Please read https://wiki.gnome.org/Community/GettingInTouch/BugReportingGuidelines
first to ensure that you create a clear and specific issue.

### Affected version

Provide at least the following information:
* Your OS and version
* Affected GNOME Shell version (see https://wiki.gnome.org/Schedule for currently supported versions)
* Does this issue appear in XOrg and/or Wayland
* Does this issue happen without extensions (please follow instructions below)

To properly disable extensions you can use gnome-extensions-app and then restart
your session. Disabling extensions without a restart is not sufficient to rule
out extensions as cause of a bug. If an issue can only be reproduced with a
certain extension, please file a bug report against that extension first.

### Bug summary

Provide a short summary of the bug you encountered.

### Steps to reproduce

1. Step one
2. Step two
3. ...

### What happened

What did GNOME Shell do that was unexpected?

### What did you expect to happen

What did you expect GNOME Shell to do?

### Relevant logs, screenshots, screencasts etc.

If you have further information, such as technical documentation, logs,
screenshots or screencasts related, please provide them here.

If the bug is a crash, please obtain a stack trace with installed debug
symbols (at least for GNOME Shell and Mutter) and attach it to
this issue following the instructions on

<!-- Do not remove the following line. -->
/label ~"1. Bug"