/* -*- mode: js2; js2-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ const Clutter = imports.gi.Clutter; const DBus = imports.dbus; const Lang = imports.lang; const Shell = imports.gi.Shell; const St = imports.gi.St; const Main = imports.ui.main; const MessageTray = imports.ui.messageTray; const Telepathy = imports.misc.telepathy; let avatarManager; // See Notification.appendMessage const SCROLLBACK_RECENT_TIME = 15 * 60; // 15 minutes const SCROLLBACK_RECENT_LENGTH = 20; const SCROLLBACK_IDLE_LENGTH = 5; // This is GNOME Shell's implementation of the Telepathy "Client" // interface. Specifically, the shell is a Telepathy "Approver", which // lets us control the routing of incoming messages, a "Handler", // which lets us receive and respond to messages, and an "Observer", // which lets us see messages even if they belong to another app (eg, // a conversation started from within Empathy). function Client() { this._init(); }; Client.prototype = { _init : function() { let name = Telepathy.CLIENT_NAME + '.GnomeShell'; DBus.session.exportObject(Telepathy.nameToPath(name), this); DBus.session.acquire_name(name, DBus.SINGLE_INSTANCE, function (name) { /* FIXME: acquired */ }, function (name) { /* FIXME: lost */ }); this._channels = {}; avatarManager = new AvatarManager(); // Acquire existing connections. (Needed to make things work // through a restart.) let accountManager = new Telepathy.AccountManager(DBus.session, Telepathy.ACCOUNT_MANAGER_NAME, Telepathy.nameToPath(Telepathy.ACCOUNT_MANAGER_NAME)); accountManager.GetRemote('ValidAccounts', Lang.bind(this, this._gotValidAccounts)); }, _gotValidAccounts: function(accounts, err) { if (!accounts) return; for (let i = 0; i < accounts.length; i++) { let account = new Telepathy.Account(DBus.session, Telepathy.ACCOUNT_MANAGER_NAME, accounts[i]); account.GetRemote('Connection', Lang.bind(this, function (connPath, err) { if (!connPath || connPath == '/') return; let connReq = new Telepathy.ConnectionRequests(DBus.session, Telepathy.pathToName(connPath), connPath); connReq.GetRemote('Channels', Lang.bind(this, function(channels, err) { if (!channels) return; this._addChannels(connPath, channels); })); })); } }, get Interfaces() { return [ Telepathy.CLIENT_APPROVER_NAME, Telepathy.CLIENT_HANDLER_NAME, Telepathy.CLIENT_OBSERVER_NAME ]; }, get ApproverChannelFilter() { return [ { 'org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.ChannelType': Telepathy.CHANNEL_TEXT_NAME } ]; }, AddDispatchOperation: function(channels, dispatchOperationPath, properties) { let sender = DBus.getCurrentMessageContext().sender; let op = new Telepathy.ChannelDispatchOperation(DBus.session, sender, dispatchOperationPath); op.ClaimRemote(); }, get HandlerChannelFilter() { return [ { 'org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.ChannelType': Telepathy.CHANNEL_TEXT_NAME } ]; }, HandleChannels: function(account, connPath, channels, requestsSatisfied, userActionTime, handlerInfo) { this._addChannels(connPath, channels); }, get ObserverChannelFilter() { return [ { 'org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.ChannelType': Telepathy.CHANNEL_TEXT_NAME } ]; }, ObserveChannels: function(account, connPath, channels, dispatchOperation, requestsSatisfied, observerInfo) { this._addChannels(connPath, channels); }, _addChannels: function(connPath, channelDetailsList) { for (let i = 0; i < channelDetailsList.length; i++) { let [channelPath, props] = channelDetailsList[i]; if (this._channels[channelPath]) continue; let channelType = props[Telepathy.CHANNEL_NAME + '.ChannelType']; if (channelType != Telepathy.CHANNEL_TEXT_NAME) continue; let targetHandle = props[Telepathy.CHANNEL_NAME + '.TargetHandle']; let targetHandleType = props[Telepathy.CHANNEL_NAME + '.TargetHandleType']; let targetId = props[Telepathy.CHANNEL_NAME + '.TargetID']; let source = new Source(connPath, channelPath, targetHandle, targetHandleType, targetId); this._channels[channelPath] = source; source.connect('destroy', Lang.bind(this, function() { delete this._channels[channelPath]; })); } } }; DBus.conformExport(Client.prototype, Telepathy.ClientIface); DBus.conformExport(Client.prototype, Telepathy.ClientApproverIface); DBus.conformExport(Client.prototype, Telepathy.ClientHandlerIface); DBus.conformExport(Client.prototype, Telepathy.ClientObserverIface); function AvatarManager() { this._init(); }; AvatarManager.prototype = { _init: function() { this._connections = {}; }, _addConnection: function(conn) { if (this._connections[conn.getPath()]) return this._connections[conn.getPath()]; let info = {}; // avatarData[handle] describes the icon for @handle: // either the string 'default', meaning to use the default // avatar, or an array of bytes containing, eg, PNG data. info.avatarData = {}; // icons[handle] is an array of the icon actors currently // being displayed for @handle. These will be updated // automatically if @handle's avatar changes. info.icons = {}; info.connectionAvatars = new Telepathy.ConnectionAvatars(DBus.session, conn.getBusName(), conn.getPath()); info.updatedId = info.connectionAvatars.connect( 'AvatarUpdated', Lang.bind(this, this._avatarUpdated)); info.retrievedId = info.connectionAvatars.connect( 'AvatarRetrieved', Lang.bind(this, this._avatarRetrieved)); info.statusChangedId = conn.connect('StatusChanged', Lang.bind(this, function (status, reason) { if (status == Telepathy.ConnectionStatus.DISCONNECTED) this._removeConnection(conn); })); this._connections[conn.getPath()] = info; return info; }, _removeConnection: function(conn) { let info = this._connections[conn.getPath()]; if (!info) return; conn.disconnect(info.statusChangedId); info.connectionAvatars.disconnect(info.updatedId); info.connectionAvatars.disconnect(info.retrievedId); delete this._connections[conn.getPath()]; }, _avatarUpdated: function(conn, handle, token) { let info = this._connections[conn.getPath()]; if (!info) return; if (!info.avatarData[handle]) { // This would only happen if either (a) the initial // RequestAvatars() call hasn't returned yet, or (b) // Telepathy is informing us about avatars we didn't ask // about. Either way, we don't have to do anything here. return; } if (token == '') { // Invoke the next async callback in the chain, telling // it to use the default image. this._avatarRetrieved(conn, handle, token, 'default', null); } else { // In this case, @token is some sort of UUID. Telepathy // expects us to cache avatar images to disk and use the // tokens to figure out when we already have the right // images cached. But we don't do that, we just // ignore @token and request the image unconditionally. info.connectionAvatars.RequestAvatarsRemote([handle]); } }, _createIcon: function(iconData, size) { let textureCache = St.TextureCache.get_default(); if (iconData == 'default') return textureCache.load_icon_name('stock_person', size); else return textureCache.load_from_data(iconData, iconData.length, size); }, _avatarRetrieved: function(conn, handle, token, avatarData, mimeType) { let info = this._connections[conn.getPath()]; if (!info) return; info.avatarData[handle] = avatarData; if (!info.icons[handle]) return; for (let i = 0; i < info.icons[handle].length; i++) { let iconBox = info.icons[handle][i]; let size = iconBox.child.height; iconBox.child = this._createIcon(avatarData, size); } }, createAvatar: function(conn, handle, size) { let iconBox = new St.Bin({ style_class: 'avatar-box' }); let info = this._connections[conn.getPath()]; if (!info) info = this._addConnection(conn); if (!info.icons[handle]) info.icons[handle] = []; info.icons[handle].push(iconBox); iconBox.connect('destroy', Lang.bind(this, function() { let i = info.icons[handle].indexOf(iconBox); if (i != -1) info.icons[handle].splice(i, 1); })); let avatarData = info.avatarData[handle]; if (avatarData) { iconBox.child = this._createIcon(avatarData, size); return iconBox; } // Fill in the default icon and then asynchronously load // the real avatar. iconBox.child = this._createIcon('default', size); info.connectionAvatars.GetKnownAvatarTokensRemote([handle], Lang.bind(this, function (tokens, err) { if (tokens && tokens[handle]) info.connectionAvatars.RequestAvatarsRemote([handle]); else info.avatarData[handle] = 'default'; })); return iconBox; } }; function Source(connPath, channelPath, targetHandle, targetHandleType, targetId) { this._init(connPath, channelPath, targetHandle, targetHandleType, targetId); } Source.prototype = { __proto__: MessageTray.Source.prototype, _init: function(connPath, channelPath, targetHandle, targetHandleType, targetId) { MessageTray.Source.prototype._init.call(this, targetId); let connName = Telepathy.pathToName(connPath); this._conn = new Telepathy.Connection(DBus.session, connName, connPath); this._channel = new Telepathy.Channel(DBus.session, connName, channelPath); this._closedId = this._channel.connect('Closed', Lang.bind(this, this._channelClosed)); this._targetHandle = targetHandle; this._targetId = targetId; this.name = this._targetId; if (targetHandleType == Telepathy.HandleType.CONTACT) { let aliasing = new Telepathy.ConnectionAliasing(DBus.session, connName, connPath); aliasing.RequestAliasesRemote([this._targetHandle], Lang.bind(this, function (aliases, err) { if (aliases && aliases.length) this.name = aliases[0]; })); } this._channelText = new Telepathy.ChannelText(DBus.session, connName, channelPath); this._receivedId = this._channelText.connect('Received', Lang.bind(this, this._messageReceived)); this._channelText.ListPendingMessagesRemote(false, Lang.bind(this, this._gotPendingMessages)); }, createIcon: function(size) { return avatarManager.createAvatar(this._conn, this._targetHandle, size); }, _gotPendingMessages: function(msgs, err) { if (!msgs) return; for (let i = 0; i < msgs.length; i++) this._messageReceived.apply(this, [this._channel].concat(msgs[i])); }, _channelClosed: function() { this._channel.disconnect(this._closedId); this._channelText.disconnect(this._receivedId); this.destroy(); }, _messageReceived: function(channel, id, timestamp, sender, type, flags, text) { if (!Main.messageTray.contains(this)) Main.messageTray.add(this); if (!this._notification) this._notification = new Notification(this._targetId, this); this._notification.appendMessage(text); this.notify(this._notification); this._channelText.AcknowledgePendingMessagesRemote([id]); }, respond: function(text) { this._channelText.SendRemote(Telepathy.ChannelTextMessageType.NORMAL, text); } }; function Notification(id, source) { this._init(id, source); } Notification.prototype = { __proto__: MessageTray.Notification.prototype, _init: function(id, source) { MessageTray.Notification.prototype._init.call(this, id, source, source.name); this.actor.connect('button-press-event', Lang.bind(this, this._onButtonPress)); this._responseEntry = new St.Entry({ style_class: 'chat-response' }); this._responseEntry.clutter_text.connect('key-focus-in', Lang.bind(this, this._onEntryFocused)); this._responseEntry.clutter_text.connect('activate', Lang.bind(this, this._onEntryActivated)); this.setActionArea(this._responseEntry); this._history = []; }, appendMessage: function(text) { this.update(this.source.name, text); this._append(text, 'chat-received'); }, _append: function(text, style) { let body = this.addBody(text); body.add_style_class_name(style); this.scrollTo(St.Side.BOTTOM); let now = new Date().getTime() / 1000; this._history.unshift({ actor: body, time: now }); if (this._history.length > 1) { // Keep the scrollback from growing too long. If the most // recent message (before the one we just added) is within // SCROLLBACK_RECENT_TIME, we will keep // SCROLLBACK_RECENT_LENGTH previous messages. Otherwise // we'll keep SCROLLBACK_IDLE_LENGTH messages. let lastMessageTime = this._history[1].time; let maxLength = (lastMessageTime < now - SCROLLBACK_RECENT_TIME) ? SCROLLBACK_IDLE_LENGTH : SCROLLBACK_RECENT_LENGTH; if (this._history.length > maxLength) { let expired = this._history.splice(maxLength); for (let i = 0; i < expired.length; i++) expired[i].actor.destroy(); } } }, _onButtonPress: function(notification, event) { if (!this._active) return false; let source = event.get_source (); while (source) { if (source == notification) return false; source = source.get_parent(); } // @source is outside @notification, which has to mean that // we have a pointer grab, and the user clicked outside the // notification, so we should deactivate. this._deactivate(); return true; }, _onEntryFocused: function() { if (this._active) return; if (!Main.pushModal(this.actor)) return; Clutter.grab_pointer(this.actor); this._active = true; Main.messageTray.lock(); }, _onEntryActivated: function() { let text = this._responseEntry.get_text(); if (text == '') { this._deactivate(); return; } this._responseEntry.set_text(''); this._append(text, 'chat-sent'); this.source.respond(text); }, _deactivate: function() { if (this._active) { Clutter.ungrab_pointer(this.actor); Main.popModal(this.actor); global.stage.set_key_focus(null); // We have to do this after calling popModal(), because // that will return the keyboard focus to // this._responseEntry (because that's where it was when // pushModal() was called), which will cause // _onEntryFocused() to be called again, but we don't want // it to do anything. this._active = false; Main.messageTray.unlock(); } } };