Currently recent items only show up in search results. It is planned to bring them back in the context of "Finding and Reminding", but the UI in the corresponding mockups differs significantly from the removed UI, so that it doesn't seem useful to keep it around.
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/* -*- mode: js2; js2-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
const Gettext = imports.gettext.domain('gnome-shell');
const _ = Gettext.gettext;
const DocInfo = imports.misc.docInfo;
const Search = imports.ui.search;
function DocSearchProvider() {
DocSearchProvider.prototype = {
__proto__: Search.SearchProvider.prototype,
_init: function(name) {
Search.SearchProvider.prototype._init.call(this, _("RECENT ITEMS"));
this._docManager = DocInfo.getDocManager();
getResultMeta: function(resultId) {
let docInfo = this._docManager.lookupByUri(resultId);
if (!docInfo)
return null;
return { 'id': resultId,
'name': docInfo.name,
'icon': docInfo.createIcon(Search.RESULT_ICON_SIZE)};
activateResult: function(id) {
let docInfo = this._docManager.lookupByUri(id);
getInitialResultSet: function(terms) {
return this._docManager.initialSearch(terms);
getSubsearchResultSet: function(previousResults, terms) {
return this._docManager.subsearch(previousResults, terms);
expandSearch: function(terms) {
log('TODO expand docs search');