# -*- mode: python -*-
# jhbuildrc for building gnome-shell. Customizations shuld be done in
# ~/.jhbuildrc-custom
# Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat, Inc.
# Some ideas and a bit of code taken from gtk-osx-build
# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008 Imendio AB
# Use .jhbuildrc-custom to override the moduleset, modules to build,
# the source checkout location, installation prefix, or svn usernames
# etc.
# JHBUILDRC_GNOME_SHELL - Do not edit this line (or anything else)

# Only rebuild modules that have changed
build_policy = 'updated'

moduleset = 'gnome-apps-3.4'

modules = [ 'meta-gnome-core-shell' ]

# what directory should the source be checked out to?
checkoutroot = os.path.expanduser('~/gnome-shell/source')

# the prefix to configure/install modules to (must have write access)
prefix = os.path.expanduser('~/gnome-shell/install')

# Use system libraries for the builds
if use_lib64:
    _libdir = 'lib64'
    _libdir = 'lib'
addpath('PKG_CONFIG_PATH', os.path.join(os.sep, 'usr', _libdir, 'pkgconfig'))
addpath('PKG_CONFIG_PATH', os.path.join(os.sep, 'usr', 'share', 'pkgconfig'))

# Look in /usr/share for icons, D-BUS service files, etc
addpath('XDG_DATA_DIRS', '/usr/share')
# Look in /etc/xdg for system-global autostart files
addpath('XDG_CONFIG_DIRS', '/etc/xdg')

# Import optional user RC for further customization. You can override
# the prefix or default build setup for example, or CFLAGS or
# module_autogenargs, etc.
_userrc = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.jhbuildrc-custom')
if os.path.exists(_userrc):