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synced 2025-03-25 04:33:52 +00:00
Updated Serbian translation
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@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
# Serbian translation for clutter.
# Copyright (C) 2011 clutter's COPYRIGHT HOLDER
# This file is distributed under the same license as the clutter package.
# Мирослав Николић <miroslavnikolic@rocketmail.com>, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014.
# Мирослав Николић <miroslavnikolic@rocketmail.com>, 2011—2014.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: clutter master\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=clutte"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-03 16:12+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-02-03 21:19+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-24 16:09+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-02-24 22:38+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Мирослав Николић <miroslavnikolic@rocketmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Serbian <gnom@prevod.org>\n"
"Language: sr\n"
@ -936,22 +936,18 @@ msgid "The height of the canvas"
msgstr "Висина платна"
#: ../clutter/clutter-canvas.c:283
#| msgid "Selection Color Set"
msgid "Scale Factor Set"
msgstr "Подешени чинилац сразмере"
#: ../clutter/clutter-canvas.c:284
#| msgid "Whether the transform property is set"
msgid "Whether the scale-factor property is set"
msgstr "Да ли је подешено својство чиниоца сразмере"
#: ../clutter/clutter-canvas.c:305
#| msgid "Factor"
msgid "Scale Factor"
msgstr "Чинилац сразмере"
#: ../clutter/clutter-canvas.c:306
#| msgid "The height of the Cairo surface"
msgid "The scaling factor for the surface"
msgstr "Чинилац сразмере за површину"
@ -1155,23 +1151,42 @@ msgstr "Највећа висина за сваки ред"
msgid "Snap to grid"
msgstr "Приони на мрежу"
#: ../clutter/clutter-gesture-action.c:639
#: ../clutter/clutter-gesture-action.c:668
msgid "Number touch points"
msgstr "Број тачака додира"
#: ../clutter/clutter-gesture-action.c:640
#: ../clutter/clutter-gesture-action.c:669
msgid "Number of touch points"
msgstr "Број додирних тачака"
#: ../clutter/clutter-gesture-action.c:655
#: ../clutter/clutter-gesture-action.c:684
msgid "Threshold Trigger Edge"
msgstr "Ивица окидача осетљивости"
msgstr "Осетљивост ивице окидача"
#: ../clutter/clutter-gesture-action.c:656
#| msgid "The timeline used by the animation"
#: ../clutter/clutter-gesture-action.c:685
msgid "The trigger edge used by the action"
msgstr "Ивица окидача коју користи радња"
#: ../clutter/clutter-gesture-action.c:704
#| msgid "Threshold Trigger Edge"
msgid "Threshold Trigger Horizontal Distance"
msgstr "Осетљивост водоравне удаљености окидача"
#: ../clutter/clutter-gesture-action.c:705
#| msgid "The trigger edge used by the action"
msgid "The horizontal trigger distance used by the action"
msgstr "Водоравно одстојање окидача коју користи радња"
#: ../clutter/clutter-gesture-action.c:723
#| msgid "Threshold Trigger Edge"
msgid "Threshold Trigger Vertical Distance"
msgstr "Осетљивост усправне удаљености окидача"
#: ../clutter/clutter-gesture-action.c:724
#| msgid "The trigger edge used by the action"
msgid "The vertical trigger distance used by the action"
msgstr "Усправно одстојање окидача коју користи радња"
#: ../clutter/clutter-grid-layout.c:1223
msgid "Left attachment"
msgstr "Лево припајање"
@ -1388,35 +1403,35 @@ msgstr "Опције Галамџије"
msgid "Show Clutter Options"
msgstr "Приказује опције Галамџије"
#: ../clutter/clutter-pan-action.c:446
#: ../clutter/clutter-pan-action.c:455
msgid "Pan Axis"
msgstr "Оса померања"
#: ../clutter/clutter-pan-action.c:447
#: ../clutter/clutter-pan-action.c:456
msgid "Constraints the panning to an axis"
msgstr "Ограничава померање на осу"
#: ../clutter/clutter-pan-action.c:461
#: ../clutter/clutter-pan-action.c:470
msgid "Interpolate"
msgstr "Утапање"
#: ../clutter/clutter-pan-action.c:462
#: ../clutter/clutter-pan-action.c:471
msgid "Whether interpolated events emission is enabled."
msgstr "Да ли је укључено одашиљање утопљених догађаја"
#: ../clutter/clutter-pan-action.c:478
#: ../clutter/clutter-pan-action.c:487
msgid "Deceleration"
msgstr "Успоравање"
#: ../clutter/clutter-pan-action.c:479
#: ../clutter/clutter-pan-action.c:488
msgid "Rate at which the interpolated panning will decelerate in"
msgstr "Однос при у коме ће утопљено померање да успори"
#: ../clutter/clutter-pan-action.c:496
#: ../clutter/clutter-pan-action.c:505
msgid "Initial acceleration factor"
msgstr "Састојак почетног убрзања"
#: ../clutter/clutter-pan-action.c:497
#: ../clutter/clutter-pan-action.c:506
msgid "Factor applied to the momentum when starting the interpolated phase"
msgstr "Састојак који се примењује на замах приликом покретања фазе утапања"
@ -1567,7 +1582,6 @@ msgid "Window Scaling Factor"
msgstr "Чинилац сразмеравања прозора"
#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:662
#| msgid "Add an effect to be applied on the actor"
msgid "The scaling factor to be applied to windows"
msgstr "Чинилац сразмеравања који ће се примењивати над прозорима"
@ -2036,11 +2050,11 @@ msgstr "Уклони када је обављено"
msgid "Detach the transition when completed"
msgstr "Откачиће прелаз након што је обављен"
#: ../clutter/clutter-zoom-action.c:355
#: ../clutter/clutter-zoom-action.c:365
msgid "Zoom Axis"
msgstr "Оса увећања"
#: ../clutter/clutter-zoom-action.c:356
#: ../clutter/clutter-zoom-action.c:366
msgid "Constraints the zoom to an axis"
msgstr "Ограничава увећавање на осу"
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
# Serbian translation for clutter.
# Copyright (C) 2011 clutter's COPYRIGHT HOLDER
# This file is distributed under the same license as the clutter package.
# Miroslav Nikolić <miroslavnikolic@rocketmail.com>, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014.
# Miroslav Nikolić <miroslavnikolic@rocketmail.com>, 2011—2014.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: clutter master\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=clutte"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-03 16:12+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-02-03 21:19+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-24 16:09+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-02-24 22:38+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Miroslav Nikolić <miroslavnikolic@rocketmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Serbian <gnom@prevod.org>\n"
"Language: sr\n"
@ -936,22 +936,18 @@ msgid "The height of the canvas"
msgstr "Visina platna"
#: ../clutter/clutter-canvas.c:283
#| msgid "Selection Color Set"
msgid "Scale Factor Set"
msgstr "Podešeni činilac srazmere"
#: ../clutter/clutter-canvas.c:284
#| msgid "Whether the transform property is set"
msgid "Whether the scale-factor property is set"
msgstr "Da li je podešeno svojstvo činioca srazmere"
#: ../clutter/clutter-canvas.c:305
#| msgid "Factor"
msgid "Scale Factor"
msgstr "Činilac srazmere"
#: ../clutter/clutter-canvas.c:306
#| msgid "The height of the Cairo surface"
msgid "The scaling factor for the surface"
msgstr "Činilac srazmere za površinu"
@ -1155,23 +1151,42 @@ msgstr "Najveća visina za svaki red"
msgid "Snap to grid"
msgstr "Prioni na mrežu"
#: ../clutter/clutter-gesture-action.c:639
#: ../clutter/clutter-gesture-action.c:668
msgid "Number touch points"
msgstr "Broj tačaka dodira"
#: ../clutter/clutter-gesture-action.c:640
#: ../clutter/clutter-gesture-action.c:669
msgid "Number of touch points"
msgstr "Broj dodirnih tačaka"
#: ../clutter/clutter-gesture-action.c:655
#: ../clutter/clutter-gesture-action.c:684
msgid "Threshold Trigger Edge"
msgstr "Ivica okidača osetljivosti"
msgstr "Osetljivost ivice okidača"
#: ../clutter/clutter-gesture-action.c:656
#| msgid "The timeline used by the animation"
#: ../clutter/clutter-gesture-action.c:685
msgid "The trigger edge used by the action"
msgstr "Ivica okidača koju koristi radnja"
#: ../clutter/clutter-gesture-action.c:704
#| msgid "Threshold Trigger Edge"
msgid "Threshold Trigger Horizontal Distance"
msgstr "Osetljivost vodoravne udaljenosti okidača"
#: ../clutter/clutter-gesture-action.c:705
#| msgid "The trigger edge used by the action"
msgid "The horizontal trigger distance used by the action"
msgstr "Vodoravno odstojanje okidača koju koristi radnja"
#: ../clutter/clutter-gesture-action.c:723
#| msgid "Threshold Trigger Edge"
msgid "Threshold Trigger Vertical Distance"
msgstr "Osetljivost uspravne udaljenosti okidača"
#: ../clutter/clutter-gesture-action.c:724
#| msgid "The trigger edge used by the action"
msgid "The vertical trigger distance used by the action"
msgstr "Uspravno odstojanje okidača koju koristi radnja"
#: ../clutter/clutter-grid-layout.c:1223
msgid "Left attachment"
msgstr "Levo pripajanje"
@ -1388,35 +1403,35 @@ msgstr "Opcije Galamdžije"
msgid "Show Clutter Options"
msgstr "Prikazuje opcije Galamdžije"
#: ../clutter/clutter-pan-action.c:446
#: ../clutter/clutter-pan-action.c:455
msgid "Pan Axis"
msgstr "Osa pomeranja"
#: ../clutter/clutter-pan-action.c:447
#: ../clutter/clutter-pan-action.c:456
msgid "Constraints the panning to an axis"
msgstr "Ograničava pomeranje na osu"
#: ../clutter/clutter-pan-action.c:461
#: ../clutter/clutter-pan-action.c:470
msgid "Interpolate"
msgstr "Utapanje"
#: ../clutter/clutter-pan-action.c:462
#: ../clutter/clutter-pan-action.c:471
msgid "Whether interpolated events emission is enabled."
msgstr "Da li je uključeno odašiljanje utopljenih događaja"
#: ../clutter/clutter-pan-action.c:478
#: ../clutter/clutter-pan-action.c:487
msgid "Deceleration"
msgstr "Usporavanje"
#: ../clutter/clutter-pan-action.c:479
#: ../clutter/clutter-pan-action.c:488
msgid "Rate at which the interpolated panning will decelerate in"
msgstr "Odnos pri u kome će utopljeno pomeranje da uspori"
#: ../clutter/clutter-pan-action.c:496
#: ../clutter/clutter-pan-action.c:505
msgid "Initial acceleration factor"
msgstr "Sastojak početnog ubrzanja"
#: ../clutter/clutter-pan-action.c:497
#: ../clutter/clutter-pan-action.c:506
msgid "Factor applied to the momentum when starting the interpolated phase"
msgstr "Sastojak koji se primenjuje na zamah prilikom pokretanja faze utapanja"
@ -1567,7 +1582,6 @@ msgid "Window Scaling Factor"
msgstr "Činilac srazmeravanja prozora"
#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:662
#| msgid "Add an effect to be applied on the actor"
msgid "The scaling factor to be applied to windows"
msgstr "Činilac srazmeravanja koji će se primenjivati nad prozorima"
@ -2036,11 +2050,11 @@ msgstr "Ukloni kada je obavljeno"
msgid "Detach the transition when completed"
msgstr "Otkačiće prelaz nakon što je obavljen"
#: ../clutter/clutter-zoom-action.c:355
#: ../clutter/clutter-zoom-action.c:365
msgid "Zoom Axis"
msgstr "Osa uvećanja"
#: ../clutter/clutter-zoom-action.c:356
#: ../clutter/clutter-zoom-action.c:366
msgid "Constraints the zoom to an axis"
msgstr "Ograničava uvećavanje na osu"
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