GENERAL ======= General notes and rules on clutter core hacking; - GNU style indentation, please try hard to wrap at 80 chars. - All non static public API funcs should be documented in the source files via gtk-doc. Structures, enumerations and macros should be documented in the header files. - All non-trivial static and private API should be documented, especially the eventual lifetime handling of the arguments/return values or locking of mutexes. - All public functions with float parameters should also provide a fixed point version, with the 'x' postfix to the function name, e.g.: clutter_actor_set_foo - floating point clutter_actor_set_foox - fixed point Fixed point should be always be used internally, except when precision is paramount. - All public functions dealing with pixels should also provide a ClutterUnit version, with the 'u' postfix to the function name, e.g: clutter_actor_set_bar - pixels clutter_actor_set_baru - units ClutterUnit should always be used internally. - Properties should always be in floating point (never fixed point). The preferred precision is double. - Properties should use pixels whenever is possible. If sub-pixel precision is fundamental, use ClutterParamSpecUnit and clutter_param_spec_unit() to install ClutterUnit properties, and clutter_value_set_unit()/clutter_value_get_unit() to handle GValues in a safe way. Never install a ClutterUnit property using a GParamSpecInt. - Public entry points must always check their arguments with g_return_if_fail() or g_return_val_if_fail(). - Private entry points should use g_assert() to verify internal state; do not use g_return_if_fail()/g_return_val_if_fail() as they might be compiled out. - Really try to avoid if possible additions to clutter-private.h. Use accessor functions instead. - Don't add direct GL calls but wrap with cogl (also adding GLES version if possible, or at least a stub). - Use CLUTTER_NOTE() macro for debug statements. - New features should also include an exhaustive test unit under tests. RELEASES ======== In making a new release; - Check out a fresh copy from SVN. - Verify versioning in, increasing relevant clutter_major_version/clutter_minor_version/clutter_micro_version value. For point releases, bump clutter_micro_version to the next even number. - If there was no API change (addition, removal), increment clutter_interface_age by one. If there was an API change, set clutter_interface_age to zero. - Update NEWS (New feature details, bug #'s), README (Any API changes relevant to developers + version), AUTHORS if relevant. - Add a Release entry to the ChangeLog noting version. - Call make distcheck and fix if fails. - Upload the tarball. - Bump clutter_micro_version to the next odd number version. - Commit. - Announce release to waiting world on blog and mailing list. - Release any dependant add-ons following similar rules to above. Dont forget to check *.pc file version deps! $LastChangedDate$