#include <cogl/cogl.h> #include "test-utils.h" /* This test assumes the GL driver supports point sizes up to 16 pixels. Cogl should probably have some way of querying the size so we start from that instead */ #define MAX_POINT_SIZE 16 #define MIN_POINT_SIZE 4 #define N_POINTS (MAX_POINT_SIZE - MIN_POINT_SIZE + 1) /* The size of the area that we'll paint each point in */ #define POINT_BOX_SIZE (MAX_POINT_SIZE * 2) typedef struct { float x, y; float point_size; } PointVertex; static int calc_coord_offset (int pos, int pos_index, int point_size) { switch (pos_index) { case 0: return pos - point_size / 2 - 2; case 1: return pos - point_size / 2 + 2; case 2: return pos + point_size / 2 - 2; case 3: return pos + point_size / 2 + 2; } g_assert_not_reached (); } static void verify_point_size (CoglFramebuffer *test_fb, int x_pos, int y_pos, int point_size) { int y, x; for (y = 0; y < 4; y++) for (x = 0; x < 4; x++) { CoglBool in_point = x >= 1 && x <= 2 && y >= 1 && y <= 2; uint32_t expected_pixel = in_point ? 0x00ff00ff : 0xff0000ff; test_utils_check_pixel (test_fb, calc_coord_offset (x_pos, x, point_size), calc_coord_offset (y_pos, y, point_size), expected_pixel); } } static CoglPrimitive * create_primitive (const char *attribute_name) { PointVertex vertices[N_POINTS]; CoglAttributeBuffer *buffer; CoglAttribute *attributes[2]; CoglPrimitive *prim; int i; for (i = 0; i < N_POINTS; i++) { vertices[i].x = i * POINT_BOX_SIZE + POINT_BOX_SIZE / 2; vertices[i].y = POINT_BOX_SIZE / 2; vertices[i].point_size = MAX_POINT_SIZE - i; } buffer = cogl_attribute_buffer_new (test_ctx, sizeof (vertices), vertices); attributes[0] = cogl_attribute_new (buffer, "cogl_position_in", sizeof (PointVertex), G_STRUCT_OFFSET (PointVertex, x), 2, /* n_components */ COGL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_FLOAT); attributes[1] = cogl_attribute_new (buffer, attribute_name, sizeof (PointVertex), G_STRUCT_OFFSET (PointVertex, point_size), 1, /* n_components */ COGL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_FLOAT); prim = cogl_primitive_new_with_attributes (COGL_VERTICES_MODE_POINTS, N_POINTS, attributes, 2 /* n_attributes */); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) cogl_object_unref (attributes[i]); return prim; } static void do_test (const char *attribute_name, void (* pipeline_setup_func) (CoglPipeline *pipeline)) { int fb_width = cogl_framebuffer_get_width (test_fb); int fb_height = cogl_framebuffer_get_height (test_fb); CoglPrimitive *primitive; CoglPipeline *pipeline; int i; cogl_framebuffer_orthographic (test_fb, 0, 0, /* x_1, y_1 */ fb_width, /* x_2 */ fb_height /* y_2 */, -1, 100 /* near/far */); cogl_framebuffer_clear4f (test_fb, COGL_BUFFER_BIT_COLOR, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); primitive = create_primitive (attribute_name); pipeline = cogl_pipeline_new (test_ctx); cogl_pipeline_set_color4ub (pipeline, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff); cogl_pipeline_set_per_vertex_point_size (pipeline, TRUE, NULL); if (pipeline_setup_func) pipeline_setup_func (pipeline); cogl_primitive_draw (primitive, test_fb, pipeline); cogl_object_unref (pipeline); cogl_object_unref (primitive); /* Verify all of the points where drawn at the right size */ for (i = 0; i < N_POINTS; i++) verify_point_size (test_fb, i * POINT_BOX_SIZE + POINT_BOX_SIZE / 2, /* x */ POINT_BOX_SIZE / 2, /* y */ MAX_POINT_SIZE - i /* point size */); if (cogl_test_verbose ()) g_print ("OK\n"); } void test_point_size_attribute (void) { do_test ("cogl_point_size_in", NULL); } static void setup_snippet (CoglPipeline *pipeline) { CoglSnippet *snippet; snippet = cogl_snippet_new (COGL_SNIPPET_HOOK_POINT_SIZE, "attribute float " "my_super_duper_point_size_attrib;\n", NULL); cogl_snippet_set_replace (snippet, "cogl_point_size_out = " "my_super_duper_point_size_attrib;\n"); cogl_pipeline_add_snippet (pipeline, snippet); cogl_object_unref (snippet); } void test_point_size_attribute_snippet (void) { do_test ("my_super_duper_point_size_attrib", setup_snippet); }