Jasper St. Pierre 196fb0f16e popupMenu: Add and use GtkMenuTracker to build the remote menu
This simplifies the code required to build remote menus and
put all the items in the right place, and makes us share our
implementation with GTK+.
2013-04-23 15:50:36 -04:00

435 lines
15 KiB

* Copyright © 2013 Canonical Limited
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the licence, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* Author: Ryan Lortie <>
#include "config.h"
#include "gtkmenutracker.h"
typedef struct _GtkMenuTrackerSection GtkMenuTrackerSection;
struct _GtkMenuTracker
GtkMenuTrackerInsertFunc insert_func;
GtkMenuTrackerRemoveFunc remove_func;
gpointer user_data;
GtkMenuTrackerSection *toplevel;
struct _GtkMenuTrackerSection
GMenuModel *model;
GSList *items;
gchar *action_namespace;
guint with_separators : 1;
guint has_separator : 1;
gulong handler;
static GtkMenuTrackerSection * gtk_menu_tracker_section_new (GtkMenuTracker *tracker,
GMenuModel *model,
gboolean with_separators,
gint offset,
const gchar *action_namespace);
static void gtk_menu_tracker_section_free (GtkMenuTrackerSection *section);
static GtkMenuTrackerSection *
gtk_menu_tracker_section_find_model (GtkMenuTrackerSection *section,
GMenuModel *model,
gint *offset)
GSList *item;
if (section->has_separator)
if (section->model == model)
return section;
for (item = section->items; item; item = item->next)
GtkMenuTrackerSection *subsection = item->data;
if (subsection)
GtkMenuTrackerSection *found_section;
found_section = gtk_menu_tracker_section_find_model (subsection, model, offset);
if (found_section)
return found_section;
return FALSE;
/* this is responsible for syncing the showing of a separator for a
* single subsection (and its children).
* we only ever show separators if we have _actual_ children (ie: we do
* not show a separator if the section contains only empty child
* sections). it's difficult to determine this on-the-fly, so we have
* this separate function to come back later and figure it out.
* 'section' is that section.
* 'tracker' is passed in so that we can emit callbacks when we decide
* to add/remove separators.
* 'offset' is passed in so we know which position to emit in our
* callbacks. ie: if we add a separator right at the top of this
* section then we would emit it with this offset. deeper inside, we
* adjust accordingly.
* could_have_separator is true in two situations:
* - our parent section had with_separators defined and we are not the
* first section (ie: we should add a separator if we have content in
* order to divide us from the items above)
* - if we had a 'label' attribute set for this section
* parent_model and parent_index are passed in so that we can give them
* to the insertion callback so that it can see the label (and anything
* else that happens to be defined on the section).
* we iterate each item in ourselves. for subsections, we recursively
* run ourselves to sync separators. after we are done, we notice if we
* have any items in us or if we are completely empty and sync if our
* separator is shown or not.
static gint
gtk_menu_tracker_section_sync_separators (GtkMenuTrackerSection *section,
GtkMenuTracker *tracker,
gint offset,
gboolean could_have_separator,
GMenuModel *parent_model,
gint parent_index)
gboolean should_have_separator;
gint n_items = 0;
GSList *item;
gint i = 0;
for (item = section->items; item; item = item->next)
GtkMenuTrackerSection *subsection = item->data;
if (subsection)
gboolean could_have_separator;
could_have_separator = (section->with_separators && i > 0) ||
g_menu_model_get_item_attribute (section->model, i, "label", "s", NULL);
n_items += gtk_menu_tracker_section_sync_separators (subsection, tracker, offset + n_items,
could_have_separator, section->model, i);
should_have_separator = could_have_separator && n_items != 0;
if (should_have_separator > section->has_separator)
/* Add a separator */
(* tracker->insert_func) (offset, parent_model, parent_index, NULL, TRUE, tracker->user_data);
section->has_separator = TRUE;
else if (should_have_separator < section->has_separator)
/* Remove a separator */
(* tracker->remove_func) (offset, tracker->user_data);
section->has_separator = FALSE;
n_items += section->has_separator;
return n_items;
static gint
gtk_menu_tracker_section_measure (GtkMenuTrackerSection *section)
GSList *item;
gint n_items;
if (section == NULL)
return 1;
n_items = 0;
if (section->has_separator)
for (item = section->items; item; item = item->next)
n_items += gtk_menu_tracker_section_measure (item->data);
return n_items;
static void
gtk_menu_tracker_remove_items (GtkMenuTracker *tracker,
GSList **change_point,
gint offset,
gint n_items)
gint i;
for (i = 0; i < n_items; i++)
GtkMenuTrackerSection *subsection;
gint n;
subsection = (*change_point)->data;
*change_point = g_slist_delete_link (*change_point, *change_point);
n = gtk_menu_tracker_section_measure (subsection);
gtk_menu_tracker_section_free (subsection);
while (n--)
(* tracker->remove_func) (offset, tracker->user_data);
static void
gtk_menu_tracker_add_items (GtkMenuTracker *tracker,
GtkMenuTrackerSection *section,
GSList **change_point,
gint offset,
GMenuModel *model,
gint position,
gint n_items)
while (n_items--)
GMenuModel *submenu;
submenu = g_menu_model_get_item_link (model, position + n_items, G_MENU_LINK_SECTION);
g_assert (submenu != model);
if (submenu != NULL)
GtkMenuTrackerSection *subsection;
gchar *action_namespace = NULL;
g_menu_model_get_item_attribute (model, position + n_items,
G_MENU_ATTRIBUTE_ACTION_NAMESPACE, "s", &action_namespace);
if (section->action_namespace)
gchar *namespace;
namespace = g_strjoin (".", section->action_namespace, action_namespace, NULL);
subsection = gtk_menu_tracker_section_new (tracker, submenu, FALSE, offset, namespace);
g_free (namespace);
subsection = gtk_menu_tracker_section_new (tracker, submenu, FALSE, offset, section->action_namespace);
*change_point = g_slist_prepend (*change_point, subsection);
g_free (action_namespace);
g_object_unref (submenu);
(* tracker->insert_func) (offset, model, position + n_items,
section->action_namespace, FALSE, tracker->user_data);
*change_point = g_slist_prepend (*change_point, NULL);
static void
gtk_menu_tracker_model_changed (GMenuModel *model,
gint position,
gint removed,
gint added,
gpointer user_data)
GtkMenuTracker *tracker = user_data;
GtkMenuTrackerSection *section;
GSList **change_point;
gint offset = 0;
gint i;
/* First find which section the changed model corresponds to, and the
* position of that section within the overall menu.
section = gtk_menu_tracker_section_find_model (tracker->toplevel, model, &offset);
/* Next, seek through that section to the change point. This gives us
* the correct GSList** to make the change to and also finds the final
* offset at which we will make the changes (by measuring the number
* of items within each item of the section before the change point).
change_point = &section->items;
for (i = 0; i < position; i++)
offset += gtk_menu_tracker_section_measure ((*change_point)->data);
change_point = &(*change_point)->next;
/* We remove items in order and add items in reverse order. This
* means that the offset used for all inserts and removes caused by a
* single change will be the same.
* This also has a performance advantage: GtkMenuShell stores the
* menu items in a linked list. In the case where we are creating a
* menu for the first time, adding the items in reverse order means
* that we only ever insert at index zero, prepending the list. This
* means that we can populate in O(n) time instead of O(n^2) that we
* would do by appending.
gtk_menu_tracker_remove_items (tracker, change_point, offset, removed);
gtk_menu_tracker_add_items (tracker, section, change_point, offset, model, position, added);
/* The offsets for insertion/removal of separators will be all over
* the place, however...
gtk_menu_tracker_section_sync_separators (tracker->toplevel, tracker, 0, FALSE, NULL, 0);
static void
gtk_menu_tracker_section_free (GtkMenuTrackerSection *section)
if (section == NULL)
g_signal_handler_disconnect (section->model, section->handler);
g_slist_free_full (section->items, (GDestroyNotify) gtk_menu_tracker_section_free);
g_free (section->action_namespace);
g_object_unref (section->model);
g_slice_free (GtkMenuTrackerSection, section);
static GtkMenuTrackerSection *
gtk_menu_tracker_section_new (GtkMenuTracker *tracker,
GMenuModel *model,
gboolean with_separators,
gint offset,
const gchar *action_namespace)
GtkMenuTrackerSection *section;
section = g_slice_new0 (GtkMenuTrackerSection);
section->model = g_object_ref (model);
section->with_separators = with_separators;
section->action_namespace = g_strdup (action_namespace);
gtk_menu_tracker_add_items (tracker, section, &section->items, offset, model, 0, g_menu_model_get_n_items (model));
section->handler = g_signal_connect (model, "items-changed", G_CALLBACK (gtk_menu_tracker_model_changed), tracker);
return section;
/*< private >
* gtk_menu_tracker_new:
* @model: the model to flatten
* @with_separators: if the toplevel should have separators (ie: TRUE
* for menus, FALSE for menubars)
* @action_namespace: the passed-in action namespace
* @insert_func: insert callback
* @remove_func: remove callback
* @user_data user data for callbacks
* Creates a GtkMenuTracker for @model, holding a ref on @model for as
* long as the tracker is alive.
* This flattens out the model, merging sections and inserting
* separators where appropriate. It monitors for changes and performs
* updates on the fly. It also handles action_namespace for subsections
* (but you will need to handle it yourself for submenus).
* When the tracker is first created, @insert_func will be called many
* times to populate the menu with the initial contents of @model
* (unless it is empty), before gtk_menu_tracker_new() returns. For
* this reason, the menu that is using the tracker ought to be empty
* when it creates the tracker.
* Future changes to @model will result in more calls to @insert_func
* and @remove_func.
* The position argument to both functions is the linear 0-based
* position in the menu at which the item in question should be inserted
* or removed.
* For @insert_func, @model and @item_index are used to get the
* information about the menu item to insert. @action_namespace is the
* action namespace that actions referred to from that item should place
* themselves in. Note that if the item is a submenu and the
* "action-namespace" attribute is defined on the item, it will _not_ be
* applied to the @action_namespace argument as it is meant for the
* items inside of the submenu, not the submenu item itself.
* @is_separator is set to %TRUE in case the item being added is a
* separator. @model and @item_index will still be meaningfully set in
* this case -- to the section menu item corresponding to the separator.
* This is useful if the section specifies a label, for example. If
* there is an "action-namespace" attribute on this menu item then it
* should be ignored by the consumer because #GtkMenuTracker has already
* handled it.
* When using #GtkMenuTracker there is no need to hold onto @model or
* monitor it for changes. The model will be unreffed when
* gtk_menu_tracker_free() is called.
GtkMenuTracker *
gtk_menu_tracker_new (GMenuModel *model,
gboolean with_separators,
const gchar *action_namespace,
GtkMenuTrackerInsertFunc insert_func,
GtkMenuTrackerRemoveFunc remove_func,
gpointer user_data)
GtkMenuTracker *tracker;
tracker = g_slice_new (GtkMenuTracker);
tracker->insert_func = insert_func;
tracker->remove_func = remove_func;
tracker->user_data = user_data;
tracker->toplevel = gtk_menu_tracker_section_new (tracker, model, with_separators, 0, action_namespace);
gtk_menu_tracker_section_sync_separators (tracker->toplevel, tracker, 0, FALSE, NULL, 0);
return tracker;
/*< private >
* gtk_menu_tracker_free:
* @tracker: a #GtkMenuTracker
* Frees the tracker, ...
gtk_menu_tracker_free (GtkMenuTracker *tracker)
gtk_menu_tracker_section_free (tracker->toplevel);
g_slice_free (GtkMenuTracker, tracker);