Giovanni Campagna 255cb8edb1 AppFolderPopup: fix the position of close buttons
We need to adjust the offset of close buttons, in case the box
pointer has the arrow at the top. To do so, extend close buttons
to hook into a boxpointer (since that's the common use for them)
and automatically adjust their position.
2013-09-12 14:33:35 +02:00

281 lines
8.9 KiB

// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
const Clutter =;
const GLib =;
const Lang = imports.lang;
const St =;
const Main = imports.ui.main;
const Tweener = imports.ui.tweener;
const SCROLL_TIME = 0.1;
const _balancedParens = '\\((?:[^\\s()<>]+|(?:\\(?:[^\\s()<>]+\\)))*\\)';
const _leadingJunk = '[\\s`(\\[{\'\\"<\u00AB\u201C\u2018]';
const _notTrailingJunk = '[^\\s`!()\\[\\]{};:\'\\".,<>?\u00AB\u00BB\u201C\u201D\u2018\u2019]';
const _urlRegexp = new RegExp(
'(^|' + _leadingJunk + ')' +
'(' +
'(?:' +
'(?:http|https|ftp)://' + // scheme://
'|' +
'www\\d{0,3}[.]' + // www.
'|' +
'[a-z0-9.\\-]+[.][a-z]{2,4}/' + // foo.xx/
')' +
'(?:' + // one or more:
'[^\\s()<>]+' + // run of non-space non-()
'|' + // or
_balancedParens + // balanced parens
')+' +
'(?:' + // end with:
_balancedParens + // balanced parens
'|' + // or
_notTrailingJunk + // last non-junk char
')' +
')', 'gi');
// findUrls:
// @str: string to find URLs in
// Searches @str for URLs and returns an array of objects with %url
// properties showing the matched URL string, and %pos properties indicating
// the position within @str where the URL was found.
// Return value: the list of match objects, as described above
function findUrls(str) {
let res = [], match;
while ((match = _urlRegexp.exec(str)))
res.push({ url: match[2], pos: match.index + match[1].length });
return res;
// spawn:
// @argv: an argv array
// Runs @argv in the background, handling any errors that occur
// when trying to start the program.
function spawn(argv) {
try {
} catch (err) {
_handleSpawnError(argv[0], err);
// spawnCommandLine:
// @command_line: a command line
// Runs @command_line in the background, handling any errors that
// occur when trying to parse or start the program.
function spawnCommandLine(command_line) {
try {
let [success, argv] = GLib.shell_parse_argv(command_line);
} catch (err) {
_handleSpawnError(command_line, err);
// trySpawn:
// @argv: an argv array
// Runs @argv in the background. If launching @argv fails,
// this will throw an error.
function trySpawn(argv)
var success, pid;
try {
[success, pid] = GLib.spawn_async(null, argv, null,
GLib.SpawnFlags.SEARCH_PATH | GLib.SpawnFlags.DO_NOT_REAP_CHILD,
} catch (err) {
/* Rewrite the error in case of ENOENT */
if (err.matches(GLib.SpawnError, GLib.SpawnError.NOENT)) {
throw new GLib.SpawnError({ code: GLib.SpawnError.NOENT,
message: _("Command not found") });
} else if (err instanceof GLib.Error) {
// The exception from gjs contains an error string like:
// Error invoking GLib.spawn_command_line_async: Failed to
// execute child process "foo" (No such file or directory)
// We are only interested in the part in the parentheses. (And
// we can't pattern match the text, since it gets localized.)
let message = err.message.replace(/.*\((.+)\)/, '$1');
throw new (err.constructor)({ code: err.code,
message: message });
} else {
throw err;
// Dummy child watch; we don't want to double-fork internally
// because then we lose the parent-child relationship, which
// can break polkit. See
GLib.child_watch_add(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, pid, function () {}, null);
// trySpawnCommandLine:
// @command_line: a command line
// Runs @command_line in the background. If launching @command_line
// fails, this will throw an error.
function trySpawnCommandLine(command_line) {
let success, argv;
try {
[success, argv] = GLib.shell_parse_argv(command_line);
} catch (err) {
// Replace "Error invoking GLib.shell_parse_argv: " with
// something nicer
err.message = err.message.replace(/[^:]*: /, _("Could not parse command:") + "\n");
throw err;
function _handleSpawnError(command, err) {
let title = _("Execution of '%s' failed:").format(command);
Main.notifyError(title, err.message);
// lowerBound:
// @array: an array or array-like object, already sorted
// according to @cmp
// @val: the value to add
// @cmp: a comparator (or undefined to compare as numbers)
// Returns the position of the first element that is not
// lower than @val, according to @cmp.
// That is, returns the first position at which it
// is possible to insert @val without violating the
// order.
// This is quite like an ordinary binary search, except
// that it doesn't stop at first element comparing equal.
function lowerBound(array, val, cmp) {
let min, max, mid, v;
cmp = cmp || function(a, b) { return a - b; };
if (array.length == 0)
return 0;
min = 0; max = array.length;
while (min < (max - 1)) {
mid = Math.floor((min + max) / 2);
v = cmp(array[mid], val);
if (v < 0)
min = mid + 1;
max = mid;
return (min == max || cmp(array[min], val) < 0) ? max : min;
// insertSorted:
// @array: an array sorted according to @cmp
// @val: a value to insert
// @cmp: the sorting function
// Inserts @val into @array, preserving the
// sorting invariants.
// Returns the position at which it was inserted
function insertSorted(array, val, cmp) {
let pos = lowerBound(array, val, cmp);
array.splice(pos, 0, val);
return pos;
const CloseButton = new Lang.Class({
Name: 'CloseButton',
Extends: St.Button,
_init: function(boxpointer) {
this.parent({ style_class: 'notification-close'});
// This is a bit tricky. St.Bin has its own x-align/y-align properties
// that compete with Clutter's properties. This should be fixed for
// Clutter 2.0. Since St.Bin doesn't define its own setters, the
// setters are a workaround to get Clutter's version.
// XXX Clutter 2.0 workaround: ClutterBinLayout needs expand
// to respect the alignments.
this._boxPointer = boxpointer;
if (boxpointer)
this._boxPointer.connect('arrow-side-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._sync));
_computeBoxPointerOffset: function() {
if (!this._boxPointer || !
return 0;
let side = this._boxPointer.arrowSide;
if (side == St.Side.TOP)
return this._boxPointer.getArrowHeight();
return 0;
_sync: function() {
let themeNode = this.get_theme_node();
let offY = this._computeBoxPointerOffset();
this.translation_x = themeNode.get_length('-shell-close-overlap-x')
this.translation_y = themeNode.get_length('-shell-close-overlap-y') + offY;
vfunc_style_changed: function() {
function makeCloseButton(boxpointer) {
return new CloseButton(boxpointer);
function ensureActorVisibleInScrollView(scrollView, actor) {
let adjustment = scrollView.vscroll.adjustment;
let [value, lower, upper, stepIncrement, pageIncrement, pageSize] = adjustment.get_values();
let offset = 0;
let vfade = scrollView.get_effect("fade");
if (vfade)
offset = vfade.vfade_offset;
let box = actor.get_allocation_box();
let y1 = box.y1, y2 = box.y2;
let parent = actor.get_parent();
while (parent != scrollView) {
if (!parent)
throw new Error("actor not in scroll view");
let box = parent.get_allocation_box();
y1 += box.y1;
y2 += box.y1;
parent = parent.get_parent();
if (y1 < value + offset)
value = Math.max(0, y1 - offset);
else if (y2 > value + pageSize - offset)
value = Math.min(upper, y2 + offset - pageSize);
{ value: value,
transition: 'easeOutQuad' });