#ifdef CLUTTER_ENABLE_PROFILE #include "clutter-profile.h" #include <stdlib.h> UProfContext *_clutter_uprof_context; static UProfReport *clutter_uprof_report; static gboolean searched_for_gl_uprof_context = FALSE; static UProfContext *gl_uprof_context = NULL; typedef struct _ClutterUProfReportState { gulong n_frames; float fps; gulong n_picks; float msecs_picking; } ClutterUProfReportState; static char * timer_per_frame_cb (UProfReport *report, UProfTimerResult *timer, void *user_data) { ClutterUProfReportState *state = user_data; int n_frames = state->n_frames ? state->n_frames : 1; return g_strdup_printf ("%-10.2f", uprof_timer_result_get_total_msecs (timer) / (float)n_frames); } static char * counter_per_frame_cb (UProfReport *report, UProfCounterResult *counter, void *user_data) { ClutterUProfReportState *state = user_data; int n_frames = state->n_frames ? state->n_frames : 1; return g_strdup_printf ("%-5ld", uprof_counter_result_get_count (counter) / n_frames); } static char * get_n_frames_cb (UProfReport *report, const char *statistic, const char *attribute, void *user_data) { ClutterUProfReportState *state = user_data; return g_strdup_printf ("%lu", state->n_frames); } static char * get_fps_cb (UProfReport *report, const char *statistic, const char *attribute, void *user_data) { ClutterUProfReportState *state = user_data; return g_strdup_printf ("%5.2f\n", state->fps); } static char * get_n_picks_cb (UProfReport *report, const char *statistic, const char *attribute, void *user_data) { ClutterUProfReportState *state = user_data; return g_strdup_printf ("%lu", state->n_picks); } static char * get_picks_per_frame_cb (UProfReport *report, const char *statistic, const char *attribute, void *user_data) { ClutterUProfReportState *state = user_data; int n_frames = state->n_frames ? state->n_frames : 1; return g_strdup_printf ("%3.2f", (float)state->n_picks / (float)n_frames); } static char * get_msecs_per_pick_cb (UProfReport *report, const char *statistic, const char *attribute, void *user_data) { ClutterUProfReportState *state = user_data; int n_picks = state->n_picks ? state->n_picks : 1; return g_strdup_printf ("%3.2f", state->msecs_picking / (float)n_picks); } static gboolean _clutter_uprof_report_prepare (UProfReport *report, void **closure_ret, void *user_data) { UProfContext *mainloop_context; UProfTimerResult *mainloop_timer; UProfTimerResult *stage_paint_timer; UProfTimerResult *do_pick_timer; ClutterUProfReportState *state; /* NB: uprof provides a shared context for mainloop statistics which allows * this to work even if the application and not Clutter owns the mainloop. * * This is the case when running Mutter for example but because Mutter will * follow the same convention of using the shared context then we can always * be sure of where to look for the mainloop results. */ mainloop_context = uprof_get_mainloop_context (); mainloop_timer = uprof_context_get_timer_result (mainloop_context, "Mainloop"); /* just bail out if the mainloop timer wasn't hit */ if (!mainloop_timer) return FALSE; state = g_new0 (ClutterUProfReportState, 1); *closure_ret = state; stage_paint_timer = uprof_context_get_timer_result (_clutter_uprof_context, "Redrawing"); if (stage_paint_timer) { state->n_frames = uprof_timer_result_get_start_count (stage_paint_timer); uprof_report_add_statistic (report, "Frames", "Frame count information"); uprof_report_add_statistic_attribute (report, "Frames", "Count", "Count", "The total number of frames", UPROF_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INT, get_n_frames_cb, state); state->fps = (float) state->n_frames / (uprof_timer_result_get_total_msecs (mainloop_timer) / 1000.0); uprof_report_add_statistic_attribute (report, "Frames", "Average FPS", "Average\nFPS", "The average frames per second", UPROF_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_FLOAT, get_fps_cb, state); } do_pick_timer = uprof_context_get_timer_result (_clutter_uprof_context, "Picking"); if (do_pick_timer) { state->n_picks = uprof_timer_result_get_start_count (do_pick_timer); state->msecs_picking = uprof_timer_result_get_total_msecs (do_pick_timer); uprof_report_add_statistic (report, "Picks", "Picking information"); uprof_report_add_statistic_attribute (report, "Picks", "Count", "Count", "The total number of picks", UPROF_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INT, get_n_picks_cb, state); uprof_report_add_statistic_attribute (report, "Picks", "Picks Per Frame", "Picks\nPer Frame", "The average number of picks " "per frame", UPROF_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_FLOAT, get_picks_per_frame_cb, state); uprof_report_add_statistic_attribute (report, "Picks", "Msecs Per Pick", "Msecs\nPer Pick", "The average number of " "milliseconds per pick", UPROF_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_FLOAT, get_msecs_per_pick_cb, state); } uprof_report_add_counters_attribute (clutter_uprof_report, "Per Frame", "Per Frame", "The number of counts per frame", UPROF_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INT, counter_per_frame_cb, state); uprof_report_add_timers_attribute (clutter_uprof_report, "Per Frame", "Per Frame", "The amount of timer per frame", UPROF_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_FLOAT, timer_per_frame_cb, state); return TRUE; } static void _clutter_uprof_report_done (UProfReport *report, void *closure, void *user_data) { g_free (closure); } static void print_exit_report (void) { if (!(clutter_profile_flags & CLUTTER_PROFILE_DISABLE_REPORT)) uprof_report_print (clutter_uprof_report); uprof_report_unref (clutter_uprof_report); uprof_context_unref (_clutter_uprof_context); } void _clutter_uprof_init (void) { UProfContext *cogl_context; _clutter_uprof_context = uprof_context_new ("Clutter"); uprof_context_link (_clutter_uprof_context, uprof_get_mainloop_context ()); g_atexit (print_exit_report); cogl_context = uprof_find_context ("Cogl"); if (cogl_context) uprof_context_link (_clutter_uprof_context, cogl_context); /* We make the report object up-front so we can use uprof-tool * to fetch reports at runtime via dbus... */ clutter_uprof_report = uprof_report_new ("Clutter report"); uprof_report_add_context (clutter_uprof_report, _clutter_uprof_context); uprof_report_set_init_fini_callbacks (clutter_uprof_report, _clutter_uprof_report_prepare, _clutter_uprof_report_done, NULL); } void _clutter_profile_suspend (void) { if (G_UNLIKELY (!searched_for_gl_uprof_context)) { gl_uprof_context = uprof_find_context ("OpenGL"); searched_for_gl_uprof_context = TRUE; } if (gl_uprof_context) uprof_context_suspend (gl_uprof_context); /* NB: The Cogl context is linked to this so it will also be suspended... */ uprof_context_suspend (_clutter_uprof_context); } void _clutter_profile_resume (void) { if (gl_uprof_context) uprof_context_resume (gl_uprof_context); /* NB: The Cogl context is linked to this so it will also be resumed... */ uprof_context_resume (_clutter_uprof_context); } void _clutter_profile_trace_message (const char *format, ...) { va_list ap; va_start (ap, format); g_logv (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_MESSAGE, format, ap); va_end (ap); if (_clutter_uprof_context) uprof_context_vtrace_message (_clutter_uprof_context, format, ap); } #endif