We've had the ability to temporarily disable notification banners all the way back to 3.0, but we stopped exposing it in the UI with the 3.16 notification redesign. With the message list being more concise nowadays and the "Clear" button reduced to a single icon, we now have space for a "Do Not Disturb" switch again. https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/issues/239
148 lines
3.2 KiB
148 lines
3.2 KiB
/* Message List */
// a.k.a. notifications in the menu
// main list
.message-list {
width: 31.5em;
padding: 0 $base_padding * 2;
.message-list-placeholder { spacing: 12px; }
.message-list-sections {
spacing: $base_spacing;
margin: $base_margin * 4; // to account for scrollbar
.message-list-section-list {
spacing: $base_spacing;
.message-list-section-list {
&:ltr {padding:0;}
&:rtl {padding:0;}
// do-not-disturb + clear button
.message-list-controls {
margin: $base_margin $base_margin*2;
spacing: $base_spacing;
// message bubbles
.message {
@extend %notification_bubble;
// title
.message-title {
color: $fg_color;
font-weight: bold;
// content
.message-content {
color: darken($fg_color, 10%);
padding: $base_padding 0;
margin:$base_margin * 2;
&:ltr {
margin-left: $base_margin;
&:rtl {
margin-right: $base_margin;
// close button
.message-close-button {
color: lighten($fg_color, 15%);
&:hover { color: if($variant=='light', lighten($fg_color, 30%), darken($fg_color, 10%)); }
&:active { color: if($variant=='light', lighten($fg_color, 40%), darken($fg_color, 20%)); }
// icon container
.message-icon-bin {
padding: $base_padding;
margin:$base_padding 0;
&:rtl {
// padding: $base_padding;
// icon size and color
> StIcon {
color: $fg_color;
icon-size: $base_icon_size*2; // 32px
-st-icon-style: symbolic;
// fallback
> .fallback-window-icon {
width: $base_icon_size;
height: $base_icon_size;
// secondary container in title box
.message-secondary-bin {
padding: 0;
// notification time stamp
> .event-time {
color: transparentize($fg_color, 0.5);
@include fontsize($base_font_size - 2);
text-align: right;
margin: 0 $base_margin * 2;
/* HACK: the label should be baseline-aligned with a 1em label, fake this with some bottom padding */
padding-bottom: $base_padding;
/* Media Controls */
.message-media-control {
padding: $base_padding * 2 $base_padding * 4;
color: darken($fg_color, 15%);
// uses $hover_bg_color since the media controls are in a notification_bubble
&:hover {
background-color: lighten($hover_bg_color, 5%);
color: $fg_color;
&:active {
background-color: darken($hover_bg_color, 2%);
color: $fg_color;
&:insensitive { color: darken($fg_color,40%); }
// fix border-radius for last button on hover
&:last-child:ltr { &:hover {border-radius: 0 $base_border_radius+2 $base_border_radius+2 0;} }
&:last-child:rtl { &:hover {border-radius: $base_border_radius+2 0 0 $base_border_radius+2;} }
// album-art
.media-message-cover-icon {
icon-size: $base_icon_size*2 !important; // 48px
border-radius: $base_border_radius;
// when there is no artwork
&.fallback {
color: darken($fg_color, 17%);
background-color: $bg_color;
border: 1px solid transparent;
border-radius: $base_border_radius;
icon-size: $base_icon_size * 2 !important;
padding: $base_padding * 2;