noinst_PROGRAMS = test-unit

test_unit_SOURCES = test-unit-main.c


# For convenience, this provides a way to easily run individual unit tests:
.PHONY: wrappers clean-wrappers

wrappers: stamp-test-unit
stamp-test-unit: Makefile test-unit$(EXEEXT)
	@mkdir -p wrappers
	. $(top_builddir)/cogl/ ; \
	  $(NM) $(top_builddir)/cogl/.libs/"$$dlname"| \
	  grep '[DR] _\?unit_test_'|sed 's/.\+ [DR] _\?//' > unit-tests
	@chmod +x $(top_srcdir)/tests/
	@( echo "/stamp-test-unit" ; \
	   echo "/test-unit$(EXEEXT)" ; \
	   echo "*.o" ; \
	   echo ".gitignore" ; \
	   echo "unit-tests" ; ) > .gitignore
	@for i in `cat unit-tests`; \
	do \
		unit=`echo $$i | sed -e s/_/-/g | sed s/unit-test-//`; \
		echo "  GEN    $$unit"; \
		( echo "#!/bin/sh" ; echo "$(top_srcdir)/tests/ $(abs_builddir)/test-unit$(EXEEXT) 'unit_test_' '$$i' \"\$$@\"" ) > $$unit$(SHEXT) ; \
		chmod +x $$unit$(SHEXT); \
		echo "/$$unit$(SHEXT)" >> .gitignore; \
	done \
	&& echo timestamp > $(@F)

	@for i in `cat unit-tests`; \
	do \
		unit=`echo $$i | sed -e s/_/-/g | sed s/unit-test-//`; \
		echo "  RM     $$unit"; \
		rm -f $$unit$(SHEXT) ; \
	done \
	&& rm -f unit-tests \
	&& rm -f stamp-test-unit

# NB: BUILT_SOURCES here a misnomer. We aren't building source, just inserting
# a phony rule that will generate symlink scripts for running individual tests
BUILT_SOURCES = wrappers

# The include of the $(buildir)/cogl directory here is to make it so
# that tests that directly include Cogl source code for whitebox
# testing (such as test-bitmask) will still compile
	-I$(top_srcdir) \
	-I$(top_srcdir)/test-fixtures \

	-DTESTS_DATADIR=\""$(top_srcdir)/tests/data"\" \

test_unit_LDADD = \
	$(top_builddir)/cogl/ \
test_unit_LDFLAGS = -export-dynamic

# XXX: uncomment when tests get fixed
#test: wrappers
#	@$(top_srcdir)/tests/ $(abs_builddir)/../config.env $(abs_builddir)/test-unit$(EXEEXT)

# XXX: we could prevent the unit test suite from running
#      by simply defining this variable conditionally
TEST_PROGS = test-unit

.PHONY: test


# we override the clean-generic target to clean up the wrappers so
# we cannot use CLEANFILES
clean-generic: clean-wrappers
	$(QUIET_RM)rm -f .log