/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- */ /* * Copyright (C) 2016 Red Hat, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . */ #include "config.h" #include "tests/monitor-unit-tests.h" #include "backends/meta-backend-private.h" #include "backends/meta-logical-monitor.h" #include "backends/meta-monitor.h" #include "tests/meta-monitor-manager-test.h" #include "tests/monitor-test-utils.h" #define ALL_TRANSFORMS ((1 << (META_MONITOR_TRANSFORM_FLIPPED_270 + 1)) - 1) #define MAX_N_MODES 10 #define MAX_N_OUTPUTS 10 #define MAX_N_CRTCS 10 #define MAX_N_MONITORS 10 #define MAX_N_LOGICAL_MONITORS 10 /* * The following structures are used to define test cases. * * Each test case consists of a test case setup and a test case expectaction. * and a expected result, consisting * of an array of monitors, logical monitors and a screen size. * * TEST CASE SETUP: * * A test case setup consists of an array of modes, an array of outputs and an * array of CRTCs. * * A mode has a width and height in pixels, and a refresh rate in updates per * second. * * An output has an array of available modes, and a preferred mode. Modes are * defined as indices into the modes array of the test case setup. * * It also has CRTc and an array of possible CRTCs. Crtcs are defined as indices * into the CRTC array. The CRTC value -1 means no CRTC. * * It also has various meta data, such as physical dimension, tile info and * scale. * * A CRTC only has a current mode. A mode is defined as an index into the modes * array. * * * TEST CASE EXPECTS: * * A test case expects consists of an array of monitors, an array of logical * monitors, a output and crtc count, and a screen width. * * A monitor represents a physical monitor (such as an external monitor, or a * laptop panel etc). A monitor consists of an array of outputs, defined by * indices into the setup output array, an array of monitor modes, and the * current mode, defined by an index into the monitor modes array, and the * physical dimensions. * * A logical monitor represents a region of the total screen area. It contains * the expected layout and a scale. */ typedef enum _MonitorTestFlag { MONITOR_TEST_FLAG_NONE, MONITOR_TEST_FLAG_NO_STORED } MonitorTestFlag; typedef struct _MonitorTestCaseMode { int width; int height; float refresh_rate; } MonitorTestCaseMode; typedef struct _MonitorTestCaseOutput { int crtc; int modes[MAX_N_MODES]; int n_modes; int preferred_mode; int possible_crtcs[MAX_N_CRTCS]; int n_possible_crtcs; int width_mm; int height_mm; MetaTileInfo tile_info; int scale; gboolean is_laptop_panel; gboolean is_underscanning; } MonitorTestCaseOutput; typedef struct _MonitorTestCaseCrtc { int current_mode; } MonitorTestCaseCrtc; typedef struct _MonitorTestCaseSetup { MonitorTestCaseMode modes[MAX_N_MODES]; int n_modes; MonitorTestCaseOutput outputs[MAX_N_OUTPUTS]; int n_outputs; MonitorTestCaseCrtc crtcs[MAX_N_CRTCS]; int n_crtcs; } MonitorTestCaseSetup; typedef struct _MonitorTestCaseMonitorCrtcMode { int output; int crtc_mode; int x; int y; } MetaTestCaseMonitorCrtcMode; typedef struct _MonitorTestCaseMonitorMode { int width; int height; MetaTestCaseMonitorCrtcMode crtc_modes[MAX_N_CRTCS]; } MetaMonitorTestCaseMonitorMode; typedef struct _MonitorTestCaseMonitor { long outputs[MAX_N_OUTPUTS]; int n_outputs; MetaMonitorTestCaseMonitorMode modes[MAX_N_MODES]; int n_modes; int current_mode; int width_mm; int height_mm; gboolean is_underscanning; } MonitorTestCaseMonitor; typedef struct _MonitorTestCaseLogicalMonitor { MetaRectangle layout; int scale; int monitors[MAX_N_MONITORS]; int n_monitors; } MonitorTestCaseLogicalMonitor; typedef struct _MonitorTestCaseCrtcExpect { int current_mode; } MonitorTestCaseCrtcExpect; typedef struct _MonitorTestCaseExpect { MonitorTestCaseMonitor monitors[MAX_N_MONITORS]; int n_monitors; MonitorTestCaseLogicalMonitor logical_monitors[MAX_N_LOGICAL_MONITORS]; int n_logical_monitors; int primary_logical_monitor; int n_outputs; MonitorTestCaseCrtcExpect crtcs[MAX_N_CRTCS]; int n_crtcs; int n_tiled_monitors; int screen_width; int screen_height; } MonitorTestCaseExpect; typedef struct _MonitorTestCase { MonitorTestCaseSetup setup; MonitorTestCaseExpect expect; } MonitorTestCase; static MonitorTestCase initial_test_case = { .setup = { .modes = { { .width = 1024, .height = 768, .refresh_rate = 60.0 } }, .n_modes = 1, .outputs = { { .crtc = 0, .modes = { 0 }, .n_modes = 1, .preferred_mode = 0, .possible_crtcs = { 0 }, .n_possible_crtcs = 1, .width_mm = 222, .height_mm = 125 }, { .crtc = 1, .modes = { 0 }, .n_modes = 1, .preferred_mode = 0, .possible_crtcs = { 1 }, .n_possible_crtcs = 1, .width_mm = 220, .height_mm = 124 } }, .n_outputs = 2, .crtcs = { { .current_mode = 0 }, { .current_mode = 0 } }, .n_crtcs = 2 }, .expect = { .monitors = { { .outputs = { 0 }, .n_outputs = 1, .modes = { { .width = 1024, .height = 768, .crtc_modes = { { .output = 0, .crtc_mode = 0 } } } }, .n_modes = 1, .current_mode = 0, .width_mm = 222, .height_mm = 125 }, { .outputs = { 1 }, .n_outputs = 1, .modes = { { .width = 1024, .height = 768, .crtc_modes = { { .output = 1, .crtc_mode = 0 } } } }, .n_modes = 1, .current_mode = 0, .width_mm = 220, .height_mm = 124 } }, .n_monitors = 2, .logical_monitors = { { .monitors = { 0 }, .n_monitors = 1, .layout = { .x = 0, .y = 0, .width = 1024, .height = 768 }, .scale = 1 }, { .monitors = { 1 }, .n_monitors = 1, .layout = { .x = 1024, .y = 0, .width = 1024, .height = 768 }, .scale = 1 } }, .n_logical_monitors = 2, .primary_logical_monitor = 0, .n_outputs = 2, .crtcs = { { .current_mode = 0, }, { .current_mode = 0, } }, .n_crtcs = 2, .screen_width = 1024 * 2, .screen_height = 768 } }; static MetaOutput * output_from_winsys_id (MetaMonitorManager *monitor_manager, long winsys_id) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < monitor_manager->n_outputs; i++) { MetaOutput *output = &monitor_manager->outputs[i]; if (output->winsys_id == winsys_id) return output; } return NULL; } typedef struct _CheckMonitorModeData { MetaMonitorManager *monitor_manager; MetaTestCaseMonitorCrtcMode *expect_crtc_mode_iter; } CheckMonitorModeData; static gboolean check_monitor_mode (MetaMonitor *monitor, MetaMonitorMode *mode, MetaMonitorCrtcMode *monitor_crtc_mode, gpointer user_data, GError **error) { CheckMonitorModeData *data = user_data; MetaMonitorManager *monitor_manager = data->monitor_manager; MetaOutput *output; MetaCrtcMode *crtc_mode; output = output_from_winsys_id (monitor_manager, data->expect_crtc_mode_iter->output); crtc_mode = &monitor_manager->modes[data->expect_crtc_mode_iter->crtc_mode]; g_assert (monitor_crtc_mode->output == output); g_assert (monitor_crtc_mode->crtc_mode == crtc_mode); g_assert_cmpint (monitor_crtc_mode->x, ==, data->expect_crtc_mode_iter->x); g_assert_cmpint (monitor_crtc_mode->y, ==, data->expect_crtc_mode_iter->y); data->expect_crtc_mode_iter++; return TRUE; } static gboolean check_current_monitor_mode (MetaMonitor *monitor, MetaMonitorMode *mode, MetaMonitorCrtcMode *monitor_crtc_mode, gpointer user_data, GError **error) { CheckMonitorModeData *data = user_data; MetaMonitorManager *monitor_manager = data->monitor_manager; MetaOutput *output; output = output_from_winsys_id (monitor_manager, data->expect_crtc_mode_iter->output); g_assert_nonnull (output->crtc); g_assert (monitor_crtc_mode->crtc_mode == output->crtc->current_mode); data->expect_crtc_mode_iter++; return TRUE; } static MetaLogicalMonitor * logical_monitor_from_layout (MetaMonitorManager *monitor_manager, MetaRectangle *layout) { GList *l; for (l = monitor_manager->logical_monitors; l; l = l->next) { MetaLogicalMonitor *logical_monitor = l->data; if (meta_rectangle_equal (layout, &logical_monitor->rect)) return logical_monitor; } return NULL; } static void check_logical_monitor (MonitorTestCase *test_case, MetaMonitorManager *monitor_manager, MonitorTestCaseLogicalMonitor *test_logical_monitor) { MetaLogicalMonitor *logical_monitor; MetaOutput *primary_output; GList *monitors; GList *l; int i; logical_monitor = logical_monitor_from_layout (monitor_manager, &test_logical_monitor->layout); g_assert_nonnull (logical_monitor); g_assert_cmpint (logical_monitor->rect.x, ==, test_logical_monitor->layout.x); g_assert_cmpint (logical_monitor->rect.y, ==, test_logical_monitor->layout.y); g_assert_cmpint (logical_monitor->rect.width, ==, test_logical_monitor->layout.width); g_assert_cmpint (logical_monitor->rect.height, ==, test_logical_monitor->layout.height); g_assert_cmpint (logical_monitor->scale, ==, test_logical_monitor->scale); if (logical_monitor == monitor_manager->primary_logical_monitor) g_assert (meta_logical_monitor_is_primary (logical_monitor)); primary_output = NULL; monitors = meta_logical_monitor_get_monitors (logical_monitor); g_assert_cmpint ((int) g_list_length (monitors), ==, test_logical_monitor->n_monitors); for (i = 0; i < test_logical_monitor->n_monitors; i++) { MetaMonitor *monitor = g_list_nth (monitor_manager->monitors, test_logical_monitor->monitors[i])->data; g_assert_nonnull (g_list_find (monitors, monitor)); } for (l = monitors; l; l = l->next) { MetaMonitor *monitor = l->data; GList *outputs; GList *l_output; outputs = meta_monitor_get_outputs (monitor); for (l_output = outputs; l_output; l_output = l_output->next) { MetaOutput *output = l_output->data; if (output->is_primary) { g_assert_null (primary_output); primary_output = output; } g_assert (output->crtc->logical_monitor == logical_monitor); g_assert_cmpint (logical_monitor->is_presentation, ==, output->is_presentation); } } if (logical_monitor == monitor_manager->primary_logical_monitor) g_assert_nonnull (primary_output); } static void check_monitor_configuration (MonitorTestCase *test_case) { MetaBackend *backend = meta_get_backend (); MetaMonitorManager *monitor_manager = meta_backend_get_monitor_manager (backend); MetaMonitorManagerTest *monitor_manager_test = META_MONITOR_MANAGER_TEST (monitor_manager); int tiled_monitor_count; GList *monitors; int n_logical_monitors; GList *l; int i; g_assert_cmpint (monitor_manager->screen_width, ==, test_case->expect.screen_width); g_assert_cmpint (monitor_manager->screen_height, ==, test_case->expect.screen_height); g_assert_cmpint ((int) monitor_manager->n_outputs, ==, test_case->expect.n_outputs); g_assert_cmpint ((int) monitor_manager->n_crtcs, ==, test_case->expect.n_crtcs); tiled_monitor_count = meta_monitor_manager_test_get_tiled_monitor_count (monitor_manager_test); g_assert_cmpint (tiled_monitor_count, ==, test_case->expect.n_tiled_monitors); monitors = meta_monitor_manager_get_monitors (monitor_manager); g_assert_cmpint ((int) g_list_length (monitors), ==, test_case->expect.n_monitors); for (l = monitors, i = 0; l; l = l->next, i++) { MetaMonitor *monitor = l->data; GList *outputs; GList *l_output; int j; int width_mm, height_mm; GList *modes; GList *l_mode; MetaMonitorMode *current_mode; int expected_current_mode_index; MetaMonitorMode *expected_current_mode; outputs = meta_monitor_get_outputs (monitor); g_assert_cmpint ((int) g_list_length (outputs), ==, test_case->expect.monitors[i].n_outputs); for (l_output = outputs, j = 0; l_output; l_output = l_output->next, j++) { MetaOutput *output = l_output->data; long winsys_id = test_case->expect.monitors[i].outputs[j]; g_assert (output == output_from_winsys_id (monitor_manager, winsys_id)); g_assert_cmpint (test_case->expect.monitors[i].is_underscanning, ==, output->is_underscanning); } meta_monitor_get_physical_dimensions (monitor, &width_mm, &height_mm); g_assert_cmpint (width_mm, ==, test_case->expect.monitors[i].width_mm); g_assert_cmpint (height_mm, ==, test_case->expect.monitors[i].height_mm); modes = meta_monitor_get_modes (monitor); for (l_mode = modes, j = 0; l_mode; l_mode = l_mode->next, j++) { MetaMonitorMode *mode = l_mode->data; int width; int height; CheckMonitorModeData data; meta_monitor_mode_get_resolution (mode, &width, &height); g_assert_cmpint (width, ==, test_case->expect.monitors[i].modes[j].width); g_assert_cmpint (height, ==, test_case->expect.monitors[i].modes[j].height); data = (CheckMonitorModeData) { .monitor_manager = monitor_manager, .expect_crtc_mode_iter = test_case->expect.monitors[i].modes[j].crtc_modes }; meta_monitor_mode_foreach_crtc (monitor, mode, check_monitor_mode, &data, NULL); } current_mode = meta_monitor_get_current_mode (monitor); expected_current_mode_index = test_case->expect.monitors[i].current_mode; if (expected_current_mode_index == -1) expected_current_mode = NULL; else expected_current_mode = g_list_nth (modes, expected_current_mode_index)->data; g_assert (current_mode == expected_current_mode); if (current_mode) { CheckMonitorModeData data; data = (CheckMonitorModeData) { .monitor_manager = monitor_manager, .expect_crtc_mode_iter = test_case->expect.monitors[i].modes[expected_current_mode_index].crtc_modes }; meta_monitor_mode_foreach_crtc (monitor, expected_current_mode, check_current_monitor_mode, &data, NULL); } meta_monitor_derive_current_mode (monitor); g_assert (current_mode == meta_monitor_get_current_mode (monitor)); } n_logical_monitors = meta_monitor_manager_get_num_logical_monitors (monitor_manager); g_assert_cmpint (n_logical_monitors, ==, test_case->expect.n_logical_monitors); /* * Check that we have a primary logical monitor (except for headless), * and that the main output of the first monitor is the only output * that is marked as primary (further below). Note: outputs being primary or * not only matters on X11. */ if (test_case->expect.primary_logical_monitor == -1) { g_assert_null (monitor_manager->primary_logical_monitor); g_assert_null (monitor_manager->logical_monitors); } else { MonitorTestCaseLogicalMonitor *test_logical_monitor = &test_case->expect.logical_monitors[test_case->expect.primary_logical_monitor]; MetaLogicalMonitor *logical_monitor; logical_monitor = logical_monitor_from_layout (monitor_manager, &test_logical_monitor->layout); g_assert (logical_monitor == monitor_manager->primary_logical_monitor); } for (i = 0; i < test_case->expect.n_logical_monitors; i++) { MonitorTestCaseLogicalMonitor *test_logical_monitor = &test_case->expect.logical_monitors[i]; check_logical_monitor (test_case, monitor_manager, test_logical_monitor); } g_assert_cmpint (n_logical_monitors, ==, i); for (i = 0; i < test_case->expect.n_crtcs; i++) { if (test_case->expect.crtcs[i].current_mode == -1) { g_assert_null (monitor_manager->crtcs[i].current_mode); } else { MetaCrtc *crtc = &monitor_manager->crtcs[i]; MetaCrtcMode *expected_current_mode = &monitor_manager->modes[test_case->expect.crtcs[i].current_mode]; g_assert (crtc->current_mode == expected_current_mode); } } } static void meta_output_test_destroy_notify (MetaOutput *output) { g_clear_pointer (&output->driver_private, g_free); } static MetaMonitorTestSetup * create_monitor_test_setup (MonitorTestCase *test_case, MonitorTestFlag flags) { MetaMonitorTestSetup *test_setup; int i; int n_laptop_panels = 0; int n_normal_panels = 0; gboolean hotplug_mode_update; if (flags & MONITOR_TEST_FLAG_NO_STORED) hotplug_mode_update = TRUE; else hotplug_mode_update = FALSE; test_setup = g_new0 (MetaMonitorTestSetup, 1); test_setup->n_modes = test_case->setup.n_modes; test_setup->modes = g_new0 (MetaCrtcMode, test_setup->n_modes); for (i = 0; i < test_setup->n_modes; i++) { test_setup->modes[i] = (MetaCrtcMode) { .mode_id = i, .width = test_case->setup.modes[i].width, .height = test_case->setup.modes[i].height, .refresh_rate = test_case->setup.modes[i].refresh_rate }; } test_setup->n_crtcs = test_case->setup.n_crtcs; test_setup->crtcs = g_new0 (MetaCrtc, test_setup->n_crtcs); for (i = 0; i < test_setup->n_crtcs; i++) { int current_mode_index; MetaCrtcMode *current_mode; current_mode_index = test_case->setup.crtcs[i].current_mode; if (current_mode_index == -1) current_mode = NULL; else current_mode = &test_setup->modes[current_mode_index]; test_setup->crtcs[i] = (MetaCrtc) { .crtc_id = i + 1, .current_mode = current_mode, .transform = META_MONITOR_TRANSFORM_NORMAL, .all_transforms = ALL_TRANSFORMS }; } test_setup->n_outputs = test_case->setup.n_outputs; test_setup->outputs = g_new0 (MetaOutput, test_setup->n_outputs); for (i = 0; i < test_setup->n_outputs; i++) { MetaOutputTest *output_test; int crtc_index; MetaCrtc *crtc; int preferred_mode_index; MetaCrtcMode *preferred_mode; MetaCrtcMode **modes; int n_modes; int j; MetaCrtc **possible_crtcs; int n_possible_crtcs; int scale; gboolean is_laptop_panel; crtc_index = test_case->setup.outputs[i].crtc; if (crtc_index == -1) crtc = NULL; else crtc = &test_setup->crtcs[crtc_index]; preferred_mode_index = test_case->setup.outputs[i].preferred_mode; if (preferred_mode_index == -1) preferred_mode = NULL; else preferred_mode = &test_setup->modes[preferred_mode_index]; n_modes = test_case->setup.outputs[i].n_modes; modes = g_new0 (MetaCrtcMode *, n_modes); for (j = 0; j < n_modes; j++) { int mode_index; mode_index = test_case->setup.outputs[i].modes[j]; modes[j] = &test_setup->modes[mode_index]; } n_possible_crtcs = test_case->setup.outputs[i].n_possible_crtcs; possible_crtcs = g_new0 (MetaCrtc *, n_possible_crtcs); for (j = 0; j < n_possible_crtcs; j++) { int possible_crtc_index; possible_crtc_index = test_case->setup.outputs[i].possible_crtcs[j]; possible_crtcs[j] = &test_setup->crtcs[possible_crtc_index]; } output_test = g_new0 (MetaOutputTest, 1); scale = test_case->setup.outputs[i].scale; if (scale < 1) scale = 1; *output_test = (MetaOutputTest) { .scale = scale }; is_laptop_panel = test_case->setup.outputs[i].is_laptop_panel; test_setup->outputs[i] = (MetaOutput) { .crtc = crtc, .winsys_id = i, .name = (is_laptop_panel ? g_strdup_printf ("eDP-%d", ++n_laptop_panels) : g_strdup_printf ("DP-%d", ++n_normal_panels)), .vendor = g_strdup ("MetaProduct's Inc."), .product = g_strdup ("MetaMonitor"), .serial = g_strdup ("0x123456"), .suggested_x = -1, .suggested_y = -1, .hotplug_mode_update = hotplug_mode_update, .width_mm = test_case->setup.outputs[i].width_mm, .height_mm = test_case->setup.outputs[i].height_mm, .subpixel_order = COGL_SUBPIXEL_ORDER_UNKNOWN, .preferred_mode = preferred_mode, .n_modes = n_modes, .modes = modes, .n_possible_crtcs = n_possible_crtcs, .possible_crtcs = possible_crtcs, .n_possible_clones = 0, .possible_clones = NULL, .backlight = -1, .connector_type = (is_laptop_panel ? META_CONNECTOR_TYPE_eDP : META_CONNECTOR_TYPE_DisplayPort), .tile_info = test_case->setup.outputs[i].tile_info, .is_underscanning = test_case->setup.outputs[i].is_underscanning, .driver_private = output_test, .driver_notify = (GDestroyNotify) meta_output_test_destroy_notify }; } return test_setup; } static void meta_test_monitor_initial_linear_config (void) { check_monitor_configuration (&initial_test_case); } static void emulate_hotplug (MetaMonitorTestSetup *test_setup) { MetaBackend *backend = meta_get_backend (); MetaMonitorManager *monitor_manager = meta_backend_get_monitor_manager (backend); MetaMonitorManagerTest *monitor_manager_test = META_MONITOR_MANAGER_TEST (monitor_manager); meta_monitor_manager_test_emulate_hotplug (monitor_manager_test, test_setup); } static void meta_test_monitor_one_disconnected_linear_config (void) { MonitorTestCase test_case = initial_test_case; MetaMonitorTestSetup *test_setup; test_case.setup.n_outputs = 1; test_case.expect = (MonitorTestCaseExpect) { .monitors = { { .outputs = { 0 }, .n_outputs = 1, .modes = { { .width = 1024, .height = 768, .crtc_modes = { { .output = 0, .crtc_mode = 0 } } } }, .n_modes = 1, .current_mode = 0, .width_mm = 222, .height_mm = 125 } }, .n_monitors = 1, .logical_monitors = { { .monitors = { 0 }, .n_monitors = 1, .layout = { .x = 0, .y = 0, .width = 1024, .height = 768 }, .scale = 1 }, }, .n_logical_monitors = 1, .primary_logical_monitor = 0, .n_outputs = 1, .crtcs = { { .current_mode = 0, }, { .current_mode = -1, } }, .n_crtcs = 2, .screen_width = 1024, .screen_height = 768 }; test_setup = create_monitor_test_setup (&test_case, MONITOR_TEST_FLAG_NO_STORED); emulate_hotplug (test_setup); check_monitor_configuration (&test_case); } static void meta_test_monitor_one_off_linear_config (void) { MonitorTestCase test_case; MetaMonitorTestSetup *test_setup; MonitorTestCaseOutput outputs[] = { { .crtc = 0, .modes = { 0 }, .n_modes = 1, .preferred_mode = 0, .possible_crtcs = { 0 }, .n_possible_crtcs = 1, .width_mm = 222, .height_mm = 125 }, { .crtc = -1, .modes = { 0 }, .n_modes = 1, .preferred_mode = 0, .possible_crtcs = { 1 }, .n_possible_crtcs = 1, .width_mm = 224, .height_mm = 126 } }; test_case = initial_test_case; memcpy (&test_case.setup.outputs, &outputs, sizeof (outputs)); test_case.setup.n_outputs = G_N_ELEMENTS (outputs); test_case.setup.crtcs[1].current_mode = -1; test_case.expect = (MonitorTestCaseExpect) { .monitors = { { .outputs = { 0 }, .n_outputs = 1, .modes = { { .width = 1024, .height = 768, .crtc_modes = { { .output = 0, .crtc_mode = 0 } } } }, .n_modes = 1, .current_mode = 0, .width_mm = 222, .height_mm = 125 }, { .outputs = { 1 }, .n_outputs = 1, .modes = { { .width = 1024, .height = 768, .crtc_modes = { { .output = 1, .crtc_mode = 0 } } } }, .n_modes = 1, .current_mode = 0, .width_mm = 224, .height_mm = 126 } }, .n_monitors = 2, .logical_monitors = { { .monitors = { 0 }, .n_monitors = 1, .layout = { .x = 0, .y = 0, .width = 1024, .height = 768 }, .scale = 1 }, { .monitors = { 1 }, .n_monitors = 1, .layout = { .x = 1024, .y = 0, .width = 1024, .height = 768 }, .scale = 1 }, }, .n_logical_monitors = 2, .primary_logical_monitor = 0, .n_outputs = 2, .crtcs = { { .current_mode = 0, }, { .current_mode = 0, } }, .n_crtcs = 2, .screen_width = 1024 * 2, .screen_height = 768 }; test_setup = create_monitor_test_setup (&test_case, MONITOR_TEST_FLAG_NO_STORED); emulate_hotplug (test_setup); check_monitor_configuration (&test_case); } static void meta_test_monitor_preferred_linear_config (void) { MonitorTestCase test_case = { .setup = { .modes = { { .width = 800, .height = 600, .refresh_rate = 60.0 }, { .width = 1024, .height = 768, .refresh_rate = 60.0 }, { .width = 1280, .height = 720, .refresh_rate = 60.0 } }, .n_modes = 3, .outputs = { { .crtc = -1, .modes = { 0, 1, 2 }, .n_modes = 3, .preferred_mode = 1, .possible_crtcs = { 0 }, .n_possible_crtcs = 1, .width_mm = 222, .height_mm = 125 } }, .n_outputs = 1, .crtcs = { { .current_mode = -1 } }, .n_crtcs = 1 }, .expect = { .monitors = { { .outputs = { 0 }, .n_outputs = 1, .modes = { { .width = 800, .height = 600, .crtc_modes = { { .output = 0, .crtc_mode = 0 } } }, { .width = 1024, .height = 768, .crtc_modes = { { .output = 0, .crtc_mode = 1 } } }, { .width = 1280, .height = 720, .crtc_modes = { { .output = 0, .crtc_mode = 2 } } } }, .n_modes = 3, .current_mode = 1, .width_mm = 222, .height_mm = 125 } }, .n_monitors = 1, .logical_monitors = { { .monitors = { 0 }, .n_monitors = 1, .layout = { .x = 0, .y = 0, .width = 1024, .height = 768 }, .scale = 1 }, }, .n_logical_monitors = 1, .primary_logical_monitor = 0, .n_outputs = 1, .crtcs = { { .current_mode = 1, } }, .n_crtcs = 1, .screen_width = 1024, .screen_height = 768, } }; MetaMonitorTestSetup *test_setup; test_setup = create_monitor_test_setup (&test_case, MONITOR_TEST_FLAG_NO_STORED); emulate_hotplug (test_setup); check_monitor_configuration (&test_case); } static void meta_test_monitor_tiled_linear_config (void) { MonitorTestCase test_case = { .setup = { .modes = { { .width = 400, .height = 600, .refresh_rate = 60.0 }, }, .n_modes = 1, .outputs = { { .crtc = -1, .modes = { 0 }, .n_modes = 1, .preferred_mode = 0, .possible_crtcs = { 0 }, .n_possible_crtcs = 1, .width_mm = 222, .height_mm = 125, .tile_info = { .group_id = 1, .max_h_tiles = 2, .max_v_tiles = 1, .loc_h_tile = 0, .loc_v_tile = 0, .tile_w = 400, .tile_h = 600 } }, { .crtc = -1, .modes = { 0 }, .n_modes = 1, .preferred_mode = 0, .possible_crtcs = { 1 }, .n_possible_crtcs = 1, .width_mm = 222, .height_mm = 125, .tile_info = { .group_id = 1, .max_h_tiles = 2, .max_v_tiles = 1, .loc_h_tile = 1, .loc_v_tile = 0, .tile_w = 400, .tile_h = 600 } } }, .n_outputs = 2, .crtcs = { { .current_mode = -1 }, { .current_mode = -1 } }, .n_crtcs = 2 }, .expect = { .monitors = { { .outputs = { 0, 1 }, .n_outputs = 2, .modes = { { .width = 800, .height = 600, .crtc_modes = { { .output = 0, .crtc_mode = 0 }, { .output = 1, .crtc_mode = 0, .x = 400, .y = 0 } } }, }, .n_modes = 1, .current_mode = 0, .width_mm = 222, .height_mm = 125, } }, .n_monitors = 1, .logical_monitors = { { .monitors = { 0 }, .n_monitors = 1, .layout = { .x = 0, .y = 0, .width = 800, .height = 600 }, .scale = 1 }, }, .n_logical_monitors = 1, .primary_logical_monitor = 0, .n_outputs = 2, .crtcs = { { .current_mode = 0, }, { .current_mode = 0, } }, .n_crtcs = 2, .n_tiled_monitors = 1, .screen_width = 800, .screen_height = 600, } }; MetaMonitorTestSetup *test_setup; test_setup = create_monitor_test_setup (&test_case, MONITOR_TEST_FLAG_NO_STORED); emulate_hotplug (test_setup); check_monitor_configuration (&test_case); } static void meta_test_monitor_hidpi_linear_config (void) { MonitorTestCase test_case = { .setup = { .modes = { { .width = 1280, .height = 720, .refresh_rate = 60.0 }, { .width = 1024, .height = 768, .refresh_rate = 60.0 } }, .n_modes = 2, .outputs = { { .crtc = 0, .modes = { 0 }, .n_modes = 1, .preferred_mode = 0, .possible_crtcs = { 0 }, .n_possible_crtcs = 1, /* These will result in DPI of about 216" */ .width_mm = 150, .height_mm = 85, .scale = 2, }, { .crtc = 1, .modes = { 1 }, .n_modes = 1, .preferred_mode = 1, .possible_crtcs = { 1 }, .n_possible_crtcs = 1, .width_mm = 222, .height_mm = 125, .scale = 1, } }, .n_outputs = 2, .crtcs = { { .current_mode = -1 }, { .current_mode = -1 } }, .n_crtcs = 2 }, .expect = { .monitors = { { .outputs = { 0 }, .n_outputs = 1, .modes = { { .width = 1280, .height = 720, .crtc_modes = { { .output = 0, .crtc_mode = 0 } } }, }, .n_modes = 1, .current_mode = 0, .width_mm = 150, .height_mm = 85 }, { .outputs = { 1 }, .n_outputs = 1, .modes = { { .width = 1024, .height = 768, .crtc_modes = { { .output = 1, .crtc_mode = 1 } } }, }, .n_modes = 1, .current_mode = 0, .width_mm = 222, .height_mm = 125 } }, .n_monitors = 2, .logical_monitors = { { .monitors = { 0 }, .n_monitors = 1, .layout = { .x = 0, .y = 0, .width = 1280, .height = 720 }, .scale = 2 }, { .monitors = { 1 }, .n_monitors = 1, .layout = { .x = 1280, .y = 0, .width = 1024, .height = 768 }, .scale = 1 } }, .n_logical_monitors = 2, .primary_logical_monitor = 0, .n_outputs = 2, .crtcs = { { .current_mode = 0, }, { .current_mode = 1, } }, .n_crtcs = 2, .screen_width = 1280 + 1024, .screen_height = 768 } }; MetaMonitorTestSetup *test_setup; test_setup = create_monitor_test_setup (&test_case, MONITOR_TEST_FLAG_NO_STORED); emulate_hotplug (test_setup); check_monitor_configuration (&test_case); } static void meta_test_monitor_suggested_config (void) { MonitorTestCase test_case = { .setup = { .modes = { { .width = 800, .height = 600, .refresh_rate = 60.0 }, { .width = 1024, .height = 768, .refresh_rate = 60.0 } }, .n_modes = 2, .outputs = { { .crtc = 0, .modes = { 0 }, .n_modes = 1, .preferred_mode = 0, .possible_crtcs = { 0 }, .n_possible_crtcs = 1, .width_mm = 222, .height_mm = 125 }, { .crtc = 1, .modes = { 1 }, .n_modes = 1, .preferred_mode = 1, .possible_crtcs = { 1 }, .n_possible_crtcs = 1, .width_mm = 220, .height_mm = 124 } }, .n_outputs = 2, .crtcs = { { .current_mode = -1 }, { .current_mode = -1 } }, .n_crtcs = 2 }, .expect = { .monitors = { { .outputs = { 0 }, .n_outputs = 1, .modes = { { .width = 800, .height = 600, .crtc_modes = { { .output = 0, .crtc_mode = 0 } } } }, .n_modes = 1, .current_mode = 0, .width_mm = 222, .height_mm = 125 }, { .outputs = { 1 }, .n_outputs = 1, .modes = { { .width = 1024, .height = 768, .crtc_modes = { { .output = 1, .crtc_mode = 1 } } } }, .n_modes = 1, .current_mode = 0, .width_mm = 220, .height_mm = 124 } }, .n_monitors = 2, /* * Logical monitors expectations altered to correspond to the * "suggested_x/y" changed further below. */ .logical_monitors = { { .monitors = { 0 }, .n_monitors = 1, .layout = { .x = 1024, .y = 758, .width = 800, .height = 600 }, .scale = 1 }, { .monitors = { 1 }, .n_monitors = 1, .layout = { .x = 0, .y = 0, .width = 1024, .height = 768 }, .scale = 1 } }, .n_logical_monitors = 2, .primary_logical_monitor = 1, .n_outputs = 2, .crtcs = { { .current_mode = 0, }, { .current_mode = 1, } }, .n_crtcs = 2, .n_tiled_monitors = 0, .screen_width = 1024 + 800, .screen_height = 1358 } }; MetaMonitorTestSetup *test_setup; test_setup = create_monitor_test_setup (&test_case, MONITOR_TEST_FLAG_NO_STORED); test_setup->outputs[0].suggested_x = 1024; test_setup->outputs[0].suggested_y = 758; test_setup->outputs[1].suggested_x = 0; test_setup->outputs[1].suggested_y = 0; emulate_hotplug (test_setup); check_monitor_configuration (&test_case); } static void meta_test_monitor_limited_crtcs (void) { MonitorTestCase test_case = { .setup = { .modes = { { .width = 1024, .height = 768, .refresh_rate = 60.0 } }, .n_modes = 1, .outputs = { { .crtc = -1, .modes = { 0 }, .n_modes = 1, .preferred_mode = 0, .possible_crtcs = { 0 }, .n_possible_crtcs = 1, .width_mm = 222, .height_mm = 125 }, { .crtc = -1, .modes = { 0 }, .n_modes = 1, .preferred_mode = 0, .possible_crtcs = { 0 }, .n_possible_crtcs = 1, .width_mm = 220, .height_mm = 124 } }, .n_outputs = 2, .crtcs = { { .current_mode = 0 } }, .n_crtcs = 1 }, .expect = { .monitors = { { .outputs = { 0 }, .n_outputs = 1, .modes = { { .width = 1024, .height = 768, .crtc_modes = { { .output = 0, .crtc_mode = 0 } } } }, .n_modes = 1, .current_mode = 0, .width_mm = 222, .height_mm = 125 }, { .outputs = { 1 }, .n_outputs = 1, .modes = { { .width = 1024, .height = 768, .crtc_modes = { { .output = 1, .crtc_mode = 0 } } } }, .n_modes = 1, .current_mode = -1, .width_mm = 220, .height_mm = 124 } }, .n_monitors = 2, .logical_monitors = { { .monitors = { 0 }, .n_monitors = 1, .layout = { .x = 0, .y = 0, .width = 1024, .height = 768 }, .scale = 1 }, }, .n_logical_monitors = 1, .primary_logical_monitor = 0, .n_outputs = 2, .crtcs = { { .current_mode = 0, } }, .n_crtcs = 1, .n_tiled_monitors = 0, .screen_width = 1024, .screen_height = 768 } }; MetaMonitorTestSetup *test_setup; test_setup = create_monitor_test_setup (&test_case, MONITOR_TEST_FLAG_NO_STORED); /* * With the config manager, we'll get a g_warning. * With the old it's just a meta_warning(). */ if (is_using_monitor_config_manager ()) { g_test_expect_message (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "Failed to use linear *"); } emulate_hotplug (test_setup); g_test_assert_expected_messages (); check_monitor_configuration (&test_case); } static void meta_test_monitor_lid_switch_config (void) { MonitorTestCase test_case = { .setup = { .modes = { { .width = 1024, .height = 768, .refresh_rate = 60.0 } }, .n_modes = 1, .outputs = { { .crtc = 0, .modes = { 0 }, .n_modes = 1, .preferred_mode = 0, .possible_crtcs = { 0 }, .n_possible_crtcs = 1, .width_mm = 222, .height_mm = 125, .is_laptop_panel = TRUE }, { .crtc = 1, .modes = { 0 }, .n_modes = 1, .preferred_mode = 0, .possible_crtcs = { 1 }, .n_possible_crtcs = 1, .width_mm = 220, .height_mm = 124 } }, .n_outputs = 2, .crtcs = { { .current_mode = 0 }, { .current_mode = 0 } }, .n_crtcs = 2 }, .expect = { .monitors = { { .outputs = { 0 }, .n_outputs = 1, .modes = { { .width = 1024, .height = 768, .crtc_modes = { { .output = 0, .crtc_mode = 0 } } } }, .n_modes = 1, .current_mode = 0, .width_mm = 222, .height_mm = 125 }, { .outputs = { 1 }, .n_outputs = 1, .modes = { { .width = 1024, .height = 768, .crtc_modes = { { .output = 1, .crtc_mode = 0 } } } }, .n_modes = 1, .current_mode = 0, .width_mm = 220, .height_mm = 124 } }, .n_monitors = 2, .logical_monitors = { { .monitors = { 0 }, .n_monitors = 1, .layout = { .x = 0, .y = 0, .width = 1024, .height = 768 }, .scale = 1 }, { .monitors = { 1 }, .n_monitors = 1, .layout = { .x = 1024, .y = 0, .width = 1024, .height = 768 }, .scale = 1 } }, .n_logical_monitors = 2, .primary_logical_monitor = 0, .n_outputs = 2, .crtcs = { { .current_mode = 0, }, { .current_mode = 0, } }, .n_crtcs = 2, .n_tiled_monitors = 0, .screen_width = 1024 * 2, .screen_height = 768 } }; MetaMonitorTestSetup *test_setup; MetaBackend *backend = meta_get_backend (); MetaMonitorManager *monitor_manager = meta_backend_get_monitor_manager (backend); MetaMonitorManagerTest *monitor_manager_test = META_MONITOR_MANAGER_TEST (monitor_manager); test_setup = create_monitor_test_setup (&test_case, MONITOR_TEST_FLAG_NO_STORED); emulate_hotplug (test_setup); check_monitor_configuration (&test_case); meta_monitor_manager_test_set_is_lid_closed (monitor_manager_test, TRUE); meta_monitor_manager_lid_is_closed_changed (monitor_manager); test_case.expect.logical_monitors[0] = (MonitorTestCaseLogicalMonitor) { .monitors = { 1 }, .n_monitors = 1, .layout = {.x = 0, .y = 0, .width = 1024, .height = 768 }, .scale = 1 }; test_case.expect.n_logical_monitors = 1; test_case.expect.screen_width = 1024; test_case.expect.monitors[0].current_mode = -1; test_case.expect.crtcs[0].current_mode = -1; check_monitor_configuration (&test_case); meta_monitor_manager_test_set_is_lid_closed (monitor_manager_test, FALSE); meta_monitor_manager_lid_is_closed_changed (monitor_manager); test_case.expect.n_logical_monitors = 2; test_case.expect.screen_width = 1024 * 2; test_case.expect.monitors[0].current_mode = 0; test_case.expect.crtcs[0].current_mode = 0; test_case.expect.crtcs[1].current_mode = 0; if (!is_using_monitor_config_manager ()) { test_case.expect.logical_monitors[0] = (MonitorTestCaseLogicalMonitor) { .monitors = { 0 }, .n_monitors = 1, .layout = {.x = 0, .y = 0, .width = 1024, .height = 768 }, .scale = 1 }; test_case.expect.logical_monitors[1] = (MonitorTestCaseLogicalMonitor) { .monitors = { 1 }, .n_monitors = 1, .layout = {.x = 1024, .y = 0, .width = 1024, .height = 768 }, .scale = 1 }; test_case.expect.n_logical_monitors = 2; test_case.expect.primary_logical_monitor = 0; } else { /* * FIXME: The above expectation is correct, but MetaMonitorConfigManager * doesn't support restoring previous configurations yet, so it'll * pick keep the external monitor as primary and put it first. */ test_case.expect.logical_monitors[0] = (MonitorTestCaseLogicalMonitor) { .monitors = { 1 }, .n_monitors = 1, .layout = {.x = 0, .y = 0, .width = 1024, .height = 768 }, .scale = 1 }; test_case.expect.logical_monitors[1] = (MonitorTestCaseLogicalMonitor) { .monitors = { 0 }, .n_monitors = 1, .layout = {.x = 1024, .y = 0, .width = 1024, .height = 768 }, .scale = 1 }; test_case.expect.n_logical_monitors = 2; test_case.expect.primary_logical_monitor = 0; } check_monitor_configuration (&test_case); } static void meta_test_monitor_lid_opened_config (void) { MonitorTestCase test_case = { .setup = { .modes = { { .width = 1024, .height = 768, .refresh_rate = 60.0 } }, .n_modes = 1, .outputs = { { .crtc = 0, .modes = { 0 }, .n_modes = 1, .preferred_mode = 0, .possible_crtcs = { 0 }, .n_possible_crtcs = 1, .width_mm = 222, .height_mm = 125, .is_laptop_panel = TRUE }, { .crtc = 1, .modes = { 0 }, .n_modes = 1, .preferred_mode = 0, .possible_crtcs = { 1 }, .n_possible_crtcs = 1, .width_mm = 220, .height_mm = 124 } }, .n_outputs = 2, .crtcs = { { .current_mode = 0 }, { .current_mode = 0 } }, .n_crtcs = 2 }, .expect = { .monitors = { { .outputs = { 0 }, .n_outputs = 1, .modes = { { .width = 1024, .height = 768, .crtc_modes = { { .output = 0, .crtc_mode = 0 } } } }, .n_modes = 1, .current_mode = -1, .width_mm = 222, .height_mm = 125 }, { .outputs = { 1 }, .n_outputs = 1, .modes = { { .width = 1024, .height = 768, .crtc_modes = { { .output = 1, .crtc_mode = 0 } } } }, .n_modes = 1, .current_mode = 0, .width_mm = 220, .height_mm = 124 } }, .n_monitors = 2, .logical_monitors = { { .monitors = { 1 }, .n_monitors = 1, .layout = { .x = 0, .y = 0, .width = 1024, .height = 768 }, .scale = 1 }, { .monitors = { 0 }, .n_monitors = 1, .layout = { .x = 1024, .y = 0, .width = 1024, .height = 768 }, .scale = 1 } }, .n_logical_monitors = 1, /* Second one checked after lid opened. */ .primary_logical_monitor = 0, .n_outputs = 2, .crtcs = { { .current_mode = -1, }, { .current_mode = 0, } }, .n_crtcs = 2, .n_tiled_monitors = 0, .screen_width = 1024, .screen_height = 768 } }; MetaMonitorTestSetup *test_setup; MetaBackend *backend = meta_get_backend (); MetaMonitorManager *monitor_manager = meta_backend_get_monitor_manager (backend); MetaMonitorManagerTest *monitor_manager_test = META_MONITOR_MANAGER_TEST (monitor_manager); if (!is_using_monitor_config_manager ()) { g_test_skip ("Only the new monitor config manager handles this case."); return; } test_setup = create_monitor_test_setup (&test_case, MONITOR_TEST_FLAG_NO_STORED); meta_monitor_manager_test_set_is_lid_closed (monitor_manager_test, TRUE); emulate_hotplug (test_setup); check_monitor_configuration (&test_case); meta_monitor_manager_test_set_is_lid_closed (monitor_manager_test, FALSE); meta_monitor_manager_lid_is_closed_changed (monitor_manager); test_case.expect.n_logical_monitors = 2; test_case.expect.screen_width = 1024 * 2; test_case.expect.monitors[0].current_mode = 0; test_case.expect.crtcs[0].current_mode = 0; test_case.expect.crtcs[1].current_mode = 0; check_monitor_configuration (&test_case); } static void meta_test_monitor_lid_closed_no_external (void) { MonitorTestCase test_case = { .setup = { .modes = { { .width = 1024, .height = 768, .refresh_rate = 60.0 } }, .n_modes = 1, .outputs = { { .crtc = 0, .modes = { 0 }, .n_modes = 1, .preferred_mode = 0, .possible_crtcs = { 0 }, .n_possible_crtcs = 1, .width_mm = 222, .height_mm = 125, .is_laptop_panel = TRUE } }, .n_outputs = 1, .crtcs = { { .current_mode = 0 } }, .n_crtcs = 1 }, .expect = { .monitors = { { .outputs = { 0 }, .n_outputs = 1, .modes = { { .width = 1024, .height = 768, .crtc_modes = { { .output = 0, .crtc_mode = 0 } } } }, .n_modes = 1, .current_mode = 0, .width_mm = 222, .height_mm = 125 } }, .n_monitors = 1, .logical_monitors = { { .monitors = { 0 }, .n_monitors = 1, .layout = { .x = 0, .y = 0, .width = 1024, .height = 768 }, .scale = 1 } }, .n_logical_monitors = 1, .primary_logical_monitor = 0, .n_outputs = 1, .crtcs = { { .current_mode = 0, }, }, .n_crtcs = 1, .n_tiled_monitors = 0, .screen_width = 1024, .screen_height = 768 } }; MetaMonitorTestSetup *test_setup; MetaBackend *backend = meta_get_backend (); MetaMonitorManager *monitor_manager = meta_backend_get_monitor_manager (backend); MetaMonitorManagerTest *monitor_manager_test = META_MONITOR_MANAGER_TEST (monitor_manager); test_setup = create_monitor_test_setup (&test_case, MONITOR_TEST_FLAG_NO_STORED); meta_monitor_manager_test_set_is_lid_closed (monitor_manager_test, TRUE); emulate_hotplug (test_setup); check_monitor_configuration (&test_case); } static void meta_test_monitor_no_outputs (void) { MonitorTestCase test_case = { .setup = { .n_modes = 0, .n_outputs = 0, .n_crtcs = 0 }, .expect = { .n_monitors = 0, .n_logical_monitors = 0, .primary_logical_monitor = -1, .n_outputs = 0, .n_crtcs = 0, .n_tiled_monitors = 0, /* The screen is made 1x1, as clutter stage used cannot be empty. */ .screen_width = 1, .screen_height = 1 } }; MetaMonitorTestSetup *test_setup; if (!is_using_monitor_config_manager ()) { g_test_skip ("Only the new monitor config manager handles this case."); return; } test_setup = create_monitor_test_setup (&test_case, MONITOR_TEST_FLAG_NO_STORED); emulate_hotplug (test_setup); check_monitor_configuration (&test_case); } static void meta_test_monitor_underscanning_config (void) { MonitorTestCase test_case = { .setup = { .modes = { { .width = 1024, .height = 768, .refresh_rate = 60.0 } }, .n_modes = 1, .outputs = { { .crtc = 0, .modes = { 0 }, .n_modes = 1, .preferred_mode = 0, .possible_crtcs = { 0 }, .n_possible_crtcs = 1, .width_mm = 222, .height_mm = 125, .is_underscanning = TRUE, } }, .n_outputs = 1, .crtcs = { { .current_mode = 0 } }, .n_crtcs = 1 }, .expect = { .monitors = { { .outputs = { 0 }, .n_outputs = 1, .modes = { { .width = 1024, .height = 768, .crtc_modes = { { .output = 0, .crtc_mode = 0 } } } }, .n_modes = 1, .current_mode = 0, .width_mm = 222, .height_mm = 125, .is_underscanning = TRUE, } }, .n_monitors = 1, .logical_monitors = { { .monitors = { 0 }, .n_monitors = 1, .layout = { .x = 0, .y = 0, .width = 1024, .height = 768 }, .scale = 1 } }, .n_logical_monitors = 1, .primary_logical_monitor = 0, .n_outputs = 1, .crtcs = { { .current_mode = 0, } }, .n_crtcs = 1, .screen_width = 1024, .screen_height = 768 } }; MetaMonitorTestSetup *test_setup; test_setup = create_monitor_test_setup (&test_case, MONITOR_TEST_FLAG_NO_STORED); emulate_hotplug (test_setup); check_monitor_configuration (&test_case); } static void meta_test_monitor_custom_vertical_config (void) { MonitorTestCase test_case = { .setup = { .modes = { { .width = 1024, .height = 768, .refresh_rate = 60.000495910644531 }, { .width = 800, .height = 600, .refresh_rate = 60.000495910644531 } }, .n_modes = 2, .outputs = { { .crtc = 0, .modes = { 0 }, .n_modes = 1, .preferred_mode = 0, .possible_crtcs = { 0 }, .n_possible_crtcs = 1, .width_mm = 222, .height_mm = 125 }, { .crtc = 1, .modes = { 1 }, .n_modes = 1, .preferred_mode = 1, .possible_crtcs = { 1 }, .n_possible_crtcs = 1, .width_mm = 220, .height_mm = 124 } }, .n_outputs = 2, .crtcs = { { .current_mode = 0 }, { .current_mode = 0 } }, .n_crtcs = 2 }, .expect = { .monitors = { { .outputs = { 0 }, .n_outputs = 1, .modes = { { .width = 1024, .height = 768, .crtc_modes = { { .output = 0, .crtc_mode = 0 } } } }, .n_modes = 1, .current_mode = 0, .width_mm = 222, .height_mm = 125 }, { .outputs = { 1 }, .n_outputs = 1, .modes = { { .width = 800, .height = 600, .crtc_modes = { { .output = 1, .crtc_mode = 1 } } } }, .n_modes = 1, .current_mode = 0, .width_mm = 220, .height_mm = 124 } }, .n_monitors = 2, .logical_monitors = { { .monitors = { 0 }, .n_monitors = 1, .layout = { .x = 0, .y = 0, .width = 1024, .height = 768 }, .scale = 1 }, { .monitors = { 1 }, .n_monitors = 1, .layout = { .x = 0, .y = 768, .width = 800, .height = 600 }, .scale = 1 } }, .n_logical_monitors = 2, .primary_logical_monitor = 0, .n_outputs = 2, .crtcs = { { .current_mode = 0, }, { .current_mode = 1, } }, .n_crtcs = 2, .n_tiled_monitors = 0, .screen_width = 1024, .screen_height = 768 + 600 } }; MetaMonitorTestSetup *test_setup; if (!is_using_monitor_config_manager ()) { g_test_skip ("Not using MetaMonitorConfigManager"); return; } test_setup = create_monitor_test_setup (&test_case, MONITOR_TEST_FLAG_NONE); set_custom_monitor_config ("vertical.xml"); emulate_hotplug (test_setup); check_monitor_configuration (&test_case); } static void meta_test_monitor_custom_primary_config (void) { MonitorTestCase test_case = { .setup = { .modes = { { .width = 1024, .height = 768, .refresh_rate = 60.000495910644531 }, { .width = 800, .height = 600, .refresh_rate = 60.000495910644531 } }, .n_modes = 2, .outputs = { { .crtc = 0, .modes = { 0 }, .n_modes = 1, .preferred_mode = 0, .possible_crtcs = { 0 }, .n_possible_crtcs = 1, .width_mm = 222, .height_mm = 125 }, { .crtc = 1, .modes = { 1 }, .n_modes = 1, .preferred_mode = 1, .possible_crtcs = { 1 }, .n_possible_crtcs = 1, .width_mm = 220, .height_mm = 124 } }, .n_outputs = 2, .crtcs = { { .current_mode = 0 }, { .current_mode = 0 } }, .n_crtcs = 2 }, .expect = { .monitors = { { .outputs = { 0 }, .n_outputs = 1, .modes = { { .width = 1024, .height = 768, .crtc_modes = { { .output = 0, .crtc_mode = 0 } } } }, .n_modes = 1, .current_mode = 0, .width_mm = 222, .height_mm = 125 }, { .outputs = { 1 }, .n_outputs = 1, .modes = { { .width = 800, .height = 600, .crtc_modes = { { .output = 1, .crtc_mode = 1 } } } }, .n_modes = 1, .current_mode = 0, .width_mm = 220, .height_mm = 124 } }, .n_monitors = 2, .logical_monitors = { { .monitors = { 0 }, .n_monitors = 1, .layout = { .x = 0, .y = 0, .width = 1024, .height = 768 }, .scale = 1 }, { .monitors = { 1 }, .n_monitors = 1, .layout = { .x = 1024, .y = 0, .width = 800, .height = 600 }, .scale = 1 } }, .n_logical_monitors = 2, .primary_logical_monitor = 1, .n_outputs = 2, .crtcs = { { .current_mode = 0, }, { .current_mode = 1, } }, .n_crtcs = 2, .n_tiled_monitors = 0, .screen_width = 1024 + 800, .screen_height = 768 } }; MetaMonitorTestSetup *test_setup; if (!is_using_monitor_config_manager ()) { g_test_skip ("Not using MetaMonitorConfigManager"); return; } test_setup = create_monitor_test_setup (&test_case, MONITOR_TEST_FLAG_NONE); set_custom_monitor_config ("primary.xml"); emulate_hotplug (test_setup); check_monitor_configuration (&test_case); } static void meta_test_monitor_custom_underscanning_config (void) { MonitorTestCase test_case = { .setup = { .modes = { { .width = 1024, .height = 768, .refresh_rate = 60.000495910644531 } }, .n_modes = 1, .outputs = { { .crtc = 0, .modes = { 0 }, .n_modes = 1, .preferred_mode = 0, .possible_crtcs = { 0 }, .n_possible_crtcs = 1, .width_mm = 222, .height_mm = 125 }, }, .n_outputs = 1, .crtcs = { { .current_mode = 0 }, }, .n_crtcs = 1 }, .expect = { .monitors = { { .outputs = { 0 }, .n_outputs = 1, .modes = { { .width = 1024, .height = 768, .crtc_modes = { { .output = 0, .crtc_mode = 0 } } } }, .n_modes = 1, .current_mode = 0, .width_mm = 222, .height_mm = 125, .is_underscanning = TRUE, } }, .n_monitors = 1, .logical_monitors = { { .monitors = { 0 }, .n_monitors = 1, .layout = { .x = 0, .y = 0, .width = 1024, .height = 768 }, .scale = 1 } }, .n_logical_monitors = 1, .primary_logical_monitor = 0, .n_outputs = 1, .crtcs = { { .current_mode = 0, } }, .n_crtcs = 1, .n_tiled_monitors = 0, .screen_width = 1024, .screen_height = 768 } }; MetaMonitorTestSetup *test_setup; if (!is_using_monitor_config_manager ()) { g_test_skip ("Not using MetaMonitorConfigManager"); return; } test_setup = create_monitor_test_setup (&test_case, MONITOR_TEST_FLAG_NONE); set_custom_monitor_config ("underscanning.xml"); emulate_hotplug (test_setup); check_monitor_configuration (&test_case); } static void meta_test_monitor_custom_scale_config (void) { MonitorTestCase test_case = { .setup = { .modes = { { .width = 1920, .height = 1080, .refresh_rate = 60.000495910644531 } }, .n_modes = 1, .outputs = { { .crtc = 0, .modes = { 0 }, .n_modes = 1, .preferred_mode = 0, .possible_crtcs = { 0 }, .n_possible_crtcs = 1, .width_mm = 222, .height_mm = 125 }, }, .n_outputs = 1, .crtcs = { { .current_mode = 0 }, }, .n_crtcs = 1 }, .expect = { .monitors = { { .outputs = { 0 }, .n_outputs = 1, .modes = { { .width = 1920, .height = 1080, .crtc_modes = { { .output = 0, .crtc_mode = 0 } } } }, .n_modes = 1, .current_mode = 0, .width_mm = 222, .height_mm = 125, } }, .n_monitors = 1, .logical_monitors = { { .monitors = { 0 }, .n_monitors = 1, .layout = { .x = 0, .y = 0, .width = 1920, .height = 1080 }, .scale = 2 } }, .n_logical_monitors = 1, .primary_logical_monitor = 0, .n_outputs = 1, .crtcs = { { .current_mode = 0, } }, .n_crtcs = 1, .n_tiled_monitors = 0, .screen_width = 1920, .screen_height = 1080 } }; MetaMonitorTestSetup *test_setup; if (!is_using_monitor_config_manager ()) { g_test_skip ("Not using MetaMonitorConfigManager"); return; } test_setup = create_monitor_test_setup (&test_case, MONITOR_TEST_FLAG_NONE); set_custom_monitor_config ("scale.xml"); emulate_hotplug (test_setup); check_monitor_configuration (&test_case); } static void meta_test_monitor_custom_tiled_config (void) { MonitorTestCase test_case = { .setup = { .modes = { { .width = 400, .height = 600, .refresh_rate = 60.000495910644531 } }, .n_modes = 1, .outputs = { { .crtc = -1, .modes = { 0 }, .n_modes = 1, .preferred_mode = 0, .possible_crtcs = { 0, 1 }, .n_possible_crtcs = 2, .width_mm = 222, .height_mm = 125, .tile_info = { .group_id = 1, .max_h_tiles = 2, .max_v_tiles = 1, .loc_h_tile = 0, .loc_v_tile = 0, .tile_w = 400, .tile_h = 600 } }, { .crtc = -1, .modes = { 0 }, .n_modes = 1, .preferred_mode = 0, .possible_crtcs = { 0, 1 }, .n_possible_crtcs = 2, .width_mm = 222, .height_mm = 125, .tile_info = { .group_id = 1, .max_h_tiles = 2, .max_v_tiles = 1, .loc_h_tile = 1, .loc_v_tile = 0, .tile_w = 400, .tile_h = 600 } } }, .n_outputs = 2, .crtcs = { { .current_mode = 0 }, { .current_mode = -1 } }, .n_crtcs = 2 }, .expect = { .monitors = { { .outputs = { 0, 1 }, .n_outputs = 2, .modes = { { .width = 800, .height = 600, .crtc_modes = { { .output = 0, .crtc_mode = 0, .x = 0, .y = 0, }, { .output = 1, .crtc_mode = 0, .x = 400, .y = 0, } } } }, .n_modes = 1, .current_mode = 0, .width_mm = 222, .height_mm = 125, } }, .n_monitors = 1, .logical_monitors = { { .monitors = { 0 }, .n_monitors = 1, .layout = { .x = 0, .y = 0, .width = 800, .height = 600 }, .scale = 2 } }, .n_logical_monitors = 1, .primary_logical_monitor = 0, .n_outputs = 2, .crtcs = { { .current_mode = 0, }, { .current_mode = 0, } }, .n_crtcs = 2, .n_tiled_monitors = 1, .screen_width = 800, .screen_height = 600 } }; MetaMonitorTestSetup *test_setup; if (!is_using_monitor_config_manager ()) { g_test_skip ("Not using MetaMonitorConfigManager"); return; } test_setup = create_monitor_test_setup (&test_case, MONITOR_TEST_FLAG_NONE); set_custom_monitor_config ("tiled.xml"); emulate_hotplug (test_setup); check_monitor_configuration (&test_case); } static void meta_test_monitor_custom_mirrored_config (void) { MonitorTestCase test_case = { .setup = { .modes = { { .width = 800, .height = 600, .refresh_rate = 60.000495910644531 } }, .n_modes = 1, .outputs = { { .crtc = 0, .modes = { 0 }, .n_modes = 1, .preferred_mode = 0, .possible_crtcs = { 0 }, .n_possible_crtcs = 1, .width_mm = 222, .height_mm = 125 }, { .crtc = 1, .modes = { 0 }, .n_modes = 1, .preferred_mode = 0, .possible_crtcs = { 1 }, .n_possible_crtcs = 1, .width_mm = 220, .height_mm = 124 } }, .n_outputs = 2, .crtcs = { { .current_mode = 0 }, { .current_mode = 0 } }, .n_crtcs = 2 }, .expect = { .monitors = { { .outputs = { 0 }, .n_outputs = 1, .modes = { { .width = 800, .height = 600, .crtc_modes = { { .output = 0, .crtc_mode = 0 } } } }, .n_modes = 1, .current_mode = 0, .width_mm = 222, .height_mm = 125 }, { .outputs = { 1 }, .n_outputs = 1, .modes = { { .width = 800, .height = 600, .crtc_modes = { { .output = 1, .crtc_mode = 0 } } } }, .n_modes = 1, .current_mode = 0, .width_mm = 220, .height_mm = 124 } }, .n_monitors = 2, .logical_monitors = { { .monitors = { 0, 1 }, .n_monitors = 2, .layout = { .x = 0, .y = 0, .width = 800, .height = 600 }, .scale = 1 } }, .n_logical_monitors = 1, .primary_logical_monitor = 0, .n_outputs = 2, .crtcs = { { .current_mode = 0, }, { .current_mode = 0, } }, .n_crtcs = 2, .n_tiled_monitors = 0, .screen_width = 800, .screen_height = 600 } }; MetaMonitorTestSetup *test_setup; if (!is_using_monitor_config_manager ()) { g_test_skip ("Not using MetaMonitorConfigManager"); return; } test_setup = create_monitor_test_setup (&test_case, MONITOR_TEST_FLAG_NONE); set_custom_monitor_config ("mirrored.xml"); emulate_hotplug (test_setup); check_monitor_configuration (&test_case); } void init_monitor_tests (void) { MetaMonitorTestSetup *initial_test_setup; initial_test_setup = create_monitor_test_setup (&initial_test_case, MONITOR_TEST_FLAG_NO_STORED); meta_monitor_manager_test_init_test_setup (initial_test_setup); g_test_add_func ("/backends/monitor/initial-linear-config", meta_test_monitor_initial_linear_config); g_test_add_func ("/backends/monitor/one-disconnected-linear-config", meta_test_monitor_one_disconnected_linear_config); g_test_add_func ("/backends/monitor/one-off-linear-config", meta_test_monitor_one_off_linear_config); g_test_add_func ("/backends/monitor/preferred-linear-config", meta_test_monitor_preferred_linear_config); g_test_add_func ("/backends/monitor/tiled-linear-config", meta_test_monitor_tiled_linear_config); g_test_add_func ("/backends/monitor/hidpi-linear-config", meta_test_monitor_hidpi_linear_config); g_test_add_func ("/backends/monitor/suggested-config", meta_test_monitor_suggested_config); g_test_add_func ("/backends/monitor/limited-crtcs", meta_test_monitor_limited_crtcs); g_test_add_func ("/backends/monitor/lid-switch-config", meta_test_monitor_lid_switch_config); g_test_add_func ("/backends/monitor/lid-opened-config", meta_test_monitor_lid_opened_config); g_test_add_func ("/backends/monitor/lid-closed-no-external", meta_test_monitor_lid_closed_no_external); g_test_add_func ("/backends/monitor/no-outputs", meta_test_monitor_no_outputs); g_test_add_func ("/backends/monitor/underscanning-config", meta_test_monitor_underscanning_config); g_test_add_func ("/backends/monitor/custom/vertical-config", meta_test_monitor_custom_vertical_config); g_test_add_func ("/backends/monitor/custom/primary-config", meta_test_monitor_custom_primary_config); g_test_add_func ("/backends/monitor/custom/underscanning-config", meta_test_monitor_custom_underscanning_config); g_test_add_func ("/backends/monitor/custom/scale-config", meta_test_monitor_custom_scale_config); g_test_add_func ("/backends/monitor/custom/tiled-config", meta_test_monitor_custom_tiled_config); g_test_add_func ("/backends/monitor/custom/mirrored-config", meta_test_monitor_custom_mirrored_config); }