This patch combines several high level changes which are conceptually independent but in practice rather intertwined. * Add a "state" property to ShellApp which reflects whether it's stopped, starting, or started. This will allow us to later clean up all the callers that are using ".get_windows().length > 0" as a proxy for this property * Replace shell_app_launch with shell_app_activate and shell_app_open_new_window A lot of code was calling .launch, but it's signficantly clearer if we call this ".open_new_window()", and later if we gain the ability to call into an application's menu, we can implement this correctly rather than trying to update all .launch callers. * Because ShellApp now has a "starting" state, rebase panel.js on top of this so that when we get a startup-notification sequence for an app and transition it to starting, it becomes the focus app, and panel.js cleanly just tracks the focus app, rather than bouncing between SN sequences. This removes display of non-app startup sequences, which I consider an acceptable action in light of the committed changes to startup-notification and GTK+. https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=614755
709 lines
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709 lines
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/* -*- mode: js2; js2-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
const Clutter = imports.gi.Clutter;
const Gtk = imports.gi.Gtk;
const Lang = imports.lang;
const Mainloop = imports.mainloop;
const Meta = imports.gi.Meta;
const Shell = imports.gi.Shell;
const St = imports.gi.St;
const Tweener = imports.ui.tweener;
const Signals = imports.signals;
const Gettext = imports.gettext.domain('gnome-shell');
const _ = Gettext.gettext;
const AppDisplay = imports.ui.appDisplay;
const Calendar = imports.ui.calendar;
const Main = imports.ui.main;
const StatusMenu = imports.ui.statusMenu;
const PANEL_HEIGHT = 26;
const PANEL_ICON_SIZE = 24;
const STANDARD_TRAY_ICON_ORDER = ['keyboard', 'volume', 'bluetooth', 'network', 'battery'];
'bluetooth-applet': 'bluetooth',
'gnome-volume-control-applet': 'volume',
'nm-applet': 'network',
'gnome-power-manager': 'battery'
function TextShadower() {
TextShadower.prototype = {
_init: function() {
this.actor = new Shell.GenericContainer();
this.actor.connect('get-preferred-width', Lang.bind(this, this._getPreferredWidth));
this.actor.connect('get-preferred-height', Lang.bind(this, this._getPreferredHeight));
this.actor.connect('allocate', Lang.bind(this, this._allocate));
this._label = new St.Label();
for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
let actor = new St.Label({ style_class: 'label-shadow' });
setText: function(text) {
let children = this.actor.get_children();
for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++)
_getPreferredWidth: function(actor, forHeight, alloc) {
let [minWidth, natWidth] = this._label.get_preferred_width(forHeight);
alloc.min_size = minWidth;
alloc.natural_size = natWidth;
_getPreferredHeight: function(actor, forWidth, alloc) {
let [minHeight, natHeight] = this._label.get_preferred_height(forWidth);
alloc.min_size = minHeight;
alloc.natural_size = natHeight;
_allocate: function(actor, box, flags) {
let children = this.actor.get_children();
let availWidth = box.x2 - box.x1;
let availHeight = box.y2 - box.y1;
let [minChildWidth, minChildHeight, natChildWidth, natChildHeight] =
let childWidth = Math.min(natChildWidth, availWidth);
let childHeight = Math.min(natChildHeight, availHeight);
for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
let child = children[i];
let childBox = new Clutter.ActorBox();
// The order of the labels here is arbitrary, except
// we know the "real" label is at the end because Clutter.Group
// sorts by Z order
switch (i) {
case 0: // top
childBox.x1 = 1;
childBox.y1 = 0;
case 1: // right
childBox.x1 = 2;
childBox.y1 = 1;
case 2: // bottom
childBox.x1 = 1;
childBox.y1 = 2;
case 3: // left
childBox.x1 = 0;
childBox.y1 = 1;
case 4: // center
childBox.x1 = 1;
childBox.y1 = 1;
childBox.x2 = childBox.x1 + childWidth;
childBox.y2 = childBox.y1 + childHeight;
child.allocate(childBox, flags);
* AppPanelMenu:
* This class manages the "application menu" component. It tracks the
* currently focused application. However, when an app is launched,
* this menu also handles startup notification for it. So when we
* have an active startup notification, we switch modes to display that.
function AppPanelMenu() {
AppPanelMenu.prototype = {
_init: function() {
this._metaDisplay = global.screen.get_display();
this._focusedApp = null;
this.actor = new St.Bin({ name: 'appMenu' });
this._container = new Shell.GenericContainer();
this._container.connect('get-preferred-width', Lang.bind(this, this._getPreferredWidth));
this._container.connect('get-preferred-height', Lang.bind(this, this._getPreferredHeight));
this._container.connect('allocate', Lang.bind(this, this._allocate));
this._iconBox = new Shell.Slicer({ name: 'appMenuIcon' });
this._label = new TextShadower();
Main.overview.connect('hiding', Lang.bind(this, function () {
this.actor.opacity = 255;
Main.overview.connect('showing', Lang.bind(this, function () {
this.actor.opacity = 192;
let tracker = Shell.WindowTracker.get_default();
tracker.connect('notify::focus-app', Lang.bind(this, this._sync));
// For now just resync on all running state changes; this is mainly to handle
// cases where the focused window's application changes without the focus
// changing. An example case is how we map Firefox based on the window
// title which is a dynamic property.
tracker.connect('app-running-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._sync));
_getPreferredWidth: function(actor, forHeight, alloc) {
let [minSize, naturalSize] = this._iconBox.get_preferred_width(forHeight);
alloc.min_size = minSize;
alloc.natural_size = naturalSize;
[minSize, naturalSize] = this._label.actor.get_preferred_width(forHeight);
alloc.min_size = alloc.min_size + Math.max(0, minSize - Math.floor(alloc.min_size / 2));
alloc.natural_size = alloc.natural_size + Math.max(0, naturalSize - Math.floor(alloc.natural_size / 2));
_getPreferredHeight: function(actor, forWidth, alloc) {
let [minSize, naturalSize] = this._iconBox.get_preferred_height(forWidth);
alloc.min_size = minSize;
alloc.natural_size = naturalSize;
[minSize, naturalSize] = this._label.actor.get_preferred_height(forWidth);
if (minSize > alloc.min_size)
alloc.min_size = minSize;
if (naturalSize > alloc.natural_size)
alloc.natural_size = naturalSize;
_allocate: function(actor, box, flags) {
let allocWidth = box.x2 - box.x1;
let allocHeight = box.y2 - box.y1;
let childBox = new Clutter.ActorBox();
let [minWidth, minHeight, naturalWidth, naturalHeight] = this._iconBox.get_preferred_size();
let direction = this.actor.get_direction();
let yPadding = Math.floor(Math.max(0, allocHeight - naturalHeight) / 2);
childBox.y1 = yPadding;
childBox.y2 = childBox.y1 + Math.min(naturalHeight, allocHeight);
if (direction == St.TextDirection.LTR) {
childBox.x1 = 0;
childBox.x2 = childBox.x1 + Math.min(naturalWidth, allocWidth);
} else {
childBox.x1 = Math.max(0, allocWidth - naturalWidth);
childBox.x2 = allocWidth;
this._iconBox.allocate(childBox, flags);
let iconWidth = childBox.x2 - childBox.x1;
[minWidth, minHeight, naturalWidth, naturalHeight] = this._label.actor.get_preferred_size();
yPadding = Math.floor(Math.max(0, allocHeight - naturalHeight) / 2);
childBox.y1 = yPadding;
childBox.y2 = childBox.y1 + Math.min(naturalHeight, allocHeight);
if (direction == St.TextDirection.LTR) {
childBox.x1 = Math.floor(iconWidth / 2);
childBox.x2 = Math.min(childBox.x1 + naturalWidth, allocWidth);
} else {
childBox.x2 = allocWidth - Math.floor(iconWidth / 2);
childBox.x1 = Math.max(0, childBox.x2 - naturalWidth);
this._label.actor.allocate(childBox, flags);
_sync: function() {
let tracker = Shell.WindowTracker.get_default();
let focusedApp = tracker.focus_app;
if (focusedApp == this._focusedApp)
if (this._iconBox.child != null)
this._focusedApp = focusedApp;
if (this._focusedApp != null) {
let icon = this._focusedApp.get_faded_icon(AppDisplay.APPICON_SIZE);
function Panel() {
Panel.prototype = {
_init : function() {
this.actor = new St.BoxLayout({ name: 'panel' });
this.actor._delegate = this;
this._leftBox = new St.BoxLayout({ name: 'panelLeft' });
this._centerBox = new St.BoxLayout({ name: 'panelCenter' });
this._rightBox = new St.BoxLayout({ name: 'panelRight' });
/* This box container ensures that the centerBox is positioned in the *absolute*
* center, but can be pushed aside if necessary. */
this._boxContainer = new Shell.GenericContainer();
this.actor.add(this._boxContainer, { expand: true });
this._boxContainer.connect('get-preferred-width', Lang.bind(this, function(box, forHeight, alloc) {
let children = box.get_children();
for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
let [childMin, childNatural] = children[i].get_preferred_width(forHeight);
alloc.min_size += childMin;
alloc.natural_size += childNatural;
this._boxContainer.connect('get-preferred-height', Lang.bind(this, function(box, forWidth, alloc) {
let children = box.get_children();
for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
let [childMin, childNatural] = children[i].get_preferred_height(forWidth);
if (childMin > alloc.min_size)
alloc.min_size = childMin;
if (childNatural > alloc.natural_size)
alloc.natural_size = childNatural;
this._boxContainer.connect('allocate', Lang.bind(this, function(container, box, flags) {
let allocWidth = box.x2 - box.x1;
let allocHeight = box.y2 - box.y1;
let [leftMinWidth, leftNaturalWidth] = this._leftBox.get_preferred_width(-1);
let [centerMinWidth, centerNaturalWidth] = this._centerBox.get_preferred_width(-1);
let [rightMinWidth, rightNaturalWidth] = this._rightBox.get_preferred_width(-1);
let leftWidth, centerWidth, rightWidth;
if (allocWidth < (leftNaturalWidth + centerNaturalWidth + rightNaturalWidth)) {
leftWidth = leftMinWidth;
centerWidth = centerMinWidth;
rightWidth = rightMinWidth;
} else {
leftWidth = leftNaturalWidth;
centerWidth = centerNaturalWidth;
rightWidth = rightNaturalWidth;
let x;
let childBox = new Clutter.ActorBox();
childBox.x1 = box.x1;
childBox.y1 = box.y1;
childBox.x2 = x = childBox.x1 + leftWidth;
childBox.y2 = box.y2;
this._leftBox.allocate(childBox, flags);
let centerNaturalX = Math.floor((box.x2 - box.x1) / 2 - (centerWidth / 2));
/* Check left side */
if (x < centerNaturalX) {
/* We didn't overflow the left, use the natural. */
x = centerNaturalX;
/* Check right side */
if (x + centerWidth > (box.x2 - rightWidth)) {
x = box.x2 - rightWidth - centerWidth;
childBox = new Clutter.ActorBox();
childBox.x1 = x;
childBox.y1 = box.y1;
childBox.x2 = x = childBox.x1 + centerWidth;
childBox.y2 = box.y2;
this._centerBox.allocate(childBox, flags);
childBox = new Clutter.ActorBox();
childBox.x1 = box.x2 - rightWidth;
childBox.y1 = box.y1;
childBox.x2 = box.x2;
childBox.y2 = box.y2;
this._rightBox.allocate(childBox, flags);
/* Button on the left side of the panel. */
/* Translators: If there is no suitable word for "Activities" in your language, you can use the word for "Overview". */
let label = new St.Label({ text: _("Activities") });
this.button = new St.Clickable({ name: 'panelActivities',
style_class: 'panel-button',
reactive: true });
this.button.height = PANEL_HEIGHT;
// We use this flag to mark the case where the user has entered the
// hot corner and has not left both the hot corner and a surrounding
// guard area (the "environs"). This avoids triggering the hot corner
// multiple times due to an accidental jitter.
this._hotCornerEntered = false;
this._hotCornerEnvirons = new Clutter.Rectangle({ x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 3,
height: 3,
opacity: 0,
reactive: true });
this._hotCorner = new Clutter.Rectangle({ x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 1,
height: 1,
opacity: 0,
reactive: true });
this._hotCornerActivationTime = 0;
Lang.bind(this, this._onHotCornerEnvironsLeft));
// Clicking on the hot corner environs should result in the same bahavior
// as clicking on the hot corner.
Lang.bind(this, this._onHotCornerClicked));
// In addition to being triggered by the mouse enter event, the hot corner
// can be triggered by clicking on it. This is useful if the user wants to
// undo the effect of triggering the hot corner once in the hot corner.
Lang.bind(this, this._onHotCornerEntered));
Lang.bind(this, this._onHotCornerClicked));
Lang.bind(this, this._onHotCornerLeft));
let appMenu = new AppPanelMenu();
/* center */
let clockButton = new St.Button({ style_class: "panel-button",
toggle_mode: true,
x_fill: true,
y_fill: true });
this._centerBox.add(clockButton, { y_fill: false });
clockButton.connect('clicked', Lang.bind(this, this._toggleCalendar));
this._clock = new St.Label();
this._clockButton = clockButton;
this._calendarPopup = null;
/* right */
// The tray icons live in trayBox within trayContainer.
// The trayBox is hidden when there are no tray icons.
let trayContainer = new St.Bin({ y_align: St.Align.MIDDLE });
let trayBox = new St.BoxLayout({ name: 'statusTray' });
this._trayBox = trayBox;
this._traymanager = new Shell.TrayManager();
this._traymanager.connect('tray-icon-added', Lang.bind(this, this._onTrayIconAdded));
Lang.bind(this, function(o, icon) {
if (trayBox.get_children().length == 0)
let statusmenu = this._statusmenu = new StatusMenu.StatusMenu();
let statusbutton = new St.Clickable({ name: 'panelStatus',
style_class: 'panel-button',
reactive: true });
statusbutton.height = PANEL_HEIGHT;
statusbutton.connect('clicked', function (b, event) {
// The statusmenu might not pop up if it couldn't get a pointer grab
if (statusmenu.isActive())
statusbutton.active = true;
return true;
// We get a deactivated event when the popup disappears
this._statusmenu.connect('deactivated', function (sm) {
statusbutton.active = false;
// TODO: decide what to do with the rest of the panel in the Overview mode (make it fade-out, become non-reactive, etc.)
// We get into the Overview mode on button-press-event as opposed to button-release-event because eventually we'll probably
// have the Overview act like a menu that allows the user to release the mouse on the activity the user wants
// to switch to.
this.button.connect('clicked', Lang.bind(this, function(b, event) {
if (!Main.overview.animationInProgress) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// In addition to pressing the button, the Overview can be entered and exited by other means, such as
// pressing the System key, Alt+F1 or Esc. We want the button to be pressed in when the Overview is entered
// and to be released when it is exited regardless of how it was triggered.
Main.overview.connect('showing', Lang.bind(this, function() {
this.button.active = true;
Main.overview.connect('hiding', Lang.bind(this, function() {
this.button.active = false;
Main.chrome.addActor(this.actor, { visibleInOverview: true });
// Start the clock
hideCalendar: function() {
if (this._calendarPopup != null) {
this._clockButton.checked = false;
startupAnimation: function() {
this.actor.y = -this.actor.height;
{ y: 0,
time: 0.2,
transition: "easeOutQuad"
_onTrayIconAdded: function(o, icon, wmClass) {
icon.height = PANEL_ICON_SIZE;
if (!role) {
// Unknown icons go first in undefined order
this._trayBox.insert_actor(icon, 0);
} else {
icon._role = role;
// Figure out the index in our well-known order for this icon
let position = STANDARD_TRAY_ICON_ORDER.indexOf(role);
icon._rolePosition = position;
let children = this._trayBox.get_children();
let i;
// Walk children backwards, until we find one that isn't
// well-known, or one where we should follow
for (i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
let rolePosition = children[i]._rolePosition;
if (!rolePosition || position > rolePosition) {
this._trayBox.insert_actor(icon, i + 1);
if (i == -1) {
// If we didn't find a position, we must be first
this._trayBox.insert_actor(icon, 0);
// Make sure the trayBox is shown.
// By default, tray icons have a spacing of TRAY_SPACING. However this
// starts to fail if we have too many as can sadly happen; just jump down
// to a spacing of 8 if we're over 6.
// http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=590495
_recomputeTraySize: function () {
if (this._trayBox.get_children().length > 6)
_updateClock: function() {
let displayDate = new Date();
let msecRemaining = 60000 - (1000 * displayDate.getSeconds() +
if (msecRemaining < 500) {
displayDate.setMinutes(displayDate.getMinutes() + 1);
msecRemaining += 60000;
// if the locale representations of 05:00 and 17:00 do not
// start with the same 2 digits, it must be a 24h clock
let fiveAm = new Date();
let fivePm = new Date();
let isTime24h = fiveAm.toLocaleFormat("%X").substr(0,2) !=
if (isTime24h) {
/* Translators: This is the time format used in 24-hour mode. */
this._clock.set_text(displayDate.toLocaleFormat(_("%a %R")));
} else {
/* Translators: This is a time format used for AM/PM. */
this._clock.set_text(displayDate.toLocaleFormat(_("%a %l:%M %p")));
Mainloop.timeout_add(msecRemaining, Lang.bind(this, this._updateClock));
return false;
_toggleCalendar: function(clockButton) {
if (clockButton.checked) {
if (this._calendarPopup == null)
this._calendarPopup = new CalendarPopup();
} else {
_addRipple : function(delay, time, startScale, startOpacity, finalScale, finalOpacity) {
// We draw a ripple by using a source image and animating it scaling
// outwards and fading away. We want the ripples to move linearly
// or it looks unrealistic, but if the opacity of the ripple goes
// linearly to zero it fades away too quickly, so we use Tweener's
// 'onUpdate' to give a non-linear curve to the fade-away and make
// it more visible in the middle section.
let [x, y] = this._hotCorner.get_transformed_position();
let ripple = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'ripple-box',
opacity: 255 * Math.sqrt(startOpacity),
scale_x: startScale,
scale_y: startScale,
x: x,
y: y });
ripple._opacity = startOpacity;
Tweener.addTween(ripple, { _opacity: finalOpacity,
scale_x: finalScale,
scale_y: finalScale,
delay: delay,
time: time,
transition: 'linear',
onUpdate: function() { ripple.opacity = 255 * Math.sqrt(ripple._opacity); },
onComplete: function() { ripple.destroy(); } });
_onHotCornerEntered : function() {
if (!this._hotCornerEntered) {
this._hotCornerEntered = true;
if (!Main.overview.animationInProgress) {
this._hotCornerActivationTime = Date.now() / 1000;
// Show three concentric ripples expanding outwards; the exact
// parameters were found by trial and error, so don't look
// for them to make perfect sense mathematically
// delay time scale opacity => scale opacity
this._addRipple(0.0, 0.83, 0.25, 1.0, 1.5, 0.0);
this._addRipple(0.05, 1.0, 0.0, 0.7, 1.25, 0.0);
this._addRipple(0.35, 1.0, 0.0, 0.3, 1, 0.0);
return false;
_onHotCornerClicked : function() {
if (!Main.overview.animationInProgress) {
return false;
_onHotCornerLeft : function(actor, event) {
if (event.get_related() != this._hotCornerEnvirons) {
this._hotCornerEntered = false;
return false;
_onHotCornerEnvironsLeft : function(actor, event) {
if (event.get_related() != this._hotCorner) {
this._hotCornerEntered = false;
return false;
// Toggles the overview unless this is the first click on the Activities button within the HOT_CORNER_ACTIVATION_TIMEOUT time
// of the hot corner being triggered. This check avoids opening and closing the overview if the user both triggered the hot corner
// and clicked the Activities button.
_maybeToggleOverviewOnClick: function() {
if (this._hotCornerActivationTime == 0 || Date.now() / 1000 - this._hotCornerActivationTime > HOT_CORNER_ACTIVATION_TIMEOUT)
this._hotCornerActivationTime = 0;
function CalendarPopup() {
CalendarPopup.prototype = {
_init: function() {
let panelActor = Main.panel.actor;
this.actor = new St.BoxLayout({ name: 'calendarPopup' });
this.calendar = new Calendar.Calendar();
Main.chrome.addActor(this.actor, { visibleInOverview: true,
affectsStruts: false });
this.actor.y = (panelActor.y + panelActor.height - this.actor.height);
show: function() {
let panelActor = Main.panel.actor;
// Reset the calendar to today's date
this.calendar.setDate(new Date());
this.actor.x = Math.round(panelActor.x + (panelActor.width - this.actor.width) / 2);
{ y: panelActor.y + panelActor.height,
time: 0.2,
transition: "easeOutQuad"
hide: function() {
let panelActor = Main.panel.actor;
{ y: panelActor.y + panelActor.height - this.actor.height,
time: 0.2,
transition: "easeOutQuad",
onComplete: function() { this.actor.hide(); },
onCompleteScope: this