The view selector is a tabbed interface with a search entry. Starting a search switches focus to the results' tab, ending a search moves the focus back to the previously selected tab. Activating a normal tab while a search is active cancels the search. https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=634948
172 lines
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172 lines
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/* -*- mode: js2; js2-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
const Mainloop = imports.mainloop;
const Signals = imports.signals;
const Lang = imports.lang;
const Shell = imports.gi.Shell;
const St = imports.gi.St;
const Gettext = imports.gettext.domain('gnome-shell');
const _ = Gettext.gettext;
const AppDisplay = imports.ui.appDisplay;
const AppFavorites = imports.ui.appFavorites;
const DND = imports.ui.dnd;
const Main = imports.ui.main;
const Workspace = imports.ui.workspace;
function Dash() {
Dash.prototype = {
_init : function() {
this._menus = [];
this._menuDisplays = [];
this._maxHeight = -1;
this._favorites = [];
this._box = new St.BoxLayout({ name: 'dash',
vertical: true,
clip_to_allocation: true });
this._box._delegate = this;
this.actor = new St.Bin({ y_align: St.Align.START, child: this._box });
this.actor.connect('notify::height', Lang.bind(this,
function() {
if (this._maxHeight != this.actor.height)
this._maxHeight = this.actor.height;
this._workId = Main.initializeDeferredWork(this._box, Lang.bind(this, this._redisplay));
this._tracker = Shell.WindowTracker.get_default();
this._appSystem = Shell.AppSystem.get_default();
this._appSystem.connect('installed-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._queueRedisplay));
AppFavorites.getAppFavorites().connect('changed', Lang.bind(this, this._queueRedisplay));
this._tracker.connect('app-state-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._queueRedisplay));
_appIdListToHash: function(apps) {
let ids = {};
for (let i = 0; i < apps.length; i++)
ids[apps[i].get_id()] = apps[i];
return ids;
_queueRedisplay: function () {
_redisplay: function () {
let favorites = AppFavorites.getAppFavorites().getFavoriteMap();
/* hardcode here pending some design about how exactly desktop contexts behave */
let contextId = '';
let running = this._tracker.get_running_apps(contextId);
for (let id in favorites) {
let app = favorites[id];
let display = new AppDisplay.AppWellIcon(app);
for (let i = 0; i < running.length; i++) {
let app = running[i];
if (app.get_id() in favorites)
let display = new AppDisplay.AppWellIcon(app);
let children = this._box.get_children();
if (children.length == 0) {
} else {
if (this._maxHeight > -1) {
let iconSizes = [ 48, 32, 24, 22, 16 ];
for (let i = 0; i < iconSizes.length; i++) {
let minHeight, natHeight;
this._iconSize = iconSizes[i];
for (let j = 0; j < children.length; j++)
[minHeight, natHeight] = this.actor.get_preferred_height(-1);
if (natHeight <= this._maxHeight)
handleDragOver : function(source, actor, x, y, time) {
let app = null;
if (source instanceof AppDisplay.AppWellIcon)
app = this._appSystem.get_app(source.getId());
else if (source instanceof Workspace.WindowClone)
app = this._tracker.get_window_app(source.metaWindow);
// Don't allow favoriting of transient apps
if (app == null || app.is_transient())
return DND.DragMotionResult.NO_DROP;
let id = app.get_id();
let favorites = AppFavorites.getAppFavorites().getFavoriteMap();
let srcIsFavorite = (id in favorites);
if (srcIsFavorite)
return DND.DragMotionResult.NO_DROP;
return DND.DragMotionResult.COPY_DROP;
// Draggable target interface
acceptDrop : function(source, actor, x, y, time) {
let app = null;
if (source instanceof AppDisplay.AppWellIcon) {
app = this._appSystem.get_app(source.getId());
} else if (source instanceof Workspace.WindowClone) {
app = this._tracker.get_window_app(source.metaWindow);
// Don't allow favoriting of transient apps
if (app == null || app.is_transient()) {
return false;
let id = app.get_id();
let favorites = AppFavorites.getAppFavorites().getFavoriteMap();
let srcIsFavorite = (id in favorites);
if (srcIsFavorite) {
return false;
} else {
Mainloop.idle_add(Lang.bind(this, function () {
return false;
return true;