We are planning to add Empathy-specific features in the message tray, but in the meantime we handle Empathy notifications received through the notification daemon so that their behavior is closer to the eventual design, which is how it was before we started associating applications with a single source and enabled notification replacement.
368 lines
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368 lines
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/* -*- mode: js2; js2-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
const DBus = imports.dbus;
const GLib = imports.gi.GLib;
const Lang = imports.lang;
const Shell = imports.gi.Shell;
const Mainloop = imports.mainloop;
const Main = imports.ui.main;
const MessageTray = imports.ui.messageTray;
const Params = imports.misc.params;
const EMPATHY = 'Empathy';
let nextNotificationId = 1;
// Should really be defined in dbus.js
const BusIface = {
name: 'org.freedesktop.DBus',
methods: [{ name: 'GetConnectionUnixProcessID',
inSignature: 's',
outSignature: 'i' }]
const Bus = function () {
Bus.prototype = {
_init: function() {
DBus.session.proxifyObject(this, 'org.freedesktop.DBus', '/org/freedesktop/DBus');
DBus.proxifyPrototype(Bus.prototype, BusIface);
const NotificationDaemonIface = {
name: 'org.freedesktop.Notifications',
methods: [{ name: 'Notify',
inSignature: 'susssasa{sv}i',
outSignature: 'u'
{ name: 'CloseNotification',
inSignature: 'u',
outSignature: ''
{ name: 'GetCapabilities',
inSignature: '',
outSignature: 'as'
{ name: 'GetServerInformation',
inSignature: '',
outSignature: 'ssss'
signals: [{ name: 'NotificationClosed',
inSignature: 'uu' },
{ name: 'ActionInvoked',
inSignature: 'us' }]
const NotificationClosedReason = {
const Urgency = {
LOW: 0,
const rewriteRules = {
'XChat': [
{ pattern: /^XChat: Private message from: (\S*) \(.*\)$/,
replacement: '<$1>' },
{ pattern: /^XChat: New public message from: (\S*) \((.*)\)$/,
replacement: '$2 <$1>' },
{ pattern: /^XChat: Highlighted message from: (\S*) \((.*)\)$/,
replacement: '$2 <$1>' }
function NotificationDaemon() {
NotificationDaemon.prototype = {
_init: function() {
DBus.session.exportObject('/org/freedesktop/Notifications', this);
this._everAcquiredName = false;
// We pass MANY_INSTANCES so that if
// notification-daemon is running, we'll
// get queued behind it and then get the
// name after killing it below
Lang.bind(this, this._acquiredName),
Lang.bind(this, this._lostName));
this._currentNotifications = {};
_acquiredName: function() {
this._everAcquiredName = true;
_lostName: function() {
if (this._everAcquiredName)
log('Lost name org.freedesktop.Notifications!');
else if (GLib.getenv('GNOME_SHELL_NO_REPLACE'))
log('Failed to acquire org.freedesktop.Notifications');
else {
log('Failed to acquire org.freedesktop.Notifications; trying again');
// kill the notification-daemon. pkill is more portable
// than killall, but on Linux at least it won't match if
// you pass more than 15 characters of the process name...
// However, if you use the "-f" flag to match the entire
// command line, it will work, but we have to be careful
// in that case that we don't match "gedit
// notification-daemon.c" or whatever...
let p = new Shell.Process({ args: ['pkill', '-f',
'^([^ ]*/)?(notification-daemon|notify-osd)$']});
_sourceId: function(id) {
return 'source-' + id;
Notify: function(appName, replacesId, icon, summary, body,
actions, hints, timeout) {
let notification, id;
// We associate each application with a source and set the source id to be based on
// the appName. We support application updates by creating a new Notification object
// only if replacesId was not specified or if we no longer have the notification with
// the specified replacesId.
// We are planning to add Empathy-specific features in the message tray, but in the
// meantime we handle Empathy notifications received through the notification daemon
// differently from other notifications.
// 1) We display different people sending messages as different sources. So we use
// notification id instead of the appName when creating id for the source.
// 2) We queue notification with different messages to show them one after another,
// rather than replace the notification on the spot. So we create a new Notification
// object each time, disregarding the fact that we might already have another
// notification with the same replacesId.
// Empathy uses replacesId for all the notifications from the same window until the
// notification with that id is dismissed. Notifications from different people in
// different tabs have the same replacesId. So while being closer to the eventual design,
// our special-handling of Empathy notifications is somewhat buggy. The user might end up
// with multiple icons for the same person if the user dismisses the window for that person
// (which doesn't result in removing the icon) or the user might not get the icon for
// the person after a new notification in one of the tabs of the chat window for which
// another person's icon is already displayed.
let isEmpathy = appName == EMPATHY;
if (replacesId != 0) {
id = replacesId;
if (!isEmpathy)
notification = this._currentNotifications[id];
} else {
id = nextNotificationId++;
let sourceId = this._sourceId(isEmpathy ? id : appName);
let source = Main.messageTray.getSource(sourceId);
// Source may be null if we have never received a notification from
// this app or if all notifications from this app have been acknowledged.
if (source == null) {
source = new Source(sourceId, icon, hints);
source.connect('clicked', Lang.bind(this,
function() {
let sender = DBus.getCurrentMessageContext().sender;
let busProxy = new Bus();
busProxy.GetConnectionUnixProcessIDRemote(sender, function (result, excp) {
let app = Shell.WindowTracker.get_default().get_app_from_pid(result);
} else {
source.update(icon, hints);
summary = GLib.markup_escape_text(summary, -1);
let rewrites = rewriteRules[appName];
if (rewrites) {
for (let i = 0; i < rewrites.length; i++) {
let rule = rewrites[i];
if (summary.search(rule.pattern) != -1)
summary = summary.replace(rule.pattern, rule.replacement);
if (notification == null) {
notification = new MessageTray.Notification(id, source, summary, body, true);
// This will result in us keeping only the latest Empathy notification with the given
// id in this._currentNotifications, which will only affect not being able to close all
// the Empathy notifications with a given id in CloseNotification(). Since this not a
// a likely scenario and this special-casing of Empathy in the notification daemon is
// temporary, it doesn't seem worthwhile to change this._currentNotifications to
// {id, [array of notifications]} just for that case.
this._currentNotifications[id] = notification;
notification.connect('dismissed', Lang.bind(this,
function(n) {
this._emitNotificationClosed(n.id, NotificationClosedReason.DISMISSED);
} else {
// passing in true as the last parameter will clear out extra actors,
// such as actions
notification.update(summary, body, true);
if (actions.length) {
for (let i = 0; i < actions.length - 1; i += 2)
notification.addAction(actions[i], actions[i + 1]);
notification.connect('action-invoked', Lang.bind(this, this._actionInvoked, source, id));
return id;
CloseNotification: function(id) {
let notification = this._currentNotifications[id];
if (notification)
this._emitNotificationClosed(id, NotificationClosedReason.APP_CLOSED);
GetCapabilities: function() {
return [
// 'body-hyperlinks',
// 'body-images',
// 'icon-multi',
// 'sound',
GetServerInformation: function() {
return [
'GNOME Shell',
'0.1', // FIXME, get this from somewhere
_actionInvoked: function(notification, action, source, id) {
this._emitActionInvoked(id, action);
_emitNotificationClosed: function(id, reason) {
delete this._currentNotifications[id];
'NotificationClosed', 'uu',
[id, reason]);
_emitActionInvoked: function(id, action) {
'ActionInvoked', 'us',
[id, action]);
DBus.conformExport(NotificationDaemon.prototype, NotificationDaemonIface);
function Source(sourceId, icon, hints) {
this._init(sourceId, icon, hints);
Source.prototype = {
__proto__: MessageTray.Source.prototype,
_init: function(sourceId, icon, hints) {
MessageTray.Source.prototype._init.call(this, sourceId);
this.update(icon, hints);
update: function(icon, hints) {
hints = Params.parse(hints, { urgency: Urgency.NORMAL }, true);
this._icon = icon;
this._iconData = hints.icon_data;
this._urgency = hints.urgency;
this.app = null;
this._openAppRequested = false;
createIcon: function(size) {
let textureCache = Shell.TextureCache.get_default();
if (this._icon) {
if (this._icon.substr(0, 7) == 'file://')
return textureCache.load_uri_async(this._icon, size, size);
else if (this._icon[0] == '/') {
let uri = GLib.filename_to_uri(this._icon, null);
return textureCache.load_uri_async(uri, size, size);
} else
return textureCache.load_icon_name(this._icon, size);
} else if (this._iconData) {
let [width, height, rowStride, hasAlpha,
bitsPerSample, nChannels, data] = this._iconData;
return textureCache.load_from_raw(data, data.length, hasAlpha,
width, height, rowStride, size);
} else {
let stockIcon;
switch (this._urgency) {
case Urgency.LOW:
case Urgency.NORMAL:
stockIcon = 'gtk-dialog-info';
case Urgency.CRITICAL:
stockIcon = 'gtk-dialog-error';
return textureCache.load_icon_name(stockIcon, size);
clicked: function() {
setApp: function(app) {
this.app = app;
if (this._openAppRequested)
if (app.get_name() == EMPATHY)
this.handleReplacing = false;
openApp: function() {
if (this.app == null) {
this._openAppRequested = true;
let windows = this.app.get_windows();
if (windows.length > 0) {
let mostRecentWindow = windows[0];
this._openAppRequested = false;