Work around a known regression from [1] that caused the volume bar in the OSD window to never be hidden, even if the volume is set to 0. This happened because the border radius of the barLevel is always drawn without ensuring that the actual bar is visible. So simply check if the value to draw is 0, and if it is, don't draw the border radius of the bar at all. This will still result in incorrect representation of values that have a width smaller than 2*border-radius, but at least the bar looks right for a width of 0 now. [1] https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/merge_requests/2 https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/merge_requests/384
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207 lines
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/* -*- mode: js2; js2-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
const { Atk, Clutter, St } = imports.gi;
const Signals = imports.signals;
var BarLevel = class {
constructor(value, params) {
if (isNaN(value))
// Avoid spreading NaNs around
throw TypeError('The bar level value must be a number');
this._maxValue = 1;
this._value = Math.max(Math.min(value, this._maxValue), 0);
this._overdriveStart = 1;
this._barLevelWidth = 0;
if (params == undefined)
params = {}
this.actor = new St.DrawingArea({ styleClass: params['styleClass'] || 'barlevel',
can_focus: params['canFocus'] || false,
reactive: params['reactive'] || false,
accessible_role: params['accessibleRole'] || Atk.Role.LEVEL_BAR });
this.actor.connect('repaint', this._barLevelRepaint.bind(this));
this.actor.connect('allocation-changed', (actor, box) => {
this._barLevelWidth = box.get_width();
this._customAccessible = St.GenericAccessible.new_for_actor(this.actor);
this._customAccessible.connect('get-current-value', this._getCurrentValue.bind(this));
this._customAccessible.connect('get-minimum-value', this._getMinimumValue.bind(this));
this._customAccessible.connect('get-maximum-value', this._getMaximumValue.bind(this));
this._customAccessible.connect('set-current-value', this._setCurrentValue.bind(this));
this.connect('value-changed', this._valueChanged.bind(this));
setValue(value) {
if (isNaN(value))
throw TypeError('The bar level value must be a number');
this._value = Math.max(Math.min(value, this._maxValue), 0);
setMaximumValue(value) {
if (isNaN(value))
throw TypeError('The bar level max value must be a number');
this._maxValue = Math.max(value, 1);
this._overdriveStart = Math.min(this._overdriveStart, this._maxValue);
setOverdriveStart(value) {
if (isNaN(value))
throw TypeError('The overdrive limit value must be a number');
if (value > this._maxValue)
throw new Error(`Tried to set overdrive value to ${value}, ` +
`which is a number greater than the maximum allowed value ${this._maxValue}`);
this._overdriveStart = value;
this._value = Math.max(Math.min(value, this._maxValue), 0);
_barLevelRepaint(area) {
let cr = area.get_context();
let themeNode = area.get_theme_node();
let [width, height] = area.get_surface_size();
let barLevelHeight = themeNode.get_length('-barlevel-height');
let barLevelBorderRadius = Math.min(width, barLevelHeight) / 2;
let fgColor = themeNode.get_foreground_color();
let barLevelColor = themeNode.get_color('-barlevel-background-color');
let barLevelActiveColor = themeNode.get_color('-barlevel-active-background-color');
let barLevelOverdriveColor = themeNode.get_color('-barlevel-overdrive-color');
let barLevelBorderWidth = Math.min(themeNode.get_length('-barlevel-border-width'), 1);
let [hasBorderColor, barLevelBorderColor] =
themeNode.lookup_color('-barlevel-border-color', false);
if (!hasBorderColor)
barLevelBorderColor = barLevelColor;
let [hasActiveBorderColor, barLevelActiveBorderColor] =
themeNode.lookup_color('-barlevel-active-border-color', false);
if (!hasActiveBorderColor)
barLevelActiveBorderColor = barLevelActiveColor;
let [hasOverdriveBorderColor, barLevelOverdriveBorderColor] =
themeNode.lookup_color('-barlevel-overdrive-border-color', false);
if (!hasOverdriveBorderColor)
barLevelOverdriveBorderColor = barLevelOverdriveColor;
const TAU = Math.PI * 2;
let endX = 0;
if (this._maxValue > 0)
endX = barLevelBorderRadius + (width - 2 * barLevelBorderRadius) * this._value / this._maxValue;
let overdriveSeparatorX = barLevelBorderRadius + (width - 2 * barLevelBorderRadius) * this._overdriveStart / this._maxValue;
let overdriveActive = this._overdriveStart !== this._maxValue;
let overdriveSeparatorWidth = 0;
if (overdriveActive)
overdriveSeparatorWidth = themeNode.get_length('-barlevel-overdrive-separator-width');
/* background bar */
cr.arc(width - barLevelBorderRadius - barLevelBorderWidth, height / 2, barLevelBorderRadius, TAU * 3 / 4, TAU * 1 / 4);
cr.lineTo(endX, (height + barLevelHeight) / 2);
cr.lineTo(endX, (height - barLevelHeight) / 2);
cr.lineTo(width - barLevelBorderRadius - barLevelBorderWidth, (height - barLevelHeight) / 2);
Clutter.cairo_set_source_color(cr, barLevelColor);
Clutter.cairo_set_source_color(cr, barLevelBorderColor);
/* normal progress bar */
let x = Math.min(endX, overdriveSeparatorX - overdriveSeparatorWidth / 2);
cr.arc(barLevelBorderRadius + barLevelBorderWidth, height / 2, barLevelBorderRadius, TAU * 1 / 4, TAU * 3 / 4);
cr.lineTo(x, (height - barLevelHeight) / 2);
cr.lineTo(x, (height + barLevelHeight) / 2);
cr.lineTo(barLevelBorderRadius + barLevelBorderWidth, (height + barLevelHeight) / 2);
if (this._value > 0)
Clutter.cairo_set_source_color(cr, barLevelActiveColor);
Clutter.cairo_set_source_color(cr, barLevelActiveBorderColor);
/* overdrive progress barLevel */
x = Math.min(endX, overdriveSeparatorX) + overdriveSeparatorWidth / 2;
if (this._value > this._overdriveStart) {
cr.moveTo(x, (height - barLevelHeight) / 2);
cr.lineTo(endX, (height - barLevelHeight) / 2);
cr.lineTo(endX, (height + barLevelHeight) / 2);
cr.lineTo(x, (height + barLevelHeight) / 2);
cr.lineTo(x, (height - barLevelHeight) / 2);
Clutter.cairo_set_source_color(cr, barLevelOverdriveColor);
Clutter.cairo_set_source_color(cr, barLevelOverdriveBorderColor);
/* end progress bar arc */
if (this._value > 0) {
if (this._value <= this._overdriveStart)
Clutter.cairo_set_source_color(cr, barLevelActiveColor);
Clutter.cairo_set_source_color(cr, barLevelOverdriveColor);
cr.arc(endX, height / 2, barLevelBorderRadius, TAU * 3 / 4, TAU * 1 / 4);
cr.lineTo(Math.floor(endX), (height + barLevelHeight) / 2);
cr.lineTo(Math.floor(endX), (height - barLevelHeight) / 2);
cr.lineTo(endX, (height - barLevelHeight) / 2);
/* draw overdrive separator */
if (overdriveActive) {
cr.moveTo(overdriveSeparatorX - overdriveSeparatorWidth / 2, (height - barLevelHeight) / 2);
cr.lineTo(overdriveSeparatorX + overdriveSeparatorWidth / 2, (height - barLevelHeight) / 2);
cr.lineTo(overdriveSeparatorX + overdriveSeparatorWidth / 2, (height + barLevelHeight) / 2);
cr.lineTo(overdriveSeparatorX - overdriveSeparatorWidth / 2, (height + barLevelHeight) / 2);
cr.lineTo(overdriveSeparatorX - overdriveSeparatorWidth / 2, (height - barLevelHeight) / 2);
if (this._value <= this._overdriveStart)
Clutter.cairo_set_source_color(cr, fgColor);
Clutter.cairo_set_source_color(cr, barLevelColor);
_getCurrentValue(actor) {
return this._value;
_getOverdriveStart(actor) {
return this._overdriveStart;
_getMinimumValue(actor) {
return 0;
_getMaximumValue(actor) {
return this._maxValue;
_setCurrentValue(actor, value) {
this._value = value;
_valueChanged(barLevel, value, property) {
get value() {
return this._value;