/* * Cogl * * An object oriented GL/GLES Abstraction/Utility Layer * * Copyright (C) 2009 Intel Corporation. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . * * * * Authors: * Neil Roberts */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include "cogl-atlas.h" #include "cogl-debug.h" /* Implements a data structure which keeps track of unused sub-rectangles within a larger rectangle using a binary tree structure. The algorithm for this is based on the description here: http://www.blackpawn.com/texts/lightmaps/default.html */ #ifdef COGL_ENABLE_DEBUG /* The cairo header is only used for debugging to generate an image of the atlas */ #include static void _cogl_atlas_dump_image (CoglAtlas *atlas); #endif /* COGL_ENABLE_DEBUG */ typedef struct _CoglAtlasNode CoglAtlasNode; typedef struct _CoglAtlasStackEntry CoglAtlasStackEntry; typedef void (* CoglAtlasInternalForeachCb) (CoglAtlasNode *node, gpointer data); typedef enum { COGL_ATLAS_BRANCH, COGL_ATLAS_FILLED_LEAF, COGL_ATLAS_EMPTY_LEAF } CoglAtlasNodeType; struct _CoglAtlas { CoglAtlasNode *root; unsigned int space_remaining; unsigned int n_rectangles; GDestroyNotify value_destroy_func; }; struct _CoglAtlasNode { CoglAtlasNodeType type; CoglAtlasRectangle rectangle; CoglAtlasNode *parent; union { /* Fields used when this is a branch */ struct { CoglAtlasNode *left; CoglAtlasNode *right; } branch; /* Field used when this is a filled leaf */ gpointer data; } d; }; struct _CoglAtlasStackEntry { /* The node to search */ CoglAtlasNode *node; /* Index of next branch of this node to explore. Basically either 0 to go left or 1 to go right */ gboolean next_index; /* Next entry in the stack */ CoglAtlasStackEntry *next; }; static CoglAtlasNode * _cogl_atlas_node_new (void) { return g_slice_new (CoglAtlasNode); } static void _cogl_atlas_node_free (CoglAtlasNode *node) { g_slice_free (CoglAtlasNode, node); } CoglAtlas * _cogl_atlas_new (unsigned int width, unsigned int height, GDestroyNotify value_destroy_func) { CoglAtlas *atlas = g_new (CoglAtlas, 1); CoglAtlasNode *root = _cogl_atlas_node_new (); root->type = COGL_ATLAS_EMPTY_LEAF; root->parent = NULL; root->rectangle.x = 0; root->rectangle.y = 0; root->rectangle.width = width; root->rectangle.height = height; atlas->root = root; atlas->space_remaining = width * height; atlas->n_rectangles = 0; atlas->value_destroy_func = value_destroy_func; return atlas; } static CoglAtlasStackEntry * _cogl_atlas_stack_push (CoglAtlasStackEntry *stack, CoglAtlasNode *node, gboolean next_index) { CoglAtlasStackEntry *new_entry = g_slice_new (CoglAtlasStackEntry); new_entry->node = node; new_entry->next_index = next_index; new_entry->next = stack; return new_entry; } static CoglAtlasStackEntry * _cogl_atlas_stack_pop (CoglAtlasStackEntry *stack) { CoglAtlasStackEntry *next = stack->next; g_slice_free (CoglAtlasStackEntry, stack); return next; } static CoglAtlasNode * _cogl_atlas_node_split_horizontally (CoglAtlasNode *node, unsigned int left_width) { /* Splits the node horizontally (according to emacs' definition, not vim) by converting it to a branch and adding two new leaf nodes. The leftmost branch will have the width left_width and will be returned. If the node is already just the right size it won't do anything */ CoglAtlasNode *left_node, *right_node; if (node->rectangle.width == left_width) return node; left_node = _cogl_atlas_node_new (); left_node->type = COGL_ATLAS_EMPTY_LEAF; left_node->parent = node; left_node->rectangle.x = node->rectangle.x; left_node->rectangle.y = node->rectangle.y; left_node->rectangle.width = left_width; left_node->rectangle.height = node->rectangle.height; node->d.branch.left = left_node; right_node = _cogl_atlas_node_new (); right_node->type = COGL_ATLAS_EMPTY_LEAF; right_node->parent = node; right_node->rectangle.x = node->rectangle.x + left_width; right_node->rectangle.y = node->rectangle.y; right_node->rectangle.width = node->rectangle.width - left_width; right_node->rectangle.height = node->rectangle.height; node->d.branch.right = right_node; node->type = COGL_ATLAS_BRANCH; return left_node; } static CoglAtlasNode * _cogl_atlas_node_split_vertically (CoglAtlasNode *node, unsigned int top_height) { /* Splits the node vertically (according to emacs' definition, not vim) by converting it to a branch and adding two new leaf nodes. The topmost branch will have the height top_height and will be returned. If the node is already just the right size it won't do anything */ CoglAtlasNode *top_node, *bottom_node; if (node->rectangle.height == top_height) return node; top_node = _cogl_atlas_node_new (); top_node->type = COGL_ATLAS_EMPTY_LEAF; top_node->parent = node; top_node->rectangle.x = node->rectangle.x; top_node->rectangle.y = node->rectangle.y; top_node->rectangle.width = node->rectangle.width; top_node->rectangle.height = top_height; node->d.branch.left = top_node; bottom_node = _cogl_atlas_node_new (); bottom_node->type = COGL_ATLAS_EMPTY_LEAF; bottom_node->parent = node; bottom_node->rectangle.x = node->rectangle.x; bottom_node->rectangle.y = node->rectangle.y + top_height; bottom_node->rectangle.width = node->rectangle.width; bottom_node->rectangle.height = node->rectangle.height - top_height; node->d.branch.right = bottom_node; node->type = COGL_ATLAS_BRANCH; return top_node; } gboolean _cogl_atlas_add_rectangle (CoglAtlas *atlas, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, gpointer data, CoglAtlasRectangle *rectangle) { /* Stack of nodes to search in */ CoglAtlasStackEntry *node_stack; CoglAtlasNode *found_node = NULL; /* Zero-sized rectangles break the algorithm for removing rectangles so we'll disallow them */ g_return_val_if_fail (width > 0 && height > 0, FALSE); /* Start with the root node */ node_stack = _cogl_atlas_stack_push (NULL, atlas->root, FALSE); /* Depth-first search for an empty node that is big enough */ while (node_stack) { /* Pop an entry off the stack */ CoglAtlasNode *node = node_stack->node; int next_index = node_stack->next_index; node_stack = _cogl_atlas_stack_pop (node_stack); /* Regardless of the type of the node, there's no point descending any further if the new rectangle won't fit within it */ if (node->rectangle.width >= width && node->rectangle.height >= height) { if (node->type == COGL_ATLAS_EMPTY_LEAF) { /* We've found a node we can use */ found_node = node; break; } else if (node->type == COGL_ATLAS_BRANCH) { if (next_index) /* Try the right branch */ node_stack = _cogl_atlas_stack_push (node_stack, node->d.branch.right, 0); else { /* Make sure we remember to try the right branch once we've finished descending the left branch */ node_stack = _cogl_atlas_stack_push (node_stack, node, 1); /* Try the left branch */ node_stack = _cogl_atlas_stack_push (node_stack, node->d.branch.left, 0); } } } } /* Free the stack */ while (node_stack) node_stack = _cogl_atlas_stack_pop (node_stack); if (found_node) { /* Split according to whichever axis will leave us with the largest space */ if (found_node->rectangle.width - width > found_node->rectangle.height - height) { found_node = _cogl_atlas_node_split_horizontally (found_node, width); found_node = _cogl_atlas_node_split_vertically (found_node, height); } else { found_node = _cogl_atlas_node_split_vertically (found_node, height); found_node = _cogl_atlas_node_split_horizontally (found_node, width); } found_node->type = COGL_ATLAS_FILLED_LEAF; found_node->d.data = data; if (rectangle) *rectangle = found_node->rectangle; /* Record how much empty space is remaining after this rectangle is added */ g_assert (width * height <= atlas->space_remaining); atlas->space_remaining -= width * height; atlas->n_rectangles++; #ifdef COGL_ENABLE_DEBUG if (G_UNLIKELY (cogl_debug_flags & COGL_DEBUG_DUMP_ATLAS_IMAGE)) _cogl_atlas_dump_image (atlas); #endif return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } void _cogl_atlas_remove_rectangle (CoglAtlas *atlas, const CoglAtlasRectangle *rectangle) { CoglAtlasNode *node = atlas->root; /* We can do a binary-chop down the search tree to find the rectangle */ while (node->type == COGL_ATLAS_BRANCH) { CoglAtlasNode *left_node = node->d.branch.left; /* If and only if the rectangle is in the left node then the x,y position of the rectangle will be within the node's rectangle */ if (rectangle->x < left_node->rectangle.x + left_node->rectangle.width && rectangle->y < left_node->rectangle.y + left_node->rectangle.height) /* Go left */ node = left_node; else /* Go right */ node = node->d.branch.right; } /* Make sure we found the right node */ if (node->type != COGL_ATLAS_FILLED_LEAF || node->rectangle.x != rectangle->x || node->rectangle.y != rectangle->y || node->rectangle.width != rectangle->width || node->rectangle.height != rectangle->height) /* This should only happen if someone tried to remove a rectangle that was not in the atlas so something has gone wrong */ g_return_if_reached (); else { /* Convert the node back to an empty node */ if (atlas->value_destroy_func) atlas->value_destroy_func (node->d.data); node->type = COGL_ATLAS_EMPTY_LEAF; /* Walk back up the tree combining branch nodes that have two empty leaves back into a single empty leaf */ for (node = node->parent; node; node = node->parent) { /* This node is a parent so it should always be a branch */ g_assert (node->type == COGL_ATLAS_BRANCH); if (node->d.branch.left->type == COGL_ATLAS_EMPTY_LEAF && node->d.branch.right->type == COGL_ATLAS_EMPTY_LEAF) { _cogl_atlas_node_free (node->d.branch.left); _cogl_atlas_node_free (node->d.branch.right); node->type = COGL_ATLAS_EMPTY_LEAF; } else break; } /* There is now more free space and one less rectangle */ atlas->space_remaining += rectangle->width * rectangle->height; g_assert (atlas->n_rectangles > 0); atlas->n_rectangles--; } #ifdef COGL_ENABLE_DEBUG if (G_UNLIKELY (cogl_debug_flags & COGL_DEBUG_DUMP_ATLAS_IMAGE)) _cogl_atlas_dump_image (atlas); #endif } unsigned int _cogl_atlas_get_width (CoglAtlas *atlas) { return atlas->root->rectangle.width; } unsigned int _cogl_atlas_get_height (CoglAtlas *atlas) { return atlas->root->rectangle.height; } unsigned int _cogl_atlas_get_remaining_space (CoglAtlas *atlas) { return atlas->space_remaining; } unsigned int _cogl_atlas_get_n_rectangles (CoglAtlas *atlas) { return atlas->n_rectangles; } static void _cogl_atlas_internal_foreach (CoglAtlas *atlas, CoglAtlasInternalForeachCb callback, gpointer data) { /* Stack of nodes to search in */ CoglAtlasStackEntry *node_stack; /* Start with the root node */ node_stack = _cogl_atlas_stack_push (NULL, atlas->root, 0); /* Iterate all nodes depth-first */ while (node_stack) { CoglAtlasNode *node = node_stack->node; switch (node->type) { case COGL_ATLAS_BRANCH: if (node_stack->next_index == 0) { /* Next time we come back to this node, go to the right */ node_stack->next_index = 1; /* Explore the left branch next */ node_stack = _cogl_atlas_stack_push (node_stack, node->d.branch.left, 0); } else if (node_stack->next_index == 1) { /* Next time we come back to this node, stop processing it */ node_stack->next_index = 2; /* Explore the right branch next */ node_stack = _cogl_atlas_stack_push (node_stack, node->d.branch.right, 0); } else { /* We're finished with this node so we can call the callback */ callback (node, data); node_stack = _cogl_atlas_stack_pop (node_stack); } break; default: /* Some sort of leaf node, just call the callback */ callback (node, data); node_stack = _cogl_atlas_stack_pop (node_stack); break; } } /* The stack should now be empty */ g_assert (node_stack == NULL); } typedef struct _CoglAtlasForeachClosure { CoglAtlasCallback callback; gpointer data; } CoglAtlasForeachClosure; static void _cogl_atlas_foreach_cb (CoglAtlasNode *node, gpointer data) { CoglAtlasForeachClosure *closure = data; if (node->type == COGL_ATLAS_FILLED_LEAF) closure->callback (&node->rectangle, node->d.data, closure->data); } void _cogl_atlas_foreach (CoglAtlas *atlas, CoglAtlasCallback callback, gpointer data) { CoglAtlasForeachClosure closure; closure.callback = callback; closure.data = data; _cogl_atlas_internal_foreach (atlas, _cogl_atlas_foreach_cb, &closure); } static void _cogl_atlas_free_cb (CoglAtlasNode *node, gpointer data) { CoglAtlas *atlas = data; if (node->type == COGL_ATLAS_FILLED_LEAF && atlas->value_destroy_func) atlas->value_destroy_func (node->d.data); _cogl_atlas_node_free (node); } void _cogl_atlas_free (CoglAtlas *atlas) { _cogl_atlas_internal_foreach (atlas, _cogl_atlas_free_cb, atlas); g_free (atlas); } #ifdef COGL_ENABLE_DEBUG static void _cogl_atlas_dump_image_cb (CoglAtlasNode *node, gpointer data) { cairo_t *cr = data; if (node->type == COGL_ATLAS_FILLED_LEAF || node->type == COGL_ATLAS_EMPTY_LEAF) { /* Fill the rectangle using a different colour depending on whether the rectangle is used */ if (node->type == COGL_ATLAS_FILLED_LEAF) cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); else cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); cairo_rectangle (cr, node->rectangle.x, node->rectangle.y, node->rectangle.width, node->rectangle.height); cairo_fill_preserve (cr); /* Draw a white outline around the rectangle */ cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); cairo_stroke (cr); } } static void _cogl_atlas_dump_image (CoglAtlas *atlas) { /* This dumps a png to help visualize the atlas. Each leaf rectangle is drawn with a white outline. Unused leaves are filled in black and used leaves are blue */ cairo_surface_t *surface = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24, _cogl_atlas_get_width (atlas), _cogl_atlas_get_height (atlas)); cairo_t *cr = cairo_create (surface); _cogl_atlas_internal_foreach (atlas, _cogl_atlas_dump_image_cb, cr); cairo_destroy (cr); cairo_surface_write_to_png (surface, "cogl-atlas-dump.png"); cairo_surface_destroy (surface); } #endif /* COGL_ENABLE_DEBUG */