// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- const Clutter = imports.gi.Clutter; const Lang = imports.lang; const Mainloop = imports.mainloop; const Meta = imports.gi.Meta; const Pango = imports.gi.Pango; const Shell = imports.gi.Shell; const St = imports.gi.St; const Signals = imports.signals; const DND = imports.ui.dnd; const Lightbox = imports.ui.lightbox; const Main = imports.ui.main; const Overview = imports.ui.overview; const Panel = imports.ui.panel; const Tweener = imports.ui.tweener; const WindowManager = imports.ui.windowManager; const FOCUS_ANIMATION_TIME = 0.15; const WINDOW_DND_SIZE = 256; const SCROLL_SCALE_AMOUNT = 100 / 5; const WINDOW_CLONE_MAXIMUM_SCALE = 0.7; const LIGHTBOX_FADE_TIME = 0.1; const CLOSE_BUTTON_FADE_TIME = 0.1; const DRAGGING_WINDOW_OPACITY = 100; // When calculating a layout, we calculate the scale of windows and the percent // of the available area the new layout uses. If the values for the new layout, // when weighted with the values as below, are worse than the previous layout's, // we stop looking for a new layout and use the previous layout. // Otherwise, we keep looking for a new layout. const LAYOUT_SCALE_WEIGHT = 1; const LAYOUT_SPACE_WEIGHT = 0.1; function _interpolate(start, end, step) { return start + (end - start) * step; } const WindowCloneLayout = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'WindowCloneLayout', Extends: Clutter.LayoutManager, _init: function(boundingBox) { this.parent(); this._boundingBox = boundingBox; }, get boundingBox() { return this._boundingBox; }, set boundingBox(b) { this._boundingBox = b; this.layout_changed(); }, _makeBoxForWindow: function(window) { // We need to adjust the position of the actor because of the // consequences of invisible borders -- in reality, the texture // has an extra set of "padding" around it that we need to trim // down. // The outer rect (from which we compute the bounding box) // paradoxically is the smaller rectangle, containing the positions // of the visible frame. The input rect contains everything, // including the invisible border padding. let inputRect = window.get_input_rect(); let box = new Clutter.ActorBox(); box.set_origin(inputRect.x - this._boundingBox.x, inputRect.y - this._boundingBox.y); box.set_size(inputRect.width, inputRect.height); return box; }, vfunc_get_preferred_height: function(container, forWidth) { return [this._boundingBox.height, this._boundingBox.height]; }, vfunc_get_preferred_width: function(container, forHeight) { return [this._boundingBox.width, this._boundingBox.width]; }, vfunc_allocate: function(container, box, flags) { let clone = container.get_children().forEach(function (child) { let realWindow; if (child == container._delegate._windowClone) realWindow = container._delegate.realWindow; else realWindow = child.source; child.allocate(this._makeBoxForWindow(realWindow.meta_window), flags); }, this); }, }); const WindowClone = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'WindowClone', _init : function(realWindow, workspace) { this.realWindow = realWindow; this.metaWindow = realWindow.meta_window; this.metaWindow._delegate = this; this._workspace = workspace; this._windowClone = new Clutter.Clone({ source: realWindow.get_texture() }); // We expect this.actor to be used for all interaction rather than // this._windowClone; as the former is reactive and the latter // is not, this just works for most cases. However, for DND all // actors are picked, so DND operations would operate on the clone. // To avoid this, we hide it from pick. Shell.util_set_hidden_from_pick(this._windowClone, true); // The MetaShapedTexture that we clone has a size that includes // the invisible border; this is inconvenient; rather than trying // to compensate all over the place we insert a custom container into // the hierarchy that is sized to only the visible portion. // As usual, we cannot use a ShellGenericContainer or StWidget here, // because Workspace plays dirty tricks with reparenting to do DNDs // and scroll-to-zoom. this.actor = new Clutter.Actor({ reactive: true, layout_manager: new WindowCloneLayout() }); this.actor.add_child(this._windowClone); this.actor._delegate = this; this._slot = [0, 0, 0, 0]; this._dragSlot = [0, 0, 0, 0]; this._stackAbove = null; this._windowClone._updateId = this.realWindow.connect('size-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._onRealWindowSizeChanged)); this._windowClone._destroyId = this.realWindow.connect('destroy', Lang.bind(this, function() { // First destroy the clone and then destroy everything // This will ensure that we never see it in the _disconnectSignals loop this._windowClone.destroy(); this.destroy(); })); this._updateAttachedDialogs(); this._computeBoundingBox(); this.actor.x = this._boundingBox.x; this.actor.y = this._boundingBox.y; let clickAction = new Clutter.ClickAction(); clickAction.connect('clicked', Lang.bind(this, this._onClicked)); clickAction.connect('long-press', Lang.bind(this, this._onLongPress)); this.actor.add_action(clickAction); this.actor.connect('destroy', Lang.bind(this, this._onDestroy)); this._draggable = DND.makeDraggable(this.actor, { restoreOnSuccess: true, manualMode: true, dragActorMaxSize: WINDOW_DND_SIZE, dragActorOpacity: DRAGGING_WINDOW_OPACITY }); this._draggable.connect('drag-begin', Lang.bind(this, this._onDragBegin)); this._draggable.connect('drag-cancelled', Lang.bind(this, this._onDragCancelled)); this._draggable.connect('drag-end', Lang.bind(this, this._onDragEnd)); this.inDrag = false; this._selected = false; }, set slot(slot) { this._slot = slot; }, get slot() { if (this.inDrag) return this._dragSlot; else return this._slot; }, deleteAll: function() { // Delete all windows, starting from the bottom-most (most-modal) one let windows = this.actor.get_children(); for (let i = windows.length - 1; i >= 1; i--) { let realWindow = windows[i].source; let metaWindow = realWindow.meta_window; metaWindow.delete(global.get_current_time()); } this.metaWindow.delete(global.get_current_time()); }, addAttachedDialog: function(win) { this._doAddAttachedDialog(win, win.get_compositor_private()); this._computeBoundingBox(); this._updateDimmer(); this.emit('size-changed'); }, _doAddAttachedDialog: function(metaWin, realWin) { let clone = new Clutter.Clone({ source: realWin }); clone._updateId = realWin.connect('size-changed', Lang.bind(this, function() { this._computeBoundingBox(); this.emit('size-changed'); })); clone._destroyId = realWin.connect('destroy', Lang.bind(this, function() { clone.destroy(); this._computeBoundingBox(); this._updateDimmer(); this.emit('size-changed'); })); this.actor.add_child(clone); }, _updateAttachedDialogs: function() { let iter = Lang.bind(this, function(win) { let actor = win.get_compositor_private(); if (!actor) return false; if (!win.is_attached_dialog()) return false; this._doAddAttachedDialog(win, actor); win.foreach_transient(iter); return true; }); this.metaWindow.foreach_transient(iter); this._dimmer = new WindowManager.WindowDimmer(this._windowClone); this._updateDimmer(); }, _updateDimmer: function() { if (this.actor.get_n_children() > 1) { this._dimmer.setEnabled(true); this._dimmer.dimFactor = 1.0; } else { this._dimmer.setEnabled(false); } }, get boundingBox() { return this._boundingBox; }, getOriginalPosition: function() { return [this._boundingBox.x, this._boundingBox.y]; }, _computeBoundingBox: function() { let rect = this.metaWindow.get_outer_rect(); this.actor.get_children().forEach(function (child) { let realWindow; if (child == this._windowClone) realWindow = this.realWindow; else realWindow = child.source; let metaWindow = realWindow.meta_window; rect = rect.union(metaWindow.get_outer_rect()); }, this); this._boundingBox = rect; this.actor.layout_manager.boundingBox = rect; }, setStackAbove: function (actor) { this._stackAbove = actor; if (this.inDrag) // We'll fix up the stack after the drag return; if (this._stackAbove == null) this.actor.lower_bottom(); else this.actor.raise(this._stackAbove); }, destroy: function () { this.actor.destroy(); }, _disconnectSignals: function() { this.actor.get_children().forEach(Lang.bind(this, function (child) { let realWindow; if (child == this._windowClone) realWindow = this.realWindow; else realWindow = child.source; realWindow.disconnect(child._updateId); realWindow.disconnect(child._destroyId); })); }, _onRealWindowSizeChanged: function() { this._computeBoundingBox(); this.emit('size-changed'); }, _onDestroy: function() { this._disconnectSignals(); this.metaWindow._delegate = null; this.actor._delegate = null; if (this.inDrag) { this.emit('drag-end'); this.inDrag = false; } this.disconnectAll(); }, _onClicked: function(action, actor) { this._selected = true; this.emit('selected', global.get_current_time()); }, _onLongPress: function(action, actor, state) { // Take advantage of the Clutter policy to consider // a long-press canceled when the pointer movement // exceeds dnd-drag-threshold to manually start the drag if (state == Clutter.LongPressState.CANCEL) { // A click cancels a long-press before any click handler is // run - make sure to not start a drag in that case Meta.later_add(Meta.LaterType.BEFORE_REDRAW, Lang.bind(this, function() { if (this._selected) return; let [x, y] = action.get_coords(); action.release(); this._draggable.startDrag(x, y, global.get_current_time()); })); } return true; }, _onDragBegin : function (draggable, time) { this._dragSlot = this._slot; [this.dragOrigX, this.dragOrigY] = this.actor.get_position(); this.dragOrigScale = this.actor.scale_x; this.inDrag = true; this.emit('drag-begin'); }, handleDragOver : function(source, actor, x, y, time) { return this._workspace.handleDragOver(source, actor, x, y, time); }, acceptDrop : function(source, actor, x, y, time) { this._workspace.acceptDrop(source, actor, x, y, time); }, _onDragCancelled : function (draggable, time) { this.emit('drag-cancelled'); }, _onDragEnd : function (draggable, time, snapback) { this.inDrag = false; // We may not have a parent if DnD completed successfully, in // which case our clone will shortly be destroyed and replaced // with a new one on the target workspace. if (this.actor.get_parent() != null) { if (this._stackAbove == null) this.actor.lower_bottom(); else this.actor.raise(this._stackAbove); } this.emit('drag-end'); } }); Signals.addSignalMethods(WindowClone.prototype); /** * @windowClone: Corresponding window clone * @parentActor: The actor which will be the parent of all overlay items * such as app icon and window caption */ const WindowOverlay = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'WindowOverlay', _init : function(windowClone, parentActor) { let metaWindow = windowClone.metaWindow; this._windowClone = windowClone; this._parentActor = parentActor; this._hidden = false; this.borderSize = 0; this.border = new St.Bin({ style_class: 'window-clone-border' }); let title = new St.Label({ style_class: 'window-caption', text: metaWindow.title }); title.clutter_text.ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.END; title._spacing = 0; this._updateCaptionId = metaWindow.connect('notify::title', Lang.bind(this, function(w) { this.title.text = w.title; this.relayout(false); })); let button = new St.Button({ style_class: 'window-close' }); button._overlap = 0; this._idleToggleCloseId = 0; button.connect('clicked', Lang.bind(this, this._closeWindow)); windowClone.actor.connect('destroy', Lang.bind(this, this._onDestroy)); windowClone.actor.connect('enter-event', Lang.bind(this, this._onEnter)); windowClone.actor.connect('leave-event', Lang.bind(this, this._onLeave)); this._windowAddedId = 0; button.hide(); this.title = title; this.closeButton = button; parentActor.add_actor(this.title); parentActor.add_actor(this.border); parentActor.add_actor(this.closeButton); title.connect('style-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._onStyleChanged)); button.connect('style-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._onStyleChanged)); this.border.connect('style-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._onStyleChanged)); // force a style change if we are already on a stage - otherwise // the signal will be emitted normally when we are added if (parentActor.get_stage()) this._onStyleChanged(); }, hide: function() { this._hidden = true; this.title.hide(); this.hideCloseButton(); }, show: function() { this._hidden = false; this.title.show(); if (this._windowClone.actor.has_pointer) this._animateVisible(); }, fadeIn: function() { if (!this._hidden) return; this.show(); this.title.opacity = 0; this._parentActor.raise_top(); Tweener.addTween(this.title, { opacity: 255, time: CLOSE_BUTTON_FADE_TIME, transition: 'easeOutQuad' }); }, chromeHeights: function () { return [Math.max(this.borderSize, this.closeButton.height - this.closeButton._overlap), this.title.height + this.title._spacing]; }, chromeWidths: function () { return [this.borderSize, Math.max(this.borderSize, this.closeButton.width - this.closeButton._overlap)]; }, relayout: function(animate) { let button = this.closeButton; let title = this.title; let border = this.border; Tweener.removeTweens(button); Tweener.removeTweens(title); Tweener.removeTweens(border); let [cloneX, cloneY, cloneWidth, cloneHeight] = this._windowClone.slot; let layout = Meta.prefs_get_button_layout(); let side = layout.left_buttons.indexOf(Meta.ButtonFunction.CLOSE) > -1 ? St.Side.LEFT : St.Side.RIGHT; let buttonX; let buttonY = cloneY - (button.height - button._overlap); if (side == St.Side.LEFT) buttonX = cloneX - (button.width - button._overlap); else buttonX = cloneX + (cloneWidth - button._overlap); if (animate) this._animateOverlayActor(button, Math.floor(buttonX), Math.floor(buttonY), button.width); else button.set_position(Math.floor(buttonX), Math.floor(buttonY)); // Clutter.Actor.get_preferred_width() will return the fixed width if one // is set, so we need to reset the width by calling set_width(-1), to forward // the call down to StLabel. // We also need to save and restore the current width, otherwise the animation // starts from the wrong point. let prevTitleWidth = title.width; title.set_width(-1); let [titleMinWidth, titleNatWidth] = title.get_preferred_width(-1); let titleWidth = Math.max(titleMinWidth, Math.min(titleNatWidth, cloneWidth)); title.width = prevTitleWidth; let titleX = cloneX + (cloneWidth - titleWidth) / 2; let titleY = cloneY + cloneHeight + title._spacing; if (animate) this._animateOverlayActor(title, Math.floor(titleX), Math.floor(titleY), titleWidth); else { title.width = titleWidth; title.set_position(Math.floor(titleX), Math.floor(titleY)); } let borderX = cloneX - this.borderSize; let borderY = cloneY - this.borderSize; let borderWidth = cloneWidth + 2 * this.borderSize; let borderHeight = cloneHeight + 2 * this.borderSize; if (animate) { this._animateOverlayActor(this.border, borderX, borderY, borderWidth, borderHeight); } else { this.border.set_position(borderX, borderY); this.border.set_size(borderWidth, borderHeight); } }, _animateOverlayActor: function(actor, x, y, width, height) { let params = { x: x, y: y, width: width, time: Overview.ANIMATION_TIME, transition: 'easeOutQuad' }; if (height !== undefined) params.height = height; Tweener.addTween(actor, params); }, _closeWindow: function(actor) { let metaWindow = this._windowClone.metaWindow; this._workspace = metaWindow.get_workspace(); this._windowAddedId = this._workspace.connect('window-added', Lang.bind(this, this._onWindowAdded)); this._windowClone.deleteAll(); }, _onWindowAdded: function(workspace, win) { let metaWindow = this._windowClone.metaWindow; if (win.get_transient_for() == metaWindow) { workspace.disconnect(this._windowAddedId); this._windowAddedId = 0; // use an idle handler to avoid mapping problems - // see comment in Workspace._windowAdded Mainloop.idle_add(Lang.bind(this, function() { this._windowClone.emit('selected'); return false; })); } }, _onDestroy: function() { if (this._windowAddedId > 0) { this._workspace.disconnect(this._windowAddedId); this._windowAddedId = 0; } if (this._idleToggleCloseId > 0) { Mainloop.source_remove(this._idleToggleCloseId); this._idleToggleCloseId = 0; } this._windowClone.metaWindow.disconnect(this._updateCaptionId); this.title.destroy(); this.closeButton.destroy(); this.border.destroy(); }, _animateVisible: function() { this._parentActor.raise_top(); this.closeButton.show(); this.closeButton.opacity = 0; Tweener.addTween(this.closeButton, { opacity: 255, time: CLOSE_BUTTON_FADE_TIME, transition: 'easeOutQuad' }); this.border.show(); this.border.opacity = 0; Tweener.addTween(this.border, { opacity: 255, time: CLOSE_BUTTON_FADE_TIME, transition: 'easeOutQuad' }); this.title.add_style_pseudo_class('hover'); }, _animateInvisible: function() { this.closeButton.opacity = 255; Tweener.addTween(this.closeButton, { opacity: 0, time: CLOSE_BUTTON_FADE_TIME, transition: 'easeInQuad' }); this.border.opacity = 255; Tweener.addTween(this.border, { opacity: 0, time: CLOSE_BUTTON_FADE_TIME, transition: 'easeInQuad' }); this.title.remove_style_pseudo_class('hover'); }, _onEnter: function() { // We might get enter events on the clone while the overlay is // hidden, e.g. during animations, we ignore these events, // as the close button will be shown as needed when the overlays // are shown again if (this._hidden) return; this._animateVisible(); this.emit('show-close-button'); }, _onLeave: function() { if (this._idleToggleCloseId == 0) this._idleToggleCloseId = Mainloop.timeout_add(750, Lang.bind(this, this._idleToggleCloseButton)); }, _idleToggleCloseButton: function() { this._idleToggleCloseId = 0; if (!this._windowClone.actor.has_pointer && !this.closeButton.has_pointer) this._animateInvisible(); return false; }, hideCloseButton: function() { if (this._idleToggleCloseId > 0) { Mainloop.source_remove(this._idleToggleCloseId); this._idleToggleCloseId = 0; } this.closeButton.hide(); this.border.hide(); this.title.remove_style_pseudo_class('hover'); }, _onStyleChanged: function() { let titleNode = this.title.get_theme_node(); this.title._spacing = titleNode.get_length('-shell-caption-spacing'); let closeNode = this.closeButton.get_theme_node(); this.closeButton._overlap = closeNode.get_length('-shell-close-overlap'); let borderNode = this.border.get_theme_node(); this.borderSize = borderNode.get_border_width(St.Side.TOP); this._parentActor.queue_relayout(); } }); Signals.addSignalMethods(WindowOverlay.prototype); const WindowPositionFlags = { NONE: 0, INITIAL: 1 << 0, ANIMATE: 1 << 1 }; // Window Thumbnail Layout Algorithm // ================================= // // General overview // ---------------- // // The window thumbnail layout algorithm calculates some optimal layout // by computing layouts with some number of rows, calculating how good // each layout is, and stopping iterating when it finds one that is worse // than the previous layout. A layout consists of which windows are in // which rows, row sizes and other general state tracking that would make // calculating window positions from this information fairly easy. // // We don't compute some global order of windows right now for optimal // travel when animating into the overview; windows are assumed to be // in some stable order. // // After a layout is computed that's considered the best layout, we // compute the layout scale to fit it in the area, and then compute // slots (sizes and positions) for each thumbnail. // // Layout generation // ----------------- // // Layout generation is naive and simple: we simply add windows to a row // until we've added too many windows to a row, and then make a new row, // until we have our required N rows. The potential issue with this strategy // is that we may have too many windows at the bottom in some pathological // cases, which tends to make the thumbnails have the shape of a pile of // sand with a peak, with one window at the top. // // Scaling factors // --------------- // // Thumbnail position is mostly straightforward -- the main issue is // computing an optimal scale for each window that fits the constraints, // and doesn't make the thumbnail too small to see. There are two factors // involved in thumbnail scale to make sure that these two goals are met: // the window scale (calculated by _computeWindowScale) and the layout // scale (calculated by computeSizeAndScale). // // The calculation logic becomes slightly more complicated because row // and column spacing are not scaled, they're constant, so we can't // simply generate a bunch of window positions and then scale it. In // practice, it's not too bad -- we can simply try to fit the layout // in the input area minus whatever spacing we have, and then add // it back afterwards. // // The window scale is constant for the window's size regardless of the // input area or the layout scale or rows or anything else, and right // now just enlarges the window if it's too small. The fact that this // factor is stable makes it easy to calculate, so there's no sense // in not applying it in most calculations. // // The layout scale depends on the input area, the rows, etc, but is the // same for the entire layout, rather than being per-window. After // generating the rows of windows, we basically do some basic math to // fit the full, unscaled layout to the input area, as described above. // // With these two factors combined, the final scale of each thumbnail is // simply windowScale * layoutScale... almost. // // There's one additional constraint: the thumbnail scale must never be // larger than WINDOW_CLONE_MAXIMUM_SCALE, which means that the inequality: // // windowScale * layoutScale <= WINDOW_CLONE_MAXIMUM_SCALE // // must always be true. This is for each individual window -- while we // could adjust layoutScale to make the largest thumbnail smaller than // WINDOW_CLONE_MAXIMUM_SCALE, it would shrink windows which are already // under the inequality. To solve this, we simply cheat: we simply keep // each window's "cell" area to be the same, but we shrink the thumbnail // and center it horizontally, and align it to the bottom vertically. const LayoutStrategy = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'LayoutStrategy', Abstract: true, _init: function(monitor, rowSpacing, columnSpacing) { this._monitor = monitor; this._rowSpacing = rowSpacing; this._columnSpacing = columnSpacing; }, _newRow: function() { // Row properties: // // * x, y are the position of row, relative to area // // * width, height are the scaled versions of fullWidth, fullHeight // // * width also has the spacing in between windows. It's not in // fullWidth, as the spacing is constant, whereas fullWidth is // meant to be scaled // // * neither height/fullHeight have any sort of spacing or padding return { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0, fullWidth: 0, fullHeight: 0, windows: [] }; }, // Computes and returns an individual scaling factor for @window, // to be applied in addition to the overal layout scale. _computeWindowScale: function(window) { // Since we align windows next to each other, the height of the // thumbnails is much more important to preserve than the width of // them, so two windows with equal height, but maybe differering // widths line up. let ratio = window.actor.height / this._monitor.height; // The purpose of this manipulation here is to prevent windows // from getting too small. For something like a calculator window, // we need to bump up the size just a bit to make sure it looks // good. We'll use a multiplier of 1.5 for this. // Map from [0, 1] to [1.5, 1] return _interpolate(1.5, 1, ratio); }, // Compute the size of each row, by assigning to the properties // row.width, row.height, row.fullWidth, row.fullHeight, and // (optionally) for each row in @layout.rows. This method is // intended to be called by subclasses. _computeRowSizes: function(layout) { throw new Error('_computeRowSizes not implemented'); }, // Compute strategy-specific window slots for each window in // @windows, given the @layout. The strategy may also use @layout // as strategy-specific storage. // // This must calculate: // * maxColumns - The maximum number of columns used by the layout. // * gridWidth - The total width used by the grid, unscaled, unspaced. // * gridHeight - The totial height used by the grid, unscaled, unspaced. // * rows - A list of rows, which should be instantiated by _newRow. computeLayout: function(windows, layout) { throw new Error('computeLayout not implemented'); }, // Given @layout, compute the overall scale and space of the layout. // The scale is the individual, non-fancy scale of each window, and // the space is the percentage of the available area eventually // used by the layout. // This method does not return anything, but instead installs // the properties "scale" and "space" on @layout directly. // // Make sure to call this methods before calling computeWindowSlots(), // as it depends on the scale property installed in @layout here. computeScaleAndSpace: function(layout) { let area = layout.area; let hspacing = (layout.maxColumns - 1) * this._columnSpacing; let vspacing = (layout.numRows - 1) * this._rowSpacing; let spacedWidth = area.width - hspacing; let spacedHeight = area.height - vspacing; let horizontalScale = spacedWidth / layout.gridWidth; let verticalScale = spacedHeight / layout.gridHeight; // Thumbnails should be less than 70% of the original size let scale = Math.min(horizontalScale, verticalScale, WINDOW_CLONE_MAXIMUM_SCALE); let scaledLayoutWidth = layout.gridWidth * scale + hspacing; let scaledLayoutHeight = layout.gridHeight * scale + vspacing; let space = (scaledLayoutWidth * scaledLayoutHeight) / (area.width * area.height); layout.scale = scale; layout.space = space; }, _getDistance: function (row, actor) { let dist_x = actor.x - row.x; let dist_y = actor.y - row.y; return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(dist_x, 2) + Math.pow(dist_y, 2)); }, computeWindowSlots: function(layout, area) { this._computeRowSizes(layout); let { rows: rows, scale: scale } = layout; let slots = []; let y = 0; for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { let row = rows[i]; row.x = area.x + (area.width - row.width) / 2; row.y = area.y + y; y += row.height + this._rowSpacing; row.windows.sort(Lang.bind(this, function(a, b) { return this._getDistance(row, a.realWindow) - this._getDistance(row, b.realWindow); })); } let height = y - this._rowSpacing; let baseY = (area.height - height) / 2; for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { let row = rows[i]; row.y += baseY; let x = row.x; for (let j = 0; j < row.windows.length; j++) { let window = row.windows[j]; let s = scale * this._computeWindowScale(window); let cellWidth = window.actor.width * s; let cellHeight = window.actor.height * s; s = Math.min(s, WINDOW_CLONE_MAXIMUM_SCALE); let cloneWidth = window.actor.width * s; let cloneX = x + (cellWidth - cloneWidth) / 2; let cloneY = row.y + row.height - cellHeight; slots.push([cloneX, cloneY, s, window]); x += cellWidth + this._columnSpacing; } } return slots; } }); const UnalignedLayoutStrategy = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'UnalignedLayoutStrategy', Extends: LayoutStrategy, _computeRowSizes: function(layout) { let { rows: rows, scale: scale } = layout; for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { let row = rows[i]; row.width = row.fullWidth * scale + (row.windows.length - 1) * this._columnSpacing; row.height = row.fullHeight * scale; } }, _keepSameRow: function(row, window, width, idealRowWidth) { if (row.fullWidth + width <= idealRowWidth) return true; let oldRatio = row.fullWidth / idealRowWidth; let newRatio = (row.fullWidth + width) / idealRowWidth; if (Math.abs(1 - newRatio) < Math.abs(1 - oldRatio)) return true; return false; }, computeLayout: function(windows, layout) { let numRows = layout.numRows; let rows = []; let totalWidth = 0; for (let i = 0; i < windows.length; i++) { let window = windows[i]; let s = this._computeWindowScale(window); totalWidth += window.actor.width * s; } let idealRowWidth = totalWidth / numRows; let windowIdx = 0; for (let i = 0; i < numRows; i++) { let col = 0; let row = this._newRow(); rows.push(row); for (; windowIdx < windows.length; windowIdx++) { let window = windows[windowIdx]; let s = this._computeWindowScale(window); let width = window.actor.width * s; let height = window.actor.height * s; row.fullHeight = Math.max(row.fullHeight, height); // either new width is < idealWidth or new width is nearer from idealWidth then oldWidth if (this._keepSameRow(row, window, width, idealRowWidth) || (i == numRows - 1)) { row.windows.push(window); row.fullWidth += width; } else { break; } } } let gridHeight = 0; let maxRow; for (let i = 0; i < numRows; i++) { let row = rows[i]; if (!maxRow || row.fullWidth > maxRow.fullWidth) maxRow = row; gridHeight += row.fullHeight; } layout.rows = rows; layout.maxColumns = maxRow.windows.length; layout.gridWidth = maxRow.fullWidth; layout.gridHeight = gridHeight; } }); /** * @metaWorkspace: a #Meta.Workspace, or null */ const Workspace = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'Workspace', _init : function(metaWorkspace, monitorIndex) { // When dragging a window, we use this slot for reserve space. this._reservedSlot = null; this.metaWorkspace = metaWorkspace; this._x = 0; this._y = 0; this._width = 0; this._height = 0; this.monitorIndex = monitorIndex; this._monitor = Main.layoutManager.monitors[this.monitorIndex]; this._windowOverlaysGroup = new Clutter.Actor(); // Without this the drop area will be overlapped. this._windowOverlaysGroup.set_size(0, 0); this.actor = new St.Widget({ style_class: 'window-picker' }); if (monitorIndex != Main.layoutManager.primaryIndex) this.actor.add_style_class_name('external-monitor'); this.actor.set_size(0, 0); this._dropRect = new Clutter.Rectangle({ opacity: 0 }); this._dropRect._delegate = this; this.actor.add_actor(this._dropRect); this.actor.add_actor(this._windowOverlaysGroup); this.actor.connect('destroy', Lang.bind(this, this._onDestroy)); let windows = global.get_window_actors().filter(this._isMyWindow, this); // Create clones for windows that should be // visible in the Overview this._windows = []; this._windowOverlays = []; for (let i = 0; i < windows.length; i++) { if (this._isOverviewWindow(windows[i])) { this._addWindowClone(windows[i]); } } // Track window changes if (this.metaWorkspace) { this._windowAddedId = this.metaWorkspace.connect('window-added', Lang.bind(this, this._windowAdded)); this._windowRemovedId = this.metaWorkspace.connect('window-removed', Lang.bind(this, this._windowRemoved)); } this._windowEnteredMonitorId = global.screen.connect('window-entered-monitor', Lang.bind(this, this._windowEnteredMonitor)); this._windowLeftMonitorId = global.screen.connect('window-left-monitor', Lang.bind(this, this._windowLeftMonitor)); this._repositionWindowsId = 0; this.leavingOverview = false; this._positionWindowsFlags = 0; this._positionWindowsId = 0; this._currentLayout = null; }, setGeometry: function(x, y, width, height) { this._x = x; this._y = y; this._width = width; this._height = height; Meta.later_add(Meta.LaterType.BEFORE_REDRAW, Lang.bind(this, function() { this._dropRect.set_position(x, y); this._dropRect.set_size(width, height); return false; })); this.positionWindows(WindowPositionFlags.NONE); }, _lookupIndex: function (metaWindow) { for (let i = 0; i < this._windows.length; i++) { if (this._windows[i].metaWindow == metaWindow) { return i; } } return -1; }, containsMetaWindow: function (metaWindow) { return this._lookupIndex(metaWindow) >= 0; }, isEmpty: function() { return this._windows.length == 0; }, setReservedSlot: function(clone) { if (this._reservedSlot == clone) return; if (clone && this.containsMetaWindow(clone.metaWindow)) clone = null; this._reservedSlot = clone; this._currentLayout = null; this.positionWindows(WindowPositionFlags.ANIMATE); }, /** * positionWindows: * @flags: * INITIAL - this is the initial positioning of the windows. * ANIMATE - Indicates that we need animate changing position. */ positionWindows: function(flags) { this._positionWindowsFlags |= flags; if (this._positionWindowsId > 0) return; this._positionWindowsId = Meta.later_add(Meta.LaterType.BEFORE_REDRAW, Lang.bind(this, function() { this._realPositionWindows(this._positionWindowsFlags); this._positionWindowsFlags = 0; this._positionWindowsId = 0; return false; })); }, _realPositionWindows : function(flags) { if (this._repositionWindowsId > 0) { Mainloop.source_remove(this._repositionWindowsId); this._repositionWindowsId = 0; } let clones = this._windows.slice(); clones.sort(function(a, b) { return a.metaWindow.get_stable_sequence() - b.metaWindow.get_stable_sequence(); }); if (this._reservedSlot) clones.push(this._reservedSlot); let initialPositioning = flags & WindowPositionFlags.INITIAL; let animate = flags & WindowPositionFlags.ANIMATE; // Start the animations let slots = this._computeAllWindowSlots(clones); let currentWorkspace = global.screen.get_active_workspace(); let isOnCurrentWorkspace = this.metaWorkspace == null || this.metaWorkspace == currentWorkspace; for (let i = 0; i < slots.length; i++) { let slot = slots[i]; let [x, y, scale, clone] = slot; let metaWindow = clone.metaWindow; let overlay = clone.overlay; clone.slotId = i; // Positioning a window currently being dragged must be avoided; // we'll just leave a blank spot in the layout for it. if (clone.inDrag) continue; clone.slot = [x, y, clone.actor.width * scale, clone.actor.height * scale]; if (overlay && initialPositioning) overlay.hide(); if (animate && isOnCurrentWorkspace) { if (!metaWindow.showing_on_its_workspace()) { /* Hidden windows should fade in and grow * therefore we need to resize them now so they * can be scaled up later */ if (initialPositioning) { clone.actor.opacity = 0; clone.actor.scale_x = 0; clone.actor.scale_y = 0; clone.actor.x = x; clone.actor.y = y; } Tweener.addTween(clone.actor, { opacity: 255, time: Overview.ANIMATION_TIME, transition: 'easeInQuad' }); } this._animateClone(clone, overlay, x, y, scale, initialPositioning); } else { // cancel any active tweens (otherwise they might override our changes) Tweener.removeTweens(clone.actor); clone.actor.set_position(x, y); clone.actor.set_scale(scale, scale); clone.overlay.relayout(false); this._showWindowOverlay(clone, overlay, isOnCurrentWorkspace); } } }, syncStacking: function(stackIndices) { let clones = this._windows.slice(); clones.sort(function (a, b) { return stackIndices[a.metaWindow.get_stable_sequence()] - stackIndices[b.metaWindow.get_stable_sequence()]; }); for (let i = 0; i < clones.length; i++) { let clone = clones[i]; let metaWindow = clone.metaWindow; if (i == 0) { clone.setStackAbove(this._dropRect); } else { let previousClone = clones[i - 1]; clone.setStackAbove(previousClone.actor); } } }, _animateClone: function(clone, overlay, x, y, scale, initialPositioning) { Tweener.addTween(clone.actor, { x: x, y: y, scale_x: scale, scale_y: scale, time: Overview.ANIMATION_TIME, transition: 'easeOutQuad', onComplete: Lang.bind(this, function() { this._showWindowOverlay(clone, overlay, true); }) }); clone.overlay.relayout(true); }, _showWindowOverlay: function(clone, overlay, fade) { if (clone.inDrag) return; if (overlay) { if (fade) overlay.fadeIn(); else overlay.show(); } }, _delayedWindowRepositioning: function() { let [x, y, mask] = global.get_pointer(); let pointerHasMoved = (this._cursorX != x && this._cursorY != y); let inWorkspace = (this._x < x && x < this._x + this._width && this._y < y && y < this._y + this._height); if (pointerHasMoved && inWorkspace) { // store current cursor position this._cursorX = x; this._cursorY = y; return true; } let actorUnderPointer = global.stage.get_actor_at_pos(Clutter.PickMode.REACTIVE, x, y); for (let i = 0; i < this._windows.length; i++) { if (this._windows[i].actor == actorUnderPointer) return true; } this.positionWindows(WindowPositionFlags.ANIMATE); return false; }, _doRemoveWindow : function(metaWin) { let win = metaWin.get_compositor_private(); // find the position of the window in our list let index = this._lookupIndex (metaWin); if (index == -1) return; // Check if window still should be here if (win && this._isMyWindow(win)) return; let clone = this._windows[index]; this._windows.splice(index, 1); this._windowOverlays.splice(index, 1); // If metaWin.get_compositor_private() returned non-NULL, that // means the window still exists (and is just being moved to // another workspace or something), so set its overviewHint // accordingly. (If it returned NULL, then the window is being // destroyed; we'd like to animate this, but it's too late at // this point.) if (win) { let [stageX, stageY] = clone.actor.get_transformed_position(); let [stageWidth, stageHeight] = clone.actor.get_transformed_size(); win._overviewHint = { x: stageX, y: stageY, scale: stageWidth / clone.actor.width }; } clone.destroy(); // We need to reposition the windows; to avoid shuffling windows // around while the user is interacting with the workspace, we delay // the positioning until the pointer remains still for at least 750 ms // or is moved outside the workspace // remove old handler if (this._repositionWindowsId > 0) { Mainloop.source_remove(this._repositionWindowsId); this._repositionWindowsId = 0; } // setup new handler let [x, y, mask] = global.get_pointer(); this._cursorX = x; this._cursorY = y; this._currentLayout = null; this._repositionWindowsId = Mainloop.timeout_add(750, Lang.bind(this, this._delayedWindowRepositioning)); }, _doAddWindow : function(metaWin) { if (this.leavingOverview) return; let win = metaWin.get_compositor_private(); if (!win) { // Newly-created windows are added to a workspace before // the compositor finds out about them... Mainloop.idle_add(Lang.bind(this, function () { if (this.actor && metaWin.get_compositor_private() && metaWin.get_workspace() == this.metaWorkspace) this._doAddWindow(metaWin); return false; })); return; } // We might have the window in our list already if it was on all workspaces and // now was moved to this workspace if (this._lookupIndex (metaWin) != -1) return; if (!this._isMyWindow(win)) return; if (!this._isOverviewWindow(win)) { if (metaWin.is_attached_dialog()) { let parent = metaWin.get_transient_for(); while (parent.is_attached_dialog()) parent = metaWin.get_transient_for(); let idx = this._lookupIndex (parent); if (idx < 0) { // parent was not created yet, it will take care // of the dialog when created return; } let clone = this._windows[idx]; clone.addAttachedDialog(metaWin); } return; } let [clone, overlay] = this._addWindowClone(win); if (win._overviewHint) { let x = win._overviewHint.x - this.actor.x; let y = win._overviewHint.y - this.actor.y; let scale = win._overviewHint.scale; delete win._overviewHint; clone.slot = [x, y, clone.actor.width * scale, clone.actor.height * scale]; clone.actor.set_position (x, y); clone.actor.set_scale (scale, scale); clone.overlay.relayout(false); } else { // Position new windows at the top corner of the workspace rather // than where they were placed for real to avoid the window // being clipped to the workspaceView. Its not really more // natural for the window to suddenly appear in the overview // on some seemingly random location anyway. clone.actor.set_position (this._x, this._y); } this._currentLayout = null; this.positionWindows(WindowPositionFlags.ANIMATE); }, _windowAdded : function(metaWorkspace, metaWin) { this._doAddWindow(metaWin); }, _windowRemoved : function(metaWorkspace, metaWin) { this._doRemoveWindow(metaWin); }, _windowEnteredMonitor : function(metaScreen, monitorIndex, metaWin) { if (monitorIndex == this.monitorIndex) { this._doAddWindow(metaWin); } }, _windowLeftMonitor : function(metaScreen, monitorIndex, metaWin) { if (monitorIndex == this.monitorIndex) { this._doRemoveWindow(metaWin); } }, // check for maximized windows on the workspace hasMaximizedWindows: function() { for (let i = 0; i < this._windows.length; i++) { let metaWindow = this._windows[i].metaWindow; if (metaWindow.showing_on_its_workspace() && metaWindow.maximized_horizontally && metaWindow.maximized_vertically) return true; } return false; }, // Animate the full-screen to Overview transition. zoomToOverview : function() { this._currentLayout = null; // Position and scale the windows. if (Main.overview.animationInProgress) this.positionWindows(WindowPositionFlags.ANIMATE | WindowPositionFlags.INITIAL); else this.positionWindows(WindowPositionFlags.INITIAL); }, // Animates the return from Overview mode zoomFromOverview : function() { let currentWorkspace = global.screen.get_active_workspace(); this.leavingOverview = true; for (let i = 0; i < this._windows.length; i++) { let clone = this._windows[i]; Tweener.removeTweens(clone.actor); } if (this._repositionWindowsId > 0) { Mainloop.source_remove(this._repositionWindowsId); this._repositionWindowsId = 0; } this._overviewHiddenId = Main.overview.connect('hidden', Lang.bind(this, this._doneLeavingOverview)); if (this.metaWorkspace != null && this.metaWorkspace != currentWorkspace) return; // Position and scale the windows. for (let i = 0; i < this._windows.length; i++) { let clone = this._windows[i]; let overlay = this._windowOverlays[i]; if (overlay) overlay.hide(); if (clone.metaWindow.showing_on_its_workspace()) { let [origX, origY] = clone.getOriginalPosition(); Tweener.addTween(clone.actor, { x: origX, y: origY, scale_x: 1.0, scale_y: 1.0, time: Overview.ANIMATION_TIME, opacity: 255, transition: 'easeOutQuad' }); } else { // The window is hidden, make it shrink and fade it out Tweener.addTween(clone.actor, { scale_x: 0, scale_y: 0, opacity: 0, time: Overview.ANIMATION_TIME, transition: 'easeOutQuad' }); } } }, destroy : function() { this.actor.destroy(); }, _onDestroy: function(actor) { if (this._overviewHiddenId) { Main.overview.disconnect(this._overviewHiddenId); this._overviewHiddenId = 0; } Tweener.removeTweens(actor); if (this.metaWorkspace) { this.metaWorkspace.disconnect(this._windowAddedId); this.metaWorkspace.disconnect(this._windowRemovedId); } global.screen.disconnect(this._windowEnteredMonitorId); global.screen.disconnect(this._windowLeftMonitorId); if (this._repositionWindowsId > 0) Mainloop.source_remove(this._repositionWindowsId); if (this._positionWindowsId > 0) Meta.later_remove(this._positionWindowsId); this._windows = []; }, // Sets this.leavingOverview flag to false. _doneLeavingOverview : function() { this.leavingOverview = false; }, // Tests if @actor belongs to this workspaces and monitor _isMyWindow : function (actor) { let win = actor.meta_window; return (this.metaWorkspace == null || win.located_on_workspace(this.metaWorkspace)) && (win.get_monitor() == this.monitorIndex); }, // Tests if @win should be shown in the Overview _isOverviewWindow : function (win) { let tracker = Shell.WindowTracker.get_default(); return tracker.is_window_interesting(win.get_meta_window()); }, // Create a clone of a (non-desktop) window and add it to the window list _addWindowClone : function(win) { let clone = new WindowClone(win, this); let overlay = new WindowOverlay(clone, this._windowOverlaysGroup); clone.overlay = overlay; clone.connect('selected', Lang.bind(this, this._onCloneSelected)); clone.connect('drag-begin', Lang.bind(this, function(clone) { Main.overview.beginWindowDrag(); overlay.hide(); })); clone.connect('drag-cancelled', Lang.bind(this, function(clone) { Main.overview.cancelledWindowDrag(); })); clone.connect('drag-end', Lang.bind(this, function(clone) { Main.overview.endWindowDrag(); overlay.show(); })); clone.connect('size-changed', Lang.bind(this, function() { this.positionWindows(0); })); this.actor.add_actor(clone.actor); overlay.connect('show-close-button', Lang.bind(this, this._onShowOverlayClose)); if (this._windows.length == 0) clone.setStackAbove(null); else clone.setStackAbove(this._windows[this._windows.length - 1].actor); this._windows.push(clone); this._windowOverlays.push(overlay); return [clone, overlay]; }, _onShowOverlayClose: function (windowOverlay) { for (let i = 0; i < this._windowOverlays.length; i++) { let overlay = this._windowOverlays[i]; if (overlay == windowOverlay) continue; overlay.hideCloseButton(); } }, _isBetterLayout: function(oldLayout, newLayout) { if (oldLayout.scale === undefined) return true; let spacePower = (newLayout.space - oldLayout.space) * LAYOUT_SPACE_WEIGHT; let scalePower = (newLayout.scale - oldLayout.scale) * LAYOUT_SCALE_WEIGHT; if (newLayout.scale > oldLayout.scale && newLayout.space > oldLayout.space) { // Win win -- better scale and better space return true; } else if (newLayout.scale > oldLayout.scale && newLayout.space <= oldLayout.space) { // Keep new layout only if scale gain outweights aspect space loss return scalePower > spacePower; } else if (newLayout.scale <= oldLayout.scale && newLayout.space > oldLayout.space) { // Keep new layout only if aspect space gain outweights scale loss return spacePower > scalePower; } else { // Lose -- worse scale and space return false; } }, _computeLayout: function(windows, area, rowSpacing, columnSpacing) { // We look for the largest scale that allows us to fit the // largest row/tallest column on the workspace. let lastLayout = {}; for (let numRows = 1; ; numRows++) { let numColumns = Math.ceil(windows.length / numRows); // If adding a new row does not change column count just stop // (for instance: 9 windows, with 3 rows -> 3 columns, 4 rows -> // 3 columns as well => just use 3 rows then) if (numColumns == lastLayout.numColumns) break; let strategy = new UnalignedLayoutStrategy(this._monitor, rowSpacing, columnSpacing); let layout = { area: area, strategy: strategy, numRows: numRows, numColumns: numColumns }; strategy.computeLayout(windows, layout); strategy.computeScaleAndSpace(layout); if (!this._isBetterLayout(lastLayout, layout)) break; lastLayout = layout; } return lastLayout; }, _rectEqual: function(one, two) { if (one == two) return true; return (one.x == two.x && one.y == two.y && one.width == two.width && one.height == two.height); }, _computeAllWindowSlots: function(windows) { let totalWindows = windows.length; let node = this.actor.get_theme_node(); // Window grid spacing let columnSpacing = node.get_length('-horizontal-spacing'); let rowSpacing = node.get_length('-vertical-spacing'); let padding = { left: node.get_padding(St.Side.LEFT), top: node.get_padding(St.Side.TOP), bottom: node.get_padding(St.Side.BOTTOM), right: node.get_padding(St.Side.RIGHT), }; if (!totalWindows) return []; let closeButtonHeight, captionHeight; let leftBorder, rightBorder; if (this._windowOverlays.length) { // All of the overlays have the same chrome sizes, // so just pick the first one. let overlay = this._windowOverlays[0]; [closeButtonHeight, captionHeight] = overlay.chromeHeights(); [leftBorder, rightBorder] = overlay.chromeWidths(); } else { [closeButtonHeight, captionHeight] = [0, 0]; [leftBorder, rightBorder] = [0, 0]; } rowSpacing += captionHeight; columnSpacing += (rightBorder + leftBorder) / 2; padding.top += closeButtonHeight; padding.bottom += captionHeight; padding.left += leftBorder; padding.right += rightBorder; let area = { x: this._x + padding.left, y: this._y + padding.top, width: this._width - padding.left - padding.right, height: this._height - padding.top - padding.bottom, }; if (!this._currentLayout) this._currentLayout = this._computeLayout(windows, area, rowSpacing, columnSpacing); let layout = this._currentLayout; let strategy = layout.strategy; if (!this._rectEqual(area, layout.area)) { layout.area = area; strategy.computeScaleAndSpace(layout); } return strategy.computeWindowSlots(layout, area); }, _onCloneSelected : function (clone, time) { let wsIndex = undefined; if (this.metaWorkspace) wsIndex = this.metaWorkspace.index(); Main.activateWindow(clone.metaWindow, time, wsIndex); }, // Draggable target interface handleDragOver : function(source, actor, x, y, time) { if (source.realWindow && !this._isMyWindow(source.realWindow)) return DND.DragMotionResult.MOVE_DROP; if (source.shellWorkspaceLaunch) return DND.DragMotionResult.COPY_DROP; return DND.DragMotionResult.CONTINUE; }, acceptDrop : function(source, actor, x, y, time) { if (source.realWindow) { let win = source.realWindow; if (this._isMyWindow(win)) return false; // Set a hint on the Mutter.Window so its initial position // in the new workspace will be correct win._overviewHint = { x: actor.x, y: actor.y, scale: actor.scale_x }; let metaWindow = win.get_meta_window(); // We need to move the window before changing the workspace, because // the move itself could cause a workspace change if the window enters // the primary monitor if (metaWindow.get_monitor() != this.monitorIndex) metaWindow.move_to_monitor(this.monitorIndex); let index = this.metaWorkspace ? this.metaWorkspace.index() : global.screen.get_active_workspace_index(); metaWindow.change_workspace_by_index(index, false, // don't create workspace time); return true; } else if (source.shellWorkspaceLaunch) { source.shellWorkspaceLaunch({ workspace: this.metaWorkspace ? this.metaWorkspace.index() : -1, timestamp: time }); return true; } return false; } }); Signals.addSignalMethods(Workspace.prototype);