// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- const Lang = imports.lang; const Signals = imports.signals; try { var IBus = imports.gi.IBus; if (!('new_async' in IBus.Bus)) throw "IBus version is too old"; const IBusCandidatePopup = imports.ui.ibusCandidatePopup; } catch (e) { var IBus = null; log(e); } let _ibusManager = null; function getIBusManager() { if (_ibusManager == null) _ibusManager = new IBusManager(); return _ibusManager; } const IBusManager = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'IBusManager', _init: function() { if (!IBus) return; IBus.init(); this._candidatePopup = new IBusCandidatePopup.CandidatePopup(); this._panelService = null; this._engines = {}; this._ready = false; this._registerPropertiesId = 0; this._currentEngineName = null; this._ibus = IBus.Bus.new_async(); this._ibus.connect('connected', Lang.bind(this, this._onConnected)); this._ibus.connect('disconnected', Lang.bind(this, this._clear)); // Need to set this to get 'global-engine-changed' emitions this._ibus.set_watch_ibus_signal(true); this._ibus.connect('global-engine-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._engineChanged)); }, _clear: function() { if (this._panelService) this._panelService.destroy(); this._panelService = null; this._candidatePopup.setPanelService(null); this._engines = {}; this._ready = false; this._registerPropertiesId = 0; this._currentEngineName = null; this.emit('ready', false); }, _onConnected: function() { this._ibus.list_engines_async(-1, null, Lang.bind(this, this._initEngines)); this._ibus.request_name_async(IBus.SERVICE_PANEL, IBus.BusNameFlag.REPLACE_EXISTING, -1, null, Lang.bind(this, this._initPanelService)); }, _initEngines: function(ibus, result) { let enginesList = this._ibus.list_engines_async_finish(result); if (enginesList) { for (let i = 0; i < enginesList.length; ++i) { let name = enginesList[i].get_name(); this._engines[name] = enginesList[i]; } this._updateReadiness(); } else { this._clear(); } }, _initPanelService: function(ibus, result) { let success = this._ibus.request_name_async_finish(result); if (success) { this._panelService = new IBus.PanelService({ connection: this._ibus.get_connection(), object_path: IBus.PATH_PANEL }); this._candidatePopup.setPanelService(this._panelService); this._panelService.connect('update-property', Lang.bind(this, this._updateProperty)); // If an engine is already active we need to get its properties this._ibus.get_global_engine_async(-1, null, Lang.bind(this, function(i, result) { let engine; try { engine = this._ibus.get_global_engine_async_finish(result); if (!engine) return; } catch(e) { return; } this._engineChanged(this._ibus, engine.get_name()); })); this._updateReadiness(); } else { this._clear(); } }, _updateReadiness: function() { this._ready = (Object.keys(this._engines).length > 0 && this._panelService != null); this.emit('ready', this._ready); }, _engineChanged: function(bus, engineName) { if (!this._ready) return; this._currentEngineName = engineName; if (this._registerPropertiesId != 0) return; this._registerPropertiesId = this._panelService.connect('register-properties', Lang.bind(this, function(p, props) { if (!props.get(0)) return; this._panelService.disconnect(this._registerPropertiesId); this._registerPropertiesId = 0; this.emit('properties-registered', this._currentEngineName, props); })); }, _updateProperty: function(panel, prop) { this.emit('property-updated', this._currentEngineName, prop); }, activateProperty: function(key, state) { this._panelService.property_activate(key, state); }, getEngineDesc: function(id) { if (!IBus || !this._ready) return null; return this._engines[id]; } }); Signals.addSignalMethods(IBusManager.prototype);