/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- */ /* * Copyright (C) 2001 Havoc Pennington * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . */ #include "config.h" #include "ui/theme-private.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "core/util-private.h" #include "meta/prefs.h" #include "ui/frames.h" static void scale_border (GtkBorder *border, double factor); static MetaFrameLayout * meta_frame_layout_new (void) { MetaFrameLayout *layout; layout = g_new0 (MetaFrameLayout, 1); /* Spacing as hardcoded in GTK+: * https://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/tree/gtk/gtkheaderbar.c?h=gtk-3-14#n53 */ layout->titlebar_spacing = 6; layout->has_title = TRUE; layout->title_scale = PANGO_SCALE_MEDIUM; layout->icon_size = META_MINI_ICON_WIDTH; return layout; } static void meta_frame_layout_free (MetaFrameLayout *layout) { g_return_if_fail (layout != NULL); g_free (layout); } static void meta_frame_layout_get_borders (const MetaFrameLayout *layout, int text_height, MetaFrameFlags flags, MetaFrameType type, MetaFrameBorders *borders) { int buttons_height, content_height, draggable_borders; int scale = meta_theme_get_window_scaling_factor (); meta_frame_borders_clear (borders); /* For a full-screen window, we don't have any borders, visible or not. */ if (flags & META_FRAME_FULLSCREEN) return; g_return_if_fail (layout != NULL); if (!layout->has_title) text_height = 0; else text_height = layout->title_margin.top + text_height + layout->title_margin.bottom; buttons_height = MAX ((int)layout->icon_size, layout->button_min_size.height) + layout->button_margin.top + layout->button_border.top + layout->button_margin.bottom + layout->button_border.bottom; content_height = MAX (buttons_height, text_height); content_height = MAX (content_height, layout->titlebar_min_size.height) + layout->titlebar_border.top + layout->titlebar_border.bottom; borders->visible.top = layout->frame_border.top + content_height; borders->visible.left = layout->frame_border.left; borders->visible.right = layout->frame_border.right; borders->visible.bottom = layout->frame_border.bottom; borders->invisible = layout->invisible_border; draggable_borders = meta_prefs_get_draggable_border_width (); if (flags & META_FRAME_ALLOWS_HORIZONTAL_RESIZE) { borders->invisible.left = MAX (borders->invisible.left, draggable_borders - borders->visible.left); borders->invisible.right = MAX (borders->invisible.right, draggable_borders - borders->visible.right); } if (flags & META_FRAME_ALLOWS_VERTICAL_RESIZE) { borders->invisible.bottom = MAX (borders->invisible.bottom, draggable_borders - borders->visible.bottom); /* borders.visible.top is the height of the *title bar*. We can't do the same * algorithm here, titlebars are expectedly much bigger. Just subtract a couple * pixels to get a proper feel. */ if (type != META_FRAME_TYPE_ATTACHED) borders->invisible.top = MAX (borders->invisible.top, draggable_borders - 2); } borders->total.left = borders->invisible.left + borders->visible.left; borders->total.right = borders->invisible.right + borders->visible.right; borders->total.bottom = borders->invisible.bottom + borders->visible.bottom; borders->total.top = borders->invisible.top + borders->visible.top; /* Scale geometry for HiDPI, see comment in meta_frame_layout_draw_with_style() */ scale_border (&borders->visible, scale); scale_border (&borders->invisible, scale); scale_border (&borders->total, scale); } int meta_theme_get_window_scaling_factor (void) { GdkScreen *screen; GValue value = G_VALUE_INIT; g_value_init (&value, G_TYPE_INT); screen = gdk_screen_get_default (); if (gdk_screen_get_setting (screen, "gdk-window-scaling-factor", &value)) return g_value_get_int (&value); else return 1; } void meta_frame_layout_apply_scale (const MetaFrameLayout *layout, PangoFontDescription *font_desc) { int size = pango_font_description_get_size (font_desc); double scale = layout->title_scale / meta_theme_get_window_scaling_factor (); pango_font_description_set_size (font_desc, MAX (size * scale, 1)); } static MetaButtonSpace* rect_for_function (MetaFrameGeometry *fgeom, MetaFrameFlags flags, MetaButtonFunction function, MetaTheme *theme) { switch (function) { case META_BUTTON_FUNCTION_MENU: if (flags & META_FRAME_ALLOWS_MENU) return &fgeom->menu_rect; else return NULL; case META_BUTTON_FUNCTION_MINIMIZE: if (flags & META_FRAME_ALLOWS_MINIMIZE) return &fgeom->min_rect; else return NULL; case META_BUTTON_FUNCTION_MAXIMIZE: if (flags & META_FRAME_ALLOWS_MAXIMIZE) return &fgeom->max_rect; else return NULL; case META_BUTTON_FUNCTION_CLOSE: if (flags & META_FRAME_ALLOWS_DELETE) return &fgeom->close_rect; else return NULL; case META_BUTTON_FUNCTION_LAST: return NULL; } return NULL; } static gboolean strip_button (MetaButtonSpace *func_rects[MAX_BUTTONS_PER_CORNER], int *n_rects, MetaButtonSpace *to_strip) { int i; i = 0; while (i < *n_rects) { if (func_rects[i] == to_strip) { *n_rects -= 1; /* shift the other rects back in the array */ while (i < *n_rects) { func_rects[i] = func_rects[i+1]; ++i; } func_rects[i] = NULL; return TRUE; } ++i; } return FALSE; /* did not strip anything */ } static void get_padding_and_border (GtkStyleContext *style, GtkBorder *border) { GtkBorder tmp; GtkStateFlags state = gtk_style_context_get_state (style); gtk_style_context_get_border (style, state, border); gtk_style_context_get_padding (style, state, &tmp); border->left += tmp.left; border->top += tmp.top; border->right += tmp.right; border->bottom += tmp.bottom; } static void get_min_size (GtkStyleContext *style, GtkRequisition *requisition) { gtk_style_context_get (style, gtk_style_context_get_state (style), "min-width", &requisition->width, "min-height", &requisition->height, NULL); } static void scale_border (GtkBorder *border, double factor) { border->left *= factor; border->right *= factor; border->top *= factor; border->bottom *= factor; } static void meta_frame_layout_sync_with_style (MetaFrameLayout *layout, MetaStyleInfo *style_info, MetaFrameFlags flags) { GtkStyleContext *style; GtkBorder border; GtkRequisition requisition; GdkRectangle clip_rect; int border_radius, max_radius; meta_style_info_set_flags (style_info, flags); style = style_info->styles[META_STYLE_ELEMENT_FRAME]; get_padding_and_border (style, &layout->frame_border); scale_border (&layout->frame_border, layout->title_scale); gtk_render_background_get_clip (style, 0, 0, 0, 0, &clip_rect); layout->invisible_border.left = -clip_rect.x; layout->invisible_border.right = clip_rect.width + clip_rect.x; layout->invisible_border.top = -clip_rect.y; layout->invisible_border.bottom = clip_rect.height + clip_rect.y; if (layout->hide_buttons) layout->icon_size = 0; if (!layout->has_title && layout->hide_buttons) return; /* border-only - be done */ style = style_info->styles[META_STYLE_ELEMENT_TITLEBAR]; gtk_style_context_get (style, gtk_style_context_get_state (style), "border-radius", &border_radius, NULL); /* GTK+ currently does not allow us to look up radii of individual * corners; however we don't clip the client area, so with the * current trend of using small/no visible frame borders, most * themes should work fine with this. */ layout->top_left_corner_rounded_radius = border_radius; layout->top_right_corner_rounded_radius = border_radius; max_radius = MIN (layout->frame_border.bottom, layout->frame_border.left); layout->bottom_left_corner_rounded_radius = MAX (border_radius, max_radius); max_radius = MIN (layout->frame_border.bottom, layout->frame_border.right); layout->bottom_right_corner_rounded_radius = MAX (border_radius, max_radius); get_min_size (style, &layout->titlebar_min_size); get_padding_and_border (style, &layout->titlebar_border); scale_border (&layout->titlebar_border, layout->title_scale); style = style_info->styles[META_STYLE_ELEMENT_TITLE]; gtk_style_context_get_margin (style, gtk_style_context_get_state (style), &layout->title_margin); scale_border (&layout->title_margin, layout->title_scale); style = style_info->styles[META_STYLE_ELEMENT_BUTTON]; get_min_size (style, &layout->button_min_size); get_padding_and_border (style, &layout->button_border); scale_border (&layout->button_border, layout->title_scale); gtk_style_context_get_margin (style, gtk_style_context_get_state (style), &layout->button_margin); scale_border (&layout->button_margin, layout->title_scale); style = style_info->styles[META_STYLE_ELEMENT_IMAGE]; get_min_size (style, &requisition); get_padding_and_border (style, &border); scale_border (&border, layout->title_scale); layout->button_border.left += border.left; layout->button_border.right += border.right; layout->button_border.top += border.top; layout->button_border.bottom += border.bottom; gtk_style_context_get_margin (style, gtk_style_context_get_state (style), &border); layout->button_border.left += border.left; layout->button_border.right += border.right; layout->button_border.top += border.top; layout->button_border.bottom += border.bottom; layout->button_min_size.width = MAX(layout->button_min_size.width, requisition.width); layout->button_min_size.height = MAX(layout->button_min_size.height, requisition.height); } static void meta_frame_layout_calc_geometry (MetaFrameLayout *layout, MetaStyleInfo *style_info, int text_height, MetaFrameFlags flags, int client_width, int client_height, const MetaButtonLayout *button_layout, MetaFrameType type, MetaFrameGeometry *fgeom, MetaTheme *theme) { int i, n_left, n_right, n_left_spacers, n_right_spacers; int x; int button_y; int title_right_edge; int width, height; int content_width, content_height; int button_width, button_height; int min_size_for_rounding; int scale = meta_theme_get_window_scaling_factor (); /* the left/right rects in order; the max # of rects * is the number of button functions */ MetaButtonSpace *left_func_rects[MAX_BUTTONS_PER_CORNER]; MetaButtonSpace *right_func_rects[MAX_BUTTONS_PER_CORNER]; gboolean left_buttons_has_spacer[MAX_BUTTONS_PER_CORNER]; gboolean right_buttons_has_spacer[MAX_BUTTONS_PER_CORNER]; MetaFrameBorders borders; meta_frame_layout_sync_with_style (layout, style_info, flags); meta_frame_layout_get_borders (layout, text_height, flags, type, &borders); fgeom->borders = borders; /* Scale geometry for HiDPI, see comment in meta_frame_layout_draw_with_style() */ fgeom->content_border = layout->frame_border; fgeom->content_border.left += layout->titlebar_border.left * scale; fgeom->content_border.right += layout->titlebar_border.right * scale; fgeom->content_border.top += layout->titlebar_border.top * scale; fgeom->content_border.bottom += layout->titlebar_border.bottom * scale; width = client_width + borders.total.left + borders.total.right; height = borders.total.top + borders.total.bottom; if (!(flags & META_FRAME_SHADED)) height += client_height; fgeom->width = width; fgeom->height = height; content_width = width - (fgeom->content_border.left + borders.invisible.left) - (fgeom->content_border.right + borders.invisible.right); content_height = borders.visible.top - fgeom->content_border.top - fgeom->content_border.bottom; button_width = MAX ((int)layout->icon_size, layout->button_min_size.width) + layout->button_border.left + layout->button_border.right; button_height = MAX ((int)layout->icon_size, layout->button_min_size.height) + layout->button_border.top + layout->button_border.bottom; button_width *= scale; button_height *= scale; /* FIXME all this code sort of pretends that duplicate buttons * with the same function are allowed, but that breaks the * code in frames.c, so isn't really allowed right now. * Would need left_close_rect, right_close_rect, etc. */ /* Init all button rects to 0, lame hack */ memset (ADDRESS_OF_BUTTON_RECTS (fgeom), '\0', LENGTH_OF_BUTTON_RECTS); n_left = 0; n_right = 0; n_left_spacers = 0; n_right_spacers = 0; if (!layout->hide_buttons) { /* Try to fill in rects */ for (i = 0; i < MAX_BUTTONS_PER_CORNER && button_layout->left_buttons[i] != META_BUTTON_FUNCTION_LAST; i++) { left_func_rects[n_left] = rect_for_function (fgeom, flags, button_layout->left_buttons[i], theme); if (left_func_rects[n_left] != NULL) { left_buttons_has_spacer[n_left] = button_layout->left_buttons_has_spacer[i]; if (button_layout->left_buttons_has_spacer[i]) ++n_left_spacers; ++n_left; } } for (i = 0; i < MAX_BUTTONS_PER_CORNER && button_layout->right_buttons[i] != META_BUTTON_FUNCTION_LAST; i++) { right_func_rects[n_right] = rect_for_function (fgeom, flags, button_layout->right_buttons[i], theme); if (right_func_rects[n_right] != NULL) { right_buttons_has_spacer[n_right] = button_layout->right_buttons_has_spacer[i]; if (button_layout->right_buttons_has_spacer[i]) ++n_right_spacers; ++n_right; } } } /* Be sure buttons fit */ while (n_left > 0 || n_right > 0) { int space_used_by_buttons; space_used_by_buttons = 0; space_used_by_buttons += layout->button_margin.left * scale * n_left; space_used_by_buttons += button_width * n_left; space_used_by_buttons += layout->button_margin.right * scale * n_left; space_used_by_buttons += (button_width * 0.75) * n_left_spacers; space_used_by_buttons += layout->titlebar_spacing * scale * MAX (n_left - 1, 0); space_used_by_buttons += layout->button_margin.left * scale * n_right; space_used_by_buttons += button_width * n_right; space_used_by_buttons += layout->button_margin.right * scale * n_right; space_used_by_buttons += (button_width * 0.75) * n_right_spacers; space_used_by_buttons += layout->titlebar_spacing * scale * MAX (n_right - 1, 0); if (space_used_by_buttons <= content_width) break; /* Everything fits, bail out */ /* First try to remove separators */ if (n_left_spacers > 0) { left_buttons_has_spacer[--n_left_spacers] = FALSE; continue; } else if (n_right_spacers > 0) { right_buttons_has_spacer[--n_right_spacers] = FALSE; continue; } /* Otherwise we need to shave out a button. Shave * min, max, close, then menu (menu is most useful); * prefer the default button locations. */ if (strip_button (left_func_rects, &n_left, &fgeom->min_rect)) continue; else if (strip_button (right_func_rects, &n_right, &fgeom->min_rect)) continue; else if (strip_button (left_func_rects, &n_left, &fgeom->max_rect)) continue; else if (strip_button (right_func_rects, &n_right, &fgeom->max_rect)) continue; else if (strip_button (left_func_rects, &n_left, &fgeom->close_rect)) continue; else if (strip_button (right_func_rects, &n_right, &fgeom->close_rect)) continue; else if (strip_button (right_func_rects, &n_right, &fgeom->menu_rect)) continue; else if (strip_button (left_func_rects, &n_left, &fgeom->menu_rect)) continue; else { meta_bug ("Could not find a button to strip. n_left = %d n_right = %d\n", n_left, n_right); } } /* Save the button layout */ fgeom->button_layout = *button_layout; fgeom->n_left_buttons = n_left; fgeom->n_right_buttons = n_right; /* center buttons vertically */ button_y = fgeom->content_border.top + borders.invisible.top + (content_height - button_height) / 2; /* right edge of farthest-right button */ x = width - fgeom->content_border.right - borders.invisible.right; i = n_right - 1; while (i >= 0) { MetaButtonSpace *rect; if (x < 0) /* if we go negative, leave the buttons we don't get to as 0-width */ break; x -= layout->button_margin.right * scale; rect = right_func_rects[i]; rect->visible.x = x - button_width; if (right_buttons_has_spacer[i]) rect->visible.x -= (button_width * 0.75); rect->visible.y = button_y; rect->visible.width = button_width; rect->visible.height = button_height; if (flags & META_FRAME_MAXIMIZED || flags & META_FRAME_TILED_LEFT || flags & META_FRAME_TILED_RIGHT) { rect->clickable.x = rect->visible.x; rect->clickable.y = 0; rect->clickable.width = rect->visible.width; rect->clickable.height = button_height + button_y; if (i == n_right - 1) rect->clickable.width += fgeom->content_border.right; } else memmove (&(rect->clickable), &(rect->visible), sizeof (rect->clickable)); x = rect->visible.x - layout->button_margin.left * scale; if (i > 0) x -= layout->titlebar_spacing * scale; --i; } /* save right edge of titlebar for later use */ title_right_edge = x; /* Now x changes to be position from the left and we go through * the left-side buttons */ x = fgeom->content_border.left + borders.invisible.left; for (i = 0; i < n_left; i++) { MetaButtonSpace *rect; x += layout->button_margin.left * scale; rect = left_func_rects[i]; rect->visible.x = x; rect->visible.y = button_y; rect->visible.width = button_width; rect->visible.height = button_height; if (flags & META_FRAME_MAXIMIZED) { if (i==0) { rect->clickable.x = 0; rect->clickable.width = button_width + x; } else { rect->clickable.x = rect->visible.x; rect->clickable.width = button_width; } rect->clickable.y = 0; rect->clickable.height = button_height + button_y; } else memmove (&(rect->clickable), &(rect->visible), sizeof (rect->clickable)); x = rect->visible.x + rect->visible.width + layout->button_margin.right * scale; if (i < n_left - 1) x += layout->titlebar_spacing * scale; if (left_buttons_has_spacer[i]) x += (button_width * 0.75); } /* Center vertically in the available content area */ fgeom->title_rect.x = x; fgeom->title_rect.y = fgeom->content_border.top + borders.invisible.top + (content_height - text_height) / 2; fgeom->title_rect.width = title_right_edge - fgeom->title_rect.x; fgeom->title_rect.height = text_height; /* Nuke title if it won't fit */ if (fgeom->title_rect.width < 0 || fgeom->title_rect.height < 0) { fgeom->title_rect.width = 0; fgeom->title_rect.height = 0; } if (flags & META_FRAME_SHADED) min_size_for_rounding = 0; else min_size_for_rounding = 5 * scale; fgeom->top_left_corner_rounded_radius = 0; fgeom->top_right_corner_rounded_radius = 0; fgeom->bottom_left_corner_rounded_radius = 0; fgeom->bottom_right_corner_rounded_radius = 0; if (borders.visible.top + borders.visible.left >= min_size_for_rounding) fgeom->top_left_corner_rounded_radius = layout->top_left_corner_rounded_radius * scale; if (borders.visible.top + borders.visible.right >= min_size_for_rounding) fgeom->top_right_corner_rounded_radius = layout->top_right_corner_rounded_radius * scale; if (borders.visible.bottom + borders.visible.left >= min_size_for_rounding) fgeom->bottom_left_corner_rounded_radius = layout->bottom_left_corner_rounded_radius * scale; if (borders.visible.bottom + borders.visible.right >= min_size_for_rounding) fgeom->bottom_right_corner_rounded_radius = layout->bottom_right_corner_rounded_radius * scale; } static void get_button_rect (MetaButtonType type, const MetaFrameGeometry *fgeom, GdkRectangle *rect) { switch (type) { case META_BUTTON_TYPE_CLOSE: *rect = fgeom->close_rect.visible; break; case META_BUTTON_TYPE_MAXIMIZE: *rect = fgeom->max_rect.visible; break; case META_BUTTON_TYPE_MINIMIZE: *rect = fgeom->min_rect.visible; break; case META_BUTTON_TYPE_MENU: *rect = fgeom->menu_rect.visible; break; default: case META_BUTTON_TYPE_LAST: g_assert_not_reached (); break; } } static const char * get_class_from_button_type (MetaButtonType type) { switch (type) { case META_BUTTON_TYPE_CLOSE: return "close"; case META_BUTTON_TYPE_MAXIMIZE: return "maximize"; case META_BUTTON_TYPE_MINIMIZE: return "minimize"; default: return NULL; } } static void meta_frame_layout_draw_with_style (MetaFrameLayout *layout, MetaStyleInfo *style_info, cairo_t *cr, const MetaFrameGeometry *fgeom, PangoLayout *title_layout, MetaFrameFlags flags, MetaButtonState button_states[META_BUTTON_TYPE_LAST], cairo_surface_t *mini_icon) { GtkStyleContext *style; GtkStateFlags state; MetaButtonType button_type; GdkRectangle visible_rect; GdkRectangle titlebar_rect; GdkRectangle button_rect; const MetaFrameBorders *borders; cairo_surface_t *frame_surface; double xscale, yscale; int scale; /* We opt out of GTK+/Clutter's HiDPI handling, so we have to do the scaling * ourselves; the nitty-gritty is a bit confusing, so here is an overview: * - the values in MetaFrameLayout are always as they appear in the theme, * i.e. unscaled * - calculated values (borders, MetaFrameGeometry) include the scale - as * the geometry is comprised of scaled decorations and the client size * which we must not scale, we don't have another option * - for drawing, we scale the canvas to have GTK+ render elements (borders, * radii, ...) at the correct scale - as a result, we have to "unscale" * the geometry again to not apply the scaling twice * - As per commit e36b629c GTK expects the device scale to be set and match * the final scaling or the surface caching won't take this in account * breaking -gtk-scaled items. */ scale = meta_theme_get_window_scaling_factor (); frame_surface = cairo_get_target (cr); cairo_surface_get_device_scale (frame_surface, &xscale, &yscale); cairo_surface_set_device_scale (frame_surface, scale, scale); borders = &fgeom->borders; visible_rect.x = borders->invisible.left / scale; visible_rect.y = borders->invisible.top / scale; visible_rect.width = (fgeom->width - borders->invisible.left - borders->invisible.right) / scale; visible_rect.height = (fgeom->height - borders->invisible.top - borders->invisible.bottom) / scale; meta_style_info_set_flags (style_info, flags); style = style_info->styles[META_STYLE_ELEMENT_FRAME]; gtk_render_background (style, cr, visible_rect.x, visible_rect.y, visible_rect.width, visible_rect.height); gtk_render_frame (style, cr, visible_rect.x, visible_rect.y, visible_rect.width, visible_rect.height); titlebar_rect.x = visible_rect.x; titlebar_rect.y = visible_rect.y; titlebar_rect.width = visible_rect.width; titlebar_rect.height = borders->visible.top / scale; style = style_info->styles[META_STYLE_ELEMENT_TITLEBAR]; gtk_render_background (style, cr, titlebar_rect.x, titlebar_rect.y, titlebar_rect.width, titlebar_rect.height); gtk_render_frame (style, cr, titlebar_rect.x, titlebar_rect.y, titlebar_rect.width, titlebar_rect.height); if (layout->has_title && title_layout) { PangoRectangle logical; int text_width, x, y; pango_layout_set_width (title_layout, -1); pango_layout_get_pixel_extents (title_layout, NULL, &logical); text_width = MIN(fgeom->title_rect.width / scale, logical.width); if (text_width < logical.width) pango_layout_set_width (title_layout, PANGO_SCALE * text_width); /* Center within the frame if possible */ x = titlebar_rect.x + (titlebar_rect.width - text_width) / 2; y = titlebar_rect.y + (titlebar_rect.height - logical.height) / 2; if (x < fgeom->title_rect.x / scale) x = fgeom->title_rect.x / scale; else if (x + text_width > (fgeom->title_rect.x + fgeom->title_rect.width) / scale) x = (fgeom->title_rect.x + fgeom->title_rect.width) / scale - text_width; style = style_info->styles[META_STYLE_ELEMENT_TITLE]; gtk_render_layout (style, cr, x, y, title_layout); } style = style_info->styles[META_STYLE_ELEMENT_BUTTON]; state = gtk_style_context_get_state (style); for (button_type = META_BUTTON_TYPE_CLOSE; button_type < META_BUTTON_TYPE_LAST; button_type++) { const char *button_class = get_class_from_button_type (button_type); if (button_class) gtk_style_context_add_class (style, button_class); get_button_rect (button_type, fgeom, &button_rect); button_rect.x /= scale; button_rect.y /= scale; button_rect.width /= scale; button_rect.height /= scale; if (button_states[button_type] == META_BUTTON_STATE_PRELIGHT) gtk_style_context_set_state (style, state | GTK_STATE_PRELIGHT); else if (button_states[button_type] == META_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED) gtk_style_context_set_state (style, state | GTK_STATE_ACTIVE); else gtk_style_context_set_state (style, state); cairo_save (cr); if (button_rect.width > 0 && button_rect.height > 0) { cairo_surface_t *surface = NULL; const char *icon_name = NULL; gtk_render_background (style, cr, button_rect.x, button_rect.y, button_rect.width, button_rect.height); gtk_render_frame (style, cr, button_rect.x, button_rect.y, button_rect.width, button_rect.height); switch (button_type) { case META_BUTTON_TYPE_CLOSE: icon_name = "window-close-symbolic"; break; case META_BUTTON_TYPE_MAXIMIZE: if (flags & META_FRAME_MAXIMIZED) icon_name = "window-restore-symbolic"; else icon_name = "window-maximize-symbolic"; break; case META_BUTTON_TYPE_MINIMIZE: icon_name = "window-minimize-symbolic"; break; case META_BUTTON_TYPE_MENU: icon_name = "open-menu-symbolic"; break; default: icon_name = NULL; break; } if (icon_name) { GtkIconTheme *theme = gtk_icon_theme_get_default (); GtkIconInfo *info; GdkPixbuf *pixbuf; info = gtk_icon_theme_lookup_icon_for_scale (theme, icon_name, layout->icon_size, scale, 0); pixbuf = gtk_icon_info_load_symbolic_for_context (info, style, NULL, NULL); surface = gdk_cairo_surface_create_from_pixbuf (pixbuf, scale, NULL); } if (surface) { float width, height; int x, y; width = cairo_image_surface_get_width (surface) / scale; height = cairo_image_surface_get_height (surface) / scale; x = button_rect.x + (button_rect.width - layout->icon_size) / 2; y = button_rect.y + (button_rect.height - layout->icon_size) / 2; cairo_translate (cr, x, y); cairo_scale (cr, layout->icon_size / width, layout->icon_size / height); cairo_set_source_surface (cr, surface, 0, 0); cairo_paint (cr); cairo_surface_destroy (surface); } } cairo_restore (cr); if (button_class) gtk_style_context_remove_class (style, button_class); gtk_style_context_set_state (style, state); } cairo_surface_set_device_scale (frame_surface, xscale, yscale); } /** * meta_theme_get_default: (skip) * */ MetaTheme* meta_theme_get_default (void) { static MetaTheme *theme = NULL; int frame_type; if (theme) return theme; theme = meta_theme_new (); for (frame_type = 0; frame_type < META_FRAME_TYPE_LAST; frame_type++) { MetaFrameLayout *layout = meta_frame_layout_new (); switch (frame_type) { case META_FRAME_TYPE_NORMAL: case META_FRAME_TYPE_DIALOG: case META_FRAME_TYPE_MODAL_DIALOG: case META_FRAME_TYPE_ATTACHED: break; case META_FRAME_TYPE_MENU: case META_FRAME_TYPE_UTILITY: layout->title_scale = PANGO_SCALE_SMALL; break; case META_FRAME_TYPE_BORDER: layout->has_title = FALSE; layout->hide_buttons = TRUE; break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } theme->layouts[frame_type] = layout; } return theme; } /** * meta_theme_new: (skip) * */ MetaTheme* meta_theme_new (void) { return g_new0 (MetaTheme, 1); } void meta_theme_free (MetaTheme *theme) { int i; g_return_if_fail (theme != NULL); for (i = 0; i < META_FRAME_TYPE_LAST; i++) if (theme->layouts[i]) meta_frame_layout_free (theme->layouts[i]); g_free (theme); } MetaFrameLayout* meta_theme_get_frame_layout (MetaTheme *theme, MetaFrameType type) { g_return_val_if_fail (type < META_FRAME_TYPE_LAST, NULL); return theme->layouts[type]; } static GtkStyleContext * create_style_context (GType widget_type, GtkStyleContext *parent_style, GtkCssProvider *provider, const char *object_name, const char *first_class, ...) { GtkStyleContext *style; GtkStateFlags state; GtkWidgetPath *path; const char *name; va_list ap; style = gtk_style_context_new (); gtk_style_context_set_scale (style, meta_theme_get_window_scaling_factor ()); gtk_style_context_set_parent (style, parent_style); if (parent_style) path = gtk_widget_path_copy (gtk_style_context_get_path (parent_style)); else path = gtk_widget_path_new (); gtk_widget_path_append_type (path, widget_type); if (object_name) gtk_widget_path_iter_set_object_name (path, -1, object_name); state = gtk_style_context_get_state (style); if (meta_get_locale_direction() == META_LOCALE_DIRECTION_RTL) { state |= GTK_STATE_FLAG_DIR_RTL; state &= ~GTK_STATE_FLAG_DIR_LTR; } else { state |= GTK_STATE_FLAG_DIR_LTR; state &= ~GTK_STATE_FLAG_DIR_RTL; } gtk_style_context_set_state (style, state); va_start (ap, first_class); for (name = first_class; name; name = va_arg (ap, const char *)) gtk_widget_path_iter_add_class (path, -1, name); va_end (ap); gtk_style_context_set_path (style, path); gtk_widget_path_unref (path); gtk_style_context_add_provider (style, GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER (provider), GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_SETTINGS); return style; } static inline GtkCssProvider * get_css_provider_for_theme_name (const gchar *theme_name, const gchar *variant) { static GtkCssProvider *default_provider = NULL; if (!theme_name || *theme_name == '\0') { if (G_UNLIKELY (default_provider == NULL)) default_provider = gtk_css_provider_new (); return default_provider; } return gtk_css_provider_get_named (theme_name, variant); } MetaStyleInfo * meta_theme_create_style_info (GdkScreen *screen, const gchar *variant) { MetaStyleInfo *style_info; GtkCssProvider *provider; char *theme_name; g_object_get (gtk_settings_get_for_screen (screen), "gtk-theme-name", &theme_name, NULL); provider = get_css_provider_for_theme_name (theme_name, variant); g_free (theme_name); style_info = g_new0 (MetaStyleInfo, 1); style_info->refcount = 1; style_info->styles[META_STYLE_ELEMENT_WINDOW] = create_style_context (META_TYPE_FRAMES, NULL, provider, "window", GTK_STYLE_CLASS_BACKGROUND, "ssd", NULL); style_info->styles[META_STYLE_ELEMENT_FRAME] = create_style_context (META_TYPE_FRAMES, style_info->styles[META_STYLE_ELEMENT_WINDOW], provider, "decoration", NULL); style_info->styles[META_STYLE_ELEMENT_TITLEBAR] = create_style_context (GTK_TYPE_HEADER_BAR, style_info->styles[META_STYLE_ELEMENT_FRAME], provider, "headerbar", GTK_STYLE_CLASS_TITLEBAR, GTK_STYLE_CLASS_HORIZONTAL, "default-decoration", NULL); style_info->styles[META_STYLE_ELEMENT_TITLE] = create_style_context (GTK_TYPE_LABEL, style_info->styles[META_STYLE_ELEMENT_TITLEBAR], provider, "label", GTK_STYLE_CLASS_TITLE, NULL); style_info->styles[META_STYLE_ELEMENT_BUTTON] = create_style_context (GTK_TYPE_BUTTON, style_info->styles[META_STYLE_ELEMENT_TITLEBAR], provider, "button", "titlebutton", NULL); style_info->styles[META_STYLE_ELEMENT_IMAGE] = create_style_context (GTK_TYPE_IMAGE, style_info->styles[META_STYLE_ELEMENT_BUTTON], provider, "image", NULL); return style_info; } MetaStyleInfo * meta_style_info_ref (MetaStyleInfo *style_info) { g_return_val_if_fail (style_info != NULL, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (style_info->refcount > 0, NULL); g_atomic_int_inc ((volatile int *)&style_info->refcount); return style_info; } void meta_style_info_unref (MetaStyleInfo *style_info) { g_return_if_fail (style_info != NULL); g_return_if_fail (style_info->refcount > 0); if (g_atomic_int_dec_and_test ((volatile int *)&style_info->refcount)) { int i; for (i = 0; i < META_STYLE_ELEMENT_LAST; i++) g_object_unref (style_info->styles[i]); g_free (style_info); } } static void add_toplevel_class (GtkStyleContext *style, const char *class_name) { if (gtk_style_context_get_parent (style)) { GtkWidgetPath *path; path = gtk_widget_path_copy (gtk_style_context_get_path (style)); gtk_widget_path_iter_add_class (path, 0, class_name); gtk_style_context_set_path (style, path); gtk_widget_path_unref (path); } else gtk_style_context_add_class (style, class_name); } static void remove_toplevel_class (GtkStyleContext *style, const char *class_name) { if (gtk_style_context_get_parent (style)) { GtkWidgetPath *path; path = gtk_widget_path_copy (gtk_style_context_get_path (style)); gtk_widget_path_iter_remove_class (path, 0, class_name); gtk_style_context_set_path (style, path); gtk_widget_path_unref (path); } else gtk_style_context_remove_class (style, class_name); } void meta_style_info_set_flags (MetaStyleInfo *style_info, MetaFrameFlags flags) { GtkStyleContext *style; const char *class_name = NULL; gboolean backdrop; GtkStateFlags state; int i; backdrop = !(flags & META_FRAME_HAS_FOCUS); if (flags & META_FRAME_MAXIMIZED) class_name = "maximized"; else if (flags & META_FRAME_TILED_LEFT || flags & META_FRAME_TILED_RIGHT) class_name = "tiled"; for (i = 0; i < META_STYLE_ELEMENT_LAST; i++) { style = style_info->styles[i]; state = gtk_style_context_get_state (style); if (backdrop) gtk_style_context_set_state (style, state | GTK_STATE_FLAG_BACKDROP); else gtk_style_context_set_state (style, state & ~GTK_STATE_FLAG_BACKDROP); remove_toplevel_class (style, "maximized"); remove_toplevel_class (style, "tiled"); if (class_name) add_toplevel_class (style, class_name); } } PangoFontDescription* meta_style_info_create_font_desc (MetaStyleInfo *style_info) { PangoFontDescription *font_desc; const PangoFontDescription *override = meta_prefs_get_titlebar_font (); GtkStyleContext *context = style_info->styles[META_STYLE_ELEMENT_TITLE]; gtk_style_context_get (context, gtk_style_context_get_state (context), "font", &font_desc, NULL); if (override) pango_font_description_merge (font_desc, override, TRUE); return font_desc; } void meta_theme_draw_frame (MetaTheme *theme, MetaStyleInfo *style_info, cairo_t *cr, MetaFrameType type, MetaFrameFlags flags, int client_width, int client_height, PangoLayout *title_layout, int text_height, const MetaButtonLayout *button_layout, MetaButtonState button_states[META_BUTTON_TYPE_LAST], cairo_surface_t *mini_icon) { MetaFrameGeometry fgeom; MetaFrameLayout *layout; g_return_if_fail (type < META_FRAME_TYPE_LAST); layout = theme->layouts[type]; /* Parser is not supposed to allow this currently */ if (layout == NULL) return; meta_frame_layout_calc_geometry (layout, style_info, text_height, flags, client_width, client_height, button_layout, type, &fgeom, theme); meta_frame_layout_draw_with_style (layout, style_info, cr, &fgeom, title_layout, flags, button_states, mini_icon); } void meta_theme_get_frame_borders (MetaTheme *theme, MetaStyleInfo *style_info, MetaFrameType type, int text_height, MetaFrameFlags flags, MetaFrameBorders *borders) { MetaFrameLayout *layout; g_return_if_fail (type < META_FRAME_TYPE_LAST); layout = theme->layouts[type]; meta_frame_borders_clear (borders); /* Parser is not supposed to allow this currently */ if (layout == NULL) return; meta_frame_layout_sync_with_style (layout, style_info, flags); meta_frame_layout_get_borders (layout, text_height, flags, type, borders); } void meta_theme_calc_geometry (MetaTheme *theme, MetaStyleInfo *style_info, MetaFrameType type, int text_height, MetaFrameFlags flags, int client_width, int client_height, const MetaButtonLayout *button_layout, MetaFrameGeometry *fgeom) { MetaFrameLayout *layout; g_return_if_fail (type < META_FRAME_TYPE_LAST); layout = theme->layouts[type]; /* Parser is not supposed to allow this currently */ if (layout == NULL) return; meta_frame_layout_calc_geometry (layout, style_info, text_height, flags, client_width, client_height, button_layout, type, fgeom, theme); } /** * meta_pango_font_desc_get_text_height: * @font_desc: the font * @context: the context of the font * * Returns the height of the letters in a particular font. * * Returns: the height of the letters */ int meta_pango_font_desc_get_text_height (const PangoFontDescription *font_desc, PangoContext *context) { PangoFontMetrics *metrics; PangoLanguage *lang; int retval; lang = pango_context_get_language (context); metrics = pango_context_get_metrics (context, font_desc, lang); retval = PANGO_PIXELS (pango_font_metrics_get_ascent (metrics) + pango_font_metrics_get_descent (metrics)); pango_font_metrics_unref (metrics); return retval; } /** * meta_frame_type_to_string: * @type: a #MetaFrameType * * Converts a frame type enum value to the name string that would * appear in the theme definition file. * * Return value: the string value */ const char* meta_frame_type_to_string (MetaFrameType type) { switch (type) { case META_FRAME_TYPE_NORMAL: return "normal"; case META_FRAME_TYPE_DIALOG: return "dialog"; case META_FRAME_TYPE_MODAL_DIALOG: return "modal_dialog"; case META_FRAME_TYPE_UTILITY: return "utility"; case META_FRAME_TYPE_MENU: return "menu"; case META_FRAME_TYPE_BORDER: return "border"; case META_FRAME_TYPE_ATTACHED: return "attached"; #if 0 case META_FRAME_TYPE_TOOLBAR: return "toolbar"; #endif case META_FRAME_TYPE_LAST: break; } return ""; }