const Clutter =; const Gio =; const GObject =; const Gtk =; const Meta =; const Shell =; const Dialog = imports.ui.dialog; const ModalDialog = imports.ui.modalDialog; const WAYLAND_KEYBINDINGS_SCHEMA = 'org.gnome.mutter.wayland.keybindings'; const APP_WHITELIST = ['gnome-control-center.desktop']; var DialogResponse = Meta.InhibitShortcutsDialogResponse; var InhibitShortcutsDialog = GObject.registerClass({ Implements: [Meta.InhibitShortcutsDialog], Properties: { 'window': GObject.ParamSpec.override('window', Meta.InhibitShortcutsDialog) } }, class InhibitShortcutsDialog extends GObject.Object { _init(window) { super._init(); this._window = window; this._dialog = new ModalDialog.ModalDialog(); this._buildLayout(); } get window() { return this._window; } set window(window) { this._window = window; } get _app() { let windowTracker = Shell.WindowTracker.get_default(); return windowTracker.get_window_app(this._window); } _getRestoreAccel() { let settings = new Gio.Settings({ schema_id: WAYLAND_KEYBINDINGS_SCHEMA }); let accel = settings.get_strv('restore-shortcuts')[0] || ''; return Gtk.accelerator_get_label.apply(null, Gtk.accelerator_parse(accel)); } _buildLayout() { let name = this._app ? this._app.get_name() : this._window.title; /* Translators: %s is an application name like "Settings" */ let title = name ? _("%s wants to inhibit shortcuts").format(name) : _("Application wants to inhibit shortcuts"); let icon = new Gio.ThemedIcon({ name: 'dialog-warning-symbolic' }); let contentParams = { icon, title }; let restoreAccel = this._getRestoreAccel(); if (restoreAccel) contentParams.subtitle = /* Translators: %s is a keyboard shortcut like "Super+x" */ _("You can restore shortcuts by pressing %s.").format(restoreAccel); let content = new Dialog.MessageDialogContent(contentParams); this._dialog.contentLayout.add_actor(content); this._dialog.addButton({ label: _("Deny"), action: () => { this._emitResponse(DialogResponse.DENY); }, key: Clutter.KEY_Escape }); this._dialog.addButton({ label: _("Allow"), action: () => { this._emitResponse(DialogResponse.ALLOW); }, default: true }); } _emitResponse(response) { this.emit('response', response); this._dialog.close(); } vfunc_show() { if (this._app && APP_WHITELIST.indexOf(this._app.get_id()) != -1) this._emitResponse(DialogResponse.ALLOW); else; } vfunc_hide() { this._dialog.close(); } });