Now that the screen shield is gone (at least, as it used to be), the corresponding session mode is not necessary anymore as well. Remove the 'lock-screen' session mode, and the corresponding CSS. https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/merge_requests/872
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/* Top Bar */
// a.k.a. the panel
$panel_corner_radius: $base_border_radius+1;
$panel_bg_color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(0,0,0,0.9), #000);
$panel_fg_color: if($variant == 'light', darken($fg_color, 15%), darken($fg_color, 10%));
$panel_height: 1.86em;
#panel {
background-color: $panel_bg_color;
font-weight: bold;
height: $panel_height;
font-feature-settings: "tnum";
// transparent panel on lock & login screens
&.login-screen {
background-color: transparent;
.panel-corner {
-panel-corner-radius: 0;
-panel-corner-background-color: transparent;
-panel-corner-border-color: transparent;
// spacing between activities, app menu and such
#panelLeft, #panelCenter {
spacing: $base_spacing;
// the rounded outset corners
.panel-corner {
-panel-corner-radius: $panel_corner_radius;
-panel-corner-background-color: $panel_bg_color;
-panel-corner-border-width: 2px;
-panel-corner-border-color: transparent;
&:active, &:overview, &:focus {
-panel-corner-border-color: lighten($selected_bg_color,5%);
// panel menus
.panel-button {
font-weight: bold;
color: $panel_fg_color;
-natural-hpadding: $base_padding * 2;
-minimum-hpadding: $base_padding;
&:hover {
color: lighten($panel_fg_color, 20%);
&:active, &:overview, &:focus, &:checked {
background-color: $panel_bg_color; // Trick due to St limitations. It needs a background to draw a box-shadow
box-shadow: inset 0 -2px 0 0 lighten($selected_bg_color,5%);
color: lighten($panel_fg_color, 20%);
// status area icons
.system-status-icon {
icon-size: $base_icon_size;
padding: $base_padding - 1px;
// app menu icon
.app-menu-icon {
margin-left: $base_margin;
margin-right: $base_margin;
-st-icon-style: symbolic;
// dimensions of the icon are hardcoded
// lock & login screen styles
.unlock-screen &,
.login-screen & {
color: lighten($fg_color, 10%);
&:focus, &:hover, &:active { color: lighten($fg_color, 10%); }
.panel-status-menu-box {
spacing: 2px;
// spacing between power icon and (optional) percentage label
.power-status.panel-status-indicators-box {
spacing: 0;
// indicator for active
.remote-access-indicator { color: $warning_color; }
// App Menu
#appMenu {
spacing: $base_spacing;
.label-shadow { color: transparent; }