/* -*- mode: js2; js2-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ const DBus = imports.dbus; // D-Bus utils; should eventually move to gjs. // https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=610859 function makeProxyClass(iface) { let constructor = function() { this._init.apply(this, arguments); }; constructor.prototype._init = function(bus, name, path) { bus.proxifyObject(this, name, path); }; DBus.proxifyPrototype(constructor.prototype, iface); return constructor; } function nameToPath(name) { return '/' + name.replace('.', '/', 'g'); }; function pathToName(path) { if (path[0] != '/') throw new Error('not a D-Bus path: ' + path); return path.substr(1).replace('/', '.', 'g'); }; // Telepathy D-Bus interface definitions. Note that most of these are // incomplete, and only cover the methods/properties/signals that // we're currently using. const TELEPATHY = 'org.freedesktop.Telepathy'; const CLIENT_NAME = TELEPATHY + '.Client'; const ClientIface = { name: CLIENT_NAME, properties: [ { name: 'Interfaces', signature: 'as', access: 'read' } ] }; const CLIENT_APPROVER_NAME = TELEPATHY + '.Client.Approver'; const ClientApproverIface = { name: CLIENT_APPROVER_NAME, methods: [ { name: 'AddDispatchOperation', inSignature: 'a(oa{sv})oa{sv}', outSignature: '' } ], properties: [ { name: 'ApproverChannelFilter', signature: 'aa{sv}', access: 'read' } ] }; const CLIENT_HANDLER_NAME = TELEPATHY + '.Client.Handler'; const ClientHandlerIface = { name: CLIENT_HANDLER_NAME, methods: [ { name: 'HandleChannels', inSignature: 'ooa(oa{sv})aota{sv}', outSignature: '' } ], properties: [ { name: 'HandlerChannelFilter', signature: 'aa{sv}', access: 'read' } ] }; const CLIENT_OBSERVER_NAME = TELEPATHY + '.Client.Observer'; const ClientObserverIface = { name: CLIENT_OBSERVER_NAME, methods: [ { name: 'ObserveChannels', inSignature: 'ooa(oa{sv})oaoa{sv}', outSignature: '' } ], properties: [ { name: 'ObserverChannelFilter', signature: 'aa{sv}', access: 'read' } ] }; const CHANNEL_DISPATCH_OPERATION_NAME = TELEPATHY + '.ChannelDispatchOperation'; const ChannelDispatchOperationIface = { name: CHANNEL_DISPATCH_OPERATION_NAME, methods: [ { name: 'HandleWith', inSignature: 's', outSignature: '' }, { name: 'Claim', inSignature: '', outSignature: '' } ] }; let ChannelDispatchOperation = makeProxyClass(ChannelDispatchOperationIface); const CONNECTION_NAME = TELEPATHY + '.Connection'; const ConnectionIface = { name: CONNECTION_NAME, signals: [ { name: 'StatusChanged', inSignature: 'uu' } ] }; let Connection = makeProxyClass(ConnectionIface); const ConnectionStatus = { CONNECTED: 0, CONNECTING: 1, DISCONNECTED: 2 }; const CONNECTION_ALIASING_NAME = CONNECTION_NAME + '.Interface.Aliasing'; const ConnectionAliasingIface = { name: CONNECTION_ALIASING_NAME, methods: [ { name: 'RequestAliases', inSignature: 'au', outSignature: 'as' } ], signals: [ { name: 'AliasesChanged', inSignature: 'a(us)' } ] }; let ConnectionAliasing = makeProxyClass(ConnectionAliasingIface); const CONNECTION_AVATARS_NAME = CONNECTION_NAME + '.Interface.Avatars'; const ConnectionAvatarsIface = { name: CONNECTION_AVATARS_NAME, methods: [ { name: 'GetKnownAvatarTokens', inSignature: 'au', outSignature: 'a{us}' }, { name: 'RequestAvatars', inSignature: 'au', outSignature: '' } ], signals: [ { name: 'AvatarRetrieved', inSignature: 'usays' }, { name: 'AvatarUpdated', inSignature: 'us' } ] }; let ConnectionAvatars = makeProxyClass(ConnectionAvatarsIface); const CONNECTION_REQUESTS_NAME = CONNECTION_NAME + '.Interface.Requests'; const ConnectionRequestsIface = { name: CONNECTION_REQUESTS_NAME, methods: [ { name: 'CreateChannel', inSignature: 'a{sv}', outSignature: 'oa{sv}' }, { name: 'EnsureChannel', inSignature: 'a{sv}', outSignature: 'boa{sv}' } ], properties: [ { name: 'Channels', signature: 'a(oa{sv})', access: 'read' } ], signals: [ { name: 'NewChannels', inSignature: 'a(oa{sv})' }, { name: 'ChannelClosed', inSignature: 'o' } ] }; let ConnectionRequests = makeProxyClass(ConnectionRequestsIface); const HandleType = { NONE: 0, CONTACT: 1, ROOM: 2, LIST: 3, GROUP: 4 }; const CHANNEL_NAME = TELEPATHY + '.Channel'; const ChannelIface = { name: CHANNEL_NAME, signals: [ { name: 'Closed', inSignature: '' } ] }; let Channel = makeProxyClass(ChannelIface); const CHANNEL_TEXT_NAME = CHANNEL_NAME + '.Type.Text'; const ChannelTextIface = { name: CHANNEL_TEXT_NAME, methods: [ { name: 'ListPendingMessages', inSignature: 'b', outSignature: 'a(uuuuus)' }, { name: 'AcknowledgePendingMessages', inSignature: 'au', outSignature: '' }, { name: 'Send', inSignature: 'us', outSignature: '' } ], signals: [ { name: 'Received', inSignature: 'uuuuus' } ] }; let ChannelText = makeProxyClass(ChannelTextIface); const ChannelTextMessageType = { NORMAL: 0, ACTION: 1, NOTICE: 2, AUTO_REPLY: 3, DELIVERY_REPORT: 4 }; const ACCOUNT_MANAGER_NAME = TELEPATHY + '.AccountManager'; const AccountManagerIface = { name: ACCOUNT_MANAGER_NAME, properties: [ { name: 'ValidAccounts', signature: 'ao', access: 'read' } ] }; let AccountManager = makeProxyClass(AccountManagerIface); const ACCOUNT_NAME = TELEPATHY + '.Account'; const AccountIface = { name: ACCOUNT_NAME, properties: [ { name: 'Connection', signature: 'o', access: 'read' } ] }; let Account = makeProxyClass(AccountIface);