#!/bin/bash # This script will download and setup a cross compilation environment # for targetting Win32 from Linux. It can also be used to build on # Windows under the MSYS/MinGW environment. It will use the GTK # binaries from Tor Lillqvist. TOR_URL="http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/binaries/win32"; TOR_BINARIES=( \ glib/2.28/glib{-dev,}_2.28.8-1_win32.zip \ pango/1.28/pango{-dev,}_1.28.0-1_win32.zip); TOR_DEP_URL="http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/binaries/win32/dependencies"; TOR_DEPS=( \ cairo{-dev,}_1.10.0-2_win32.zip \ gettext-runtime-{dev-,}0.17-1.zip \ fontconfig{-dev,}_2.8.0-2_win32.zip \ freetype{-dev,}_2.3.12-1_win32.zip \ expat_2.0.1-1_win32.zip \ libpng{-dev,}_1.4.0-1_win32.zip \ zlib{-dev,}_1.2.4-2_win32.zip ); GL_HEADER_URLS=( \ http://cgit.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/plain/include/GL/gl.h \ http://www.opengl.org/registry/api/glext.h ); GL_HEADERS=( gl.h glext.h ); CONFIG_GUESS_URL="http://git.savannah.gnu.org/gitweb/?p=automake.git;a=blob_plain;f=lib/config.guess" function download_file () { local url="$1"; shift; local filename="$1"; shift; if test -f "$DOWNLOAD_DIR/$filename"; then echo "Skipping download of $filename because the file already exists"; return 0; fi; case "$DOWNLOAD_PROG" in curl) curl -o "$DOWNLOAD_DIR/$filename" "$url"; ;; *) $DOWNLOAD_PROG -O "$DOWNLOAD_DIR/$filename" "$url"; ;; esac; if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Downloading ${url} failed."; exit 1; fi; } function guess_dir () { local var="$1"; shift; local suffix="$1"; shift; local msg="$1"; shift; local prompt="$1"; shift; local dir="${!var}"; if [ -z "$dir" ]; then echo "Please enter ${msg}."; dir="$PWD/$suffix"; read -r -p "$prompt [$dir] "; if [ -n "$REPLY" ]; then dir="$REPLY"; fi; fi; eval $var="\"$dir\""; if [ ! -d "$dir" ]; then if ! mkdir -p "$dir"; then echo "Error making directory $dir"; exit 1; fi; fi; } function y_or_n () { local prompt="$1"; shift; while true; do read -p "${prompt} [y/n] " -n 1; echo; case "$REPLY" in y) return 0 ;; n) return 1 ;; *) echo "Please press y or n" ;; esac; done; } function do_unzip () { do_unzip_d "$ROOT_DIR" "$@"; } function do_unzip_d () { local exdir="$1"; shift; local zipfile="$1"; shift; unzip -o -q -d "$exdir" "$zipfile" "$@"; if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to extract $zipfile"; exit 1; fi; } function do_untar_source () { do_untar_source_d "$BUILD_DIR" "$@"; } function do_untar_source_d () { local exdir="$1"; shift; local tarfile="$1"; shift; tar -C "$exdir" -zxvf "$tarfile" "$@"; if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to extract $tarfile"; exit 1; fi; } function add_env () { echo "export $1=\"$2\"" >> $env_file; } function find_compiler () { local gccbin fullpath; if [ -z "$MINGW_TOOL_PREFIX" ]; then for gccbin in i{3,4,5,6}86{-pc,}-mingw32{,msvc}-gcc; do fullpath="`which $gccbin 2>/dev/null`"; if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]; then MINGW_TOOL_PREFIX="${fullpath%%gcc}"; break; fi; done; if [ -z "$MINGW_TOOL_PREFIX" ]; then echo; echo "No suitable cross compiler was found."; echo; echo "If you already have a compiler installed,"; echo "please set the MINGW_TOOL_PREFIX variable"; echo "to point to its location without the"; echo "gcc suffix (eg: \"/usr/bin/i386-mingw32-\")."; echo; echo "If you are using Ubuntu, you can install a"; echo "compiler by typing:"; echo; echo " sudo apt-get install mingw32"; echo; echo "Otherwise you can try following the instructions here:"; echo; echo " http://www.libsdl.org/extras/win32/cross/README.txt"; exit 1; fi; fi; TARGET="${MINGW_TOOL_PREFIX##*/}"; TARGET="${TARGET%%-}"; echo "Using compiler ${MINGW_TOOL_PREFIX}gcc and target $TARGET"; } function do_cross_compile () { local dep="$1"; shift; local builddir="$BUILD_DIR/$dep"; cd "$builddir" ./configure --prefix="$ROOT_DIR" --host="$TARGET" --target="$TARGET" --build="`./config.guess`" CFLAGS="-mms-bitfields" PKG_CONFIG="$RUN_PKG_CONFIG"; if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to configure $dep"; exit 1; fi; make all install if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to build $dep"; exit 1; fi; } # If a download directory hasn't been specified then try to guess one # but ask for confirmation first guess_dir DOWNLOAD_DIR "downloads" \ "the directory to download to" "Download directory"; # Try to guess a download program if none has been specified if [ -z "$DOWNLOAD_PROG" ]; then # If no download program has been specified then check if wget or # curl exists #wget first, because my curl can't download libsdl... for x in wget curl; do if [ "`type -t $x`" != "" ]; then DOWNLOAD_PROG="$x"; break; fi; done; if [ -z "$DOWNLOAD_PROG" ]; then echo "No DOWNLOAD_PROG was set and neither wget nor curl is "; echo "available."; exit 1; fi; fi; # If a download directory hasn't been specified then try to guess one # but ask for confirmation first guess_dir ROOT_DIR "cogl-cross" \ "the root prefix for the build environment" "Root dir"; SLASH_SCRIPT='s/\//\\\//g'; quoted_root_dir=`echo "$ROOT_DIR" | sed "$SLASH_SCRIPT" `; # If a build directory hasn't been specified then try to guess one # but ask for confirmation first guess_dir BUILD_DIR "build" \ "the directory to build source dependencies in" "Build directory"; ## # Download files ## for bin in "${TOR_BINARIES[@]}"; do bn="${bin##*/}"; download_file "$TOR_URL/$bin" "$bn" done; for dep in "${TOR_DEPS[@]}"; do download_file "$TOR_DEP_URL/$dep" "$dep"; done; for dep in "${OTHER_DEPS[@]}"; do bn="${dep##*/}"; download_file "$dep" "$bn"; done; for dep in "${GL_HEADER_URLS[@]}"; do bn="${dep##*/}"; download_file "$dep" "$bn"; done; download_file "$CONFIG_GUESS_URL" "config.guess"; ## # Extract files ## for bin in "${TOR_BINARIES[@]}"; do echo "Extracting $bin..."; bn="${bin##*/}"; do_unzip "$DOWNLOAD_DIR/$bn"; done; for dep in "${TOR_DEPS[@]}"; do echo "Extracting $dep..."; do_unzip "$DOWNLOAD_DIR/$dep"; done; echo "Fixing pkgconfig files..."; for x in "$ROOT_DIR/lib/pkgconfig/"*.pc; do sed "s/^prefix=.*\$/prefix=${quoted_root_dir}/" \ < "$x" > "$x.tmp"; mv "$x.tmp" "$x"; done; # The Pango FT pc file hardcodes the include path for freetype, so it # needs to be fixed separately sed -e 's/^Cflags:.*$/Cflags: -I${includedir}\/pango-1.0 -I${includedir}\/freetype2/' \ -e 's/^\(Libs:.*\)$/\1 -lfreetype -lfontconfig/' \ < "$ROOT_DIR/lib/pkgconfig/pangoft2.pc" \ > "$ROOT_DIR/lib/pkgconfig/pangoft2.pc.tmp"; mv "$ROOT_DIR/lib/pkgconfig/pangoft2.pc"{.tmp,}; echo "Copying GL headers..."; if ! ( test -d "$ROOT_DIR/include/GL" || \ mkdir "$ROOT_DIR/include/GL" ); then echo "Failed to create GL header directory"; exit 1; fi; for header in "${GL_HEADERS[@]}"; do if ! cp "$DOWNLOAD_DIR/$header" "$ROOT_DIR/include/GL/"; then echo "Failed to copy $header"; exit 1; fi; done; RUN_PKG_CONFIG="$BUILD_DIR/run-pkg-config.sh"; echo "Generating $BUILD_DIR/run-pkg-config.sh"; cat > "$RUN_PKG_CONFIG" <