// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- /* exported SessionMode, listModes */ const GLib = imports.gi.GLib; const Signals = imports.misc.signals; const FileUtils = imports.misc.fileUtils; const Params = imports.misc.params; const Config = imports.misc.config; const DEFAULT_MODE = 'restrictive'; const USER_SESSION_COMPONENTS = [ 'polkitAgent', 'telepathyClient', 'keyring', 'autorunManager', 'automountManager', ]; if (Config.HAVE_NETWORKMANAGER) USER_SESSION_COMPONENTS.push('networkAgent'); const _modes = { 'restrictive': { parentMode: null, stylesheetName: 'gnome-shell-dark.css', themeResourceName: 'gnome-shell-theme.gresource', hasOverview: false, showCalendarEvents: false, showWelcomeDialog: false, allowSettings: false, allowScreencast: false, enabledExtensions: [], hasRunDialog: false, hasWorkspaces: false, hasWindows: false, hasNotifications: false, hasWmMenus: false, isLocked: false, isGreeter: false, isPrimary: false, unlockDialog: null, components: [], panel: { left: [], center: [], right: [], }, panelStyle: null, }, 'gdm': { hasNotifications: true, isGreeter: true, isPrimary: true, unlockDialog: imports.gdm.loginDialog.LoginDialog, components: Config.HAVE_NETWORKMANAGER ? ['networkAgent', 'polkitAgent'] : ['polkitAgent'], panel: { left: [], center: ['dateMenu'], right: ['dwellClick', 'a11y', 'keyboard', 'quickSettings'], }, panelStyle: 'login-screen', }, 'unlock-dialog': { isLocked: true, unlockDialog: undefined, components: ['polkitAgent', 'telepathyClient'], panel: { left: [], center: [], right: ['dwellClick', 'a11y', 'keyboard', 'quickSettings'], }, panelStyle: 'unlock-screen', }, 'user': { hasOverview: true, showCalendarEvents: true, showWelcomeDialog: true, allowSettings: true, allowScreencast: true, hasRunDialog: true, hasWorkspaces: true, hasWindows: true, hasWmMenus: true, hasNotifications: true, isLocked: false, isPrimary: true, unlockDialog: imports.ui.unlockDialog.UnlockDialog, components: USER_SESSION_COMPONENTS, panel: { left: ['activities'], center: ['dateMenu'], right: ['screenRecording', 'screenSharing', 'dwellClick', 'a11y', 'keyboard', 'quickSettings'], }, }, }; function _loadMode(file, info) { let name = info.get_name(); let suffix = name.indexOf('.json'); let modeName = suffix == -1 ? name : name.slice(name, suffix); if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(_modes, modeName)) return; let fileContent, success_, newMode; try { [success_, fileContent] = file.load_contents(null); const decoder = new TextDecoder(); newMode = JSON.parse(decoder.decode(fileContent)); } catch (e) { return; } _modes[modeName] = {}; const excludedProps = ['unlockDialog']; for (let prop in _modes[DEFAULT_MODE]) { if (newMode[prop] !== undefined && !excludedProps.includes(prop)) _modes[modeName][prop] = newMode[prop]; } _modes[modeName]['isPrimary'] = true; } /** * Loads external session modes from the system data directories. */ function _loadModes() { for (const {dir, info} of FileUtils.collectFromDatadirs('modes', false)) _loadMode(dir, info); } function listModes() { _loadModes(); let loop = new GLib.MainLoop(null, false); let id = GLib.idle_add(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, () => { let names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(_modes); for (let i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { if (_modes[names[i]].isPrimary) print(names[i]); } loop.quit(); }); GLib.Source.set_name_by_id(id, '[gnome-shell] listModes'); loop.run(); } var SessionMode = class extends Signals.EventEmitter { constructor() { super(); _loadModes(); let isPrimary = _modes[global.session_mode] && _modes[global.session_mode].isPrimary; let mode = isPrimary ? global.session_mode : 'user'; this._modeStack = [mode]; this._sync(); } pushMode(mode) { console.debug(`sessionMode: Pushing mode ${mode}`); this._modeStack.push(mode); this._sync(); } popMode(mode) { if (this.currentMode != mode || this._modeStack.length === 1) throw new Error("Invalid SessionMode.popMode"); console.debug(`sessionMode: Popping mode ${mode}`); this._modeStack.pop(); this._sync(); } switchMode(to) { if (this.currentMode == to) return; this._modeStack[this._modeStack.length - 1] = to; this._sync(); } get currentMode() { return this._modeStack[this._modeStack.length - 1]; } _sync() { let params = _modes[this.currentMode]; let defaults; if (params.parentMode) { defaults = Params.parse(_modes[params.parentMode], _modes[DEFAULT_MODE]); } else { defaults = _modes[DEFAULT_MODE]; } params = Params.parse(params, defaults); // A simplified version of Lang.copyProperties, handles // undefined as a special case for "no change / inherit from previous mode" for (let prop in params) { if (params[prop] !== undefined) this[prop] = params[prop]; } this.emit('updated'); } };