In commit ee09c5c853
we chose to pick
the minimum value in order to preserve 0 instead of replacing it with
1. While returning 0 unconditionally when animations are disabled
seems the more logic thing to do, we were unsure about possible side
effects. Do the change now. Since we are early in the development cycle
we should be able to deal with side effects (if any) on time for the
next release.
Part-of: <https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/-/merge_requests/2528>
471 lines
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471 lines
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// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
/* exported init */
const Config = imports.misc.config;
imports.gi.versions.AccountsService = '1.0';
imports.gi.versions.Atk = '1.0';
imports.gi.versions.Atspi = '2.0';
imports.gi.versions.Clutter = Config.LIBMUTTER_API_VERSION;
imports.gi.versions.Cogl = Config.LIBMUTTER_API_VERSION;
imports.gi.versions.Gcr = '4';
imports.gi.versions.Gdk = '3.0';
imports.gi.versions.Gdm = '1.0';
imports.gi.versions.Geoclue = '2.0';
imports.gi.versions.Gio = '2.0';
imports.gi.versions.GDesktopEnums = '3.0';
imports.gi.versions.GdkPixbuf = '2.0';
imports.gi.versions.GnomeBluetooth = '3.0';
imports.gi.versions.GnomeDesktop = '3.0';
imports.gi.versions.Graphene = '1.0';
imports.gi.versions.Gtk = '3.0';
imports.gi.versions.GWeather = '4.0';
imports.gi.versions.IBus = '1.0';
imports.gi.versions.Malcontent = '0';
imports.gi.versions.NM = '1.0';
imports.gi.versions.NMA = '1.0';
imports.gi.versions.Pango = '1.0';
imports.gi.versions.Polkit = '1.0';
imports.gi.versions.PolkitAgent = '1.0';
imports.gi.versions.Rsvg = '2.0';
imports.gi.versions.Soup = '3.0';
imports.gi.versions.TelepathyGLib = '0.12';
imports.gi.versions.TelepathyLogger = '0.2';
imports.gi.versions.UPowerGlib = '1.0';
try {
if (Config.HAVE_SOUP2)
throw new Error('Soup3 support not enabled');
const Soup_ = imports.gi.Soup;
} catch (e) {
imports.gi.versions.Soup = '2.4';
const { Soup } = imports.gi;
const { Clutter, Gio, GLib, GObject, Meta, Polkit, Shell, St } = imports.gi;
const Gettext = imports.gettext;
const System = imports.system;
const SignalTracker = imports.misc.signalTracker;
Gio._promisify(Gio.DataInputStream.prototype, 'fill_async');
Gio._promisify(Gio.DataInputStream.prototype, 'read_line_async');
Gio._promisify(Gio.DBus, 'get');
Gio._promisify(Gio.DBusConnection.prototype, 'call');
Gio._promisify(Gio.DBusProxy, 'new');
Gio._promisify(Gio.DBusProxy.prototype, 'init_async');
Gio._promisify(Gio.DBusProxy.prototype, 'call_with_unix_fd_list');
Gio._promisify(Polkit.Permission, 'new');
let _localTimeZone = null;
// We can't import shell JS modules yet, because they may have
// variable initializations, etc, that depend on init() already having
// been run.
// "monkey patch" in some varargs ClutterContainer methods; we need
// to do this per-container class since there is no representation
// of interfaces in Javascript
function _patchContainerClass(containerClass) {
// This one is a straightforward mapping of the C method
containerClass.prototype.child_set = function (actor, props) {
let meta = this.get_child_meta(actor);
for (let prop in props)
meta[prop] = props[prop];
// clutter_container_add() actually is a an add-many-actors
// method. We conveniently, but somewhat dubiously, take the
// this opportunity to make it do something more useful.
containerClass.prototype.add = function (actor, props) {
if (props)
this.child_set(actor, props);
function _patchLayoutClass(layoutClass, styleProps) {
if (styleProps) {
layoutClass.prototype.hookup_style = function (container) {
container.connect('style-changed', () => {
let node = container.get_theme_node();
for (let prop in styleProps) {
let [found, length] = node.lookup_length(styleProps[prop], false);
if (found)
this[prop] = length;
* Mimick the Soup 3 APIs we use when falling back to Soup 2.4
* @param {object} Soup 2.4 namespace
* @returns {void}
function _injectSoup3Compat(Soup) {
Soup.StatusCode = Soup.KnownStatusCode;
Soup.Message.new_from_encoded_form =
function (method, uri, form) {
const soupUri = new Soup.URI(uri);
return Soup.Message.new_from_uri(method, soupUri);
Soup.Message.prototype.set_request_body_from_bytes =
function (contentType, bytes) {
new TextDecoder().decode(bytes.get_data()));
Soup.Session.prototype.send_and_read_async =
function (message, prio, cancellable, callback) {
this.queue_message(message, () => callback(this, message));
Soup.Session.prototype.send_and_read_finish =
function (message) {
if (message.status_code !== Soup.KnownStatusCode.OK)
return null;
return message.response_body.flatten().get_as_bytes();
function _makeEaseCallback(params, cleanup) {
let onComplete = params.onComplete;
delete params.onComplete;
let onStopped = params.onStopped;
delete params.onStopped;
return isFinished => {
if (onStopped)
if (onComplete && isFinished)
function _getPropertyTarget(actor, propName) {
if (!propName.startsWith('@'))
return [actor, propName];
let [type, name, prop] = propName.split('.');
switch (type) {
case '@layout':
return [actor.layout_manager, name];
case '@actions':
return [actor.get_action(name), prop];
case '@constraints':
return [actor.get_constraint(name), prop];
case '@content':
return [actor.content, name];
case '@effects':
return [actor.get_effect(name), prop];
throw new Error(`Invalid property name ${propName}`);
function _easeActor(actor, params) {
if (params.duration != undefined)
delete params.duration;
if (params.delay != undefined)
delete params.delay;
let repeatCount = 0;
if (params.repeatCount != undefined)
repeatCount = params.repeatCount;
delete params.repeatCount;
let autoReverse = false;
if (params.autoReverse != undefined)
autoReverse = params.autoReverse;
delete params.autoReverse;
// repeatCount doesn't include the initial iteration
const numIterations = repeatCount + 1;
// whether the transition should finish where it started
const isReversed = autoReverse && numIterations % 2 === 0;
if (params.mode != undefined)
delete params.mode;
const prepare = () => {
const cleanup = () => {
let callback = _makeEaseCallback(params, cleanup);
// cancel overwritten transitions
let animatedProps = Object.keys(params).map(p => p.replace('_', '-', 'g'));
animatedProps.forEach(p => actor.remove_transition(p));
if (actor.get_easing_duration() > 0 || !isReversed)
const transitions = animatedProps
.map(p => actor.get_transition(p))
.filter(t => t !== null);
transitions.forEach(t => t.set({ repeatCount, autoReverse }));
const [transition] = transitions;
if (transition && transition.delay)
transition.connect('started', () => prepare());
if (transition)
transition.connect('stopped', (t, finished) => callback(finished));
function _easeActorProperty(actor, propName, target, params) {
// Avoid pointless difference with ease()
if (params.mode)
params.progress_mode = params.mode;
delete params.mode;
if (params.duration)
params.duration = adjustAnimationTime(params.duration);
let duration = Math.floor(params.duration || 0);
let repeatCount = 0;
if (params.repeatCount != undefined)
repeatCount = params.repeatCount;
delete params.repeatCount;
let autoReverse = false;
if (params.autoReverse != undefined)
autoReverse = params.autoReverse;
delete params.autoReverse;
// repeatCount doesn't include the initial iteration
const numIterations = repeatCount + 1;
// whether the transition should finish where it started
const isReversed = autoReverse && numIterations % 2 === 0;
// Copy Clutter's behavior for implicit animations, see
// should_skip_implicit_transition()
if (actor instanceof Clutter.Actor && !actor.mapped)
duration = 0;
const prepare = () => {
const cleanup = () => {
let callback = _makeEaseCallback(params, cleanup);
// cancel overwritten transition
if (duration == 0) {
let [obj, prop] = _getPropertyTarget(actor, propName);
if (!isReversed)
obj[prop] = target;
let pspec = actor.find_property(propName);
let transition = new Clutter.PropertyTransition(Object.assign({
property_name: propName,
interval: new Clutter.Interval({ value_type: pspec.value_type }),
remove_on_complete: true,
repeat_count: repeatCount,
auto_reverse: autoReverse,
}, params));
actor.add_transition(propName, transition);
if (transition.delay)
transition.connect('started', () => prepare());
transition.connect('stopped', (t, finished) => callback(finished));
function init() {
// Add some bindings to the global JS namespace
globalThis.global = Shell.Global.get();
globalThis._ = Gettext.gettext;
globalThis.C_ = Gettext.pgettext;
globalThis.ngettext = Gettext.ngettext;
globalThis.N_ = s => s;
GObject.gtypeNameBasedOnJSPath = true;
GObject.Object.prototype.connectObject = function (...args) {
SignalTracker.connectObject(this, ...args);
GObject.Object.prototype.connect_object = function (...args) {
SignalTracker.connectObject(this, ...args);
GObject.Object.prototype.disconnectObject = function (...args) {
SignalTracker.disconnectObject(this, ...args);
GObject.Object.prototype.disconnect_object = function (...args) {
SignalTracker.disconnectObject(this, ...args);
// Miscellaneous monkeypatching
_patchLayoutClass(Clutter.GridLayout, {
row_spacing: 'spacing-rows',
column_spacing: 'spacing-columns',
_patchLayoutClass(Clutter.BoxLayout, { spacing: 'spacing' });
let origSetEasingDuration = Clutter.Actor.prototype.set_easing_duration;
Clutter.Actor.prototype.set_easing_duration = function (msecs) {
origSetEasingDuration.call(this, adjustAnimationTime(msecs));
let origSetEasingDelay = Clutter.Actor.prototype.set_easing_delay;
Clutter.Actor.prototype.set_easing_delay = function (msecs) {
origSetEasingDelay.call(this, adjustAnimationTime(msecs));
Clutter.Actor.prototype.ease = function (props) {
_easeActor(this, props);
Clutter.Actor.prototype.ease_property = function (propName, target, params) {
_easeActorProperty(this, propName, target, params);
St.Adjustment.prototype.ease = function (target, params) {
// we're not an actor of course, but we implement the same
// transition API as Clutter.Actor, so this works anyway
_easeActorProperty(this, 'value', target, params);
Clutter.Actor.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function* () {
for (let c = this.get_first_child(); c; c = c.get_next_sibling())
yield c;
Clutter.Actor.prototype.toString = function () {
return St.describe_actor(this);
// Deprecation warning for former JS classes turned into an actor subclass
Object.defineProperty(Clutter.Actor.prototype, 'actor', {
get() {
let klass = this.constructor.name;
let { stack } = new Error();
log(`Usage of object.actor is deprecated for ${klass}\n${stack}`);
return this;
Gio.File.prototype.touch_async = function (callback) {
Shell.util_touch_file_async(this, callback);
Gio.File.prototype.touch_finish = function (result) {
return Shell.util_touch_file_finish(this, result);
St.set_slow_down_factor = function (factor) {
let { stack } = new Error();
log(`St.set_slow_down_factor() is deprecated, use St.Settings.slow_down_factor\n${stack}`);
St.Settings.get().slow_down_factor = factor;
let origToString = Object.prototype.toString;
Object.prototype.toString = function () {
let base = origToString.call(this);
try {
if ('actor' in this && this.actor instanceof Clutter.Actor)
return base.replace(/\]$/, ` delegate for ${this.actor.toString().substring(1)}`);
return base;
} catch (e) {
return base;
// Override to clear our own timezone cache as well
const origClearDateCaches = System.clearDateCaches;
System.clearDateCaches = function () {
_localTimeZone = null;
// Work around https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=508783
Date.prototype.toLocaleFormat = function (format) {
if (_localTimeZone === null)
_localTimeZone = GLib.TimeZone.new_local();
let dt = GLib.DateTime.new(_localTimeZone,
this.getMonth() + 1,
return dt?.format(format) ?? '';
let slowdownEnv = GLib.getenv('GNOME_SHELL_SLOWDOWN_FACTOR');
if (slowdownEnv) {
let factor = parseFloat(slowdownEnv);
if (!isNaN(factor) && factor > 0.0)
St.Settings.get().slow_down_factor = factor;
// OK, now things are initialized enough that we can import shell JS
const Format = imports.format;
String.prototype.format = Format.format;
Math.clamp = function (x, lower, upper) {
return Math.min(Math.max(x, lower), upper);
// adjustAnimationTime:
// @msecs: time in milliseconds
// Adjust @msecs to account for St's enable-animations
// and slow-down-factor settings
function adjustAnimationTime(msecs) {
let settings = St.Settings.get();
if (!settings.enable_animations)
return 0;
return settings.slow_down_factor * msecs;