/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- */ /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Red Hat * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . * * Author: Carlos Garnacho */ #include "config.h" #include "backends/x11/meta-input-settings-x11.h" #include #include #include #include #include "backends/x11/meta-backend-x11.h" #include "backends/x11/meta-input-device-x11.h" #include "core/display-private.h" #include "meta/meta-x11-errors.h" typedef struct { MetaInputSettings *settings; XDevice *xdev; } DeviceHandle; G_DEFINE_TYPE (MetaInputSettingsX11, meta_input_settings_x11, META_TYPE_INPUT_SETTINGS) typedef enum { SCROLL_METHOD_FIELD_2FG, SCROLL_METHOD_FIELD_EDGE, SCROLL_METHOD_FIELD_BUTTON, SCROLL_METHOD_NUM_FIELDS } ScrollMethod; static MetaBackend * get_backend (MetaInputSettings *settings) { return meta_input_settings_get_backend (settings); } static void device_handle_free (gpointer user_data) { DeviceHandle *handle = user_data; MetaInputSettings *settings = handle->settings; MetaBackend *backend = get_backend (settings); Display *xdisplay = meta_backend_x11_get_xdisplay (META_BACKEND_X11 (backend)); meta_clutter_x11_trap_x_errors (); XCloseDevice (xdisplay, handle->xdev); meta_clutter_x11_untrap_x_errors (); g_free (handle); } static XDevice * device_ensure_xdevice (MetaInputSettings *settings, ClutterInputDevice *device) { MetaBackend *backend = get_backend (settings); Display *xdisplay = meta_backend_x11_get_xdisplay (META_BACKEND_X11 (backend)); int device_id = meta_input_device_x11_get_device_id (device); DeviceHandle *handle; XDevice *xdev; handle = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (device), "meta-input-settings-xdevice"); if (handle) return handle->xdev; meta_clutter_x11_trap_x_errors (); xdev = XOpenDevice (xdisplay, device_id); meta_clutter_x11_untrap_x_errors (); if (xdev) { handle = g_new0 (DeviceHandle, 1); handle->settings = settings; handle->xdev = xdev; g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (device), "meta-input-settings-xdevice", handle, device_handle_free); } return xdev; } static void * get_property (ClutterInputDevice *device, const gchar *property, Atom type, int format, gulong nitems) { MetaInputDevice *input_device = META_INPUT_DEVICE (device); MetaBackend *backend = meta_input_device_get_backend (input_device); Display *xdisplay = meta_backend_x11_get_xdisplay (META_BACKEND_X11 (backend)); gulong nitems_ret, bytes_after_ret; int rc, device_id, format_ret; Atom property_atom, type_ret; guchar *data_ret = NULL; property_atom = XInternAtom (xdisplay, property, True); if (!property_atom) return NULL; device_id = meta_input_device_x11_get_device_id (device); meta_clutter_x11_trap_x_errors (); rc = XIGetProperty (xdisplay, device_id, property_atom, 0, 10, False, type, &type_ret, &format_ret, &nitems_ret, &bytes_after_ret, &data_ret); meta_clutter_x11_untrap_x_errors (); if (rc == Success && type_ret == type && format_ret == format && nitems_ret >= nitems) return data_ret; meta_XFree (data_ret); return NULL; } static void change_property (MetaInputSettings *settings, ClutterInputDevice *device, const gchar *property, Atom type, int format, void *data, gulong nitems) { MetaBackend *backend = get_backend (settings); Display *xdisplay = meta_backend_x11_get_xdisplay (META_BACKEND_X11 (backend)); int device_id; Atom property_atom; guchar *data_ret; int err; property_atom = XInternAtom (xdisplay, property, True); if (!property_atom) return; device_id = meta_input_device_x11_get_device_id (device); data_ret = get_property (device, property, type, format, nitems); if (!data_ret) return; meta_clutter_x11_trap_x_errors (); XIChangeProperty (xdisplay, device_id, property_atom, type, format, XIPropModeReplace, data, nitems); XSync (xdisplay, False); err = meta_clutter_x11_untrap_x_errors (); if (err) { g_warning ("XIChangeProperty failed on device %d property \"%s\" with X error %d", device_id, property, err); } meta_XFree (data_ret); } static void meta_input_settings_x11_set_send_events (MetaInputSettings *settings, ClutterInputDevice *device, GDesktopDeviceSendEvents mode) { guchar values[2] = { 0 }; /* disabled, disabled-on-external-mouse */ guchar *available; available = get_property (device, "libinput Send Events Modes Available", XA_INTEGER, 8, 2); if (!available) return; switch (mode) { case G_DESKTOP_DEVICE_SEND_EVENTS_DISABLED: values[0] = 1; break; case G_DESKTOP_DEVICE_SEND_EVENTS_DISABLED_ON_EXTERNAL_MOUSE: values[1] = 1; break; default: break; } if ((values[0] && !available[0]) || (values[1] && !available[1])) g_warning ("Device '%s' does not support sendevents mode %d", clutter_input_device_get_device_name (device), mode); else change_property (settings, device, "libinput Send Events Mode Enabled", XA_INTEGER, 8, &values, 2); meta_XFree (available); } static void meta_input_settings_x11_set_matrix (MetaInputSettings *settings, ClutterInputDevice *device, const float matrix[6]) { MetaBackend *backend = get_backend (settings); Display *xdisplay = meta_backend_x11_get_xdisplay (META_BACKEND_X11 (backend)); gfloat full_matrix[9] = { matrix[0], matrix[1], matrix[2], matrix[3], matrix[4], matrix[5], 0, 0, 1 }; change_property (settings, device, "Coordinate Transformation Matrix", XInternAtom (xdisplay, "FLOAT", False), 32, &full_matrix, 9); } static void meta_input_settings_x11_set_speed (MetaInputSettings *settings, ClutterInputDevice *device, gdouble speed) { MetaBackend *backend = get_backend (settings); Display *xdisplay = meta_backend_x11_get_xdisplay (META_BACKEND_X11 (backend)); gfloat value = speed; change_property (settings, device, "libinput Accel Speed", XInternAtom (xdisplay, "FLOAT", False), 32, &value, 1); } static void meta_input_settings_x11_set_left_handed (MetaInputSettings *settings, ClutterInputDevice *device, gboolean enabled) { ClutterInputDeviceType device_type; guchar value; device_type = clutter_input_device_get_device_type (device); if (device_type == CLUTTER_TABLET_DEVICE || device_type == CLUTTER_PEN_DEVICE || device_type == CLUTTER_ERASER_DEVICE) { value = enabled ? 3 : 0; change_property (settings, device, "Wacom Rotation", XA_INTEGER, 8, &value, 1); } else { value = enabled ? 1 : 0; change_property (settings, device, "libinput Left Handed Enabled", XA_INTEGER, 8, &value, 1); } } static void meta_input_settings_x11_set_disable_while_typing (MetaInputSettings *settings, ClutterInputDevice *device, gboolean enabled) { guchar value = (enabled) ? 1 : 0; change_property (settings, device, "libinput Disable While Typing Enabled", XA_INTEGER, 8, &value, 1); } static void meta_input_settings_x11_set_tap_enabled (MetaInputSettings *settings, ClutterInputDevice *device, gboolean enabled) { guchar value = (enabled) ? 1 : 0; change_property (settings, device, "libinput Tapping Enabled", XA_INTEGER, 8, &value, 1); } static void meta_input_settings_x11_set_tap_and_drag_enabled (MetaInputSettings *settings, ClutterInputDevice *device, gboolean enabled) { guchar value = (enabled) ? 1 : 0; change_property (settings, device, "libinput Tapping Drag Enabled", XA_INTEGER, 8, &value, 1); } static void meta_input_settings_x11_set_tap_and_drag_lock_enabled (MetaInputSettings *settings, ClutterInputDevice *device, gboolean enabled) { guchar value = (enabled) ? 1 : 0; change_property (settings, device, "libinput Tapping Drag Lock Enabled", XA_INTEGER, 8, &value, 1); } static void meta_input_settings_x11_set_invert_scroll (MetaInputSettings *settings, ClutterInputDevice *device, gboolean inverted) { guchar value = (inverted) ? 1 : 0; change_property (settings, device, "libinput Natural Scrolling Enabled", XA_INTEGER, 8, &value, 1); } static void change_scroll_method (MetaInputSettings *settings, ClutterInputDevice *device, ScrollMethod method, gboolean enabled) { guchar values[SCROLL_METHOD_NUM_FIELDS] = { 0 }; /* 2fg, edge, button. The last value is unused */ guchar *current = NULL; guchar *available = NULL; available = get_property (device, "libinput Scroll Methods Available", XA_INTEGER, 8, SCROLL_METHOD_NUM_FIELDS); if (!available || !available[method]) goto out; current = get_property (device, "libinput Scroll Method Enabled", XA_INTEGER, 8, SCROLL_METHOD_NUM_FIELDS); if (!current) goto out; memcpy (values, current, SCROLL_METHOD_NUM_FIELDS); values[method] = !!enabled; change_property (settings, device, "libinput Scroll Method Enabled", XA_INTEGER, 8, &values, SCROLL_METHOD_NUM_FIELDS); out: meta_XFree (current); meta_XFree (available); } static void meta_input_settings_x11_set_edge_scroll (MetaInputSettings *settings, ClutterInputDevice *device, gboolean edge_scroll_enabled) { change_scroll_method (settings, device, SCROLL_METHOD_FIELD_EDGE, edge_scroll_enabled); } static void meta_input_settings_x11_set_two_finger_scroll (MetaInputSettings *settings, ClutterInputDevice *device, gboolean two_finger_scroll_enabled) { change_scroll_method (settings, device, SCROLL_METHOD_FIELD_2FG, two_finger_scroll_enabled); } static gboolean meta_input_settings_x11_has_two_finger_scroll (MetaInputSettings *settings, ClutterInputDevice *device) { guchar *available = NULL; gboolean has_two_finger = TRUE; available = get_property (device, "libinput Scroll Methods Available", XA_INTEGER, 8, SCROLL_METHOD_NUM_FIELDS); if (!available || !available[SCROLL_METHOD_FIELD_2FG]) has_two_finger = FALSE; meta_XFree (available); return has_two_finger; } static void meta_input_settings_x11_set_scroll_button (MetaInputSettings *settings, ClutterInputDevice *device, guint button, gboolean button_lock) { gchar lock = button_lock; change_scroll_method (settings, device, SCROLL_METHOD_FIELD_BUTTON, button != 0); change_property (settings, device, "libinput Button Scrolling Button", XA_CARDINAL, 32, &button, 1); change_property (settings, device, "libinput Button Scrolling Button Lock Enabled", XA_INTEGER, 8, &lock, 1); } static void meta_input_settings_x11_set_click_method (MetaInputSettings *settings, ClutterInputDevice *device, GDesktopTouchpadClickMethod mode) { guchar values[2] = { 0 }; /* buttonareas, clickfinger */ guchar *defaults, *available; available = get_property (device, "libinput Click Methods Available", XA_INTEGER, 8, 2); if (!available) return; switch (mode) { case G_DESKTOP_TOUCHPAD_CLICK_METHOD_DEFAULT: defaults = get_property (device, "libinput Click Method Enabled Default", XA_INTEGER, 8, 2); if (!defaults) break; memcpy (values, defaults, 2); meta_XFree (defaults); break; case G_DESKTOP_TOUCHPAD_CLICK_METHOD_NONE: break; case G_DESKTOP_TOUCHPAD_CLICK_METHOD_AREAS: values[0] = 1; break; case G_DESKTOP_TOUCHPAD_CLICK_METHOD_FINGERS: values[1] = 1; break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); return; } if ((values[0] && !available[0]) || (values[1] && !available[1])) g_warning ("Device '%s' does not support click method %d", clutter_input_device_get_device_name (device), mode); else change_property (settings, device, "libinput Click Method Enabled", XA_INTEGER, 8, &values, 2); meta_XFree(available); } static void meta_input_settings_x11_set_tap_button_map (MetaInputSettings *settings, ClutterInputDevice *device, GDesktopTouchpadTapButtonMap mode) { guchar values[2] = { 0 }; /* lrm, lmr */ guchar *defaults; switch (mode) { case G_DESKTOP_TOUCHPAD_BUTTON_TAP_MAP_DEFAULT: defaults = get_property (device, "libinput Tapping Button Mapping Default", XA_INTEGER, 8, 2); if (!defaults) break; memcpy (values, defaults, 2); meta_XFree (defaults); break; case G_DESKTOP_TOUCHPAD_BUTTON_TAP_MAP_LRM: values[0] = 1; break; case G_DESKTOP_TOUCHPAD_BUTTON_TAP_MAP_LMR: values[1] = 1; break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); return; } if (values[0] || values[1]) change_property (settings, device, "libinput Tapping Button Mapping Enabled", XA_INTEGER, 8, &values, 2); } static void meta_input_settings_x11_set_keyboard_repeat (MetaInputSettings *settings, gboolean enabled, guint delay, guint interval) { MetaBackend *backend = get_backend (settings); Display *xdisplay = meta_backend_x11_get_xdisplay (META_BACKEND_X11 (backend)); if (enabled) { XAutoRepeatOn (xdisplay); XkbSetAutoRepeatRate (xdisplay, XkbUseCoreKbd, delay, interval); } else { XAutoRepeatOff (xdisplay); } } static void set_device_accel_profile (MetaInputSettings *settings, ClutterInputDevice *device, GDesktopPointerAccelProfile profile) { guchar *defaults, *available; guchar values[2] = { 0 }; /* adaptive, flat */ defaults = get_property (device, "libinput Accel Profile Enabled Default", XA_INTEGER, 8, 2); if (!defaults) return; available = get_property (device, "libinput Accel Profiles Available", XA_INTEGER, 8, 2); if (!available) goto err_available; switch (profile) { case G_DESKTOP_POINTER_ACCEL_PROFILE_FLAT: values[0] = 0; values[1] = 1; break; case G_DESKTOP_POINTER_ACCEL_PROFILE_ADAPTIVE: values[0] = 1; values[1] = 0; break; default: g_warn_if_reached (); G_GNUC_FALLTHROUGH; case G_DESKTOP_POINTER_ACCEL_PROFILE_DEFAULT: values[0] = defaults[0]; values[1] = defaults[1]; break; } change_property (settings, device, "libinput Accel Profile Enabled", XA_INTEGER, 8, &values, 2); meta_XFree (available); err_available: meta_XFree (defaults); } static void meta_input_settings_x11_set_mouse_accel_profile (MetaInputSettings *settings, ClutterInputDevice *device, GDesktopPointerAccelProfile profile) { ClutterInputCapabilities caps = clutter_input_device_get_capabilities (device); if ((caps & CLUTTER_INPUT_CAPABILITY_POINTER) == 0) return; if ((caps & (CLUTTER_INPUT_CAPABILITY_TRACKBALL | CLUTTER_INPUT_CAPABILITY_TOUCHPAD | CLUTTER_INPUT_CAPABILITY_TRACKPOINT)) != 0) return; set_device_accel_profile (settings, device, profile); } static void meta_input_settings_x11_set_touchpad_accel_profile (MetaInputSettings *settings, ClutterInputDevice *device, GDesktopPointerAccelProfile profile) { ClutterInputCapabilities caps = clutter_input_device_get_capabilities (device); if ((caps & CLUTTER_INPUT_CAPABILITY_TOUCHPAD) == 0) return; set_device_accel_profile (settings, device, profile); } static void meta_input_settings_x11_set_trackball_accel_profile (MetaInputSettings *settings, ClutterInputDevice *device, GDesktopPointerAccelProfile profile) { ClutterInputCapabilities caps = clutter_input_device_get_capabilities (device); if ((caps & CLUTTER_INPUT_CAPABILITY_TRACKBALL) == 0) return; set_device_accel_profile (settings, device, profile); } static void meta_input_settings_x11_set_tablet_mapping (MetaInputSettings *settings, ClutterInputDevice *device, GDesktopTabletMapping mapping) { MetaBackend *backend = get_backend (settings); Display *xdisplay = meta_backend_x11_get_xdisplay (META_BACKEND_X11 (backend)); XDevice *xdev; /* Grab the puke bucket! */ meta_clutter_x11_trap_x_errors (); xdev = device_ensure_xdevice (settings, device); if (xdev) { XSetDeviceMode (xdisplay, xdev, mapping == G_DESKTOP_TABLET_MAPPING_ABSOLUTE ? Absolute : Relative); } meta_clutter_x11_untrap_x_errors (); } static gboolean device_query_area (MetaInputSettings *settings, ClutterInputDevice *device, gint *x, gint *y, gint *width, gint *height) { MetaBackend *backend = get_backend (settings); Display *xdisplay = meta_backend_x11_get_xdisplay (META_BACKEND_X11 (backend)); gint device_id, n_devices, i; XIDeviceInfo *info; Atom abs_x, abs_y; *width = *height = 0; device_id = meta_input_device_x11_get_device_id (device); info = XIQueryDevice (xdisplay, device_id, &n_devices); if (n_devices <= 0 || !info) return FALSE; abs_x = XInternAtom (xdisplay, "Abs X", True); abs_y = XInternAtom (xdisplay, "Abs Y", True); for (i = 0; i < info->num_classes; i++) { XIValuatorClassInfo *valuator = (XIValuatorClassInfo *) info->classes[i]; if (valuator->type != XIValuatorClass) continue; if (valuator->label == abs_x) { *x = valuator->min; *width = valuator->max - valuator->min; } else if (valuator->label == abs_y) { *y = valuator->min; *height = valuator->max - valuator->min; } } XIFreeDeviceInfo (info); return TRUE; } static void update_tablet_area (MetaInputSettings *settings, ClutterInputDevice *device, gint32 *area) { change_property (settings, device, "Wacom Tablet Area", XA_INTEGER, 32, area, 4); } static void meta_input_settings_x11_set_tablet_area (MetaInputSettings *settings, ClutterInputDevice *device, gdouble padding_left, gdouble padding_right, gdouble padding_top, gdouble padding_bottom) { gint32 x, y, width, height, area[4] = { 0 }; if (!device_query_area (settings, device, &x, &y, &width, &height)) return; area[0] = (width * padding_left) + x; area[1] = (height * padding_top) + y; area[2] = width - (width * padding_right) + x; area[3] = height - (height * padding_bottom) + y; update_tablet_area (settings, device, area); } static void meta_input_settings_x11_set_tablet_aspect_ratio (MetaInputSettings *settings, ClutterInputDevice *device, gdouble aspect_ratio) { int32_t dev_x, dev_y, dev_width, dev_height, area[4] = { 0 }; if (!device_query_area (settings, device, &dev_x, &dev_y, &dev_width, &dev_height)) return; if (aspect_ratio > 0) { double dev_aspect; dev_aspect = (double) dev_width / dev_height; if (dev_aspect > aspect_ratio) dev_width = dev_height * aspect_ratio; else if (dev_aspect < aspect_ratio) dev_height = dev_width / aspect_ratio; } area[0] = dev_x; area[1] = dev_y; area[2] = dev_width + dev_x; area[3] = dev_height + dev_y; update_tablet_area (settings, device, area); } static guint action_to_button (GDesktopStylusButtonAction action, guint button) { switch (action) { case G_DESKTOP_STYLUS_BUTTON_ACTION_MIDDLE: return CLUTTER_BUTTON_MIDDLE; case G_DESKTOP_STYLUS_BUTTON_ACTION_RIGHT: return CLUTTER_BUTTON_SECONDARY; case G_DESKTOP_STYLUS_BUTTON_ACTION_BACK: return 8; case G_DESKTOP_STYLUS_BUTTON_ACTION_FORWARD: return 9; case G_DESKTOP_STYLUS_BUTTON_ACTION_DEFAULT: default: return button; } } static void meta_input_settings_x11_set_stylus_button_map (MetaInputSettings *settings, ClutterInputDevice *device, ClutterInputDeviceTool *tool, GDesktopStylusButtonAction primary, GDesktopStylusButtonAction secondary, GDesktopStylusButtonAction tertiary) { MetaBackend *backend = get_backend (settings); Display *xdisplay = meta_backend_x11_get_xdisplay (META_BACKEND_X11 (backend)); XDevice *xdev; /* Grab the puke bucket! */ meta_clutter_x11_trap_x_errors (); xdev = device_ensure_xdevice (settings, device); if (xdev) { guchar map[8] = { CLUTTER_BUTTON_PRIMARY, action_to_button (primary, CLUTTER_BUTTON_MIDDLE), action_to_button (secondary, CLUTTER_BUTTON_SECONDARY), 4, 5, 6, 7, action_to_button (tertiary, 8), /* "Back" */ }; XSetDeviceButtonMapping (xdisplay, xdev, map, G_N_ELEMENTS (map)); } meta_clutter_x11_untrap_x_errors (); } static void meta_input_settings_x11_set_mouse_middle_click_emulation (MetaInputSettings *settings, ClutterInputDevice *device, gboolean enabled) { guchar value = enabled ? 1 : 0; ClutterInputCapabilities caps = clutter_input_device_get_capabilities (device); if ((caps & CLUTTER_INPUT_CAPABILITY_POINTER) == 0) return; if ((caps & (CLUTTER_INPUT_CAPABILITY_TRACKBALL | CLUTTER_INPUT_CAPABILITY_TOUCHPAD | CLUTTER_INPUT_CAPABILITY_TRACKPOINT)) != 0) return; change_property (settings, device, "libinput Middle Emulation Enabled", XA_INTEGER, 8, &value, 1); } static void meta_input_settings_x11_set_touchpad_middle_click_emulation (MetaInputSettings *settings, ClutterInputDevice *device, gboolean enabled) { guchar value = enabled ? 1 : 0; ClutterInputCapabilities caps = clutter_input_device_get_capabilities (device); if ((caps & CLUTTER_INPUT_CAPABILITY_TOUCHPAD) == 0) return; change_property (settings, device, "libinput Middle Emulation Enabled", XA_INTEGER, 8, &value, 1); } static void meta_input_settings_x11_set_trackball_middle_click_emulation (MetaInputSettings *settings, ClutterInputDevice *device, gboolean enabled) { guchar value = enabled ? 1 : 0; ClutterInputCapabilities caps = clutter_input_device_get_capabilities (device); if ((caps & CLUTTER_INPUT_CAPABILITY_TRACKBALL) == 0) return; change_property (settings, device, "libinput Middle Emulation Enabled", XA_INTEGER, 8, &value, 1); } static void meta_input_settings_x11_set_stylus_pressure (MetaInputSettings *settings, ClutterInputDevice *device, ClutterInputDeviceTool *tool, const gint32 pressure[4]) { guint32 values[4] = { pressure[0], pressure[1], pressure[2], pressure[3] }; change_property (settings, device, "Wacom Pressurecurve", XA_INTEGER, 32, &values, G_N_ELEMENTS (values)); } static void meta_input_settings_x11_class_init (MetaInputSettingsX11Class *klass) { MetaInputSettingsClass *input_settings_class = META_INPUT_SETTINGS_CLASS (klass); input_settings_class->set_send_events = meta_input_settings_x11_set_send_events; input_settings_class->set_matrix = meta_input_settings_x11_set_matrix; input_settings_class->set_speed = meta_input_settings_x11_set_speed; input_settings_class->set_left_handed = meta_input_settings_x11_set_left_handed; input_settings_class->set_tap_enabled = meta_input_settings_x11_set_tap_enabled; input_settings_class->set_tap_button_map = meta_input_settings_x11_set_tap_button_map; input_settings_class->set_tap_and_drag_enabled = meta_input_settings_x11_set_tap_and_drag_enabled; input_settings_class->set_tap_and_drag_lock_enabled = meta_input_settings_x11_set_tap_and_drag_lock_enabled; input_settings_class->set_disable_while_typing = meta_input_settings_x11_set_disable_while_typing; input_settings_class->set_invert_scroll = meta_input_settings_x11_set_invert_scroll; input_settings_class->set_edge_scroll = meta_input_settings_x11_set_edge_scroll; input_settings_class->set_two_finger_scroll = meta_input_settings_x11_set_two_finger_scroll; input_settings_class->set_scroll_button = meta_input_settings_x11_set_scroll_button; input_settings_class->set_click_method = meta_input_settings_x11_set_click_method; input_settings_class->set_keyboard_repeat = meta_input_settings_x11_set_keyboard_repeat; input_settings_class->set_tablet_mapping = meta_input_settings_x11_set_tablet_mapping; input_settings_class->set_tablet_aspect_ratio = meta_input_settings_x11_set_tablet_aspect_ratio; input_settings_class->set_tablet_area = meta_input_settings_x11_set_tablet_area; input_settings_class->set_mouse_accel_profile = meta_input_settings_x11_set_mouse_accel_profile; input_settings_class->set_touchpad_accel_profile = meta_input_settings_x11_set_touchpad_accel_profile; input_settings_class->set_trackball_accel_profile = meta_input_settings_x11_set_trackball_accel_profile; input_settings_class->set_stylus_pressure = meta_input_settings_x11_set_stylus_pressure; input_settings_class->set_stylus_button_map = meta_input_settings_x11_set_stylus_button_map; input_settings_class->set_mouse_middle_click_emulation = meta_input_settings_x11_set_mouse_middle_click_emulation; input_settings_class->set_touchpad_middle_click_emulation = meta_input_settings_x11_set_touchpad_middle_click_emulation; input_settings_class->set_trackball_middle_click_emulation = meta_input_settings_x11_set_trackball_middle_click_emulation; input_settings_class->has_two_finger_scroll = meta_input_settings_x11_has_two_finger_scroll; } static void meta_input_settings_x11_init (MetaInputSettingsX11 *settings) { }