We currently assume that every location has an associated timezone. While this is sound in the real world, in practise it depends on whether or not libgweather can find a corresponding timezone DB entry. This used to be a fringe case, but has become more likely when commit https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/libgweather/commit/d7682676ac9 moved weather stations from cities to countries - the station itself is un- likely to have a timezone entry, and the country may be part of more than a single timezone. It would be good for libgweather to return a timezone for those locations again, but we should defend against the case anyway. We cannot tell what time it is at a particular location without knowing the timezone, so simply filter them out. https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/issues/1062 (cherry picked from commit 50b77390761192b27305045f7ee4c80e60b9cff0)