Any symbols (including class properties) that should be visible outside the module it's defined in need to be defined as global. For now gjs still allows the access for 'const', but get rid of the warnings spill now by changing it. https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=785084
325 lines
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325 lines
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// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
const Clutter = imports.gi.Clutter;
const Gtk = imports.gi.Gtk;
const Lang = imports.lang;
const Meta = imports.gi.Meta;
const Shell = imports.gi.Shell;
const St = imports.gi.St;
const Main = imports.ui.main;
const Params = imports.misc.params;
let _capturedEventId = 0;
let _grabHelperStack = [];
function _onCapturedEvent(actor, event) {
let grabHelper = _grabHelperStack[_grabHelperStack.length - 1];
return grabHelper.onCapturedEvent(event);
function _pushGrabHelper(grabHelper) {
if (_capturedEventId == 0)
_capturedEventId = global.stage.connect('captured-event', _onCapturedEvent);
function _popGrabHelper(grabHelper) {
let poppedHelper = _grabHelperStack.pop();
if (poppedHelper != grabHelper)
throw new Error("incorrect grab helper pop");
if (_grabHelperStack.length == 0) {
_capturedEventId = 0;
// GrabHelper:
// @owner: the actor that owns the GrabHelper
// @params: optional parameters to pass to Main.pushModal()
// Creates a new GrabHelper object, for dealing with keyboard and pointer grabs
// associated with a set of actors.
// Note that the grab can be automatically dropped at any time by the user, and
// your code just needs to deal with it; you shouldn't adjust behavior directly
// after you call ungrab(), but instead pass an 'onUngrab' callback when you
// call grab().
var GrabHelper = new Lang.Class({
Name: 'GrabHelper',
_init: function(owner, params) {
this._owner = owner;
this._modalParams = params;
this._grabStack = [];
this._actors = [];
this._ignoreUntilRelease = false;
this._modalCount = 0;
// addActor:
// @actor: an actor
// Adds @actor to the set of actors that are allowed to process events
// during a grab.
addActor: function(actor) {
actor.__grabHelperDestroyId = actor.connect('destroy', Lang.bind(this, function() { this.removeActor(actor); }));
// removeActor:
// @actor: an actor
// Removes @actor from the set of actors that are allowed to
// process events during a grab.
removeActor: function(actor) {
let index = this._actors.indexOf(actor);
if (index != -1)
this._actors.splice(index, 1);
if (actor.__grabHelperDestroyId) {
delete actor.__grabHelperDestroyId;
_isWithinGrabbedActor: function(actor) {
let currentActor = this.currentGrab.actor;
while (actor) {
if (this._actors.indexOf(actor) != -1)
return true;
if (actor == currentActor)
return true;
actor = actor.get_parent();
return false;
get currentGrab() {
return this._grabStack[this._grabStack.length - 1] || {};
get grabbed() {
return this._grabStack.length > 0;
get grabStack() {
return this._grabStack;
_findStackIndex: function(actor) {
if (!actor)
return -1;
for (let i = 0; i < this._grabStack.length; i++) {
if (this._grabStack[i].actor === actor)
return i;
return -1;
_actorInGrabStack: function(actor) {
while (actor) {
let idx = this._findStackIndex(actor);
if (idx >= 0)
return idx;
actor = actor.get_parent();
return -1;
isActorGrabbed: function(actor) {
return this._findStackIndex(actor) >= 0;
// grab:
// @params: A bunch of parameters, see below
// The general effect of a "grab" is to ensure that the passed in actor
// and all actors inside the grab get exclusive control of the mouse and
// keyboard, with the grab automatically being dropped if the user tries
// to dismiss it. The actor is passed in through @params.actor.
// grab() can be called multiple times, with the scope of the grab being
// changed to a different actor every time. A nested grab does not have
// to have its grabbed actor inside the parent grab actors.
// Grabs can be automatically dropped if the user tries to dismiss it
// in one of two ways: the user clicking outside the currently grabbed
// actor, or the user typing the Escape key.
// If the user clicks outside the grabbed actors, and the clicked on
// actor is part of a previous grab in the stack, grabs will be popped
// until that grab is active. However, the click event will not be
// replayed to the actor.
// If the user types the Escape key, one grab from the grab stack will
// be popped.
// When a grab is popped by user interacting as described above, if you
// pass a callback as @params.onUngrab, it will be called with %true.
// If @params.focus is not null, we'll set the key focus directly
// to that actor instead of navigating in @params.actor. This is for
// use cases like menus, where we want to grab the menu actor, but keep
// focus on the clicked on menu item.
grab: function(params) {
params = Params.parse(params, { actor: null,
focus: null,
onUngrab: null });
let focus = global.stage.key_focus;
let hadFocus = focus && this._isWithinGrabbedActor(focus);
let newFocus = params.actor;
if (this.isActorGrabbed(params.actor))
return true;
params.savedFocus = focus;
if (!this._takeModalGrab())
return false;
if (params.focus) {
} else if (newFocus && hadFocus) {
if (!newFocus.navigate_focus(null, Gtk.DirectionType.TAB_FORWARD, false))
return true;
_takeModalGrab: function() {
let firstGrab = (this._modalCount == 0);
if (firstGrab) {
if (!Main.pushModal(this._owner, this._modalParams))
return false;
return true;
_releaseModalGrab: function() {
if (this._modalCount > 0)
this._ignoreUntilRelease = false;
// ignoreRelease:
// Make sure that the next button release event evaluated by the
// capture event handler returns false. This is designed for things
// like the ComboBoxMenu that go away on press, but need to eat
// the next release event.
ignoreRelease: function() {
this._ignoreUntilRelease = true;
// ungrab:
// @params: The parameters for the grab; see below.
// Pops @params.actor from the grab stack, potentially dropping
// the grab. If the actor is not on the grab stack, this call is
// ignored with no ill effects.
// If the actor is not at the top of the grab stack, grabs are
// popped until the grabbed actor is at the top of the grab stack.
// The onUngrab callback for every grab is called for every popped
// grab with the parameter %false.
ungrab: function(params) {
params = Params.parse(params, { actor: this.currentGrab.actor,
isUser: false });
let grabStackIndex = this._findStackIndex(params.actor);
if (grabStackIndex < 0)
let focus = global.stage.key_focus;
let hadFocus = focus && this._isWithinGrabbedActor(focus);
let poppedGrabs = this._grabStack.slice(grabStackIndex);
// "Pop" all newly ungrabbed actors off the grab stack
// by truncating the array.
this._grabStack.length = grabStackIndex;
for (let i = poppedGrabs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
let poppedGrab = poppedGrabs[i];
if (poppedGrab.onUngrab)
if (hadFocus) {
let poppedGrab = poppedGrabs[0];
if (poppedGrab.savedFocus)
onCapturedEvent: function(event) {
let type = event.type();
if (type == Clutter.EventType.KEY_PRESS &&
event.get_key_symbol() == Clutter.KEY_Escape) {
this.ungrab({ isUser: true });
return Clutter.EVENT_STOP;
let motion = type == Clutter.EventType.MOTION;
let press = type == Clutter.EventType.BUTTON_PRESS;
let release = type == Clutter.EventType.BUTTON_RELEASE;
let button = press || release;
let touchUpdate = type == Clutter.EventType.TOUCH_UPDATE;
let touchBegin = type == Clutter.EventType.TOUCH_BEGIN;
let touchEnd = type == Clutter.EventType.TOUCH_END;
let touch = touchUpdate || touchBegin || touchEnd;
if (touch && !global.display.is_pointer_emulating_sequence (event.get_event_sequence()))
return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE;
if (this._ignoreUntilRelease && (motion || release || touch)) {
if (release || touchEnd)
this._ignoreUntilRelease = false;
return Clutter.EVENT_STOP;
if (this._isWithinGrabbedActor(event.get_source()))
return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE;
if (Main.keyboard.shouldTakeEvent(event))
return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE;
if (button || touchBegin) {
// If we have a press event, ignore the next
// motion/release events.
if (press || touchBegin)
this._ignoreUntilRelease = true;
let i = this._actorInGrabStack(event.get_source()) + 1;
this.ungrab({ actor: this._grabStack[i].actor, isUser: true });
return Clutter.EVENT_STOP;
return Clutter.EVENT_STOP;