/* -*- mode: js2; js2-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */

// Test cases for MessageTray URLification

const JsUnit = imports.jsUnit;

const Environment = imports.ui.environment;

const Util = imports.misc.util;

const tests = [
    { input: 'This is a test',
      output: [] },
    { input: 'This is http://www.gnome.org a test',
      output: [ { url: 'http://www.gnome.org', pos: 8 } ] },
    { input: 'This is http://www.gnome.org',
      output: [ { url: 'http://www.gnome.org', pos: 8 } ] },
    { input: 'http://www.gnome.org a test',
      output: [ { url: 'http://www.gnome.org', pos: 0 } ] },
    { input: 'http://www.gnome.org',
      output: [ { url: 'http://www.gnome.org', pos: 0 } ] },
    { input: 'Go to http://www.gnome.org.',
      output: [ { url: 'http://www.gnome.org', pos: 6 } ] },
    { input: 'Go to http://www.gnome.org/.',
      output: [ { url: 'http://www.gnome.org/', pos: 6 } ] },
    { input: '(Go to http://www.gnome.org!)',
      output: [ { url: 'http://www.gnome.org', pos: 7 } ] },
    { input: 'Use GNOME (http://www.gnome.org).',
      output: [ { url: 'http://www.gnome.org', pos: 11 } ] },
    { input: 'This is a http://www.gnome.org/path test.',
      output: [ { url: 'http://www.gnome.org/path', pos: 10 } ] },
    { input: 'This is a www.gnome.org scheme-less test.',
      output: [ { url: 'www.gnome.org', pos: 10 } ] },
    { input: 'This is a www.gnome.org/scheme-less test.',
      output: [ { url: 'www.gnome.org/scheme-less', pos: 10 } ] },
    { input: 'This is a http://www.gnome.org:99/port test.',
      output: [ { url: 'http://www.gnome.org:99/port', pos: 10 } ] },
    { input: 'This is an ftp://www.gnome.org/ test.',
      output: [ { url: 'ftp://www.gnome.org/', pos: 11 } ] },

    { input: 'Visit http://www.gnome.org/ and http://developer.gnome.org',
      output: [ { url: 'http://www.gnome.org/', pos: 6 },
		{ url: 'http://developer.gnome.org', pos: 32 } ] },

    { input: 'This is not.a.domain test.',
      output: [ ] },
    { input: 'This is not:a.url test.',
      output: [ ] },
    { input: 'This is not:/a.url/ test.',
      output: [ ] },
    { input: 'This is not:/a.url/ test.',
      output: [ ] },
    { input: 'This is not@a.url/ test.',
      output: [ ] },
    { input: 'This is surely@not.a/url test.',
      output: [ ] }

for (let i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) {
    let match = Util.findUrls(tests[i].input);

    JsUnit.assertEquals('Test ' + i + ' match length',
			match.length, tests[i].output.length);
    for (let j = 0; j < match.length; j++) {
	JsUnit.assertEquals('Test ' + i + ', match ' + j + ' url',
			    match[j].url, tests[i].output[j].url);
	JsUnit.assertEquals('Test ' + i + ', match ' + j + ' position',
			    match[j].pos, tests[i].output[j].pos);