/* -*- mode: js2; js2-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ const Big = imports.gi.Big; const Clutter = imports.gi.Clutter; const Shell = imports.gi.Shell; const Lang = imports.lang; const Mainloop = imports.mainloop; const Main = imports.ui.main; const Tweener = imports.ui.tweener; const Widget = imports.ui.widget; const WIDGETBOX_BG_COLOR = new Clutter.Color(); WIDGETBOX_BG_COLOR.from_pixel(0xf0f0f0ff); const BLACK = new Clutter.Color(); BLACK.from_pixel(0x000000ff); const WIDGETBOX_PADDING = 2; const ANIMATION_TIME = 0.5; const POP_IN_LAG = 250; /* milliseconds */ function WidgetBox(widget) { this._init(widget); } WidgetBox.prototype = { _init: function(widget) { if (widget instanceof Widget.Widget) this._widget = widget; else { let ctor = this._ctorFromName(widget); this._widget = new ctor(); } if (!this._widget.actor) throw new Error("widget has no actor"); else if (!this._widget.title && !this._widget.collapsedActor) throw new Error("widget has neither title nor collapsedActor"); this.state = this._widget.state = Widget.STATE_EXPANDED; // The structure of a WidgetBox: // // The top level is a Clutter.Group, which exists to make // pop-out work correctly; when another widget pops out, its // width will increase, which will in turn cause the sidebar's // width to increase, which will cause the sidebar to increase // the width of each of its children (the WidgetBoxes). But we // don't want the non-popped-out widgets to expand, so we make // the top-level actor be a Clutter.Group, which will accept // the new width from the Sidebar, but not impose it on its // own child. // // Inside the toplevel group is a horizontal Big.Box // containing 2 Clutter.Groups; one for the collapsed state // (cgroup) and one for the expanded state (egroup). Each // group contains a single vertical Big.Box (cbox and ebox // respectively), which have the appropriate fixed width. The // cbox contains either the collapsed widget actor or else the // rotated title. The ebox contains the horizontal title (if // any), separator line, and the expanded widget actor. (If // the widget doesn't have a collapsed actor, and therefore // supports pop-out, then it will also have a vertical line // between the two groups, which will only be shown during // pop-out.) // // In the expanded view, cgroup is hidden and egroup is shown. // When animating to the collapsed view, first the ebox is // slid offscreen by giving it increasingly negative x // coordinates within egroup. Then once it's fully offscreen, // we hide egroup, show cgroup, and slide cbox back in in the // same way. // // The pop-out view works similarly to the second half of the // collapsed-to-expanded transition, except that the // horizontal title gets hidden to avoid duplication. this.actor = new Clutter.Group(); this._hbox = new Big.Box({ background_color: WIDGETBOX_BG_COLOR, padding_top: WIDGETBOX_PADDING, padding_bottom: WIDGETBOX_PADDING, padding_right: WIDGETBOX_PADDING, // Left padding is here to make up for // the X offset used for the sidebar // to hide its rounded corners padding_left: 2 * WIDGETBOX_PADDING, spacing: WIDGETBOX_PADDING, corner_radius: WIDGETBOX_PADDING, orientation: Big.BoxOrientation.HORIZONTAL, reactive: true }); this.actor.add_actor(this._hbox); this._cgroup = new Clutter.Group({ clip_to_allocation: true }); this._hbox.append(this._cgroup, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE); this._cbox = new Big.Box({ width: Widget.COLLAPSED_WIDTH, clip_to_allocation: true }); this._cgroup.add_actor(this._cbox); if (this._widget.collapsedActor) { if (this._widget.collapsedActor == this._widget.actor) this._singleActor = true; else { this._cbox.append(this._widget.collapsedActor, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE); } } else { let vtitle = new Clutter.Text({ font_name: "Sans 16px", text: this._widget.title, rotation_angle_z: -90.0 }); let signalId = vtitle.connect('notify::allocation', function () { vtitle.disconnect(signalId); vtitle.set_anchor_point(vtitle.natural_width, 0); vtitle.set_size(vtitle.natural_height, vtitle.natural_width); }); this._vtitle = vtitle; this._cbox.append(this._vtitle, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE); this._vline = new Clutter.Rectangle({ color: BLACK, width: 1 }); this._hbox.append(this._vline, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE); this._vline.hide(); // Set up pop-out this._eventHandler = this._hbox.connect('captured-event', Lang.bind(this, this._popEventHandler)); this._activationHandler = this._widget.connect('activated', Lang.bind(this, this._activationHandler)); } this._cgroup.hide(); this._egroup = new Clutter.Group({ clip_to_allocation: true }); this._hbox.append(this._egroup, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE); this._ebox = new Big.Box({ spacing: WIDGETBOX_PADDING, width: Widget.EXPANDED_WIDTH, clip_to_allocation: true }); this._egroup.add_actor(this._ebox); if (this._widget.title) { this._htitle = new Clutter.Text({ font_name: "Sans 16px", text: this._widget.title }); this._ebox.append(this._htitle, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE); this._hline = new Clutter.Rectangle({ color: BLACK, height: 1 }); this._ebox.append(this._hline, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE); } this._ebox.append(this._widget.actor, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE); }, // Given a name like "imports.ui.widget.ClockWidget", turn that // into a constructor function _ctorFromName: function(name) { // Make sure it's a valid import if (!name.match(/^imports(\.[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)+$/)) throw new Error("widget name must start with 'imports.'"); if (name.match(/^imports\.gi\./)) throw new Error("cannot import widget from GIR"); let ctor = eval(name); // Make sure it's really a constructor if (!ctor || typeof(ctor) != "function") throw new Error("widget name is not a constructor"); // Make sure it's a widget let proto = ctor.prototype; while (proto && proto != Widget.Widget.prototype) proto = proto.__proto__; if (!proto) throw new Error("widget does not inherit from Widget prototype"); return ctor; }, expand: function() { Tweener.addTween(this._cbox, { x: -Widget.COLLAPSED_WIDTH, time: ANIMATION_TIME / 2, transition: "easeOutQuad", onComplete: this._expandPart1Complete, onCompleteScope: this }); this.state = this._widget.state = Widget.STATE_EXPANDING; }, _expandPart1Complete: function() { this._cgroup.hide(); this._cbox.x = 0; if (this._singleActor) { log(this._widget.actor); this._widget.actor.unparent(); this._ebox.append(this._widget.actor, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE); } if (this._widget.expand) { try { this._widget.expand(); } catch (e) { logError(e, 'Widget failed to expand'); } } this._egroup.show(); if (this._htitle) { this._htitle.show(); this._hline.show(); } this._ebox.x = -Widget.EXPANDED_WIDTH; Tweener.addTween(this._ebox, { x: 0, time: ANIMATION_TIME / 2, transition: "easeOutQuad", onComplete: this._expandComplete, onCompleteScope: this }); }, _expandComplete: function() { this.state = this._widget.state = Widget.STATE_EXPANDED; }, collapse: function() { Tweener.addTween(this._ebox, { x: -Widget.EXPANDED_WIDTH, time: ANIMATION_TIME / 2, transition: "easeOutQuad", onComplete: this._collapsePart1Complete, onCompleteScope: this }); this.state = this._widget.state = Widget.STATE_COLLAPSING; }, _collapsePart1Complete: function() { this._egroup.hide(); this._ebox.x = 0; if (this._htitle) { this._htitle.hide(); this._hline.hide(); } if (this._singleActor) { log(this._widget.actor); this._widget.actor.unparent(); this._cbox.append(this._widget.actor, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE); } if (this._widget.collapse) { try { this._widget.collapse(); } catch (e) { logError(e, 'Widget failed to collapse'); } } this._cgroup.show(); this._cbox.x = -Widget.COLLAPSED_WIDTH; if (this._vtitle) this._cbox.height = this._ebox.height; Tweener.addTween(this._cbox, { x: 0, time: ANIMATION_TIME / 2, transition: "easeOutQuad", onComplete: this._collapseComplete, onCompleteScope: this }); }, _collapseComplete: function() { this.state = this._widget.state = Widget.STATE_COLLAPSED; }, _popEventHandler: function(actor, event) { let type = event.type(); if (type == Clutter.EventType.ENTER) { this._clearPopInTimeout(); if (this.state == Widget.STATE_COLLAPSED || this.state == Widget.STATE_COLLAPSING) { this._popOut(); return false; } } else if (type == Clutter.EventType.LEAVE && (this.state == Widget.STATE_POPPED_OUT || this.state == Widget.STATE_POPPING_OUT)) { // If moving into another actor within this._hbox, let the // event be propagated let into = Shell.get_event_related(event); while (into) { if (into == this._hbox) return false; into = into.get_parent(); } // Else, moving out of this._hbox this._setPopInTimeout(); return false; } return false; }, _activationHandler: function() { if (this.state == Widget.STATE_POPPED_OUT) this._popIn(); }, _popOut: function() { if (this.state != Widget.STATE_COLLAPSED && this.state != Widget.STATE_COLLAPSING) return; this._vline.show(); this._egroup.show(); this._ebox.x = -Widget.EXPANDED_WIDTH; Tweener.addTween(this._ebox, { x: 0, time: ANIMATION_TIME / 2, transition: "easeOutQuad", onComplete: this._popOutComplete, onCompleteScope: this }); this.state = this._widget.state = Widget.STATE_POPPING_OUT; Main.chrome.addInputRegionActor(this._hbox); }, _popOutComplete: function() { this.state = this._widget.state = Widget.STATE_POPPED_OUT; }, _setPopInTimeout: function() { this._clearPopInTimeout(); this._popInTimeout = Mainloop.timeout_add(POP_IN_LAG, Lang.bind(this, function () { this._popIn(); return false; })); }, _clearPopInTimeout: function() { if (this._popInTimeout) { Mainloop.source_remove(this._popInTimeout); delete this._popInTimeout; } }, _popIn: function() { this._clearPopInTimeout(); if (this.state != Widget.STATE_POPPED_OUT && this.state != Widget.STATE_POPPING_OUT) return; Tweener.addTween(this._ebox, { x: -Widget.EXPANDED_WIDTH, time: ANIMATION_TIME / 2, transition: "easeOutQuad", onComplete: this._popInComplete, onCompleteScope: this }); }, _popInComplete: function() { this.state = this._widget.state = Widget.STATE_COLLAPSED; this._vline.hide(); this._egroup.hide(); this._ebox.x = 0; Main.chrome.removeInputRegionActor(this._hbox); }, destroy: function() { if (this._widget.destroy) this._widget.destroy(); } };