/* * Copyright (C) 2007 William Jon McCann * Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Richard Hughes * Copyright (C) 2020 NVIDIA CORPORATION * Copyright (C) 2021 Red Hat Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . */ #include "config.h" #include "backends/x11/meta-color-manager-x11.h" #include #include #include "backends/meta-color-device.h" #include "backends/meta-color-profile.h" #include "backends/meta-monitor.h" #include "backends/x11/meta-backend-x11.h" #include "backends/x11/meta-output-xrandr.h" struct _MetaColorManagerX11 { MetaColorManager parent; CdIcc *srgb_cd_icc; GBytes *srgb_icc_bytes; }; G_DEFINE_TYPE (MetaColorManagerX11, meta_color_manager_x11, META_TYPE_COLOR_MANAGER) /* see http://www.oyranos.org/wiki/index.php?title=ICC_Profiles_in_X_Specification_0.3 */ #define ICC_PROFILE_IN_X_VERSION_MAJOR 0 #define ICC_PROFILE_IN_X_VERSION_MINOR 3 static CdIcc * ensure_srgb_profile (MetaColorManagerX11 *color_manager_x11) { CdIcc *srgb_cd_icc; g_autoptr (GError) error = NULL; if (color_manager_x11->srgb_cd_icc) return color_manager_x11->srgb_cd_icc; srgb_cd_icc = cd_icc_new (); if (!cd_icc_create_default_full (srgb_cd_icc, CD_ICC_LOAD_FLAGS_PRIMARIES, &error)) { g_warning_once ("Failed to create sRGB ICC profile: %s", error->message); return NULL; } color_manager_x11->srgb_cd_icc = srgb_cd_icc; return srgb_cd_icc; } static GBytes * ensure_srgb_profile_bytes (MetaColorManagerX11 *color_manager_x11) { CdIcc *srgb_cd_icc; g_autoptr (GError) error = NULL; GBytes *bytes; srgb_cd_icc = ensure_srgb_profile (color_manager_x11); if (!srgb_cd_icc) return NULL; bytes = cd_icc_save_data (srgb_cd_icc, CD_ICC_SAVE_FLAGS_NONE, &error); if (!bytes) { g_warning_once ("Failed to export sRGB ICC profile: %s", error->message); return NULL; } color_manager_x11->srgb_icc_bytes = bytes; return bytes; } static void update_root_window_atom (MetaColorManagerX11 *color_manager_x11, MetaColorDevice *color_device) { MetaColorManager *color_manager = META_COLOR_MANAGER (color_manager_x11); MetaBackend *backend = meta_color_manager_get_backend (color_manager); MetaBackendX11 *backend_x11 = META_BACKEND_X11 (backend); Display *xdisplay = meta_backend_x11_get_xdisplay (backend_x11); Window xroot = meta_backend_x11_get_root_xwindow (backend_x11); Atom icc_profile_atom; Atom icc_profile_version_atom; MetaMonitor *monitor; const uint8_t *profile_contents = NULL; size_t profile_size; monitor = meta_color_device_get_monitor (color_device); if (!meta_monitor_is_primary (monitor)) return; if (meta_monitor_supports_color_transform (monitor)) { GBytes *profile_bytes; /* * If the output supports color transforms, then * applications should use the standard sRGB color profile and * the window system will take care of converting colors to * match the output device's measured color profile. */ profile_bytes = ensure_srgb_profile_bytes (color_manager_x11); if (!profile_bytes) g_warning_once ("Failed to generate sRGB ICC profile"); else profile_contents = g_bytes_get_data (profile_bytes, &profile_size); } else { MetaColorProfile *color_profile; color_profile = meta_color_device_get_assigned_profile (color_device); if (color_profile) { profile_contents = meta_color_profile_get_data (color_profile); profile_size = meta_color_profile_get_data_size (color_profile); } } icc_profile_atom = XInternAtom (xdisplay, "_ICC_PROFILE", False); icc_profile_version_atom = XInternAtom (xdisplay, "_ICC_PROFILE_IN_X_VERSION", False); if (profile_contents) { unsigned int version_data; XChangeProperty (xdisplay, xroot, icc_profile_atom, XA_CARDINAL, 8, PropModeReplace, profile_contents, profile_size); version_data = ICC_PROFILE_IN_X_VERSION_MAJOR * 100 + ICC_PROFILE_IN_X_VERSION_MINOR * 1; XChangeProperty (xdisplay, xroot, icc_profile_version_atom, XA_CARDINAL, 8, PropModeReplace, (uint8_t *) &version_data, 1); } else { XDeleteProperty (xdisplay, xroot, icc_profile_atom); XDeleteProperty (xdisplay, xroot, icc_profile_version_atom); } } static uint64_t double_to_ctmval (double value) { uint64_t sign = value < 0; double integer, fractional; if (sign) value = -value; fractional = modf (value, &integer); return sign << 63 | (uint64_t) integer << 32 | (uint64_t) (fractional * 0xffffffffUL); } static MetaOutputCtm mat33_to_ctm (CdMat3x3 matrix) { MetaOutputCtm ctm; /* * libcolord generates a matrix containing double values. RandR's CTM * property expects values in S31.32 fixed-point sign-magnitude format */ ctm.matrix[0] = double_to_ctmval (matrix.m00); ctm.matrix[1] = double_to_ctmval (matrix.m01); ctm.matrix[2] = double_to_ctmval (matrix.m02); ctm.matrix[3] = double_to_ctmval (matrix.m10); ctm.matrix[4] = double_to_ctmval (matrix.m11); ctm.matrix[5] = double_to_ctmval (matrix.m12); ctm.matrix[6] = double_to_ctmval (matrix.m20); ctm.matrix[7] = double_to_ctmval (matrix.m21); ctm.matrix[8] = double_to_ctmval (matrix.m22); return ctm; } static void update_device_ctm (MetaColorManagerX11 *color_manager_x11, MetaColorDevice *color_device) { MetaMonitor *monitor; MetaColorProfile *color_profile; CdIcc *srgb_cd_icc; g_autoptr (GError) error = NULL; CdIcc *cd_icc; CdMat3x3 csc; MetaOutputCtm ctm; MetaOutput *output; MetaOutputXrandr *output_xrandr; monitor = meta_color_device_get_monitor (color_device); if (!meta_monitor_supports_color_transform (monitor)) return; color_profile = meta_color_device_get_assigned_profile (color_device); if (!color_profile) return; srgb_cd_icc = ensure_srgb_profile (color_manager_x11); if (!srgb_cd_icc) return; cd_icc = meta_color_profile_get_cd_icc (color_profile); if (!cd_icc_utils_get_adaptation_matrix (cd_icc, srgb_cd_icc, &csc, &error)) { g_warning_once ("Failed to calculate adaption matrix: %s", error->message); return; } ctm = mat33_to_ctm (csc); output = meta_monitor_get_main_output (monitor); output_xrandr = META_OUTPUT_XRANDR (output); meta_output_xrandr_set_ctm (output_xrandr, &ctm); } static void on_color_device_updated (MetaColorManager *color_manager, MetaColorDevice *color_device) { MetaColorManagerX11 *color_manager_x11 = META_COLOR_MANAGER_X11 (color_manager); update_root_window_atom (color_manager_x11, color_device); update_device_ctm (color_manager_x11, color_device); } static void meta_color_manager_x11_constructed (GObject *object) { MetaColorManager *color_manager = META_COLOR_MANAGER (object); g_signal_connect (color_manager, "device-updated", G_CALLBACK (on_color_device_updated), NULL); G_OBJECT_CLASS (meta_color_manager_x11_parent_class)->constructed (object); } static void meta_color_manager_x11_finalize (GObject *object) { MetaColorManagerX11 *color_manager_x11 = META_COLOR_MANAGER_X11 (object); g_clear_pointer (&color_manager_x11->srgb_icc_bytes, g_bytes_unref); g_clear_object (&color_manager_x11->srgb_cd_icc); G_OBJECT_CLASS (meta_color_manager_x11_parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void meta_color_manager_x11_class_init (MetaColorManagerX11Class *klass) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); object_class->constructed = meta_color_manager_x11_constructed; object_class->finalize = meta_color_manager_x11_finalize; } static void meta_color_manager_x11_init (MetaColorManagerX11 *color_manager_x11) { }