compatibility.
static void
clutter_actor_unrealize_not_hiding (ClutterActor *self)
  /* All callers of clutter_actor_unrealize_not_hiding() should have
   * taken care of unmapping the actor first. This means
   * all our children should also be unmapped.
  g_assert (!CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_MAPPED (self));


  /* The default handler for the signal should recursively unrealize
   * child actors. We want to unset the realized flag only _after_
   * child actors are unrealized, to maintain invariants.

  g_signal_emit (self, actor_signals[UNREALIZE], 0);


  _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_REALIZED]);

 * _clutter_actor_rerealize:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * @callback: Function to call while unrealized
 * @data: data for callback
 * If an actor is already unrealized, this just calls the callback.
 * If it is realized, it unrealizes temporarily, calls the callback,
 * and then re-realizes the actor.
 * As a side effect, leaves all children of the actor unrealized if
 * the actor was realized but not showing.  This is because when we
 * unrealize the actor temporarily we must unrealize its children
 * (e.g. children of a stage can't be realized if stage window is
 * gone). And we aren't clever enough to save the realization state of
 * all children. In most cases this should not matter, because
 * the children will automatically realize when they next become mapped.
_clutter_actor_rerealize (ClutterActor    *self,
                          ClutterCallback  callback,
                          void            *data)
  gboolean was_mapped;
  gboolean was_showing;
  gboolean was_realized;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  clutter_actor_verify_map_state (self);

  was_realized = CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_REALIZED (self);
  was_mapped = CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_MAPPED (self);
  was_showing = CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_VISIBLE (self);

  /* Must be unmapped to unrealize. Note we only have to hide this
   * actor if it was mapped (if all parents were showing).  If actor
   * is merely visible (but not mapped), then that's fine, we can
   * leave it visible.
  if (was_mapped)
    clutter_actor_hide (self);

  g_assert (!CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_MAPPED (self));

  /* unrealize self and all children */
  clutter_actor_unrealize_not_hiding (self);

  if (callback != NULL)
      (* callback) (self, data);

  if (was_showing)
    clutter_actor_show (self); /* will realize only if mapping implies it */
  else if (was_realized)
    clutter_actor_realize (self); /* realize self and all parents */

static void
clutter_actor_real_pick (ClutterActor       *self,
			 const ClutterColor *color)
  /* the default implementation is just to paint a rectangle
   * with the same size of the actor using the passed color
  if (clutter_actor_should_pick_paint (self))
      ClutterActorBox box = { 0, };
      float width, height;

      clutter_actor_get_allocation_box (self, &box);

      width = box.x2 - box.x1;
      height = box.y2 - box.y1;

      cogl_set_source_color4ub (color->red,

      cogl_rectangle (0, 0, width, height);

 * clutter_actor_should_pick_paint:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * Should be called inside the implementation of the
 * #ClutterActor::pick virtual function in order to check whether
 * the actor should paint itself in pick mode or not.
 * This function should never be called directly by applications.
 * Return value: %TRUE if the actor should paint its silhouette,
 *   %FALSE otherwise
clutter_actor_should_pick_paint (ClutterActor *self)
  ClutterMainContext *context;

  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self), FALSE);

  context = _clutter_context_get_default ();

      (G_UNLIKELY (context->pick_mode == CLUTTER_PICK_ALL) ||
    return TRUE;

  return FALSE;

static void
clutter_actor_real_get_preferred_width (ClutterActor *self,
                                        gfloat        for_height,
                                        gfloat       *min_width_p,
                                        gfloat       *natural_width_p)
  /* Default implementation is always 0x0, usually an actor
   * using this default is relying on someone to set the
   * request manually
  CLUTTER_NOTE (LAYOUT, "Default preferred width: 0, 0");

  if (min_width_p)
    *min_width_p = 0;

  if (natural_width_p)
    *natural_width_p = 0;

static void
clutter_actor_real_get_preferred_height (ClutterActor *self,
                                         gfloat        for_width,
                                         gfloat       *min_height_p,
                                         gfloat       *natural_height_p)
  /* Default implementation is always 0x0, usually an actor
   * using this default is relying on someone to set the
   * request manually
  CLUTTER_NOTE (LAYOUT, "Default preferred height: 0, 0");

  if (min_height_p)
    *min_height_p = 0;

  if (natural_height_p)
    *natural_height_p = 0;

static void
clutter_actor_store_old_geometry (ClutterActor    *self,
                                  ClutterActorBox *box)
  *box = self->priv->allocation;

static inline void
clutter_actor_notify_if_geometry_changed (ClutterActor          *self,
                                          const ClutterActorBox *old)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv = self->priv;
  GObject *obj = G_OBJECT (self);

  g_object_freeze_notify (obj);

  /* to avoid excessive requisition or allocation cycles we
   * use the cached values.
   * - if we don't have an allocation we assume that we need
   *   to notify anyway
   * - if we don't have a width or a height request we notify
   *   width and height
   * - if we have a valid allocation then we check the old
   *   bounding box with the current allocation and we notify
   *   the changes
  if (priv->needs_allocation)
      _clutter_notify_by_pspec (obj, obj_props[PROP_X]);
      _clutter_notify_by_pspec (obj, obj_props[PROP_Y]);
      _clutter_notify_by_pspec (obj, obj_props[PROP_WIDTH]);
      _clutter_notify_by_pspec (obj, obj_props[PROP_HEIGHT]);
  else if (priv->needs_width_request || priv->needs_height_request)
      _clutter_notify_by_pspec (obj, obj_props[PROP_WIDTH]);
      _clutter_notify_by_pspec (obj, obj_props[PROP_HEIGHT]);
      gfloat xu, yu;
      gfloat widthu, heightu;

      xu = priv->allocation.x1;
      yu = priv->allocation.y1;
      widthu = priv->allocation.x2 - priv->allocation.x1;
      heightu = priv->allocation.y2 - priv->allocation.y1;

      if (xu != old->x1)
        _clutter_notify_by_pspec (obj, obj_props[PROP_X]);

      if (yu != old->y1)
        _clutter_notify_by_pspec (obj, obj_props[PROP_Y]);

      if (widthu != (old->x2 - old->x1))
        _clutter_notify_by_pspec (obj, obj_props[PROP_WIDTH]);

      if (heightu != (old->y2 - old->y1))
        _clutter_notify_by_pspec (obj, obj_props[PROP_HEIGHT]);

  g_object_thaw_notify (obj);

static void
clutter_actor_real_allocate (ClutterActor           *self,
                             const ClutterActorBox  *box,
                             ClutterAllocationFlags  flags)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv = self->priv;
  gboolean x1_changed, y1_changed, x2_changed, y2_changed;
  gboolean flags_changed;
  ClutterActorBox old_alloc = { 0, };

  clutter_actor_store_old_geometry (self, &old_alloc);

  x1_changed = priv->allocation.x1 != box->x1;
  y1_changed = priv->allocation.y1 != box->y1;
  x2_changed = priv->allocation.x2 != box->x2;
  y2_changed = priv->allocation.y2 != box->y2;

  flags_changed = priv->allocation_flags != flags;

  priv->allocation = *box;
  priv->allocation_flags = flags;
  priv->needs_allocation = FALSE;

  g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (self));

  if (x1_changed || y1_changed || x2_changed || y2_changed || flags_changed)
      CLUTTER_NOTE (LAYOUT, "Allocation for '%s' changed",
                    get_actor_debug_name (self));

      _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_ALLOCATION]);

      /* we also emit the ::allocation-changed signal for people
       * that wish to track the allocation flags
      g_signal_emit (self, actor_signals[ALLOCATION_CHANGED], 0,

  clutter_actor_notify_if_geometry_changed (self, &old_alloc);

  g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (self));

static void
_clutter_actor_signal_queue_redraw (ClutterActor *self,
                                    ClutterActor *origin)
  /* no point in queuing a redraw on a destroyed actor */

  /* NB: We can't bail out early here if the actor is hidden in case
   * the actor bas been cloned. In this case the clone will need to
   * receive the signal so it can queue its own redraw.

  /* calls klass->queue_redraw in default handler */
  g_signal_emit (self, actor_signals[QUEUE_REDRAW], 0, origin);

static void
clutter_actor_real_queue_redraw (ClutterActor *self,
                                 ClutterActor *origin)
  ClutterActor *parent;

  CLUTTER_NOTE (PAINT, "Redraw queued on '%s' (from: '%s')",
                get_actor_debug_name (self),
                origin != NULL ? get_actor_debug_name (origin)
                               : "same actor");

  /* no point in queuing a redraw on a destroyed actor */

  /* If the actor isn't visible, we still had to emit the signal
   * to allow for a ClutterClone, but the appearance of the parent
   * won't change so we don't have to propagate up the hierarchy.

  /* Although we could determine here that a full stage redraw
   * has already been queued and immediately bail out, we actually
   * guarantee that we will propagate a queue-redraw signal to our
   * parent at least once so that it's possible to implement a
   * container that tracks which of its children have queued a
   * redraw.
  if (self->priv->propagated_one_redraw)
      ClutterActor *stage = _clutter_actor_get_stage_internal (self);
      if (stage != NULL &&
          _clutter_stage_has_full_redraw_queued (CLUTTER_STAGE (stage)))

  self->priv->propagated_one_redraw = TRUE;

  /* notify parents, if they are all visible eventually we'll
   * queue redraw on the stage, which queues the redraw idle.
  parent = clutter_actor_get_parent (self);
  if (parent != NULL)
      /* this will go up recursively */
      _clutter_actor_signal_queue_redraw (parent, origin);

clutter_actor_real_queue_relayout (ClutterActor *self)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv = self->priv;

  /* no point in queueing a redraw on a destroyed actor */

  priv->needs_width_request  = TRUE;
  priv->needs_height_request = TRUE;
  priv->needs_allocation     = TRUE;

  /* reset the cached size requests */
  memset (priv->width_requests, 0,
          N_CACHED_SIZE_REQUESTS * sizeof (SizeRequest));
  memset (priv->height_requests, 0,
          N_CACHED_SIZE_REQUESTS * sizeof (SizeRequest));

  /* We need to go all the way up the hierarchy */
  if (priv->parent_actor)
    _clutter_actor_queue_only_relayout (priv->parent_actor);

 * clutter_actor_apply_relative_transform_to_point:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * @ancestor: (allow-none): A #ClutterActor ancestor, or %NULL to use the
 *   default #ClutterStage
 * @point: A point as #ClutterVertex
 * @vertex: The translated #ClutterVertex
 * Transforms @point in coordinates relative to the actor into
 * ancestor-relative coordinates using the relevant transform
 * stack (i.e. scale, rotation, etc).
 * If @ancestor is %NULL the ancestor will be the #ClutterStage. In
 * this case, the coordinates returned will be the coordinates on
 * the stage before the projection is applied. This is different from
 * the behaviour of clutter_actor_apply_transform_to_point().
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_actor_apply_relative_transform_to_point (ClutterActor        *self,
						 ClutterActor        *ancestor,
						 const ClutterVertex *point,
						 ClutterVertex       *vertex)
  gfloat w;
  CoglMatrix matrix;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));
  g_return_if_fail (ancestor == NULL || CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (ancestor));
  g_return_if_fail (point != NULL);
  g_return_if_fail (vertex != NULL);

  *vertex = *point;
  w = 1.0;

  if (ancestor == NULL)
    ancestor = _clutter_actor_get_stage_internal (self);

  if (ancestor == NULL)
      *vertex = *point;

  _clutter_actor_get_relative_modelview (self, ancestor, &matrix);
  cogl_matrix_transform_point (&matrix, &vertex->x, &vertex->y, &vertex->z, &w);

static gboolean
_clutter_actor_fully_transform_vertices (ClutterActor *self,
                                         const ClutterVertex *vertices_in,
                                         ClutterVertex *vertices_out,
                                         int n_vertices)
  ClutterActor *stage;
  CoglMatrix modelview;
  CoglMatrix projection;
  int viewport[4];

  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self), FALSE);

  /* NB: _clutter_actor_apply_modelview_transform_recursive will never
   * include the transformation between stage coordinates and OpenGL
   * window coordinates, we have to explicitly use the
   * stage->apply_transform to get that... */
  stage = _clutter_actor_get_stage_internal (self);

  /* We really can't do anything meaningful in this case so don't try
   * to do any transform */
  if (stage == NULL)
    return FALSE;

  /* Setup the modelview */
  cogl_matrix_init_identity (&modelview);
  _clutter_actor_apply_modelview_transform (stage, &modelview);
  _clutter_actor_apply_modelview_transform_recursive (self, stage, &modelview);

  /* Fetch the projection and viewport */
  _clutter_stage_get_projection_matrix (CLUTTER_STAGE (stage), &projection);
  _clutter_stage_get_viewport (CLUTTER_STAGE (stage),

  _clutter_util_fully_transform_vertices (&modelview,

  return TRUE;

 * clutter_actor_apply_transform_to_point:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * @point: A point as #ClutterVertex
 * @vertex: The translated #ClutterVertex
 * Transforms @point in coordinates relative to the actor
 * into screen-relative coordinates with the current actor
 * transformation (i.e. scale, rotation, etc)
 * Since: 0.4
clutter_actor_apply_transform_to_point (ClutterActor        *self,
                                        const ClutterVertex *point,
                                        ClutterVertex       *vertex)
  g_return_if_fail (point != NULL);
  g_return_if_fail (vertex != NULL);
  _clutter_actor_fully_transform_vertices (self, point, vertex, 1);

/* _clutter_actor_get_relative_modelview:
 * Retrieves the modelview transformation relative to some ancestor
 * actor, or the stage if NULL is given for the ancestor.
 * Note: This will never include the transformations from
 * stage::apply_transform since that would give you a modelview
 * transform relative to the OpenGL window coordinate space that the
 * stage lies within.
 * If you need to do a full modelview + projective transform and get
 * to window coordinates then you should explicitly apply the stage
 * transform to an identity matrix and use
 * _clutter_actor_apply_modelview_transform like:
 *   cogl_matrix_init_identity (&mtx);
 *   stage = _clutter_actor_get_stage_internal (self);
 *   _clutter_actor_apply_modelview_transform (stage, &mtx);
/* FIXME: We should be caching the stage relative modelview along with the
 * actor itself */
static void
_clutter_actor_get_relative_modelview (ClutterActor *self,
                                       ClutterActor *ancestor,
                                       CoglMatrix *matrix)
  g_return_if_fail (ancestor != NULL);

  cogl_matrix_init_identity (matrix);

  _clutter_actor_apply_modelview_transform_recursive (self, ancestor, matrix);

/* Project the given @box into stage window coordinates, writing the
 * transformed vertices to @verts[]. */
static gboolean
_clutter_actor_transform_and_project_box (ClutterActor          *self,
					  const ClutterActorBox *box,
					  ClutterVertex          verts[])
  ClutterVertex box_vertices[4];

  box_vertices[0].x = box->x1;
  box_vertices[0].y = box->y1;
  box_vertices[0].z = 0;
  box_vertices[1].x = box->x2;
  box_vertices[1].y = box->y1;
  box_vertices[1].z = 0;
  box_vertices[2].x = box->x1;
  box_vertices[2].y = box->y2;
  box_vertices[2].z = 0;
  box_vertices[3].x = box->x2;
  box_vertices[3].y = box->y2;
  box_vertices[3].z = 0;

    _clutter_actor_fully_transform_vertices (self, box_vertices, verts, 4);

 * clutter_actor_get_allocation_vertices:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * @ancestor: (allow-none): A #ClutterActor to calculate the vertices
 *   against, or %NULL to use the #ClutterStage
 * @verts: (out) (array fixed-size=4) (element-type Clutter.Vertex): return
 *   location for an array of 4 #ClutterVertex in which to store the result
 * Calculates the transformed coordinates of the four corners of the
 * actor in the plane of @ancestor. The returned vertices relate to
 * the #ClutterActorBox coordinates as follows:
 * <itemizedlist>
 *   <listitem><para>@verts[0] contains (x1, y1)</para></listitem>
 *   <listitem><para>@verts[1] contains (x2, y1)</para></listitem>
 *   <listitem><para>@verts[2] contains (x1, y2)</para></listitem>
 *   <listitem><para>@verts[3] contains (x2, y2)</para></listitem>
 * </itemizedlist>
 * If @ancestor is %NULL the ancestor will be the #ClutterStage. In
 * this case, the coordinates returned will be the coordinates on
 * the stage before the projection is applied. This is different from
 * the behaviour of clutter_actor_get_abs_allocation_vertices().
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_actor_get_allocation_vertices (ClutterActor  *self,
                                       ClutterActor  *ancestor,
                                       ClutterVertex  verts[])
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;
  ClutterActorBox box;
  ClutterVertex vertices[4];
  CoglMatrix modelview;
  float w;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));
  g_return_if_fail (ancestor == NULL || CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (ancestor));

  if (ancestor == NULL)
    ancestor = _clutter_actor_get_stage_internal (self);

  /* Fallback to a NOP transform if the actor isn't parented under a
   * stage. */
  if (ancestor == NULL)
    ancestor = self;

  priv = self->priv;

  /* if the actor needs to be allocated we force a relayout, so that
   * we will have valid values to use in the transformations */
  if (priv->needs_allocation)
      ClutterActor *stage = _clutter_actor_get_stage_internal (self);
      if (stage)
        _clutter_stage_maybe_relayout (stage);
          box.x1 = box.y1 = 0;
          /* The result isn't really meaningful in this case but at
           * least try to do something *vaguely* reasonable... */
          clutter_actor_get_size (self, &box.x2, &box.y2);

  clutter_actor_get_allocation_box (self, &box);

  vertices[0].x = box.x1;
  vertices[0].y = box.y1;
  vertices[0].z = 0;
  vertices[1].x = box.x2;
  vertices[1].y = box.y1;
  vertices[1].z = 0;
  vertices[2].x = box.x1;
  vertices[2].y = box.y2;
  vertices[2].z = 0;
  vertices[3].x = box.x2;
  vertices[3].y = box.y2;
  vertices[3].z = 0;

  _clutter_actor_get_relative_modelview (self, ancestor, &modelview);

  w = 1;
  cogl_matrix_transform_point (&modelview,
                               &vertices[0].x, &vertices[0].y, &vertices[0].z,
  cogl_matrix_transform_point (&modelview,
                               &vertices[1].x, &vertices[1].y, &vertices[1].z,
  cogl_matrix_transform_point (&modelview,
                               &vertices[2].x, &vertices[2].y, &vertices[2].z,
  cogl_matrix_transform_point (&modelview,
                               &vertices[3].x, &vertices[3].y, &vertices[3].z,

 * clutter_actor_get_abs_allocation_vertices:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * @verts: (out) (array fixed-size=4): Pointer to a location of an array
 *   of 4 #ClutterVertex where to store the result.
 * Calculates the transformed screen coordinates of the four corners of
 * the actor; the returned vertices relate to the #ClutterActorBox
 * coordinates  as follows:
 * <itemizedlist>
 *   <listitem><para>v[0] contains (x1, y1)</para></listitem>
 *   <listitem><para>v[1] contains (x2, y1)</para></listitem>
 *   <listitem><para>v[2] contains (x1, y2)</para></listitem>
 *   <listitem><para>v[3] contains (x2, y2)</para></listitem>
 * </itemizedlist>
 * Since: 0.4
clutter_actor_get_abs_allocation_vertices (ClutterActor  *self,
                                           ClutterVertex  verts[])
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;
  ClutterActorBox actor_space_allocation;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  priv = self->priv;

  /* if the actor needs to be allocated we force a relayout, so that
   * the actor allocation box will be valid for
   * _clutter_actor_transform_and_project_box()
  if (priv->needs_allocation)
      ClutterActor *stage = _clutter_actor_get_stage_internal (self);
      /* There's nothing meaningful we can do now */
      if (!stage)

      _clutter_stage_maybe_relayout (stage);

  /* NB: _clutter_actor_transform_and_project_box expects a box in the actor's
   * own coordinate space... */
  actor_space_allocation.x1 = 0;
  actor_space_allocation.y1 = 0;
  actor_space_allocation.x2 = priv->allocation.x2 - priv->allocation.x1;
  actor_space_allocation.y2 = priv->allocation.y2 - priv->allocation.y1;
  _clutter_actor_transform_and_project_box (self,

static void
clutter_actor_real_apply_transform (ClutterActor *self,
                                    CoglMatrix   *matrix)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv = self->priv;

  cogl_matrix_translate (matrix,

  if (priv->z)
    cogl_matrix_translate (matrix, 0, 0, priv->z);

   * because the rotation involves translations, we must scale before
   * applying the rotations (if we apply the scale after the rotations,
   * the translations included in the rotation are not scaled and so the
   * entire object will move on the screen as a result of rotating it).
  if (priv->scale_x != 1.0 || priv->scale_y != 1.0)
                                    cogl_matrix_scale (matrix,

  if (priv->rzang)
                                  cogl_matrix_rotate (matrix,
                                                      0, 0, 1.0));

  if (priv->ryang)
                                  cogl_matrix_rotate (matrix,
                                                      0, 1.0, 0));

  if (priv->rxang)
                                  cogl_matrix_rotate (matrix,
                                                      1.0, 0, 0));

  if (!clutter_anchor_coord_is_zero (&priv->anchor))
      gfloat x, y, z;

      clutter_anchor_coord_get_units (self, &priv->anchor, &x, &y, &z);
      cogl_matrix_translate (matrix, -x, -y, -z);

/* Applies the transforms associated with this actor to the given
 * matrix. */
_clutter_actor_apply_modelview_transform (ClutterActor *self,
                                          CoglMatrix *matrix)
  CLUTTER_ACTOR_GET_CLASS (self)->apply_transform (self, matrix);

static gboolean
_clutter_actor_effects_pre_paint (ClutterActor *self)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv = self->priv;
  const GList *effects, *l;
  gboolean was_pre_painted = FALSE;

  priv->current_effect = NULL;

  effects = _clutter_meta_group_peek_metas (priv->effects);
  for (l = effects; l != NULL; l = l->next)
      ClutterEffect *effect = l->data;
      ClutterActorMeta *meta = l->data;

      if (!clutter_actor_meta_get_enabled (meta))

      priv->current_effect = l->data;

      was_pre_painted |= _clutter_effect_pre_paint (effect);

  priv->current_effect = NULL;

  return was_pre_painted;

static void
_clutter_actor_effects_post_paint (ClutterActor *self)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv = self->priv;
  const GList *effects, *l;

  priv->current_effect = NULL;

  /* we walk the list backwards, to unwind the post-paint order */
  effects = _clutter_meta_group_peek_metas (priv->effects);
  for (l = g_list_last ((GList *) effects); l != NULL; l = l->prev)
      ClutterEffect *effect = l->data;
      ClutterActorMeta *meta = l->data;

      if (!clutter_actor_meta_get_enabled (meta))

      priv->current_effect = l->data;

      _clutter_effect_post_paint (effect);

  priv->current_effect = NULL;

/* Recursively applies the transforms associated with this actor and
 * its ancestors to the given matrix. Use NULL if you want this
 * to go all the way down to the stage.
_clutter_actor_apply_modelview_transform_recursive (ClutterActor *self,
						    ClutterActor *ancestor,
                                                    CoglMatrix *matrix)
  ClutterActor *parent;

  /* Note we terminate before ever calling stage->apply_transform()
   * since that would conceptually be relative to the underlying
   * window OpenGL coordinates so we'd need a special @ancestor
   * value to represent the fake parent of the stage. */
  if (self == ancestor)

  parent = clutter_actor_get_parent (self);

  if (parent != NULL)
    _clutter_actor_apply_modelview_transform_recursive (parent, ancestor,

  _clutter_actor_apply_modelview_transform (self, matrix);

static void
_clutter_actor_draw_paint_volume (ClutterActor *self)
  static CoglMaterial *outline = NULL;
  CoglHandle vbo;
  ClutterPaintVolume *pv;
  gboolean free_fake_pv;
  ClutterPaintVolume fake_pv;
  ClutterVertex line_ends[12 * 2];
  int n_vertices;
  PangoLayout *layout;
  CoglColor color;

  if (outline == NULL)
    outline = cogl_material_new ();

  pv = _clutter_actor_get_paint_volume_mutable (self);
  if (!pv)
      gfloat width, height;
      ClutterActor *stage = _clutter_actor_get_stage_internal (self);
      _clutter_paint_volume_init_static (stage, &fake_pv);
      free_fake_pv = TRUE;

      clutter_actor_get_size (self, &width, &height);
      clutter_paint_volume_set_width (&fake_pv, width);
      clutter_paint_volume_set_height (&fake_pv, height);

      pv = &fake_pv;
      cogl_color_init_from_4f (&color, 0, 0, 1, 1);
      cogl_color_init_from_4f (&color, 0, 1, 0, 1);
      free_fake_pv = FALSE;

  _clutter_paint_volume_complete (pv);

  n_vertices = pv->is_2d ? 4 * 2 : 12 * 2;

  /* Front face */
  line_ends[0] = pv->vertices[0]; line_ends[1] = pv->vertices[1];
  line_ends[2] = pv->vertices[1]; line_ends[3] = pv->vertices[2];
  line_ends[4] = pv->vertices[2]; line_ends[5] = pv->vertices[3];
  line_ends[6] = pv->vertices[3]; line_ends[7] = pv->vertices[0];

  if (!pv->is_2d)
      /* Back face */
      line_ends[8] = pv->vertices[4]; line_ends[9] = pv->vertices[5];
      line_ends[10] = pv->vertices[5]; line_ends[11] = pv->vertices[6];
      line_ends[12] = pv->vertices[6]; line_ends[13] = pv->vertices[7];
      line_ends[14] = pv->vertices[7]; line_ends[15] = pv->vertices[4];

      /* Lines connecting front face to back face */
      line_ends[16] = pv->vertices[0]; line_ends[17] = pv->vertices[4];
      line_ends[18] = pv->vertices[1]; line_ends[19] = pv->vertices[5];
      line_ends[20] = pv->vertices[2]; line_ends[21] = pv->vertices[6];
      line_ends[22] = pv->vertices[3]; line_ends[23] = pv->vertices[7];

  vbo = cogl_vertex_buffer_new (n_vertices);
  cogl_vertex_buffer_add (vbo,
                          3, /* n_components */
                          FALSE, /* normalized */
                          0, /* stride */

  cogl_material_set_color (outline, &color);
  cogl_set_source (outline);
  cogl_vertex_buffer_draw (vbo, COGL_VERTICES_MODE_LINES,
                           0 , n_vertices);
  cogl_object_unref (vbo);

  layout = pango_layout_new (clutter_actor_get_pango_context (self));
  pango_layout_set_text (layout, G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (self), -1);
  cogl_pango_render_layout (layout,
  g_object_unref (layout);

  if (free_fake_pv)
    clutter_paint_volume_free (&fake_pv);

/* Returns TRUE if the actor can be ignored */
static gboolean
cull_actor (ClutterActor *self)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv = self->priv;
  ClutterActor *stage;
  const ClutterGeometry *stage_clip;
  ClutterActorBox *box;
  ClutterGeometry paint_geom;

  if (G_UNLIKELY (priv->last_paint_box_valid == FALSE))
    return FALSE;

  if (G_UNLIKELY (clutter_paint_debug_flags & CLUTTER_DEBUG_DISABLE_CULLING))
    return FALSE;

  stage = _clutter_actor_get_stage_internal (self);
  stage_clip = _clutter_stage_get_clip (CLUTTER_STAGE (stage));
  if (G_UNLIKELY (!stage_clip))
    return FALSE;

  /* XXX: It might be better if _get_paint_box returned a
   * ClutterGeometry instead. */
  box = &priv->last_paint_box;
  paint_geom.x = box->x1;
  paint_geom.y = box->y1;
  paint_geom.width = box->x2 - box->x1;
  paint_geom.height = box->y2 - box->y1;

  if (!clutter_geometry_intersects (stage_clip, &paint_geom))
    return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

 * clutter_actor_paint:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * Renders the actor to display.
 * This function should not be called directly by applications.
 * Call clutter_actor_queue_redraw() to queue paints, instead.
 * This function is context-aware, and will either cause a
 * regular paint or a pick paint.
 * This function will emit the #ClutterActor::paint signal or
 * the #ClutterActor::pick signal, depending on the context.
 * This function does not paint the actor if the actor is set to 0,
 * unless it is performing a pick paint.
clutter_actor_paint (ClutterActor *self)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;
  ClutterMainContext *context;
  gboolean clip_set = FALSE;
  CLUTTER_STATIC_COUNTER (actor_paint_counter,
                          "Actor real-paint counter",
                          "Increments each time any actor is painted",
                          0 /* no application private data */);
  CLUTTER_STATIC_COUNTER (actor_pick_counter,
                          "Actor pick-paint counter",
                          "Increments each time any actor is painted "
                          "for picking",
                          0 /* no application private data */);

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));


  priv = self->priv;

  context = _clutter_context_get_default ();

  /* It's an important optimization that we consider painting of
   * actors with 0 opacity to be a NOP... */
  if (context->pick_mode == CLUTTER_PICK_NONE &&
      /* ignore top-levels, since they might be transparent */
      /* If the actor is being painted from a clone then check the
         clone's opacity instead */
      (priv->opacity_parent ? priv->opacity_parent->priv : priv)->opacity == 0)
      priv->propagated_one_redraw = FALSE;

  /* if we aren't paintable (not in a toplevel with all
   * parents paintable) then do nothing.

  /* mark that we are in the paint process */


  if (priv->enable_model_view_transform)
      CoglMatrix matrix;
      /* XXX: It could be better to cache the modelview with the actor
       * instead of progressively building up the transformations on
       * the matrix stack every time we paint. */
      cogl_get_modelview_matrix (&matrix);
      _clutter_actor_apply_modelview_transform (self, &matrix);
      cogl_set_modelview_matrix (&matrix);

  if (priv->has_clip)
      cogl_clip_push_rectangle (priv->clip[0],
                                priv->clip[0] + priv->clip[2],
                                priv->clip[1] + priv->clip[3]);
      clip_set = TRUE;
  else if (priv->clip_to_allocation)
      gfloat width, height;

      width  = priv->allocation.x2 - priv->allocation.x1;
      height = priv->allocation.y2 - priv->allocation.y1;

      cogl_clip_push_rectangle (0, 0, width, height);
      clip_set = TRUE;

  if (context->pick_mode == CLUTTER_PICK_NONE)
      gboolean effect_painted = FALSE;
      gboolean need_paint_box;

      CLUTTER_COUNTER_INC (_clutter_uprof_context, actor_paint_counter);

      if (G_UNLIKELY (clutter_paint_debug_flags &
                      CLUTTER_DEBUG_DISABLE_CULLING &&
                      clutter_paint_debug_flags &
        need_paint_box = FALSE;
        need_paint_box = TRUE;

      /* We save the current paint box so that the next time the
       * actor queues a redraw we can constrain the redraw to just
       * cover the union of the new bounding box and the old.
       * We also fetch the current paint box to perform culling so we
       * can avoid painting actors outside the current clip region.
       * XXX: We are starting to do a lot of vertex transforms on
       * the CPU in a typical paint, so at some point we should
       * audit these and consider caching some things.
       * XXX: We should consider doing all our culling in the
       * stage's model space using PaintVolumes so we don't have
       * to project actor paint volumes all the way into window
       * coordinates!
       *   XXX: To do this we also need a way to store an
       *   "absolute paint volume" in some way. Currently the
       *   paint volumes are defined relative to a referenced
       *   actor's coordinates, but we'd need to be able to cache
       *   the last paint volume used with the actor's *current*
       *   modelview and either with a specific projection matrix
       *   or we'd need to be able to invalidate paint-volumes on
       *   projection changes.
      if (G_LIKELY (need_paint_box) &&
          clutter_actor_get_paint_box (self, &priv->last_paint_box))
        priv->last_paint_box_valid = TRUE;
        priv->last_paint_box_valid = FALSE;

      if (cull_actor (self))
        goto done;

      if (priv->effects != NULL)
        effect_painted = _clutter_actor_effects_pre_paint (self);
      else if (priv->shader_data != NULL)
        clutter_actor_shader_pre_paint (self, FALSE);

      priv->propagated_one_redraw = FALSE;
      g_signal_emit (self, actor_signals[PAINT], 0);

      if (effect_painted)
        _clutter_actor_effects_post_paint (self);
      else if (priv->shader_data != NULL)
        clutter_actor_shader_post_paint (self);

      if (G_UNLIKELY (clutter_paint_debug_flags & CLUTTER_DEBUG_PAINT_VOLUMES))
        _clutter_actor_draw_paint_volume (self);
      ClutterColor col = { 0, };

      CLUTTER_COUNTER_INC (_clutter_uprof_context, actor_pick_counter);

      _clutter_id_to_color (clutter_actor_get_gid (self), &col);

      /* Actor will then paint silhouette of itself in supplied
       * color.  See clutter_stage_get_actor_at_pos() for where
       * picking is enabled.
      g_signal_emit (self, actor_signals[PICK], 0, &col);

  if (clip_set)


  /* paint sequence complete */

/* internal helper function set the rotation angle without affecting
   the center point
static void
clutter_actor_set_rotation_internal (ClutterActor      *self,
                                     ClutterRotateAxis  axis,
                                     gdouble            angle)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv = self->priv;

  g_object_ref (self);
  g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (self));

  switch (axis)
    case CLUTTER_X_AXIS:
      priv->rxang = angle;
      _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_ROTATION_ANGLE_X]);

    case CLUTTER_Y_AXIS:
      priv->ryang = angle;
      _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_ROTATION_ANGLE_Y]);

    case CLUTTER_Z_AXIS:
      priv->rzang = angle;
      _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_ROTATION_ANGLE_Z]);

  g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (self));
  g_object_unref (self);

  clutter_actor_queue_redraw (self);

static void
clutter_actor_set_property (GObject      *object,
			    guint         prop_id,
			    const GValue *value,
			    GParamSpec   *pspec)
  ClutterActor *actor = CLUTTER_ACTOR (object);
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv = actor->priv;

  switch (prop_id)
    case PROP_X:
      clutter_actor_set_x (actor, g_value_get_float (value));

    case PROP_Y:
      clutter_actor_set_y (actor, g_value_get_float (value));

    case PROP_WIDTH:
      clutter_actor_set_width (actor, g_value_get_float (value));

    case PROP_HEIGHT:
      clutter_actor_set_height (actor, g_value_get_float (value));

    case PROP_FIXED_X:
      clutter_actor_set_x (actor, g_value_get_float (value));

    case PROP_FIXED_Y:
      clutter_actor_set_y (actor, g_value_get_float (value));

      clutter_actor_set_fixed_position_set (actor, g_value_get_boolean (value));

    case PROP_MIN_WIDTH:
      clutter_actor_set_min_width (actor, g_value_get_float (value));

      clutter_actor_set_min_height (actor, g_value_get_float (value));

      clutter_actor_set_natural_width (actor, g_value_get_float (value));

      clutter_actor_set_natural_height (actor, g_value_get_float (value));

      clutter_actor_set_min_width_set (actor, g_value_get_boolean (value));

      clutter_actor_set_min_height_set (actor, g_value_get_boolean (value));

      clutter_actor_set_natural_width_set (actor, g_value_get_boolean (value));

      clutter_actor_set_natural_height_set (actor, g_value_get_boolean (value));

      clutter_actor_set_request_mode (actor, g_value_get_enum (value));

    case PROP_DEPTH:
      clutter_actor_set_depth (actor, g_value_get_float (value));

    case PROP_OPACITY:
      clutter_actor_set_opacity (actor, g_value_get_uint (value));

    case PROP_NAME:
      clutter_actor_set_name (actor, g_value_get_string (value));

    case PROP_VISIBLE:
      if (g_value_get_boolean (value) == TRUE)
	clutter_actor_show (actor);
	clutter_actor_hide (actor);

    case PROP_SCALE_X:
      clutter_actor_set_scale (actor,
                               g_value_get_double (value),

    case PROP_SCALE_Y:
      clutter_actor_set_scale (actor,
                               g_value_get_double (value));

	gfloat center_x = g_value_get_float (value);
        gfloat center_y;

        clutter_anchor_coord_get_units (actor, &priv->scale_center,
	clutter_actor_set_scale_full (actor,

        gfloat center_y = g_value_get_float (value);
	gfloat center_x;

        clutter_anchor_coord_get_units (actor, &priv->scale_center,
	clutter_actor_set_scale_full (actor,

      clutter_actor_set_scale_with_gravity (actor,
                                            g_value_get_enum (value));

    case PROP_CLIP:
        const ClutterGeometry *geom = g_value_get_boxed (value);

	clutter_actor_set_clip (actor,
				geom->x, geom->y,
				geom->width, geom->height);

      clutter_actor_set_clip_to_allocation (actor, g_value_get_boolean (value));

      clutter_actor_set_reactive (actor, g_value_get_boolean (value));

      clutter_actor_set_rotation_internal (actor,
                                           g_value_get_double (value));

      clutter_actor_set_rotation_internal (actor,
                                           g_value_get_double (value));

      clutter_actor_set_rotation_internal (actor,
                                           g_value_get_double (value));

        const ClutterVertex *center;

        if ((center = g_value_get_boxed (value)))
          clutter_actor_set_rotation (actor,

        const ClutterVertex *center;

        if ((center = g_value_get_boxed (value)))
          clutter_actor_set_rotation (actor,

        const ClutterVertex *center;

        if ((center = g_value_get_boxed (value)))
          clutter_actor_set_rotation (actor,

      clutter_actor_set_z_rotation_from_gravity (actor, priv->rzang,
                                                 g_value_get_enum (value));

    case PROP_ANCHOR_X:
        gfloat anchor_x = g_value_get_float (value);
        gfloat anchor_y;

        clutter_anchor_coord_get_units (actor, &priv->anchor,
	clutter_actor_set_anchor_point (actor, anchor_x, anchor_y);

    case PROP_ANCHOR_Y:
        gfloat anchor_y = g_value_get_float (value);
        gfloat anchor_x;

        clutter_anchor_coord_get_units (actor, &priv->anchor,
	clutter_actor_set_anchor_point (actor, anchor_x, anchor_y);

      clutter_actor_set_anchor_point_from_gravity (actor,
                                                   g_value_get_enum (value));

      priv->show_on_set_parent = g_value_get_boolean (value);

      clutter_actor_set_text_direction (actor, g_value_get_enum (value));

    case PROP_ACTIONS:
      clutter_actor_add_action (actor, g_value_get_object (value));

      clutter_actor_add_constraint (actor, g_value_get_object (value));

    case PROP_EFFECT:
      clutter_actor_add_effect (actor, g_value_get_object (value));

      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);

static void
clutter_actor_get_property (GObject    *object,
			    guint       prop_id,
			    GValue     *value,
			    GParamSpec *pspec)
  ClutterActor *actor = CLUTTER_ACTOR (object);
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv = actor->priv;

  switch (prop_id)
    case PROP_X:
      g_value_set_float (value, clutter_actor_get_x (actor));

    case PROP_Y:
      g_value_set_float (value, clutter_actor_get_y (actor));

    case PROP_WIDTH:
      g_value_set_float (value, clutter_actor_get_width (actor));

    case PROP_HEIGHT:
      g_value_set_float (value, clutter_actor_get_height (actor));

    case PROP_FIXED_X:
      g_value_set_float (value, priv->fixed_x);

    case PROP_FIXED_Y:
      g_value_set_float (value, priv->fixed_y);

      g_value_set_boolean (value, priv->position_set);

    case PROP_MIN_WIDTH:
      g_value_set_float (value, priv->request_min_width);

      g_value_set_float (value, priv->request_min_height);

      g_value_set_float (value, priv->request_natural_width);

      g_value_set_float (value, priv->request_natural_height);

      g_value_set_boolean (value, priv->min_width_set);

      g_value_set_boolean (value, priv->min_height_set);

      g_value_set_boolean (value, priv->natural_width_set);

      g_value_set_boolean (value, priv->natural_height_set);

      g_value_set_enum (value, priv->request_mode);

      g_value_set_boxed (value, &priv->allocation);

    case PROP_DEPTH:
      g_value_set_float (value, clutter_actor_get_depth (actor));

    case PROP_OPACITY:
      g_value_set_uint (value, priv->opacity);

    case PROP_NAME:
      g_value_set_string (value, priv->name);

    case PROP_VISIBLE:
      g_value_set_boolean (value, CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_VISIBLE (actor));

    case PROP_MAPPED:
      g_value_set_boolean (value, CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_MAPPED (actor));

      g_value_set_boolean (value, CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_REALIZED (actor));

    case PROP_HAS_CLIP:
      g_value_set_boolean (value, priv->has_clip);

    case PROP_CLIP:
        ClutterGeometry clip = { 0, };

        clip.x      = priv->clip[0];
        clip.y      = priv->clip[1];
        clip.width  = priv->clip[2];
        clip.height = priv->clip[3];

        g_value_set_boxed (value, &clip);

      g_value_set_boolean (value, priv->clip_to_allocation);

    case PROP_SCALE_X:
      g_value_set_double (value, priv->scale_x);

    case PROP_SCALE_Y:
      g_value_set_double (value, priv->scale_y);

        gfloat center;

        clutter_actor_get_scale_center (actor, &center, NULL);

        g_value_set_float (value, center);

        gfloat center;

        clutter_actor_get_scale_center (actor, NULL, &center);

        g_value_set_float (value, center);

      g_value_set_enum (value, clutter_actor_get_scale_gravity (actor));

      g_value_set_boolean (value, clutter_actor_get_reactive (actor));

      g_value_set_double (value, priv->rxang);

      g_value_set_double (value, priv->ryang);

      g_value_set_double (value, priv->rzang);

        ClutterVertex center;

        clutter_actor_get_rotation (actor, CLUTTER_X_AXIS,

        g_value_set_boxed (value, &center);

        ClutterVertex center;

        clutter_actor_get_rotation (actor, CLUTTER_Y_AXIS,

        g_value_set_boxed (value, &center);

        ClutterVertex center;

        clutter_actor_get_rotation (actor, CLUTTER_Z_AXIS,

        g_value_set_boxed (value, &center);

      g_value_set_enum (value, clutter_actor_get_z_rotation_gravity (actor));

    case PROP_ANCHOR_X:
        gfloat anchor_x;

        clutter_anchor_coord_get_units (actor, &priv->anchor,
        g_value_set_float (value, anchor_x);

    case PROP_ANCHOR_Y:
        gfloat anchor_y;

        clutter_anchor_coord_get_units (actor, &priv->anchor,
        g_value_set_float (value, anchor_y);

      g_value_set_enum (value, clutter_actor_get_anchor_point_gravity (actor));

      g_value_set_boolean (value, priv->show_on_set_parent);

      g_value_set_enum (value, priv->text_direction);

      g_value_set_boolean (value, priv->has_pointer);

      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);

static void
clutter_actor_dispose (GObject *object)
  ClutterActor *self = CLUTTER_ACTOR (object);
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv = self->priv;

  CLUTTER_NOTE (MISC, "Disposing of object (id=%d) of type '%s' (ref_count:%d)",
		g_type_name (G_OBJECT_TYPE (self)),

  /* avoid recursing when called from clutter_actor_destroy() */
  if (priv->parent_actor != NULL)
      ClutterActor *parent = priv->parent_actor;

      /* go through the Container implementation unless this
       * is an internal child and has been marked as such
      if (CLUTTER_IS_CONTAINER (parent) &&
          clutter_container_remove_actor (CLUTTER_CONTAINER (parent), self);
        clutter_actor_unparent (self);

  /* parent should be gone */
  g_assert (priv->parent_actor == NULL);

      /* can't be mapped or realized with no parent */
      g_assert (!CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_MAPPED (self));
      g_assert (!CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_REALIZED (self));

  destroy_shader_data (self);

  if (priv->pango_context)
      g_object_unref (priv->pango_context);
      priv->pango_context = NULL;

  if (priv->actions != NULL)
      g_object_unref (priv->actions);
      priv->actions = NULL;

  if (priv->constraints != NULL)
      g_object_unref (priv->constraints);
      priv->constraints = NULL;

  if (priv->effects != NULL)
      g_object_unref (priv->effects);
      priv->effects = NULL;

  g_signal_emit (self, actor_signals[DESTROY], 0);

  G_OBJECT_CLASS (clutter_actor_parent_class)->dispose (object);

static void
clutter_actor_finalize (GObject *object)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv = CLUTTER_ACTOR (object)->priv;

  CLUTTER_NOTE (MISC, "Finalize actor (name='%s', id=%d) of type '%s'",
                priv->name != NULL ? priv->name : "<none>",
		g_type_name (G_OBJECT_TYPE (object)));

  g_free (priv->name);
  clutter_id_pool_remove (CLUTTER_CONTEXT()->id_pool, priv->id);

  G_OBJECT_CLASS (clutter_actor_parent_class)->finalize (object);

 * clutter_actor_get_accessible:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * Returns the accessible object that describes the actor to an
 * assistive technology.
 * If no class-specific #AtkObject implementation is available for the
 * actor instance in question, it will inherit an #AtkObject
 * implementation from the first ancestor class for which such an
 * implementation is defined.
 * The documentation of the <ulink
 * url="http://developer.gnome.org/doc/API/2.0/atk/index.html">ATK</ulink>
 * library contains more information about accessible objects and
 * their uses.
 * Returns: (transfer none): the #AtkObject associated with @actor
AtkObject *
clutter_actor_get_accessible (ClutterActor *self)
  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self), NULL);

  return CLUTTER_ACTOR_GET_CLASS (self)->get_accessible (self);

static AtkObject *
clutter_actor_real_get_accessible (ClutterActor *actor)
  return atk_gobject_accessible_for_object (G_OBJECT (actor));

static AtkObject *
_clutter_actor_ref_accessible (AtkImplementor *implementor)
  AtkObject *accessible;

  accessible = clutter_actor_get_accessible (CLUTTER_ACTOR (implementor));
  if (accessible != NULL)
    g_object_ref (accessible);

  return accessible;

static void
atk_implementor_iface_init (AtkImplementorIface *iface)
  iface->ref_accessible = _clutter_actor_ref_accessible;

static gboolean
clutter_actor_real_get_paint_volume (ClutterActor       *self,
                                     ClutterPaintVolume *volume)
  return FALSE;

static void
clutter_actor_class_init (ClutterActorClass *klass)
  GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
  GParamSpec *pspec;

  object_class->set_property = clutter_actor_set_property;
  object_class->get_property = clutter_actor_get_property;
  object_class->dispose      = clutter_actor_dispose;
  object_class->finalize     = clutter_actor_finalize;

  g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (ClutterActorPrivate));

   * ClutterActor:x:
   * X coordinate of the actor in pixels. If written, forces a fixed
   * position for the actor. If read, returns the fixed position if any,
   * otherwise the allocation if available, otherwise 0.
  pspec = g_param_spec_float ("x",
                              P_("X coordinate"),
                              P_("X coordinate of the actor"),
                              -G_MAXFLOAT, G_MAXFLOAT,
  obj_props[PROP_X] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_X, pspec);

   * ClutterActor:y:
   * Y coordinate of the actor in pixels. If written, forces a fixed
   * position for the actor.  If read, returns the fixed position if
   * any, otherwise the allocation if available, otherwise 0.
  pspec = g_param_spec_float ("y",
                              P_("Y coordinate"),
                              P_("Y coordinate of the actor"),
                              -G_MAXFLOAT, G_MAXFLOAT,
  obj_props[PROP_Y] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_Y, pspec);

   * ClutterActor:width:
   * Width of the actor (in pixels). If written, forces the minimum and
   * natural size request of the actor to the given width. If read, returns
   * the allocated width if available, otherwise the width request.
  pspec = g_param_spec_float ("width",
                              P_("Width of the actor"),
                              0.0, G_MAXFLOAT,
  obj_props[PROP_WIDTH] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_WIDTH, pspec);
   * ClutterActor:height:
   * Height of the actor (in pixels).  If written, forces the minimum and
   * natural size request of the actor to the given height. If read, returns
   * the allocated height if available, otherwise the height request.
  pspec = g_param_spec_float ("height",
                              P_("Height of the actor"),
                              0.0, G_MAXFLOAT,
  obj_props[PROP_HEIGHT] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_HEIGHT, pspec);

   * ClutterActor:fixed-x:
   * The fixed X position of the actor in pixels.
   * Writing this property sets #ClutterActor:fixed-position-set
   * property as well, as a side effect
   * Since: 0.8
  pspec = g_param_spec_float ("fixed-x",
                              P_("Fixed X"),
                              P_("Forced X position of the actor"),
                              -G_MAXFLOAT, G_MAXFLOAT,
  obj_props[PROP_FIXED_X] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_FIXED_X, pspec);

   * ClutterActor:fixed-y:
   * The fixed Y position of the actor in pixels.
   * Writing this property sets the #ClutterActor:fixed-position-set
   * property as well, as a side effect
   * Since: 0.8
  pspec = g_param_spec_float ("fixed-y",
                              P_("Fixed Y"),
                              P_("Forced Y position of the actor"),
                              -G_MAXFLOAT, G_MAXFLOAT,
  obj_props[PROP_FIXED_Y] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_FIXED_Y, pspec);

   * ClutterActor:fixed-position-set:
   * This flag controls whether the #ClutterActor:fixed-x and
   * #ClutterActor:fixed-y properties are used
   * Since: 0.8
  pspec = g_param_spec_boolean ("fixed-position-set",
                                P_("Fixed position set"),
                                P_("Whether to use fixed positioning "
                                   "for the actor"),
  obj_props[PROP_FIXED_POSITION_SET] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class,

   * ClutterActor:min-width:
   * A forced minimum width request for the actor, in pixels
   * Writing this property sets the #ClutterActor:min-width-set property
   * as well, as a side effect.
   *This property overrides the usual width request of the actor.
   * Since: 0.8
  pspec = g_param_spec_float ("min-width",
                              P_("Min Width"),
                              P_("Forced minimum width request for the actor"),
                              0.0, G_MAXFLOAT,
  obj_props[PROP_MIN_WIDTH] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_MIN_WIDTH, pspec);

   * ClutterActor:min-height:
   * A forced minimum height request for the actor, in pixels
   * Writing this property sets the #ClutterActor:min-height-set property
   * as well, as a side effect. This property overrides the usual height
   * request of the actor.
   * Since: 0.8
  pspec = g_param_spec_float ("min-height",
                              P_("Min Height"),
                              P_("Forced minimum height request for the actor"),
                              0.0, G_MAXFLOAT,
  obj_props[PROP_MIN_HEIGHT] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_MIN_HEIGHT, pspec);

   * ClutterActor:natural-width:
   * A forced natural width request for the actor, in pixels
   * Writing this property sets the #ClutterActor:natural-width-set
   * property as well, as a side effect. This property overrides the
   * usual width request of the actor
   * Since: 0.8
  pspec = g_param_spec_float ("natural-width",
                              P_("Natural Width"),
                              P_("Forced natural width request for the actor"),
                              0.0, G_MAXFLOAT,
  obj_props[PROP_NATURAL_WIDTH] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_NATURAL_WIDTH, pspec);

   * ClutterActor:natural-height:
   * A forced natural height request for the actor, in pixels
   * Writing this property sets the #ClutterActor:natural-height-set
   * property as well, as a side effect. This property overrides the
   * usual height request of the actor
   * Since: 0.8
  pspec = g_param_spec_float ("natural-height",
                              P_("Natural Height"),
                              P_("Forced natural height request for the actor"),
                              0.0, G_MAXFLOAT,
  obj_props[PROP_NATURAL_HEIGHT] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_NATURAL_HEIGHT, pspec);

   * ClutterActor:min-width-set:
   * This flag controls whether the #ClutterActor:min-width property
   * is used
   * Since: 0.8
  pspec = g_param_spec_boolean ("min-width-set",
                                P_("Minimum width set"),
                                P_("Whether to use the min-width property"),
  obj_props[PROP_MIN_WIDTH_SET] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_MIN_WIDTH_SET, pspec);

   * ClutterActor:min-height-set:
   * This flag controls whether the #ClutterActor:min-height property
   * is used
   * Since: 0.8
  pspec = g_param_spec_boolean ("min-height-set",
                                P_("Minimum height set"),
                                P_("Whether to use the min-height property"),
  obj_props[PROP_MIN_HEIGHT_SET] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_MIN_HEIGHT_SET, pspec);

   * ClutterActor:natural-width-set:
   * This flag controls whether the #ClutterActor:natural-width property
   * is used
   * Since: 0.8
  pspec = g_param_spec_boolean ("natural-width-set",
                                P_("Natural width set"),
                                P_("Whether to use the natural-width property"),
  obj_props[PROP_NATURAL_WIDTH_SET] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class,

   * ClutterActor:natural-height-set:
   * This flag controls whether the #ClutterActor:natural-height property
   * is used
   * Since: 0.8
  pspec = g_param_spec_boolean ("natural-height-set",
                                P_("Natural height set"),
                                P_("Whether to use the natural-height property"),
  obj_props[PROP_NATURAL_HEIGHT_SET] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class,

   * ClutterActor:allocation:
   * The allocation for the actor, in pixels
   * This is property is read-only, but you might monitor it to know when an
   * actor moves or resizes
   * Since: 0.8
  pspec = g_param_spec_boxed ("allocation",
                              P_("The actor's allocation"),
  obj_props[PROP_ALLOCATION] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_ALLOCATION, pspec);

   * ClutterActor:request-mode:
   * Request mode for the #ClutterActor. The request mode determines the
   * type of geometry management used by the actor, either height for width
   * (the default) or width for height.
   * For actors implementing height for width, the parent container should get
   * the preferred width first, and then the preferred height for that width.
   * For actors implementing width for height, the parent container should get
   * the preferred height first, and then the preferred width for that height.
   * For instance:
   * |[
   *   ClutterRequestMode mode;
   *   gfloat natural_width, min_width;
   *   gfloat natural_height, min_height;
   *   mode = clutter_actor_get_request_mode (child);
   *     {
   *       clutter_actor_get_preferred_width (child, -1,
   *                                          &amp;min_width,
   *                                          &amp;natural_width);
   *       clutter_actor_get_preferred_height (child, natural_width,
   *                                           &amp;min_height,
   *                                           &amp;natural_height);
   *     }
   *   else
   *     {
   *       clutter_actor_get_preferred_height (child, -1,
   *                                           &amp;min_height,
   *                                           &amp;natural_height);
   *       clutter_actor_get_preferred_width (child, natural_height,
   *                                          &amp;min_width,
   *                                          &amp;natural_width);
   *     }
   * ]|
   * will retrieve the minimum and natural width and height depending on the
   * preferred request mode of the #ClutterActor "child".
   * The clutter_actor_get_preferred_size() function will implement this
   * check for you.
   * Since: 0.8
  pspec = g_param_spec_enum ("request-mode",
                             P_("Request Mode"),
                             P_("The actor's request mode"),
  obj_props[PROP_REQUEST_MODE] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_REQUEST_MODE, pspec);

   * ClutterActor:depth:
   * The position of the actor on the Z axis
   * Since: 0.6
  pspec = g_param_spec_float ("depth",
                              P_("Position on the Z axis"),
                              -G_MAXFLOAT, G_MAXFLOAT,
  obj_props[PROP_DEPTH] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_DEPTH, pspec);

   * ClutterActor:opacity:
   * Opacity of an actor, between 0 (fully transparent) and
   * 255 (fully opaque)
  pspec = g_param_spec_uint ("opacity",
                             P_("Opacity of an actor"),
                             0, 255,
  obj_props[PROP_OPACITY] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_OPACITY, pspec);

   * ClutterActor:visible:
   * Whether the actor is set to be visible or not
   * See also #ClutterActor:mapped
  pspec = g_param_spec_boolean ("visible",
                                P_("Whether the actor is visible or not"),
  obj_props[PROP_VISIBLE] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_VISIBLE, pspec);

   * ClutterActor:mapped:
   * Whether the actor is mapped (will be painted when the stage
   * to which it belongs is mapped)
   * Since: 1.0
  pspec = g_param_spec_boolean ("mapped",
                                P_("Whether the actor will be painted"),
  obj_props[PROP_MAPPED] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_MAPPED, pspec);

   * ClutterActor:realized:
   * Whether the actor has been realized
   * Since: 1.0
  pspec = g_param_spec_boolean ("realized",
                                P_("Whether the actor has been realized"),
  obj_props[PROP_REALIZED] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_REALIZED, pspec);

   * ClutterActor:reactive:
   * Whether the actor is reactive to events or not
   * Only reactive actors will emit event-related signals
   * Since: 0.6
  pspec = g_param_spec_boolean ("reactive",
                                P_("Whether the actor is reactive to events"),
  obj_props[PROP_REACTIVE] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_REACTIVE, pspec);

   * ClutterActor:has-clip:
   * Whether the actor has the #ClutterActor:clip property set or not
  pspec = g_param_spec_boolean ("has-clip",
                                P_("Has Clip"),
                                P_("Whether the actor has a clip set"),
  obj_props[PROP_HAS_CLIP] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_HAS_CLIP, pspec);

   * ClutterActor:clip:
   * The clip region for the actor, in actor-relative coordinates
   * Every part of the actor outside the clip region will not be
   * painted
  pspec = g_param_spec_boxed ("clip",
                              P_("The clip region for the actor"),
  obj_props[PROP_CLIP] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_CLIP, pspec);

   * ClutterActor:name:
   * The name of the actor
   * Since: 0.2
  pspec = g_param_spec_string ("name",
                               P_("Name of the actor"),
  obj_props[PROP_NAME] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_NAME, pspec);

   * ClutterActor:scale-x:
   * The horizontal scale of the actor
   * Since: 0.6
  pspec = g_param_spec_double ("scale-x",
                               P_("Scale X"),
                               P_("Scale factor on the X axis"),
                               0.0, G_MAXDOUBLE,
  obj_props[PROP_SCALE_X] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_SCALE_X, pspec);

   * ClutterActor:scale-y:
   * The vertical scale of the actor
   * Since: 0.6
  pspec = g_param_spec_double ("scale-y",
                               P_("Scale Y"),
                               P_("Scale factor on the Y axis"),
                               0.0, G_MAXDOUBLE,
  obj_props[PROP_SCALE_Y] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_SCALE_Y, pspec);

   * ClutterActor:scale-center-x:
   * The horizontal center point for scaling
   * Since: 1.0
  pspec = g_param_spec_float ("scale-center-x",
                              P_("Scale Center X"),
                              P_("Horizontal scale center"),
                              -G_MAXFLOAT, G_MAXFLOAT,
  obj_props[PROP_SCALE_CENTER_X] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_SCALE_CENTER_X, pspec);

   * ClutterActor:scale-center-y:
   * The vertical center point for scaling
   * Since: 1.0
  pspec = g_param_spec_float ("scale-center-y",
                              P_("Scale Center Y"),
                              P_("Vertical scale center"),
                              -G_MAXFLOAT, G_MAXFLOAT,
  obj_props[PROP_SCALE_CENTER_Y] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_SCALE_CENTER_Y, pspec);

   * ClutterActor:scale-gravity:
   * The center point for scaling expressed as a #ClutterGravity
   * Since: 1.0
  pspec = g_param_spec_enum ("scale-gravity",
                             P_("Scale Gravity"),
                             P_("The center of scaling"),
  obj_props[PROP_SCALE_GRAVITY] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class,

   * ClutterActor:rotation-angle-x:
   * The rotation angle on the X axis
   * Since: 0.6
  pspec = g_param_spec_double ("rotation-angle-x",
                               P_("Rotation Angle X"),
                               P_("The rotation angle on the X axis"),
                               -G_MAXDOUBLE, G_MAXDOUBLE,
  obj_props[PROP_ROTATION_ANGLE_X] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_ROTATION_ANGLE_X, pspec);

   * ClutterActor:rotation-angle-y:
   * The rotation angle on the Y axis
   * Since: 0.6
  pspec = g_param_spec_double ("rotation-angle-y",
                               P_("Rotation Angle Y"),
                               P_("The rotation angle on the Y axis"),
                               -G_MAXDOUBLE, G_MAXDOUBLE,
  obj_props[PROP_ROTATION_ANGLE_Y] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_ROTATION_ANGLE_Y, pspec);

   * ClutterActor:rotation-angle-z:
   * The rotation angle on the Z axis
   * Since: 0.6
  pspec = g_param_spec_double ("rotation-angle-z",
                               P_("Rotation Angle Z"),
                               P_("The rotation angle on the Z axis"),
                               -G_MAXDOUBLE, G_MAXDOUBLE,
  obj_props[PROP_ROTATION_ANGLE_Z] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_ROTATION_ANGLE_Z, pspec);

   * ClutterActor:rotation-center-x:
   * The rotation center on the X axis.
   * Since: 0.6
  pspec = g_param_spec_boxed ("rotation-center-x",
                              P_("Rotation Center X"),
                              P_("The rotation center on the X axis"),
  obj_props[PROP_ROTATION_CENTER_X] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class,

   * ClutterActor:rotation-center-y:
   * The rotation center on the Y axis.
   * Since: 0.6
  pspec = g_param_spec_boxed ("rotation-center-y",
                              P_("Rotation Center Y"),
                              P_("The rotation center on the Y axis"),
  obj_props[PROP_ROTATION_CENTER_Y] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class,

   * ClutterActor:rotation-center-z:
   * The rotation center on the Z axis.
   * Since: 0.6
  pspec = g_param_spec_boxed ("rotation-center-z",
                              P_("Rotation Center Z"),
                              P_("The rotation center on the Z axis"),
  obj_props[PROP_ROTATION_CENTER_Z] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class,

   * ClutterActor:rotation-center-z-gravity:
   * The rotation center on the Z axis expressed as a #ClutterGravity.
   * Since: 1.0
  pspec = g_param_spec_enum ("rotation-center-z-gravity",
                             P_("Rotation Center Z Gravity"),
                             P_("Center point for rotation around the Z axis"),
  obj_props[PROP_ROTATION_CENTER_Z_GRAVITY] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class,

   * ClutterActor:anchor-x:
   * The X coordinate of an actor's anchor point, relative to
   * the actor coordinate space, in pixels
   * Since: 0.8
  pspec = g_param_spec_float ("anchor-x",
                              P_("Anchor X"),
                              P_("X coordinate of the anchor point"),
                              -G_MAXFLOAT, G_MAXFLOAT,
  obj_props[PROP_ANCHOR_X] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_ANCHOR_X, pspec);

   * ClutterActor:anchor-y:
   * The Y coordinate of an actor's anchor point, relative to
   * the actor coordinate space, in pixels
   * Since: 0.8
  pspec = g_param_spec_float ("anchor-y",
                              P_("Anchor Y"),
                              P_("Y coordinate of the anchor point"),
                              -G_MAXFLOAT, G_MAXFLOAT,
  obj_props[PROP_ANCHOR_Y] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_ANCHOR_Y, pspec);

   * ClutterActor:anchor-gravity:
   * The anchor point expressed as a #ClutterGravity
   * Since: 1.0
  pspec = g_param_spec_enum ("anchor-gravity",
                             P_("Anchor Gravity"),
                             P_("The anchor point as a ClutterGravity"),
  obj_props[PROP_ANCHOR_GRAVITY] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
                                   PROP_ANCHOR_GRAVITY, pspec);

   * ClutterActor:show-on-set-parent:
   * If %TRUE, the actor is automatically shown when parented.
   * Calling clutter_actor_hide() on an actor which has not been
   * parented will set this property to %FALSE as a side effect.
   * Since: 0.8
  pspec = g_param_spec_boolean ("show-on-set-parent",
                                P_("Show on set parent"),
                                P_("Whether the actor is shown when parented"),
  obj_props[PROP_SHOW_ON_SET_PARENT] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class,

   * ClutterActor:clip-to-allocation:
   * Whether the clip region should track the allocated area
   * of the actor.
   * This property is ignored if a clip area has been explicitly
   * set using clutter_actor_set_clip().
   * Since: 1.0
  pspec = g_param_spec_boolean ("clip-to-allocation",
                                P_("Clip to Allocation"),
                                P_("Sets the clip region to track the "
                                   "actor's allocation"),
  obj_props[PROP_CLIP_TO_ALLOCATION] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class,

  pspec = g_param_spec_enum ("text-direction",
                             P_("Text Direction"),
                             P_("Direction of the text"),
  obj_props[PROP_TEXT_DIRECTION] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class,

   * ClutterActor:has-pointer:
   * Whether the actor contains the pointer of a #ClutterInputDevice
   * or not.
   * Since: 1.2
  pspec = g_param_spec_boolean ("has-pointer",
                                P_("Has Pointer"),
                                P_("Whether the actor contains the pointer "
                                   "of an input device"),
  obj_props[PROP_HAS_POINTER] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class,

   * ClutterActor:actions:
   * Adds a #ClutterAction to the actor
   * Since: 1.4
  pspec = g_param_spec_object ("actions",
                               P_("Adds an action to the actor"),
  obj_props[PROP_ACTIONS] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_ACTIONS, pspec);

   * ClutterActor:constraints:
   * Adds a #ClutterConstraint to the actor
   * Since: 1.4
  pspec = g_param_spec_object ("constraints",
                               P_("Adds a constraint to the actor"),
  obj_props[PROP_CONSTRAINTS] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_CONSTRAINTS, pspec);

   * ClutterActor:effect:
   * Adds #ClutterEffect to the list of effects be applied on a #ClutterActor
   * Since: 1.4
  pspec = g_param_spec_object ("effect",
                               "Add an effect to be applied on the actor",
  obj_props[PROP_EFFECT] = pspec;
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_EFFECT, pspec);

   * ClutterActor::destroy:
   * @actor: the object which received the signal
   * The ::destroy signal is emitted when an actor is destroyed,
   * either by direct invocation of clutter_actor_destroy() or
   * when the #ClutterGroup that contains the actor is destroyed.
   * Since: 0.2
  actor_signals[DESTROY] =
    g_signal_new (I_("destroy"),
		  G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
		  G_STRUCT_OFFSET (ClutterActorClass, destroy),
		  G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
   * ClutterActor::show:
   * @actor: the object which received the signal
   * The ::show signal is emitted when an actor is visible and
   * rendered on the stage.
   * Since: 0.2
  actor_signals[SHOW] =
    g_signal_new (I_("show"),
		  G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
		  G_STRUCT_OFFSET (ClutterActorClass, show),
		  G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
   * ClutterActor::hide:
   * @actor: the object which received the signal
   * The ::hide signal is emitted when an actor is no longer rendered
   * on the stage.
   * Since: 0.2
  actor_signals[HIDE] =
    g_signal_new (I_("hide"),
		  G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
		  G_STRUCT_OFFSET (ClutterActorClass, hide),
		  G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
   * ClutterActor::parent-set:
   * @actor: the object which received the signal
   * @old_parent: the previous parent of the actor, or %NULL
   * This signal is emitted when the parent of the actor changes.
   * Since: 0.2
  actor_signals[PARENT_SET] =
    g_signal_new (I_("parent-set"),
                  G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
                  G_STRUCT_OFFSET (ClutterActorClass, parent_set),
                  NULL, NULL,
                  G_TYPE_NONE, 1,

   * ClutterActor::queue-redraw:
   * @actor: the actor we're bubbling the redraw request through
   * @origin: the actor which initiated the redraw request
   * The ::queue_redraw signal is emitted when clutter_actor_queue_redraw()
   * is called on @origin.
   * The default implementation for #ClutterActor chains up to the
   * parent actor and queues a redraw on the parent, thus "bubbling"
   * the redraw queue up through the actor graph. The default
   * implementation for #ClutterStage queues a clutter_redraw() in a
   * main loop idle handler.
   * Note that the @origin actor may be the stage, or a container; it
   * does not have to be a leaf node in the actor graph.
   * Toolkits embedding a #ClutterStage which require a redraw and
   * relayout cycle can stop the emission of this signal using the
   * GSignal API, redraw the UI and then call clutter_redraw()
   * themselves, like:
   * |[
   *   static void
   *   on_redraw_complete (void)
   *   {
   *     /&ast; execute the Clutter drawing pipeline &ast;/
   *     clutter_redraw ();
   *   }
   *   static void
   *   on_stage_queue_redraw (ClutterStage *stage)
   *   {
   *     /&ast; this prevents the default handler to run &ast;/
   *     g_signal_stop_emission_by_name (stage, "queue-redraw");
   *     /&ast; queue a redraw with the host toolkit and call
   *      &ast; a function when the redraw has been completed
   *      &ast;/
   *     queue_a_redraw (G_CALLBACK (on_redraw_complete));
   *   }
   * ]|
   * <note><para>This signal is emitted before the Clutter paint
   * pipeline is executed. If you want to know when the pipeline has
   * been completed you should connect to the ::paint signal on the
   * Stage with g_signal_connect_after().</para></note>
   * Since: 1.0
  actor_signals[QUEUE_REDRAW] =
    g_signal_new (I_("queue-redraw"),
		  G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
		  G_STRUCT_OFFSET (ClutterActorClass, queue_redraw),
		  G_TYPE_NONE, 1,

   * ClutterActor::queue-relayout
   * @actor: the actor being queued for relayout
   * The ::queue_layout signal is emitted when clutter_actor_queue_relayout()
   * is called on an actor.
   * The default implementation for #ClutterActor chains up to the
   * parent actor and queues a relayout on the parent, thus "bubbling"
   * the relayout queue up through the actor graph.
   * The main purpose of this signal is to allow relayout to be propagated
   * properly in the procense of #ClutterClone actors. Applications will
   * not normally need to connect to this signal.
   * Since: 1.2
  actor_signals[QUEUE_RELAYOUT] =
    g_signal_new (I_("queue-relayout"),
		  G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
		  G_STRUCT_OFFSET (ClutterActorClass, queue_relayout),
		  G_TYPE_NONE, 0);

   * ClutterActor::event:
   * @actor: the actor which received the event
   * @event: a #ClutterEvent
   * The ::event signal is emitted each time an event is received
   * by the @actor. This signal will be emitted on every actor,
   * following the hierarchy chain, until it reaches the top-level
   * container (the #ClutterStage).
   * Return value: %TRUE if the event has been handled by the actor,
   *   or %FALSE to continue the emission.
   * Since: 0.6
  actor_signals[EVENT] =
    g_signal_new (I_("event"),
		  G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
		  G_STRUCT_OFFSET (ClutterActorClass, event),
		  _clutter_boolean_handled_accumulator, NULL,
   * ClutterActor::button-press-event:
   * @actor: the actor which received the event
   * @event: a #ClutterButtonEvent
   * The ::button-press-event signal is emitted each time a mouse button
   * is pressed on @actor.
   * Return value: %TRUE if the event has been handled by the actor,
   *   or %FALSE to continue the emission.
   * Since: 0.6
  actor_signals[BUTTON_PRESS_EVENT] =
    g_signal_new (I_("button-press-event"),
		  G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
		  G_STRUCT_OFFSET (ClutterActorClass, button_press_event),
		  _clutter_boolean_handled_accumulator, NULL,
   * ClutterActor::button-release-event:
   * @actor: the actor which received the event
   * @event: a #ClutterButtonEvent
   * The ::button-release-event signal is emitted each time a mouse button
   * is released on @actor.
   * Return value: %TRUE if the event has been handled by the actor,
   *   or %FALSE to continue the emission.
   * Since: 0.6
  actor_signals[BUTTON_RELEASE_EVENT] =
    g_signal_new (I_("button-release-event"),
		  G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
		  G_STRUCT_OFFSET (ClutterActorClass, button_release_event),
		  _clutter_boolean_handled_accumulator, NULL,
   * ClutterActor::scroll-event:
   * @actor: the actor which received the event
   * @event: a #ClutterScrollEvent
   * The ::scroll-event signal is emitted each time the mouse is
   * scrolled on @actor
   * Return value: %TRUE if the event has been handled by the actor,
   *   or %FALSE to continue the emission.
   * Since: 0.6
  actor_signals[SCROLL_EVENT] =
    g_signal_new (I_("scroll-event"),
		  G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
		  G_STRUCT_OFFSET (ClutterActorClass, scroll_event),
		  _clutter_boolean_handled_accumulator, NULL,
   * ClutterActor::key-press-event:
   * @actor: the actor which received the event
   * @event: a #ClutterKeyEvent
   * The ::key-press-event signal is emitted each time a keyboard button
   * is pressed while @actor has key focus (see clutter_stage_set_key_focus()).
   * Return value: %TRUE if the event has been handled by the actor,
   *   or %FALSE to continue the emission.
   * Since: 0.6
  actor_signals[KEY_PRESS_EVENT] =
    g_signal_new (I_("key-press-event"),
		  G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
		  G_STRUCT_OFFSET (ClutterActorClass, key_press_event),
		  _clutter_boolean_handled_accumulator, NULL,
   * ClutterActor::key-release-event:
   * @actor: the actor which received the event
   * @event: a #ClutterKeyEvent
   * The ::key-release-event signal is emitted each time a keyboard button
   * is released while @actor has key focus (see
   * clutter_stage_set_key_focus()).
   * Return value: %TRUE if the event has been handled by the actor,
   *   or %FALSE to continue the emission.
   * Since: 0.6
  actor_signals[KEY_RELEASE_EVENT] =
    g_signal_new (I_("key-release-event"),
		  G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
		  G_STRUCT_OFFSET (ClutterActorClass, key_release_event),
		  _clutter_boolean_handled_accumulator, NULL,
   * ClutterActor::motion-event:
   * @actor: the actor which received the event
   * @event: a #ClutterMotionEvent
   * The ::motion-event signal is emitted each time the mouse pointer is
   * moved over @actor.
   * Return value: %TRUE if the event has been handled by the actor,
   *   or %FALSE to continue the emission.
   * Since: 0.6
  actor_signals[MOTION_EVENT] =
    g_signal_new (I_("motion-event"),
		  G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
		  G_STRUCT_OFFSET (ClutterActorClass, motion_event),
		  _clutter_boolean_handled_accumulator, NULL,

   * ClutterActor::key-focus-in:
   * @actor: the actor which now has key focus
   * The ::key-focus-in signal is emitted when @actor receives key focus.
   * Since: 0.6
  actor_signals[KEY_FOCUS_IN] =
    g_signal_new (I_("key-focus-in"),
		  G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
		  G_STRUCT_OFFSET (ClutterActorClass, key_focus_in),
		  G_TYPE_NONE, 0);

   * ClutterActor::key-focus-out:
   * @actor: the actor which now has key focus
   * The ::key-focus-out signal is emitted when @actor loses key focus.
   * Since: 0.6
  actor_signals[KEY_FOCUS_OUT] =
    g_signal_new (I_("key-focus-out"),
		  G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
		  G_STRUCT_OFFSET (ClutterActorClass, key_focus_out),
		  G_TYPE_NONE, 0);

   * ClutterActor::enter-event:
   * @actor: the actor which the pointer has entered.
   * @event: a #ClutterCrossingEvent
   * The ::enter-event signal is emitted when the pointer enters the @actor
   * Return value: %TRUE if the event has been handled by the actor,
   *   or %FALSE to continue the emission.
   * Since: 0.6
  actor_signals[ENTER_EVENT] =
    g_signal_new (I_("enter-event"),
		  G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
		  G_STRUCT_OFFSET (ClutterActorClass, enter_event),
		  _clutter_boolean_handled_accumulator, NULL,

   * ClutterActor::leave-event:
   * @actor: the actor which the pointer has left
   * @event: a #ClutterCrossingEvent
   * The ::leave-event signal is emitted when the pointer leaves the @actor.
   * Return value: %TRUE if the event has been handled by the actor,
   *   or %FALSE to continue the emission.
   * Since: 0.6
  actor_signals[LEAVE_EVENT] =
    g_signal_new (I_("leave-event"),
		  G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
		  G_STRUCT_OFFSET (ClutterActorClass, leave_event),
		  _clutter_boolean_handled_accumulator, NULL,

   * ClutterActor::captured-event:
   * @actor: the actor which received the signal
   * @event: a #ClutterEvent
   * The ::captured-event signal is emitted when an event is captured
   * by Clutter. This signal will be emitted starting from the top-level
   * container (the #ClutterStage) to the actor which received the event
   * going down the hierarchy. This signal can be used to intercept every
   * event before the specialized events (like
   * ClutterActor::button-press-event or ::key-released-event) are
   * emitted.
   * Return value: %TRUE if the event has been handled by the actor,
   *   or %FALSE to continue the emission.
   * Since: 0.6
  actor_signals[CAPTURED_EVENT] =
    g_signal_new (I_("captured-event"),
		  G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
		  G_STRUCT_OFFSET (ClutterActorClass, captured_event),
		  _clutter_boolean_handled_accumulator, NULL,

   * ClutterActor::paint:
   * @actor: the #ClutterActor that received the signal
   * The ::paint signal is emitted each time an actor is being painted.
   * Subclasses of #ClutterActor should override the class signal handler
   * and paint themselves in that function.
   * It is possible to connect a handler to the ::paint signal in order
   * to set up some custom aspect of a paint.
   * Since: 0.8
  actor_signals[PAINT] =
    g_signal_new (I_("paint"),
                  G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
                  G_STRUCT_OFFSET (ClutterActorClass, paint),
                  NULL, NULL,
                  G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
   * ClutterActor::realize:
   * @actor: the #ClutterActor that received the signal
   * The ::realize signal is emitted each time an actor is being
   * realized.
   * Since: 0.8
  actor_signals[REALIZE] =
    g_signal_new (I_("realize"),
                  G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
                  G_STRUCT_OFFSET (ClutterActorClass, realize),
                  NULL, NULL,
                  G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
   * ClutterActor::unrealize:
   * @actor: the #ClutterActor that received the signal
   * The ::unrealize signal is emitted each time an actor is being
   * unrealized.
   * Since: 0.8
  actor_signals[UNREALIZE] =
    g_signal_new (I_("unrealize"),
                  G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
                  G_STRUCT_OFFSET (ClutterActorClass, unrealize),
                  NULL, NULL,
                  G_TYPE_NONE, 0);

   * ClutterActor::pick:
   * @actor: the #ClutterActor that received the signal
   * @color: the #ClutterColor to be used when picking
   * The ::pick signal is emitted each time an actor is being painted
   * in "pick mode". The pick mode is used to identify the actor during
   * the event handling phase, or by clutter_stage_get_actor_at_pos().
   * The actor should paint its shape using the passed @pick_color.
   * Subclasses of #ClutterActor should override the class signal handler
   * and paint themselves in that function.
   * It is possible to connect a handler to the ::pick signal in order
   * to set up some custom aspect of a paint in pick mode.
   * Since: 1.0
  actor_signals[PICK] =
    g_signal_new (I_("pick"),
                  G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
                  G_STRUCT_OFFSET (ClutterActorClass, pick),
                  NULL, NULL,
                  G_TYPE_NONE, 1,

   * ClutterActor::allocation-changed:
   * @actor: the #ClutterActor that emitted the signal
   * @box: a #ClutterActorBox with the new allocation
   * @flags: #ClutterAllocationFlags for the allocation
   * The ::allocation-changed signal is emitted when the
   * #ClutterActor:allocation property changes. Usually, application
   * code should just use the notifications for the :allocation property
   * but if you want to track the allocation flags as well, for instance
   * to know whether the absolute origin of @actor changed, then you might
   * want use this signal instead.
   * Since: 1.0
  actor_signals[ALLOCATION_CHANGED] =
    g_signal_new (I_("allocation-changed"),
                  G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
                  NULL, NULL,
                  G_TYPE_NONE, 2,

  klass->show = clutter_actor_real_show;
  klass->show_all = clutter_actor_show;
  klass->hide = clutter_actor_real_hide;
  klass->hide_all = clutter_actor_hide;
  klass->map = clutter_actor_real_map;
  klass->unmap = clutter_actor_real_unmap;
  klass->unrealize = clutter_actor_real_unrealize;
  klass->pick = clutter_actor_real_pick;
  klass->get_preferred_width = clutter_actor_real_get_preferred_width;
  klass->get_preferred_height = clutter_actor_real_get_preferred_height;
  klass->allocate = clutter_actor_real_allocate;
  klass->queue_redraw = clutter_actor_real_queue_redraw;
  klass->queue_relayout = clutter_actor_real_queue_relayout;
  klass->apply_transform = clutter_actor_real_apply_transform;
  klass->get_accessible = clutter_actor_real_get_accessible;
  klass->get_paint_volume = clutter_actor_real_get_paint_volume;

static void
clutter_actor_init (ClutterActor *self)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;

  self->priv = priv = CLUTTER_ACTOR_GET_PRIVATE (self);

  priv->parent_actor = NULL;
  priv->has_clip     = FALSE;
  priv->opacity      = 0xff;
  priv->id           = clutter_id_pool_add (CLUTTER_CONTEXT()->id_pool, self);
  priv->scale_x      = 1.0;
  priv->scale_y      = 1.0;
  priv->shader_data  = NULL;
  priv->show_on_set_parent = TRUE;

  priv->needs_width_request  = TRUE;
  priv->needs_height_request = TRUE;
  priv->needs_allocation     = TRUE;

  priv->cached_width_age = 1;
  priv->cached_height_age = 1;

  priv->opacity_parent = NULL;
  priv->enable_model_view_transform = TRUE;

  /* Initialize an empty paint box to start with */
  priv->last_paint_box.x1 = 0;
  priv->last_paint_box.y1 = 0;
  priv->last_paint_box.x2 = 0;
  priv->last_paint_box.y2 = 0;
  priv->last_paint_box_valid = TRUE;

  memset (priv->clip, 0, sizeof (gfloat) * 4);

 * clutter_actor_destroy:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * Destroys an actor.  When an actor is destroyed, it will break any
 * references it holds to other objects.  If the actor is inside a
 * container, the actor will be removed.
 * When you destroy a container, its children will be destroyed as well.
 * Note: you cannot destroy the #ClutterStage returned by
 * clutter_stage_get_default().
clutter_actor_destroy (ClutterActor *self)
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  g_object_ref (self);

  /* avoid recursion while destroying */

      /* if we are destroying we want to unrealize ourselves
       * first before the dispose run removes the parent
      if (!CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_TOPLEVEL (self))
        clutter_actor_update_map_state (self, MAP_STATE_MAKE_UNREALIZED);

      g_object_run_dispose (G_OBJECT (self));


  g_object_unref (self);

_clutter_actor_finish_queue_redraw (ClutterActor *self,
                                    ClutterPaintVolume *clip)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv = self->priv;
  const ClutterPaintVolume *pv;
  gboolean clipped;

  /* If we've been explicitly passed a clip volume then there's
   * nothing more to calculate, but otherwhise the only thing we know
   * is that the change is constrained to the given actor.
   * The idea is that if we know the paint box for where the actor was
   * last drawn and we also have the paint volume for where it will be
   * drawn next then if we queue a redraw for both these regions that
   * will cover everything that needs to be redrawn to clear the old
   * view and show the latest view of the actor.
   * Don't clip this redraw if we don't know what position we had for
   * the previous redraw since we don't know where to set the clip so
   * it will clear the actor as it is currently.
  if (clip)
      _clutter_actor_set_queue_redraw_clip (self, clip);
      clipped = TRUE;
  else if (G_LIKELY (priv->last_paint_box_valid))
      pv = clutter_actor_get_paint_volume (self);
      if (pv)
          ClutterActor *stage = _clutter_actor_get_stage_internal (self);
          ClutterPaintVolume stage_pv;
          ClutterActorBox *box = &priv->last_paint_box;
          ClutterVertex origin;

          _clutter_paint_volume_init_static (stage, &stage_pv);

          origin.x = box->x1;
          origin.y = box->y1;
          origin.z = 0;
          clutter_paint_volume_set_origin (&stage_pv, &origin);
          clutter_paint_volume_set_width (&stage_pv, box->x2 - box->x1);
          clutter_paint_volume_set_height (&stage_pv, box->y2 - box->y1);

          /* make sure we redraw the actors old position... */
          _clutter_actor_set_queue_redraw_clip (stage, &stage_pv);
          _clutter_actor_signal_queue_redraw (stage, stage);
          _clutter_actor_set_queue_redraw_clip (stage, NULL);

          clutter_paint_volume_free (&stage_pv);

          /* XXX: Ideally the redraw signal would take a clip volume
           * argument, but that would be an ABI break. Until we can
           * break the ABI we pass the argument out-of-band via an
           * actor->priv member...

          /* setup the clip for the actors new position... */
          _clutter_actor_set_queue_redraw_clip (self, pv);
          clipped = TRUE;
        clipped = FALSE;
    clipped = FALSE;

  _clutter_actor_signal_queue_redraw (self, self);

  /* Just in case anyone is manually firing redraw signals without
   * using the public queue_redraw() API we are careful to ensure that
   * our out-of-band clip member is cleared before returning...
   * Note: A NULL clip denotes a full-stage, un-clipped redraw
  if (G_LIKELY (clipped))
    _clutter_actor_set_queue_redraw_clip (self, NULL);

  priv->queue_redraw_entry = NULL;

 * clutter_actor_queue_redraw:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * Queues up a redraw of an actor and any children. The redraw occurs
 * once the main loop becomes idle (after the current batch of events
 * has been processed, roughly).
 * Applications rarely need to call this, as redraws are handled
 * automatically by modification functions.
 * This function will not do anything if @self is not visible, or
 * if the actor is inside an invisible part of the scenegraph.
 * Also be aware that painting is a NOP for actors with an opacity of
 * 0
 * When you are implementing a custom actor you must queue a redraw
 * whenever some private state changes that will affect painting or
 * picking of your actor.
clutter_actor_queue_redraw (ClutterActor *self)
  ClutterActor *stage;

  /* Here's an outline of the actor queue redraw mechanism:
   * The process starts either here or in
   * _clutter_actor_queue_redraw_with_clip.
   * These functions queue an entry in a list associated with the
   * stage which is a list of actors that queued a redraw while
   * updating the timelines, performing layouting and processing other
   * mainloop sources before the next paint starts.
   * We aim to minimize the processing done at this point because
   * there is a good chance other events will happen while updating
   * the scenegraph that would invalidate any expensive work we might
   * otherwise try to do here. For example we don't try and resolve
   * the screen space bounding box of an actor at this stage so as to
   * minimize how much of the screen redraw because it's possible
   * something else will happen which will force a full redraw anyway.
   * When all updates are complete and we come to paint the stage then
   * we iterate this list and actually emit the "queue-redraw" signals
   * for each of the listed actors which will bubble up to the stage
   * for each actor and at that point we will transform the actors
   * paint volume into screen coordinates to determine the clip region
   * for what needs to be redrawn in the next paint.
   * Besides minimizing redundant work another reason for this
   * deferred design is that it's more likely we will be able to
   * determine the paint volume of an actor once we've finished
   * updating the scenegraph because its allocation should be up to
   * date. NB: If we can't determine an actors paint volume then we
   * can't automatically queue a clipped redraw which can make a big
   * difference to performance.
   * So the control flow goes like this:
   * clutter_actor_queue_redraw and
   * _clutter_actor_queue_redraw_with_clip
   * then control moves to:
   *   _clutter_stage_queue_actor_redraw
   * later during _clutter_stage_do_update, once relayouting is done
   * and the scenegraph has been updated we will call:
   * _clutter_stage_finish_queue_redraws
   * _clutter_stage_finish_queue_redraws will call
   * _clutter_actor_finish_queue_redraw for each listed actor.
   * Note: actors *are* allowed to queue further redraws during this
   * process (considering clone actors or texture_new_from_actor which
   * respond to their source queueing a redraw by queuing a redraw
   * themselves). We repeat the process until the list is empty.
   * This will result in the "queue-redraw" signal being fired for
   * each actor which will pass control to the default signal handler:
   * clutter_actor_real_queue_redraw
   * This will bubble up to the stages handler:
   * clutter_stage_real_queue_redraw
   * clutter_stage_real_queue_redraw will transform the actors paint
   * volume into screen space and add it as a clip region for the next
   * paint.

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  /* Ignore queuing a redraw for actors not descended from a stage */
  stage = _clutter_actor_get_stage_internal (self);
  if (stage == NULL)

  self->priv->queue_redraw_entry =
    _clutter_stage_queue_actor_redraw (CLUTTER_STAGE (stage),

static void
_clutter_actor_get_allocation_clip (ClutterActor *self,
                                    ClutterActorBox *clip)
  ClutterActorBox allocation;

  /* XXX: we don't care if we get an out of date allocation here
   * because clutter_actor_queue_redraw_with_clip knows to ignore
   * the clip if the actor's allocation is invalid.
   * This is noted because clutter_actor_get_allocation_box does some
   * unnecessary work to support buggy code with a comment suggesting
   * that it could be changed later which would be good for this use
   * case!
  clutter_actor_get_allocation_box (self, &allocation);

  /* NB: clutter_actor_queue_redraw_with_clip expects a box in the
   * actor's own coordinate space but the allocation is in parent
   * coordinates */
  clip->x1 = 0;
  clip->y1 = 0;
  clip->x2 = allocation.x2 - allocation.x1;
  clip->y2 = allocation.y2 - allocation.y1;

 * clutter_actor_queue_redraw_with_clip:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * @flags: A mask of #ClutterRedrawFlags controlling the behaviour of
 *   this queue redraw.
 * @volume: A #ClutterPaintVolume describing the bounds of what needs to be
 *   redrawn or %NULL if you are just using a @flag to state your
 *   desired clipping.
 * Queues up a clipped redraw of an actor and any children. The redraw
 * occurs once the main loop becomes idle (after the current batch of
 * events has been processed, roughly).
 * If no flags are given the clip volume is defined by @volume
 * specified in actor coordinates and tells Clutter that only content
 * within this volume has been changed so Clutter can optionally
 * optimize the redraw.
 * If the %CLUTTER_REDRAW_CLIPPED_TO_ALLOCATION @flag is used, @volume
 * should be %NULL and this tells Clutter to use the actor's current
 * allocation as a clip box. This flag can only be used for 2D actors,
 * because any actor with depth may be projected outside its
 * allocation.
 * Applications rarely need to call this, as redraws are handled
 * automatically by modification functions.
 * This function will not do anything if @self is not visible, or if
 * the actor is inside an invisible part of the scenegraph.
 * Also be aware that painting is a NOP for actors with an opacity of
 * 0
 * When you are implementing a custom actor you must queue a redraw
 * whenever some private state changes that will affect painting or
 * picking of your actor.
_clutter_actor_queue_redraw_with_clip (ClutterActor       *self,
                                       ClutterRedrawFlags  flags,
                                       ClutterPaintVolume *volume)
  ClutterPaintVolume allocation_pv;
  ClutterPaintVolume *pv;
  gboolean should_free_pv;
  ClutterActor *stage;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

      ClutterActorBox allocation_clip;
      ClutterVertex origin;

      /* If the actor doesn't have a valid allocation then we will
       * queue a full stage redraw. */
      if (self->priv->needs_allocation)
          /* NB: NULL denotes an undefined clip which will result in a
           * full redraw... */
          _clutter_actor_set_queue_redraw_clip (self, NULL);
          _clutter_actor_signal_queue_redraw (self, self);

      _clutter_paint_volume_init_static (self, &allocation_pv);
      pv = &allocation_pv;

      _clutter_actor_get_allocation_clip (self, &allocation_clip);

      origin.x = allocation_clip.x1;
      origin.y = allocation_clip.y1;
      origin.z = 0;
      clutter_paint_volume_set_origin (pv, &origin);
      clutter_paint_volume_set_width (pv,
                                      allocation_clip.x2 - allocation_clip.x1);
      clutter_paint_volume_set_height (pv,
                                       allocation_clip.y2 -
      should_free_pv = TRUE;
      pv = volume;
      should_free_pv = FALSE;

  /* Ignore queuing a redraw for actors not descended from a stage */
  stage = _clutter_actor_get_stage_internal (self);
  if (stage == NULL)

  _clutter_stage_queue_actor_redraw (CLUTTER_STAGE (stage),

static void
_clutter_actor_queue_only_relayout (ClutterActor *self)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  priv = self->priv;

  if (priv->needs_width_request &&
      priv->needs_height_request &&
    return; /* save some cpu cycles */

      g_warning ("The actor '%s' is currently inside an allocation "
                 "cycle; calling clutter_actor_queue_relayout() is "
                 "not recommended",
                 get_actor_debug_name (self));

  g_signal_emit (self, actor_signals[QUEUE_RELAYOUT], 0);

 * clutter_actor_queue_relayout:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * Indicates that the actor's size request or other layout-affecting
 * properties may have changed. This function is used inside #ClutterActor
 * subclass implementations, not by applications directly.
 * Queueing a new layout automatically queues a redraw as well.
 * Since: 0.8
clutter_actor_queue_relayout (ClutterActor *self)
  _clutter_actor_queue_only_relayout (self);

  clutter_actor_queue_redraw (self);

 * clutter_actor_get_preferred_size:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @min_width_p: (out) (allow-none): return location for the minimum
 *   width, or %NULL
 * @min_height_p: (out) (allow-none): return location for the minimum
 *   height, or %NULL
 * @natural_width_p: (out) (allow-none): return location for the natural
 *   width, or %NULL
 * @natural_height_p: (out) (allow-none): return location for the natural
 *   height, or %NULL
 * Computes the preferred minimum and natural size of an actor, taking into
 * account the actor's geometry management (either height-for-width
 * or width-for-height).
 * The width and height used to compute the preferred height and preferred
 * width are the actor's natural ones.
 * If you need to control the height for the preferred width, or the width for
 * the preferred height, you should use clutter_actor_get_preferred_width()
 * and clutter_actor_get_preferred_height(), and check the actor's preferred
 * geometry management using the #ClutterActor:request-mode property.
 * Since: 0.8
clutter_actor_get_preferred_size (ClutterActor *self,
                                  gfloat       *min_width_p,
                                  gfloat       *min_height_p,
                                  gfloat       *natural_width_p,
                                  gfloat       *natural_height_p)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;
  gfloat min_width, min_height;
  gfloat natural_width, natural_height;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  priv = self->priv;

  min_width = min_height = 0;
  natural_width = natural_height = 0;

  if (priv->request_mode == CLUTTER_REQUEST_HEIGHT_FOR_WIDTH)
      CLUTTER_NOTE (LAYOUT, "Preferred size (height-for-width)");
      clutter_actor_get_preferred_width (self, -1,
      clutter_actor_get_preferred_height (self, natural_width,
      CLUTTER_NOTE (LAYOUT, "Preferred size (width-for-height)");
      clutter_actor_get_preferred_height (self, -1,
      clutter_actor_get_preferred_width (self, natural_height,

  if (min_width_p)
    *min_width_p = min_width;

  if (min_height_p)
    *min_height_p = min_height;

  if (natural_width_p)
    *natural_width_p = natural_width;

  if (natural_height_p)
    *natural_height_p = natural_height;

/* looks for a cached size request for this for_size. If not
 * found, returns the oldest entry so it can be overwritten */
static gboolean
_clutter_actor_get_cached_size_request (gfloat         for_size,
                                        SizeRequest   *cached_size_requests,
                                        SizeRequest  **result)
  guint i;

  *result = &cached_size_requests[0];

  for (i = 0; i < N_CACHED_SIZE_REQUESTS; i++)
      SizeRequest *sr;

      sr = &cached_size_requests[i];

      if (sr->age > 0 &&
          sr->for_size == for_size)
          CLUTTER_NOTE (LAYOUT, "Size cache hit for size: %.2f", for_size);
          *result = sr;
          return TRUE;
      else if (sr->age < (*result)->age)
          *result = sr;

  CLUTTER_NOTE (LAYOUT, "Size cache miss for size: %.2f", for_size);

  return FALSE;

 * clutter_actor_get_preferred_width:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * @for_height: available height when computing the preferred width,
 *   or a negative value to indicate that no height is defined
 * @min_width_p: (out) (allow-none): return location for minimum width,
 *   or %NULL
 * @natural_width_p: (out) (allow-none): return location for the natural
 *   width, or %NULL
 * Computes the requested minimum and natural widths for an actor,
 * optionally depending on the specified height, or if they are
 * already computed, returns the cached values.
 * An actor may not get its request - depending on the layout
 * manager that's in effect.
 * A request should not incorporate the actor's scale or anchor point;
 * those transformations do not affect layout, only rendering.
 * Since: 0.8
clutter_actor_get_preferred_width (ClutterActor *self,
                                   gfloat        for_height,
                                   gfloat       *min_width_p,
                                   gfloat       *natural_width_p)
  ClutterActorClass *klass;
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;
  gboolean found_in_cache;
  SizeRequest *cached_size_request;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  klass = CLUTTER_ACTOR_GET_CLASS (self);
  priv = self->priv;

  found_in_cache = FALSE;
  cached_size_request = &priv->width_requests[0];

  if (!priv->needs_width_request)
    found_in_cache = _clutter_actor_get_cached_size_request (for_height,

  if (!found_in_cache)
      gfloat min_width, natural_width;

      min_width = natural_width = 0;

      CLUTTER_NOTE (LAYOUT, "Width request for %.2f px", for_height);

      klass->get_preferred_width (self, for_height,

      /* Due to accumulated float errors, it's better not to warn
       * on this, but just fix it.
      if (natural_width < min_width)
	natural_width = min_width;

      cached_size_request->min_size = min_width;
      cached_size_request->natural_size = natural_width;
      cached_size_request->for_size = for_height;
      cached_size_request->age = priv->cached_width_age;

      priv->cached_width_age ++;
      priv->needs_width_request = FALSE;

  if (!priv->min_width_set)
    priv->request_min_width = cached_size_request->min_size;

  if (!priv->natural_width_set)
    priv->request_natural_width = cached_size_request->natural_size;

  if (min_width_p)
    *min_width_p = priv->request_min_width;

  if (natural_width_p)
    *natural_width_p = priv->request_natural_width;

 * clutter_actor_get_preferred_height:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * @for_width: available width to assume in computing desired height,
 *   or a negative value to indicate that no width is defined
 * @min_height_p: (out) (allow-none): return location for minimum height,
 *   or %NULL
 * @natural_height_p: (out) (allow-none): return location for natural
 *   height, or %NULL
 * Computes the requested minimum and natural heights for an actor,
 * or if they are already computed, returns the cached values.
 * An actor may not get its request - depending on the layout
 * manager that's in effect.
 * A request should not incorporate the actor's scale or anchor point;
 * those transformations do not affect layout, only rendering.
 * Since: 0.8
clutter_actor_get_preferred_height (ClutterActor *self,
                                    gfloat        for_width,
                                    gfloat       *min_height_p,
                                    gfloat       *natural_height_p)
  ClutterActorClass *klass;
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;
  gboolean found_in_cache;
  SizeRequest *cached_size_request;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  klass = CLUTTER_ACTOR_GET_CLASS (self);
  priv = self->priv;

  found_in_cache = FALSE;
  cached_size_request = &priv->height_requests[0];

  if (!priv->needs_height_request)
    found_in_cache = _clutter_actor_get_cached_size_request (for_width,

  if (!found_in_cache)
      gfloat min_height, natural_height;

      min_height = natural_height = 0;

      CLUTTER_NOTE (LAYOUT, "Height request for %.2f px", for_width);

      klass->get_preferred_height (self, for_width,

      /* Due to accumulated float errors, it's better not to warn
       * on this, but just fix it.
      if (natural_height < min_height)
	natural_height = min_height;

      if (!priv->min_height_set)
          priv->request_min_height = min_height;

      if (!priv->natural_height_set)
          priv->request_natural_height = natural_height;

      cached_size_request->min_size = min_height;
      cached_size_request->natural_size = natural_height;
      cached_size_request->for_size = for_width;
      cached_size_request->age = priv->cached_height_age;

      priv->cached_height_age ++;

      priv->needs_height_request = FALSE;

  if (!priv->min_height_set)
    priv->request_min_height = cached_size_request->min_size;

  if (!priv->natural_height_set)
    priv->request_natural_height = cached_size_request->natural_size;

  if (min_height_p)
    *min_height_p = priv->request_min_height;

  if (natural_height_p)
    *natural_height_p = priv->request_natural_height;

 * clutter_actor_get_allocation_box:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * @box: (out): the function fills this in with the actor's allocation
 * Gets the layout box an actor has been assigned. The allocation can
 * only be assumed valid inside a paint() method; anywhere else, it
 * may be out-of-date.
 * An allocation does not incorporate the actor's scale or anchor point;
 * those transformations do not affect layout, only rendering.
 * <note>Do not call any of the clutter_actor_get_allocation_*() family
 * of functions inside the implementation of the get_preferred_width()
 * or get_preferred_height() virtual functions.</note>
 * Since: 0.8
clutter_actor_get_allocation_box (ClutterActor    *self,
                                  ClutterActorBox *box)
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  /* XXX - if needs_allocation=TRUE, we can either 1) g_return_if_fail,
   * which limits calling get_allocation to inside paint() basically; or
   * we can 2) force a layout, which could be expensive if someone calls
   * get_allocation somewhere silly; or we can 3) just return the latest
   * value, allowing it to be out-of-date, and assume people know what
   * they are doing.
   * The least-surprises approach that keeps existing code working is
   * likely to be 2). People can end up doing some inefficient things,
   * though, and in general code that requires 2) is probably broken.

  /* this implements 2) */
  if (G_UNLIKELY (self->priv->needs_allocation))
      ClutterActor *stage = _clutter_actor_get_stage_internal (self);

      /* do not queue a relayout on an unparented actor */
      if (stage)
        _clutter_stage_maybe_relayout (stage);

  /* commenting out the code above and just keeping this assigment
   * implements 3)
  *box = self->priv->allocation;

 * clutter_actor_get_allocation_geometry:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * @geom: (out): allocation geometry in pixels
 * Gets the layout box an actor has been assigned.  The allocation can
 * only be assumed valid inside a paint() method; anywhere else, it
 * may be out-of-date.
 * An allocation does not incorporate the actor's scale or anchor point;
 * those transformations do not affect layout, only rendering.
 * The returned rectangle is in pixels.
 * Since: 0.8
clutter_actor_get_allocation_geometry (ClutterActor    *self,
                                       ClutterGeometry *geom)
  ClutterActorBox box;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));
  g_return_if_fail (geom != NULL);

  clutter_actor_get_allocation_box (self, &box);

  geom->x = clutter_actor_box_get_x (&box);
  geom->y = clutter_actor_box_get_y (&box);
  geom->width = clutter_actor_box_get_width (&box);
  geom->height = clutter_actor_box_get_height (&box);

 * clutter_actor_allocate:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * @box: new allocation of the actor, in parent-relative coordinates
 * @flags: flags that control the allocation
 * Called by the parent of an actor to assign the actor its size.
 * Should never be called by applications (except when implementing
 * a container or layout manager).
 * Actors can know from their allocation box whether they have moved
 * with respect to their parent actor. The @flags parameter describes
 * additional information about the allocation, for instance whether
 * the parent has moved with respect to the stage, for example because
 * a grandparent's origin has moved.
 * Since: 0.8
clutter_actor_allocate (ClutterActor           *self,
                        const ClutterActorBox  *box,
                        ClutterAllocationFlags  flags)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;
  ClutterActorClass *klass;
  ClutterActorBox alloc;
  gboolean child_moved;
  gboolean stage_allocation_changed;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));
  if (G_UNLIKELY (_clutter_actor_get_stage_internal (self) == NULL))
      g_warning ("Spurious clutter_actor_allocate called for actor %p/%s "
                 "which isn't a descendent of the stage!\n",
                 self, G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (self));

  priv = self->priv;

  alloc = *box;

  if (priv->constraints != NULL)
      const GList *constraints, *l;

      constraints = _clutter_meta_group_peek_metas (priv->constraints);
      for (l = constraints; l != NULL; l = l->next)
          ClutterConstraint *constraint = l->data;
          ClutterActorMeta *meta = l->data;

          if (clutter_actor_meta_get_enabled (meta))
            _clutter_constraint_update_allocation (constraint, self, &alloc);

  child_moved = (alloc.x1 != priv->allocation.x1 ||
                 alloc.y1 != priv->allocation.y1);

      child_moved ||
      alloc.x2 != priv->allocation.x2 ||
      alloc.y2 != priv->allocation.y2)
    stage_allocation_changed = TRUE;
    stage_allocation_changed = FALSE;

  /* If we get an allocation "out of the blue"
   * (we did not queue relayout), then we want to
   * ignore it. But if we have needs_allocation set,
   * we want to guarantee that allocate() virtual
   * method is always called, i.e. that queue_relayout()
   * always results in an allocate() invocation on
   * an actor.
   * The optimization here is to avoid re-allocating
   * actors that did not queue relayout and were
   * not moved.

  if (!priv->needs_allocation && !stage_allocation_changed)
      CLUTTER_NOTE (LAYOUT, "No allocation needed");

  /* When ABSOLUTE_ORIGIN_CHANGED is passed in to
   * clutter_actor_allocate(), it indicates whether the parent has its
   * absolute origin moved; when passed in to ClutterActor::allocate()
   * virtual method though, it indicates whether the child has its
   * absolute origin moved.  So we set it when child_moved is TRUE
  if (child_moved)


  klass = CLUTTER_ACTOR_GET_CLASS (self);
  klass->allocate (self, &alloc, flags);


  if (stage_allocation_changed)
    clutter_actor_queue_redraw (self);

 * clutter_actor_set_geometry:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * @geometry: A #ClutterGeometry
 * Sets the actor's fixed position and forces its minimum and natural
 * size, in pixels. This means the untransformed actor will have the
 * given geometry. This is the same as calling clutter_actor_set_position()
 * and clutter_actor_set_size().
clutter_actor_set_geometry (ClutterActor          *self,
			    const ClutterGeometry *geometry)
  g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (self));

  clutter_actor_set_position (self, geometry->x, geometry->y);
  clutter_actor_set_size (self, geometry->width, geometry->height);

  g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (self));

 * clutter_actor_get_geometry:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * @geometry: (out): A location to store actors #ClutterGeometry
 * Gets the size and position of an actor relative to its parent
 * actor. This is the same as calling clutter_actor_get_position() and
 * clutter_actor_get_size(). It tries to "do what you mean" and get the
 * requested size and position if the actor's allocation is invalid.
clutter_actor_get_geometry (ClutterActor    *self,
			    ClutterGeometry *geometry)
  gfloat x, y, width, height;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));
  g_return_if_fail (geometry != NULL);

  clutter_actor_get_position (self, &x, &y);
  clutter_actor_get_size (self, &width, &height);

  geometry->x = (int) x;
  geometry->y = (int) y;
  geometry->width = (int) width;
  geometry->height = (int) height;

 * clutter_actor_set_position
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * @x: New left position of actor in pixels.
 * @y: New top position of actor in pixels.
 * Sets the actor's fixed position in pixels relative to any parent
 * actor.
 * If a layout manager is in use, this position will override the
 * layout manager and force a fixed position.
clutter_actor_set_position (ClutterActor *self,
			    gfloat        x,
			    gfloat        y)
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (self));

  clutter_actor_set_x (self, x);
  clutter_actor_set_y (self, y);

  g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (self));

 * clutter_actor_get_fixed_position_set:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * Checks whether an actor has a fixed position set (and will thus be
 * unaffected by any layout manager).
 * Return value: %TRUE if the fixed position is set on the actor
 * Since: 0.8
clutter_actor_get_fixed_position_set (ClutterActor *self)
  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self), FALSE);

  return self->priv->position_set;

 * clutter_actor_set_fixed_position_set:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * @is_set: whether to use fixed position
 * Sets whether an actor has a fixed position set (and will thus be
 * unaffected by any layout manager).
 * Since: 0.8
clutter_actor_set_fixed_position_set (ClutterActor *self,
                                      gboolean      is_set)
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  if (self->priv->position_set == (is_set != FALSE))

  self->priv->position_set = is_set != FALSE;
  _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_FIXED_POSITION_SET]);

  clutter_actor_queue_relayout (self);

 * clutter_actor_move_by:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * @dx: Distance to move Actor on X axis.
 * @dy: Distance to move Actor on Y axis.
 * Moves an actor by the specified distance relative to its current
 * position in pixels.
 * This function modifies the fixed position of an actor and thus removes
 * it from any layout management. Another way to move an actor is with an
 * anchor point, see clutter_actor_set_anchor_point().
 * Since: 0.2
clutter_actor_move_by (ClutterActor *self,
		       gfloat        dx,
		       gfloat        dy)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;
  gfloat x, y;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  priv = self->priv;

  x = priv->fixed_x;
  y = priv->fixed_y;

  clutter_actor_set_position (self, x + dx, y + dy);

static void
clutter_actor_set_min_width (ClutterActor *self,
                             gfloat        min_width)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv = self->priv;
  ClutterActorBox old = { 0, };

  /* if we are setting the size on a top-level actor and the
   * backend only supports static top-levels (e.g. framebuffers)
   * then we ignore the passed value and we override it with
   * the stage implementation's preferred size.
      clutter_feature_available (CLUTTER_FEATURE_STAGE_STATIC))

  if (priv->min_width_set && min_width == priv->request_min_width)

  g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (self));

  clutter_actor_store_old_geometry (self, &old);

  priv->request_min_width = min_width;
  _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_MIN_WIDTH]);
  clutter_actor_set_min_width_set (self, TRUE);

  clutter_actor_notify_if_geometry_changed (self, &old);

  g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (self));

  clutter_actor_queue_relayout (self);

static void
clutter_actor_set_min_height (ClutterActor *self,
                              gfloat        min_height)

  ClutterActorPrivate *priv = self->priv;
  ClutterActorBox old = { 0, };

  /* if we are setting the size on a top-level actor and the
   * backend only supports static top-levels (e.g. framebuffers)
   * then we ignore the passed value and we override it with
   * the stage implementation's preferred size.
      clutter_feature_available (CLUTTER_FEATURE_STAGE_STATIC))

  if (priv->min_height_set && min_height == priv->request_min_height)

  g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (self));

  clutter_actor_store_old_geometry (self, &old);

  priv->request_min_height = min_height;
  _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_MIN_HEIGHT]);
  clutter_actor_set_min_height_set (self, TRUE);

  clutter_actor_notify_if_geometry_changed (self, &old);

  g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (self));

  clutter_actor_queue_relayout (self);

static void
clutter_actor_set_natural_width (ClutterActor *self,
                                 gfloat        natural_width)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv = self->priv;
  ClutterActorBox old = { 0, };

  /* if we are setting the size on a top-level actor and the
   * backend only supports static top-levels (e.g. framebuffers)
   * then we ignore the passed value and we override it with
   * the stage implementation's preferred size.
      clutter_feature_available (CLUTTER_FEATURE_STAGE_STATIC))

  if (priv->natural_width_set &&
      natural_width == priv->request_natural_width)

  g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (self));

  clutter_actor_store_old_geometry (self, &old);

  priv->request_natural_width = natural_width;
  _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_NATURAL_WIDTH]);
  clutter_actor_set_natural_width_set (self, TRUE);

  clutter_actor_notify_if_geometry_changed (self, &old);

  g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (self));

  clutter_actor_queue_relayout (self);

static void
clutter_actor_set_natural_height (ClutterActor *self,
                                  gfloat        natural_height)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv = self->priv;
  ClutterActorBox old = { 0, };

  /* if we are setting the size on a top-level actor and the
   * backend only supports static top-levels (e.g. framebuffers)
   * then we ignore the passed value and we override it with
   * the stage implementation's preferred size.
      clutter_feature_available (CLUTTER_FEATURE_STAGE_STATIC))

  if (priv->natural_height_set &&
      natural_height == priv->request_natural_height)

  g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (self));

  clutter_actor_store_old_geometry (self, &old);

  priv->request_natural_height = natural_height;
  _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_NATURAL_HEIGHT]);
  clutter_actor_set_natural_height_set (self, TRUE);

  clutter_actor_notify_if_geometry_changed (self, &old);

  g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (self));

  clutter_actor_queue_relayout (self);

static void
clutter_actor_set_min_width_set (ClutterActor *self,
                                 gboolean      use_min_width)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv = self->priv;
  ClutterActorBox old = { 0, };

  if (priv->min_width_set == (use_min_width != FALSE))

  clutter_actor_store_old_geometry (self, &old);

  priv->min_width_set = use_min_width != FALSE;
  _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_MIN_WIDTH_SET]);

  clutter_actor_notify_if_geometry_changed (self, &old);

  clutter_actor_queue_relayout (self);

static void
clutter_actor_set_min_height_set (ClutterActor *self,
                                  gboolean      use_min_height)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv = self->priv;
  ClutterActorBox old = { 0, };

  if (priv->min_height_set == (use_min_height != FALSE))

  clutter_actor_store_old_geometry (self, &old);

  priv->min_height_set = use_min_height != FALSE;
  _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_MIN_HEIGHT_SET]);

  clutter_actor_notify_if_geometry_changed (self, &old);

  clutter_actor_queue_relayout (self);

static void
clutter_actor_set_natural_width_set (ClutterActor *self,
                                     gboolean      use_natural_width)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv = self->priv;
  ClutterActorBox old = { 0, };

  if (priv->natural_width_set == (use_natural_width != FALSE))

  clutter_actor_store_old_geometry (self, &old);

  priv->natural_width_set = use_natural_width != FALSE;
  _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_NATURAL_WIDTH_SET]);

  clutter_actor_notify_if_geometry_changed (self, &old);

  clutter_actor_queue_relayout (self);

static void
clutter_actor_set_natural_height_set (ClutterActor *self,
                                      gboolean      use_natural_height)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv = self->priv;
  ClutterActorBox old = { 0, };

  if (priv->natural_height_set == (use_natural_height != FALSE))

  clutter_actor_store_old_geometry (self, &old);

  priv->natural_height_set = use_natural_height != FALSE;
  _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_NATURAL_HEIGHT_SET]);

  clutter_actor_notify_if_geometry_changed (self, &old);

  clutter_actor_queue_relayout (self);

 * clutter_actor_set_request_mode:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @mode: the request mode
 * Sets the geometry request mode of @self.
 * The @mode determines the order for invoking
 * clutter_actor_get_preferred_width() and
 * clutter_actor_get_preferred_height()
 * Since: 1.2
clutter_actor_set_request_mode (ClutterActor       *self,
                                ClutterRequestMode  mode)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  priv = self->priv;

  if (priv->request_mode == mode)

  priv->request_mode = mode;

  priv->needs_width_request = TRUE;
  priv->needs_height_request = TRUE;

  _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_REQUEST_MODE]);

  clutter_actor_queue_relayout (self);

 * clutter_actor_get_request_mode:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * Retrieves the geometry request mode of @self
 * Return value: the request mode for the actor
 * Since: 1.2
clutter_actor_get_request_mode (ClutterActor *self)
  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self),

  return self->priv->request_mode;

/* variant of set_width() without checks and without notification
 * freeze+thaw, for internal usage only
static inline void
clutter_actor_set_width_internal (ClutterActor *self,
                                  gfloat        width)
  if (width >= 0)
      /* the Stage will use the :min-width to control the minimum
       * width to be resized to, so we should not be setting it
       * along with the :natural-width
      if (!CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_TOPLEVEL (self))
        clutter_actor_set_min_width (self, width);

      clutter_actor_set_natural_width (self, width);
      /* we only unset the :natural-width for the Stage */
      if (!CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_TOPLEVEL (self))
        clutter_actor_set_min_width_set (self, FALSE);

      clutter_actor_set_natural_width_set (self, FALSE);

/* variant of set_height() without checks and without notification
 * freeze+thaw, for internal usage only
static inline void
clutter_actor_set_height_internal (ClutterActor *self,
                                   gfloat        height)
  if (height >= 0)
      /* see the comment above in set_width_internal() */
      if (!CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_TOPLEVEL (self))
        clutter_actor_set_min_height (self, height);

      clutter_actor_set_natural_height (self, height);
      /* see the comment above in set_width_internal() */
      if (!CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_TOPLEVEL (self))
        clutter_actor_set_min_height_set (self, FALSE);

      clutter_actor_set_natural_height_set (self, FALSE);

 * clutter_actor_set_size
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * @width: New width of actor in pixels, or -1
 * @height: New height of actor in pixels, or -1
 * Sets the actor's size request in pixels. This overrides any
 * "normal" size request the actor would have. For example
 * a text actor might normally request the size of the text;
 * this function would force a specific size instead.
 * If @width and/or @height are -1 the actor will use its
 * "normal" size request instead of overriding it, i.e.
 * you can "unset" the size with -1.
 * This function sets or unsets both the minimum and natural size.
clutter_actor_set_size (ClutterActor *self,
			gfloat        width,
			gfloat        height)
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (self));

  clutter_actor_set_width_internal (self, width);
  clutter_actor_set_height_internal (self, height);

  g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (self));

 * clutter_actor_get_size:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * @width: (out) (allow-none): return location for the width, or %NULL.
 * @height: (out) (allow-none): return location for the height, or %NULL.
 * This function tries to "do what you mean" and return
 * the size an actor will have. If the actor has a valid
 * allocation, the allocation will be returned; otherwise,
 * the actors natural size request will be returned.
 * If you care whether you get the request vs. the allocation, you
 * should probably call a different function like
 * clutter_actor_get_allocation_box() or
 * clutter_actor_get_preferred_width().
 * Since: 0.2
clutter_actor_get_size (ClutterActor *self,
			gfloat       *width,
			gfloat       *height)
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  if (width)
    *width = clutter_actor_get_width (self);

  if (height)
    *height = clutter_actor_get_height (self);

 * clutter_actor_get_position:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @x: (out) (allow-none): return location for the X coordinate, or %NULL
 * @y: (out) (allow-none): return location for the Y coordinate, or %NULL
 * This function tries to "do what you mean" and tell you where the
 * actor is, prior to any transformations. Retrieves the fixed
 * position of an actor in pixels, if one has been set; otherwise, if
 * the allocation is valid, returns the actor's allocated position;
 * otherwise, returns 0,0.
 * The returned position is in pixels.
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_actor_get_position (ClutterActor *self,
                            gfloat       *x,
                            gfloat       *y)
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  if (x)
    *x = clutter_actor_get_x (self);

  if (y)
    *y = clutter_actor_get_y (self);

 * clutter_actor_get_transformed_position:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * @x: (out) (allow-none): return location for the X coordinate, or %NULL
 * @y: (out) (allow-none): return location for the Y coordinate, or %NULL
 * Gets the absolute position of an actor, in pixels relative to the stage.
 * Since: 0.8
clutter_actor_get_transformed_position (ClutterActor *self,
                                        gfloat       *x,
                                        gfloat       *y)
  ClutterVertex v1;
  ClutterVertex v2;

  v1.x = v1.y = v1.z = 0;
  clutter_actor_apply_transform_to_point (self, &v1, &v2);

  if (x)
    *x = v2.x;

  if (y)
    *y = v2.y;

 * clutter_actor_get_transformed_size:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * @width: (out) (allow-none): return location for the width, or %NULL
 * @height: (out) (allow-none): return location for the height, or %NULL
 * Gets the absolute size of an actor in pixels, taking into account the
 * scaling factors.
 * If the actor has a valid allocation, the allocated size will be used.
 * If the actor has not a valid allocation then the preferred size will
 * be transformed and returned.
 * If you want the transformed allocation, see
 * clutter_actor_get_abs_allocation_vertices() instead.
 * <note>When the actor (or one of its ancestors) is rotated around the
 * X or Y axis, it no longer appears as on the stage as a rectangle, but
 * as a generic quadrangle; in that case this function returns the size
 * of the smallest rectangle that encapsulates the entire quad. Please
 * note that in this case no assumptions can be made about the relative
 * position of this envelope to the absolute position of the actor, as
 * returned by clutter_actor_get_transformed_position(); if you need this
 * information, you need to use clutter_actor_get_abs_allocation_vertices()
 * to get the coords of the actual quadrangle.</note>
 * Since: 0.8
clutter_actor_get_transformed_size (ClutterActor *self,
                                    gfloat       *width,
                                    gfloat       *height)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;
  ClutterVertex v[4];
  gfloat x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max;
  gint i;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  priv = self->priv;

  /* if the actor hasn't been allocated yet, get the preferred
   * size and transform that
  if (priv->needs_allocation)
      gfloat natural_width, natural_height;
      ClutterActorBox box;

      /* Make a fake allocation to transform.
       * NB: _clutter_actor_transform_and_project_box expects a box in
       * the actor's coordinate space... */

      box.x1 = 0;
      box.y1 = 0;

      natural_width = natural_height = 0;
      clutter_actor_get_preferred_size (self, NULL, NULL,

      box.x2 = natural_width;
      box.y2 = natural_height;

      _clutter_actor_transform_and_project_box (self, &box, v);
    clutter_actor_get_abs_allocation_vertices (self, v);

  x_min = x_max = v[0].x;
  y_min = y_max = v[0].y;

  for (i = 1; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (v); ++i)
      if (v[i].x < x_min)
	x_min = v[i].x;

      if (v[i].x > x_max)
	x_max = v[i].x;

      if (v[i].y < y_min)
	y_min = v[i].y;

      if (v[i].y > y_max)
	y_max = v[i].y;

  if (width)
    *width  = x_max - x_min;

  if (height)
    *height = y_max - y_min;

 * clutter_actor_get_width:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * Retrieves the width of a #ClutterActor.
 * If the actor has a valid allocation, this function will return the
 * width of the allocated area given to the actor.
 * If the actor does not have a valid allocation, this function will
 * return the actor's natural width, that is the preferred width of
 * the actor.
 * If you care whether you get the preferred width or the width that
 * has been assigned to the actor, you should probably call a different
 * function like clutter_actor_get_allocation_box() to retrieve the
 * allocated size or clutter_actor_get_preferred_width() to retrieve the
 * preferred width.
 * If an actor has a fixed width, for instance a width that has been
 * assigned using clutter_actor_set_width(), the width returned will
 * be the same value.
 * Return value: the width of the actor, in pixels
clutter_actor_get_width (ClutterActor *self)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;

  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self), 0);

  priv = self->priv;

  if (priv->needs_allocation)
      gfloat natural_width = 0;

      if (self->priv->request_mode == CLUTTER_REQUEST_HEIGHT_FOR_WIDTH)
        clutter_actor_get_preferred_width (self, -1, NULL, &natural_width);
          gfloat natural_height = 0;

          clutter_actor_get_preferred_height (self, -1, NULL, &natural_height);
          clutter_actor_get_preferred_width (self, natural_height,

      return natural_width;
    return priv->allocation.x2 - priv->allocation.x1;

 * clutter_actor_get_height:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * Retrieves the height of a #ClutterActor.
 * If the actor has a valid allocation, this function will return the
 * height of the allocated area given to the actor.
 * If the actor does not have a valid allocation, this function will
 * return the actor's natural height, that is the preferred height of
 * the actor.
 * If you care whether you get the preferred height or the height that
 * has been assigned to the actor, you should probably call a different
 * function like clutter_actor_get_allocation_box() to retrieve the
 * allocated size or clutter_actor_get_preferred_height() to retrieve the
 * preferred height.
 * If an actor has a fixed height, for instance a height that has been
 * assigned using clutter_actor_set_height(), the height returned will
 * be the same value.
 * Return value: the height of the actor, in pixels
clutter_actor_get_height (ClutterActor *self)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;

  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self), 0);

  priv = self->priv;

  if (priv->needs_allocation)
      gfloat natural_height = 0;

      if (priv->request_mode == CLUTTER_REQUEST_HEIGHT_FOR_WIDTH)
          gfloat natural_width = 0;

          clutter_actor_get_preferred_width (self, -1, NULL, &natural_width);
          clutter_actor_get_preferred_height (self, natural_width,
                                              NULL, &natural_height);
        clutter_actor_get_preferred_height (self, -1, NULL, &natural_height);

      return natural_height;
    return priv->allocation.y2 - priv->allocation.y1;

 * clutter_actor_set_width
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * @width: Requested new width for the actor, in pixels, or -1
 * Forces a width on an actor, causing the actor's preferred width
 * and height (if any) to be ignored.
 * If @width is -1 the actor will use its preferred width request
 * instead of overriding it, i.e. you can "unset" the width with -1.
 * This function sets both the minimum and natural size of the actor.
 * since: 0.2
clutter_actor_set_width (ClutterActor *self,
                         gfloat        width)
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (self));

  clutter_actor_set_width_internal (self, width);

  g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (self));

 * clutter_actor_set_height
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * @height: Requested new height for the actor, in pixels, or -1
 * Forces a height on an actor, causing the actor's preferred width
 * and height (if any) to be ignored.
 * If @height is -1 the actor will use its preferred height instead of
 * overriding it, i.e. you can "unset" the height with -1.
 * This function sets both the minimum and natural size of the actor.
 * since: 0.2
clutter_actor_set_height (ClutterActor *self,
                          gfloat        height)
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (self));

  clutter_actor_set_height_internal (self, height);

  g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (self));

 * clutter_actor_set_x:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @x: the actor's position on the X axis
 * Sets the actor's X coordinate, relative to its parent, in pixels.
 * Overrides any layout manager and forces a fixed position for
 * the actor.
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_actor_set_x (ClutterActor *self,
                     gfloat        x)
  ClutterActorBox old = { 0, };
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  priv = self->priv;

  if (priv->position_set && priv->fixed_x == x)

  clutter_actor_store_old_geometry (self, &old);

  priv->fixed_x = x;
  clutter_actor_set_fixed_position_set (self, TRUE);

  clutter_actor_notify_if_geometry_changed (self, &old);

  clutter_actor_queue_relayout (self);

 * clutter_actor_set_y:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @y: the actor's position on the Y axis
 * Sets the actor's Y coordinate, relative to its parent, in pixels.#
 * Overrides any layout manager and forces a fixed position for
 * the actor.
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_actor_set_y (ClutterActor *self,
                     gfloat        y)
  ClutterActorBox old = { 0, };
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  priv = self->priv;

  if (priv->position_set && priv->fixed_y == y)

  clutter_actor_store_old_geometry (self, &old);

  priv->fixed_y = y;
  clutter_actor_set_fixed_position_set (self, TRUE);

  clutter_actor_notify_if_geometry_changed (self, &old);

  clutter_actor_queue_relayout (self);

 * clutter_actor_get_x
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * Retrieves the X coordinate of a #ClutterActor.
 * This function tries to "do what you mean", by returning the
 * correct value depending on the actor's state.
 * If the actor has a valid allocation, this function will return
 * the X coordinate of the origin of the allocation box.
 * If the actor has any fixed coordinate set using clutter_actor_set_x(),
 * clutter_actor_set_position() or clutter_actor_set_geometry(), this
 * function will return that coordinate.
 * If both the allocation and a fixed position are missing, this function
 * will return 0.
 * Return value: the X coordinate, in pixels, ignoring any
 *   transformation (i.e. scaling, rotation)
clutter_actor_get_x (ClutterActor *self)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;

  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self), 0);

  priv = self->priv;

  if (priv->needs_allocation)
      if (priv->position_set)
        return priv->fixed_x;
        return 0;
    return priv->allocation.x1;

 * clutter_actor_get_y
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * Retrieves the Y coordinate of a #ClutterActor.
 * This function tries to "do what you mean", by returning the
 * correct value depending on the actor's state.
 * If the actor has a valid allocation, this function will return
 * the Y coordinate of the origin of the allocation box.
 * If the actor has any fixed coordinate set using clutter_actor_set_y(),
 * clutter_actor_set_position() or clutter_actor_set_geometry(), this
 * function will return that coordinate.
 * If both the allocation and a fixed position are missing, this function
 * will return 0.
 * Return value: the Y coordinate, in pixels, ignoring any
 *   transformation (i.e. scaling, rotation)
clutter_actor_get_y (ClutterActor *self)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;

  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self), 0);

  priv = self->priv;

  if (priv->needs_allocation)
      if (priv->position_set)
        return priv->fixed_y;
        return 0;
    return priv->allocation.y1;

 * clutter_actor_set_scale:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * @scale_x: double factor to scale actor by horizontally.
 * @scale_y: double factor to scale actor by vertically.
 * Scales an actor with the given factors. The scaling is relative to
 * the scale center and the anchor point. The scale center is
 * unchanged by this function and defaults to 0,0.
 * Since: 0.2
clutter_actor_set_scale (ClutterActor *self,
                         gdouble       scale_x,
                         gdouble       scale_y)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  priv = self->priv;

  g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (self));

  priv->scale_x = scale_x;
  _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_SCALE_X]);

  priv->scale_y = scale_y;
  _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_SCALE_Y]);

  clutter_actor_queue_redraw (self);

  g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (self));

 * clutter_actor_set_scale_full:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * @scale_x: double factor to scale actor by horizontally.
 * @scale_y: double factor to scale actor by vertically.
 * @center_x: X coordinate of the center of the scale.
 * @center_y: Y coordinate of the center of the scale
 * Scales an actor with the given factors around the given center
 * point. The center point is specified in pixels relative to the
 * anchor point (usually the top left corner of the actor).
 * Since: 1.0
clutter_actor_set_scale_full (ClutterActor *self,
                              gdouble       scale_x,
                              gdouble       scale_y,
                              gfloat        center_x,
                              gfloat        center_y)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  priv = self->priv;

  g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (self));

  clutter_actor_set_scale (self, scale_x, scale_y);

  if (priv->scale_center.is_fractional)
    _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_SCALE_GRAVITY]);

  _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_SCALE_CENTER_X]);
  _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_SCALE_CENTER_Y]);

  clutter_anchor_coord_set_units (&priv->scale_center, center_x, center_y, 0);

  g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (self));

 * clutter_actor_set_scale_with_gravity:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * @scale_x: double factor to scale actor by horizontally.
 * @scale_y: double factor to scale actor by vertically.
 * @gravity: the location of the scale center expressed as a compass
 * direction.
 * Scales an actor with the given factors around the given
 * center point. The center point is specified as one of the compass
 * directions in #ClutterGravity. For example, setting it to north
 * will cause the top of the actor to remain unchanged and the rest of
 * the actor to expand left, right and downwards.
 * Since: 1.0
clutter_actor_set_scale_with_gravity (ClutterActor   *self,
                                      gdouble         scale_x,
                                      gdouble         scale_y,
                                      ClutterGravity  gravity)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  priv = self->priv;

  if (gravity == CLUTTER_GRAVITY_NONE)
    clutter_actor_set_scale_full (self, scale_x, scale_y, 0, 0);
      g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (self));

      clutter_actor_set_scale (self, scale_x, scale_y);

      _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_SCALE_GRAVITY]);
      _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_SCALE_CENTER_X]);
      _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_SCALE_CENTER_Y]);

      clutter_anchor_coord_set_gravity (&priv->scale_center, gravity);

      g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (self));

 * clutter_actor_get_scale:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * @scale_x: (out) (allow-none): Location to store horizonal
 *   scale factor, or %NULL.
 * @scale_y: (out) (allow-none): Location to store vertical
 *   scale factor, or %NULL.
 * Retrieves an actors scale factors.
 * Since: 0.2
clutter_actor_get_scale (ClutterActor *self,
			 gdouble      *scale_x,
			 gdouble      *scale_y)
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  if (scale_x)
    *scale_x = self->priv->scale_x;

  if (scale_y)
    *scale_y = self->priv->scale_y;

 * clutter_actor_get_scale_center:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * @center_x: (out) (allow-none): Location to store the X position
 *   of the scale center, or %NULL.
 * @center_y: (out) (allow-none): Location to store the Y position
 *   of the scale center, or %NULL.
 * Retrieves the scale center coordinate in pixels relative to the top
 * left corner of the actor. If the scale center was specified using a
 * #ClutterGravity this will calculate the pixel offset using the
 * current size of the actor.
 * Since: 1.0
clutter_actor_get_scale_center (ClutterActor *self,
                                gfloat       *center_x,
                                gfloat       *center_y)
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  clutter_anchor_coord_get_units (self, &self->priv->scale_center,

 * clutter_actor_get_scale_gravity:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * Retrieves the scale center as a compass direction. If the scale
 * center was specified in pixels or units this will return
 * Return value: the scale gravity
 * Since: 1.0
clutter_actor_get_scale_gravity (ClutterActor *self)
  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self), CLUTTER_GRAVITY_NONE);

  return clutter_anchor_coord_get_gravity (&self->priv->scale_center);

 * clutter_actor_set_opacity:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * @opacity: New opacity value for the actor.
 * Sets the actor's opacity, with zero being completely transparent and
 * 255 (0xff) being fully opaque.
clutter_actor_set_opacity (ClutterActor *self,
			   guint8        opacity)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  priv = self->priv;

  if (priv->opacity != opacity)
      priv->opacity = opacity;

      clutter_actor_queue_redraw (self);

      _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_OPACITY]);

 * clutter_actor_get_paint_opacity_internal:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * Retrieves the absolute opacity of the actor, as it appears on the stage
 * This function does not do type checks
 * Return value: the absolute opacity of the actor
static guint8
clutter_actor_get_paint_opacity_internal (ClutterActor *self)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv = self->priv;
  ClutterActor *parent;

  /* override the top-level opacity to always be 255; even in
   * case of ClutterStage:use-alpha being TRUE we want the rest
   * of the scene to be painted
    return 255;

  if (priv->opacity_parent != NULL)
    return clutter_actor_get_paint_opacity_internal (priv->opacity_parent);

  parent = priv->parent_actor;

  /* Factor in the actual actors opacity with parents */
  if (parent != NULL)
      guint8 opacity = clutter_actor_get_paint_opacity_internal (parent);

      if (opacity != 0xff)
        return (opacity * priv->opacity) / 0xff;

  return priv->opacity;


 * clutter_actor_get_paint_opacity:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * Retrieves the absolute opacity of the actor, as it appears on the stage.
 * This function traverses the hierarchy chain and composites the opacity of
 * the actor with that of its parents.
 * This function is intended for subclasses to use in the paint virtual
 * function, to paint themselves with the correct opacity.
 * Return value: The actor opacity value.
 * Since: 0.8
clutter_actor_get_paint_opacity (ClutterActor *self)
  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self), 0);

  return clutter_actor_get_paint_opacity_internal (self);

 * clutter_actor_get_opacity:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * Retrieves the opacity value of an actor, as set by
 * clutter_actor_set_opacity().
 * For retrieving the absolute opacity of the actor inside a paint
 * virtual function, see clutter_actor_get_paint_opacity().
 * Return value: the opacity of the actor
clutter_actor_get_opacity (ClutterActor *self)
  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self), 0);

  return self->priv->opacity;

 * clutter_actor_set_name:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * @name: Textual tag to apply to actor
 * Sets the given name to @self. The name can be used to identify
 * a #ClutterActor.
clutter_actor_set_name (ClutterActor *self,
			const gchar  *name)
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  g_free (self->priv->name);
  self->priv->name = g_strdup (name);

  _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_NAME]);

 * clutter_actor_get_name:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * Retrieves the name of @self.
 * Return value: the name of the actor, or %NULL. The returned string is
 *   owned by the actor and should not be modified or freed.
clutter_actor_get_name (ClutterActor *self)
  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self), NULL);

  return self->priv->name;

 * clutter_actor_get_gid:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * Retrieves the unique id for @self.
 * Return value: Globally unique value for this object instance.
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_actor_get_gid (ClutterActor *self)
  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self), 0);

  return self->priv->id;

 * clutter_actor_set_depth:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @depth: Z co-ord
 * Sets the Z coordinate of @self to @depth.
 * The unit used by @depth is dependant on the perspective setup. See
 * also clutter_stage_set_perspective().
clutter_actor_set_depth (ClutterActor *self,
                         gfloat        depth)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  priv = self->priv;

  if (priv->z != depth)
      /* Sets Z value - XXX 2.0: should we invert? */
      priv->z = depth;

      if (priv->parent_actor && CLUTTER_IS_CONTAINER (priv->parent_actor))
          ClutterContainer *parent;

          /* We need to resort the container stacking order as to
           * correctly render alpha values.
           * FIXME: This is sub-optimal. maybe queue the the sort
           *        before stacking
          parent = CLUTTER_CONTAINER (priv->parent_actor);
          clutter_container_sort_depth_order (parent);

      clutter_actor_queue_redraw (self);

      _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_DEPTH]);

 * clutter_actor_get_depth:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * Retrieves the depth of @self.
 * Return value: the depth of the actor
clutter_actor_get_depth (ClutterActor *self)
  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self), -1);

  return self->priv->z;

 * clutter_actor_set_rotation:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @axis: the axis of rotation
 * @angle: the angle of rotation
 * @x: X coordinate of the rotation center
 * @y: Y coordinate of the rotation center
 * @z: Z coordinate of the rotation center
 * Sets the rotation angle of @self around the given axis.
 * The rotation center coordinates used depend on the value of @axis:
 * <itemizedlist>
 *   <listitem><para>%CLUTTER_X_AXIS requires @y and @z</para></listitem>
 *   <listitem><para>%CLUTTER_Y_AXIS requires @x and @z</para></listitem>
 *   <listitem><para>%CLUTTER_Z_AXIS requires @x and @y</para></listitem>
 * </itemizedlist>
 * The rotation coordinates are relative to the anchor point of the
 * actor, set using clutter_actor_set_anchor_point(). If no anchor
 * point is set, the upper left corner is assumed as the origin.
 * Since: 0.8
clutter_actor_set_rotation (ClutterActor      *self,
                            ClutterRotateAxis  axis,
                            gdouble            angle,
                            gfloat             x,
                            gfloat             y,
                            gfloat             z)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  priv = self->priv;

  g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (self));

  clutter_actor_set_rotation_internal (self, axis, angle);

  switch (axis)
    case CLUTTER_X_AXIS:
      clutter_anchor_coord_set_units (&priv->rx_center, x, y, z);
      _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_ROTATION_CENTER_X]);

    case CLUTTER_Y_AXIS:
      clutter_anchor_coord_set_units (&priv->ry_center, x, y, z);
      _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_ROTATION_CENTER_Y]);

    case CLUTTER_Z_AXIS:
      if (priv->rz_center.is_fractional)
        _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_ROTATION_CENTER_Z_GRAVITY]);
      clutter_anchor_coord_set_units (&priv->rz_center, x, y, z);
      _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_ROTATION_CENTER_Z]);

  g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (self));

 * clutter_actor_set_z_rotation_from_gravity:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @angle: the angle of rotation
 * @gravity: the center point of the rotation
 * Sets the rotation angle of @self around the Z axis using the center
 * point specified as a compass point. For example to rotate such that
 * the center of the actor remains static you can use
 * %CLUTTER_GRAVITY_CENTER. If the actor changes size the center point
 * will move accordingly.
 * Since: 1.0
clutter_actor_set_z_rotation_from_gravity (ClutterActor   *self,
                                           gdouble         angle,
                                           ClutterGravity  gravity)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  if (gravity == CLUTTER_GRAVITY_NONE)
    clutter_actor_set_rotation (self, CLUTTER_Z_AXIS, angle, 0, 0, 0);
      priv = self->priv;

      g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (self));

      clutter_actor_set_rotation_internal (self, CLUTTER_Z_AXIS, angle);

      clutter_anchor_coord_set_gravity (&priv->rz_center, gravity);
      _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_ROTATION_CENTER_Z_GRAVITY]);
      _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_ROTATION_CENTER_Z]);

      g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (self));

 * clutter_actor_get_rotation:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @axis: the axis of rotation
 * @x: (out): return value for the X coordinate of the center of rotation
 * @y: (out): return value for the Y coordinate of the center of rotation
 * @z: (out): return value for the Z coordinate of the center of rotation
 * Retrieves the angle and center of rotation on the given axis,
 * set using clutter_actor_set_rotation().
 * Return value: the angle of rotation
 * Since: 0.8
clutter_actor_get_rotation (ClutterActor      *self,
                            ClutterRotateAxis  axis,
                            gfloat            *x,
                            gfloat            *y,
                            gfloat            *z)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;
  gdouble retval = 0;
  AnchorCoord *anchor_coord = NULL;

  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self), 0);

  priv = self->priv;

  switch (axis)
    case CLUTTER_X_AXIS:
      anchor_coord = &priv->rx_center;
      retval = priv->rxang;

    case CLUTTER_Y_AXIS:
      anchor_coord = &priv->ry_center;
      retval = priv->ryang;

    case CLUTTER_Z_AXIS:
      anchor_coord = &priv->rz_center;
      retval = priv->rzang;

  clutter_anchor_coord_get_units (self, anchor_coord, x, y, z);

  return retval;

 * clutter_actor_get_z_rotation_gravity:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * Retrieves the center for the rotation around the Z axis as a
 * compass direction. If the center was specified in pixels or units
 * this will return %CLUTTER_GRAVITY_NONE.
 * Return value: the Z rotation center
 * Since: 1.0
clutter_actor_get_z_rotation_gravity (ClutterActor *self)
  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self), 0.0);

  return clutter_anchor_coord_get_gravity (&self->priv->rz_center);

 * clutter_actor_set_clip:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * @xoff: X offset of the clip rectangle
 * @yoff: Y offset of the clip rectangle
 * @width: Width of the clip rectangle
 * @height: Height of the clip rectangle
 * Sets clip area for @self. The clip area is always computed from the
 * upper left corner of the actor, even if the anchor point is set
 * otherwise.
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_actor_set_clip (ClutterActor *self,
                        gfloat        xoff,
                        gfloat        yoff,
                        gfloat        width,
                        gfloat        height)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  priv = self->priv;

  if (priv->has_clip &&
      priv->clip[0] == xoff &&
      priv->clip[1] == yoff &&
      priv->clip[2] == width &&
      priv->clip[3] == height)

  priv->clip[0] = xoff;
  priv->clip[1] = yoff;
  priv->clip[2] = width;
  priv->clip[3] = height;

  priv->has_clip = TRUE;

  clutter_actor_queue_redraw (self);

  _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_HAS_CLIP]);
  _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_CLIP]);

 * clutter_actor_remove_clip
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * Removes clip area from @self.
clutter_actor_remove_clip (ClutterActor *self)
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  if (!self->priv->has_clip)

  self->priv->has_clip = FALSE;

  clutter_actor_queue_redraw (self);

  _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_HAS_CLIP]);

 * clutter_actor_has_clip:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * Determines whether the actor has a clip area set or not.
 * Return value: %TRUE if the actor has a clip area set.
 * Since: 0.1.1
clutter_actor_has_clip (ClutterActor *self)
  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self), FALSE);

  return self->priv->has_clip;

 * clutter_actor_get_clip:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @xoff: (out) (allow-none): return location for the X offset of
 *   the clip rectangle, or %NULL
 * @yoff: (out) (allow-none): return location for the Y offset of
 *   the clip rectangle, or %NULL
 * @width: (out) (allow-none): return location for the width of
 *   the clip rectangle, or %NULL
 * @height: (out) (allow-none): return location for the height of
 *   the clip rectangle, or %NULL
 * Gets the clip area for @self, if any is set
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_actor_get_clip (ClutterActor *self,
                        gfloat       *xoff,
                        gfloat       *yoff,
                        gfloat       *width,
                        gfloat       *height)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  priv = self->priv;

  if (!priv->has_clip)

  if (xoff)
    *xoff = priv->clip[0];

  if (yoff)
    *yoff = priv->clip[1];

  if (width)
    *width = priv->clip[2];

  if (height)
    *height = priv->clip[3];

 * clutter_actor_set_parent:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * @parent: A new #ClutterActor parent
 * Sets the parent of @self to @parent.  The opposite function is
 * clutter_actor_unparent().
 * This function should not be used by applications, but by custom
 * container actor subclasses.
clutter_actor_set_parent (ClutterActor *self,
		          ClutterActor *parent)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;
  ClutterActorPrivate *parent_priv;
  ClutterTextDirection text_dir;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (parent));
  g_return_if_fail (self != parent);

  priv = self->priv;

  if (priv->parent_actor != NULL)
      g_warning ("Cannot set a parent on an actor which has a parent.\n"
		 "You must use clutter_actor_unparent() first.\n");

      g_warning ("Cannot set a parent on a toplevel actor\n");

      g_warning ("Cannot set a parent currently being destroyed");

  g_object_ref_sink (self);
  priv->parent_actor = parent;

  /* Maintain an explicit list of children for every actor... */
  parent_priv = parent->priv;
  parent_priv->children =
    g_list_prepend (parent_priv->children, self);

  /* if push_internal() has been called then we automatically set
   * the flag on the actor
  if (parent->priv->internal_child)

  /* clutter_actor_reparent() will emit ::parent-set for us */
    g_signal_emit (self, actor_signals[PARENT_SET], 0, NULL);

  /* If parent is mapped or realized, we need to also be mapped or
   * realized once we're inside the parent.
  clutter_actor_update_map_state (self, MAP_STATE_CHECK);

  /* propagate the parent's text direction to the child */
  text_dir = clutter_actor_get_text_direction (parent);
  clutter_actor_set_text_direction (self, text_dir);

  if (priv->show_on_set_parent)
    clutter_actor_show (self);

    clutter_actor_queue_redraw (self);

  /* maintain the invariant that if an actor needs layout,
   * its parents do as well
  if (priv->needs_width_request ||
      priv->needs_height_request ||
      /* we work around the short-circuiting we do
       * in clutter_actor_queue_relayout() since we
       * want to force a relayout
      priv->needs_width_request = TRUE;
      priv->needs_height_request = TRUE;
      priv->needs_allocation = TRUE;

      clutter_actor_queue_relayout (priv->parent_actor);

 * clutter_actor_get_parent:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * Retrieves the parent of @self.
 * Return Value: (transfer none): The #ClutterActor parent, or %NULL
 *  if no parent is set
ClutterActor *
clutter_actor_get_parent (ClutterActor *self)
  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self), NULL);

  return self->priv->parent_actor;

 * clutter_actor_get_paint_visibility:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * Retrieves the 'paint' visibility of an actor recursively checking for non
 * visible parents.
 * This is by definition the same as CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_MAPPED().
 * Return Value: TRUE if the actor is visibile and will be painted.
 * Since: 0.8.4
clutter_actor_get_paint_visibility (ClutterActor *actor)
  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (actor), FALSE);

  return CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_MAPPED (actor);

static gboolean
invalidate_queue_redraw_entry (ClutterActor *self,
                               gpointer      user_data)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv = self->priv;

  if (priv->queue_redraw_entry != NULL)
      _clutter_stage_queue_redraw_entry_invalidate (priv->queue_redraw_entry);
      priv->queue_redraw_entry = NULL;

  return TRUE;

 * clutter_actor_unparent:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * Removes the parent of @self.
 * This function should not be used in applications.  It should be called by
 * implementations of container actors, to dissociate a child from the
 * container.
 * Since: 0.1.1
clutter_actor_unparent (ClutterActor *self)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;
  ClutterActor *old_parent;
  ClutterActorPrivate *old_parent_priv;
  gboolean was_mapped;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  priv = self->priv;

  if (priv->parent_actor == NULL)

   /* We take this opportunity to invalidate any queue redraw entry
    * associated with the actor and descendants since we won't be able to
    * determine the appropriate stage after this. */
  _clutter_actor_traverse (self,

  was_mapped = CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_MAPPED (self);

  /* we need to unrealize *before* we set parent_actor to NULL,
   * because in an unrealize method actors are dissociating from the
   * stage, which means they need to be able to
   * clutter_actor_get_stage(). This should unmap and unrealize,
   * unless we're reparenting.
  clutter_actor_update_map_state (self, MAP_STATE_MAKE_UNREALIZED);

  old_parent = priv->parent_actor;
  priv->parent_actor = NULL;

  /* clutter_actor_reparent() will emit ::parent-set for us */
    g_signal_emit (self, actor_signals[PARENT_SET], 0, old_parent);

  old_parent_priv = old_parent->priv;
  old_parent_priv->children = g_list_remove (old_parent_priv->children, self);

  /* Queue a redraw on old_parent only if we were painted in the first
   * place. Will be no-op if old parent is not shown.
  if (was_mapped && !CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_MAPPED (self))
    clutter_actor_queue_redraw (old_parent);

  /* remove the reference we acquired in clutter_actor_set_parent() */
  g_object_unref (self);

 * clutter_actor_reparent:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @new_parent: the new #ClutterActor parent
 * This function resets the parent actor of @self.  It is
 * logically equivalent to calling clutter_actor_unparent()
 * and clutter_actor_set_parent(), but more efficiently
 * implemented, ensures the child is not finalized
 * when unparented, and emits the parent-set signal only
 * one time.
 * Since: 0.2
clutter_actor_reparent (ClutterActor *self,
                        ClutterActor *new_parent)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (new_parent));
  g_return_if_fail (self != new_parent);

      g_warning ("Cannot set a parent on a toplevel actor");

      g_warning ("Cannot set a parent currently being destroyed");

  priv = self->priv;

  if (priv->parent_actor != new_parent)
      ClutterActor *old_parent;


      old_parent = priv->parent_actor;

      g_object_ref (self);

      /* go through the Container implementation if this is a regular
       * child and not an internal one
      if (CLUTTER_IS_CONTAINER (priv->parent_actor) &&
          ClutterContainer *parent = CLUTTER_CONTAINER (priv->parent_actor);

          /* this will have to call unparent() */
          clutter_container_remove_actor (parent, self);
        clutter_actor_unparent (self);

      /* Note, will call parent() */
      if (CLUTTER_IS_CONTAINER (new_parent))
        clutter_container_add_actor (CLUTTER_CONTAINER (new_parent), self);
        clutter_actor_set_parent (self, new_parent);

      /* we emit the ::parent-set signal once */
      g_signal_emit (self, actor_signals[PARENT_SET], 0, old_parent);

      g_object_unref (self);


      /* the IN_REPARENT flag suspends state updates */
      clutter_actor_update_map_state (self, MAP_STATE_CHECK);

 * clutter_actor_contains:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * @descendant: A #ClutterActor, possibly contained in @self
 * Determines if @descendant is contained inside @self (either as an
 * immediate child, or as a deeper descendant). If @self and
 * @descendant point to the same actor then it will also return %TRUE.
 * Return value: whether @descendent is contained within @self
 * Since: 1.4
clutter_actor_contains (ClutterActor *self,
			ClutterActor *descendant)
  ClutterActor *actor;

  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self), FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (descendant), FALSE);

  for (actor = descendant; actor; actor = actor->priv->parent_actor)
    if (actor == self)
      return TRUE;

  return FALSE;

 * clutter_actor_raise:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * @below: (allow-none): A #ClutterActor to raise above.
 * Puts @self above @below.
 * Both actors must have the same parent, and the parent must implement
 * the #ClutterContainer interface
 * This function is the equivalent of clutter_container_raise_child().
clutter_actor_raise (ClutterActor *self,
                     ClutterActor *below)
  ClutterActor *parent;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  parent = clutter_actor_get_parent (self);
  if (parent == NULL || !CLUTTER_IS_CONTAINER (parent))
      g_warning ("%s: Actor '%s' is not inside a container",
                 get_actor_debug_name (self));

  if (below != NULL)
      if (parent != clutter_actor_get_parent (below))
          g_warning ("%s Actor '%s' is not in the same container as "
                     "actor '%s'",
                     get_actor_debug_name (self),
                     get_actor_debug_name (below));

  clutter_container_raise_child (CLUTTER_CONTAINER (parent), self, below);

 * clutter_actor_lower:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * @above: (allow-none): A #ClutterActor to lower below
 * Puts @self below @above.
 * Both actors must have the same parent, and the parent must implement
 * the #ClutterContainer interface.
 * This function is the equivalent of clutter_container_lower_child().
clutter_actor_lower (ClutterActor *self,
                     ClutterActor *above)
  ClutterActor *parent;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR(self));

  parent = clutter_actor_get_parent (self);
  if (parent == NULL || !CLUTTER_IS_CONTAINER (parent))
      g_warning ("%s: Actor of type %s is not inside a container",
                 get_actor_debug_name (self));

  if (above)
      if (parent != clutter_actor_get_parent (above))
          g_warning ("%s: Actor '%s' is not in the same container as "
                     "actor '%s'",
                     get_actor_debug_name (self),
                     get_actor_debug_name (above));

  clutter_container_lower_child (CLUTTER_CONTAINER (parent), self, above);

 * clutter_actor_raise_top:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * Raises @self to the top.
 * This function calls clutter_actor_raise() internally.
clutter_actor_raise_top (ClutterActor *self)
  clutter_actor_raise (self, NULL);

 * clutter_actor_lower_bottom:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * Lowers @self to the bottom.
 * This function calls clutter_actor_lower() internally.
clutter_actor_lower_bottom (ClutterActor *self)
  clutter_actor_lower (self, NULL);

 * Event handling

 * clutter_actor_event:
 * @actor: a #ClutterActor
 * @event: a #ClutterEvent
 * @capture: TRUE if event in in capture phase, FALSE otherwise.
 * This function is used to emit an event on the main stage.
 * You should rarely need to use this function, except for
 * synthetising events.
 * Return value: the return value from the signal emission: %TRUE
 *   if the actor handled the event, or %FALSE if the event was
 *   not handled
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_actor_event (ClutterActor *actor,
                     ClutterEvent *event,
		     gboolean      capture)
  gboolean retval = FALSE;
  gint signal_num = -1;

  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (actor), FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (event != NULL, FALSE);

  g_object_ref (actor);

  if (capture)
      g_signal_emit (actor, actor_signals[CAPTURED_EVENT], 0,
      goto out;

  g_signal_emit (actor, actor_signals[EVENT], 0, event, &retval);

  if (!retval)
      switch (event->type)
	  signal_num = BUTTON_PRESS_EVENT;
	  signal_num = BUTTON_RELEASE_EVENT;
	  signal_num = SCROLL_EVENT;
	  signal_num = KEY_PRESS_EVENT;
	  signal_num = KEY_RELEASE_EVENT;
	  signal_num = MOTION_EVENT;
	  signal_num = ENTER_EVENT;
	  signal_num = LEAVE_EVENT;
	  signal_num = -1;

      if (signal_num != -1)
	g_signal_emit (actor, actor_signals[signal_num], 0,
		       event, &retval);

  g_object_unref (actor);

  return retval;

 * clutter_actor_set_reactive:
 * @actor: a #ClutterActor
 * @reactive: whether the actor should be reactive to events
 * Sets @actor as reactive. Reactive actors will receive events.
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_actor_set_reactive (ClutterActor *actor,
                            gboolean      reactive)
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (actor));

  if (reactive == CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_REACTIVE (actor))

  if (reactive)

  _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (actor), obj_props[PROP_REACTIVE]);

 * clutter_actor_get_reactive:
 * @actor: a #ClutterActor
 * Checks whether @actor is marked as reactive.
 * Return value: %TRUE if the actor is reactive
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_actor_get_reactive (ClutterActor *actor)
  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (actor), FALSE);


 * clutter_actor_get_anchor_point:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @anchor_x: (out): return location for the X coordinate of the anchor point
 * @anchor_y: (out): return location for the Y coordinate of the anchor point
 * Gets the current anchor point of the @actor in pixels.
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_actor_get_anchor_point (ClutterActor *self,
				gfloat       *anchor_x,
                                gfloat       *anchor_y)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  priv = self->priv;

  clutter_anchor_coord_get_units (self, &priv->anchor,

 * clutter_actor_set_anchor_point:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @anchor_x: X coordinate of the anchor point
 * @anchor_y: Y coordinate of the anchor point
 * Sets an anchor point for @self. The anchor point is a point in the
 * coordinate space of an actor to which the actor position within its
 * parent is relative; the default is (0, 0), i.e. the top-left corner
 * of the actor.
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_actor_set_anchor_point (ClutterActor *self,
                                gfloat        anchor_x,
                                gfloat        anchor_y)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;
  gboolean changed = FALSE;
  gfloat old_anchor_x, old_anchor_y;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  priv = self->priv;

  g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (self));

  clutter_anchor_coord_get_units (self, &priv->anchor,

  if (priv->anchor.is_fractional)
    _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_ANCHOR_GRAVITY]);

  if (old_anchor_x != anchor_x)
      _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_ANCHOR_X]);
      changed = TRUE;

  if (old_anchor_y != anchor_y)
      _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_ANCHOR_Y]);
      changed = TRUE;

  clutter_anchor_coord_set_units (&priv->anchor, anchor_x, anchor_y, 0);

  if (changed)
    clutter_actor_queue_redraw (self);

  g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (self));

 * clutter_actor_get_anchor_point_gravity:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * Retrieves the anchor position expressed as a #ClutterGravity. If
 * the anchor point was specified using pixels or units this will
 * Return value: the #ClutterGravity used by the anchor point
 * Since: 1.0
clutter_actor_get_anchor_point_gravity (ClutterActor *self)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;

  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self), CLUTTER_GRAVITY_NONE);

  priv = self->priv;

  return clutter_anchor_coord_get_gravity (&priv->anchor);

 * clutter_actor_move_anchor_point:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @anchor_x: X coordinate of the anchor point
 * @anchor_y: Y coordinate of the anchor point
 * Sets an anchor point for the actor, and adjusts the actor postion so that
 * the relative position of the actor toward its parent remains the same.
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_actor_move_anchor_point (ClutterActor *self,
                                 gfloat        anchor_x,
                                 gfloat        anchor_y)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;
  gfloat old_anchor_x, old_anchor_y;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  priv = self->priv;

  clutter_anchor_coord_get_units (self, &priv->anchor,

  g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (self));

  clutter_actor_set_anchor_point (self, anchor_x, anchor_y);

  if (priv->position_set)
    clutter_actor_move_by (self,
                           anchor_x - old_anchor_x,
                           anchor_y - old_anchor_y);

  g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (self));

 * clutter_actor_move_anchor_point_from_gravity:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @gravity: #ClutterGravity.
 * Sets an anchor point on the actor based on the given gravity, adjusting the
 * actor postion so that its relative position within its parent remains
 * unchanged.
 * Since version 1.0 the anchor point will be stored as a gravity so
 * that if the actor changes size then the anchor point will move. For
 * example, if you set the anchor point to %CLUTTER_GRAVITY_SOUTH_EAST
 * and later double the size of the actor, the anchor point will move
 * to the bottom right.
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_actor_move_anchor_point_from_gravity (ClutterActor   *self,
					      ClutterGravity  gravity)
  gfloat old_anchor_x, old_anchor_y, new_anchor_x, new_anchor_y;
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  priv = self->priv;

  g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (self));

  clutter_anchor_coord_get_units (self, &priv->anchor,
  clutter_actor_set_anchor_point_from_gravity (self, gravity);
  clutter_anchor_coord_get_units (self, &priv->anchor,

  if (priv->position_set)
    clutter_actor_move_by (self,
                           new_anchor_x - old_anchor_x,
                           new_anchor_y - old_anchor_y);

  g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (self));

 * clutter_actor_set_anchor_point_from_gravity:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @gravity: #ClutterGravity.
 * Sets an anchor point on the actor, based on the given gravity (this is a
 * convenience function wrapping clutter_actor_set_anchor_point()).
 * Since version 1.0 the anchor point will be stored as a gravity so
 * that if the actor changes size then the anchor point will move. For
 * example, if you set the anchor point to %CLUTTER_GRAVITY_SOUTH_EAST
 * and later double the size of the actor, the anchor point will move
 * to the bottom right.
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_actor_set_anchor_point_from_gravity (ClutterActor   *self,
					     ClutterGravity  gravity)
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  if (gravity == CLUTTER_GRAVITY_NONE)
    clutter_actor_set_anchor_point (self, 0, 0);
      clutter_anchor_coord_set_gravity (&self->priv->anchor, gravity);

      _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_ANCHOR_GRAVITY]);
      _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_ANCHOR_X]);
      _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_ANCHOR_Y]);

typedef enum
} ParseDimension;

static gfloat
parse_units (ClutterActor   *self,
             ParseDimension  dimension,
             JsonNode       *node)
  GValue value = { 0, };
  gfloat retval = 0;

    return 0;

  json_node_get_value (node, &value);

  if (G_VALUE_HOLDS (&value, G_TYPE_INT64))
      retval = (gfloat) g_value_get_int64 (&value);
  else if (G_VALUE_HOLDS (&value, G_TYPE_DOUBLE))
      retval = g_value_get_double (&value);
  else if (G_VALUE_HOLDS (&value, G_TYPE_STRING))
      ClutterUnits units;
      gboolean res;

      res = clutter_units_from_string (&units, g_value_get_string (&value));
      if (res)
        retval = clutter_units_to_pixels (&units);
          g_warning ("Invalid value '%s': integers, strings or floating point "
                     "values can be used for the x, y, width and height "
                     "properties. Valid modifiers for strings are 'px', 'mm', "
                     "'pt' and 'em'.",
                     g_value_get_string (&value));
          retval = 0;
      g_warning ("Invalid value of type '%s': integers, strings of floating "
                 "point values can be used for the x, y, width, height "
                 "anchor-x and anchor-y properties.",
                 g_type_name (G_VALUE_TYPE (&value)));

  g_value_unset (&value);

  return retval;

typedef struct {
  ClutterRotateAxis axis;

  gdouble angle;

  gfloat center_x;
  gfloat center_y;
  gfloat center_z;
} RotationInfo;

static inline gboolean
parse_rotation_array (ClutterActor *actor,
                      JsonArray    *array,
                      RotationInfo *info)
  JsonNode *element;

  if (json_array_get_length (array) != 2)
    return FALSE;

  /* angle */
  element = json_array_get_element (array, 0);
  if (JSON_NODE_TYPE (element) == JSON_NODE_VALUE)
    info->angle = json_node_get_double (element);
    return FALSE;

  /* center */
  element = json_array_get_element (array, 1);
  if (JSON_NODE_TYPE (element) == JSON_NODE_ARRAY)
      JsonArray *center = json_node_get_array (element);

      if (json_array_get_length (center) != 2)
        return FALSE;

      switch (info->axis)
        case CLUTTER_X_AXIS:
          info->center_y = parse_units (actor, PARSE_Y,
                                        json_array_get_element (center, 0));
          info->center_z = parse_units (actor, PARSE_Y,
                                        json_array_get_element (center, 1));
          return TRUE;

        case CLUTTER_Y_AXIS:
          info->center_x = parse_units (actor, PARSE_X,
                                        json_array_get_element (center, 0));
          info->center_z = parse_units (actor, PARSE_X,
                                        json_array_get_element (center, 1));
          return TRUE;

        case CLUTTER_Z_AXIS:
          info->center_x = parse_units (actor, PARSE_X,
                                        json_array_get_element (center, 0));
          info->center_y = parse_units (actor, PARSE_Y,
                                        json_array_get_element (center, 1));
          return TRUE;

  return FALSE;

static gboolean
parse_rotation (ClutterActor *actor,
                JsonNode     *node,
                RotationInfo *info)
  JsonArray *array;
  guint len, i;
  gboolean retval = FALSE;

      g_warning ("Invalid node of type '%s' found, expecting an array",
                 json_node_type_name (node));
      return FALSE;

  array = json_node_get_array (node);
  len = json_array_get_length (array);

  for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
      JsonNode *element = json_array_get_element (array, i);
      JsonObject *object;
      JsonNode *member;

      if (JSON_NODE_TYPE (element) != JSON_NODE_OBJECT)
          g_warning ("Invalid node of type '%s' found, expecting an object",
                     json_node_type_name (element));
          return FALSE;

      object = json_node_get_object (element);

      if (json_object_has_member (object, "x-axis"))
          member = json_object_get_member (object, "x-axis");

          info->axis = CLUTTER_X_AXIS;

          if (JSON_NODE_TYPE (member) == JSON_NODE_VALUE)
              info->angle = json_node_get_double (member);
              retval = TRUE;
          else if (JSON_NODE_TYPE (member) == JSON_NODE_ARRAY)
            retval = parse_rotation_array (actor,
                                           json_node_get_array (member),
            retval = FALSE;
      else if (json_object_has_member (object, "y-axis"))
          member = json_object_get_member (object, "y-axis");

          info->axis = CLUTTER_Y_AXIS;

          if (JSON_NODE_TYPE (member) == JSON_NODE_VALUE)
              info->angle = json_node_get_double (member);
              retval = TRUE;
          else if (JSON_NODE_TYPE (member) == JSON_NODE_ARRAY)
            retval = parse_rotation_array (actor,
                                           json_node_get_array (member),
            retval = FALSE;
      else if (json_object_has_member (object, "z-axis"))
          member = json_object_get_member (object, "z-axis");

          info->axis = CLUTTER_Z_AXIS;

          if (JSON_NODE_TYPE (member) == JSON_NODE_VALUE)
              info->angle = json_node_get_double (member);
              retval = TRUE;
          else if (JSON_NODE_TYPE (member) == JSON_NODE_ARRAY)
            retval = parse_rotation_array (actor,
                                           json_node_get_array (member),
            retval = FALSE;

  return retval;

static GSList *
parse_actor_metas (ClutterScript *script,
                   ClutterActor  *actor,
                   JsonNode      *node)
  GList *elements, *l;
  GSList *retval = NULL;

  if (!JSON_NODE_HOLDS_ARRAY (node))
    return NULL;

  elements = json_array_get_elements (json_node_get_array (node));

  for (l = elements; l != NULL; l = l->next)
      JsonNode *element = l->data;
      const gchar *id = _clutter_script_get_id_from_node (element);
      GObject *meta;

      if (id == NULL || *id == '\0')

      meta = clutter_script_get_object (script, id);
      if (meta == NULL)

      retval = g_slist_prepend (retval, meta);

  g_list_free (elements);

  return g_slist_reverse (retval);

static GSList *
parse_behaviours (ClutterScript *script,
                  ClutterActor  *actor,
                  JsonNode      *node)
  GList *elements, *l;
  GSList *retval = NULL;

  if (!JSON_NODE_HOLDS_ARRAY (node))
    return NULL;

  elements = json_array_get_elements (json_node_get_array (node));

  for (l = elements; l != NULL; l = l->next)
      JsonNode *element = l->data;
      const gchar *id = _clutter_script_get_id_from_node (element);
      GObject *behaviour;

      if (id == NULL || *id == '\0')

      behaviour = clutter_script_get_object (script, id);
      if (behaviour == NULL)

      retval = g_slist_prepend (retval, behaviour);

  g_list_free (elements);

  return g_slist_reverse (retval);

static gboolean
clutter_actor_parse_custom_node (ClutterScriptable *scriptable,
                                 ClutterScript     *script,
                                 GValue            *value,
                                 const gchar       *name,
                                 JsonNode          *node)
  ClutterActor *actor = CLUTTER_ACTOR (scriptable);
  gboolean retval = FALSE;

  if ((name[0] == 'x' && name[1] == '\0') ||
      (name[0] == 'y' && name[1] == '\0') ||
      (strcmp (name, "width") == 0) ||
      (strcmp (name, "height") == 0) ||
      (strcmp (name, "anchor_x") == 0) ||
      (strcmp (name, "anchor_y") == 0))
      ParseDimension dimension;
      gfloat units;

      if (name[0] == 'x')
        dimension = PARSE_X;
      else if (name[0] == 'y')
        dimension = PARSE_Y;
      else if (name[0] == 'w')
        dimension = PARSE_WIDTH;
      else if (name[0] == 'h')
        dimension = PARSE_HEIGHT;
      else if (name[0] == 'a' && name[7] == 'x')
        dimension = PARSE_ANCHOR_X;
      else if (name[0] == 'a' && name[7] == 'y')
        dimension = PARSE_ANCHOR_Y;
        return FALSE;

      units = parse_units (actor, dimension, node);

      /* convert back to pixels: all properties are pixel-based */
      g_value_init (value, G_TYPE_FLOAT);
      g_value_set_float (value, units);

      retval = TRUE;
  else if (strcmp (name, "rotation") == 0)
      RotationInfo *info;

      info = g_slice_new0 (RotationInfo);
      retval = parse_rotation (actor, node, info);

      if (retval)
          g_value_init (value, G_TYPE_POINTER);
          g_value_set_pointer (value, info);
        g_slice_free (RotationInfo, info);
  else if (strcmp (name, "behaviours") == 0)
      GSList *l;

      l = parse_behaviours (script, actor, node);

      g_value_init (value, G_TYPE_POINTER);
      g_value_set_pointer (value, l);

      retval = TRUE;
  else if (strcmp (name, "actions") == 0 ||
           strcmp (name, "constraints") == 0 ||
           strcmp (name, "effects") == 0)
      GSList *l;

      l = parse_actor_metas (script, actor, node);

      g_value_init (value, G_TYPE_POINTER);
      g_value_set_pointer (value, l);

      retval = TRUE;

  return retval;

static void
clutter_actor_set_custom_property (ClutterScriptable *scriptable,
                                   ClutterScript     *script,
                                   const gchar       *name,
                                   const GValue      *value)
  ClutterActor *actor = CLUTTER_ACTOR (scriptable);

      gchar *tmp = g_strdup_value_contents (value);

                    "in ClutterActor::set_custom_property('%s') = %s",

      g_free (tmp);

  if (strcmp (name, "rotation") == 0)
      RotationInfo *info;

      if (!G_VALUE_HOLDS (value, G_TYPE_POINTER))

      info = g_value_get_pointer (value);

      clutter_actor_set_rotation (actor,
                                  info->axis, info->angle,

      g_slice_free (RotationInfo, info);


  if (strcmp (name, "behaviours") == 0)
      GSList *behaviours, *l;

      if (!G_VALUE_HOLDS (value, G_TYPE_POINTER))

      behaviours = g_value_get_pointer (value);
      for (l = behaviours; l != NULL; l = l->next)
          ClutterBehaviour *behaviour = l->data;

          clutter_behaviour_apply (behaviour, actor);

      g_slist_free (behaviours);


  if (strcmp (name, "actions") == 0 ||
      strcmp (name, "constraints") == 0 ||
      strcmp (name, "effects") == 0)
      GSList *metas, *l;

      if (!G_VALUE_HOLDS (value, G_TYPE_POINTER))

      metas = g_value_get_pointer (value);
      for (l = metas; l != NULL; l = l->next)
          if (name[0] == 'a')
            clutter_actor_add_action (actor, l->data);

          if (name[0] == 'c')
            clutter_actor_add_constraint (actor, l->data);

          if (name[0] == 'e')
            clutter_actor_add_effect (actor, l->data);

      g_slist_free (metas);


  g_object_set_property (G_OBJECT (scriptable), name, value);

static void
clutter_scriptable_iface_init (ClutterScriptableIface *iface)
  iface->parse_custom_node = clutter_actor_parse_custom_node;
  iface->set_custom_property = clutter_actor_set_custom_property;

static ClutterActorMeta *
get_meta_from_animation_property (ClutterActor  *actor,
                                  const gchar   *name,
                                  gchar        **name_p)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv = actor->priv;
  ClutterActorMeta *meta = NULL;
  gchar **tokens;

  /* if this is not a special property, fall through */
  if (name[0] != '@')
    return NULL;

  /* detect the properties named using the following spec:
   *   @<section>.<meta-name>.<property-name>
   * where <section> can be one of the following:
   *   - actions
   *   - constraints
   *   - effects
   * and <meta-name> is the name set on a specific ActorMeta

  tokens = g_strsplit (name + 1, ".", -1);
  if (tokens == NULL || g_strv_length (tokens) != 3)
      CLUTTER_NOTE (ANIMATION, "Invalid property name '%s'",
                    name + 1);
      g_strfreev (tokens);
      return NULL;

  if (strcmp (tokens[0], "actions") == 0)
    meta = _clutter_meta_group_get_meta (priv->actions, tokens[1]);

  if (strcmp (tokens[0], "constraints") == 0)
    meta = _clutter_meta_group_get_meta (priv->constraints, tokens[1]);

  if (strcmp (tokens[0], "effects") == 0)
    meta = _clutter_meta_group_get_meta (priv->effects, tokens[1]);

  if (name_p != NULL)
    *name_p = g_strdup (tokens[2]);

                "Looking for property '%s' of object '%s' in section '%s'",

  g_strfreev (tokens);

  return meta;

static GParamSpec *
clutter_actor_find_property (ClutterAnimatable *animatable,
                             const gchar       *property_name)
  ClutterActorMeta *meta = NULL;
  GObjectClass *klass = NULL;
  GParamSpec *pspec = NULL;
  gchar *p_name = NULL;

  meta = get_meta_from_animation_property (CLUTTER_ACTOR (animatable),

  if (meta != NULL)
      klass = G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (meta);
      pspec = g_object_class_find_property (klass, p_name);

      g_free (p_name);
      klass = G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (animatable);

      pspec = g_object_class_find_property (klass, property_name);

  return pspec;

static void
clutter_actor_get_initial_state (ClutterAnimatable *animatable,
                                 const gchar       *property_name,
                                 GValue            *initial)
  ClutterActorMeta *meta = NULL;
  gchar *p_name = NULL;

  meta = get_meta_from_animation_property (CLUTTER_ACTOR (animatable),

  if (meta != NULL)
    g_object_get_property (G_OBJECT (meta), p_name, initial);
    g_object_get_property (G_OBJECT (animatable), property_name, initial);

  g_free (p_name);

static void
clutter_actor_set_final_state (ClutterAnimatable *animatable,
                               const gchar       *property_name,
                               const GValue      *final)
  ClutterActorMeta *meta = NULL;
  gchar *p_name = NULL;

  meta = get_meta_from_animation_property (CLUTTER_ACTOR (animatable),
  if (meta != NULL)
    g_object_set_property (G_OBJECT (meta), p_name, final);
    g_object_set_property (G_OBJECT (animatable), property_name, final);

  g_free (p_name);

static gboolean
clutter_actor_animate_property (ClutterAnimatable *animatable,
                                ClutterAnimation  *animation,
                                const gchar       *property_name,
                                const GValue      *initial,
                                const GValue      *final,
                                gdouble            progress,
                                GValue            *new_value)
  ClutterInterval *interval;

  interval = clutter_animation_get_interval (animation, property_name);

  return clutter_interval_compute_value (interval, progress, new_value);

static void
clutter_animatable_iface_init (ClutterAnimatableIface *iface)
  iface->animate_property = clutter_actor_animate_property;
  iface->find_property = clutter_actor_find_property;
  iface->get_initial_state = clutter_actor_get_initial_state;
  iface->set_final_state = clutter_actor_set_final_state;

 * clutter_actor_transform_stage_point:
 * @self: A #ClutterActor
 * @x: (in): x screen coordinate of the point to unproject
 * @y: (in): y screen coordinate of the point to unproject
 * @x_out: (out): return location for the unprojected x coordinance
 * @y_out: (out): return location for the unprojected y coordinance
 * This function translates screen coordinates (@x, @y) to
 * coordinates relative to the actor. For example, it can be used to translate
 * screen events from global screen coordinates into actor-local coordinates.
 * The conversion can fail, notably if the transform stack results in the
 * actor being projected on the screen as a mere line.
 * The conversion should not be expected to be pixel-perfect due to the
 * nature of the operation. In general the error grows when the skewing
 * of the actor rectangle on screen increases.
 * <note><para>This function can be computationally intensive.</para></note>
 * <note><para>This function only works when the allocation is up-to-date,
 * i.e. inside of paint().</para></note>
 * Return value: %TRUE if conversion was successful.
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_actor_transform_stage_point (ClutterActor *self,
				     gfloat        x,
				     gfloat        y,
				     gfloat       *x_out,
				     gfloat       *y_out)
  ClutterVertex v[4];
  float ST[3][3];
  float RQ[3][3];
  int du, dv, xi, yi;
  float px, py;
  float xf, yf, wf, det;
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;

  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self), FALSE);

  priv = self->priv;

  /* This implementation is based on the quad -> quad projection algorithm
   * described by Paul Heckbert in:
   *   http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~ph/texfund/texfund.pdf
   * and the sample implementation at:
   *   http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~ph/src/texfund/
   * Our texture is a rectangle with origin [0, 0], so we are mapping from
   * quad to rectangle only, which significantly simplifies things; the
   * function calls have been unrolled, and most of the math is done in fixed
   * point.

  clutter_actor_get_abs_allocation_vertices (self, v);

  /* Keeping these as ints simplifies the multiplication (no significant
   * loss of precision here).
  du = (int) (priv->allocation.x2 - priv->allocation.x1);
  dv = (int) (priv->allocation.y2 - priv->allocation.y1);

  if (!du || !dv)
    return FALSE;

#define UX2FP(x)        (x)
#define DET2FP(a,b,c,d) (((a) * (d)) - ((b) * (c)))

  /* First, find mapping from unit uv square to xy quadrilateral; this
   * equivalent to the pmap_square_quad() functions in the sample
   * implementation, which we can simplify, since our target is always
   * a rectangle.
  px = v[0].x - v[1].x + v[3].x - v[2].x;
  py = v[0].y - v[1].y + v[3].y - v[2].y;

  if (!px && !py)
      /* affine transform */
      RQ[0][0] = UX2FP (v[1].x - v[0].x);
      RQ[1][0] = UX2FP (v[3].x - v[1].x);
      RQ[2][0] = UX2FP (v[0].x);
      RQ[0][1] = UX2FP (v[1].y - v[0].y);
      RQ[1][1] = UX2FP (v[3].y - v[1].y);
      RQ[2][1] = UX2FP (v[0].y);
      RQ[0][2] = 0;
      RQ[1][2] = 0;
      RQ[2][2] = 1.0;
      /* projective transform */
      double dx1, dx2, dy1, dy2, del;

      dx1 = UX2FP (v[1].x - v[3].x);
      dx2 = UX2FP (v[2].x - v[3].x);
      dy1 = UX2FP (v[1].y - v[3].y);
      dy2 = UX2FP (v[2].y - v[3].y);

      del = DET2FP (dx1, dx2, dy1, dy2);
      if (!del)
	return FALSE;

       * The division here needs to be done in floating point for
       * precisions reasons.
      RQ[0][2] = (DET2FP (UX2FP (px), dx2, UX2FP (py), dy2) / del);
      RQ[1][2] = (DET2FP (dx1, UX2FP (px), dy1, UX2FP (py)) / del);
      RQ[1][2] = (DET2FP (dx1, UX2FP (px), dy1, UX2FP (py)) / del);
      RQ[2][2] = 1.0;
      RQ[0][0] = UX2FP (v[1].x - v[0].x) + (RQ[0][2] * UX2FP (v[1].x));
      RQ[1][0] = UX2FP (v[2].x - v[0].x) + (RQ[1][2] * UX2FP (v[2].x));
      RQ[2][0] = UX2FP (v[0].x);
      RQ[0][1] = UX2FP (v[1].y - v[0].y) + (RQ[0][2] * UX2FP (v[1].y));
      RQ[1][1] = UX2FP (v[2].y - v[0].y) + (RQ[1][2] * UX2FP (v[2].y));
      RQ[2][1] = UX2FP (v[0].y);

   * Now combine with transform from our rectangle (u0,v0,u1,v1) to unit
   * square. Since our rectangle is based at 0,0 we only need to scale.
  RQ[0][0] /= du;
  RQ[1][0] /= dv;
  RQ[0][1] /= du;
  RQ[1][1] /= dv;
  RQ[0][2] /= du;
  RQ[1][2] /= dv;

   * Now RQ is transform from uv rectangle to xy quadrilateral; we need an
   * inverse of that.
  ST[0][0] = DET2FP (RQ[1][1], RQ[1][2], RQ[2][1], RQ[2][2]);
  ST[1][0] = DET2FP (RQ[1][2], RQ[1][0], RQ[2][2], RQ[2][0]);
  ST[2][0] = DET2FP (RQ[1][0], RQ[1][1], RQ[2][0], RQ[2][1]);
  ST[0][1] = DET2FP (RQ[2][1], RQ[2][2], RQ[0][1], RQ[0][2]);
  ST[1][1] = DET2FP (RQ[2][2], RQ[2][0], RQ[0][2], RQ[0][0]);
  ST[2][1] = DET2FP (RQ[2][0], RQ[2][1], RQ[0][0], RQ[0][1]);
  ST[0][2] = DET2FP (RQ[0][1], RQ[0][2], RQ[1][1], RQ[1][2]);
  ST[1][2] = DET2FP (RQ[0][2], RQ[0][0], RQ[1][2], RQ[1][0]);
  ST[2][2] = DET2FP (RQ[0][0], RQ[0][1], RQ[1][0], RQ[1][1]);

   * Check the resulting matrix is OK.
  det = (RQ[0][0] * ST[0][0])
      + (RQ[0][1] * ST[0][1])
      + (RQ[0][2] * ST[0][2]);
  if (!det)
    return FALSE;

   * Now transform our point with the ST matrix; the notional w
   * coordinate is 1, hence the last part is simply added.
  xi = (int) x;
  yi = (int) y;

  xf = xi * ST[0][0] + yi * ST[1][0] + ST[2][0];
  yf = xi * ST[0][1] + yi * ST[1][1] + ST[2][1];
  wf = xi * ST[0][2] + yi * ST[1][2] + ST[2][2];

  if (x_out)
    *x_out = xf / wf;

  if (y_out)
    *y_out = yf / wf;

#undef UX2FP
#undef DET2FP

  return TRUE;

 * ClutterGeometry

static ClutterGeometry*
clutter_geometry_copy (const ClutterGeometry *geometry)
  return g_slice_dup (ClutterGeometry, geometry);

static void
clutter_geometry_free (ClutterGeometry *geometry)
  if (G_LIKELY (geometry != NULL))
    g_slice_free (ClutterGeometry, geometry);

 * clutter_geometry_union:
 * @geometry_a: a #ClutterGeometry
 * @geometry_b: another #ClutterGeometry
 * @result: (out): location to store the result
 * Find the union of two rectangles represented as #ClutterGeometry.
 * Since: 1.4
clutter_geometry_union (const ClutterGeometry *geometry_a,
                        const ClutterGeometry *geometry_b,
                        ClutterGeometry       *result)
  /* We don't try to handle rectangles that can't be represented
   * as a signed integer box */
  gint x_1 = MIN (geometry_a->x, geometry_b->x);
  gint y_1 = MIN (geometry_a->y, geometry_b->y);
  gint x_2 = MAX (geometry_a->x + (gint)geometry_a->width,
                  geometry_b->x + (gint)geometry_b->width);
  gint y_2 = MAX (geometry_a->y + (gint)geometry_a->height,
                  geometry_b->y + (gint)geometry_b->height);
  result->x = x_1;
  result->y = y_1;
  result->width = x_2 - x_1;
  result->height = y_2 - y_1;

 * clutter_geometry_intersects:
 * @geometry0: The first geometry to test
 * @geometry1: The second geometry to test
 * Determines if @geometry0 and geometry1 intersect returning %TRUE if
 * they do else %FALSE.
 * Return value: %TRUE of @geometry0 and geometry1 intersect else
 * %FALSE.
 * Since: 1.4
clutter_geometry_intersects (const ClutterGeometry *geometry0,
                             const ClutterGeometry *geometry1)
  if (geometry1->x >= (geometry0->x + (gint)geometry0->width) ||
      geometry1->y >= (geometry0->y + (gint)geometry0->height) ||
      (geometry1->x + (gint)geometry1->width) <= geometry0->x ||
      (geometry1->y + (gint)geometry1->height) <= geometry0->y)
    return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

static gboolean
clutter_geometry_progress (const GValue *a,
                           const GValue *b,
                           gdouble       progress,
                           GValue       *retval)
  const ClutterGeometry *a_geom = g_value_get_boxed (a);
  const ClutterGeometry *b_geom = g_value_get_boxed (b);
  ClutterGeometry res = { 0, };

  res.x = a_geom->x + (b_geom->x - a_geom->x) * progress;
  res.y = a_geom->y + (b_geom->y - a_geom->y) * progress;

  res.width = a_geom->width + (b_geom->width - a_geom->width) * progress;
  res.height = a_geom->height + (b_geom->height - a_geom->height) * progress;

  g_value_set_boxed (retval, &res);

  return TRUE;

G_DEFINE_BOXED_TYPE_WITH_CODE (ClutterGeometry, clutter_geometry,
                               CLUTTER_REGISTER_INTERVAL_PROGRESS (clutter_geometry_progress));

 * ClutterVertices

 * clutter_vertex_new:
 * @x: X coordinate
 * @y: Y coordinate
 * @z: Z coordinate
 * Creates a new #ClutterVertex for the point in 3D space
 * identified by the 3 coordinates @x, @y, @z
 * Return value: the newly allocate #ClutterVertex. Use
 *   clutter_vertex_free() to free the resources
 * Since: 1.0
ClutterVertex *
clutter_vertex_new (gfloat x,
                    gfloat y,
                    gfloat z)
  ClutterVertex *vertex;

  vertex = g_slice_new (ClutterVertex);
  vertex->x = x;
  vertex->y = y;
  vertex->z = z;

  return vertex;

 * clutter_vertex_copy:
 * @vertex: a #ClutterVertex
 * Copies @vertex
 * Return value: a newly allocated copy of #ClutterVertex. Use
 *   clutter_vertex_free() to free the allocated resources
 * Since: 1.0
ClutterVertex *
clutter_vertex_copy (const ClutterVertex *vertex)
  if (G_LIKELY (vertex != NULL))
    return g_slice_dup (ClutterVertex, vertex);

  return NULL;

 * clutter_vertex_free:
 * @vertex: a #ClutterVertex
 * Frees a #ClutterVertex allocated using clutter_vertex_copy()
 * Since: 1.0
clutter_vertex_free (ClutterVertex *vertex)
  if (G_UNLIKELY (vertex != NULL))
    g_slice_free (ClutterVertex, vertex);

 * clutter_vertex_equal:
 * @vertex_a: a #ClutterVertex
 * @vertex_b: a #ClutterVertex
 * Compares @vertex_a and @vertex_b for equality
 * Return value: %TRUE if the passed #ClutterVertex are equal
 * Since: 1.0
clutter_vertex_equal (const ClutterVertex *vertex_a,
                      const ClutterVertex *vertex_b)
  g_return_val_if_fail (vertex_a != NULL && vertex_b != NULL, FALSE);

  if (vertex_a == vertex_b)
    return TRUE;

  return vertex_a->x == vertex_b->x &&
         vertex_a->y == vertex_b->y &&
         vertex_a->z == vertex_b->z;

static gboolean
clutter_vertex_progress (const GValue *a,
                         const GValue *b,
                         gdouble       progress,
                         GValue       *retval)
  const ClutterVertex *av = g_value_get_boxed (a);
  const ClutterVertex *bv = g_value_get_boxed (b);
  ClutterVertex res = { 0, };

  res.x = av->x + (bv->x - av->x) * progress;
  res.y = av->y + (bv->y - av->y) * progress;
  res.z = av->z + (bv->z - av->z) * progress;

  g_value_set_boxed (retval, &res);

  return TRUE;

G_DEFINE_BOXED_TYPE_WITH_CODE (ClutterVertex, clutter_vertex,
                               CLUTTER_REGISTER_INTERVAL_PROGRESS (clutter_vertex_progress));


struct _ShaderData
  ClutterShader *shader;

  /* list of values that should be set on the shader
   * before each paint cycle
  GHashTable *value_hash;

static void
shader_value_free (gpointer data)
  GValue *var = data;
  g_value_unset (var);
  g_slice_free (GValue, var);

static void
destroy_shader_data (ClutterActor *self)
  ClutterActorPrivate *actor_priv = self->priv;
  ShaderData *shader_data = actor_priv->shader_data;

  if (shader_data == NULL)

  if (shader_data->shader)
      g_object_unref (shader_data->shader);
      shader_data->shader = NULL;

  if (shader_data->value_hash)
      g_hash_table_destroy (shader_data->value_hash);
      shader_data->value_hash = NULL;

  g_slice_free (ShaderData, shader_data);
  actor_priv->shader_data = NULL;

 * clutter_actor_get_shader:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * Queries the currently set #ClutterShader on @self.
 * Return value: (transfer none): The currently set #ClutterShader
 *   or %NULL if no shader is set.
 * Since: 0.6
ClutterShader *
clutter_actor_get_shader (ClutterActor *self)
  ClutterActorPrivate *actor_priv;
  ShaderData     *shader_data;

  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self), NULL);

  actor_priv = self->priv;
  shader_data = actor_priv->shader_data;

  if (shader_data == NULL)
    return NULL;

  return shader_data->shader;

 * clutter_actor_set_shader:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @shader: (allow-none): a #ClutterShader or %NULL to unset the shader.
 * Sets the #ClutterShader to be used when rendering @self.
 * If @shader is %NULL it will unset any currently set shader
 * for the actor.
 * Return value: %TRUE if the shader was successfully applied
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_actor_set_shader (ClutterActor  *self,
                          ClutterShader *shader)
  ClutterActorPrivate *actor_priv;
  ShaderData          *shader_data;

  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self), FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (shader == NULL || CLUTTER_IS_SHADER (shader), FALSE);

  if (shader != NULL)
    g_object_ref (shader);
      /* if shader passed in is NULL we destroy the shader */
      destroy_shader_data (self);
      return TRUE;

  actor_priv = self->priv;
  shader_data = actor_priv->shader_data;

  if (shader_data == NULL)
      actor_priv->shader_data = shader_data = g_slice_new (ShaderData);
      shader_data->shader = NULL;
      shader_data->value_hash =
        g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal,
  if (shader_data->shader != NULL)
    g_object_unref (shader_data->shader);

  shader_data->shader = shader;

  clutter_actor_queue_redraw (self);

  return TRUE;

static void
set_each_param (gpointer key,
                gpointer value,
                gpointer user_data)
  ClutterShader *shader      = user_data;
  GValue        *var         = value;

  clutter_shader_set_uniform (shader, (const gchar *)key, var);

static void
clutter_actor_shader_pre_paint (ClutterActor *actor,
                                gboolean      repeat)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;
  ShaderData          *shader_data;
  ClutterShader       *shader;
  ClutterMainContext  *context;

  priv = actor->priv;
  shader_data = priv->shader_data;

  if (!shader_data)

  context = _clutter_context_get_default ();
  shader = shader_data->shader;

  if (shader)
      clutter_shader_set_is_enabled (shader, TRUE);

      g_hash_table_foreach (shader_data->value_hash, set_each_param, shader);

      if (!repeat)
        context->shaders = g_slist_prepend (context->shaders, actor);

static void
clutter_actor_shader_post_paint (ClutterActor *actor)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;
  ShaderData          *shader_data;
  ClutterShader       *shader;
  ClutterMainContext  *context;

  priv = actor->priv;
  shader_data = priv->shader_data;

  if (!shader_data)

  context = _clutter_context_get_default ();
  shader = shader_data->shader;

  if (shader)
      clutter_shader_set_is_enabled (shader, FALSE);

      context->shaders = g_slist_remove (context->shaders, actor);
      if (context->shaders)
          /* call pre-paint again, this time with the second argument being
           * TRUE, indicating that we are reapplying the shader and thus
           * should not be prepended to the stack
          clutter_actor_shader_pre_paint (context->shaders->data, TRUE);

 * clutter_actor_set_shader_param:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @param: the name of the parameter
 * @value: the value of the parameter
 * Sets the value for a named parameter of the shader applied
 * to @actor.
 * Since: 1.0
clutter_actor_set_shader_param (ClutterActor *self,
                                const gchar  *param,
                                const GValue *value)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;
  ShaderData *shader_data;
  GValue *var;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));
  g_return_if_fail (param != NULL);
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_VALUE_HOLDS_SHADER_FLOAT (value) ||
                    CLUTTER_VALUE_HOLDS_SHADER_INT (value) ||
                    CLUTTER_VALUE_HOLDS_SHADER_MATRIX (value) ||
                    G_VALUE_HOLDS_FLOAT (value) ||
                    G_VALUE_HOLDS_INT (value));

  priv = self->priv;
  shader_data = priv->shader_data;

  if (!shader_data)

  var = g_slice_new0 (GValue);
  g_value_init (var, G_VALUE_TYPE (value));
  g_value_copy (value, var);
  g_hash_table_insert (shader_data->value_hash, g_strdup (param), var);

  clutter_actor_queue_redraw (self);

 * clutter_actor_set_shader_param_float:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @param: the name of the parameter
 * @value: the value of the parameter
 * Sets the value for a named float parameter of the shader applied
 * to @actor.
 * Since: 0.8
clutter_actor_set_shader_param_float (ClutterActor *self,
                                      const gchar  *param,
                                      gfloat        value)
  GValue var = { 0, };

  g_value_init (&var, G_TYPE_FLOAT);
  g_value_set_float (&var, value);

  clutter_actor_set_shader_param (self, param, &var);

  g_value_unset (&var);

 * clutter_actor_set_shader_param_int:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @param: the name of the parameter
 * @value: the value of the parameter
 * Sets the value for a named int parameter of the shader applied to
 * @actor.
 * Since: 0.8
clutter_actor_set_shader_param_int (ClutterActor *self,
                                    const gchar  *param,
                                    gint          value)
  GValue var = { 0, };

  g_value_init (&var, G_TYPE_INT);
  g_value_set_int (&var, value);

  clutter_actor_set_shader_param (self, param, &var);

  g_value_unset (&var);

 * clutter_actor_is_rotated:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * Checks whether any rotation is applied to the actor.
 * Return value: %TRUE if the actor is rotated.
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_actor_is_rotated (ClutterActor *self)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;

  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self), FALSE);

  priv = self->priv;

  if (priv->rxang || priv->ryang || priv->rzang)
    return TRUE;

  return FALSE;

 * clutter_actor_is_scaled:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * Checks whether the actor is scaled in either dimension.
 * Return value: %TRUE if the actor is scaled.
 * Since: 0.6
clutter_actor_is_scaled (ClutterActor *self)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;

  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self), FALSE);

  priv = self->priv;

  if (priv->scale_x != 1.0 || priv->scale_y != 1.0)
    return TRUE;

  return FALSE;

ClutterActor *
_clutter_actor_get_stage_internal (ClutterActor *actor)
  while (actor && !CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_TOPLEVEL (actor))
    actor = actor->priv->parent_actor;

  return actor;

 * clutter_actor_get_stage:
 * @actor: a #ClutterActor
 * Retrieves the #ClutterStage where @actor is contained.
 * Return value: (transfer none): the stage containing the actor, or %NULL
 * Since: 0.8
ClutterActor *
clutter_actor_get_stage (ClutterActor *actor)
  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (actor), NULL);

  return _clutter_actor_get_stage_internal (actor);

 * clutter_actor_allocate_available_size:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @x: the actor's X coordinate
 * @y: the actor's Y coordinate
 * @available_width: the maximum available width, or -1 to use the
 *   actor's natural width
 * @available_height: the maximum available height, or -1 to use the
 *   actor's natural height
 * @flags: flags controlling the allocation
 * Allocates @self taking into account the #ClutterActor<!-- -->'s
 * preferred size, but limiting it to the maximum available width
 * and height provided.
 * This function will do the right thing when dealing with the
 * actor's request mode.
 * The implementation of this function is equivalent to:
 * |[
 *   if (request_mode == CLUTTER_REQUEST_HEIGHT_FOR_WIDTH)
 *     {
 *       clutter_actor_get_preferred_width (self, available_height,
 *                                          &amp;min_width,
 *                                          &amp;natural_width);
 *       width = CLAMP (natural_width, min_width, available_width);
 *       clutter_actor_get_preferred_height (self, width,
 *                                           &amp;min_height,
 *                                           &amp;natural_height);
 *       height = CLAMP (natural_height, min_height, available_height);
 *     }
 *   else
 *     {
 *       clutter_actor_get_preferred_height (self, available_width,
 *                                           &amp;min_height,
 *                                           &amp;natural_height);
 *       height = CLAMP (natural_height, min_height, available_height);
 *       clutter_actor_get_preferred_width (self, height,
 *                                          &amp;min_width,
 *                                          &amp;natural_width);
 *       width = CLAMP (natural_width, min_width, available_width);
 *     }
 *   box.x1 = x; box.y1 = y;
 *   box.x2 = box.x1 + available_width;
 *   box.y2 = box.y1 + available_height;
 *   clutter_actor_allocate (self, &amp;box, flags);
 * ]|
 * This function can be used by fluid layout managers to allocate
 * an actor's preferred size without making it bigger than the area
 * available for the container.
 * Since: 1.0
clutter_actor_allocate_available_size (ClutterActor           *self,
                                       gfloat                  x,
                                       gfloat                  y,
                                       gfloat                  available_width,
                                       gfloat                  available_height,
                                       ClutterAllocationFlags  flags)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;
  gfloat width, height;
  gfloat min_width, min_height;
  gfloat natural_width, natural_height;
  ClutterActorBox box;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  priv = self->priv;

  width = height = 0.0;

  switch (priv->request_mode)
      clutter_actor_get_preferred_width (self, available_height,
      width  = CLAMP (natural_width, min_width, available_width);

      clutter_actor_get_preferred_height (self, width,
      height = CLAMP (natural_height, min_height, available_height);

      clutter_actor_get_preferred_height (self, available_width,
      height = CLAMP (natural_height, min_height, available_height);

      clutter_actor_get_preferred_width (self, height,
      width  = CLAMP (natural_width, min_width, available_width);

  box.x1 = x;
  box.y1 = y;
  box.x2 = box.x1 + width;
  box.y2 = box.y1 + height;
  clutter_actor_allocate (self, &box, flags);

 * clutter_actor_allocate_preferred_size:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @flags: flags controlling the allocation
 * Allocates the natural size of @self.
 * This function is a utility call for #ClutterActor implementations
 * that allocates the actor's preferred natural size. It can be used
 * by fixed layout managers (like #ClutterGroup or so called
 * 'composite actors') inside the ClutterActor::allocate
 * implementation to give each child exactly how much space it
 * requires.
 * This function is not meant to be used by applications. It is also
 * not meant to be used outside the implementation of the
 * ClutterActor::allocate virtual function.
 * Since: 0.8
clutter_actor_allocate_preferred_size (ClutterActor           *self,
                                       ClutterAllocationFlags  flags)
  gfloat actor_x, actor_y;
  gfloat natural_width, natural_height;
  ClutterActorBox actor_box;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  actor_x = clutter_actor_get_x (self);
  actor_y = clutter_actor_get_y (self);

  clutter_actor_get_preferred_size (self,
                                    NULL, NULL,

  actor_box.x1 = actor_x;
  actor_box.y1 = actor_y;
  actor_box.x2 = actor_box.x1 + natural_width;
  actor_box.y2 = actor_box.y1 + natural_height;

  clutter_actor_allocate (self, &actor_box, flags);

 * clutter_actor_allocate_align_fill:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @box: a #ClutterActorBox, containing the available width and height
 * @x_align: the horizontal alignment, between 0 and 1
 * @y_align: the vertical alignment, between 0 and 1
 * @x_fill: whether the actor should fill horizontally
 * @y_fill: whether the actor should fill vertically
 * @flags: allocation flags to be passed to clutter_actor_allocate()
 * Allocates @self by taking into consideration the available allocation
 * area; an alignment factor on either axis; and whether the actor should
 * fill the allocation on either axis.
 * The @box should contain the available allocation width and height;
 * if the x1 and y1 members of #ClutterActorBox are not set to 0, the
 * allocation will be offset by their value.
 * This function takes into consideration the geometry request specified by
 * the #ClutterActor:request-mode property, and the text direction.
 * This function is useful for fluid layout managers, like #ClutterBinLayout
 * or #ClutterTableLayout
 * Since: 1.4
clutter_actor_allocate_align_fill (ClutterActor           *self,
                                   const ClutterActorBox  *box,
                                   gdouble                 x_align,
                                   gdouble                 y_align,
                                   gboolean                x_fill,
                                   gboolean                y_fill,
                                   ClutterAllocationFlags  flags)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;
  ClutterActorBox allocation = { 0, };
  gfloat x_offset, y_offset;
  gfloat available_width, available_height;
  gfloat child_width, child_height;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));
  g_return_if_fail (box != NULL);
  g_return_if_fail (x_align >= 0.0 && x_align <= 1.0);
  g_return_if_fail (y_align >= 0.0 && y_align <= 1.0);

  priv = self->priv;

  clutter_actor_box_get_origin (box, &x_offset, &y_offset);
  clutter_actor_box_get_size (box, &available_width, &available_height);

  if (available_width < 0)
    available_width = 0;

  if (available_height < 0)
    available_height = 0;

  if (x_fill)
      allocation.x1 = x_offset;
      allocation.x2 = allocation.x1 + available_width;

  if (y_fill)
      allocation.y1 = y_offset;
      allocation.y2 = allocation.y1 + available_height;

  /* if we are filling horizontally and vertically then we're done */
  if (x_fill && y_fill)
    goto out;

  child_width = child_height = 0.0f;

  if (priv->request_mode == CLUTTER_REQUEST_HEIGHT_FOR_WIDTH)
      gfloat min_width, natural_width;
      gfloat min_height, natural_height;

      clutter_actor_get_preferred_width (self, available_height,

      child_width = CLAMP (natural_width, min_width, available_width);

      if (!y_fill)
          clutter_actor_get_preferred_height (self, child_width,

          child_height = CLAMP (natural_height, min_height, available_height);
      gfloat min_width, natural_width;
      gfloat min_height, natural_height;

      clutter_actor_get_preferred_height (self, available_width,

      child_height = CLAMP (natural_height, min_height, available_height);

      if (!x_fill)
          clutter_actor_get_preferred_width (self, child_height,

          child_width = CLAMP (natural_width, min_width, available_width);

  /* invert the horizontal alignment for RTL languages */
  if (priv->text_direction == CLUTTER_TEXT_DIRECTION_RTL)
    x_align = 1.0 - x_align;

  if (!x_fill)
      allocation.x1 = x_offset
                    + ((available_width - child_width) * x_align);
      allocation.x2 = allocation.x1 + child_width;

  if (!y_fill)
      allocation.y1 = y_offset
                    + ((available_height - child_height) * y_align);
      allocation.y2 = allocation.y1 + child_height;

  clutter_actor_box_clamp_to_pixel (&allocation);
  clutter_actor_allocate (self, &allocation, flags);

 * clutter_actor_grab_key_focus:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * Sets the key focus of the #ClutterStage including @self
 * to this #ClutterActor.
 * Since: 1.0
clutter_actor_grab_key_focus (ClutterActor *self)
  ClutterActor *stage;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  stage = _clutter_actor_get_stage_internal (self);
  if (stage != NULL)
    clutter_stage_set_key_focus (CLUTTER_STAGE (stage), self);

 * clutter_actor_get_pango_context:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * Retrieves the #PangoContext for @self. The actor's #PangoContext
 * is already configured using the appropriate font map, resolution
 * and font options.
 * Unlike clutter_actor_create_pango_context(), this context is owend
 * by the #ClutterActor and it will be updated each time the options
 * stored by the #ClutterBackend change.
 * You can use the returned #PangoContext to create a #PangoLayout
 * and render text using cogl_pango_render_layout() to reuse the
 * glyphs cache also used by Clutter.
 * Return value: (transfer none): the #PangoContext for a #ClutterActor.
 *   The returned #PangoContext is owned by the actor and should not be
 *   unreferenced by the application code
 * Since: 1.0
PangoContext *
clutter_actor_get_pango_context (ClutterActor *self)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;
  ClutterMainContext *ctx;

  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self), NULL);

  priv = self->priv;

  if (priv->pango_context)
    return priv->pango_context;

  priv->pango_context = _clutter_context_get_pango_context (ctx);
  g_object_ref (priv->pango_context);

  return priv->pango_context;

 * clutter_actor_create_pango_context:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * Creates a #PangoContext for the given actor. The #PangoContext
 * is already configured using the appropriate font map, resolution
 * and font options.
 * See also clutter_actor_get_pango_context().
 * Return value: (transfer full): the newly created #PangoContext.
 *   Use g_object_unref() on the returned value to deallocate its
 *   resources
 * Since: 1.0
PangoContext *
clutter_actor_create_pango_context (ClutterActor *self)
  ClutterMainContext *ctx;
  PangoContext *retval;

  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self), NULL);

  retval = _clutter_context_create_pango_context (ctx);

  return retval;

 * clutter_actor_create_pango_layout:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @text: (allow-none) the text to set on the #PangoLayout, or %NULL
 * Creates a new #PangoLayout from the same #PangoContext used
 * by the #ClutterActor. The #PangoLayout is already configured
 * with the font map, resolution and font options, and the
 * given @text.
 * If you want to keep around a #PangoLayout created by this
 * function you will have to connect to the #ClutterBackend::font-changed
 * and #ClutterBackend::resolution-changed signals, and call
 * pango_layout_context_changed() in response to them.
 * Return value: (transfer full): the newly created #PangoLayout.
 *   Use g_object_unref() when done
 * Since: 1.0
PangoLayout *
clutter_actor_create_pango_layout (ClutterActor *self,
                                   const gchar  *text)
  PangoContext *context;
  PangoLayout *layout;

  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self), NULL);

  context = clutter_actor_get_pango_context (self);
  layout = pango_layout_new (context);

  if (text)
    pango_layout_set_text (layout, text, -1);

  return layout;

/* Allows overriding the parent traversed when querying an actors paint
 * opacity. Used by ClutterClone. */
_clutter_actor_set_opacity_parent (ClutterActor *self,
                                   ClutterActor *parent)
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  self->priv->opacity_parent = parent;

/* Allows you to disable applying the actors model view transform during
 * a paint. Used by ClutterClone. */
_clutter_actor_set_enable_model_view_transform (ClutterActor *self,
                                                gboolean      enable)
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  self->priv->enable_model_view_transform = enable;

_clutter_actor_set_enable_paint_unmapped (ClutterActor *self,
                                          gboolean      enable)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  priv = self->priv;

  priv->enable_paint_unmapped = enable;

  if (priv->enable_paint_unmapped)
      /* Make sure that the parents of the widget are realized first;
       * otherwise checks in clutter_actor_update_map_state() will
       * fail.
      clutter_actor_realize (self);

      clutter_actor_update_map_state (self, MAP_STATE_MAKE_MAPPED);
      clutter_actor_update_map_state (self, MAP_STATE_MAKE_UNMAPPED);

static void
clutter_anchor_coord_get_units (ClutterActor      *self,
                                const AnchorCoord *coord,
                                gfloat            *x,
                                gfloat            *y,
                                gfloat            *z)
  if (coord->is_fractional)
      gfloat actor_width, actor_height;

      clutter_actor_get_size (self, &actor_width, &actor_height);

      if (x)
        *x = actor_width * coord->v.fraction.x;

      if (y)
        *y = actor_height * coord->v.fraction.y;

      if (z)
        *z = 0;
      if (x)
        *x = coord->v.units.x;

      if (y)
        *y = coord->v.units.y;

      if (z)
        *z = coord->v.units.z;

static void
clutter_anchor_coord_set_units (AnchorCoord *coord,
                                gfloat       x,
                                gfloat       y,
                                gfloat       z)
  coord->is_fractional = FALSE;
  coord->v.units.x = x;
  coord->v.units.y = y;
  coord->v.units.z = z;

static ClutterGravity
clutter_anchor_coord_get_gravity (AnchorCoord *coord)
  if (coord->is_fractional)
      if (coord->v.fraction.x == 0.0)
          if (coord->v.fraction.y == 0.0)
            return CLUTTER_GRAVITY_NORTH_WEST;
          else if (coord->v.fraction.y == 0.5)
            return CLUTTER_GRAVITY_WEST;
          else if (coord->v.fraction.y == 1.0)
            return CLUTTER_GRAVITY_SOUTH_WEST;
            return CLUTTER_GRAVITY_NONE;
      else if (coord->v.fraction.x == 0.5)
          if (coord->v.fraction.y == 0.0)
            return CLUTTER_GRAVITY_NORTH;
          else if (coord->v.fraction.y == 0.5)
            return CLUTTER_GRAVITY_CENTER;
          else if (coord->v.fraction.y == 1.0)
            return CLUTTER_GRAVITY_SOUTH;
            return CLUTTER_GRAVITY_NONE;
      else if (coord->v.fraction.x == 1.0)
          if (coord->v.fraction.y == 0.0)
            return CLUTTER_GRAVITY_NORTH_EAST;
          else if (coord->v.fraction.y == 0.5)
            return CLUTTER_GRAVITY_EAST;
          else if (coord->v.fraction.y == 1.0)
            return CLUTTER_GRAVITY_SOUTH_EAST;
            return CLUTTER_GRAVITY_NONE;
        return CLUTTER_GRAVITY_NONE;

static void
clutter_anchor_coord_set_gravity (AnchorCoord    *coord,
                                  ClutterGravity  gravity)
  switch (gravity)
      coord->v.fraction.x = 0.5;
      coord->v.fraction.y = 0.0;

      coord->v.fraction.x = 1.0;
      coord->v.fraction.y = 0.0;

      coord->v.fraction.x = 1.0;
      coord->v.fraction.y = 0.5;

      coord->v.fraction.x = 1.0;
      coord->v.fraction.y = 1.0;

      coord->v.fraction.x = 0.5;
      coord->v.fraction.y = 1.0;

      coord->v.fraction.x = 0.0;
      coord->v.fraction.y = 1.0;

      coord->v.fraction.x = 0.0;
      coord->v.fraction.y = 0.5;

      coord->v.fraction.x = 0.0;
      coord->v.fraction.y = 0.0;

      coord->v.fraction.x = 0.5;
      coord->v.fraction.y = 0.5;

      coord->v.fraction.x = 0.0;
      coord->v.fraction.y = 0.0;

  coord->is_fractional = TRUE;

static gboolean
clutter_anchor_coord_is_zero (const AnchorCoord *coord)
  if (coord->is_fractional)
    return coord->v.fraction.x == 0.0 && coord->v.fraction.y == 0.0;
    return (coord->v.units.x == 0.0
            && coord->v.units.y == 0.0
            && coord->v.units.z == 0.0);

 * clutter_actor_get_flags:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * Retrieves the flags set on @self
 * Return value: a bitwise or of #ClutterActorFlags or 0
 * Since: 1.0
clutter_actor_get_flags (ClutterActor *self)
  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self), 0);

  return self->flags;

 * clutter_actor_set_flags:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @flags: the flags to set
 * Sets @flags on @self
 * This function will emit notifications for the changed properties
 * Since: 1.0
clutter_actor_set_flags (ClutterActor      *self,
                         ClutterActorFlags  flags)
  ClutterActorFlags old_flags;
  GObject *obj;
  gboolean was_reactive_set, reactive_set;
  gboolean was_realized_set, realized_set;
  gboolean was_mapped_set, mapped_set;
  gboolean was_visible_set, visible_set;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  if (self->flags == flags)

  obj = G_OBJECT (self);
  g_object_ref (obj);
  g_object_freeze_notify (obj);

  old_flags = self->flags;

  was_reactive_set = ((old_flags & CLUTTER_ACTOR_REACTIVE) != 0);
  was_realized_set = ((old_flags & CLUTTER_ACTOR_REALIZED) != 0);
  was_mapped_set   = ((old_flags & CLUTTER_ACTOR_MAPPED)   != 0);
  was_visible_set  = ((old_flags & CLUTTER_ACTOR_VISIBLE)  != 0);

  self->flags |= flags;

  reactive_set = ((self->flags & CLUTTER_ACTOR_REACTIVE) != 0);
  realized_set = ((self->flags & CLUTTER_ACTOR_REALIZED) != 0);
  mapped_set   = ((self->flags & CLUTTER_ACTOR_MAPPED)   != 0);
  visible_set  = ((self->flags & CLUTTER_ACTOR_VISIBLE)  != 0);

  if (reactive_set != was_reactive_set)
    _clutter_notify_by_pspec (obj, obj_props[PROP_REACTIVE]);

  if (realized_set != was_realized_set)
    _clutter_notify_by_pspec (obj, obj_props[PROP_REALIZED]);

  if (mapped_set != was_mapped_set)
    _clutter_notify_by_pspec (obj, obj_props[PROP_MAPPED]);

  if (visible_set != was_visible_set)
    _clutter_notify_by_pspec (obj, obj_props[PROP_VISIBLE]);

  g_object_thaw_notify (obj);
  g_object_unref (obj);

 * clutter_actor_unset_flags:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @flags: the flags to unset
 * Unsets @flags on @self
 * This function will emit notifications for the changed properties
 * Since: 1.0
clutter_actor_unset_flags (ClutterActor      *self,
                           ClutterActorFlags  flags)
  ClutterActorFlags old_flags;
  GObject *obj;
  gboolean was_reactive_set, reactive_set;
  gboolean was_realized_set, realized_set;
  gboolean was_mapped_set, mapped_set;
  gboolean was_visible_set, visible_set;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  obj = G_OBJECT (self);
  g_object_freeze_notify (obj);

  old_flags = self->flags;

  was_reactive_set = ((old_flags & CLUTTER_ACTOR_REACTIVE) != 0);
  was_realized_set = ((old_flags & CLUTTER_ACTOR_REALIZED) != 0);
  was_mapped_set   = ((old_flags & CLUTTER_ACTOR_MAPPED)   != 0);
  was_visible_set  = ((old_flags & CLUTTER_ACTOR_VISIBLE)  != 0);

  self->flags &= ~flags;

  if (self->flags == old_flags)

  reactive_set = ((self->flags & CLUTTER_ACTOR_REACTIVE) != 0);
  realized_set = ((self->flags & CLUTTER_ACTOR_REALIZED) != 0);
  mapped_set   = ((self->flags & CLUTTER_ACTOR_MAPPED)   != 0);
  visible_set  = ((self->flags & CLUTTER_ACTOR_VISIBLE)  != 0);

  if (reactive_set != was_reactive_set)
    _clutter_notify_by_pspec (obj, obj_props[PROP_REACTIVE]);

  if (realized_set != was_realized_set)
    _clutter_notify_by_pspec (obj, obj_props[PROP_REALIZED]);

  if (mapped_set != was_mapped_set)
    _clutter_notify_by_pspec (obj, obj_props[PROP_MAPPED]);

  if (visible_set != was_visible_set)
    _clutter_notify_by_pspec (obj, obj_props[PROP_VISIBLE]);

  g_object_thaw_notify (obj);

 * clutter_actor_get_transformation_matrix:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @matrix: (out): the return location for a #CoglMatrix
 * Retrieves the transformations applied to @self relative to its
 * parent.
 * Since: 1.0
clutter_actor_get_transformation_matrix (ClutterActor *self,
                                         CoglMatrix   *matrix)
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  cogl_matrix_init_identity (matrix);

  _clutter_actor_apply_modelview_transform (self, matrix);

 * clutter_actor_is_in_clone_paint:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * Checks whether @self is being currently painted by a #ClutterClone
 * This function is useful only inside the ::paint virtual function
 * implementations or within handlers for the #ClutterActor::paint
 * signal
 * This function should not be used by applications
 * Return value: %TRUE if the #ClutterActor is currently being painted
 *   by a #ClutterClone, and %FALSE otherwise
 * Since: 1.0
clutter_actor_is_in_clone_paint (ClutterActor *self)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;

  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self), FALSE);

  /* XXX - keep in sync with the overrides set by ClutterClone:
   *  - opacity_parent != NULL
   *  - enable_model_view_transform == FALSE

  priv = self->priv;

  return priv->opacity_parent != NULL &&

static void
set_direction_recursive (ClutterActor *actor,
                         gpointer      user_data)
  ClutterTextDirection text_dir = GPOINTER_TO_INT (user_data);

  clutter_actor_set_text_direction (actor, text_dir);

 * clutter_actor_set_text_direction:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @text_dir: the text direction for @self
 * Sets the #ClutterTextDirection for an actor
 * The passed text direction must not be %CLUTTER_TEXT_DIRECTION_DEFAULT
 * If @self implements #ClutterContainer then this function will recurse
 * inside all the children of @self (including the internal ones).
 * Composite actors not implementing #ClutterContainer, or actors requiring
 * special handling when the text direction changes, should connect to
 * the #GObject::notify signal for the #ClutterActor:text-direction property
 * Since: 1.2
clutter_actor_set_text_direction (ClutterActor         *self,
                                  ClutterTextDirection  text_dir)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));
  g_return_if_fail (text_dir != CLUTTER_TEXT_DIRECTION_DEFAULT);

  priv = self->priv;

  if (priv->text_direction != text_dir)
      priv->text_direction = text_dir;

      /* we need to emit the notify::text-direction first, so that
       * the sub-classes can catch that and do specific handling of
       * the text direction; see clutter_text_direction_changed_cb()
       * inside clutter-text.c
      _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_TEXT_DIRECTION]);

      /* if this is a container we need to recurse */
      if (CLUTTER_IS_CONTAINER (self))
          ClutterContainer *container = CLUTTER_CONTAINER (self);

          clutter_container_foreach_with_internals (container,
                                                    GINT_TO_POINTER (text_dir));

      clutter_actor_queue_relayout (self);

_clutter_actor_set_has_pointer (ClutterActor *self,
                                gboolean      has_pointer)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv = self->priv;

  if (priv->has_pointer != has_pointer)
      priv->has_pointer = has_pointer;

      _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_HAS_POINTER]);

 * clutter_actor_get_text_direction:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * Retrieves the value set using clutter_actor_set_text_direction()
 * If no text direction has been previously set, the default text
 * direction, as returned by clutter_get_default_text_direction(), will
 * be returned instead
 * Return value: the #ClutterTextDirection for the actor
 * Since: 1.2
clutter_actor_get_text_direction (ClutterActor *self)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;

  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self),

  priv = self->priv;

  /* if no direction has been set yet use the default */
  if (priv->text_direction == CLUTTER_TEXT_DIRECTION_DEFAULT)
    priv->text_direction = clutter_get_default_text_direction ();

  return priv->text_direction;

 * clutter_actor_push_internal:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * Should be used by actors implementing the #ClutterContainer and with
 * internal children added through clutter_actor_set_parent(), for instance:
 * |[
 *   static void
 *   my_actor_init (MyActor *self)
 *   {
 *     self->priv = SELF_ACTOR_GET_PRIVATE (self);
 *     clutter_actor_push_internal (CLUTTER_ACTOR (self));
 *     /&ast; calling clutter_actor_set_parent() now will result in
 *      &ast; the internal flag being set on a child of MyActor
 *      &ast;/
 *     /&ast; internal child - a background texture &ast;/
 *     self->priv->background_tex = clutter_texture_new ();
 *     clutter_actor_set_parent (self->priv->background_tex,
 *                               CLUTTER_ACTOR (self));
 *     /&ast; internal child - a label &ast;/
 *     self->priv->label = clutter_text_new ();
 *     clutter_actor_set_parent (self->priv->label,
 *                               CLUTTER_ACTOR (self));
 *     clutter_actor_pop_internal (CLUTTER_ACTOR (self));
 *     /&ast; calling clutter_actor_set_parent() now will not result in
 *      &ast; the internal flag being set on a child of MyActor
 *      &ast;/
 *   }
 * ]|
 * This function will be used by Clutter to toggle an "internal child"
 * flag whenever clutter_actor_set_parent() is called; internal children
 * are handled differently by Clutter, specifically when destroying their
 * parent.
 * Call clutter_actor_pop_internal() when you finished adding internal
 * children.
 * Nested calls to clutter_actor_push_internal() are allowed, but each
 * one must by followed by a clutter_actor_pop_internal() call.
 * Since: 1.2
clutter_actor_push_internal (ClutterActor *self)
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  self->priv->internal_child += 1;

 * clutter_actor_pop_internal:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * Disables the effects of clutter_actor_pop_internal()
 * Since: 1.2
clutter_actor_pop_internal (ClutterActor *self)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  priv = self->priv;

  if (priv->internal_child == 0)
      g_warning ("Mismatched %s: you need to call "
                 "clutter_actor_push_composite() at least once before "
                 "calling this function", G_STRFUNC);

  priv->internal_child -= 1;

 * clutter_actor_has_pointer:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * Checks whether an actor contains the the pointer of a
 * #ClutterInputDevice
 * Return value: %TRUE if the actor contains the pointer, and
 *   %FALSE otherwise
 * Since: 1.2
clutter_actor_has_pointer (ClutterActor *self)
  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self), FALSE);

  return self->priv->has_pointer;

/* XXX: This is a workaround for not being able to break the ABI of
 * the QUEUE_REDRAW signal. It is an out-of-band argument.  See
 * clutter_actor_queue_clipped_redraw() for details.
const ClutterPaintVolume *
_clutter_actor_get_queue_redraw_clip (ClutterActor *self)
  return self->priv->oob_queue_redraw_clip;

_clutter_actor_set_queue_redraw_clip (ClutterActor *self,
                                      const ClutterPaintVolume *clip)
  self->priv->oob_queue_redraw_clip = clip;

 * clutter_actor_has_allocation:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * Checks if the actor has an up-to-date allocation assigned to
 * it. This means that the actor should have an allocation: it's
 * visible and has a parent. It also means that there is no
 * outstanding relayout request in progress for the actor or its
 * children (There might be other outstanding layout requests in
 * progress that will cause the actor to get a new allocation
 * when the stage is laid out, however).
 * If this function returns %FALSE, then the actor will normally
 * be allocated before it is next drawn on the screen.
 * Return value: %TRUE if the actor has an up-to-date allocation
 * Since: 1.4
clutter_actor_has_allocation (ClutterActor *self)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;

  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self), FALSE);

  priv = self->priv;

  return priv->parent_actor != NULL &&
         CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_VISIBLE (self) &&

 * clutter_actor_add_action:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @action: a #ClutterAction
 * Adds @action to the list of actions applied to @self
 * A #ClutterAction can only belong to one actor at a time
 * The #ClutterActor will hold a reference on @action until either
 * clutter_actor_remove_action() or clutter_actor_clear_actions()
 * is called
 * Since: 1.4
clutter_actor_add_action (ClutterActor  *self,
                          ClutterAction *action)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTION (action));

  priv = self->priv;

  if (priv->actions == NULL)
      priv->actions = g_object_new (CLUTTER_TYPE_META_GROUP, NULL);
      priv->actions->actor = self;

  _clutter_meta_group_add_meta (priv->actions, CLUTTER_ACTOR_META (action));

  _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_ACTIONS]);

 * clutter_actor_add_action_with_name:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @name: the name to set on the action
 * @action: a #ClutterAction
 * A convenience function for setting the name of a #ClutterAction
 * while adding it to the list of actions applied to @self
 * This function is the logical equivalent of:
 * |[
 *   clutter_actor_meta_set_name (CLUTTER_ACTOR_META (action), name);
 *   clutter_actor_add_action (self, action);
 * ]|
 * Since: 1.4
clutter_actor_add_action_with_name (ClutterActor  *self,
                                    const gchar   *name,
                                    ClutterAction *action)
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));
  g_return_if_fail (name != NULL);
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTION (action));

  clutter_actor_meta_set_name (CLUTTER_ACTOR_META (action), name);
  clutter_actor_add_action (self, action);

 * clutter_actor_remove_action:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @action: a #ClutterAction
 * Removes @action from the list of actions applied to @self
 * The reference held by @self on the #ClutterAction will be released
 * Since: 1.4
clutter_actor_remove_action (ClutterActor  *self,
                             ClutterAction *action)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTION (action));

  priv = self->priv;

  if (priv->actions == NULL)

  _clutter_meta_group_remove_meta (priv->actions, CLUTTER_ACTOR_META (action));

  _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_ACTIONS]);

 * clutter_actor_remove_action_by_name:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @name: the name of the action to remove
 * Removes the #ClutterAction with the given name from the list
 * of actions applied to @self
 * Since: 1.4
clutter_actor_remove_action_by_name (ClutterActor *self,
                                     const gchar  *name)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;
  ClutterActorMeta *meta;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));
  g_return_if_fail (name != NULL);

  priv = self->priv;

  if (priv->actions == NULL)

  meta = _clutter_meta_group_get_meta (priv->actions, name);
  if (meta == NULL)

  _clutter_meta_group_remove_meta (priv->actions, meta);

  _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_ACTIONS]);

 * clutter_actor_get_actions:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * Retrieves the list of actions applied to @self
 * Return value: (transfer container) (element-type Clutter.Action): a copy
 *   of the list of #ClutterAction<!-- -->s. The contents of the list are
 *   owned by the #ClutterActor. Use g_list_free() to free the resources
 *   allocated by the returned #GList
 * Since: 1.4
GList *
clutter_actor_get_actions (ClutterActor *self)
  const GList *actions;

  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self), NULL);

  if (self->priv->actions == NULL)
    return NULL;

  actions = _clutter_meta_group_peek_metas (self->priv->actions);

  return g_list_copy ((GList *) actions);

 * clutter_actor_get_action:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @name: the name of the action to retrieve
 * Retrieves the #ClutterAction with the given name in the list
 * of actions applied to @self
 * Return value: (transfer none): a #ClutterAction for the given
 *   name, or %NULL. The returned #ClutterAction is owned by the
 *   actor and it should not be unreferenced directly
 * Since: 1.4
ClutterAction *
clutter_actor_get_action (ClutterActor *self,
                          const gchar  *name)
  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self), NULL);
  g_return_val_if_fail (name != NULL, NULL);

  if (self->priv->actions == NULL)
    return NULL;

  return CLUTTER_ACTION (_clutter_meta_group_get_meta (self->priv->actions, name));

 * clutter_actor_clear_actions:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * Clears the list of actions applied to @self
 * Since: 1.4
clutter_actor_clear_actions (ClutterActor *self)
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  if (self->priv->actions == NULL)

  _clutter_meta_group_clear_metas (self->priv->actions);

 * clutter_actor_add_constraint:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @constraint: a #ClutterConstraint
 * Adds @constraint to the list of #ClutterConstraint<!-- -->s applied
 * to @self
 * The #ClutterActor will hold a reference on the @constraint until
 * either clutter_actor_remove_constraint() or
 * clutter_actor_clear_constraints() is called.
 * Since: 1.4
clutter_actor_add_constraint (ClutterActor      *self,
                              ClutterConstraint *constraint)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_CONSTRAINT (constraint));

  priv = self->priv;

  if (priv->constraints == NULL)
      priv->constraints = g_object_new (CLUTTER_TYPE_META_GROUP, NULL);
      priv->constraints->actor = self;

  _clutter_meta_group_add_meta (priv->constraints,
                                CLUTTER_ACTOR_META (constraint));
  clutter_actor_queue_relayout (self);

  _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_CONSTRAINTS]);

 * clutter_actor_add_constraint_with_name:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @name: the name to set on the constraint
 * @constraint: a #ClutterConstraint
 * A convenience function for setting the name of a #ClutterConstraint
 * while adding it to the list of constraints applied to @self
 * This function is the logical equivalent of:
 * |[
 *   clutter_actor_meta_set_name (CLUTTER_ACTOR_META (constraint), name);
 *   clutter_actor_add_constraint (self, constraint);
 * ]|
 * Since: 1.4
clutter_actor_add_constraint_with_name (ClutterActor      *self,
                                        const gchar       *name,
                                        ClutterConstraint *constraint)
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));
  g_return_if_fail (name != NULL);
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_CONSTRAINT (constraint));

  clutter_actor_meta_set_name (CLUTTER_ACTOR_META (constraint), name);
  clutter_actor_add_constraint (self, constraint);

 * clutter_actor_remove_constraint:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @constraint: a #ClutterConstraint
 * Removes @constraint from the list of constraints applied to @self
 * The reference held by @self on the #ClutterConstraint will be released
 * Since: 1.4
clutter_actor_remove_constraint (ClutterActor      *self,
                                 ClutterConstraint *constraint)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_CONSTRAINT (constraint));

  priv = self->priv;

  if (priv->constraints == NULL)

  _clutter_meta_group_remove_meta (priv->constraints,
                                   CLUTTER_ACTOR_META (constraint));
  clutter_actor_queue_relayout (self);

  _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_CONSTRAINTS]);

 * clutter_actor_remove_constraint_by_name:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @name: the name of the constraint to remove
 * Removes the #ClutterConstraint with the given name from the list
 * of constraints applied to @self
 * Since: 1.4
clutter_actor_remove_constraint_by_name (ClutterActor *self,
                                         const gchar  *name)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;
  ClutterActorMeta *meta;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));
  g_return_if_fail (name != NULL);

  priv = self->priv;

  if (priv->constraints == NULL)

  meta = _clutter_meta_group_get_meta (priv->constraints, name);
  if (meta == NULL)

  _clutter_meta_group_remove_meta (priv->constraints, meta);
  clutter_actor_queue_relayout (self);

 * clutter_actor_get_constraints:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * Retrieves the list of constraints applied to @self
 * Return value: (transfer container) (element-type Clutter.Constraint): a copy
 *   of the list of #ClutterConstraint<!-- -->s. The contents of the list are
 *   owned by the #ClutterActor. Use g_list_free() to free the resources
 *   allocated by the returned #GList
 * Since: 1.4
GList *
clutter_actor_get_constraints (ClutterActor *self)
  const GList *constraints;

  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self), NULL);

  if (self->priv->constraints == NULL)
    return NULL;

  constraints = _clutter_meta_group_peek_metas (self->priv->constraints);

  return g_list_copy ((GList *) constraints);

 * clutter_actor_get_constraint:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @name: the name of the constraint to retrieve
 * Retrieves the #ClutterConstraint with the given name in the list
 * of constraints applied to @self
 * Return value: (transfer none): a #ClutterConstraint for the given
 *   name, or %NULL. The returned #ClutterConstraint is owned by the
 *   actor and it should not be unreferenced directly
 * Since: 1.4
ClutterConstraint *
clutter_actor_get_constraint (ClutterActor *self,
                              const gchar  *name)
  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self), NULL);
  g_return_val_if_fail (name != NULL, NULL);

  if (self->priv->constraints == NULL)
    return NULL;

  return CLUTTER_CONSTRAINT (_clutter_meta_group_get_meta (self->priv->constraints, name));

 * clutter_actor_clear_constraints:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * Clears the list of constraints applied to @self
 * Since: 1.4
clutter_actor_clear_constraints (ClutterActor *self)
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  if (self->priv->constraints == NULL)

  _clutter_meta_group_clear_metas (self->priv->constraints);

 * clutter_actor_set_clip_to_allocation:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @clip_set: %TRUE to apply a clip tracking the allocation
 * Sets whether @self should be clipped to the same size as its
 * allocation
 * Since: 1.4
clutter_actor_set_clip_to_allocation (ClutterActor *self,
                                      gboolean      clip_set)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  clip_set = !!clip_set;

  priv = self->priv;

  if (priv->clip_to_allocation != clip_set)
      priv->clip_to_allocation = clip_set;

      clutter_actor_queue_redraw (self);

      _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_CLIP_TO_ALLOCATION]);

 * clutter_actor_get_clip_to_allocation:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * Retrieves the value set using clutter_actor_set_clip_to_allocation()
 * Return value: %TRUE if the #ClutterActor is clipped to its allocation
 * Since: 1.4
clutter_actor_get_clip_to_allocation (ClutterActor *self)
  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self), FALSE);

  return self->priv->clip_to_allocation;

 * clutter_actor_add_effect:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @effect: a #ClutterEffect
 * Adds @effect to the list of #ClutterEffect<!-- -->s applied to @self
 * The #ClutterActor will hold a reference on the @effect until either
 * clutter_actor_remove_effect() or clutter_actor_clear_effects() is
 * called.
 * Since: 1.4
clutter_actor_add_effect (ClutterActor  *self,
                          ClutterEffect *effect)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_EFFECT (effect));

  priv = self->priv;

  if (priv->effects == NULL)
      priv->effects = g_object_new (CLUTTER_TYPE_META_GROUP, NULL);
      priv->effects->actor = self;

  _clutter_meta_group_add_meta (priv->effects, CLUTTER_ACTOR_META (effect));

  clutter_actor_queue_redraw (self);

  _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_EFFECT]);

 * clutter_actor_add_effect_with_name:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @name: the name to set on the effect
 * @effect: a #ClutterEffect
 * A convenience function for setting the name of a #ClutterEffect
 * while adding it to the list of effectss applied to @self
 * This function is the logical equivalent of:
 * |[
 *   clutter_actor_meta_set_name (CLUTTER_ACTOR_META (effect), name);
 *   clutter_actor_add_effect (self, effect);
 * ]|
 * Since: 1.4
clutter_actor_add_effect_with_name (ClutterActor  *self,
                                    const gchar   *name,
                                    ClutterEffect *effect)
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));
  g_return_if_fail (name != NULL);
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_EFFECT (effect));

  clutter_actor_meta_set_name (CLUTTER_ACTOR_META (effect), name);
  clutter_actor_add_effect (self, effect);

 * clutter_actor_remove_effect:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @effect: a #ClutterEffect
 * Removes @effect from the list of effects applied to @self
 * The reference held by @self on the #ClutterEffect will be released
 * Since: 1.4
clutter_actor_remove_effect (ClutterActor  *self,
                             ClutterEffect *effect)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_EFFECT (effect));

  priv = self->priv;

  if (priv->effects == NULL)

  _clutter_meta_group_remove_meta (priv->effects, CLUTTER_ACTOR_META (effect));

  clutter_actor_queue_redraw (self);

  _clutter_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_EFFECT]);

 * clutter_actor_remove_effect_by_name:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @name: the name of the effect to remove
 * Removes the #ClutterEffect with the given name from the list
 * of effects applied to @self
 * Since: 1.4
clutter_actor_remove_effect_by_name (ClutterActor *self,
                                     const gchar  *name)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;
  ClutterActorMeta *meta;

  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));
  g_return_if_fail (name != NULL);

  priv = self->priv;

  if (priv->effects == NULL)

  meta = _clutter_meta_group_get_meta (priv->effects, name);
  if (meta == NULL)

  _clutter_meta_group_remove_meta (priv->effects, meta);

 * clutter_actor_get_effects:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * Retrieves the #ClutterEffect<!-- -->s applied on @self, if any
 * Return value: (transfer container) (element-type Clutter.Effect): a list
 *   of #ClutterEffect<!-- -->s, or %NULL. The elements of the returned
 *   list are owned by Clutter and they should not be freed. You should
 *   free the returned list using g_list_free() when done
 * Since: 1.4
GList *
clutter_actor_get_effects (ClutterActor *self)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;
  const GList *effects;

  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self), NULL);

  priv = self->priv;

  if (priv->effects == NULL)
    return NULL;

  effects = _clutter_meta_group_peek_metas (priv->effects);

  return g_list_copy ((GList *) effects);

 * clutter_actor_get_effect:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @name: the name of the effect to retrieve
 * Retrieves the #ClutterEffect with the given name in the list
 * of effects applied to @self
 * Return value: (transfer none): a #ClutterEffect for the given
 *   name, or %NULL. The returned #ClutterEffect is owned by the
 *   actor and it should not be unreferenced directly
 * Since: 1.4
ClutterEffect *
clutter_actor_get_effect (ClutterActor *self,
                          const gchar  *name)
  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self), NULL);
  g_return_val_if_fail (name != NULL, NULL);

  if (self->priv->effects == NULL)
    return NULL;

  return CLUTTER_EFFECT (_clutter_meta_group_get_meta (self->priv->effects, name));

 * clutter_actor_clear_effects:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * Clears the list of effects applied to @self
 * Since: 1.4
clutter_actor_clear_effects (ClutterActor *self)
  g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self));

  if (self->priv->effects == NULL)

  _clutter_meta_group_clear_metas (self->priv->effects);

 * clutter_actor_has_key_focus:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * Checks whether @self is the #ClutterActor that has key focus
 * Return value: %TRUE if the actor has key focus, and %FALSE otherwise
 * Since: 1.4
clutter_actor_has_key_focus (ClutterActor *self)
  ClutterActor *stage;

  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self), FALSE);

  stage = _clutter_actor_get_stage_internal (self);
  if (stage == NULL)
    return FALSE;

  return clutter_stage_get_key_focus (CLUTTER_STAGE (stage)) == self;

/* The public clutter_actor_get_paint_volume API returns a const
 * pointer since we return a pointer directly to the cached
 * PaintVolume associated with the actor and don't want the user to
 * inadvertently modify it, but for internal uses we sometimes need
 * access to the same PaintVolume but need to apply some book-keeping
 * modifications to it so we don't want a const pointer.
static ClutterPaintVolume *
_clutter_actor_get_paint_volume_mutable (ClutterActor *self)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;
  ClutterPaintVolume *pv;

  priv = self->priv;

  if (priv->paint_volume_valid)
      clutter_paint_volume_free (&priv->paint_volume);
      priv->paint_volume_valid = FALSE;

  /* Actors are only expected to report a valid paint volume
   * while they have a valid allocation. */
  if (G_UNLIKELY (priv->needs_allocation))
    return NULL;

  /* Check if there are any handlers connected to the paint
   * signal. If there are then all bets are off for what the paint
   * volume for this actor might possibly be!
   * XXX: It's expected that this is going to end up being quite a
   * costly check to have to do here, but we haven't come up with
   * another solution that can reliably catch paint signal handlers at
   * the right time to either avoid artefacts due to invalid stage
   * clipping or due to incorrect culling.
   * Previously we checked in clutter_actor_paint(), but at that time
   * we may already be using a stage clip that could be derived from
   * an invalid paint-volume. We used to try and handle that by
   * queuing a follow up, unclipped, redraw but still the previous
   * checking wasn't enough to catch invalid volumes involved in
   * culling (considering that containers may derive their volume from
   * children that haven't yet been painted)
   * Longer term, improved solutions could be:
   * - Disallow painting in the paint signal, only allow using it
   *   for tracking when paints happen. We can add another API that
   *   allows monkey patching the paint of arbitrary actors but in a
   *   more controlled way and that also supports modifying the
   *   paint-volume.
   * - If we could be notified somehow when signal handlers are
   *   connected we wouldn't have to poll for handlers like this.
  if (g_signal_has_handler_pending (self,
    return NULL;

  pv = &priv->paint_volume;
  _clutter_paint_volume_init_static (self, pv);

  if (!CLUTTER_ACTOR_GET_CLASS (self)->get_paint_volume (self, pv))
      clutter_paint_volume_free (pv);
      return NULL;

  /* since effects can modify the paint volume, we allow them to actually
   * do this by making get_paint_volume() "context sensitive"
  if (priv->effects != NULL)
      if (priv->current_effect != NULL)
          const GList *effects, *l;

          /* if we are being called from within the paint sequence of
           * an actor, get the paint volume up to the current effect
          effects = _clutter_meta_group_peek_metas (priv->effects);
          for (l = effects;
               l != NULL || (l != NULL && l->data != priv->current_effect);
               l = l->next)
              if (!_clutter_effect_get_paint_volume (l->data, pv))
                  clutter_paint_volume_free (pv);
                  return NULL;
          const GList *effects, *l;

          /* otherwise, get the cumulative volume */
          effects = _clutter_meta_group_peek_metas (priv->effects);
          for (l = effects; l != NULL; l = l->next)
            if (!_clutter_effect_get_paint_volume (l->data, pv))
                clutter_paint_volume_free (pv);
                return NULL;

  priv->paint_volume_valid = TRUE;
  return pv;

 * clutter_actor_get_paint_volume:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * Retrieves the paint volume of the passed #ClutterActor, or %NULL
 * when a paint volume can't be determined.
 * The paint volume is defined as the 3D space occupied by an actor
 * when being painted.
 * This function will call the <function>get_paint_volume()</function>
 * virtual function of the #ClutterActor class. Sub-classes of #ClutterActor
 * should not usually care about overriding the default implementation,
 * unless they are, for instance: painting outside their allocation, or
 * actors with a depth factor (not in terms of #ClutterActor:depth but real
 * 3D depth).
 * <note>2D actors overriding <function>get_paint_volume()</function>
 * ensure their volume has a depth of 0. (This will be true so long as
 * you don't call clutter_paint_volume_set_depth().)</note>
 * Return value: (transfer none): a pointer to a #ClutterPaintVolume
 *   or %NULL if no volume could be determined.
 * Since: 1.4
const ClutterPaintVolume *
clutter_actor_get_paint_volume (ClutterActor *self)
  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self), NULL);

  return _clutter_actor_get_paint_volume_mutable (self);

 * clutter_actor_get_transformed_paint_volume:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @relative_to_ancestor: A #ClutterActor that is an ancestor of @self
 *    (or %NULL for the stage)
 * Retrieves the 3D paint volume of an actor like
 * clutter_actor_get_paint_volume() does (Please refer to the
 * documentation of clutter_actor_get_paint_volume() for more
 * details.) and it additionally transforms the paint volume into the
 * coordinate space of @relative_to_ancestor. (Or the stage if %NULL
 * is passed for @relative_to_ancestor)
 * This can be used by containers that base their paint volume on
 * the volume of their children. Such containers can query the
 * transformed paint volume of all of its children and union them
 * together using clutter_paint_volume_union().
 * Return value: (transfer none): a pointer to a #ClutterPaintVolume
 *   or %NULL if no volume could be determined.
 * Since: 1.4
const ClutterPaintVolume *
clutter_actor_get_transformed_paint_volume (ClutterActor *self,
                                            ClutterActor *relative_to_ancestor)
  CoglMatrix matrix;
  const ClutterPaintVolume *volume;
  ClutterStage *stage;
  ClutterPaintVolume *transformed_volume;

  if (relative_to_ancestor == NULL)
    relative_to_ancestor = _clutter_actor_get_stage_internal (self);

  if (relative_to_ancestor == NULL)
    return NULL;

  volume = clutter_actor_get_paint_volume (self);
  if (!volume)
    return NULL;

  _clutter_actor_get_relative_modelview (self, relative_to_ancestor, &matrix);

  stage = CLUTTER_STAGE (_clutter_actor_get_stage_internal (self));
  transformed_volume = _clutter_stage_paint_volume_stack_allocate (stage);
  _clutter_paint_volume_copy_static (volume, transformed_volume);
  _clutter_paint_volume_transform (transformed_volume, &matrix);
  _clutter_paint_volume_axis_align (transformed_volume);
  g_object_unref (transformed_volume->actor);
  transformed_volume->actor = g_object_ref (relative_to_ancestor);

  return transformed_volume;

 * clutter_actor_get_paint_box:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @box: (out): return location for a #ClutterActorBox
 * Retrieves the paint volume of the passed #ClutterActor, and
 * transforms it into a 2D bounding box in stage coordinates.
 * This function is useful to determine the on screen area occupied by
 * the actor. The box is only an approximation and may often be
 * considerably larger due to the optimizations used to calculate the
 * box. The box is never smaller though, so it can reliably be used
 * for culling.
 * There are times when a 2D paint box can't be determined, e.g.
 * because the actor isn't yet parented under a stage or because
 * the actor is unable to determine a paint volume.
 * Return value: %TRUE if a 2D paint box could be determined, else
 * %FALSE.
 * Since: 1.4
clutter_actor_get_paint_box (ClutterActor    *self,
                             ClutterActorBox *box)
  ClutterActor *stage;
  const ClutterPaintVolume *pv;
  CoglMatrix modelview;
  CoglMatrix projection;
  int viewport[4];
  ClutterPaintVolume projected_pv;

  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self), FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (box != NULL, FALSE);

  stage = _clutter_actor_get_stage_internal (self);
  if (G_UNLIKELY (!stage))
    return FALSE;

  pv = clutter_actor_get_paint_volume (self);
  if (G_UNLIKELY (!pv))
    return FALSE;

  /* NB: _clutter_actor_apply_modelview_transform_recursive will never
   * include the transformation between stage coordinates and OpenGL
   * window coordinates, we have to explicitly use the
   * stage->apply_transform to get that... */
  cogl_matrix_init_identity (&modelview);
  _clutter_actor_apply_modelview_transform (stage, &modelview);
  _clutter_actor_apply_modelview_transform_recursive (pv->actor,
                                                      stage, &modelview);

  _clutter_stage_get_projection_matrix (CLUTTER_STAGE (stage), &projection);
  _clutter_stage_get_viewport (CLUTTER_STAGE (stage),

  _clutter_paint_volume_copy_static (pv, &projected_pv);
  _clutter_paint_volume_project (&projected_pv,

  _clutter_paint_volume_get_bounding_box (&projected_pv, box);
  clutter_actor_box_clamp_to_pixel (box);

  clutter_paint_volume_free (&projected_pv);

  return TRUE;

_clutter_actor_get_n_children (ClutterActor *self)
  return self->priv->n_children;

/* _clutter_actor_foreach_child:
 * @actor: The actor whos children you want to iterate
 * @callback: The function to call for each child
 * @user_data: Private data to pass to @callback
 * Calls a given @callback once for each child of the specified @actor and
 * passing the @user_data pointer each time.
 * Return value: returns %TRUE if all children were iterated, else
 *    %FALSE if a callback broke out of iteration early.
_clutter_actor_foreach_child (ClutterActor *self,
                              ClutterForeachCallback callback,
                              void *user_data)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv = self->priv;
  gboolean cont;
  GList *l;

  for (cont = TRUE, l = priv->children; cont && l; l = l->next)
    cont = callback (l->data, user_data);

  return cont;

/* _clutter_actor_traverse:
 * @actor: The actor to start traversing the graph from
 * @flags: These flags may affect how the traversal is done
 * @callback: The function to call for each actor traversed
 * @user_data: The private data to pass to the @callback
 * Traverses the scenegraph starting at the specified @actor and
 * descending through all its children and its children's children.
 * For each actor traversed @callback is called with the specified
 * @user_data.
 * If @callback ever returns %FALSE then no more actors will be
 * traversed.
 * Return value: %TRUE if @actor and all its descendants were
 *   traversed or %FALSE if the @callback returned %FALSE to stop
 *   traversal early.
_clutter_actor_traverse (ClutterActor              *actor,
                         ClutterActorTraverseFlags  flags,
                         ClutterForeachCallback     callback,
                         gpointer                   user_data)
  ClutterActorPrivate *priv;
  GList *l;
  gboolean cont;

  if (!callback (actor, user_data))
    return FALSE;

  priv = actor->priv;

  for (cont = TRUE, l = priv->children; cont && l; l = l->next)
    cont = _clutter_actor_traverse (l->data, flags, callback, user_data);

  return cont;